THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 5. -191L 11 NEW TOD AT REAL : ESt ATE NEW FOUR-STORY BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE ' :..A. . b V Leased for five vears: "will ; pay-16 on money invest Balance on mortgage: , 100 FEET S05TH OF MORRISON STREET ON TENTH " GdseTo th e Ye w 01ds,Wort- - man & King Store, where ;y alue$ are, increasing fast; , $30,000 Cash Balance on mortgage. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT LOCATION THIRTEENTH AND MARKET It's a corner, 60x100, most ' desirable size for apart ments. Easy terms. Balance on mortgage. ONE BEST BUY PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x85 on car line, not re stricted; most desirable for apartment hoyse or garagft. Cash $3000 . Balance on mortgage. F. R. LEVEE 817 SPALDING BUILDING Phone Main 7387 GLENMORRIf Portland'sMatchless Residence Section The place to go for perfect' rest, The i finest panoramic view of river and mountains. An estab jished neighborhood. VILLA TRACTS OF TWO, THREE, FOUR AND FIVE V- , ACRES. It pays to see us. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Located In the famous Mosier-Hood River district, values will double over, present prices ; within a vei Bhort time. The prices at which these Orchard tracts arc1 being sold are lower than the present market prices In that sectloa OevliwAFirebaufeh - 11-512 Swetland Big 3&W$h. Apartment Site 19th STREET I THAT 100x206 ON. THE-WEBT ; SIDE" OF 19TH STREET, BE- ' tween kearney. 'and "1.0 ve i : j0,y, or 4 will sell either quarter: will make easy ' TERMS, : EDW. P. MALL., 104 2d St., Lumber Exchange Bldg LEASING PROPOSITION Parties owning three lots near Elev enth and Taylor want to tease for i Ion w . tarirl ;nf veapa. nna fit fk locations In the city; within '5 minutes' U walk of the business district, and right "n canine- u nis one or tne very iiiicsi propositions we nave to orrer you, Call upon us for particulars -.y iv! CHAS. K. HENRY CO. .ftV- xskxy bxjo. ' Toitrth and Oak Bta, ' . -: ortlaad. Or. v PRICE $2600 Wo have 8.2 sores located about 1 mite ; iroiaJtocjiwooa..jLaa .aniieoXf 4ie .Base Line road on the O. W.. P. R. R. Htatlon on the grounds. This is a big oergain in ncreuBP, uring 4 acres cieare and balance can be cleared very easily MALL & VON BORSTEL IVi iM 'st. Luiubeis Exchange, Uldg. $7000 Cash illlrrV Mi talll W; -I AW NEW TODAY THAYER Choicest Clbse-in Residence ' v District . Now cn f he "market. ' High and -, sightly lots, either ail cleared or , ;, with . fine full :, bearing , f rlilt trees.' Only 2 blocks , car on Hoi gate at. ,..', Can be bought on payment of 1 10 down and $10 a month. If you are-looklng- for-- home-Jo--, cation or an investment, inves tigate, this property. the Lawrence Go: 8n aLSIl T. $50 PER ACRE , . North Goodaough . Hills ' t Finest Fruit Land :J in NORTHWEST All in Cultivation Close to Transportation , Easy Terms Northed Trust Co. 270 STARK STREET HIGH-GLASS WEST SIDE PROPERTY I8.OOO A fine corner for apartment or ramuy notei, ' 81S.BOO High class Income property on iztn St.; big future; one or ..the best buys in this district 20.000 A very fine corner, big-fu ture; excellent apartment sue. !K.(VnO Very high class, close in apartment Bite; in line for fast development, and a big increase in value., If you are looking for apartment house sites or prospec tive Dusiness property it will pay you to see me. Always a pleas tire to show property. M.LLee,411CorbettBldg. ACREAGE TV4 A CRT! 1 1 acres of commercial ap ple orchard, all the best varieties, has been well cared for, Is all clean, healthy trees, 10 "years old also a few pear and plum trees aod plenty of berries and small fruit An extra good 7 room house, .hard finished and a brick fireplace ana dtick Dasement. This is fine country home, 14 miles from Portland, 400 feet from station on the a P. R. R, and 1 mile from the Oregon Electric. Price $4000 HALF CASH W. H. LANG CO. 414 ABOTOTO BXAO. 12 Acre VTE8T KISS, OB THS ftSXCWTS Price $700 $100 Down Full U acre, all under cultivation. deep, rich soil only 14" mlnutes'jide on car, tc fare; 3 blocks from carllne. with beautiful view, tidi ib a good investment; 50x100 lots In this dlstrlo are telling from 00 to $1000. You can build any price home you wish keen a cow and raise your own vea-e tables. You can cut down your living expenses 10 per cent, xne price is oniy $700 only $100 down and $10 per mi until pmu. uwni'u Birveio anu aiue- walks from the car up to this property, . Clohessy & McGuue M. 1068. ' ,il Ablngtoti Bldg;' -! 146 Prices low; terms, easy. And we de velop the property- during the time you are pay ing for it.. Akvy-.- When vou are ready, we turn you over a fullv develoDed orchard tract pro ducing handsome annual dividends. , r3KSirsi23watland Bld 3iwh. Portland Heights ONE OF THE BEST QUAR TERS ON THE HEIGHTS WITH UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWFAO ING THE CITY. WILL MAKE EASY TERMS. . ' . r . EDW. P. MALL. . 104 2d. St, Lumber Exchange Bldg, T1IIEJ Tualatin Valley TODAT !THATf! BEAUTIFUL BUNGALO With 1750 superficial feet of property, fronting - on East Taylor .- street - (just west of West avenue), the finest resi dence' part of Mt Tabor, J blocks from Belmont street car and also convenient ko Hawthorn avenue car. v will be com pleted In few days. The location la most desirable. . The ooment walks, the sewer, the gas and water, electrlb light ing are all completed and ill street Is about to Nbe covered.' with vbltuHthio thadurface)avemeTTt-airTTrea7nto buyer. Ths house Is very pretty design and of, first class ' Workmanship, Base ment 42x28 feet.; Easy terms. Abstract For salary owner; CalJ up Tabor 1067 today, ana arrange to see the property today. Now. is the time to obtain Mt Taboi property and a beautiful , none. Growing Hardwood , ForProIIt - STTOAX.TVTTTI Is ths moat useful hard wood in the world. XTTOaXTPTUB -will grow II inches in diameter and 90' feet in 10 years, rapid growth, attested by government . ; avvAXiXZ'inns iinmer is worm ,ow 10 years old per acre. Income 1 coin- men ces at 6 years old, sprouts . after cutting, assures a perpetual lnoome. o risk, no disease, great proms. Five acres SVOAXTFTOS ' represents fortune. . , . Tho corpofstlon is the largest planter of SUOA&TFXUS In the world, and guarantees their representations. We Bell California XVOAX!XTTVB land on easy terms. . . No better or more certain investment can be found..,; . . Eucalyptus Timber . Corporation Call or write OBOBOS OXAJIK, 82B Railway Exchange bldg. Portland, Or. Agens vum, MM ASaSLXS, CAi. ' For Sale and Trade f ine noiei (compuwiy, iur,ivucu with 26" acres or more, at the foot of Uintit XJnnA ' flna antnm.h1lA road from. Portland to hotel. An ideal sum mer pleasure ana neaun resort, r uib spring of water of curative qualities trout streams. (Truly an elixir of lit o ror one 10 live inerei xiib uui j. sure moneymaker. ,For particulars see J. L. WELLS CQ. 638 Chamber 01 commerce. APARTMENT HOUSE SITES We have for sale a very attraotlve lot 'on Seventh and Harrison facing south and west A large apartment house built on this site would be rented before finished?' and bring in a good revenue; price is only $18,bOO. . We also have another lot on Four teenth and Market similarly situated, which Is also a snap at $14,600. A few days ago a lot only a short distance from these locations sma ior v,vuu. If you want a ood buy Investigate these. CHAS. K. HENRY CO. Fourth and Oak Sts. Portland, Or. Henry Biag. $10,500 Buys close-in West Side prop erty paying good rate of in terest; it has big future; $5000 will handle. Address L-461, Journal Grand Avenue See us for Grand avenue properties. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Id st Lumber Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Close in adjoining Richmond, 164 lots. Terms. McMahon Bros. Tabor 1453. AUCTIONS. Auction Sales ( at . . Wilson's Auction House Cor SECOND and YAMHILL Largest Auction House on the ' , Coast . Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, priday Each Day at 10 a. m. bur sales this week will offer excep tional opportunities, to secure BAR GAINS In all kinds of household fur nishings, our salesrooms being crowded to the doors with FINE FURNITURE, CARPETS, RANGES, etc., removed, from various private homes; also we have several OFFICE , DESKS, revolving chairs,, filing caowew, typewriters, tire- If you are looking for anything in our line, flon u rau to step into me busiest corner in town. .You will find salesmen on hand to give you prices on anything you may wisn to purcnase at private aale-at our stere. . - (Adjoining Auction Room.) 171 Second Street K"r-siT UROCfiftlES, CLOTHING. GENTS Fl'RNlSHINGS, BilOi3, mis oellaneous HARDWARE, etc., at about 50 cents on the dollar. J. T. WILSON. fc -" , . Auctioneer. Cash paid f of Furniture, Stocks of Mert'hnndU. ' etc. Call Main ,1626, NEW -'-( i ' WE ARE INSTRUCTED BT MRS. BURROUGHS, WHO 18 LEAVING FOR ST. LOUIS. TO SELL THE FINE FUR NISHINGS OF HER PRIVATE HOME ON HAWTHORNE AVE. WE HAVE MOVED THESE GOODS' TO . OUR SALESROOMS, 152 PARK ST., FOR CONVENIENCE OF AUCTION. . 1 r : r On Tuesday Next . Comprising very massive Davenport and easy chair in mahogany frames, mahog any center tables, genuine leather couch, library tables, very pretty mahogany li brary suite.viE.; Settee, rocker and chair; quartered oak rockers and' tables, -upright Windsor folding bed, parlor book case' and desk, . large mirror, oak ' hall mirror, very fine all-brass beds, other beds in Vernls Martin and enamels, best sprlngs-ftfld;mattrsse,--feather-plHow, good eastern dressers and chiffoniers, dining room set in auarter-sawed oak. Axmineter and Brussels rug" and ' car pets, ' Wilton stair carpets, bric-a-brac, invisible desk table, gas drop light, Buck steel range, Quick Meal ' gas range, heater with -water coll, parlor heaters, hose, kitchftnware, etc. . . Also part furnishings of another home. ' Included In this lor we have dining --room-iurntturet-erockery,roeker ana chairs, oince , table, nat top aesit, etC.;'' '-'..:',: A;f INTENDING PURCHASERS SHOULD INSPECT THE ABOVE GOODS TO MORROW. SALE ON TUESDAY AT 10 A. M (SUAhfi. On Thursday NextIl We shall have another large consign ment of household goods to offer you. Bring your .lunch and stay until the sale Is concluded, as this our -week-end sale, at which time we close out every thing on hand. WE CARRY NO SEC OND HAND GOODS OVER (BUT SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER). SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK. ' W. C. BAKER A C. A. CROWELL , Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, lsa rant st. Bargee's Auctions Monday, 10 am. Mrs. Charles Bay has Instructed us to sell at auction : to highest bidders at 1S3 E. 6th st, at 10 a. m Monday next; S rooms of furniture, art squares, lace curtains, one bed -Davenbort. Morris chair, leather rocker, 2. bedrooms com plete, beautiful quartered oak sideboard. cnairs, table, heater, clock, pictures and everything contained in a 6 room house; kitchen cabinet, stove with coll, and many other useful things for the home. House rent. 117. Fames buying can rent house and move right 1. We will first put up the house as a whole, then If the bid Is not sufficient we win nreaK un and sen by piece. BABOSB STILUS THE GOODS. Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a. m. Fine collection of household goods at our salesroom, $70 E. Morrison. 8. H. BARGER. Auctioneer. N. B. We sell private at all times at 868 E. Morrison, new and good as new furniture of every description. Agents fer the Wedgewood Ranges and Stoves. Ford's Auctions at an run nr. Fortunately for us all we are going to have a full and complete assortment of furniture for thl' week's auction sales. The demand on us has been so great that we were almost sold out to the last piece. But again we have a new supply of everything Imaginable in the house furnishing line. To accom modate everybody we sell goods at any time. Bit you can buy at Auction Sale Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p, m. at 211 First st. rnones Alain bvdi, B-2446, -5! BUILDING PERMITS -4 Brod Wolcott, repair one story frame dwelling 862 Amhurst street between west Anna and same; $200. Amhurst; builder, Joseph Kelleher, erect two story frame dwelling, East Forty-seventh street north, between Brasee and Wes tarla avenue; builder, same; $2600. J. Kelleher, erect two story frame dwelling. East Forty-seventh street north, between Brazee and' Westaria; builder, same; $2600. James Barker, erect one story frame dwelling, Ellsworth street and ' Tag- gart; builder, same; $100 . A. E. McMonles, erect one and one half story frame dwelling, East Sixty seventh and Division streets; builder, E. Perry; $2000. H. F. Reifsnyder, erect one story frame dwelling, LeBow street, between Multnomah and Wasco; builder, F. J. Craig; $800. Otto Spath, eroct two story frame bam, Sixtieth avenue, between Forty seventh and Forty-eighth; builder, same; $60(V. C. B. Williams, repair two story frame building, North Second street, between Burnelde and Couch; builder. Kesovloh & Skondras; $100. II. Ross, move and repair one story frame dweUlng,-i72-274 - Fourth street between Madison and Jefferson; build er, K. S. Baker; $600. Keith ft Keith, eroct one story framo shop, Argyle street, between Derby and Brandon; builder, O. Spier; $1200. C. A. Hoy, erect two story frame dwelling, Kast Fqrty-etghth street, be tween Tillamook and Hancock; builder, same; $2000. W..B. Stewart, erect one story frame dwelling, East First street, between Halsey and Weldler; builder, II. C. Ross; $150. E. Janese, erect one story frame dwelling. East Forty-eighth street, be tween Brasee and Thompson; $3000. Henrv Teel, erect one story frame dwelling, comer Missouri and Kllllngs wortli; builder, same; $100. John Rledrtbauch, repair one story frame workshop, Thirty-seventh ave nue and Sixty-second street; builder, F S. Pierce: $660. A. T. Drlsko, erect one and one half storv frame dwelling. East Forty eighth street, between Division and Clinton; builder. E. W. Starr; $1665. Davenbort estate, repair frame build Ing. 166 Second street, between Yam hill and Morrison; builder, George W. Gordon ft Sons; $150. Mrs. I. B. Lewis, repair one story frame dwelling. 262 East Sixtieth street, and Hassaio; builder. Franklin Rhiifer: 1275. ' W. Tope, repair one story frame dwejMng, Baltimore and. Slxdy-fourth avenue, southeast; builder. J. K. Mil ler; $400. - "... ' .... J. Parkhurst, repair frame building, 47 North Second street; between Couch and Davis; builder, c. Carmichael: $20. F. M. poweii, erect two story rrame dwelling, East Seventeenth street, be tween Tolman avenue-, and Duke; build er. W. 8. McMeeken; $2600. r . Mrs, A. uoDson, . repair one story frame building. o.u union avenue, be tween Russell and Knott; builder, B. C. Bolstu.$.25. ., I ,,,,, i i mi i m. i Monastery or Ilia Sisters, Adorers of the Precious Kiood, repair, turee story frame school. East Seventy-sixth street between aimon ana .main; ounaer, jsr nest Gilbert: $400. ; , John B. Harrington t al, repair two story brick building, corner Sixth and Dav h: Mi i1t. D. tinrien: S(50. Mrs..E. N, Caawell, erect one story AUCTIONS (7a iOs a 1 VI frame dwelling. Eighteenth street, be tween Prescott and Going; builder, W. O." Campbell;. 70v i - J. F. O Shea, reoair twa storv ordi nary building, 127 Fifth street,' be tween wasnmgton and Alder;- builder, Edson Townslte company; $0, - u Tnerpeisen, repair one story rrame dwellfng. 125 East Sixteenth street north, between Halsey- and Weldler; builder, O. P. Bliss; $260. I. B. Wilcox, wreck frame building. Sixth street between Alder and Wash ington; builder, Stone & Webster Engi neering company. $1000. : '. , ' J. . J. Hanhart- erecuone-etory rame earn, uninietn avenue, soutneast. be tween Powell Valley and Division; builder. Fred Hoffman: $200. ? . W. -AGentryj-erejjt-orie-st ory frame dwelling, 124$ Concwrd street, between Simpson and Alnsworth; builder, same; iovu. '. - A. L ' Mckentla - Erect two story frame d wellingrTweutylftlrstreet, be tween Brasee and Knott; builder, C. C Cllne ft Co.; $850. C. A. Hoy-rErect two story frame dwelling. East Forty-eighth street, be tween Thompson and Hancock; builder, same: iisoo. A. C Smith ft F. E. Dooley Repair three- story brick moving picture show, ( North Sixth street between Ever ett and Flanders; builder, L. Pappas ft H. Cowete: $1000. 1 ) A, N. Rice Repair one story frame dwelling, 428 Brasee , street, between Union avenue and East Seventh; build er. C. F. Pederson: $300. -r- Henry Spier Repslr one story frame Duiiamg, ise .jsast Tweirm street, w tween Beech and Fremont; builder, Charles Fredersoti416&. P. H. Schulderman Erecet one story frame buildinc. 696 Gl sn street, be tween Eigtheenth and Nineteenth; build er,' same; Z00. Theresa Lance Renatr one story frame dwelling. 636 East Grant street between Eleventh and Twelfth; builder, Frank La n ire: 426. - A. H.jQhnBonErect-ne-tory-frame dwelling. East Heenty-rourin street, between Fremont and Klickitat; builder, sams; $1000. Gregory- Investment company Erect Ana tlnrv frnmn dwellinB. Kast Seventy- third street, between Fremont arid Klickitat: builder. William Brown; iioflo. Jacob Kann Erect one story frame garage. Sixteenth street, between Miain and Madison; builder, J. S. Wilson; $400. K Goff Erect one story frame dwel ling, Commercial street between Sha ver and Mason; builder, same; $1600. J. K. Coffin Erect one stol-y frame dwelling. East Seventy-fourth street, near Division; builder, same; $60. J. F. Peterson-r-Krect one story irame garage, Williams avenue, between Beech and Falling; builder, same; $100. Ray SlnCiare Erect one story irame dwelling, East Sixty-eighth street, be tween Metsger and Woodbine; builder, same; $1000. A. u. JSram Kreci one story irame dwelling, 1447 Mallory avenue, between Dekum and Bryant; Dunaer, same: au. Mary Cowley JSrect one story irame barn. East Thirty-eighth atreet between Division and Clinton; builder, J. Qual ley;$12S. ; . AlDert wnaie Kepair one iiurjrinuuc dwelling. 27S East Fifty-eighth street between Hassaio and irving; ounuer, R. A. Kean; $200, F. Koslewies Erect one story frame shed, Tacoma avenue, between Twenty- rirst and Twenty-mira; ounuer, uiue, 75. . . L E. Stewart Repair frame hand laundry, 667 Washington street, between Twentieth and Twenty-nrsi; ouuqer, iu. E. Angell; $10. , f - H. F. Parker Erect one story irame shed, Vincent avenue,. between Houana and Morgan streets; builder, same; $35. Dr. Watts Repair rooming nuuno, Clay street, between Front and tirst; builder, James Hyiano; siuuu. v n WHurrnm Erect two story frame flats. Halsey street, between Grand avenue and Union avenue; builq- c A Oarlander: 18000. Frank Bollam Repair one story frame building, Sixth street between Couch and Burnside; builder, John Cap!; $16. n i-r-tar Frct two storv con hn anA Htnres. Milwaukee and Karl streets; builder, 8ylvester ft East man; $10,000. W. D. Fenton Repair printing estab lishment, Seventh and Ankeny streets t...iirf.. riarAnar A MrLinnin: 13000. W. H. Foxley Repair one story frame dwelling, 9 East Thirtieth . oe ..n inknnv and Pine: builder, E. '"Richard1 Averting Erecet one J tor i .n.i. hiitldlnar. Main streel Tftnth and Eleventh; builder, ir n la franr t ROO. Henry Spier Repair one story frame dwelling. 764 East Tweittn street, oe wn Fremont and Beach; builder, nh.ri.. v Pederson: $400. Zlnne ft Caloway, erect one story fn. hum Alberta street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth; builder, same; Eft Miss P. Orton, ereot two story frame dwelling, Stanton street between Alblna avenue and- Borthwlck; builder, Brooks U. 1 Inuinlno" 12000. George Hartness, repair one story frame dwelling, 671 Clackamas street h.tMn Nineteenth and Twentieth, ir i. i:nmn & u.. iuvvv. a 1 . ,rnnn T. H. Hettiemeier, eroui iv "Z i wAlllnor. Kast tJurnniuo unci, h-.n Thlrtv-second and Thirty-third; M T. rmn A Co.: $4000. Baby Home, erect two story frame building. Brooklyn street between East Thirtv-rirtn ana 'inirxy-Biw. uu. ,71 ' I M IH 1,1 W. J. Muir, erect ira ""i dwelling, East Thirty-sixtn street -Hkiiv and Tlbbetts; builder, v i vnrA erect one story frame barrf. Killlngsworth street, between Gay 'Uncord: builder, F. A. Simpson; ' . cknunn erect one and one half story frame building. Easf Sixty- fAvicth Bjtrnot." oexwetrn vxiifa.i. iiv E."Limm E. Christlanson; $600. t r dm thai mr. rt, i.u 1 1 unci . . tween McKenni and Wall; builder, Wll aiainiiar. 41 Ittie, ra- Ham Miller; iivu. P-.. Tuercn. move on " frame dwolllng. 160 East rniro iru 1 V . . i m XT U hcitvonn i nion ana iimu, , . .7B- j.,.iiu. MilBRlniil avenue, ueiwwu Humbolt and Blandena; builder, .i . i. v. tiion B. R, V it koontr..' erect two story frame dwelling East Everett Btreet Detween Twelfth and Thirteenth; builder, Stokes- eyAl1A rv S a ill) II oL- ilr Jv Arppt Iwo Btorv frame dwelling, Overton rt.?!"- iv.iiivrn mn iwrinr-oo.mi.i r II tt-hoalor- tKAOO. C. A. Anderson, erect iran V j..-i.ino. Hawthorne avenue, bwu nvi-fv-aii-Mh and Forty-ninth; builder, G. E. Miller; $500. ' v aftff rvE one Biorv j runic MT,n, in rnmmerclal street, owwn oiia.rr and Mason: builder, same; $1600. tr anff oreer two storv lrnmc wmi ing, Halght street. Detween onuer aim n. lieferre. repair two story frame .t,,rn and dweuinr. iu i aniu nirmi between Flanders and Gllsan; builder, an mi tRltfl C. W. C!hase. erect one story frame hnn. Fiftv-eishth avenue ooutneast, between roriy-nrsi ana runy-iuunu builder, same; $60. i k rnt arACt two storv frame dwell tng! East Gllsan. streets between Fifty fhlrrt and Uiriy-iourtn: uuiiuer, sauio HOftft Paul R. Rates, erect one story .frame dwelling, East" rony-eignin street. Be tween l.Madlson and Main; builder, D, T T.lnvl A Co.: 11850. 'mh .Tii Ha A. Lawton. renal rjone sto rv frame dwelling, 229. Hooker street between First and Second ; builder, T Richardson: $350. J. H. Walt a, repair fine story frame dwelling, Killlngsworth street, between Borthwlck and Kirby; builder. E. P. n . . mtt . rrentreon; iv, . . , , W. D. Strode, repair two story frame saloon, 1$4 Third street between Alder and Washington; builder, A. N. will R. D. Smith, repair one atory frame dwelling. Kerby strt between jCook avenue ana Fremont;, buuaer ame Wert mouck, eroui ou atory irame Tiwelllng, East Flanders street between jrifty.erghto. ,and,.gUUstb'.,. bwU4eiy an ma- I2UUO. Pauline Jorgensen. repair three story frame , building, ! -8H . North ..Third street, between Aniceny ana . Burnside builder, U Huricn; $600, W. " M. Clements, erect 'one -story frame dwelling, 246 East Thlrtyflfth street, between Madison and ' Main builder, same; aeooo. Strathlyori Clears for ft' . ' w j v' ' 'v- - - Tux , f- ' :V, SMi " a ' .' r New steamer added to Portland & A new steamer which has been added to the fleet of the Portland ft Asiatic Steamship company for Its Service be tween Portland . and oriental ports, . is the British tramp Strathlyon.- She ar rived here February 18 coming from Hongkong, where she was turned over to the Portland ft Asiatic steamsuip company on January 16, by way of . Yo kohama and other Asiatic ports. $ne is under charter to the present oper ators for a year, having been taken to replace the Norwegian steamer Selja, which was sunk by the passenger T, HITS WILLAMETTE RIVER STATION Fuel Oil Steamer Files Protest But Probably l,s Not Dam aged; Station Not Believed Much Broken. While on her way up the Columbia river yesterday morning, laden with fuel oil from San Francisco, the Union Oil company's tank steamer Washte naw, Captain Curtis, colUded with the Willamette river light station as she was making the turn into the Willam ette river. Immediately upon his arrival, In port Captain Curtis made a report of, the collision to Commander J. M. Ellicott InsDector for the seventeenth lighthouse district as well as entering a protest at the custom house when he entered the ship. Robert Warrack. assistant engineer of the lighthouse department here, and a representative of the oil company will be sent down to 'the sta tion Monday to ascertain what damage was done, after which a formal retort will be made to Commander Ellicott A full report of the affair will" also be made to Commander Ellicott by Keep er Stanfield, although the commander said that the damage done to the ta tion could not have been of a, serious nature or the keeper would have com municated with him immediately, either by wire or In person. 1 t t r The water in the river Demg at us present low. stage leaves the station high up In the,alr, and It is not thought that the tanker struck beyond the buffer piling surrounding the piles on which the station stands.. Jhere Is some won der how the steamer got so close, laden with 24,000 barrels of fuel oil. Bne was In charge Of a pilot,'at the ime. Captain Curtis said that the steamer struck at 7:10 o'clock iresterday, while the keeper's family was apparently at breakfast. The crash was; foUowed hv awnm&n's scream and f o a f ew mo- ments-there-was -excltementf beth fB the station and on the tanner, cap tain Curtis filed his protest in Hriew of llama that might show up on the steamer. , , i HEATHER. C.OE8 TOMORROW Will Establish First of iew, tias Buov Typo on Willapa Bay, Under orders to take on supplies for the lightships and stations between the mouth of the Columbia snd puget sound, the tender Heather Is now at Astoria preparing for the trip, and is scheduled to get away Monday. On her way to Puget sound she will establish the new acetyline gas buoy on Wlllapa bay, the buov being the first of-those with litter- chaaiteahle tanks to be placed in the watera of this district. Commander El liott has asked for four of the sme type to be placed Inside the Columbia river bar, and one combination gas arid whist ler to replace the whistler new doing duty outside the Columbia river , bar. instead of, the whole buoy beln,g taken Ud and brought to Portland to be re filled, the new buoys nave a tank wnjen can be' changed while the buoy retains its position at anchor, and holds enough acetylene to last a year. BANNOCKBVRN GOES ASHORE ,,,,;' mm ,:, San Francisco , Bound Steamer Has Two HoltU Full ol Water. Reports ' received here are .that Hhe British steamer Bannockburn, which talledjamjjeroji.wait.af9. last Jauifc ary with a cargo or ary wun i''su w,iuonr ,ioi ensng hat was ashore at Dover on Martm, 3 with two of her holds completely filled with water. She left 'Antwerp early last week with general cargo fpt -San Francisco, for Parrot t A Co., and ; it was said that a part of the cargo might 1 I. m . . ... be sent nere. According t the rciort AHK WASHTENAW Hongkong Today i i Asiatic fleet for Portland-Oriental run steamer Beaver off- Point Heyer last November. She Is a carrier of 2846 tons net register and is in command of Cap tain Shaw- - 1 ' : The Strathlyon will take out prac tically a full cargo of ..floury small amount of lumber going - out on her She will finish today with 51,633 bar rels of flour, valued at $206,112, and about 600,000 feet of lumber with a value of approximately $6000. She irlll clear today for Jlongkona and way and leave down for the sea at daylight to- I morrow morning. . much of the cargo. If not all of It will be a loss. She was on this coast last year and took a cargo of barley' from the Golden Gate 1 In October, afterward returning to tn north pacific with a cargo of rails from Sydney, C. B., for Prince Rupert B. C. FRONT OF DOCK SHALLOW Suveric, at Montgomery N, 2, Will Have to Use Barges. Water In front of -Montgomery dock No, S la said to be so shallow that the Bank Line steamer Suverle will not be able to get within 40 feet of the wharf when she shifts to that berth this after noon to load wheat As a result of this' it is stated that there will be two barges placed between- the steamer and the, dock so that she will Aot have to make the attempt to get closer In. She is ex- w pected to finish her cargo hero Tuesday evening, after which sha will proceed ' to Seattle to flntoh.,. .. ' . . OOODjiWIBEl ; Burgess and Brlin to Take AlaterUl' forNoihagak Cannery. - Lumbv tor . rebuilding the ' Warreir: , wuua vvutyaiti tannery Kb UBilS-, gak. which burned down last summer,. . gesar ftonforrow morning at Linnton.'" The ; Berlin, another of ; the cannery fleet, will begin ; loading Coal at the Paclflo. Coast bunkers Mondav. and' after taklnf on a sufficient supply for the coming season at Nushag&K she will dron down, to Linnton to Jnat'lumhr.. ? t ? fs.F III! I If ilflllM llil ' Both vesselsf- wljl i take, other, cannry supplies. ;;;. ; !' . ',v ir.1 1 riA .. ,' usassBe m HBawsi ""iN,J,: '.-1 ,'. OlAMU Ail Hi AXUOV JVUJIX- After being repainted' and overhauled. the patrol boat Elidor was lowered Into the water yesterday, and ' she will be ready for service again Monday. Carrying 300 passengers and 1600 tons of freight the steamer Rose City, Cap tain Mason, arrived last night from San Pedro and San Francisco, i With passengers and general freight -the steamer Breakwater, Captain Mac genh, will be due to arrive from Coos Bay at about noon today. - a xuercnants jure nan ge report stated that the British ship Glenalvon passed Klnsale Heads yesterday, ,139 days out of this port with a wheat cargo. This is considered a fair passage. A good passage was made by the British ship Naiad, 4787 ton net Cap tain Roberts, which arrived in the river yesterday morning after a. voyage of 6$ days from Callao. She Is here to load wheat for Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Laden with 17,600 barrels of fuel oil, the Associated Oil company's steamer" Asuncion, Captain Blodgett arrived at Portsmouth yesterday from San Fran cesco. She also brought 4000 barrel) fOr Astoria.. :, - -I MARINE yOTBS.r " ' ( . ' ''i".''C-'i.'C''-"--X'rS Sailed at 7 a. nv Steamer Stanley Dollar, for Balboa via San Francisco; steamer Bear, for San , Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at 8 and left up at 10:15 a. m. Steamer Rose City, from San Pedro and San Frenclaco.j Sailed at 10:30 a. m. -Steamer Fur t" Bragg, ror ; San Francisco. Arrived at 11:16 a. m. British slilp Naiad,, from Callao. Sailed at 2 p. m. -British steamer Da raara. for Australia via Puget Sound. San Franclsoo, March 4. Arrived BrltlshstcameriSklpton- Catv- from -Antwerp for Portland, .; Sailed at 1 a. m. Steamer Washington, for Port land. Arrived at 11 a. m.Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from Portland. Sailed at 3 p. m. Steamer St. Helens towing barge Gerald G Tobey, for rortlarul." Sailed last night Steamer Nehalam, for Columbia river. - Eureka, "March 4. Arrived Steamer Alliance, from Portland, - Klnsale. ' March 4. Passed " British ship i Glenalvon,, from Portland, for Queenstown. .. Hong Kong, March 4.---Arlrvei pre viously -Norwegian stenmer 1 (enrich Ibsen,; from Portland.. . - , , Tides at Astoria Sunday:', Utfi water 3:46 "a. m.,$.8" feet;, 423 p.m., 7.1 feet Low water 10:)$ a, tn '0.1 feet; 10fl7 p. fti.; S.4 fset ' , - . MARINB- ITTKt MOENCC. . - Due to Arrive. Breakwater. Coos Bay ,.ii.Vtr Anvil. Bandon ; . . , , . . r Alllaice, Eureia .. .. .r. Beaver, San I'odro.. . . ' nar. 8an J'edro .,..,..,..,,...' ! ! I J'ime CHy, Kmt ivdro r, ii i. ii ii - M lit .