THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MQRNING, MARCH 5, '1911. 10 j NEW TODAY NEW TODAY -NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY NEW TODAY - t NEW TODAY WiSTQVER TERRACE FIRST RESIDENCE SITES IN THIS New Addition Above Cornell Road, between : Lovejoy and Quimby WILL BE PLACED ON THE MARKET MONDAY For Price See Clark-Cook Co. Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. . WE CAJJ SELL YOU A -r-:-: ..X BEAUTIFUL One Acre Tract All in cultivation, at Ryan Place With 5c commutation fare, lot $1200 On West Side, 19 minutes out on Oregon Electric. Let us show you these attractive homesites. B. S. Cook & Co. j i 503 Corbett Building. YOU 60ING TO U5t YOUR LAND RIGHTS BEFORE All THE PUBLIC LAND l HA3 BEEN TAKEN UP BY OTHERS WHITI ITONC1 TO ' . I 414 ftallwav . a:J ebango Bids., 7 From & to 10 Acre Tracts Adjoining Rose City Park SO UNDER MARKET PRICE Easy Terms OREGON & WASHINGTON REALTY CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce Main 803 Cook & Taylor's Specials Small Acreage Tracts Only 25 minutes from the heart vt the city 21 acre tracts under hlh stat or cultivation, very best of soil, excel lent view; 6 minutes' walk from car irtterurban electric line, cars rnnnlnu : every , hour. Price per acre and terms aoBoiiueiy tne very best. COOK & TAYLOR .A 402-3-4-6 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts CHEAP HOME PRICE $2000 ACREAGE : vvliot 80x100, room rottnge. located At? V. 19tl- mi htniAn O,. n. 1 1 -4CallyCan be. boughtjox $400 do wrt and .. uumnic cBf.v iiiuniiiiy payments. MALL & VON BORSTEL . 104 2d st. lumber Exchange Bldg. Platting Proposition ; 1" acres in city, on East JJrd st, lnimng irvingion i-arK and Grenn t tali fa Ork- Very sightly. View or nv.. and snowcapped mountains. All in cul tivation. Partly in nice bearing fruit trees, sad is absolutely the ht r.i.. imn iiiDi'ioiiiun in foruana. Pr 114.500. IS600 WU1 handle arlee, : OSBURN BROB, t03 McKay bldg. Mortgage Loans ' Mortgage Loans On city property at reasonable rates. CXAXK-COOX COMPABT. ( Board at Trad XuUdlaftT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Union Ave. THB UBAOXira THOUOTJaXXAJtE OT THE XAST SIDE Union ave., facing east. 104 feet north Skldmore, 60x100 Itnlon jave. near JUnsworth, 80x90, with 2 story frane tore building. Income 22. Union ave., corner Roselawn ave., 2Hxll0, vacant. Ideal alte for business building with apartments above. Union ave., foot of Prescott, 50x100, with building. In come $B0 per month. $3250 $4000 $4450 $9300 g A Union ave. corner, close plfUUU to Russell street, over quarter .block; Income fair, ground not fully oc- " ' ; cupled. - tOfi Art A ""Union' ave. cornet heat $-OjUUU Burnstd. 1 00x100. $27,500 ',' Union ave., between ICast Pin and East Ash. 60x J 00. with 8 story brick block. Income 1175 per month. $50,000, side? nlon ave. close o Burn- 100x200, running lurvuHii w u l. jticb' ent. income 1145 month. i .... i. . r- Goddard & WicdricK 843 STAJUC ITSEXT Oregon 105 acres, deep rich soil, near town and transportation; 65 acres planted tb celebrated Spitzenberg, Newtown and Jonathan apples 2 years old; trees in excellent con dition; all 105 acres can be set to fruit. Good new house and barn. Located in district pro tected By Fruitgrowers' Associa tion. Soil pronounced by authori ties from State Agricultural Col lege to be finest kind of apple land. The 65 acres when bear ing worth $1000 per acre. Owner will sacrifice entire 105 acres, in cluding improvements, for $150 per acre, 1-3 cash. H. Starr 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. ARDENWALD The BEAUTY SPOT of the asr ulrte The first stoD east of the Golf Park nnii Sellwood. Is high and commands a view of Portland and the Willamette river to the west and south. - The best evidence of its popularity as horaeslte Is the haDnv and satisfied purchasers in this tract We pav for all improvements. Prices range from 1 4 00 to $600; easy terms of payment. KNAPP& MACKEV tia wad 113 Board of Trad Building. Orcharding holds t h i brightest outlook for the man who is work ing on a salary. smaii monthly fay m ems is our plan. No man ever rained wealth on a 'salary. Thousands have and are mak ing fortunes in igh class orcharding. 0avTinJFircbiu4h JKWIISI2 Swetlsnd Bldi yNlWjsh. City Beautiful 22-acre tract on Powell Valley Road. Fine platting property. Best bar gain in dty limits. See McCargar, Bates i4 Lively 315 Failing Building Price $2500.00 INCOME $336 PER YEAR Ixt 43x100, two separate store build ings. Situated on East Madison between 39th and 40th sts. Terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d at Lumber Exchange Bldg. $Z5QO.OO. Buys well improved fractional lot In a good district nqrth of Washington, pay ing a good rate of Interest; terms can be arranged nit- this property. MTU. MS, 411 Corbett bldg. i Property Fruit Farm Aft MX AAt IIP mm F3m m iLsr Acreag llartman- & Thompson Real Estate Dept. CHAMBER OF "COMMERCE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, HOMES. IN IRVINGTON $20,000 A beautiful 10 room home; occupies a . cor ner lot 100x100; in a splendid part of 'the city; building restric tions are very exacting there; to Illustrate, ev ery house Is and must be back 45 feet from the street; every conven ience known to the modern architect has been put In this house; rooms spacious and splendid. A COUNTRY HOMIL IN THE CITY $17,000 A very handsome I room home; located on 18 city lots; the house 'Is a beauty (picture at office), and the value of the land la Increas ing very rapidly. This Is the best kind of a real estate Investment, That Is, It Is a home and the lots .will In crease In selling value every day. An entirely satisfactory Investment and home. $10,500 A very beautiful home. In a beautiful block; 9 rooms (5 bedrooms); hardwood floors, plats glass windows; Sd floor plastered, but otherwise unfinished. An Ideal noma, you : win get a great deal for your money If you buy this. $6250 Handsome 8 room resi dence; a prominent cor ner on Hawthorne ave., 80x100. shrubbery, flow ers, roses, etc. .Easy terms. (1167) $4250 A handsome new home In Rose City Park, "un der the hill"; 6 rooms and bath; hardwood floors, shower bath, $800 cash; balance easy monthly payments. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES $6500" andsome 8 room home; lot 100x100; rose bushes, everything about this place Is very attractive; the Interior finish from basement to third floor Is. surpris ingly fine; fine view; splendid neighborhood. IDEAL BUNGALOW. dyf QCV very beautiful bunga J)'iLiOlQw; 6 rooms and bath, room on the second floor for additional rooms; electric fixtures, shades, etc., complete; an unusually attractive place and very conven iently located In Rose City Park. $650 cash, balance easy payments. FURNITURE INCLUDED. CQHAA large 2 8t0rv house in JOT,UURose City PRrk; 6 rooms and bath; .3. bedrooms, lot 60x100. Owner to leave Portland soon and he will give pur chaser a part of his furniture If taken Im mediately. Key 40 E. 62d st, near Stanton. A FINE HOME IN A FINE DISTRICT SUNNYSIDE l CsrsrV'lwio corner en East ti)TOUUMorr,son "t. and East S5th: elevated lot; hard surfaced street; attrac tive 2 story house; large reception hall. Offered M this low price for a short time only. SOUTH PORTLAND VACANT CORNER. $5500 splendid corner lot. 80x100.. suitable for apartment or flats. (S. W. corner 4 th and Hooker. ) SEE THEjjfE TODAY. dTCf AAHahdsome home 06 E. D I Uvvolo "t, near E." 35th. S4800 06B Broadway, some home. hand- $4000 B40 East 6: Stanton In :d st, Rose near City Park. llartman & Thompson MAX ESTAW sm.v CKAMBZB Or COKXXSCZ BL9CK ' Chehalem Mountain THE FINEST IN OREGON. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND City Lots vs. Orchard Tracts INVESTIGATE BOTH ' PROPOSITIONS CITY LOTS Two desirable City Lots on outskirts of city, in re stricted district. Price $1000 each. Investment $2000 Cash payment 10 ... $ 200 Installments 2, $40 month during 4 years, less three months . j 1800 Street improvements on 2 lots 300 Total cash investment in 4 years $2300 Value of lots under favorable con ditions at end of 4 years, 50 above 'purchase price, or ' Two lots... .. .$3000 Cash invested 2300 PROFIT $700 Income at end of four years none! Unless more money is in-r vesiea in Dunaing a nouse. FIVE ACRE ORCHARDS Five acres selected orchard, forty to fifty minutes' rid? to center of Portland, planted and cared for dur- ' ing 4 years $2000 Cash payment 10 $200 Installments $15 per month during 4 years 720 All improvements included. 000 Total cash investment in 4 years .$ 920 Value of orchard under average onaiuons at ena ot 4 years, $1000 per acre. J!i! . . . . . Five Acre Orchard. .$5000 Cash invested. . 920 PROFIT $4080 Income at end of 4 years, $lfl0 to $200 per acre. Income at end of 5 years, $200 to $300 per acre. Income at end of 6 years, $300 to qw per acre. x-roportionate increase for years to come. Do Your Own Thinking! As An Investment Which do You Choose? "b.v intelligent management this sum could be realized out of one crnn or strawberries grown between "the trees while same are small. Growers u.cur iuu per acre from straw- mrlel.-evevry vy,ear- Th orchard wul pay the baUncs of the pur chase pries the 6th yr. Two railroad stations on the property. Oommntatton tlokst only 40 cents. Two electric 'lines will traverse tie 'orchard this summer. J0-!5"1 income from orosard, S60O to $1500 ner aora. Bun1 tnr 111n..Ia ooniaining Tama oie information m wuiamexis valley, We care for your tract four years or longer and guarantee to deliver you a first class orchard In case the buyer shall for any reason whatsoever become dis satisfied with tle tract of land 4- J - 1 f ... cuniraciea ior, or witn our wav of developing same, desire to re scind his contract, then we will give him his money back with 5 per cent interest.. We have number of contracts running, and we are proud to ay "We never had a downfall on a single con tract," and nothing speaks better for the fmerits of our undertaking than. this. For further information, write or call upon F.J. Rvsenberg SELLING AGENT . 618 Lumbermcns Building. Orchards Griissi $ Zadow Bargain List $1425 4 room cottags and barn, corner lot 50x100 East Burneide street ' roomsi 0xl0(LJotllota..ot fruit, at Willamette. Good 5 room cottage, East 16th near .Skldmore, 1700 cash. , j , Good 7 room house, corner lot, B. Stark and 46th; $100 cash. ' A snap. . ' $2350 $2500 $2900 JQAAA Swell room bungalow, Wa- verlelgh, $500 cash. OICA Sine f room house, Sumner OlpJ and East 11th. $600 cash. - C99Efi V roomoui lot 50x100, K. P0,0J nth and Clinton. $600 cash. $3350 Hr ' "TJM111" berryrpatchesreter-These Westmoreland1, $750 cash $3500 $3500 Nice room -house on 1st st, near Qlbbs. 7 room house, corner 60x100, East Yamhill, $500 cash. $3600 Modern 6 room house. East 82d, near Belmont Very swell s room bunga- !owJ..nearly 8 4otsm...Clair mont ave., Woodlawn, $4000 $4150 $4300 Fine 7 room house, E. 44 th near Hawthorne. , Mew 7 room house, R. J 7th near Pine; terms, Swell - - room - house,.- East Flanders St.- In - Johesmore. 4MCAA 10 room house, full lot, EL Y'vvvnormon sc. near 88th, $5500 100x100, 9 rooms, on East 88d. near Clinton. Lot Bargains $ 450 $700 $ 850 Each, S lots 100x100, on Hoi man st, big snap. . FIn corner lot, 50x100, at Creston. . . 100x100 corner, Columbia Heights, a bargain. Fine view lot on the boule vard, Fulton Park. 100x100 in Woodlawn, on Mucton st Fine (0x100 on Division, St.. near 24th. Full ,lot on E. list near Pine, $200 cash. 100x100 corner, Missouri ave. and Wygant-,,1" - ' 50x100 business lot on Mac adam st, $500 cash. '. Two lots on Halght ave. near Skidmore, 60x85 corner Hamilton and Frank, $1000 cash. $1100 $1100 $1400 $1600 $1600 $1800 $2200 $2500 Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trad Bid., 4th and Oak. Willalafin Park AJTD Marine View rOHTUUTD sozirzo ACBJBAOE isomois $400 and Up Per Acre 10 Sown a par cent Wn Month. On tlx West Bids. 3800 building restrictions. On two maoadamlisd roads. A view of mountains and rivers unsurpassed. rnturs horns of St. Helen's haU. An Ideal spot for a country horns. Let ns rls yon mors Informs, tion regarding this beautiful pros, erty. Shepard, Mills & Rogers 814-18 Board Main 6689 of Trade Building. A-4710 Platting XSXTTOhT 8 H acres on the Kenton carllna, a 5 cent fare, this side of Kenton. Good elevation and will plat to advantage. Price 13000 per acre: Terms. rosTzi BOAS 850 feet facing on the Foster road, a fine improved road, close to 6 cent car rcivnc, containing iu acres. An excel int platting Dronosltlon anA a himin at $1500 per acre. Terms. KWAPP ft WISDOM Henry bldg- Main 3263 A-3265- IRVINGTON LOTS We have a number of cheap lots In the Irvlngton district below the pres ent market price that can be bought on easy terms. Call and see us. . Jpt 60x100, 8 room house, situated noi coroeu si. can be bought on very easy terms. MAfJL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d at. Lumber Exchange Bldg. Among the Big Trees r, , " . 1 1 i.Tuain . 1 1 ie Ink. la r. m r 9 , V. a l ....t . . . in Portland. The owner desires to sell 112.000 to XlS.flnft homo n. ! ng four. Do you want such a choice i nr si T i fin rnr a nnm o i r ai km . 400 Concord Bid., and owner will show SOUTH PORTLAND PRICE $3200 IyOt 50x100. 6 room Icottaare aciA 612 E. 32th st..' between Powell enA Kelly. Can be bought for lion itnvn ana Daiance easy mommy payments. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2(1 st Lumber Exchange Bldg. MOVE RlQtiT IN S30crc5Sfi 120 ner month. 4 ner cent tntnreiit 11 A minutes' tide to center of city. Nice 5 room cottage, full corner lot. nlre rinirii. borhood. Price 2500. Home from a. m. to 5 p. m. O. U XTX7S, 551 Mall st. Phone ticllwood 983. Acreag BEAVERT0N REEDVILLE:' ACREAGE More than 4000 acres very fer tile soil; land lies nice, no rock, gravel or hills, but deep dark soil, ; the cheapest acreage around Port land, location and quality consid-j ered. Go with . us, . without expense to you, and see the crops, or- will tell the story of the soil. , These tracts will pay for them selves with a little management. We have been in the farm and acreage business in Portland for the past 15 yearv and wir proper ties have all been; big moneymak ers for buyers. Come in and learn the names of those that have bought several times from IIS and thon tillr nn'tli fVi.M' ' $125 to $300 per acre on month- ly payments, any sized tract from one-half acre up. ; ' ? The Shaw 'Fear 102 FOURTH ST. Main 35. A-3500 INVESTIGATE 112.64 Acre Farm 18 miles south of Portland on the Ore gon Electric. This farm cannot be ex celled. It's fine In every sense of the wora. Fine, new barn, fair hotise, nu merous outbuUdlngs; can be divided Into 6 acre tracts if need be, but taken as a whole It s one of the finest farms In the country and can be bought at 110 less per acre than the adjoining land. For price, which is reasonable, and terms, which are easy, call or write Shepard,MiIls&Rogers 814-S18 Board of Trad Bldg. $8500 50x100, 8-room , modern dwell ing, west Side. Good location. One block from Washington and Morrison street cars. ?500O CASH. KEASEY HUMAS0N3JEFFERY "71 UBOR OR MONTAVILLA CAR 200x160, 6 room house.. S4500 100x160, 4 room house.. .-83350 60x160, 6 room house S2200 80jtlo S1150 There are a lot of good fruit trees and berries on these places. Good terms. 1, i or 3 acres at Wichita, new 4 room house, terms. Fruit lands JO miles from Portland In iv, ou ur low acres, sz and up. Three good farms near Gresham. 35. 51 or 70 acres, to trade for Tabor home or good income property, , 0. W. P. Land Co. TXSLBT AND ALDEB A SNAP 8 1-5 Acres PRICE $2600 Let us show you this acreage by auto or trolley. Situated at Balrdsdale Sta tion on the O. W. P. R. R. and not fai from Mount Hood R -R. Half mile north of Base Line road and on a county road. Ground Ibvs level and 3 acres, having been In cultivation, Is in perfeot condition; balance small brush; easily cleared. Fine water 20 feet from surface. Less than half cash required. For terms see MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d St., or 416, Hawthorne ave. 45 Acres ss nr cstor s acxxs or umi, young, trees, 1 acre of old orchard, la acres of light oak brush, place Hltuate 7 mllAK frit m vnnti v.ll.w fnwM PRICE $3400 TERMS. HvlAnH lOflPQ 1L Ci "l!?"r?.""?!f 409 Gerllnger bldg. r ' 2d and Alder Sts. I V bast Stark Street 100x100 ONTHE NORTHEAST CORNER EAST12TH AND EAST S1AKK 1 Kttlo, THIS 15 WELL ADAPTED FOR STORES OR APARTMENTS. . ED W. Pi MALL i ' 104 Second Street, -Lumber Exchange Building ; 8000 ACBX STOCK SAITOH Ait J - , e . 200 acres in cultivation, small creek inrougn. placets. large. nringa.zroom h t modern house, large bam, good orchard. bearing; plenty small fitilt, 7 miles to R., R, station, good, level road. This lace Is not run down; plenty fine uncn grass, tan yon beat this for 112 per acre7 Good terms can be given. ' W. T. WADB, 469 rest 7th st. Worth, roruaao, Oregon rboaa East 1283, , Company Let Us Make Money for You Are you planning to build a i home? ? Before you decide let ui-' show youV. , v - Where you can- walk - to your 4kccii)Ufiinm in a few min-. utes, being only a few blocks to the river at Hawthorne avenue. Where you, have a high- clasa residence district with every city convenience..4esired - a tnoiccLots POO to 2150 Including all improvements as phalt pavement, sewer, water and gas to every lot in alley, which are now in-and paid for, at these prices. Sold on Easy Terms 10 Cash f 1 a Month 6 Interest - Special discount for cash and building;. Warranty deed and.abstract. Fer particulars see agents, F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDO. STRONG & CO. 605 CONCORD BLDG. Also salesman on ground. v 100 Profit One Year Time We have 760 acres of deep black soil in the Rogue river valley that we must sell, and we are going 10 let lt go at a sacrifice,, c Don't delay. Look it up. Our price is $50 an acre. Will' sell in 40 acre tracts at $100 very readily. Call or phone me at the Cornelius hotel, room 11. W. E. WHITESIDE. PLACE YOUR Firelnsurance WITH .- .. . J no. P. Sharkey, Agt. 216-17 Railway Exchange Building Agent for AACHEN & MUNICH of Germany GLENS FALLS . of New York v t , , -s PROTECTOR UNDERWRITERS X , of Hartford. Conn, Phone A-1550, Main 550 MAX ASMUS, Manager Never Offered Before! 13th Street I HAVE THAT 100x100 ON. THE.; S. E. COR. 13TH AND FLANDERS. i THIS IS ABOUT THE ONLY 13TH STREET TRACKAGE FOR SALE. . PRICE IS- RIGHT AND TERMS easy. .. .- ... EDW. P. MALL. 1 104 2d St., .Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANTED Representative ior eastern man ufacturing concern looking for buildino- site 100x100. with trarlr- gf facilities in warehouse dis - Tict If .owner will build wil will cake long lease that will pay at tractive interest on investment. Niy .in detaiL otherwise y0Ur )tter ' vnU nt - he , considered. L - 484, Journal. ; Something , Good , 75x90 on the ft. wi, COMTSS OSAsTO'' AVB. AJtTD OSJBCrOX ftT. This ( th bridge-street for the new steel bridge. PRICE $21,000 Terms $7500 cash, balance 6 per cent Inwm.St oe montlA-Tou-will have-1 hurry or some one. will beat you to It. . EDW. P. MALL U . W Sd 8t"l.nnibr Exciaiyfa Bldg. '