THE OREGON SUNDAY JOIRNAL", PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH ; 5, 1911. K 22 ' TOUNO man, educated and refine, tall, fair looking, good habits, excellent character, not acnuafnted hero; desires the acquaintance of a sensible girl city - or country, not over 35, vith view to parW marrluge; ' must be neat and re f ined, perfectly healthy, have irreproach able character, affectionate' disposition, quiet tastes; need not reveal Identity 11 I - ,1 I K mi .iiAintanM IfX miltU- ally desired after, personal interview; atrl,a onnfiHanr- riven and deslred.1 X-468, Journal.- ; - DR. ALICE A. xtRtrf. Disease of woman and children ' eluaively. 'Women are oftr-n saved e vara aurirlcal operations by consulting nr. Nervoua disease of children a pecljUty. Private hospital aeoommoda. tlone. , Confinement eared for. ' Cot i respondent solicited: No chars for -consultation. Phones, Main 193". -A-607. Offlo room 10. Grand Thatr tldg Washington and Park. ' , ' FAT FOLKS. V- Reduced 15 to 35 poundaper montn by the Dr. Snyder root and herb' treat ment, which ia perfectly harmless; re duction safe, sure, rapid, no starving, no exercise, no wrinkles, strictly confiden tial; consultation and booklet free. Call or write today Br; O. W. J. Snyder, room 513 Marauaiftbldg..! 6th and . Morrison nirwiT ruiM . Juunf nf rood , character and well educated, desires to meet lady of suitable age. am seeking an agreeable, companion -.-vone who is Jolly and ' can appreciate the brighlerj!ide jfllfe.Q objection to young widow. Objecr agreeable com- 5 any and matrimony If suited. M-461, ournal. .- -- . - - "- r' " MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment for dis. ' cases of the prostate, nervous debility, jrectftlju. chronic, bloodand skin diseases. W. I. Howard, M. !., 804-8 Rothchlld cing,, mi ana waBninewn. . 'A MECHANIC, aged 8. with a- good , trade, temperate and , a musician, ' wnnM 1ilr tn mule a the "acaualntance of a working girl or widow, age about 65; no trif lers or agents need apply. ' Ject, matrimony. K-469, Journal.- Ob- OBT married; matrimonial paper con taining advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the United States, Canada, rich, poor, young, old Protestants, Catholics, mailed sealed free. D. K. Gunnels. Toledo, Ohio. Send 3 Hairs If your hair is not - growing Bend S hairs In clean pam for free chemical analysts. ' Write Byron Efford, Special ist,' 14, MOymton L, rmsuJn, ainaa nnr t II. T. new thnuirhL scientific and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list; also catalogue of occu't .or scientific books sent on application. Jones Book Store, Menry biflg.. it uak st. L A D I B 8 Ask your druggist for Cicesters Pills, , the Diamond Brand. For 6 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take mV other. Chichester Diamond Brand PlUa are sold by druggists everywhere. Arfi Ynn Rimtiitfirl? ' The perfect truss is made and fitted b a cceclallst to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no ehar. , Wilson. M th at Dr. Mary Kramer Conflsement cases specialty; herbs and root medicine for all irregularities of the blood. Examination Irce. Phone Woodlawn 1473, 861 Mississippi ave. HONEST little widow (42), poor, proud. prepossessing, ambitious, weary - or poverty's struggle and loneliness, would marry good business man with home mid some means. Address box 432, Era- niett. Idaho. HEIRS- wanted at once, 50,000 estates seeking claimants, you must be one; facts In booklet 31. Send 2c stamp. In ternational Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. tfOi'NG man, 28, with little home, de sires to meet respectable lady under 26, red of dark hair, tall. Object mat rimony. No flirts or general delivery. F-499, Journal. .' , YOUNG Kentucky gentleman; 24, wants !' 'to meet Kentucky or country lady of suitable age. Object matrimony. Earl C. Armstrong, general delivery, Port land. LADIES When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills; always dependable; relief and particular free. Write Na tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee, wis. WOULD like Interview with elderly gentleman or means who 'would be willing to consider Interest in good rooming house or business. No general delivery anwwereo. u-44, Jounai, GERMAN boons, magaziiirs, novels, elc, - German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italtsn dictionaries; foreign books of ali kinds. Schmale, Co. fit 1st st. Listen! Are you - troubled with rheumatism? Try R. S. Rheumatic Remedy. For sale at Bkiainore s orug store. tR WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid rey. oladder and plies. Ill First, Port- , tana. WONDERFIJI Revelations Send birth ' - date, S questions, stamp, dime for book ."Your Future Revealed. Reading free. I -Will surprise you. Yogi Khaldla, box i 8. Denver. co'Q. CATHOLICS marry Catholics; want a - good Catholic wife? Want a good Catholic husband? If so. address the Catholic Home Circle. Elmlra, N. Y. MARRIAGE Psper, highest character; Incorporated lsth yt-ar; 600U mem bers; paper seaiod; send 10c. L. L. Love, Box 1800, Denver, coin. A LADY wishes to meet a dean, honest man. about 40, that wishes to mske home. Give phono number. M-464, Journal. . WIDOW of 60 would meet good respec - - table man; must be neat; no triflers need reply; object matrimony. , Address ; K-44S, journal. BACHELOR, 40 would like acquaint. - ance refined maid or widow who ap preciates true companionship; object matrimony. J-443, Journal. SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical, alcohol io," genuine tub baths for the ladles - and genttement-chiropodistT 7 Kaieign Diag. WIDOW, 40,. worth $30,000; lonely: will marry; confidential. Box 26. Oakland, l HI BASE .BALL fans, 1 want address ofJ Phone Math 8189; LORENZ Nerve Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality. 2 Bo box, ( boxes U.25. Btlpe-Tayior urug yo,, -ggg Morrison, VKINKLES rem ivetl, sagging corrcUd In IS minutes; ifree demonstrations. I Belllng-h:rweh bldg. - Neo Plastique Agcy. San Francisco Examiner 813 Mt Washington. Main 9262. f WOMENUss - Femoids - when others fail; sold and i uaren'.eed by the Am I'nd Drug Co., 110 N. th st. Main 8101 GENTLEMAN wants to meet lady be- tween t ana bs, onject matrimony, NOTICES ' 20 Personal MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURT HOUSR ' Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whldden & Lewis, archi tects, .701 Corbett building, Portland, Or., until noon Tuesday, March 14, 1910, ' .. .for. the carpentry and cabinet work as called for in specifications for the east ".' wing, of the new court house to be f erected for the ! county of : Multnomah, :t,'-..i$tate of Oregon. - . ..,-,w 4- . Plans and specifications may be' ob : talned at the office of the architects. . . . ' No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a cheek payable ' , 1 to the ; order of the county court . of . Multnomah -county certified by a re t ?i ? sponsible bank' for an. amount equal to j i ;; the per cent or the aggregate proposal. J : to be forfeffed as fixed and liquidated v ; , u; damages ln cae.Uie btddasaegleoU or miuDor iu enver ujio coniraci ana provide a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work, in the event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and .all bids 'Is hereby reserved.. T. S. FIELDS, - : . - County Uerk, NOTICES SALE OF CANNERY, Sealed bids Vwlll be received until March 13, 1911,at S p. m., for all tho property, personal' and real, of 1 the Wood burn Canning Association. Separ ate bids will be entertained for the equipment and machinery. Certified check of S per cent of purchase price must accompany- all bids and the di rectors reserve the right to rejoct any and all bids. - For details write or in-, quire of J. J.: Stangel. Secretary, Wood-hum,- Or " - ' -: ; ; DISSOLUTION OS PARTNERSHIP" : Notice la herehv e-luon that th im. derslined hasisposed f-his- interest in mo rarinenon . uasery, ' Z9I Harrison St., to Geo. Kostas and Harris Kafflres, who have assumed the payment of the obligations of the partnership. Incurred prior to- February- ?8, 191tr Portland, Or.. March 4. 1911, ' TOM POLETK3. WILL not le responsible for bills con tracted by Pacic Sign Co, li B. Mc Kay, ' . , . BUSINESS ' DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS' and appraisers EvVERYBODY wants positive- values. Mjonsuir iNorinwestern Appraisal Co. "Eojperts 60 Boa.rd of Trade. A- 1154. " y t -. . - . ARCHITECTS D. B. FLECKING ER, architect,' deslfm- el Of IdAftl hntni., . i 9A9 . I .,mKAflund bldg. 5th and Stark sts. Phones Mar- nsillllli A-B8i. U. -B. FUCK1NGER, designer of ideal 52ne" i22J Mohawk bldg. Phones Att86. B-1888. Main 190S. -- AS8AYKK5 -.J. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- MONTANA asy office! laboratory and "uni orn. his Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehoiiae ft Co., 411 Wsah. si AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly 'equipped school ON THE PAClFtF COAST. Thorough instruction, competent management and practical work. Ei 23d and Morrison Take S-H Or Mt Tilin, ,- InnW nn before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTOKNKTB A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. ' Prao- tlAA 4h all m,,. a 1- -a . L - Ined. 716 Cham, of Com. ,M. 71. A-8071. B. M. BENSON, general practice; col lections, abstract. 20 Wnmhlno-tn.. "KM CHRISTUPHERSON &i AiATTHK Ws" general practice. 405-8 Buchanan bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 10 Id St oiana dook m rg; agts. ror jokes' Imcroved Trva-1 .ma f i.i)mi. k. new Eureka leaf. A-818S. Main 18S. BICYCLE REPAIRING S. W. BAILEY, 387 E. Wash. B-2709. uwn mowers sharpened, locksmith. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES HALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels wugin, oiu. repairing. i iota. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. oircci paving, eiaewaiKS ana cross ings. SIT B0CK oidg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CD f oruano ornce. sos Kiectrlc bldg, JAB. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of insurance. Bureiy uonos. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, Carpets cleaned and laid refitting our IQNE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renuvinwn; guarameeq. ft. 360, B-2236. CARPET WEAVING' NORTHWE8T RUO WORKS, rugs from ,r tt v ' m rutriei cleaning. wg e'liivii Tg., negtr c. jnorilson. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works Colonial rag carpet and rugs, 1611 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 3686. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Bing Choong, physician for men and wuuiBii, uunmnieca cure, xzet Alder DR. L. T. YEE & SONS, 142 let st Main B4S4, A-356. CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DR. A. S. DOUGLASS. S38 Union .v. N. Phone -East 6241. Consultation and examination free. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring, eoalp. Mr. uunion. s wasn. Marshall 1320. CIRCULAR LETTERS ADVERTISING and publicity managers attention! Valuable city and rural classified mallingr lists.for sale cheap. Marshall 2418. 'PROMPTNESS and . dispatch. Cfafn Com. Letter Co. A-4665. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley, civil engineer, 1006 v-iiamuer 01 y,ummerce. Marsnall 1654. CLOTHES - i ifci 1 BUY, sell, all kinds clothes, shoes, fur nlture. 3204 Jefferson. Marshall 1963. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and shoes. 273 Front Main 4802. I COAL AND WOOD fTBDRN81BB FUEL CO.; 125 ' IT. 7th fit flnnA mmiA .A I foot, sawed to order, del'lv- l3 ered nhv n o in Mtv cm,n wood for furnace. East 724. B-2777. , 9th and Gllsan Streets. Dealers In All Kind of Cordwooa VH alr i.k ' -- - vn. AMI, Main 6359. A-24H. ' ' Meier frtnv taV nH.ra for our standard grades, or phbne East 808. or C-280J. caietaen iuei UD.t xna fiOUTH PORTLAND iTLABWOOD' CO. Main IIS A.Sili rii-v ir..i. green mbwood. clean sawdust for bed- uit. cui mn; g wwwq ' DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767, 'F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st (amato-Wooa anH r 4 : Coal Co'mpany. iSM PHAI Alblna Fuel Co, 47 Alblna ave. DLULii WOODgfflf AAV WOOD illC COOS , BAY COAL' (id., IST curnsiae mi. . . nones, Main 2228, A-1279. . - I 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co 318 Water at Marshall 980. 1 , Sawed wood deliv ered, any Quantity Main 1606. Home A-1106. RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot Yamhill: country slabwood, or short and block wooa, msiae wooa. Ki n 1Z04. A-3829, No. X dry wood, 4 ft a awed to ordtr. . x avic uunu vv J, OREGON LC'MBER ft FUE"Lcb." Bloci uu ii" vyjutj. iiuur 9j8r CITY MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook A Son, 2d and Clay. Main 8843. A-4322. DRY MIXED cedar 32 a load for 80 day only. Main 2153. A-3843. - fflfL3 GiUL I COAL AND WOOD .'.Prompt Delivery. ' ivW:fifflf (Ml ;'. ' V Any Length Green and Dry Slabs .V - Short or 4 Foot Phones: E.182r CU7 NOTICE prpicfsaonSL AB WOOD - GREEN 6H0RT WOOD. ; . J:-t RKKN 4 'OOT WOOD. ' . . : INSIDE GREEN SHORT. - DRY SHORT WOOD. - rr SAWDUST for fuel and bedding. tTHc Portland Slabwocd Co. Main 1119. ' A-7001. . . . Dry Block Wood v Mixed with -small wood, $4.50 ' per load, delivered anywhere In city. Port land Wrecking Co. 108-107 N.. 11th st Main 97. A-3736. ' THE -ECONOMY Fuel Co.- handles e.11 the best grades of coal. Wa make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special trices on ear loads. . B-2J4J. East lit. 46 East Ankeny. , CORD wood delivered anywhere in city, wholesale" retail. ' East (19, B-J089. STANDARD WOOD to Cord and slHb wood. 47E. Stark. East J318. B-169S. 2 LLKCT0N SPBCIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. x L. Plncknsy Whit. Main SO 7 4, A-7029. - V .. COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims of every description collected on a strictly percentago basis anywhere. Telephone Main 8410. . Colton- Adjust- ment Co., 410 Ablngtow bldg.. Portland. tyOTES, accounts collected everywhere Guarantee Collection, Agency, 821 Hen ry bldg. Marshall 283. A-7780. PORTLAND Collection Agency. Ail debts coiiecteo. aiT aiiskv a-7317; m. zj 2. r CONSULTING ENGITfEERS C. a GOLDBERG & CO SIX Couch bldg. Concrete warehouses, power plants, conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery, Marshall 3028. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Contractors We ,wtll build you 6 or 8 room bunga lows, modern, from 750 to $1450; free plans and estimates. Give us a chance to 'figure with you. We will call and talk house to you. Phone Tabor 254. Penell & Co. PORTER& PENN Concrete founda tlon, t'onstructton estimates on all kinds of cement work. 107' N. 14th. Main 8387. FOR cemoiu work, plastering, brick vork, excavating, call on Q. C Olson. Marshall 1441, 192 Grover st WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. s20i 4th. Main 624 L J. BURTON, 148 1st, architect-builder. Estimates furnished. M. 18)7, A-1817. UNITEU Eng. & Construction Co., engi neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. M. 680. J. 11 Y LAND, 212 Columbia. M. 9016. A 4020. Carpenter and general Jobbing. DANCING 25o PER lesson, 4 lessons for $1: waits, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and only recog nized leading academy for correct danc ing, 386 Wash., bet. W. Park and 10th. HEATH'S dancing school, 109 Second st. between Washington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waits and -two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings. 8 to 18. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is impossible; does away entirely with plates, ibrldgework: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ab- Ington hid?., io 3rd St. CHICAGO Painless Dentistsestsbllshed 15 years. 323 Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Assoclstes, Painless Dentists, Third and Washington sts. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S.. of. 824 Flander. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. 12th. F. 6440. DRAFTSMAN d! DRAFTSMAN. W Anrirew llarWA viar.hlntt an1 patents designed. 736 Chamber of Com merce bldg., Main A-3b31. j ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent rr sale, pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 218 2d St. VOOT SPECIALIST DR. C. W. HEVLAND. 17 Healy bldg. Grad. Chiropodist. Grand and E. Morriwon FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy. sell, exchange and pay best prices for second nand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc. Hartzell Furn. Co., 310 S. 1st. Phone Marshall 2676. UNION Halvajre Co.. 1S3 Front at Mr 796. Highest price, for 2d hand good, S. 4. uonaioson, i!iis ist st., Main 860, buys 2nd hand furniture and stoves. FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING and home, 18 years' 6609. repairing at in Portland. your East GLAZING UNIT J i.uASS ft GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 4 N. I4tn. M. 4411. GASOLINE K.NUIKEH BTATIONARI and marine; electric equiftments; ' launches, accessories, wholesale and retell; engine repairing. Reiernon Marblnery Cr -US Morrison. HAT FACTOR1 MEN'S hats cleaneniTIocSedat the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city, 6(6 3d at, ground floor Worcester blug. Hats direct from the rectory at half price. HORSESHOEING DE NIKE, 283U Front St. makes a specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience in New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association. 308 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 708. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates & Lively. 318 Fall ing nidg. wvery rorm insurance, oonds. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. wooaiawn sua. c-suus. insure now. LAUNDRY- SEE Lee . Chinese. ' 200 Mill. Washing . wnd ironing carefully done. A-4039. LAWYER3. FRED W. BRONN, LAWYER. 1014 Ch. of Cora. Phone Main 8199. liWI REAL ESTATESDIREGIORV dmw. u. m. jnj, r arm rroperijr Bronf-8teel CompaDy nniDaer Benedict -. Burtenshaw H Bushier.. , Chiplo ft Herlow.. ................ Cook ft Co., B. 8... Kuipp Mickj. Marttall. w. H., ranns. city rroporvy....... urrgon Bea) nun Co.. lBt,..,.. 1 KtalcliM. 1. B IhompQB. M. B. Co...... ........' LEATHER: AND FINDINGS CHAO. L. M A8TICK . A ' CO.. 74 Front Leather - of every dtscripUon; Up fr.snufacturers. finding- LANDSCAPE GARDENER 1 O. BRENNEKE I-andscspe Gsrdenet; roses, standard varieties, shrubbery, fruit trees, pruning and spraying prop nrlir. done. Prices reasonable. 1283 Denverever Woodlawn-W&rSt.- Johns! car.' ' - LIBRARIES CIRCULATING Ubrary. 18t 6th. bet Taylor and ramhlll. Books 9c per day MINIXG AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co, Ltd. Send fer our hooklet-r 2 Drexel-bldg.- MACHINERT Bf TRENKMAN tt CO.- Hydraulic iiU special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kind repairs. 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT n HnT.MRTnnM nam rhautnatic dl gestlve disorders. 102-4 Oregonlan ihldg MILLINERY GOODS K T. HatACapCO;, whsle.. B7S 1st. cap orders, mf g. Beaver Shirt. M'll 1913 MULTIGKAPHING shorthand, type- writing. M. 768. 418 Buchanan oiag. MUSIC TEACHERS LESSONS 60c, piano, guitar, mandolin, violin i Mrs. Martin: piano. $60, organ, 110: 3M 1st St. Mam suf. E. THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupl Sevclk. 900 Marejuam. A-4190.Mar.m9. PROE Tj, tt. T.AWRON. 13B 14th St Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 60c. MUSICAL DEALERS 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO- 184 Id: complete Une musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band instruments. OPTICAL f3PECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 824 V, Washin? ton st. Byes examined. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronic nervous diseases, 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe n. n.rv.i KAiittt &nd chronic diseases. 817-Fenton bldg. Main 8961 lit? BMTTH graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 1898; post graduate 1907. 1122 Sell ing biag. DR. L. IL HOWLAND, general practi- tioner, soz y ieioner oiag DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. ta uregonian mug. DR KATHRYN RUETER, specialist women A children. 802 Uledner bldg. OSTRICH PLUMES l(inM mT.RRRT. S03U WA ROOM 26. UYK1NU, ULKAIN livi, CURLING, MAKING OVER OSTRICH PLUMES, BOAS, ETC. WORK GUAR ANTEED. M. 4964. RES. M, 4443. FAINT, OiL AND GLASS F E. BEACH 4 CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 135 lsMslP 1334, A-7048. RASMU8SEN A CO., "High Standard" paint, ne cor. 2d A Taylor. M.. A-1771. PAINTING D PAPERING T. J. WILSON. 187 Madison, M. 1437; painting, paperhanging, signs. (et prices N. L. HUXLEY 282 2d. M. 7140.PaInt- er and paperhanger. Kes. 'lapor i6if. FOR bst work, prices right, call P. A Doane, 104 union. roia pnunw. GET our prices on painting, paper ing, tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS, $65; pay as you please; pat ents obtained on rejected applications; highest references. Alex Wedderburn, patent iuwynr, wasningion, u. v. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attor-ney-at-Law, latt U. 8. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents; Infringement rases. 804 Dekum. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN. piano tuning. 12; 18 years' experience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBINGand gas fitting, contract or day work. We fupnish material or you furnish it L-433, JournaK PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gil lanl86 10th. Both phone. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doera if clever things with type and Ink on paper." 14 1H 1st E. L. E. White & Co., Printers. Barber & White. Main 630H, A-Z31D. HARNDEN & CO., 123. 1st st com mercial printing. M. 8188, A-7517. itnnuixt.,, rAixiau-iiifirAUtiAU ---- TT; TIN roofrng, repairing, painting ana joo- bing. Losll & norzer. zn jeri. ni. im. Rl'tfHEH STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- nlngnam t.o- lai mirt. aaain ni SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d at Safes at factory prices; repairs; loaioun opened, bargains In second-hand safes JOHN K. DAVIS, safes, safe counsel, bargains. Sargent Hotel. Phone F, 291 . SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 696 Front. Main 461. Guaranteed cure for Rheumatism. -SANITARY ENGIN EERS J. A. GRANT, C. E.. 214 Couch bldg., A-tVva. lJlBiJeciiuuu auu (epuius, uou- terlologlst. - SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for 2d hand goods. 803 1st MTtl 1003. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures mad to order. The Lutke.Mfg, Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office mture. couch, M. 3703 R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. etalgw agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES mmm -m Smym BEST " In " Tortland. See them., 201 Washington St. a E. Gilbert STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS ' OREGON Law Reporting Assn, 404-408 ' Ablngton. M. 6037, A-63S6. Depositions. 803 Corbett Rlrt. a .a a o V'HS. fiV 75 i, m m -a -nj., iuaiu list 503 Mrhnjr Bldg. ......... ,.MU fc4 Hawthorn and. E. 49th..;.. Tabor 174 J 803 cpBi.:::;-. : -li""",?1 ,rn",,res.,...Mil:o ltd a-2019 Bown I. 250H Alder...... Main 69T1 mi A , Ti o , , u u 1 Oil's ' SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER KLEISER Signs; the larg. i?,"8" ,n th northwest t ?ftt" ItH- ZW Phones, gall n.81-'1' d service -niurr Bl. V.tiSl 6302. CSTHA 0A.?XV": - Hortlaad Main 1R9I. STATIONERl'OPPIC15-SUPPLIES Pm?R STATIONERT CO.. Bucham Idg., best typewriting papers. M. 766. SURVEYORS SUBDIVISION work a specialty. :A. d -Benson, .20 Wash, bid. Marshall 192. TAXLUEliMlST '.. tiNLEY. taxidermist and furrier- w - viuiiiutn.. TATlAlRINQ ALFRED QGILBEE. , 810 Labh M. lJ!?WhJnKton. Suits to order. QVB. SEAQUlST, tailo71uTddraper: ei: cluslvepAtternc - 245 W Washington et MAN Tailored suits and skirts; prions reasonahle, 266 Rlandena Bt. C-1286. TOWEL SUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co sth and Couch .ti! PLerJn?.ntn;.' WA Laundry TRUNKS SIMONS TRUNK WKS.. 657 1st. Trunks factory prices. Repirlng. M. 981.1. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Trnsfer and forwarding agents.'" Storage; fres trackage. Office. 810 Hoyt st. bet 6th and 6tOs Phones: Main 69; A-1189. PORJ1AND Vnn Storage Co- cor. litlj SPJ fta" 3uat Pned. nwt most mode-n storsge warehouse In utr, HVIu convn'ence for safe and proper handling cf goods; lowest Insurance rate in no-thwest; fres trackags, vaaa C p. PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. of rice and commodious 4 storr brick wsrehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables, north Sfi .cor1?r 2d ana pJn Piano !Mm,Ur.nU!ire. nlov.ed n(1 Packed for r-fr'ajiii. niKin DJD, 1VSH Ft5.til'-,,UKK' t.r.unA.movin5." City Hall M- 'U. A-47Z4. 266 6th. wi Johnson. 23 Union av,; Ree. Tabor a. Piano, furn. moving. B-20ii0: E. 4441. TYPEWRITERS ALL malceh rented, repaired, sold. Cun nlngham Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407 VETERINARIAN D c', Vs P' DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue ... Stables, East 72. S97. B-1369. WALL PAPER AND TINTING Mr.ljINIPCK & GROOCOCK, Inc., 189 4th. Mai,, 9ig3 Tinting, painting, wallpaper, paints, ollg and vnrnlHh WpJ RAESING, 282 3d.. Main'iTTn ralntlng and papering. Get otir prices. WELL DRILLING DRILLING Wolla a nuM.lln. Tv!ra,b wCa'1 Mal" "46 or write R WELL drilllner contrcf T w 39u Vancouver. C-2478. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING & KARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front si Portland, Or Phone Main 179. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS wit x y, kji. WADHAMS & CO., wholesule grocefi" -nmaoa urer" an1 coffee roasters. 4tb h11U''; WU PaPer Co.. imp and - : . -vuuirftHifs ana retail MORGAN WALL PAPKIt CO.. 230 2d St.. between Salmon ant Main. ALLEN & LEWIH-QRDCERIKS. PO&TlAatf RAILWAY, UOBT m TiCkFMrfaV!;?J"ijln Root'' PortlaSn' .VP t&L . V;, 1 3u a- m-' tnen every 30 minutes (on the hnnr a,w 1.' "'iiuwB, including r. ,u "..'.'. .l0 " 6:66. 7:45, 8 45. STb lo" ?? 2k ' 4KaikW 1 Trou tdale :55, -7:45 Bii Jm """""eaiaie po nt I A1 J f:4i,' 18:45 m- 1I:45- 2:45. 4 :! Tanconrer Lin. A- M. 6:15, (;50. 7-25 son i-ir. 9:10. 9:50, 10:36. li:lb. 11 60 ' 3 ' Li 'V:12:30' 1;50. 2:30, 3:10. ?:5A t:3, 5:10, 5:50, 9.36, 7:ob 7:40 ii-46 ' 10:00-- -VJ:"- iisia-' fhni,tjje tMVl Moll(Jay in every month the last car leaves at 7:06 p. m. Cars for Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let off pai- " v" ,, "c iu pick up pas sengers at all tr9nafer points. riry leaves Vancouver to connect Ith cars for Portland k t .J. 8:85. 7:10 10:50, 11:: 2:10 2ln 7:4. 8:20, 8:55, 90, 10:1C I. P. M. 12:10. 12;Rn. 1:30 3:30. 4:10. 4:60. .6 30, :?0 8:50, 7:26. iv.i).j, "ii:dy, "vlZ:UO. On third Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouvor at 7-S3 p. m. trjcaving time blackface, doubl,. Curs from V ancouver make no "tor." on union avenue between Portion boulevard and Burnside street except to let of f , passengers. . Dally except Sundays nBily except Mondays. Runs as local on Union svenue TRANSPORTATION S: S. GOLDEN GATE rOR TILLAMOOK, BAT CITS" AND GARBALSI. Leaves Washington st dock eVcry 5 days. rBEIOHT Aim PASSENGERS Phone Main 8619. A-2465 for information. COOS BAY LIlNtt Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. m. every Tuesday night Freight received at. Alaska dock until 6 p.- m., dally. Pas senger fare 1st class, J10; 2d class, 17, including meals and berths. Tickets on sale at Alns worth dock. Phones Main 888. A-1284. ' '' .- LiiUUAGB LICXN5E? Wedding T.d vlaiting card ensraver- and naonogtum stationers, Washington utuK., vviiBuiiiKivii bi uei. aru ana tin DRESS suits for rent U slues. Uniqu 'laiiorinyuo.. sow stars: st CLARKE BROS., florists, fin flowers floral daslgna. , 881 Morrison. t ' MEETING NOTICED 41 MT HOOD circle. No '"i nomi'n- oi , . Kuuuami, win give 'makC'blLt widnv 3 eTeg.March" 1911. east side W. O. W. hall. Ill East Sixth st. Admission, 'gents ' 50 ct-nts, ladies . 26 cents. Union music. - . f D " STA ft HO M EST EA D ' NO. , t. n i ., rneciB every vegneoay evening in Western Academy of Music hall, corner Second and Morrison. Visitor-welcome. 7 7 r: T YETTA HAINES, 609 E. Stark, - Correspondent. YOU are cordially invited- to attend Portland - ComnanVr-No. 107ri-Wi Or W., whist party and -dance, March 8;. W. O. W.' Temple. 11th st, bet. Wash, and Alder; union music and refresh ments. . ., WHIST Oregon Rose Camp K. N. of A.. Tuesday evening. March 7, in Swiss hall, 8d and Jefferson sts. Ele-gant-FlseSi good music f or -danci ng. refresnments. AomiHsion ito. ARBUTUS Circle No. 278 will give a whist and dance next Friday, evening, March 40, at their hall. 128 11th st. Admission 16c. Weinberger's orchestra. M, V. A . ROtb CITY CAMP Monday, t elllng-Hirsih bldg., Waehington nar WJt Phone f lurk. Main 9294. A-4881 7t N. A Oregon Rose camp, meets Tuesday evening. Swiss hall, td and Jefferson. BIRTHS WEINER To Mr. and "Mrs. Jacob Welner, 1371 East Hoyt street, Febru ary. 6; ...lOy.' .:. j HENDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Edward HendersoDo. February i a boy, AGlON To Mr. and Mrs. Israel Aglon, 1309 East Madison street, February 6; a girl. M'KEE To Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. 1472 Winona street, February-27; a boy. GOETTEN To Mr. and Mrs. Max Goet ten, 605 Carl street February 26; a girl.. WIGLE To Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wlgle, 606 East Caruthers street,. February 3; a boy. LASLT To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lasly, 72 Corbett street, February 11; a girl. WETTE To Mr. and Mrs. George Wette. 406 Fourth street, February 22, a girl. WOOLLEN To Mr. and Mrs, Howard Woollen, 701 East Burnsldc, February 21. a girl. 8TRONG To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Strong, 80S Oberlla street, February 28, a boy. 8UCKOW To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suckow, 401 Siskiyou street, February 18, a boy. CI 'NN INGHAM To Mr. and Mrs. HX A. Cunningham, Good Samaritan hospital, March 1, a girl. ROACH To Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Roach. Good Samaritan hospital, Feb ruary 26. a girl DEATHS AND FUNERALS FRAZIER The funeral services of Car rie M. Frailer will be held at the Mt- Olive Baptist church at 2 p. m., Sunday, today, friends Invited. In terment River View cemetery. Cl'SIC The funeral services of the late Kate CubIc will be held at Flnley s parlors at 4 p. m. today, Sunday. Friends Invited. Please omit flowers. Interment at a future date. COX March 4, at 388 Beach street, John Cox. age 11 months 18 days, be loved son of Harry J. and .Gertrude Cox. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services which will be held from the above residence today, Sunday, March 5, 9 a. m. interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. COFFEY In this city. March 2 at St. vinceni s nospuai, rauerBon v. uot fey, aged 65 years 6 months 22 days, father of Dr. R. C. Coffey. Remains taken to Drain, Orl, where funeral serv ices will be held today (Sunday). March 6. at 2 p. m. FREDERICKS -March 4, Thomas Fred ericks, aged 62 years. Funeral notice later. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 160 8th 'at. op p. Meier Krann s. Main Til. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee CnMorm very detail. 7th and Pine. Main 480. A-485S. Laiy assistant. J. P, nNLEY&SONaffiUJf- Lady attendant Main 9. A-1899. I rDrLl The east sid undertaker. Lr.niM Mdy assistant B-1888. East 781. East th and Alder ER1CS0N Undertaking Co.. Main 8138. A-2236. Lady ass t EAST 8JDE funeral directors, success- sor to F. p, t'unning. xnq. k. bs. p-itza EDWARD. HOLMAN. undertaker, 339 Id at Lay sssistsni. nam sin. ZELLER-BTRNES CO 694 Williams ave.: both nhones: ladv assistant CLASSIFIED AD RATEb In Effect February 1, 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CASH ADS S Lost and found, help wanted, situation wanted, to rent and wanted to rent ads, one cont per word or 15 words or less 15c per issue; 18 to 20 words, 20c per issue, 21 to 25 words 25c, etc. 3 Insertions for the price of 2. or 7 insertions for the pries of 5. All other classifications the cost per counted line is: 1 time, 8c per line. 2 consecutive times, 7c per line per insertion; .-,-3 - 3 or more consecutive times, 80 per line per insertion or 7 insertions for price of 8. No ad counted for less than 2 lines. CHARGE ADS. Rooms for rent, rooms and board, lost and found, and help and situations want ed, 7c per line as ad. sets up in paper. Other than contract ads. and coming under different classifications than above enumerated will be charged at the rate of: 1 time, 9c per line. 3 consecutive times, 8c per line per Insertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 7o per line per insertion. No ad charged for "less .than S Unei. Count 8 words to the line. Contract rates given on application. UNCALLED FCXt ANSWERS ANSWERS to claosifiMl advertisements which appeared In The Journal await those possessing certificates for the following numbers: A 128, 332, 334, 335 (2). 386. 840. 361 (2), 872 (2), 378, 380, 882, 88, S92, 893, 397, 404, 602, 611 (2), 615. 616. 617, 618, 619, 801 (10). fi ,831, 334, 337, 338, 840 (10), 347, 348, " 363, 385, 377, 381 (10), 386 (2), 387. 030, OUO. C 338 (8), 340, 368,. 873 (2), 376, 377, 9R& M C1A ti 11 mi in eic 1 617 (2), 618 (2), 619. D 345, 851. 354 (2), 356, 359, 361, 363 (4), 370. 372 (2). 395, 402, 611. E 17. 264. 339. 350 (3). 851. 356. 359. 3ai-Ul,-3fi3, 368, iZZr-ttiT-SXlUr 38, 38, 16 (2). , J F835 (2). 847 (2), 38, 1S (4), 871, ' 374. 876 (8). 878 (2), 384 (3), 388, 390, 898, 413, 611. : ! G 865. 388, 369. 87. 877. 379, 388, 601, y08rr04, 605, 808, '1 ''. --; H 339P841. 360, 361. 862, 365, 37, 379, 38J; 387, 392, 399, 800, H,r812, 18, J-r2S7."3!6. 333. 360. 364," 366: 378, 879, 888. 387. 889, 425. 669. 602.' K367. 376, 378, 389. 892, 404, 810, lit, 612. 616. -18.10. 331, 335. 336. 878. 376. 383, 386. 887. 402, -613, 616. M 278, 341. 343. 348, 878. 878 382, 886. 408, 601, 602, 605, 607, 608. 812, 618. N 370. 374, 379, 381. 882, 883, 391. 414, 602, 603. 606. O 834. 841, 368. 370, 378.- 894, 399, 40L P 885. 348. 39. 376, 378. &83, 390,. 600, .606. 607, 608, 609 674. R 106, 318. 332, 839, 340. 849, 872, 373, 375, 879, 883. 883 389. 404. 601, 602, 805. 60?. 607 ' 609. ' ' 1 j T 335. 348, 370, 875. 877. 380, 882, 388, 405. 801, 802. V 883, 888, 888, 71S. .',.., W--347. 871, 373, 891. 895. X-816, 344. 346, 870, 382, 384, 391, 394, 398, 407, 42. ' T S36i 343, 844, 881, .188, 660 v Z-r61- , . r.v REAL ESTATE TK.1XJ.ILI:. J CERTIFICATES of title mad by t iiu Trust company, Lewi LiJj in ana uas. Lfturelhurst Ca to Margatt-t . 11' " rrlhurat 3 Thomas W, Tandy . to Verona fjlsher, lot 18. block IT,' Capitol T. H. Stoner and wife to' George aiairora, lot" 13, block IB, fjacob Oef 1 n ger aid wife to V lit : nam Orahm Gray, lot L block . 24. Arbof Lodus 114 W. N. liathorna and wife h "...Charles -Wilson,. lots 2, 8, block- 6. Fiilty Park ..; 600 Gladys I. Osborne and husband to . C. M. Rynersou. lot 7. block 1. -Elberta.- ... ... - tit Vina M. Han Hon. administratrix, ,. 10 Kmii ruerer, lot 8, block 1, Slees addition . .., . "hi Title Guarantee Si Trust company -to Lulu Holmes plum mer, lot -11. block 7, South St. Johns .. . 209 A. W Tonlhander and wife to . . Caroline Tarnasky. lot 9,- block IX, Columba Heights ....... .$ 969 Charles Arata and wife to F. F. Haradon. lots 7 and 8, " block 116, East Portland .......... 15,000 w. it.- rieia ana wire to Mt. ,Hood fteUway A Power com ' pany, portion-of lot 8, Menlow Park also interest tn a strip 1 " ,12 feet wide on south side of . : , the 15 acre tract in section 84,' township 1. north, range 2 east.. 1.201 -ErHeld nit-wife-tothe-Mt- - Hood Co., lots 1, Z. 8, e, , and , block . Mabel vllle.... 1,208 Harvey O. Bowman and wife to . 4 William P. Herman et si, lots . j 9. 10 and 11, block 2, Eugenia Park ......... 1,809 Rose City Park association to Jennie A, Walker, lot 8, block . ' I04,-ose City Far r,..i..., - tow Same to Agnes Walker Duck, lot 2, block 92, Rose City Park.... Merchants Loan 4k Trust Co. to Anna M. Burgess, lot 17, block 2. Willamette1. Holt C. Wilson and wife to Ro-. alle Warner, land commencing 43.68 feet north of southeast corner of lot 7. block .6,., Brent wood , . . . . . ........,,.... . . Holcomb Realty Co. to Jeremiah L. Angell, lots 3 and 5, Beaver Acres, excepting a strip 212 feet wide off west. .......... . Inter-Urban Realty Co. to Wil liam H. Creighton, lot 8, block 11, Belle Crest V. ...... W. H. Moxon and wife to. Ben Ja in tne Tepper. beginning at the most northerly corner of lot 18. N. St. Johns addition to (St. Johns .................. Frank P. McGettrlck and wife to 271 - i v 12f 1.200 700 t$T M. J. Gardner et ai, iana ue- ginning on south liae of Sher- man street. 30 feel east of - " northwest corner of block X7, Caruthers addition to Caruth- ers addition -4,80 Jennie ' Michael and husband to W. XT. Koegns, ov " . Laurelhurst William P. Herman andA wife t Harvey O. Bowman et L lot 22. block 2. Arleta Park ...... Mattle E. Couey and husband to P D. Wilkinson, lot 11. block 5. Stewart Park ............ Julia Put man and husband to Eva L. Anderson, lot 3. block 8, Mt. -Scott Park ;.: "V' C. T. Wardlaw and wife to Sarah J. Lyon, lot 1 to 9. block "14. Northern Hill addition; lots 30 to 38, block 16, Northern Hill , addition Laurelhurst Co. to Thomas J. 6,750 400 SiO 600 8,909 Slica, 101 ZU, DIOCK O, WUiti- .A. hurst 1,100 Frederick Capell and wife 0 E. Adeline Darling, lot 3. block 7, City View Park 2.600 Jacob Keller and wife to Edward Seol, lot 11, block 18. Wllla-, mette . 809 J. C. Nelson and wife to Charles . Maxwell, commencing at north- . . east corner of lot 24, block 1 ' 3. Albion addition: north 30 feet of lot 24. block 3, Albion , addition Astoria & Columbia River R R. to Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad company, all property 2.700 both real and personal 01 saia first party ... . .... .. ... ... . 10 S. Grutse and wife to Ida L. West, lot 24, block 4, subdivis- , ( ion lots 23, 24. 25, 28 and 27. , Glenhaven Park 150 William Adamson and wife to Carlo Carlo Blsle et al, lot 14, block - 103, Sellwood.....i. ........... 800 Christopher M. Lake and wife to r , Susan L. Lake, lot 12, block 17, . ' Ken 11 worth addition 600 Orton A. Graham and wife t6 J. ' L. Hansen, lot 1. block 68. Ver- non addition - 1,50 J Williamette Realty Co. to Harry Burwell, lot . block IT, Belle Crest l.?M Laura M. Gammans to George T. Dougherty, lot 8, block S. South -Fairlan " !60 Jacob Born and wife to 8. L. . Brown, lot 8. block 4K Walnut Park -,50l Charles O. Carlberg to Jess , Brooks, west 40 feet of lot 4, block 8. Howes addition .. .. .. ' 1,750 LAWYERS' Abstract V Trust Co., room 6 Board of Trade bldg., abstracts a specialty. tiNi6N Abstract Co 41J-4l3 Corbett bldg.- TeL- Maln 88. - - - - - - PACIFIC Title Trut Co. th leading a b tractors. I Ch. Conu ground floor. NEW TODAY In every city in the world bring- tht highest price for 1 residence purposes. Is tt good Judgment on tout part to pay more for a lot way out on the east side with absolutely no view, than you would have to pay in beautiful "ARMONA"? On the west side, on th river and electric . line, with station right-on-the ground,-fr the finest boule vard in the northwest The iew. is simply grand.- v 1 v- LOTS TXOH $450 IT8 UrCLTTDIirO 8TBBBT XMTmOTX SIX STS, CBKBUT 8XOBWALK8I A99 - - - WATBB BCAZBS --;. - and your own terms. Let us show you this property, you will enjoy thi trip, Agents, 315 Chamber of Commerce Bldf. Tlie Gowan-MoFe Co. Agents. 81.5 Chamber of Commerce bMg. Phone Main 184 or A-4298. ID ; 'A few "corner left, near '. carline. on Sandy Road. John W. Cookmanafjer of Rowmere, will bs pleased to give inforirca .' tion regarding them. , -COOK&TAYLC?. "Successors to , F. E. Taylor h Ox 402.3.4-5 Lev Is T " -View:;,;: Property ROSfflE f.wr-;r, Wi's''y'y'r,iiiij "4fsy -HyiV&-!