The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 32, Image 32

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As Tin a I nrrra QtrorArtm . SALE by private family; busi; CIItCKENS andeggs for Ml. & C W. BAT. you leg wreary hohunter; hero 1 Rafcrpr'! Alirtinn HniI5P SFnOND'HANIj OARS t -t'- . "AN t DIEGO. 1 - v
' r InS Lafge OlOrerOOni1 V nesaor pleasure outfit, consisting of leghorns and Butt Rocks. Eggs 11.60 is a snap, step In and buy everything DdlKcJ O -ttUUIUII nUU-C OC.UUIMU ..flAMl wlW I .own a I acre tract near carllne and -
fet'-pecMly- well located for handsome golden chestnut horse, age , for 16. I have an eastern strain of In a modern, completely furnished six-. Formerly of the ' Dollar Furniture STEARNS, 1909 model, 4 cylinder,' c1ob to the bay. Has 16x20 tent house
I ardware. - Wing -the ' beat ' location on weighs 1100 lbs. absolutely safe andkind large vigorous heavy laying Leghorns room cottage, rent only tit per tnon,th. ' House, now located at 870 East Morrl- , 3Q-n H. P. Equipment: Top, r and 40 orange and lemon trees in full ;
the wst aCffFTirt the Orand Union build- without trick or vlca In harness or sta- including first priie cockerel at last Everything good, five piece roahoganj. son. . will . buy all kinds'- of- furniture, glass font. gee tank, clock, de-. beadnavAll. of tract under Irrlga- . ,
ii,g. 891 UasVBurnstda at.; will lease ble; can be cared for or driven by a lady Portland ahow. Come out and see them, parlor set, massive brass bed, alumin- stoves, bankrupt . stoeksj restauranta. mountable rims . $3500 tion. V ill take $1000 trade .In Portland .
for- year or longer to propert parties, to steam, electric care or automobiles Yards at Ardenwald, Estacada car line, urn kitchen utensils, 14 producing chick-1 hotels,- etc . W 111 eeir real .estate or gTEARNS. 1909 model. 7 p-ftsen- " property- and balance at 111 per month.- - -
JicCirgar, Bates A Uvely. JIB Tailing and Is a perfect family or business Address W. B. Brown, Box IS, SeUwood ens, three large chicken hpusea and livestock on commission, city or coun- ger, 4 cylinder. 0 H P. Equip- . lhis is a sightly place and cheaper than
f,1 - horse, as he will work In any kind of a station, Portland Or. - ' runs, electric lights In house, basement try. Phone Bast 1022. .. . , . meAt:--topVirtMaironL eiwedo- tflolntof-taj:-;!; ...
' 1 1 rig and Is a grand roadster? must be ,,. . " t . and chicken houses. Two blocks from 3. H BARGER. meter, gat i tank, . demountable k , W,H- PJ;T-
vV7'77 -777'v..777:.i:Vr:-' 8 en and looked over to be appreciated; EQG Tancred'a, trapinested White W- Treraont station on Mount Scott 'line. WANTElA-People of Portland to know rime, 'l extra caajng . 1800 Room 1. Railway Exchange bldg.
"'tiWi.5 saVin n Trmt has but few auperlors in either confor- hens one ofc the greatest laying 6gl7 e. 60th, or Woodstock eve. . ,. that I pay the highest cash price for PEtrRl.rc?t ins w,i b.aaen- ' Wan ta QnrrAiu t 1 KAA
-5aAgigtt itfyagggt rMustacrifice-r -sfera&v''- rafJwiLf:
' sufar-sr-?:' sa&-tss TVF::d ,"JiffiMrte jESSS"
:v.t-J'.-'. r.l.-.-' - iretlter. Wee foirlmmedlate 200: n - RHODE ISLAND REDS. twolvlnghalreHixia, rug, eafe,-good 1711. .168 HAwthwne. Mela? Furniture S". Wind! V.r- , HflrnrmvP Qmic 7
U 3 j 7 warranted and trlal allowed. -Can- be Eggg from my best pens of select n9W a5d the very best! been used Co. . , Ki ing? . Muipment. , wlnar ... . ' rjallOVc QL OOllS
fioUBLE elor. 3d at. near Jefferson. At New Tork Club sUbles, corner thorughbred stock 1.B0 and 2. C K. S'ly a month i If you are r.wan,tlng aome WAirTirT-v.,r tinttnV ta ti r,. hleld, top ,..........,..,. 100 - . 122.N.- 6th st, t" .
fine stand for bakery ( and delicates- i5th and Alder, inquire for Mr. Kap- Carlton. Lents. Or., R. F. U I. Phone Sfflce firtituro d notTBhl5 in? -iVMSZ'ti&i'thl J?, ah VaR?- MAXWJBLL, i' eylinder,.-! 'paaaen-' '.''it- Phwe Main 4381. '.
: "li"!' Vrb0?o ' outfit.- , Main 8900 or A-llg'i. . l"lMlit ltV& vF faK iuaSW oo r-CHAJTOt4
niirM Arply ;T,featv aSrrafi: Sggg SSSSnSS "lSdSS
HALF f new three Se' n'eVlf ? tSUTiVSl o'Uawni?.1 'X idh!ermnhaa2ur?4?ew8th ?hre2 g-ft."! fintl6 'W?r0 '80 V'Xl Jam' of iS fa?" rC,'pdnS V
. Miihfhhin, ' lowed! 60S Ald2?7t - ' BUFF Leghorn eggs for hatching; get TOTAL adding counters, no CRANK to yngLl!-S PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1908 model, . will give or take difference. "
r?lto-bJ-U5M05a U?autt tei 60S Alder St. from chickens that wlU yank around and around, no expenalve NTEpSecondand card , tahles. flr,Vclaas Tconditlon , 100 . - W. H. BUOY.
fef J? ten,s- ong lelw A. O Long 1125-palr meiSnd hamess-$125. I.rfrom oens headed by prise winner;. ELECTRIC motorj price MMpj. .gQg f1"0'."?81? 9W ' RBOjl cylhider.TTfT passenger, - Roem---l. Railway-Exrhanga hldg. V "
Madison a. brid. Simon. Bra "fbl single , RINGER CHmv, IN gjtl "JU, "
FOR RENT Store with 5?"n'1'''8v "iiI wards. 60S Alder st line. Tabor HI. " ;Be7naenln7a fo?' rent by . weefc "n4 ve..-,B.10H. - -. . y0LDg -
vad at8w."rt"iuV&'oe! fin hv- 1-00 Ibrrei mare aae I A FEW sittings of eggs from my choice or mont 2d hand machines of all kinds BE WiSE; get .r-sr. for your aecond OTP ,r..;. purchased, C " -
vS0 HmBerviIS
r?& oA1- lbuy. 5 yeaToTdlapple grey mare. tOTtt 10 SLiGHTLt used sewing machine, wTmhas the best launch or hull for S?S wSSStl 000 on' iTr al estate
tor.OffeeTalnh4t90."7-H'mlt- allowed. lOAhler . .t LUTf "slcts ."Si US &5a WANT fimOregon ode. ,SJ&rim cgt'8YT , ,
fewte.lte good' woSe,' LlLrSyF gTOBa' 1
St used et.E.1 9,1 Orand. arney,, Chamber of Com-.
. IS, buvsOOy horse, a little rnngena!o '. FOR SALE- AUTOMOBILES 44 MOMHT IP LOAl?
M g r 606 lfee -MarKuer p ; THAT MACHINE OF MalnMn S: VV '
Hi-V-.w ' . PRARIE STATE Incubator. New. 150 stove for laundry, 6 foot standing desk, MUKS NBW AOAIN , -" r- - - ; ' ' ! i Rnrrniu MnnflH
business district rent reasonable :2S5 Complete ranch outfit $285. egga. Chatham Incubator. Bargains. 6 arm chairs. Ill Union ave. Ever machme Balnted by ue la backed '-'"'' - '-' - -a 'v, ; ',:' - ; v DOmOW IVlOney
OROCERT store for eale, owner leaving consisting of team of mares, ages 5 and Black Minorca cockerels. 673 E. Ore- .... " ' mnn . . . bv 22 yeara of Dractlcaf factoiy ex- '.,:2''''. yr',U'y:l:li4:Wif'-'"--' ---i.-C'i-'fe:'",n-t'
town, 154 N. 14th.- Phone Marshall ,, blocky built and closely mated; true gon, near 18th. -; " IM MOO fl perlince T "nsurlng Mgh-ciM ntlbMi- ' -'v'-v--: Qalarv I " Ari Donl
g08. No agents need apply. , , , tapull,nr tAA THOROUGHBRKD Barred Plvmouth AW:ilylLL UVtSSfc SSS ".pJff. MCTiyiilM ' '
FOR RENT Part of store bldg., cen- r; also of heavy breech ngharness Rock eggs $1.60 and 11.25 for 15. Few Second hand Advance. cataclty JO 000. personal supervision, even fo the 0 UaffTiUP U yUyUy '' ' ' '-: " v.'4?ft.icurtiS-' "'. , i
trally located. Inquire 251 Jefferson. J7B w.ed'; VVaVt. MRd !y ft Jgr? 0 t f7nlUlS Wf 'iV Ihtert
. Horn:- - ,M trialallowed. 505Ader at SnrtnVtcX prlxe winning SgW ne ' TWf WAX AUTOMO- QHILE CLEARiC M8E State SBCUt 00, '
HCrTETj" PORTLAND '- guropeaa plU Ibf tffl an1 trliegd W&g-nte 101 qm Wig'" Union ave corned East Dev., st. , - asl,n Sts
only; 8. 15 day. true and reliable under any and all cir- merclal st 10 acres at Bcaverton. smaU house. 80 DATS' TRIAL ALLOWED. ARTHUR H. HERTZ, Manager. " ' M6NEY FOR tilVERYRhhY ' " '
' BELVEDERE Burnpean. 4th and Aidsr. cumsunces: this iteam will do as nyich CORNISH Indian .the best general pur- good wil, all fenced, $2000, half its real A chance seldom "available, $800 cash . Do you need money todavl '"if sV pome v
. , : ' .', 1 F ' work aa a team that cost $600; cal I and p08e fow,, eggs $2.50 per 16; a few vjlue,erms. V-4 62. Journal. will purchase Overland 40. 1910;"haa . - - to me and I will helnvou out I ad- -
--WWliTllC TO TlTlVE "i- - 4B be convinced; trial -allowed,, ,605 Alder birds fo sale. Call or write, H.Wei9- JoR SALE A 31 foot cabin launch, only been used five weeks; ! -fully We are exclusive dealers In used - vance money immediately and strictly "
; WHERE 10 PIK V -i 48 - enbom, 1194 E. 7th N. - attlble foVtowlngt Pleasure larches a,JP2Jitt2l,!LV, ' W.iS l"-. of a few of confidentially fnralturV$
ruirvvQlti'nr Wednesday and Stfn- I HAVE Just bought a stock of harness EGOS for setting. . I'll furnish eggs If from $260 up. -v 8hl eIyr P."; ?' 'i i"8 !8 2?jKDa,r.!H,n,;.VialBO ha.vV eSn9lIl ! "p other securities. ' Reasonable
ARVMoVhTs KUchen95 Glisan from a concern that Is bankrupt I you furnish Incubator, and divide the . W. H. 4 E. VON DER WERTH, ru,iA nJt KEPd ft Van Si'fl1. J.? .w., can. trl9 tor ttnt Lates, ' Interest M.. Maiden. ' 803-04 "
day et Motner-g Kitchen, Z95 uusan. t fnt ,eBB than g0 cents on the chicks; also need a few setting hens. ' East end Morrison st. Bridge. "JKrJf&uES .w .t,,,!I2,",iti2.52 olM" cHy real estate or paper. . - 8wetland bldg. , ,
fmn RU-TT W4TTJ M do"'- The stock Includes work har- Phone Tabor 895. Green. 278 fcth st. HOUSE and lot In business location. J'lSji-rth M mlch today RelloS - : 1 . X f Willi nan Vntt Uanau '
FOR RE5T HALLS 9 ne8s, bunn ; harness, sweat pads, blan- R ., RED $1 13 R j r. and paved streets, for Sale or trad,; will J ? lni wloi and Vlf Sarticlflars 1 Holsman , . , 1825 VYIII LOafl YOU MOneV
TZZTT rTTTTtTT. Eet"' ritwnld vh,ng' ,tolfca- lat"h"''tc1; a C. W. Leghorn roosters for sale, accept, good auto, either roadster or 6 0an be had Jjv calll 4 Maxwell Runabout ' :' ?-' i?2
THE Drew hall for rent, any night in' I am going to sell off the entire stock 29th and Holgate sts. Phone Sellwood pasaenger, in trade. Address Box I, V & a .n Blck Model 10 ?' 'isSo LowMt .' interest See me first
the week, m 2d st at a slight tfS'ttfS: gftft t fc second hand oool and bimar li&U J, E, Nichols '
, WANTED- TO RE3TT ? TVX ? uST SS3? j!SioSISS - J- TrlOO BuTrModef 4' h! p.'I.Tl S " Bu"d,ng.
r SS SJJrS: grTal10 Prtla"d 0t fr 8-4'9' aV-:OT n 093ker .S& inll "2? W of MM
.'keeping room and 1 unfurnished room "arness k,o., onn oin t, ",'"' . ; . Balke-Collender Co 4 6th st dltlon, cost- $Jo00. Price $1150. Thia sturthaker ftarfoni "in-' "5i7Rft pianoa or any cersonal nraDertv week.
8 OR 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms Unr-pc. fnr Cp . Phnn,gEaBU705 ' 7 bow aid lde lifhti. llf preervera, f uU 6 L MMelt fnllv em.lnned 1400 jLomaa -cyl. 7 passenger 4000 f HWf 2"H WaaAlngtoB
by middh aged couple. , StaFe price nOlbea I0l OdlC !v "? v 1 -v ; 1 equipment; will trada. Webber Broa.' 190a ' Stearns 6-Cyl, Roadster, 90 h. p t, between 4th and 6th sts. ;
and particulars. Must be reasonable II horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. BUFF Orpington eggs from winners at Tannery" Fulton CV?iTOi?iJi?USA. fifc- .,...$500? ilONEr advanced s.tiarltd people. houae.
L-441. Journal ' 2 horses, weight 1760 to 1840 lbs. last Portland show; also record cock Iutt t -In .m. ' ......'l A;:, , 831 bvrett- Mam X649- V keepera and othera upoa their wn
10 horses, weight 1400 to 1800 lbs. and some fine cockerels., McLean, Mann WILL .U bw. ' &JJSZ FOR SALE 1 1909 model Reo auflfc S aamea without aecurityr cheapest -AtiL
FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 88 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. station, W-W car. Pjt c'' horP''e' Pin passenger, newly painted and thor- All these cara fully equipped and easiest . payments; tfnew to (ftffi
-v. All will be sold under our guarantee. 60 HEAD good dairy cows, all tubercu- K 1 t !sf u Xrion ougnly overhauled, is in a No. 1 con- guaranteed. - ipal dUea; sav money by getting our
-GARDEN for rent; 12 acres, between HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. lln tested; also one pure bred Holstein 09lal'-. , V, " 0n Morrison. dltion and is equipped with , windshield, i iWma. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange.
22d and 26th, near Powell st-Phone 420 Hawthorne Ave. bull. See Mokel-Bruee Co.. today at FflT Sa 6 extra casing, etc. A YI' ' i ti - , , . . ; ' ' :
A-6982. . Union stockyards. Woodlawn 2400. . . . '. -Jr'j5 ,,0 one Morse roadster, 10 H. P.. cost A-2234. Phones Main 692 Quick loans on furniture and I
TO LEASE for term of. yeara, ware- &AST SIDE Exchange Stables, 270 E. EGGS from prize winning Barred Ply- CaTi 65 Auferta t Sews A cfwk. Dlinted" thSroLhl" PoverhaSle pia.tor.g. receipts, life lasu I
house and Wharf with switching facil- 7th near Hawthorne ave. 25 head of mouth Rocks. T.60 per ffetting; eggs v . 11 Alberta st. sears ft Ciarg. ga,J?ea ant dh 0mS5J?wat one "witi - Sixth an Madlana ta "ce oih:es. llveetock. real estate, I .
itie. Fire protection. R-465, Journal, s .rriv edrom east. HJkXSn 8A,yS-New 1 & A I
;PF. ' rx.d a0 iaVna,y.tpg TaEr f Pond 0reson- tocr credit
II httati rnm a tn a .n mtm Ant h 8125 to $25 a pair. lawn 1835 Wd FOR SALE-Balance of our stock oi , LanOT-DrOS. - - h M tt ilWU W
and sound, fat and ready to work. Will JUST off R. R. work. 18 head horses and wanted A rood milk M. rir.t mou Chatham bdera at lust half Amq Qnrinor WnrkS - Ablngton. 10SH Id at
e shown In harness. 1 steel tire eur- mares, weight 100(1. to 1600 lbs.; some MVLn A ft wmT.m! 41 price. Corner E. Yamhill and Union nuw 'il')&,tv" .U1 . '
rev, almost new, cost 1165; will sell for very good farm horses; 2 good teams of Corbet? bldr aviJ?!l0iJeJ?ljyii 1 .nW", ""l aBl"f i",'! J?i JEJ?.! IF you own a lot and wish to build we
TIZJA Bro?.' wVrirnVanf Slxp lay Ing hooded Barred Plymouth f! Z$ &ffSl BARGAINS THAT ARE BAR- do anY J QH
XEJPSSR Fpo..eAhwhe!dh tTl Ttro wS"'- .Claybourneave. Sell- ,.t.,. PPrec,ated, Ad- fift 7r! TWO HA R T-KR A FT LIGHT LOWEST RATrna''""
besoldat asacrifice tottlenphe 6 .?!f&2& " reed! FULL blooded ' Buff Orpington laying NEW No. 5 model , Oliver, typewriter, XJXjS' -SSshiu idll buXW oh.Ur 'rtff STu'ST "Sn
STif11 U between Overton and i6io MacaSam at; through week 127 pullets and hena, 18 per dozen. 86? with leather traveling case at less " near Bwrpalift Marshall 1482. T waVonse aDacftv olf Loan Co., 81 Lafayette bid 6th Waah '
Pettygrove. Salmon. Wflllams ave. than agent's coat Inqufte at 95 Front . - - t , 1500 lba Md are it &e tfelni MONEY to loan large loan! a soecialtv
FOR SALE cheap, a first clan team: $150 buys team 0 mares and harnes. WHlTB Orpington egg. for hatching; st, city. - ',,.. ' ' 110 AVJ"t ''to ' ffilni lwnV it ffA'Pra. &
epund and true; single or double, 7 and mountain spring hack, also big . either Kellerstrass or Philo strain. GOOD as new. 240 egg Old Trusty -eSfhtPi JF , hm,V 1 nn nn!i ONE E. M. F. FIVE PASSEN- wrante. W. O. Beck, 312 Falling.
aEMlJwrt?nt4 and Madison, 1303 Wilbur st. Phone Woodlawn 2695. "incubator and brooder, $12. Geo. SaranteeS Btcndiuon ftlS GER, used about 6 months, Just T6 LOAN on dwellings, $1700 In I or 3
good puller Tnls stock" ean be takeS h0UBe 1n Fark' FOR SALE-On? thoroughbred Barred Cook, Wichita. Gresham or Cazadero $m h, no coPdIUo-.. been overhau led by expert - me- . amounts. Slight cnaraV to SmwVr.
on trla ' Miit Mil m JcMunt of Set 0NE Btock lle, $10; i light set oi Rock, cockeTel. Phone Woodlawn car. ' ' . chanics, in first class condition; , Any good location; Ward, Allsky bldg.
nesa. Call 14 Union avenue. Bring this j; .arnB Vfa6;01L "i"16 : - - FOR SALE-Kelley steam drag saw. Portland Automobile Clearing House. on mi, Everett used RESIDENCES financed and built ' A.
ad with you. harness $4, 685 Missouri ave. Wood- FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rocks. complete, in good shape; price $75; 1 6th and Madison stsreets, Portland. Or. ibrnt Bon mil fr lTmM C. Furlong, contractor, 681 Chamber
TWENTY ' head eastern Oregon horses awn m 1 ' ' ' prise winning stock; hens, pullets set of separator trucks; prfce $25. Ad- - . , ul 0 A ,lfor l tdhe.T't of Commerce. Main 4564. '
rd Tmareawe?ghng xr"oi0to ?gf ff IVLW and ro08ter8- T'4"' Journal- dress Lincoln st. city. Phones A-2234 and Main 692. "hnflV&WT&i MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry:
1400, to be sold very reasonable If kW..k S.W 'h .P!f THREE roostera for sale, Rhode Island f Qft SALE cheap. 1 Iron bed, folding HAVE customers for J Chalmers-De- will be sold at a bargain. . , strictly confidential. 141 H 3d at.
.taken at once. All horses sold subject ?! nou"' ,tn UwtBorB Red. Plymouth Rock and Minorca. go-cart, 1 clothes wringer, 2 lawn- troits, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 , Stev- Now. Mr. Bargain - Hunter, look - near Alder. -- -
to veternarlannspectlon. Can be Been i'1 71'.. . Address 835 Union ave., corner Mill. ,weJ. 1 mall launch. Inquire at ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 these cara over; they will stand a $700 f6r ' good " suburban niortaaiia
at private barn, 810 E. 6th. near corner YOUNG mar 1100 pounds, warranted EGGS Thoroughbred Black Minorca." m mh 8t' "outh of Washington. Bu ck. 1 Ford and 1 Packard. Cart rigid examination; make me an slight expense to borrower'' Ward ll4
E. Wket at .to work, single or double: 2 spring 7 . FLOOR coverings and some furniture, jailed for and delivered. Free storage, offer; no reasonable offer re- Aliiky bldg r"ower: , war!. f V
kuST eell 2900 lb. team, mare and 9 Harold. Phone Sellwood PhoC WoodiawTlOsT0 Cleveland ava- . large mirror fnd fine banjoes .room ftff anonatratloB. For quick result - lliOO 000 on mortgage,, city o, f., '
hm&& ssrt o srjrz r i z -
SSlJk&i 1820 mah W00dl EmHT,choic. cow. with fin. little Ir- pPHce. -Heltkemper Cigar factory, 161 gtearni. pny ctr'fV 1 lM&&SjZ
ha WW'b 1000 lb horse LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY SA -"ff HOUSE boat for sale; suitable forca- Vr fiixr 'l
good"rupu!ler,bfVea - - f81001 fOyMRT 85 WANTErWerBey cow coming fresh; e 0r' Ander" 0n- cara Bher- S'.Sr at "40' " p' 7 oonAlJon. Caa dimon.ra y tfmel MORTGAGE loan, 6 WTwlZrZraft :
mares 7 and 8 years old. 2150 lbs., har- WHITE Leahorn eaT Hawkins rh. tested; must be cheap. N-4ffl, Jour- ma";,V y, ' ' Portland, Or. , will sell on time to responsible party. and farm property. ; 2057 Couch bldg. ' ,
jsararaMsaa KSW R6cK.riam lS5a,. "&M&ssrastts J-L- WM$&MW; .
walk fS mE o,h iI'K?,e-!tSf!oJ5' Strong, healthy stock. Eggs for set- OR SALE 1 freeh Jersey cow. 3721 Jornai,? ' y w Fr . ""' Call or see G. A. Cobb, 541 TillamooTi kt 01f i9utina JSn fL1 7, MOKTUAOJfl LOANS. 6 7 PER CENXT
,mJ1oouth- Inquire for H. G. ting. $1.60 for 15. Guaranteed fertile. th at S. E Take Mt .Scott car to -. ' flnnr .H, gnnH aM Phone Eaat;8863. it5"eJLmsrTV50 Pwn--ufo,f. I0.1 trn"1 LOUIS SALOMON, 838 STARK ST.
: t ' 1117 Hawthorne ave. Get off at 87th Kern Park. 7 blocks N. 2 blocks east. FOUR, foot cigar floor case, good aa " ', 1 1 -t r t if dealred. Phone Marshall 1058, -c . -V rfiiMa'1 mwffiPKwiir"
lti t0 buy g00d WHITE Wyandotte and Black Minorca FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs and 566 Harney "Ve'lleHwoo'd'- BargainSl BargamS . $350 Kimball piano for sal $160 cash; Newtonflll" HenWg.
lllXsPtZL, and new har- jgg d" HSgCas!Sg. EhsiT A8 SSj-aT Ai'4, mtn Wuga, TfUefbg: QCK .Sy 'ol , S. W.
ness. weight about 2400. sound and RhHw 12S0 ' Bet,""g- - tn it-.q. BRAND NEW ISO ohonograph end 60 WHTTTr ,n.. ln it .h. 'hinJ IIU wilt bar mv A i" Kimball" piano' K'ng- 48 Washington bldg Main iat.
Sogs for hatching; good DOQ8 AND HOUSEHOLD xWS 63 6! SHliS? f"" ' SSagZH
.4yar 5 :rCraV"ri j ortss?yertptt: Sgpg iSFS n .
stt0 lW COlUmb'a 8t"ble8' o fefit hrsaleiburg' &J&&JSE gng" 't?' j TZ Tl' FOR SiLE-1910 Auburn automobile, LOST AND FOUXD 21 il or $2000 toan, city property..
I-Ann u Z u : r-c- E 38th ni Thomwon iunaourg, ern Eluding New York .Boston, FOR SALE 36,000 second hand brick. excellent condition, fully equipped ZrZ,-, ,, J- R- STIPE, 723 Chamber of Com..
GOOD chunky horse, weighs 1100 lis., pM-ZnfaFn ? u Philadelphia, etc. Further information . price 12.60 per' thousand.. Inquire. 814 casing good as new, has been run about t tRR-R AT TtFWA-RTWTo v orJ ' 11 "'
4-harneas and buggy; sound and tVue ?"5il?H.BES FU Leorn address W L. Fulmer, 418 Board of Lewis bfdg., or phone Marshall 474. 4000 miles. Price $1200. Phone Sell- Ut?J -7tain? L o W ht PERSONAL 23
' Svenn'; JnZlhJ t0xTIn8rley iSlrasai? TBh.nl0Wa seParator- Trade bldg. Main 906. A-73S2. FOR SALE Gentleman's bicycle, al- wood 976. worklna gl? T to 1228 Denver ave Phone
Jf . " . . " . 1 V USe- N 8L c ! E- Tamhlll. FORS SAI cheap, female Alaskan most new, also set beautiful furs; WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ffij iBM " ave. Phone SANDERSON CO., SUvln and Cotton
J TEAMS, 8000 and 8400 lbs., souad and R SALET150 e ,8urS htchtlncu- ' gpltx. 18 montha old. Inquire 368 E. will sell cheap. Phone Marshall 2588. YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES- Ta onft . r a Root pni9 ure "medy, for delayed
r- true. With or without harness and bator and brooder; also 2 Philo brood- 6th st ' .. , cheao 1 smoke hood 7 feet! TATE, SEE US FIRST, FLETCHER FOUDA horse about 900 lbs., found periods; 2 box Tr 8 boxes 6. Druggists
'waF01b ?pa?rl'SarS?' HI11 80re: wi" Prl,e' 12- Phone ColuDla ,166- wtLt furnloh good homo for Tvatoh dog ui table for rnVe K sto.Vplr- & McXNTIRE; 808-4 Board of Trade J aZlft" or mall' T, J. Pierce, 245 H Morrison at
J' ! V RJ Stab'e' 289 Bu8Be" Bt- KGOS for hatching from, pure bred Collie, ShephK tlculars. Call at 267 Finders st." - Phones Main 8325, A-1018. V of Vancouver car . , Owner call TW0 young business men 'WiSTthTie:
, .WANTED A goad team of work hore uRhode lBanll.Red8'1 1,2.B Per 898 N-461, Journal. ' an foot launch, 4 horse engine; clutch, WILL SELL a 6 passenger Fxanklln V ? '" w" , , qualntance of two young, ladles; 00-
in exchange for a vacant lot. Call Thurman st. Phone A-2179. FOR SALE-Two f'lne nedla-rea English to "aide curtalias make Iffer. P-465 cheap to right party, equipped with A PLACE to have your clotnes steam jct. matrimony no flirts need apply. .
JU Corbett bldg. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggsi "feTrleT T 335 Cla? a T or A-4411 Journal 1 ' loosetonneau truck. body windshield, or to-JOMiiUMM K-464rJoamai. : - - -
" SOUND 6-year-old horse- good light U.6 eetting; -ratesperHmdred. felW -f.."" rneT- ,t f.:-iX, OH BALE or rent ioaamgand " holating tra casings; guaranteed in Al shape. Inn Cleaners. Wash:, opp. 18 th. A-1856. feEXOID A marvelous cure, for weak-
delivery wagon with closed top; also wood 1335. ONE Wu. eyed white Artgora female Rfway Equipment Co W-wo" B-1017. pOST-A brown and white bull pup; 5 bVmen; money returned if it
Wness. at a bargain. 302 Front st S. C. White Leghorn eggs for setting, r'tered cat. 84 Gibbs st. South, i8rft Both phones P ' WANTED 6 or 7 passenger automo- Jpa , Y J18?' Criar' ffH. Pr,ce k T-- J- p'erc' Wor-
tyje. lr llodacaIOf- 761 MU" FOR B MISCELLANEOUS 10 1 LoIEa S engraved 'W. SctiVEPrlv'at,. competent- and '
" Pws and farm too.,: 1004 MilwBf't FOR SALE A fine tuberculin tested 'GZZ'TZTZZZrZZ 1 TT BecondPst. S ?' Albert "! ' 8 l&l20 : Owner. H Libber ,.-07.r Reward. ,Uall ast82 or Or' "rfilable;- secret investigations made! , ,.
goanle ooa 83 me?ly- fcnLALSV SSoOTin feg Tuto bargains see 'the Custom UNDVhit, and brlndU Bull Ter. .ty"Je
g' "" FOR SALE Two fresh cows and Eng. WhE7ro gaA su h'aVKr 7" "'" if STEVENS 16 year. Portland'.
. 'VbrLrZUni 0t:A workTBuT ."h aetter' tra,ned- 458 Vancouvfr Kheads in tie l;vemachine has FOR SALE-oAsollne woodsaw. . in f owant 331 Evemt Vib1MI .l-J V.,0 pUf 2P?S&&JZhtlV&?X
rK haefi8 AM for 426 attachments and is guaranteed. All good running order, with upright en- hir .uto'tlrVa 6 c oar lb . deliver;' ., day- .Ca lrTabor ,2S43;, , , 1 .',, J? ,f0B4Kjfu C Irf l7 corner ftht.
E. YamhIH. Phone E. ,1582. FOR SALE 30 pairs of young homer makes eold. rented, exchanged and re- gine. 1178 Hawthorne ave. 'au,ner tube" ' lc "a lb deliverea ', . viV4WriAT ' ' ni ? Yamlrill, Corner 7th st
3TBIO, cheap 1fi6"j , work orlM t pigeons mated and working. Address, paired at the White Sewing Machine lfT K Oowns t lloreil aui ta"a riosinn We alao buy copper- bras' cast iron. " HNANCIAL, - 01 THE Lonesome club; correspond .with
, .tradcf for smaller rse i09 E 2sth Route 1, box 23, Lents. Or. ' Office. 420 Washington St.. cor. llth, SIia2uin " coit- a 3 fie ChS? J tw ill cSfumbla st . M 6198 rT ZTV",?m'? " 1oyjPl',"wduotlona by malt, get . 1
it WondHtock car tn . .; . h . .... . : Tel. Main 8102 Home A-t02. ,-FE.r , ln ? , ' neaP' f1 "7 ,Vv'unTPl' r'"?- WILL pay cash for builders equities or married; wealthy members. Send 250 ,
wmn S .. "rl? &avl?T$L ?. 'SVJJiL7 OARPVT ftnrt r.ig weaving from r 658 .Flanders st. Main 8251. WANTinrv-Antomoblies to trie. re- first and second mortgage or con- for paper. Box 251, ; Seattle, Wash.
Wrb'ber Ly5!unK cami new varo' WoodYawn 2400 ' at atock- CAaf K?)d ingfafn carpets- bring o? FCHR SALE-Good$86.00 hotel range ' pajr and sell Have property to trade tracts. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. WANTED-By lady of.28 yeariTiolmxe
$250 808 E !s"h WoS v"U for wnir- in A . Tn t5 T Phone your order. "to "ill till at' ov8-,,0ood,lier- 50-60 ca8n' r ar. . Co umbia Auto Co.,-xUnion jTlOO A-l real estate paper. dlBCoant' .cliSe Of UtlemanbctwMn "5
l4 u . . Uoo,ist0 car. RHODE red I eggs at 770 Macad- or. 3d and Madison st Take Haw! Phone Woodlawn 1321. ' ave and Weidler. - 20 per cent for cash. X-l 21 6. and 40 years: objoc't. theatres, etc. -.mat
,ti.'ii'E,V?ion ae- and Shaver, Ha :oaa' near Grover. $1.50 per set- fhoVne ave" car. Tabor 2919. GASOLINE Wood Saw. New- 6-horse- FIVE passenger Franklin, in first class rlmony if sujted. T-460, Journal. -
Jrlcheap'P "g a"d Pholst -'" ,hnrn .. , . m..1, plM.,. ,,.V power engine. Phone M. 9546. - condition. Thia , is a i snap . for cash; LOANS WANTED 80 YOUNG gentleman of good addrebs d .
FOR PAI EBhtrk m.r. hhI ! if reeUinx 743 E Utt SS eariea 10 persons. House and ho1s FOR SALE-6 h. p. gasoline -engine inKl X J i fith --rr--.. . alrea tile acquaintance ofayoung
-!; .K' ar'' Hnd ,)a' horse. , Ji PT ae",nK- 743 E- 10tn ".Not mrtmiet a mmi If tiikcn "ni'tt I "n-L!;.n- -ahalLUSX-gr-r-JjaJterrrg-Jfittr.- if you Tiave money to invest . lady; no objection tO,widowsf object .
tortTvemmmwt-m -T2&'r InTun.n ' i..iL1i V -with the 'Control ftr. Ask MRV EASTC5N about ' malrimony, Address- P-469, Journal.
J'- ,3d, ?:L :. , 1 , -. ' 8. C. BLACK Minorcas and R. 1. Red feyVvrvf mkhlnea box " tons 1 'to ? tlflfl ) mtu r tlfl Call Marshall 85 g &Auto Co., 212 Front st. Dead PREFERRED MORTOAGE LOANS STYLISH miTllnerv. Read i v-to-we'ar "haTs
VVANTEITo hire a ood old work" cockerels. Dell Elliott, oor. E. ltd 8 ito-dronheid. 110 r to New Br??;1 Call Marshall 825. gtorage $4 per month. Live storage $lj J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 Spalding hldg. "mm to' M Tata niade new an l '
JTi and Dlvf8'n Bt": FhPne Tab0r mi- Home Agencyri'SO MorrisorTrnexr to ,W 'TT iff08' ' and up. - -.: - WILL pay 125 bonus and 8 per cent f of over. Bring any old material. Reason-
rgntjwork and good care. R-460. Journal a WHITE Rock cockerels for sale. Tull' & Gibbs, . rrM?!,a V, i ' i': L ; ' WANT food runabout or 4 paasger auto. $500 loan .on new 4 room house worth able. 227-Washington. Room 217. V
qitSALE Horse, 1400 lbs.; smalT Phone C-1686. rbt snrln and "mattress ti 00 Phar GENTIa hl2,yt' el1???! brake Will trade vaca.nt lot and good paper. $1100. Call 616 Board Of Trade. MADAME 1 ESTEtLE-"' mBK7tioheaTeT
?0!i!?ii.V5S!? W?..". oll FOR BALE-Thoroughbred white Leal eV cTah "sro7e""fine conditio' iS ZL'lV V" Main 9074, or A-l 216. " fiooo" wanted on realty. Will pay 8 1 reliable spiritual adviser. 848 Yam
separately. Phone Main 7981, njL horn eggs for hatching. Main 6460. East 2060. ""'""T' "v-vv- eiTlLD'fl Iron bed, epjing and mattress; Iff OMOBiLES Wani . to trade towii per cent to private party. ,. H-443, hill, room 8. Walk upstairs. Main 1320.
,7nonlre FOR SALE Pen of Barred Rocks. 1146 16 buye Reliance steel range, must , god a new- 157 Sumner st , lou i or ywnjr 'frt ;r wpd car. Journal. , ; V TALL bachelor, age 40,,wapts lao7T
- Inf""rc. 765 Alberta st. E. I6th N. Call C-1296. sell. 766 Alberta at . . W A WTFD MTHCTTAyffmTrTrK Call Sunday 613 Buchanan building. VANT to borrow $2000 for 2 years. quaintance with view to. early matri- 4
XWtf'hW' a,11 ha TWO fresh cows, with calves, tested: I WELL rotted fertilizer manure. Phone r-.l.-l!: - . , 9tfnHANGE-;Foi ' Booaumol.lle, 8 J- 0n 'rm near Portland. R-jaJnaU
..ilrofw,,..- ', ' ,' ' head young horses. 998 E. Yamhill. A-7621. WANT to buy barber chair and glasa In j,JLm& ti,MA mB 8un Box 4040' ' LEGAL advice upon all business mat- '
5litlySS ffA'W.M.V' SSSl' yldl for cash. Tentrautornobila MP?,vVfunW tiS
Srl gneilw " V a'"t rVTonM gSSr ESERED widow, 43. wiU meet '
sTiTdLR "ponies' for i"renf: cor of k ait iSiZwV.Ui... i ... ,, k - i,na 1 ; v, a' k.II.'.Ji. . 1 ; ,T FOR SALE or will trade, one 2 cylinder avenue property, well improved. East refined man of 6J; object, matrimony. '
" VS3a$k A1?aCyQe?sA -TO Te'y sShwy'l StawV gg laVtfn1 c. 150- Ph0na W(llaw'' 60' uT w ,M'fan S'n M. ft
folfEllM25?n fSS GOOt, bc? with coaster brake, cheap, wAThe use orpiano for ston, F0R 8ale-S b. p.. 3-fase motor, aU,o aTn fSaSSfi ou'rVty" wortn Utt?SS
iV Zvr-A"X -- .Montgomery. Main 8209. . Sellwood 1143. B-2664. ; age. Phone Tabor 1004. woodworking machinery, Z-466. Jour- $2000. McCarthy. 403 Rothchild bldg. ders, 351H Morrison, room 10. t IhsI? ?o! ill 5tKeSa' TOV- SAkFrirh?rouf br pofnta pup- FOR BALK 12 b. p. gas engine. 204 & TEN silver gray skins; state price. Ad- naL ; WANT to uran$4"GlFfo7lle"ar87$To;ooo jffAtRiMONlAL.' pap.r,,"m'a'nv witTi !
riuTrior sale' Iful'i .V- Btvler u Main 9320. 19th N. East 440. B-1963; , y ; "lliWournal; jEv7and-Je
.A LMn&JJRZLJMJv&a& XUMili . oew for aate- t'hene-Be I) ww $7.60---Whlti Hewing machine "With1 at- WASTED-TUlcedcr suit, coat' sfce' 407 klnffs fof"saler0r frado. Call East Kington bTdg. - Los Angeles, Cal. , , - ,
T r',"ilirT : HK..'.1. r- Tr.?f6-. .: tachment.. Call,885 E, Morrison st. t must be cheap. - L-442, Journal, 322. ' . . ..... '$3000 wanted on Irvlngtpn. property, SUPERFXTJOUS "fialr " removedr"'$T65 - '
A ! I iJJ'J nvrisa ana nuggy. bargain. FRESH cow. East 12th and Madison; SHOWCASES, fixtures, store ftttlnRs, WANTED A cabinet for- dlso records; , ANTED Late model touring car lor will pay private party 8 per cent per hour, guarantee no scar. J55 SaU''
Tnr Q2. :.. -:,. house in I Park. qew. 2d hand. Ill Everett. M. 7617. must he cheap. Phone A-1698. cawh. No agents. Z-486, Journal. M-466, Journal. . mon' st.' , ;;. ' ' ". '
;! fsmily hors harnoNS and buggy FOR SALE White Iihorn eggs, thor" $5, NEW HME sewing machine;, good WANTED Rug 9x12 for office;' must A BARGAIN in a 4 passenger Buick, as $1000 on improved 'realty, ''will pay prl- iAuM fi;. rmn iu mw.P. of '
1 ' tmdrt f.r lota -467 journal. oiighbreds;. 49 East 74th st. N. stitcher. Call 883 East Morrison. be a bargain. J-464, Journal. good as new. Main long vate party 8 per cent. M-465, Journal. women 63? rvlr at. Maln 82lC
a 1 i i-i.h'i,iii!liand buckboard or BUFF Orpington eggs for hatching. E. FOR SALE Mantel bed and large WANTED To buy conjWngs. East 1710. WANTED Runabout; must tie 'cheap. $2000 loan wanted on-real esUte. if- SWITCHES, ouffs, vurls made from
ufliveiy nagon. -46 Journal. 60th and E. Burnsjde. Tabor 1171. - , wardroba. 179 Williams ava. , I . 651 E. YamhiH, M. 330 Lumbermenrf bldg. Maishall 297. 412, Journal, gonibing for $1. 806 Salmon st.
' .-"'.' ".7:; - v ;iV'.'.' ; ';':-?vm'' ' 1 f i -; '.'' ' ''-i;-". -'';.'-.':' ';'';-'v " :' :''.'''"':' ' :-':' '" '7 , '' ';'.'..; ",v;;--'.:; ;'. ';;" y'"-'- - -.'".' ".".;''''' ''',. '7 "'..'''. .;';--. .7- ' ' ,