The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 31, Image 31

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' : ; ; WAXTED-AGESTS .-. ;
A HIGH class woman wanted who feels
herself capable of earning $30 per
week to represent us in the alo of our
marvelous New Metabone ' Keapshape
Corsets. Bends sideways,, backwards
and forwards with ' the - body. Never
loses Its shape. Bones guaranteed not
to rust or break. Awarded Grand Prise
and Gold Medal this year at Brussels
over all competitors. Awarded' Gold
Khibitfohr- 8ellsat - sight Worn-by
prominent acresses line isiancne, King,
Grace LaRue and Nora Bayes. The very
latest Parisian Corset sensatloa Ad
dress Harriett Meta. Suite 1020 B. 28
West 88th st, New Tork. "- ' "
AGENT8 Sunlight at night; our In
candescent kerosene mantle burners
nt all Jamps; burn with o? .without
mantle; appeal to all using lamps; prices
defy, competition; particulars free. Sim
plex uaBiignt tjo., isew xorif.
"AGENTS." aood hustlers, can make ele-
gant future, new proposition, selling
"Raincoats." . We are manufacturers;
i write for interesting particulars.. Regal
Raincoat Co., Dept. U, 1367 Boardway,
N. T.
Wants Monday: - ,'
.Hotel cook. $40; I boarding house
-OpKSi-4fr.- $85;
Restaurant cook, $12 a'.weekv
' family cook, $40. "'
Second girl, $30; upstairs girl, $25; 2
second girls, $30 and $25.
Two chambermaids, $30 and $2$,
Three hotel waitresses, $25. - ,
, .Waitress, eounty, $35. . - J
Family cooks, house -girls and girl
to assist. 8omevery.r,nicep lace and
homes. New orders daily. Lady man
ager In constant attendance. Free regis
tration. Help free to employers.
846 H ..Washington St. .-'.'.'
Cor. 7th, Upstairs. .
Agents to Sell Lots
Agents to Sell Lots v,
3000 women to know about Worrell's Al
teration Sale sample .coats and suits.
134 6th st, comer Alder.
MRS. M. E. SMITH, millinery, former
ly of 7th and Yamhill, is now located
at -175 11th, corner Yamhill A full
line of new hats, order work and hats
made over, Will be pleased to have
you call. '
.HARRIED lady, without children or
dogs, cart have three furnished house
keeping rooms for caring for small
rooming house. Save rent, snap. Apply
364 North 26tb. W car west on Morri
son to 26th, block north.
'WANTED- Shorthana students; a
wealth of expert Individual Instruc
tion. Shortest tlme.i Best results.
Small expense. My students win suc
cess through excellence. G-445, Jour
nal. WANTED-l-A woman for general house
keeping private residence, one who can
cook, family of 3 or 4; fair wages. Glen
wood Mercantile Co., St, Johns car.
Woodlawn 2609.
WANTED General housework girl who
can do plain cooking, small family.
Phone E. 6908. or call 500 E. 25th st.
N. Take Broadway car to 24th and
i nompson.
WANTED Pupils to learn -hairdress-
!ng. manicuring, facial massage, scalp
treatment, weaving; great demand for
J graduates, Chicago Hair Dressing Col
ege. Lafayewe bldg., 6th and Wash..
WANTED Young ladles tor telephone
operating; with or without experi
ence. Ar--)y The Pacific Telephone A
Telegraph company, 6th and East An
kenysts. GIRL or woman, each locality, good pay
made acting as representative. Ad
dress envelopes, fold, mall circulars,
material, stamps, furnished free. Rex
Mailing Agency, London, Canada.
LADIES make supporters. $12" per hun
dred; no canvassing; material fur
nished. Stamped envelope for particu
lars. Wabash Supply Co.; Dept P-5,
Chicago. ' .
WOMAN or girl for general housework
and care of 3 small children, while
woman Is gone all day; good home and
fair wages. 510 Brooklyn st Brooklyn
car. Apply Monday.
LADIES Earn $10 weekly decorating
nostcards; dime brings package beau
tiful samples and particulars. Ameri
can Postcard Co... East Orange. N. J.
GENTLEMAN wants good lady cook,
about 35; leave city, camp, small crew.
Good wages to right party. K-449, Jour
nal -
WANTED A lady to do general house
work, good wages, nice home. See
Mrs. G. A. Cobb, 54 Tillamook st.
Phone East 3363.
ANYONE, anywhere can earn big pay
Copying addresses at home evenings;
book 8 cents In stamps. Eclipse Manu
facturing company, Washington, D. C.
6000 WOMEN
To know about tho great removal sale,
of the H. B. Lltt stock. 351 Washington
WOMAN to assist with housework and
care of child in exchange for room,
board and small wages. Apply 1151 E.
Morrison st
WE teach ladles either millinery or
dressmaking in a few weteks at Boston
School of Millinery and Dressmaking,
274 Williams ave., Phone East 845.
ONE thoroughly experienced seams
tress and one good girl to learn
dressmaking. Room 406 Merchants
Trust bldg.. th. and Wash.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced
millinery makers. Hoffman Millinery
Co.. 803 Washlnirton st.
FINISHERS on pants; experienced;
steady work; gosvl pay. 33 Russell
WANTED Middle aged woman for
companion and housekeeper. 628 Ta
eoma ave. Sellwood.
WOMAN fer housework, Btnall family,
$20. - 435 Lombard st. Phono Wood
lawn 2085.
RESPECTABLE lady, 41, wants work as
housekeeper for a widower or bachelor.
V-46S, Journal.
, WANTED Young ladV for light office
work, short hours; replying, state age.
-V-4RS.. Journal.
PUBLIC stenographer can have office
and machine free for little work.
V-465, Journal.
. .WORKING gl rL can-Jmvegood home, in
small family for helping with house
work night and morning. Phone K. 4359,
ST. LOUIS Employment Agency fur
nlshes cooks, housekeepers, waitresses,
nurses. 808 H Wtish. M. 2039, A4776.
WANTED Middle aged woman to keep
house for old ladv.' Good wages, Mrs.
Purser Beserlon, Beaverton; Or.
, COMPETENT girl, good cook 3 in fam children, pleasant, room, good
wages. 853 E, 12th St. N.-
Ml DD LB! aged woman can have a good
home, small wages, light work. F-447,
, Journal. .
WANTED A girl to do housework in
' small family. Call at 789 Vancouver
i ave. - Phone Woodlawn 2530.
WANTED? Two experienced women as
first and second cooks. Hotel or
? cftmP Phone C-275.' -. " ; .
' NG, TEACHER desires private pupils,
adults or -children: all branches. In-
1 valid cMiaren specialty. 8-486, Journal. wu.HAtn'i unn.w. 'im l . i . i
TO!BfiftifAmHr class, skirts ai.d
- dresses; must have references.. Ca'l
I ' ' mornings only, 75 Alberta st. '
GIRL for general housework. 425 Tllla
I ' " rnnok. C-"fl. East 1771.
. - WOMAN tiook to run small restaurant
? . 1 ' J " Phone M. 9074, A-1215. , "
' GIRL for general housework. , 121 East
82d St., corner Market. . .
COOK, Chambermaids, waitress, family
help,- cltyor country. Howes Ladles'
Agency, room 314, 826 Washington st;
KXPERIENCED pants finisher, wanted.
204 Stark st ' Room 1.
l 10.000 POSITIONS
For graduates last year; men and wo
men leai-n barber trad In I wceka; help
to secure positions; graduates earn fit
to $15 weekly; expert lustruetor: tols
free; writ fer catalog. . Moler By sua
f Colleges. 35 N.Ttk st. Portland.
HELP WANTED Man and wife for
ranch, southern Oregon. Z-461. Jour-
nal. . ' . . .
WANTED -Experienced solicitors, la
dles or gents. Call at 809 Stark. '
C, R. HANSEN & CO. '
Main office, 18 N. Id st, Portland.
Ladles' department 7th and Wassu stav
upstairs. Portland.
- 414 Front Ave.. Spokane. 4
' ' 17-8$ 4th st.. 8an Franciaoa '
EstabHshed 187C
Red CrossiEmploymeiit
10 N. Id. eor. Burnslde M. 5296. A-57S5,
THE ' following list of ' classified help
registered during jthe week at the Mu
nicipal Free Employment bureau, ! 270
272 Madison st Phones A-6624, Main
3666. . , ' ' " -: :-;
8 Bakers , : 7 Electrical work-
S Cake bakers ers
J bakers-, helpers rTallymeriT
11 Bookkeepers -, - ( MillwrighU
6 Timekeepers v . 7 Sawfllers i
16 Carpenters 13 Extra gang rall-
7 Carpenter help- .. road and. general
ers. ' , const ructl on
( Lathers and, foremen
-; shlnglers : . 4 Orchardlsta , , -
12 Cement finishers 4 Meatcuttera
2 Harnessmakers 8 Greenhouse men
S Bricklayers
12 Gardeners
6 Teamsters
4 Stone masons ,
t Hodcarrters
11 Clerks
4iptel clerks
8 Shipping clerks
7 Housemen
6 Elevator opera
tors 18 Janitors
6 Elderly men
- 6 Planermen :
s collectors
2 Tinsmiths
37 Cooks, camp, ho-16 Blacksmiths
tel and boat 16 Painters and Pa
' 4 Ironworkers perhangers
9 Steam engineers 10 Plasterers
8 Gasoline engl-2 Plumbers and
neers steam fitters
' 2 Surveyors ' 6 Stenographers
14 Foremen 3 Chalnmen
These men all have good references
and are available on short notice. Be
sides the registered help, the bureau is
in touch with all kinds of labor for concrete,-sawmill,
logging, railway, farm
and general construction work.
The bureau is maintained by the city,
charges no fee and wants all first class
mechanics and tradesmen to register
.111. .1 SSl
wiwi mo unii'e,
270 MADISON, BET. 8d AND Jth.
MAIN 8665; A-6614.
SITUATION wanted, respectable anrl
industrious young man, Swedish na
tionality, first class gardener, for pri
vate family work 'about the place. Will
guarantee satisfaction, best references,
4 years in the last place. Q. F. Johnson,
M-460, Journal
FOR SALE Eggs; cockerel and pullet
mating .barred rocks: $1.60 per set
ting; white leghorns, $1; stock guaran
teed. E. E. Hope, Oregon City. Oi
Route 6.
WANTED To take charite of apart
ment or rooming house for the sum
mer, by experienced ' man; might buy;
very best of references. Phone Marshall
io. T-4.f. journal.
BOY attending West Side High school
wants work after school and on Sat
urdays;-can give good references, k.
444, Journal.
POSITION wanted by a first class car
penter foreman, expert house remod
eler for flats or apartments. H-446,
YpUNG man would like to get In with
some firm, had high school educa
tion and some experience in DOOKneep'
ing. 771 East Anken. nasi ills.
MR. BUSINESS MAN Want position
to look after oince at noon and to
work' about 3 hours per, day. References
given. V-468, Journal.
ALL round laundryman, not afraid of
work, washer, etarcher, or polisher;
outside city preferred; best references.
X-467, Journal.
WANTED Work as night watchman;
two years' experience; references.
Address 202 Boundary ave.
EXPERIENCED office man. with type
writer, wants work; good references.
Salary no object. K-4a, journal
16 year old boy. high . school student)
wants work after school and Satur
days. H-468, Journal.
EXPERIENCED jjalnter. paperhanger
wants work. E. Meves, 728. Alblna
ave. jfnone wooaiawn en.
COOK'S position wanted by competent
middle agea man; wouia perier camp.
M-449, Journal. -
WANTED Situation as male cook, in or
out of city. Phone Main 9672 or C-906,
WANTED Good home in the country
for boy 13 years old. Address L-462,
BRICKLAYER ; on furnaces, boilers,
mantels, ovens,1 etc. city or country.
883 E. 11th.. East 8804. Best references.
POSITION wanted with machinery
house, in any department; first class
salesman. or mechanic, u-444, Journal
YOUNG man, 23 years of age, wants
steady employment of any kind, night
CAMP steward or cook, large exper-
lence. fteierencea. v;au up Main mil.
MAN with family wants position as
carpenter, good service. F-446, Journal
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes
. position, full charge hotel or apart
ment house. Answer immediately. 8-468,
LADY desires light housework mornings
and evenings, ror room and board.
Give- address and particulars In first
letter. T-468, Journal.
TWO experienced women wish camp
work as cbok and waitress. Room 26.
Phone Main 6771
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wishes
situation, country town preferred.
Phone 6771, room 26 -
SITUATION wanted as demonstrating
or sales lady. Mrs. J. Albright. Room
78. 429 Mam.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tallor
ess wants engagements by the day.
fnone MarsnRii ibbb.
LACE curtains laundried, 25c a pair
and up. Called for and delivered.
Phone Woodlawn 16
A CAPABLE" woman "wishes a position
' In a hotel Or rooming house. Phone
East 4677.
REFINED young lady with 8-year-old
child, would like position as house
keeper. East 4985.
JMN1SH woman wants work by the
day, washing. Ironing, cleaning. Mrs.
Youngren, yus rara,
LACE curtains carefully , washed,
. stretched, r Called for and delivered.
40c wer pair. Kererencea. Hellwooa 1178
WOMAN will take care of children In
afternoon or evening while parents
are out. Phone Main 8070 after 10 a. m.
NURSE girl wishes employment, but
prefers to go home nights. L-449,
WANTED To take care of child. Phone
East 48Z4.
FIRST-CLASS laundress washes here
or tnere. Main ao
WANTED-nHouseWork by day.
j 'Tabor 87S evenings.
MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do
some work. Miln 147.
WOMAN wants house cleaning, etc., full
nay oniy. nuni iia. room, 4
UOOK1CEEPEU and stenographer; thor
oughly, experienced, N-463., Journal
WANTED Position as housekeeper on
farm. I have 2 boys, 14 and 11, who
can work around the farm. Would lika
to hear from California, Oregon and
Washington. , : Address -. A. . Lauritson,
Boone. Iowa.- ' -
WANTED By widow with 2 children.
n1ai& ttm 1 AnAlr a twiit m air aanif n nnA
but respectabla need reply. Phone. Ta-
WANTEDJ-Children to are. for. , all
ages. ' home plain but good. . Write
cny, or can nouanq si., wwiumwn
.1. " 1. M r. 1 ..... . . TTr..JtK
MIDDLE aged lady wishes position to
care for children by day or hour; ref
erences given. Phone Tabor 2702, morn
ings. f . -
WANTED Mlddleaged lady would like
a housekeeping position for widower
with or without children, city or coun-
721 Klrby st. Portland, or. Mrs. .
MPETENT bookkeeper. 8 years' ex
Derleace. also stenographer, wants
permanent position; beat city references.
W-466, Journal. ! - ,
EXPERIENCED woman desires situa
tion housekeeper, widowers lamiiy,
rooming house. St Louie Agency, 803
Washington Main 2089,
YOUNG refined lady with girl wishes
nositlon in family , where man and
wife are employed , preferred. ; Tabor
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes lfcusekeep-
ers position; neai, ronnea, inorougn
ly capable and jesponsible goodnurse;
best references. 8-46$. Journal.
situations w anted-hMale
- ! - AND FEMALE . 23
MAN and wife, experienced cooks want
to cook in camp. Must consider two
children, girls, aged 8 and 7. Answer
number of men and price paid. T-444,
Journal. - . - - ,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew
ing by day. Charges reasonaoie,
Phone Woodlawn 1817. Mrs. M. 498
SHIRT waists 76c to $1.60; skirts, plain,
$2; plaited. $2.60; all kinds of dress
suits done reasonable; work, guaranteed.
Marshall 1469.
WE" ARE now permanently located in
301-302 Selling bldg., 6th and Alder.
I. Reubln, Elite Ladles'-Tailor. ' ,
MBJ3. DAVIS, up-to-date dressmaking
ana private miiunery ii reuimDi
prices. 189 West Park. Main 8287.
AN experienced dressmaker has located
at 1717 Dwiaht; work xuaranteed:
prices reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 526.
DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring a
' specialty. Z51 E. 86th st
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, wants
work by the day. Phone C-1680.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants nursing;
conflnment SDeclaltr:. can srlve ref
erence. Address 493, Alnsworth. Phone
wcodlawn 1817.
WANTED Practical nugrslng; willing
to do light housework, 490 E. Sher-
man St.. cor, gtn, upstairs,
EXPERIENCED practical colored nurse.
Doctors references. Maternity or
operations preferred. Woodlawn 682.
The Weaver
A perfect mode.-n home, private bath,
steam heat, hot and cold water; tele
phone In each room; maximum of con
venience, minimum of expense; home
Hke dining room in connection.
$3 week, elegantly furnished front
room, first floor, heat, bath, phone;
short walk, nice neighborhood. Smaller
room $2. 292 10th st.
KlCE sleeping rooms, $8 to $10 month;
also large furnished housekeeping
room $12 month; modern conveniences,
walking distance; 448 Columbia st.
NICE clean basement sleeping rooms;
electric lights, use of phone, bath, etc.
$1.60 week. Johnson & Johnson, 168
10th st. ; -
STRICTLY' modern, furnished and un-
furnlshed apartments. The Camar,
704 Lovejoy. Marshall 2917.
NEW furnished rooms suitable for 2,
gas. phone, bath, furnace heat, walk-
ing distance; 17 B. 16th st.
YAMHILL house, 381 Yamhill; good
transient rooms, $3 per week and up.
Modern conveniences.
NICE, light, well furnished
walking distance; heat bath.
Marshall 448. 673 30 st.
LARGE well furnished rooms, gas, bath
and phono. 287 13th, near Jefferson;
82.50 and $3.00.
NICELY furnished front room suitable
for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private family.
308 3d.
NICELY furnished room, and board in
private family, all modern convenien
ces; 557 Taylor st, or Marshall 1019.
THE TEMPLE, 843 Yamhill St., op
posite Hotel Portland; furnished
rooms 82.50 a week and up; transient.
AMSDON HOTEL Nicely furnished
rooms, hot and cold water, $3 week
and up. zsg aa st. mont Mam 8639.
NICE clean rooms with heat, electric
light, bath, 81.60 week and up. Z08Vi
17th. Main 7923.
Free phone and bath. Main 7754.
tth st rooms
r wees.
BOARD and room tor 2 gentlemen,
modern conveniences; $25' pet month.
Call at j48 N. 20th N;
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping,
if deeired. 1640 E. Stark, cor. 63d.
Phone Tabor 879.
FURNISHED rooms suitable for 2 peo
ple, bath, light, heat phone; reason
able; close in; 294 10th st.
TWO beautiful front rooms, also 1 sin
gle housekeeping. Main 6861; 255
13 th st. -
WANTED A gentleman to share a
rooni, 2 beds, 6 minutes' walk to post-
offlce. Call at 618 Lumbermens bldg.
NEATLY furnished front alcove room,
suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 414
Salmon st, cor. 11th.
$3.60 week, large front room near dc
pot, for two gentlemen or housekeep-
mg. Z4i i5tn st. m.
FURNISHED large room, bay window.
fireplace, for two gentlemen, walking
distance. 370 12th st. Main 4864.
NICELY furnished sunny room, all con
. venlences. Suitable for two 476 Mor
rison st. '
NICELY furnished room, suitable 1 gen
tlemen, or man and wife: business
people preferred. M. 4288. .671 OHsan.
AUDITORIUM Hotel. Steam' heat, hot
cold water, elevatof. Rates, $30
up. 60o day up. 208 3rd, near Taylor.
NICE furnished room in private family
for 1 or 2, walking distance. Main
3743. -
NICELY furnished front room, suita
ble for married couple; private fam-
lly. 489 Alder st
FOR RENT Nice big room suitable
for 2; bath and electric light.
10th st. .-
FOR RENT Room suited for two gen
tlemen, $12 per month. Call room 16,
10 to 11 a. m. today, 133 V4 First.
NICE large front room, modern conve
niences, $io month, gs lotn.
LARGE pleasant sleeping roam;, mod-
erri conveniences. 392 Columbia st.
1 ; basement rooms fur
nlshed fy housekeeping. 294 6th st.
NICE front parlor suitable for two, 333
Clay st. Heat, light phone...
NEWLY furnished rooms to rent at low
prices. 776 QHsan st
NEWLY furnished outside rooms, $7
. monthly; 831-Front near Market st.
THE PALMER, 850 Alder; rooms $3
per week and up.
NICELY furnished room, steam heat
$10. 471 Morrison.
427 6TH ST. Neatly furnished 3 room
, housekeeping suite. '
NICE joom.ultabie foe. 2. .young-man!
aiso email room, in 7tn.
FURNISH rooms, heat, light bath
and phone, close In. 849 Jefferson st.
FURNISHED room for rent at 658 Pine.
4 rooms for rent at 686 Market et.
Rooms 83.50 week up. 132 17th St.
PLEASANT rooms, running water. In
finest. dlsttlcVJlU OUsaa t-..
, r50 Taylor, between 7th and Park.
The House of Comfort
New, every modern Improvement, close
In and quiet" -" f..t
Special Low Monthly Rates
Rooms with boardA $6.60- per - week.
Table board $4.25. Lady cook; first
class. - --
13th and Washington.
Beautifully furnished rooms at rea
sonable rates. Phones, hot " and , cold
water In all rooms, modern. t
hunt's Express & Baggage Co.
f l-trnnk, 60c AddlUonaltrunks 35c
each. Grip with trunks free. '
A-8415. Marshall 1416.
ROOM ,wlth board; large alcove room
with balcony, newly furnished, steam
heat, in a small boarding house, suit
able for 8 business people. Main 2941.
IDO. IN. 2iU.
FURNISHED rooms for 2 persons or
more; iigni, neat ana Dain; . nne loca
tion, 12 minutes from P, O.. with- board
if desired; good' home cooking; terms
moderate. 862 College st Phone A-3698.
- hotel, 1$0 Yamhill; first class fur
nished rooms, single or en suite. Mod
era. Transient M-31; A-7177. 65 week,
FURNISHED rooms for rent in Sellwood
Y. M. C. A.: steam heat, shower baths;
prices one third less than rooms In an
tral I. M. C. A.
CHEERFUL, clean, well furnished front
room, that will suit gentleman and
wife or 2 nice young men; all conven
lences, $3. 35 7th st, short walk out
- New 7 solid comfort furniture only
$3.60 per week. The Genevieve. Colum
bia st. near 12th.
FRONT suites suitable for three or
four gentlemen; single rooms, and
one housekeeping suite: both phones.
xne iiyiana, 4tp Morrison
WELL furnished, light rooms, modern,
t: corner - house, furnace heat, suitable
for gentlemen or ladles, with use of
Kitcnen. Phone A-6350
Newly furnished for solid jomfort,
suitable for two. Only $24. -Tire Gene
vleve, 445 Columbia st, near 12th.
442 , Jefferson, clean, sunny rooms, all
modern conveniences; prices reason
sble; walking distance.
NICE furnished room, light, heat bath,
reasonable. K-445, Journal.
The Princess Hotel
E. 3d and Burnslde. Easy walklne
distance, modern throughout - Large,
elegantly furnished rooms, warm, light
and airy. Best of beds. Beautiful fire
proof. Strictly sanitary. Fine lobby
and parlor. Prices, 75o to $1.25 per day,
bathe included; by week, $4 to $8, We
solicit your Inspection and patronage.
Phone East 171. Q. Q. Pratt, mai.sger.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, $5; 2 rooms, $3 per week;
sleeping rooms, $1.60 per week at Arleta
rooming house, 4824 65th st, one block
south of Arleta station; call Monday.
ROOMS for rent single or en suite, lii
private family, for either ladles or
gentlemen; modern house, board If pre
ferred. Write or call 352 Ross st,
NEAT front room, private family. 8
blocks Steel bridge; phone, bath, .elec
tric lights, cheap. Phone East 4364. 364
LA RR A BEE 227 Larrabee st, mod
ern, nicely furnished rooms, transient,
50o and up; low rates by week or
month: close In.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod
era and clean, rent reasonable.
E. Yamhill, near 6th st
PLEASANT rooms, new furniture, mod
ern, furnace heat walking distance,
on U carllne. 430 Williams ave.
HAVE a nicely furnished front room.
Electric, gas, bath, private home 891
B. Yamhill.
TWO nice furnished housekeeping
rooms. Phone and bath. 420 East
Everett st, cor. 6th.
THE GAYOSA Steam heated, running
water. Phone in rooms; elevator; $3
week up. East 8tark and Grand ave.
NEATLY furnished front room, modern,
private family, $2 per week. 43 East
11th South.
NICELY furnished room for clean work
ing man, $10 per month. 392 EX
$20 8 room furnished house; fruit,
chicken house and yard. Owners, 877
Oberlln st.. Portsmouth.
NICELY furnished 4 rooms, , central,
east side. Inquire Monday 392 E.
NICELY furnished room, large enough
for two persons, 243 Stanton st Phone
Woodlawn 387.
FURNISHED front room in
prl irate
st, cor. 14th.
Phone B-1977,
PRIVATE family offer two desirable
furnished rooms, reasonable. Holla
day. Walking distance. M-467. Journal.
LIGHT front room, walking distance,
431 San Rafael. Only $7 per month.
FURNISHED housekeeping or single
rooms, cor, Nehalem and E. 18th st.
FRONT rooms on first floor.
415 E.
NEWLY furnished rooms, private fara
lly. all conveniences. 979 Belmont.
WELL furnished 4
Phone East 162.
room house, $20.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished
rooms, single and en suite; quiet and
very suitable for single gentlemen.
Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine; reasonable.
NEW unfurnished suite; permanent
couple can arrange service almost
paying expenses, 84 iiLl8tn; mornings.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms,
one rumisnea ir desired. Bit Colum
bia st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
walking distance, west side, 347 12th
near Market. Main 7118.
TWO new desirable unfurnished rooms,
private bath; no children. 295 Mont
gomery st.
THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for
housekeeping; heat, water and light.
298 Glenn ave. TRbor 3062.
unfurnished; board; all parts of the
city; save you money, time, trouble. Let
us . locate you. 302 Buchanan bldg.
Marshall 2189. A-6243.
GOOD furnished room with board in
new modern home; all home conven
iences; $22.50 for one . or $20 for two;
references; 20 minutes from postofflce
by car. Phone Tabor 51.
FOA RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms
wHh board, suitable for 2. 167 11th.
Main 24.18, i
DESIRABLE rooms with board. Mod
ern. Home cooking. Close In. B
2031. 644 K. Alder.
ROOM and board In private family;
home cooking. . 562 Morrison.
BOARD and room for two ladies at
reasonable price, jsi I7tn st ,-,
TABLE board with private family, 404
E. Washington near Grand ave.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen in
strictly modern flat; a 09. 19th st.
NICE room, suitable for 2 with board,
private .ramny,. j,asv..jyy.J
LADYn employed desires nice room and'
board in refined private family. Priv
ilege of having piano. Terms reasona
hie.. West side. Z-463. Jourrinl.
YOUNG lady desires' board' and room
on west aid?, in private family. ; M-
YOUNG man 20. sister 13r without-parents,
room with board, private or
fldow's family, please state terms. K-
W ANTED Room and board by - young
,'.maP' west s1da preferred; state price.
M-442, Journal. -
THE BEAVER.. 12th and Marshall- fur.
nlshed for housekeeping; gas range,
electric lights, hot . waterbath, laundry,
all. free; $16 per month up; a clean
place; best in the city for money; short
distance fro-ui Union depot Take "S"
cur, or 16th st care north, get off at
Marshall at No dogs
WELL furnished 8 room cottage, $20
monthj lower furnished 4 room flat,
$17.50 month; well furnished house
keeping r suites, 1 rooms, $io and $12
month; 8 for $15. Apply 364 North
16th. W car from depot 5th or west
on Morrison to z6tn, block north.
Hunt's Express & Baggage Co,
1 trunk, 60c. Additional Trunks 25o
each. Grip with trunks free.
A-3416. Marshall 1415.
Empire Express Baggage Co.
Trunk 50c, Id 26c; furniture moved;
quiuK Bervice. tilt inn. - 1S(. A-1U3U,
Hodges Express & BaggageCo,
l-nk-60c7"TiddltlOnairunk, 25c.
ZU2 4in si. Main bJZo. a-yzst
ing rooms, 2 store rooms, electric
i .k, . . . ,
igiii. iuu waiur jrws. up Biairs. AO
children, $10. 647 4th st
HOUSEKEEPING suite, gas, bath.
pnone, NobhM, walking distance; also
FOR RENT 1 and 3 furnished house-
aeeping rront rooms, close in. $30
etn St., between Clay ana Market sts
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
wun 2 oeas. waiKing distance. 407
n si.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $10
per monm; os reiiygrova st. flione
Main 4zg.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; walking distance, 368 8th st,
mnwwn win ana Montgomery.
FRONT narlor anl adinlntno-
,Has phone, bath, all well furnished.
oao jwonigomery
WELL ftirniahed ilpim hnt,i ham.
keeping rooms, private porch, bath,
yiiuim na launory. ooi) unnan st
tOUR room- furnished flat. Modern,
Rent $16. .Adults. West Side. Walk
ing distance. Fhone Main 7778.
SUITE of 3 ' nicely furnished house
keeping rooms. 264 14 th. Walking
very nice, at 266 Chapman; gas and
TWO nice, light, front, rooms; also one
single; 6 minutes' walk from post-
uuH-e. aiu uiay si
LAWRrnsnw kra Pnimh. ...
side rooms, handsomely furnished, for
ROOM Anrl rtnnrrl miltaKU tn 9 si- a nnA
Pl bath, phone, home cooking. Main
FURNISHED housekeeping or sleeping
roums ior man ana wire or two girls
$2.60 per week. 328 Salmon st.
CAMBRIDGE bldg. Furnished house-
keeplng rooms, very central. Apply
room 36. 3d and Morrison sts.
TWO unfurnished housekeeDln rooms
mini jiui miu cuiu waier, ana oatn.
224 Harrison st, between 1st and 2d sts.
ml ,1. U n u 1 1 M . ' . . . . .
BTiuA M-HEATED housekeeping suite;
electria lights, bath; one single room.
sou m. lain street, near Marstiall
PLEASANT housekeeping room, very
cheap, also nice sleeping room, down
town. Main uo.
THREE unfurnished. 2 furnished house.
keeping rooms, large front rooms;
eiectric ngnts. oil Mill and 16th.
ROOMS for rent on 1st 2d and 3d floor,
aiso basement for rent 308 13th st
rnone Main 8628.
8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
first floor; close In; near car lines;
$7 week. 410 Jefferson.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
271 N. 21st, bet. N. and O.
TWO suites housekeeping rooms, also
flat; walking distance. 348 Clay st.
2 FURNISHED- housekeeping suites;
reasonaoie; ciose in. zut lotn.
VERY desirable housekeeping room.
suitaDie ror two. 47 s Morrison st.
MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light,
gas; moderate. 7th & Flanders. A-4076.
287 13th Large housekeeping room, gas
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms
at low prices. 775 onaan st.
PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. 85 N. 17th st. Marshall 447.
SINGLE housekeeping room, gas, phone,
$2.60 week. 367 6th St.
FURNISHED Good-sized, new rooms;
private bath, hot and cold water:
steam heated, gas and electric. Carl
bldg. Near cor. Killingsworth and Alblna
ave. Phone Woodlawn 1543.
UNFURNISHED light housekeeping
rooms In house where two girls, 4 and
6. can be cared for in daytime; must be
In 1 mtle of Union ave. and Russell.
Phone East 4899, or write Z-460, Journal
$1.60 to $2.50 week, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry,
bath, gaj, phone, yard, clean linen. 406
Vancouver ave., and 203 Stanton;
take "U" car.
$12, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms:
bath and gas, 424 East 6th, near East
Grant st. Call after 1 p. m. Phone E.
FOR RENT Private family, nice clean
housekeeping rooms, cheao; walking
distance; 226 Adams st. f'hone East
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1000
E. Washington between E. 33d and
E. 34 th.
HOUSEKEEPING 2 and 8 room suites;
bath and phone. East 238. 600
Kiint st.
2 CONNECTING front rooms, ground
noor. moaern conveniences, close in.
288 Laraboe st. Phone East 2376.
$30 5 rooms, newly furnished entire
upper floor private house; 699 Union
ave.. north.
NICELY furnished suite for llfrht
housecjeanlng. Modern, furnace heat,
hot and cold water, as Larrabee. st.
PLEASANT housekeeping rooms In pri
vate family, gas, bath; 6 E. 8th St.
south. Phone 4834.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, lower floor, gas, bath and
phone; 598 Williams ave. .
FURNISHED housekeeping room, mod
ern, clean. $9.00. Ladles only, E.
2050. 3t E. 18th ft.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
261 Morris st. Inquire 638 Vancou
ver ave. two only.
BED sitting room for rent with an ad
Jo'.nlng small kitchen; rent $J.O per
Wfrt fh Af'jW-Br-frr ftTtKfTiy-inr
PART of new modern 8 rooni furnished
house for couple or two ladies, ref-
HHn,.iHA.a w 11..... n 1 1
3 LARGE rooms and bath, gas iini
phone; furnished or unfurnished. 1094
E. Taylor, corner avtn.
ONE OR TWO furnished housekeeping
rooms. 31 East i st. iNortn.,
SMALL housekeeping room, clean work
lngman, $10. 892 E. Burnslde..
FRONT housekeeping suite, 2 rooms,
phone, gas range. iViS gJ. uurnslde.
ONE LARGE housekeeping room. Rent
$8. Apply 54 K. lth. N.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance,. 75 E. 9th st, N.
HOUSEKEEPING Vooms, Tooms and
' board. 409 E. Salmon. East 6609.
FOR RENT 6 room ' modern house,
distance. Inquire 226 Falling bldg.
FOR 'LENT cheap, 8 room house with
land oh Base Line road, 6 minutes
from the Montaviiia carbon 89th st.
NEAT modern 5 room cottage, near
Piedmont carbarn. $15 ' per month.
rnone wooaiawn m
GOOD 5 room cottage, on corner, west
Hide, lleVd'hon AL-074,-Alll5.-
' 12
5 rooms, 285 E. 10th St.. $25.
5 rooms. E. 10th and Francis, $15.
fi rooms, 187 Gibbs st. $17.50.
8 rooms, 863 18th st, $40,
5 rooms, 1242 E. Clay st, $10.
rooms, 460 E. 19th N.. $40.
11 rooms, 227 Whitaker st. $30.
6 rooms, E. 10th and Knott sts., $35.
G rooms. 782 Kearney at., $35.
6-rooms, 674 Salmon St., $35.
6 rooms, 606 Weldler St., $40.
6 rooms. 604 Weldler st. $40.
6 rooms, 552 Yamhill st, $32.60.
6 rooms, 475 E. 26th st. $16.
6 rooms, 29 E. 16th N.. $40.
6 rooms. 31 E. 16th N., $40.
6 rooms, 33 E. 16th N., $40.
6 rooms, 668 E. Salmon St.. $30.
5 rooms, 64 Cornell road, $27.50.
260 Alder st.
Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental & Information Bureau
Horn hunter vlnlf nnr rnnifnrn rtm.
pletely eauloped information depart
ment, fourth floor, main building, and
note the vacant houses and flats on our
list You'll save time In cettlnc DroDerlv
and comfortably located. We keep In
louca wu-eH-th vacant-Itata - snd
houses In all parts of the city. We have
the combined lists of all the real estate
agents in the city. We also have a list
of all new building in course of con
If You Want to Rent a House
y See Us,
WHEN you move you'll heed NEW
FURNITURE. Buv it iudlciouslv (on
the East Side) and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our LOW PRICES, which In 8 years
made us one of Portland's largest Fur
niture Houses, were made possible be
cause we built on the East Side, there
by saving $26,000 a year rent.
69-75 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark Bt.
SIX room modern house 966 E. GUsan
near 30th; stove, shades, etc., $25.
6 room modern cottage 1049 Grant,
near Marguerite, $17.50. ,i
The Lawrence Co.
248 Alder st Phones Main 6915. A-2815.
WELL furnished 4 room cottage, $17.50
month; lower furnished 4 room flat
$17.60 month; well furnished house
keeping suites, 2 rooms, $8, $10 and $12
month; 3 for $15. Apply 364 North 26th.
W car from depot 6th or west on Mor-
rison to zetn, biocK north
FOR RENT $16T-New 6 room cottage
ana attic, z diocks to car; not ana
cold water, electric lights, full base
ment, 23 minutes, first and Morrison,
furniture for sale, account of death: cost
$550, will take $226, part terms. Tabor
FOR RENT 7 room modern house, lot
100x100 on Sumner, near Delaware.
2 blocks south of Killingsworth, first
class condition, at $25. The Shaw-Fear
company. 102 4th st Main 36, A-3600.
FIVE room modern bungalow: for rent
furnished; also two or three houses,
unfurnished. Call or phone Monday,
Woodlawn 1124. Sibray A Hart. 684
Lombard st.
WE can furnish your home at a great
saving. See us before purchasing
elsewhere. M. Ostrow &. Co., 64-46 N.
3d st. Complete housefurnlshera. Rea
sonable prices. Easy terms.
FOR RENT 6 room modern flat, price
$15, Hawthorne district 6 room cot
tage, $17.60 month. 7 room house. 818
month. Phone Tabor 806; 1046 Haw-
SIX new houses, all modern convenlen
ces, E. 17th st, between Blsmark and
Rhone; take Sellwood car. Phone Sell
wood 137.
FOR RENT 5 room modern house. No.
829 cor. East 26th and Sherman, fruit
and berries and beautiful location, rent
to proper tenant, oniy iis.60.
FOR RENT One 6 room house, 510 Co
lumbia st. 120, and one 4. room flat
512 Columbia st, $15. Phone Woodlawn
BY MARCH 26. new 8 room house,
Richmond carllne, garden, sightly. In
quire 928 Ellsworth. Phone Sellwood
MODERN furnished 6-room cottage for
rent, 175 Stanton. Inquire 665 Borth
wlck. Phone Woodlawn 1601.
6 ROOM modern house, nice fixtures,
good car line, S. E. cor. EL 20th and
Prescott Call Sunday p. m. For rent.
FIVE room house with bath, and full
cement basement. '786 E. Madison st
rent $20. Call today.
FURNISHED house in Irvlngton for
rent; 7 rooms, 2 sleeping porches. For
term of 6 months. 439 E. 11th et N.
FOR RENT 6 room house near car,
lots of ground. H. F. Lee, 1015 Board.
of Trade bldg.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS house for rent
No. 604 Davenport st. Head of 16th.
Apply next door east.
FOR RENT Modern, new four room
bungalow, with two lots. No. 611
Crookham ave: 416. Sellwood car.
MODERN 6 room cottage for rent. Fur
niture for sale. Close in and reason
able. 267 Holladay ave. Phone C-2480.
FIVE room cottage, fine location, walk
ing distance. 747 Corbett, near Por
ter. East 8103.
FOR RENT 8 room modern house,
close in, cheap. Call 134 Grand ave, N.,
between 2 and 6 p. m.
Cottages, tenement suites, cheap.
FOR RENT 8 room house, bath, gas
and electricity at 182 Lincoln. Phone
FOR RENT 8 and 9 room house In Irv
Ington. 440 E. 19th st. N. Call Sun
day from 10 to 4 p. m., owner. t
FOUR room cottage for rent $16; furni
ture for sale. 431 8chuyler.
2 hoekS from carllne; price $37-60
Real Estate Specialists.
Hawthorne and E. 49th. Phone Tabor
1742. B-2629.
WELL furnished 4 room cottage. $17.60
month; lower furnished 4 room flat,
$17.60 month; well furnished house
keeping suites, 2 rooms. $8, $10 and $12
month; 3 for $15. Apply 364 North
26th. W car from depot, 6th or west
on Morrison to 26th, block north.
FOR RENT Very reasonable, newly
furnished six rooms, hot and cold
water, electric lights and phone. 1151
E. 25th st. North, 3 blks. from car. Tel.
C-2924. Woodlawn 8260.
FURNISHED 5 and 7 room houses,
modern, $16 and $20 a month, close
to car. Mt. Scott district. Phone Tabor
169 Monday. Arleta Realty Co., Laurel-
A 4room jmtjageparlly
Millard ave., a neat little place with
a large lot. rent $12 per month, or
will sell on long time. 414 Ablngton bid.
FOR RENT Furnished 6 room cot
tage, 714 Maryland ave., near Fre
mont. Call mornings.
WANT a small family to rent my nicely"
furnished modern house, and give me
room ana Doara. Main jyo.
FURNISHED 3-room house; 4 lots; ldeat
piace ior garden ana cntcKens. $12.00
month. Call; today, Tabor 1684.
FIVE room bungalow completely fur
nlshed; modern. $ 35.00. Telephone
H-l 16U.
4 ROOMS $15. Mrs, Ev Lovegreea,
Archer Plat e, Mt Scott, 2d house E.
Anaoti cnurcn. : 4
FURNISHED 4-room . cottage,"' Weal
Side, walking distance, reasonable.
D3 4111 st.
MODERN 7 room residence completely
lurnisnea; piano. Tine yaru, , near
eteet-4r wge am ttent'
NICELY furnished 6 room house, JJnl
versity; Park, $20 month; lovely home.
tjoquarq. otg iwaro 01 i raoe.
DANDY modern 5 room house, .-.close W
no children; yard.- 297 Hancock,
ini v j v 1 m m v, xi
SPLENDIDLY furwlshe.l, on Hawthorne
ave.. 8 room house. Phone B-2247. -FOR
RENT FurnlHbed 6 room cottage,
Hall street $3a; references.
FURNISHED house In HolUuiay . I'arts
attractive location ' on . Clackames, 7
rooms,- nicely furnished, lioth gua i-1
wood raijges, and all conveniences; will
rent for - year or longer. McCargar,
Bates & Lively, $16 Falling bldg.
FOR SALE My i 8 room house, east
side, easy walking distance center of
city, income $80 per month; modem i'l
clean;Z years' Jease-Lion'L. waif it'a
fofng; reasonable rent; reason for sell
ng; $375 Ukes It terms; no agents.
K-462. Journal. ,
COMPLETELY furnished 4 room - flat.
f -r-modernv- every convenienne.1 room -
rented more man pay expenses; rea
sonable rent. Must leave, owning to ill
health. Call after X p, m. .Owner,: 0
8d st, flat B. t
SIX room modern house, full lot,-fl
chance for garden; you can buy the
furniture at a targain If desired; 1
blocks"fronrUntinave.T stores - and -
schools convenient, rent
:v . . - r
tiox 6QZ, city.
SALE or part trade real bargain
from owner, a 25 room rooming 'house ,
on one floor, good furniture, fine contll
tion, good paying house, lease, gooa i
cation. Cash or part trade; sickness
cause of selling, i T-445, JournaL . .
urhTture bf"B lOOms, rfeaf'f I48'"
good furniture; no reasonable offer re-
usea. can una psm, m n jmw.
THIS la extraordinary; you must see
to know; 9 rooms,-close at hand, weet ,
side, clean as a pin,' new furniture, all
goes nothing reserved, $300 cash and
terms. owner, w-ts. journal.
FOR RENT -Cosy- -oorav-eottage, lawn, -electric
lights, nice . bath, room for ,
garden and chickens, ' low rent, tjjrnl
ture for sale, neat and cloan, everything;
needed to keep house. H-440. Journal.
BARGAIN Furniture of beautifully
furnished 4 room apartment ,ur Bn
at Mnetiv half, as party is going east.
apartment for rent, walking distance.
fhone arter iz. a-upb.
MUST sell at once, furniture of 4 room ,
flat rent $20 per month; will give
someone a bargain; 302 Montgomery et.,
corner 6th. - . , - - .
FOR SALE Furniture nicely furnished ;
' k mum mMrn house, everything
complete, $200, jiart cash, balance terms.
rent $zo, 84 y. aa n.
FURN'lfURE, dishes, china, silverware,
gas range and everything complete:
6 room flat. 826 Mill, between th and
7th sts.
FURNITURE of 7 room flat foreale,
flat for rent 8 room 'entd. A..f
housekeeping. 669 6th; Marshall 10b4.
Price $300 - ,
BARGAIN Furniture in 7 room modern
house for sale; close In, near steel
bridge; rooms easily rented; house rent
125. East 5057; 254 Clackamas st
$300 Complete furniture 6 room flat,
615 Mill, corner 16th.' $10 cash, bal
ance $20 month. Rent $20 month, In
cludlng water. ,
NICELY furnished modern house, in
come $49, close in east aide; cheap
rent. 1300. K.-4E;i. journm.
FOR SALE The furniture of a 10 room
house, house for rent, , Apply 404
Morris st - L
tvti nc- VTT ft nwm house. 991'
llams ave.. MO! Take U car, Phone
Woodlawn 1156. .
DO you want a nHce home, strictly mod
ern, with income to bl Vitif
bargain If taken by the 8th. 895 11th.
GOOD furniture Of a e-room nV8l"I
sale; 3 rooms pay the rent; price
1825. Phone Marshall 1605. Owner.
NEW furniture for sale, bargain, flat
fr rent modern; rest of rooms pay
all expenses: close in. 431 zq St.
NEW furniture for 6 rooms ror saK
house ror r"- r r .." .
FlVE room's" and bath, reasonable.
West Park.
FURNITURE for fl.P- 6 room
flat for rent. n.- .
FURNITURE ot 6-room cottage, cheap.
House for rent. 499 Clsy st. :
FURNITURE of a 6 room 1 1 at cheap if
taken soon. 192 EL 13th st. L
H6USE of 6 rooms for rent; furniture
for sale, cheap. East 6242.
FURKlSHED 5 room flat for eale;
snap. 808 8d st, flat C. 1 r
A-4689. --
FOR RENT 6-room flat,; yun gaa,
116 a month. ' Apply at 410 fwr 51..
or wnkiA ft Harnaon, wiub
C1IMB W ' ' I .
37.60 modern 4 room ."'"ltv-
hint; rand view of the entire city.
1R mimitee' walk. M. E. Lee, ewuo
bett Diog.
LARGE new, lower 6 room flat built in
furniture, fireplace. nl8hed loor
fine location, slkhtly. East 8024. 787
K. Main. - " '" " - 'V"
Modern 6 large roypfuppJMr
cove, porch. East i2d,HoUaday'a addi
tion, mono u-yvvi.
THREE 'large, unfurnished rooms. . fur
nace, bath and phone; adults only.
190 12th st.
TWO. three and four room fJatL walk-,
ing distance: west side, M. B. Lee,
411 Corbett bldg.
LOWER floor, 4 rooms, gas, water, $8;
412 Vancouver ave.
A' MGbERtf 4 room jhat at 863 WLH
Hams ave-
;OR RENT 7, room flat modem la
every way. Inquire 174 Grand vs
I HAVE fine furniture In 5 room flat.
center east side ffi JS'JlLH
sell for $300 cash or $325 half cash,
rent $20 or will rent furnished tor $36.
Inquire 510 E. Wash. - - - - -i93
CHAPMAN Nicely furnished, in-
cludlng piano, 4 room modern flat,
tile bathroom, gas and eleotriclty; rent
$30, ' ' ' ' .
Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. -New.
modern, elegantly furnished, 1
room apartments; all outside rooms;
private baths and telephones. ; ; Phone
Marsnau ua.
THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished
housekeeping rooms, electric , lights,
gas range, hot and cold water, free
baths and phone. 8 car. Cor. ?7th
ami Tnurman, a- n.
near 14th st; modern, completely: fur
nished 3 room apartments; $20 up, in-
. , t . llvht, hath
snd phone.
HALSEY COURT Nice ,8 . and 3 rooia
suites, everything new. easy wamun ;
distance and on carllne. 801 .corner
Williams and Haisey st.
HANTHORN apartments, 251 12th St.
-T neaTTtilnri furnlsTiea-antr 1 uofur-,
nlshed 3 room, apartment,; with all in.i
em conveniences. Main 1540. : A-O"!
Furnished Aoartments
The Hartford, list and FUndere.
Main 2782.
CHESTERFIELD Apartments. 4W t'o-
. lumOJa st ; peautuut -..-keeping
room; heat hot end eold water;
i.oW per mom".
ktCELY furnished -modern apartiuni.
choice location., 240 East 23d st, near
Hawthorne. Phone East 2"9
THREE room new apa rt ment m New!
. furnished. Bath snd lights fre.'. M
wit line. Snap. $16. Wool)swn17j.
TWO room modern fiirnUhe.I ersit
ments, 1162H Union ave.-N. Wwdiswn
1379-. ' '' ' " , .
THREE room
FOR RENT Near scltoot, fiooJ h.x.i-.
Torhood, storeroom, 3Ox40;; shelving
counters, showcases; full -ImsruiiV;
go conditio-. J?01jiJ;i. 4,h-M
btore FiiiSTTx uuii,n' V r f
goods. E, Welmont, rint.iK- ii
B-134;J .
ffEVV" store, good l'";tl..n ('
uf buslneNH rent .$lf. ' -
St. So., tor-4 id fJ '