THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY . MORNING, ; MARCH 5. . 1911. 17 -Farm to'-Trade- ( t For, City Home, We have a client farmer that .wants to 'exchange hla farm for a homo In this city. He has (3 . : acres, over half in cultivation, ; -good house and barn, 100 bearing "apple trees, . besides cherries,, peaches and plume, and lgan- -"berries, blackberries and currants. .. A splendid stream ' of water and :. all good soli. , There ia-agood : span of horses, several cows, pii,s , and chickens, a good cream sepa rator and an abundant quantity v. of good farm- Implements, This , - f arm ir-irtColumbla ounty a mile from railroad and good i school house, is - well, fenced -and; la a nice place for the dairy busl-1 - neas and the price for the entire place and stock: Is $7000, and It " is worth the prlcer no inflated trading price and he will exchange for-a-place-in tha .city jipoiuthe same basis; will neither assume some indebtedness or .arrange se- -curlty on the farm as such con dition justify. It's an opportu- . , nity for the man in" the city to get a farm in an easy way. Any ,.. and all particulars will be fur bished at our office. Wallace Investment,, j'Room 618 Oregonlan Bldg. ' " I, I0DR 20 ACRES . of our . ; WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND la Marion county, 8. E. of Salem, at value to the first 20 home builders. First come, first- served. -Apply at Farm Land Dept. of HARTMAN ft- THOMPSON. .Bankers, . Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' ' t Portland, Or at our Branch Office on the Grounds .i ,. at-'1 ' 7 - WEST STAYTON, OR. , " Take 4:1S p.' m. 8. P. train at Union depot (o at 4:26 p. m: from B. Morri son st.) to West Stayton. via Wood- -burn, . . This Will Net 15 Per Cent 88 acres, 28 miles from Portland, Vt miles from town on railroad, all in enil tlvation. Just rolling enough to drain well, splendid well and good spring water on place, A-l soil and well adapted to fruit raising, place-well fenced,- good-7 room house and large barn, good family orchard in full bearing and all of the following list of fruit has been set 8 years: 10 acres commercial apples. 400 grapes, '3000 strawberries, 125 raspber ries, 100 blackberries, 175 currants, some - loganberries, black-caps, pie plant, and asparagus; fully 40 acres now in erop. This is one of the most beautiful home planes in Washington Co. If looking for a fine home and something that will produce a good Income, be sure you see this place; price saouu; can mane lormo. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington sts. - Investigate This Snap- 16 acres choice commercial-apple or chard, 2 years old, lies Just outside city limits of a good town, 40 miles from Portland, best of soil and orchard has been well cared fot ; in good fruit coun try and Is offered cheaper than any thing else in these parts. This must be old soon and the price is cut to $200 per acre; make good; terms. Neal Brown, ?09 Swetland bldg- 5th. and Washington. n,Tin rtVTW A I T IT TWWnVPTl $1640 on terms, for a cleared, level acre tract. Improved with good new shack of-three large rooms; pantry, closet, water piped in kitchen, sink, etc. Ovei 80 various kinds of fruit trees set out and a large number of 1fljfferent; kinds of small fruits. This property "has got to be sold; no reason able offer refused. See it today. - LAMBERT-WHITMER CO.. 404' E. Alder st. East 640. B-1910. In southern Oregon. Good buildings. 20 acres cultivated, 20 acrea in pasture aad balance fine hardwood. Bargain. Call for particulars. M'Donell k Sharp , 828 Lumbermens bldg. A Good. Buy Is that tt acre farm with 4 room bouse, . barn, machinery wagon, two horses, 25. acres In cultivation; just right move in; 12 miles from Port land on Salem Electric line. Sickness forces owner to veil. Get information 852 ailsan, MOLALLA VALLEY FARM. 46 acres, all level; 11 miles from Oregon City and ( mile front Canby; .25 acrea cleared; good 8 room house,' 2 barns, water, can be platted In 6 and 10 acre tracts; price $6500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main . a-Zdds. ;. Fine Fruit or Dairy Ranch, r 80 acres near Ridgefleld. finely Im proved farm, completely stocked, fine nousehot and cold water Price $8000; terms. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO, 417 Board of Trade bldg. k W. 6-11-6 Man., Improved. $4800; 80 acres, improved. Jasper Co., Ia.; N. 18-27-18 Man., $16: also 8. E. 18-7-7, $20; 18 lots Prince Albert. Sask.. $1800; new 10 room modern house, Winnipeg, $6500; house, barn, Siloam Springs, Ark., $4500; 5 penny vending machines, $600. For full particulars address N. w. Business Agency, Minneapolis. 80 ACRES on Salem Electric and South- 'i ern Pacific, 15 miles from Portland, house, fine large new barn, 2 U acres young orchard; 50 acres cleared, balance -easily cleared, 40 -acres onion laadr-1 8 . to 80 of which Is best beaverdara in state; well watered, at , a bargain. wwner, soi awetiana Ding. ;H0 ACRES 2V4 miles S. W. of Dayton, V; Or., 80 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, all fenced and cross fenced, stream .running through : the place; good room house, good barn, 7 acres in orchard, $100 per acre. I. B. Orungstad. 1024 C h amber of Commerc. BTOCli. ANDT)AIRY RANCH ' Buildings, cattle, horses, tools, imple rnents, running water, mostly in, grass, in famous Tillamook county; 100 to 1000 acres on good road, $15 to $30 an cre; very easy terms. Edwin Hooker Co.. Chamber of commerce bldg. 4 FARMS FOR 8ALR4 "" , Two on creek partly under irrigation and alfalfa, with orchards and fair im- ; provements; also 2 upland places partly improved, ell of those places have abun. nj;ejifQHMdejr.a reaao tull aoie; write s. sears, Ashwood; Or. AM not leaving the state, but foroed to oAl 1 .tlf antl n , KA 'Mn. il. nv.i, w., o. wv vniua vi IIIO ".'I'm ia, g .' v uvi j .in .... mwut n-iiu um 11, 10 area cleared and fenced, close to juurnm l.i FOR SALE 162 acres, 60 tlllaWe. bal- ' ance timber and pasture, family or chard, creek and 2 springs, comfortable fold House and outbuildings, half in crop V H mile from plllard. Or. Address owner j. jm. yiamo, t'luarq, ur. yrice $4500 tIF looking for farm or bual ness near Portland,! see .Thomas Liicas.Nrrout dale. Or. . Phone Troutdale, 88. Trades ACRES; grapes, strawberries. annl cherries and prunes: near Fnr.. Orove; good house and barn, spring wa ter. Address Box HT.'Foregt Grove. Or. JO (teres Beaverton, very cheap; nuf i ced: Oregon ,v -s Farms . Csii 416 Roth. FOR SALE Owner, farm 140 acres. y' yvv I n T, Mi",," r. 1 f ilii Si ii ii i n m - -t tsj iv n v ; ww wa nvuu Vfc J. J 1 V - .' tlahd, $45 per acre,; Address box 87, V A DMC3 fnr Mlp' TTnr, farm, . dress C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE FAHMS 17 more ready 'to plow, good, timber and pasture; good 10 rpom house, barn and other houses; .blacksmith shop and tools; two -wells; family orchard, two , horses and wagon two cows; two pigs; hay; poultry vand all farm implements; 14 mile to school f this farm is. In good section on county road, cream and mail route; 10 ml!e"out. Owner must sell. Now down to 3400. Terms, NO TRADE. . ' 40 acres, part clear, good timber, run ning water, small house and bam, 9 miles', from town; only . $2000 $1000 cash. .v;1';-. ,-. v.- .,','--;i:;f sr.;Y r v 1 62 aeres. 55 under plowt balance past ure," spring, orchard, house and barn, best of potato and fruit land on rock road; : school and j church . across the road; cream and mall route. Mostly as level as one would wish, 10 miles out; a snap for $6500; $2600 down, plenty time on balance. Owner anxious to selL NO TRADE, i . .j 46 acres, 20 under plow, orchard, house and barn, spring and running wa ter, splendid timber; all goes for $4000 $1000 down, balance in i yearsv' - ' . " 40 acres of beach land near Hie Wil lamette and beautiful view of river; sandy soil; 88 acres under plowi suit able for melons, asparagus and celery. This Is a place for some one wishing something good, Price 46500, . . 40 acres, 25 under plow, 5 acres in timber and balance pasture nice spring, nice house, two barns two horses, wag on, hack, three cows,, bull, poultry. This is a nice farm only 40 minutes from Oregon City on rock road. Price $6000, good terms.- . . , - 120 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, more easy to clear, good timber, large spring near house, barn, 7 miles to Or egon City on Main road near school. Price $7000, HALF CASH. ' FREYTAG tc 8WAFFORD. Near 8. P, depot, - Oregon City, Or. LITTLE Hitch up your horses and, g to work. 65 acres, 40 acres - In cultiva tion, balance slashed and easily cleared, A-l soil, good 4 room house, and large barn, good span of Jorses, 6 years old; harness, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow and small tools, 3 cows, 2 heifers, hogs, 4 doien -chickens, hav and f rain, plenty, to feed stock and or seed, mile to school, and to the new townslta Cherry Orqye, where a large sawmill will be built to cost not less than $100, 000, the grade now being estab lished for the W. V. & C. R. R. to run Into aald mill and-townslte. - Price $100 per acre. This is a bargain and within 6 months when the road will be built will ' prlve a big Investment. A, VESTER, 880 Railway Exchange Bldg. DESIRABLE IMPROVED FARMS AND UNIMPROVED. 80 acres of first class land improved with eood 9 room house, large barn, well, windmill, farm implements, 10 head cows, 100 rruit trees, etc. rrioe iit.uuu; terms, l-s casn. oaiance l, , a years, 7 per cent 07 acres land. IE miles from Port land, over half cleared, has large" barn, running water, and several hundred cords of good oak and fir wood, enough to pay for clearing. Price $85 per acre, on very easy terms. 10 acres of choice cleared land, partly improved, located on Mt Hood Electric line, close in. A fine piece for platting. Only $1000 per acre, on reasonable terms. . ov aurtra laiiu ciuiv iu xijiil siauuu. lust west of Portland. This nieca will make a fine platting proposition and can be had cheap and on very reasonable terms. 160 acrea on Mt. Hood Electric line. east of Portland. The land is first class, nice and level: has running water and two springs. This is very favorably situated for subdivision. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO. 404 E. Alder St. A FARM SNAP. $96 an acre for 110 acres. Including improvements, stock and Implements, only 20 miles from Portland, in the best rarming section in tne Willamette vai- lav AC n a iini,Bi. fiultlfa tlnn flnaat it soli, 10 acres, slashed, balance fine large timner, nr ana ceaar, no acres rencea, 8 room house, new barn, family orchard, franary and other buildings. Price 10.600. worth $16,000: $4500 cash, bal ance long time at, 6 per cent, or may Binaiirr jiviii in iiwin up (.no amount of $6600, balance in cash. For further particulars regarding the above as well as a great many more, call on c, f; PFLUGER k CO,, REAL ESTATE A LOAN AGENTS. Suite 5 Mulkey Bldg., 2d and Morrison. Established in 1880. A Well Improved Farm 169 acres in Willamette valley, 1 mile from railroad, on aood auto road. In beautiful country with fine farms all around It; all in cultivation but small wood lot; wen rencea, wen watered, good buildings, place nearly all in crop now, the net proceeds from the crop will tav 25 tier cent of the ourchase price; price, Including all crop, 176 per acre; can make good terms. I have many other ranns in the valley, an slses and all prices; some fine acreage and small homes: also the cheapest orchard tract on the market, 16 acres 2 year old orchard for $200 per acre. See me before you buy; it will pay you. Neal Brown, 708 Swetland bldg, 6th and WaHhington sts. - . - -NEAR GRESHAM Fully equipped, model dairy farm of 64 acres! 42 In cultivation, balance In timothy. Numerous implements and 80 tons of hay Included. Fine outbuildings. This goes at tremendous discount for quick -sale. Part cash, balanoe easy. Will consider improved city property to $3000 as part payment. ; You'll look a long time before you equal this. Call Monday. '-. ARLETA REALTY CO., Laurelwood Station, Mt. Scott Line. P. O. Box 105, Arleta, Or. Tabor 159. "TWO GOOD BUYSf " 1 miles from Estacada electric line, on good road, 25 acres cultivated, 7 acres orchard, good soli; some timber, balance easily cleared. Right price on this. . ' , ' Another 40 ioinlnsr above place, about 2aciea.cleared, B acres .. orchard,a5 acrea easily cleared, very little brush, 6 acres good timber, all fenced, good buildings and water. Garrison, 328 chamber or commerce dm, in i 'i im ii ,iii i i"".".i' -aa A Dandy Small Farm o acres,' l mllefiom HUlsboro, H raiU from station on electric line, nearly level and fine soil: all in cultivation, 8 acres in wreat, iv oearing iruit xrees, ana lots of small fruit! gbod well at house, v eral fir treea in front yard, jrood 6 room cottage, small barn, 8 good henhouses. This Is a fine home and cheap for quick sale; come and get particulars: Kfeal Brown, 708 Swetland blag. rtllARANfkKD A8' ADVKRTlKRtr an nnraa . 4 wiIIsibI f rnm trriA awm Aee railroad, 15 acres under plow. 10 acres more partly cleared, all well fenced, good beating orchard, new 6 room house witn Dasernenr, goon-Darn ana outbuild inns. ood horse, harness, waron. bu. hay.Xork ai.aU . klnUa.4)f aiaaU.4olf on account or firanees win sen an for $2600 wortti 8400J. Tnos. McDermott, Kelso, Wash. ' . FREW house, barn and orchard if you buy this 27-acre farm, only ,7 miles from center' of Portland, $200 id irr Pi-Ice will be raised to $300 tn S weoke; $400 when R. R. is completed. P-487, FOR SALE FARMS . M mum mra s -I., vu tiagujnyuiaiavty u & ' - , . ," I' 1 41 kitph. IS In nM cultivation. I I FOR RAiE FAIISI3 17 si AsaajsBajBaa ,186 . 1-2 Acres All-rlchJlandr-l40-acre8"utdBr-Yine state of cultivation; 20 acres more slashed and seeded: balance in green fir timber, 40 acres of this land ia beaver dam; r never - failing spring i through place, well at house with water piped to house, barn, 'and lawn; large 2 story 10 room house, barn 64x104 and one 40 by 60: sheep and cattle sheds, . granary, brick dairy house, etc.; good, family or chard of assorted fruits In full bear ing: place fenced and cross fenced Into 6, Id and 20 Acre tracts; place Is sit uated in well Improved ' and thrifty neighborhood, H mile from steam rail road, 1 Vt miles from streetcar line and 1 2 miles from - the heart of Portland. Personal property as follows goes with place: Eight milch cows, ; registered Ouernsey-bullj horsesr-2 -sets - double harness and single sets,' 40 hogs, 6 sheep, 16 geese. 160 chickens, 40 tons of hay, 1000 bushels of grain, 8 or 10 tons of turnips, besides several tons of other roots for feed; all manner of farming toolfi, wagons, buggies, hacks, mowers,, rakes, . gasoline engine with woodaaw atta-chment etc. etc, eta This place has daily mail, . telephone In bouse and Is a fine home and money mak er; price only $8300; would consider as part payment some good real estate at cash .valuation. ..' 120- Acres"' Of land, all. level and main county road on two sides, with 35 acres under fine state of cultivation, 40 acres good, clean timber, 40 acres slashed and seeded, all encedy3 acres of family orchard in full bearing, 7 room house, barn 62x70, good granary ana necessary outounaing; x miles from electric line and new town site; R. F. D. and. telephone service: Close to school and . church, fine well and abundance of water, - Personal prop erty; Fine team worth $800, 2 sets Of rood double harness, l single harness, - Ve-lnctr" Mltohell-waaon. "7 Ilarht wagon, mower, rake, plow, barrow, cul- uvaior, rope, onains, lores, b coras oi dry wood In shed 25 tons of fine tim othy and clover hav. 280 bushels of oats, 150 bushels of potatoes, 100 hens, 1 brood sow, 4 tons of straw, appleas, separator, and all small tools; this is a line xarm ana win sen to the first man that sees 1L Price, $8000; terms. Full Bearing Orchard . ' : 12 Acres ;v ; All under fine state of cultivation. and 10 acres of fine orchard, consisting oi ouu apple trees, assorted; balarwe C orohard pears, plums and cherries; all fenced with good fencing, good 6 room bouse, painted and in good condition; fair barn, good apple house and out buildings, land Ilea level, close to school, fine well and pump, y. miles from river and railroad and lht miles from electrlo line and small town, in a fine neighborhood; this is a fine home and a money maker, and will sell to anyone wanting an orchard; price. If sold soon, $6000, 11000 cash, balance to suit 20 Acres This fine little farm consisting of 20 acres of good land, all level and 18 acres under cultivation, goqd 6 room house, with fireplace, nicely painted and papered, good orchard of assorted fruits, apples, cherries, berries and oth er fruits, good well with abundance of water, fine garden fenced with picket fencing, farm all fenced with good fenc ing, barn 80x84 with sheds, woodshed, uppie nouss ana otner Duiidlngs, on main county roaa, 80 Tods from graded school, 1V4 miles from electric line and mall tftorn 9 mllna Jl n R., in good neighborhood, only 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash. This is a fine little farm and Is cheap at the price, 12KAO! trm 206 Rothchlld bid.. Portland Hr Bet. 4th and 6th on Washington and ow Him main sts., Vancouver, wash, In See this fine 40 acre place, half in cultivation, balance pasture, with 200, 000' feet fine saw timber, fine orchard in bearing, of 170 treea. lots small fruits, 2 miles to R R and electric line. 30 miles from Portland, nice creek on place, good 6 room house, large barn and other outbuildings, 2 horses, bunch chickens, hay and grain, potatoes, etc., also gasoline engine, plow, hack, spray outfit, hack and all farm tools and Im plements. Price $3000 for a quick turn. Call and make appointment to see this. 74 acres, mile to R. R. station, 20 miles from Portland, 45 in cultiva tion, all lies well, good creek through place, bottom land in cultivation, most ly beaverdam, 6 room house, good sized barn. etc. Owner must leave account of interests elsewhere, and will con sider Portland property in exohange. This is good. See it tomorrow. Here's Your Choice, 20 acres, 8 in cultivation, balance pasture, all fenced and cross fenced, vounar family orchard. sotriA smnil fruits, less than mile to R. R. sta tion. 7 miles from Vancouver. Wash.. close to school on fine level county road with phone line past place, good 4 room cottage, baru holds 3 or 4 cows and 2 horses and room for hay. Mow ing machine, cultivators and all tools included, also good family cow and about 30 chickens. Soil is black swale. ditched and drained and red loam, rich andtfertile. Price $3000. Terms can be arranged on nart. low rai 110 acres, best of anil - fi nr K re in cultivation, soma good saw timber on place, 3 miles to good R. R. town on county road, fine creek through place, partly fenced, old box house and small barn. Price $23.60 per acre, half cash, or will take Portland property to full vaiuo. 240 acres, 3 or 4 acres . cleared. K mile to R. R. station, 3 miles to good town, land lies some rolllnir. aood soil and well watered, 50" miles from .Port land, win mane a gooa aairy rancn. Price $12.50 per acre, $1000 cash will handle it. See us for prices jon improved farms ana acreage. Chittenden, Otto & Neill 810 Oak st. The Best on the Market . 670 acres, 30 miles from Portland in Washington countyrlH miles from Gas ton, electric line will run through place this summer, 2 county roads and 2 trout streams through place, R. F. D tele- fhone, milk and cream routes, 300 acres inest bottom land. 260 acres in cultiva tion, 160 more slashed and -seeded, 1 000.000 feet aood saw timber. rlace wpH fenced, modern 10 room house with hot and cold water upstairs and down, acety lene gas plant, also tenant house, S large barns, spring water Piped to house and barns, 200 acres good pasture, known as one of the best dairy farms insWashing ton county, 80 head good dairy cows, new I seated Btudebaker carriage and double harness, , 1 .newmanureflpreadec 12 stands of bees, all go with place at $80 per acre; terms to suit purchaser. Keal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg., 5th and wasmngton sts. . t .v FINE DAIRY RANCH 1 miles from a good sized city, in the Willamette valley, 60 acres under cultivation, H0 acres In oak and pas- terms, including fine dairy -herd, i norses, ait rarra macninery, nogs, goats, chickens, In., fact everything necessary on a farm. This is one of the finest ranches in 4he valley, and is away be- iow tne maraet. ' WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 417 BOARD PF TRADE BLDG. (rpvi a an rr.M 't i-. , . " Over 1,000,000 acres for sale byTtne state., s You can buy 640 acree at $3 an acre; pay . ss caan. Daiance arter 40 years; fine farming and fruit'land and heaithy-eWrrmte. Far furthemnforma-' tlon send 6o postare..' Investor Pub. Co., I)ept, 44, San Antonio, Texas. a iir.ii STOCK RANCH 1020 acres, near Brownsville. Linn eounty. on good road: 9 rOom house. 6 stock barns, well fenced, $20 per-aere. xk cash. bal. $1000 per vear' 5 Der cent. Can you beat itT Chester H. Starr, 1022 tsoara or xraae Diag. t OiESEEMS 11 T IMPROVED TRUIT AND POULTRY FARM AT A BARGAIN. ONE HALF MILE TO TOWN. Here is splendid little farm for some one. It consists of 76 acres, 45 under cultivation. 13 V . acres In good oak and fir timber, , - which alone is very valuable; bal- , ance open pasture; no waste land." . The soil is very , rich and deep; It is . what is commonly called . "red shot soil"; especially adapted to fruit raising; 15 acres is in - commercial orchard, T acres bear- , .lng; 10 acres now Jn oats and vetch, 160 rods of new woven 1 - wire fence, good 8 room house, 3 barns, chicken and hog houses,. - good water, sidewalk into' town; email tracts adjoining are sold for $200 per aore and up. This farm ; r is only y, mile from a lively Wil lamette valley railroad town, not far from Portland; price only . $8600; will take about $3000 in . Portland property, $2600 cash. ; -iV-Will give terms on balance,, Hill & Myer 419 Henry bldg. DELIVER TC3E 40 acres with 13 in high state of cul tivation, 7 more easy to clear, good 6 room house, fine large barn, good chick en house and outbuildings, fine living water, half million feet fine timber; is alff enced; on main ountyroadf-H mile to school; phone (cost $80); cream and grocery route; only 11 miles from Ore gon Ci ty; Price $2800. - R. E. WOODWABD. Room 2, Beaver bldg., Oregon City, Or. i27&a IDEAL HOG RANCH 82760. 40 acres 15 miles east of. Portland, about 25 acres under cultivation, balance rough, suitable for pasture or hogs, 2 running creeks, fair farm - buildings, short distance to school and stores, in cluded are: Good team worth $250. one cow. one hog, 12 chickens, two wagons, set double harness, cultivator, plows, all farming utensils, 6 sacks potatoes, 16 bushels oats, i tons hay and all house hold furnishings. ' This Is a snap at $2760. Adjoining land held at $200 per acre. : -- ; ' THE VAN DERSAL CO., 402 Corhett bldg. Marshall 1720. A-1733. " A PRESENT FOR SOME ONE We offer 80 acres of fine land 15 miles from Portland in the famous Da mascus country for. $11,000. It con tains from 8000 to 10,000 cords of big fir wood, close to market. Surrounding land held at $300 to $400 per acre. The wood will pay for this place and give you the land free. There are 15 acres now in cultivation, fair house and well watered. Lays on main county road. - THE VAN DERSAL COT, 402 Corbett bldg. Marshall 1730, A-1733. FARM FOR SALE. SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY. 277 acres. New house, new barn, all undrr new fence; 60 acres under culti vation, 30 acres beaverdam land, bal ance partially cleared and In grass; running stream en' place; half mile from good school; telephone connection, 4 miles from depot and postofflce; on first class graveled county road. Price $30 per acre. Must be sold within 10 days for account of absentee owner. Terms. Mutual Lumber Co., Bucoda Wash. PACIFIC REALTY CO, 322 Falling bldg. 12 H acres all cultivated; bouse, barn, etc. Some orchard, finest soil. A fine suburban home close to carline. 14 miles out. $4000. $3000 cash, balance to suit. 150 acres good wheat land. House; all fenced, 3 wires; IVi miles to R. R. station. Land level, all in cultivatloff. Only $16.00 per acre. Don't paps this by. Morrow county. Oregon. BEST FARM BUY IN OREGON. 40 acres on the banks of the Wil lamette river, 30 acrea under cultivation. to acres pasture ana timber, uooa 5 room house and barn, practically new, Half hour walk to progressive town of 4000 people and railroad. Koat landing on property. Land never overflows. No wash, soil Is a sandy loam. Price $125 fi er acre. McCarthy, 403 Kothcnlld bldg. AIRY ranch, 25 miles from city, both river anu mil mrvius, uu nuiea, ran house. 2 good barns, 35 milch cows, 14 miles deep water front, 3 miles shallow water front"ahd prospective warehouse sites; excellent orportunlty for safe and profitible Investment. Call Mr. Hunt, Aiarsnau S4&. FOR RENT FARMS 14 WANTED Reliable tenant to. farm 30 acres 4 miles from . Portland 1 On FOIV, SALE FARMS shares. House, barn, wagons, one horse Rpalfv Co. 60S Abinaton hfde and farming tools furnished free with ( " 1 A.h'ngton jt)lU't;, ., land; 3 acres bearing strawberries, '! SAWMILL Ten thousand dally capa goosebcrries, .and currants. " All fenced; city. 1,000,000 feet timber, 3 heavy 3 wens, fine location ror garden truck. spuds and chickens. Tenant must have aood team or norses. can nil oarrieia i ave. evenings after 4 o'clock; FOR RENT Good farm, 10 acres on Troutdale electric: house, barn, fruit trees, berries. 12 miles out, $160 a year; plenty wood for use. Owner, 994 E. i list North. Pliona Woodlawn 50. FOR RENT My l8 acre tract, 2 miles east of Montavllla, good 6 room house and barn, 8H acres In berries, 4 acres orchard, will rent for cash rsiit. Phona Main room 411 swetland hldg. n u.-ii..iii- 7.1 ... In cultivation. Houe and barn. $200 a year. 247 E. 12th. House In the pari;. i" uiii"'.;j" -it ,i,. , 1 ' ...i i me vaiue or tne rancn is 4uuu, inciua 5MAlldn dwh,efartMtleS 'tor' rafslna ni JWWV chickens, not too far out L-467. Jour - no . . FOR RENT 10 acres, 6 onion land, near electric depot. Mrs. Purser, Beaver ion. 10 ACRES, good notice and barn, var iety of fruit; 9 miles from city lim its. Cash rent. Phone E. 1729. WANTED FARMS Farm Land Wanted We have clients wantin land tar western Oregonwho will pay" from $5 to $20 per acre. If you want to sell please send ua at once complete description and best price on what you have. Hill k Myer, , 419 Henry bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED To rent a farm. 20 to 30 acres, improved and stocK'ed, some fruiffnone Scllwood 1275. 586 Marlon ave., Sellwood. CONSTANT calls for farm lands. E. K Howard & Co., 402 Commercial block. WANTED To rent a small stocked farm on shares. M-440, Journal. FRUIT LANDS 4T Fruit and Nut Land lOOO-acrea, H rnnrtttvaTldTir20'ff young orchard; will make a very low price and good terms.' -The tract is SO miles from Portland, adjoins the Lownsdale orchard, and Is perfect for a planting scheme. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 923 Board of Trade."' 5 Acres at Roseburg Set to Yellow Newtowns and Spttien bergs. 8. years old. Will sell at $378 per acre. See owner at 706 Rothchlld bldg., or phone Marshall 241$. Wood lawn 1564, after 6:30 p. m. WHITE SALMON. , ' 620 acre fi'uH land, ; White Salmon apple belt, near ; Pinchot, - Glavls or chards; $26 per acre. Chester It. Starr, yttli Board of Trade bldg. . FOR SALE 32 acres In the Estacada fruit belt, 13 In cultivation, partly in crop, 2 miles from railroad;' a oar. gain for $2750 cash. Box 92, Estacada, Or " 1 FOR SALE cheap, 120 acres Moaler fruit - land, 40 acres, fenced, good house, 5 acres 3 year old apple tree; best of "soil. .-. Call at 6th and Burnside, piano store, ask for Brown. 46 acres Estacada fruit land for sale itioap. - cwu uwner m iio numenna bldg. . or Phone Marshall 2413, Rest- c?rce phono,. woodlawn 1564 FKUIT LANTO 260 ACRES. ' Dairy and : stock ranch, on Cowllts river, every acre-fertile soil, and the Very best fruit land; 70 or 80 acres In cultivation, balance pasture: fine large house; 2 large barns: 14 dairy cows, other stock ana personal property to tne amount of $2000 go with the place. Water ' transportation -to Portland; furohaser could cur this place up for or more' families, roads always good. - McGowan & Pennington Room 3, ilealey bldg., cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison st. East 282. FRUIT land, in Ifamhlll ounty.-close to 2 good towns, no better fruit land in Hood River, all In cultivation, old house,' good barn, spring and well, 35 bearing fruit trees; this beautiful 40 acre tract is adjacent to " land selling for $300 per acre In 5 and 10 acre lots; our price for quick sale only $125 per- acre, termsidouotdelayJf -you want a sure big" money maker., . F. J. STEINMK'i'Z & CG.I, ' ' ; 405 Gerllnger bldg. 37 Acres Overlooklg Columbia.' river; bearing orchard of apples plums, clierrles. pears and small fruits. Good buildings and fences. Spriruf water on place; 16 acres, cultivated. Quarter mile to R. R. sta-tlomjrlceand-jdetjjlsen-applicaticfl 10 . M'Donell k Sharp y - 328 bldg. 69 acre! near White Salmon, fronts on White Halm on river and on county road' and survey of electrlo railway. Lays perfecL-ana-alghtly, shot-clay of great aeptn, win sen at a nttie over H ' its real value. Must have $5000 cash, time to suit on balance. Price only $iso per acre ror snort time only. GRU8SI & ZADOW, 317 Board ofTrade bldg.. 4th and Oak r -40 Acres Fruit Uand Bargain for a quick sale. Call for information. M'Donell & Sharp 824 Lumbermens bldg. . : FOR SALE 4 sections choice fruit land, in eastern Washington, on line of C. M. & P. S. Ry.. $16 per acre, can be subdivided and resold to net buyer more tnan ao per acre. Appiy to owner; L. Y, Keady Investment Co., 926 Cham ber or commerce. FOR HALE 40 acres improved orchard land, no alkali, under good irrigation system, for further particulars write r. B. Phillips, Caldwell, Idaho, rural No. . HOMESTEADS 417 TWO homesteads Joining, 160 each, In JackBon Co., 10 miles from R, R close to school and store; plenty of wood and water; 60 to 70 acres plow land on each. These came in today. Mmmo Kuney & Co., Hamilton ning. Homestead Relinquishment, 160 acres 26 miles from center of Portland; lays fine; not hard clearing. La Barre. 209 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. HOMESTEADS. Best that Is left, good location, good soil, water, timber; also wheat, fruit and potato land; location guaranteed.' Room 21. 267 OaK. WE furnlah information regarding un sold Oregon and California railroad grant lands. Write for particulars. Aiken and Youn" Grants Pass. Or. ' Jt'ST a few more homesteads left in this part of Lincoln Co., the lucky ones are the first ones. For particulars apply at 251 K. 86th st. 160 ACRES best land In the world, near Tillamook; house, living water. Price $300, 102 2d st. f HOMESTEADS Now is the time to se ; w unnA innatinn Room 802 Swet- j nj bldg. 1 1 " ' FOR SALETIMBER 28 r ,. a nn ira r n... .t. ,,An... i. ! ?5 ARS,0,f i'"V,c,la?f 'Low I J "lL0' 4. ,fwi Ja k?on ""ily I SJ hi tmnln fet $5l p".nfr' ' 1,1 Rore? of tl.mfa?Li;nd'..l,i mllllon. Tillamook county. $3200. low pine. Klickitat county. $2100. 4U ... 1 CO I 11" Inq. W. Mast, room 227 Ablngton bldg. Timber Lands We have some very good bargains In V. r. nrlll n II ... . . a , . . llI.H.l n '' wagon, tugging uuim. vneai. , wills & Co., Scotta Mills, Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 EXCHANGE. FOR VACANT LOT. 10 acres first-class land within 9 miles of courthouse, on west side, to I trade for nice lot in high class residence district. Will pa" cash difference If nec- : essarj Price of land $200 per acre, E- R. MAHKHAM, ! " uerunger aiag. i M- 4ao- 2d una Alder, j I HAVE a fine ranch of 75 acres, about 65 . miles north of Spokane, to trade i for good home in Portland, up to $3500; i ?0V Swetland hFld i , r"'7.: - , $2500 DP,.! tf wfmi la.fl trnnA hnxtttA barn and outbuildings. 1 mile from tfft lively town; will exchange- tor elly i property, or sell nn good term, 'i'lrls would make a fin. home. 403 Lumber 1 Exchange. 2d and Stark. 160 acrea, Umatilla county. Or., grazing and timber homestead, 1,600,000 feet timber, 6 miles from good town, $1500; will trade for equal equity in 6 room house and large lot sulta-ble for chickens and garden, on good carline 45 minutes from city. K-avs, journal "1CREAGE TO TRADE, Acreage on Salem Electric, near sta tion, all plowed readv to plant; slightly I rolling; will sell on easy terms or trade for real estate. 209 Commercial bldg., i 2d and Washington. I HAVE a two cylinder Buick In good condition to trade for acreage or home, fcee agent. Zidell k Co, . .. 815 SPALDING' BLUO. A-1137. Main 4892. Trades for Everybody If vou have a home or any city prop erty to trade for farms, be sure and see me, as I nave somo goou xarnis to iraae, Neal Brown, 709 bwetiami Diog. 0 foot. 60 h. r. 30 passenger cabin mo tor boat, cost $4000: year and half old. Take $2000 in..trai9lP.r IeRLeSl,ale ornroromoDiie. cnonea Alain bszi ana A-1018. . ' WANT lot near Clinton St.. or any good carline, as first payment on modem 6 room house, just finished; house and owner, 873 E. Oak st.;4Ht Tabor or An. Keny car to e. aatn. ON the peninsula 8 rooms with bath and electricity, on two lots and plenty Of fine fruit. Price $4500. - Want smal ler house or will take a good lot. By owner. m-4t journal f WHAT have you to exchange for 88x76 lot and lft-story frame building, lo cated in goou vaney town, jrrice lzou. Want equity house, or contract. 311 Lewis ' bide.' ' TO EXCllANGE Good 8 room house on comer, lvaxiuo ft., Portsmouth sta tion, for. Improve acreage, not to ex ceed cash value $4600. J-468, Journal. 8w acres partly cleared, near Vancouver. $2000. Trade for city property. Main 1 1 4 ft 4 ao -Woreew lee- hM , )176,0OO WORTH of properry and mer .ehuudise: to, exchange. What have youT Call 329 number Exchange. HEIGHTS VIEW LOTS. Will exchange equity and some cash for acreage. Owners only. L-465, Journal 0 ACRES in fast-growing county to trade roreaatv grocery or otner pnv lig bis1ness.-,'jt:aU ,Sl,,Siv etland . bldg, EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 mm 10 acres, Foiest.Grove, 6 acres in cul - tlvatlorv set-nnr buildings, for Portland property. 20 acres, 16 in cultivation, good buildings, close:to Vancouver., for dairy ranch. 86 acres, Troutdale, for coast ranch or city property, 120 acres, C miles to Salem, practically all In culti vauonf or Portland in come property, 16Q acres, Madras, all plowed and , fenced, small house for small ranch In valley. . . ' a 10 acres. Forest Grove, good set of buildings', best of soil, for Port land property. . : t acres near MeldrunvpnJreganCily car, for lot in city. 10 acres near Oswego, all in cultiva tion for house and lot in Portland. 3 acres. Bertha station, for house and lot East Side, in Portland. 170 acres, .60 in cultivation. 60 more ready to plow, balance In timber Forest Grove. Take Portland - property for part. 45 acres, is acres bottom land, well : watered, on county Toad, fair buildings and young orchard, near Forest Grove. Take Portland prop- Srly up to $2000 In value on thia cres. mile to 8t. Mary's, on Oregon Electric, for property In Portland to full value, : 10 acres, Clackamas station, 6 room house and barn, in cultivation. 160 acres. Wheatland: forrallev lands 1000 acres, over half in wheat, best of wheat land, well located, good lra ' provements. Will take valley ranch in exchange: might consid er part in good Income property in good town. 80 acres, Lincoln ; county,.,, improved ror good lots in city. 80 acres timber. Clackamas county, for small ranch, lots or other city property. 1 90 acres. 80 In cultivation, five build ings, two miles to Oregon City, verv best of soli, lies fine, all can be cultivated when cleared, full set implements,. $16,000r-Will con sider good fornana property ior ' part, balance 6. 6 room house, full lot,, on East 11th N. for improved acreage, close to electric, $8500. 10 room house, three lots, East Side, for place 25 to 40 acres. 6 room house, well located. East Side, take lot aa first payment. Chittenden, Otto k Neill 310 Oak street. PACIFIC REALTY CO,, 322 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington sts. We have some good land to exchange for rooming or apartment houses. Vacant lots to exenange ror amau rooming house, $1000 to $1500; what have vou to offer? Equity In strictly modern house, fine locution, east Hide, close to Richmond carline: equity 11250; take good automo bile up to that amount, ask ior ex chanare man. 7 acres, house, nam, cnicaen nouse. ncres strawberries, several springs, water, finest soil in Oreaon City: $7000. $6900 equity; take house and lot in city up to $6000 or $6000. 75 acres, finest soil. SH miles Lents. 10 miles courthouse, about 20 aores young orchard. 4u acres twiner, nne spring, S-room nouse. large , new Darn, nog- house, 40x60: chicken and brooder houses and runs, mile of hogtlaht fence, small store. 160 horn.' large stock or cnicaena turkevs and ducks, cattle, etc. Will exchange for city property. Hall, 880 Front st. : . A WOMAN wishes a position as house keener in nn anartment house or oth er large establishment; is accustomed te meeting tne pumic: nas gooa financi al and executive-ability; Is a thorough business woman and understands get ting work done: Good references. M 4L Journal. LARUE six room house with full base ment. First-class order. Lot 60x150 One block from campus grounds Forest Grove. Or. Price $1400. Would trade for good vacant lots in Portland. Chas, Montgomery, 1419 Oneonta St., Portland WILL TRADE 160 acres of land for house and lot worth about $3000. 20 acres of bottom land, small orchard half mllllon feet of timber; controls the outlet or aixnu as minion, i. a. urung stad, 102 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 820 acres, 200 acres, level, 3 010,000 feet good saw timber, 8 miles from R. R. station. Klickitat Co.. Wash.. $7 per acre, will consider Portland prop erty in exnnange. A-4s, journai. 20 ACRES, near -Witch Haxel, finest soil, family orchard, good fence, fac In road. Two blocks to school: old house and barn, $8600. Take part city property, nan. ao rront st. WILL exchange 160 acres, 28 miles from Portland for Portland property, Value $6000. My equity $3600. Agents please answer, or will deal direct. Phone Woodlawn 714 A NEW 7 room home, corner lot 50 by 100, on Broadway. 1 block to car. new ana complete, traae nair ror vacant lots. Mono, inquire 4i Hamilton cidg I HAVE several dandy lota inVOregon City to exchange for an Underwood typewriter, a good deal for some one. 322 Falling bldg. Tel. Main 6560 FOR SALS or trade, three lots In Flak's addition, aoutn Broadway, Denver, Colo. Louisa Warfel, Hillsdale, Or, Koute l. TWO houses, corner lot. $12,506, $4000 cash or trade, balance 7 per cent. Can be made Into flats paying 10 per cent on $21,600. Phone East 2741. FOR BALE or trade, bakery, complete brick oven, full outfit pans, I room cottage, west side. Oregon Timber 4V Keaitv co., ezi cnamDer or commerce. WANTiax Full lot In good district for which will exchange my $1200 equity in o room monern Dungaiow. Air. Hurt, Room 7, 260 H Third. FOR SALE or trade. mall shlnglejrillL 31800r-O'egon Timber Realty Co Chamber of Commerce. 621 TOBACCO stems, at lowest price, Helt- kemper's Cigar Factory, 151 Porter street. TWO acres, 25 minutes' out on Salem Eleotrlc. to trade- for lot. Phone TiPor im, $900 EQUITY in 31 room house; take $600 cash or small house. 2376. WOULD exchange Waverly Heights lot ior 6 passenger auto, i'none coium bia 145. BEAUTIFUL Tigard acreage, close to car and ciearea ror city property. In quire pi Hamilton piog. FOR SALE 2 chair barber shop, cheap rent, cash or terms; good reason for selling. T-446, journal. 1 HAVE block. 90x100. cash, balance. I want $8500 6-room house. Hawthorn aVFnserreTrea. r-none Kast -2741. HAVE fine electrlo piano, will exchange BAlito ivi auint wi tuio vi equity. ,1 449, journal. ' , WILL exchahae $3000 home in Snn, kane, ' Wash., fqr Portland property, A-44V, journal. IF you wnt to sell, buy or trade, a Bhoemaaer, eze ana zt - Henry bldg. Main 4466, A-7434. ., I WILL trade some good city property nal. . ' WILL trade good property ,for good auto. uravea, iui vnamoer of com merce. . M()t :.IER apple land for exchange. 1014 Chamber of Commerce. FRANKLIN automobile to exchange for real estate, .aggress pox ai, city. WE CAN tradeyour property or bust neas. van bus poarq or .aae. us tcay. n wnry oiug. H. F. Lee. 1016 Board of Trade bltfg. EXCHANGE Iwuso and 2 lots for acre age. ' IS-4KQ, journal. $400 CASH. $900 valuable atocka to ex cnangw im vr "lumcii, jviain u i GOODapble land to eachange for clfv ;..pruperU'.-Cau. 4U UrlifU bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ICaTATE 2 1 $13,135 Yamhill county .fnrm for eastern v Washtngtoa ranch. I ,500 City home for farm near carline. ! ttlOO Acreage. Oregon City line for $1000 lot 4000 Home for acreage,' - , v 4000 City property for a-gen - : eral merchandise store. (500 Mercantlje store for city - property. $ 8100 General store for a farm. $2500 iiuity-ctty-propei-tr for -- - fully equipped $4i)i)0 farm. -.. t $500 Equity city property foe a Cafeteria. $,' 2600 Store for nropertv. $16,800 General merchandise' for a farm."' $10,600 Equity valley farm for general merchandise tor. t4S00 Place near Tigard for . place near Wilson villa or Ridgefleld. v: $56,600 Yamhill county farm for a stock ranch. $100,tuO Lalry . farm for - pity property. 6500-CafeterJa to exchanga for a farm. $8oo Mortgage for a residence ALBERL-WELGH-&-S0Nr- !H LKWIB WLLMJ., 4tn and uak. - FOR EXCHANGR. 200 acres 100 .miles from Minne apolis, $16,000. Trade for good hotel or farm land in valley. i. zso acrea-ciackamas county. 120 per. acre. Want house and lot, $2500. Bal. easy terms. :., :s:.viifei-:iii: 88 acres 3 miles from Orae-on dm Highly Improved farm. Want realdenea, ' !ooo to $7000. Fries - : to acres 60 acres in bearma- orohard. . Income $7000 per year, $6600 -cash. - -Balance 10 years time, or will take $12,000 income property in trade, 63 acres Falls City: 10 acrea In Or-' chard and berries. New modern 8 -room house. 80 acres In cultivation. Price, - 10,600. Will take $3000 to $5000 Port land residence. R. M. Hood. 604 Lum bermens bldg. ; ' - ' The McKenzie- Realty Co. ' Have for Exchange 1 - Several very nice city homea ranging "in price from $2000 to $1500 to exchange for farms or --acreage; . - -j-.-1 Also some loti at about $500 . each to exchange for acreage or city residence, and some acreage ., to exchange for city property. 508 Abington Bldg. DAIRY AND FRUIT RANCH, J 120 acres in German settlement, ' f;ood soil, running water, no waste p and, 20 acres cleared; good house ; and barn; church and school near : by; will exchange for Portland property. Price $55 per acre.1", Mt. Hood Land Co. 1012 Chamber -of Commerce. A 40 ACRE ORCHARD FOR TRADE It is located In a well known fruit' district and Is planted to the best com mercial varieties of apples. We will iraue 11 ior your city property u your price is right, H. E. NICHOLS ft COMPANY, ztvti atara street. Wanted A Country Hotel, Have a good 6 room cottaae. Mt Scott carline, 2 blocks to car. ( Will trade for, small country hotel and pay some dlf- " f erence. . 6 acres of best fruit and grape land in California, carries water right, $1600. I am located In Portland: will trade on house and lot up to $2500 In good loca tion. . Square Deal Realty Co, - ; 826 Board of Trade bldg. ; I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE FARM And will trade you my nice, modern, ' room house in the Hawthorne district for your small farm or tract if it is not too far out Call at 270H Stark eL, and ask for Mr. Reive. TRADES. 240 aores, central Oregon land. 160 acres in Malheur Co., $1600. 170 acres In northwestern Arkansas. 42 suburban lota for land, $8000 stock Aueenswarfl...itam mil nf fees for a dairy farm. . 80 acre farm. 10 miles from nrunn City for a modern home of 7 or 8 rooms. uui war fovuu to toouu. - BU BUAKU OF TRADE BLDG. MY equity in a 43 acre farm of $2900, to trade for a house; 25 acrea cleared, balance good fir timber. This is 3 miles from carline, near Oregon City. All the land ia tillable, and snlendld loam soil: $1400 mortgage. Phone Marshall 1948. or A-S882. v Beautiful 6 Room House and highly Improved lot, very close in. valued at $3000, to trade for good room ing house. GODDARD, 615 Board of Trade. ... FOR SALE Six lots close to Milwau kle on Oreaon Citv Rlnr-trle Hiwh n sightly. Fine water. Nice homes in neighborhood. Exclusive and desirable. Cheap for cash. Address T-462, Journal. $4500. : 83 acre dairy ranch. ,: elosa to monA tewn; 74 acres In - cultivation, 5 room new house, bam, pair horses, wagon and harness: will trade for 6 room hnuaa n city. Call 618 Board of Trade. HOUSE and 8 lota In West Seattle, overlooking the sound. $2500; equity of $1650, bat long time; want property in or near Portland. 808 Board of Trade bldg.-- . ..v.A.r. . . TWO 10 acre tracts, improved, for sale - or irnue ai Dargain pnea Three 1 5 acre tracts, well Imnrmnii for sale or trade for city property. 200 acre wheat ranch for house and lot .- .'-:'".',- Wa have a number of good elty hornet, to trade for Improved, ranches - WOLFF LAND CO., 145fr 1st Bt. 10 acrea of good fruit land In the famous Umoaua valley near Rose burg, Or. Will trade for good team, surrey and harness, -,.80 4th st, Hard-' In Land Co. ' ": . , I WILL sacrifice my $580 equity in a :, fine east side residence lot ior 8250 cash. I have other business and need the money. L-463, Jonrtial. EXCHANGE ' Portland suburban 'Inn, White Salmon Goodnoe Hills fruit land for Southern California property Courtols, 146H First street . I WILL exchange any part of 640 acres -of good wheat land and some cash for ' a home in Portland or vicinity. See' owner at 248 Madison I it ' MINNEAPOLIS modern home on larKS -lot to exohange for property in Port land or vicinity. O. W. P, Land Co., 1st and Alder. -Main-8838. ' ittOO equity In modern (-room bungalow, - two blocks from Alberta car. to ex ohange for lot. Building restrictions preferred. W-462, Journals GOOD Income property In exohanae for large tract of land anywhere in tiie Northwest, suitable for colonization. M 444, Journal. " ''-'a HAVE residence at SUvertim, Or., ami Garfield. - Wash., and orchard, land near Ashland to trade.,. Chaa E. Hicks, 1 ndependence. Or. mi. . r . WILL exchange i0 acres good llnihr for desirable Portland pr"pity, What have youT V-49, JonmHl. I AUTOMOBILE worth $H00 and "Jr IIUOO to tradeWhat hay.,.j'''J ." THREE good roim tug tiiiw, ' makers; Fell or, trade. W'.'f Co.. 146H' Flrt. '-' '' SWAP COM in $250 equity. g""'l 6 !''n -." aide, for varnnt l"t. r ! larger houa. . Vv)';.tu