The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 28, Image 28

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' ' i ..
ACREAGE " m - 8
- .13 Acres
' I 'mils from Estacada, 4 sores
In cultivation, balance good tim
ber; If cut into eordwood will
nearly pay for the place. !
Price $100 Per Acre
cash. 19 acre war Eagle
Creek, H mile from carllne, ex
' tr irood soli, some timber. Price '
11260; 250 casn, balance terms.
181-2 Acres ,
10 mtles south from center of
elty, small house, enough timber
to py for plce-if cut Into cord- -wood.
Price only 12R0O; terms.
". 320 Railway Exchange Bldg.
On Mount Hood electric, adjoining
Vil a v.: i miles from city limits
including rood house and barn, valued
at $8106vThe whol business can be
- bought for $ 600 per acre; 40iio cue it.
oaiance easy.
Sbamber ofJComnierce.
Phone Main 7967.
Beautiful tract of about 4 acres, on
the lower Heights. ' Fine, unobstructed
view; well' sheltered; many fir and dog
wood trees: near car. Heights club and
school: must be sold at once; this Is a
bargain - - :-rrrr--?-r-, ... .... . .. .
. . R. F. BRYAN,
Main 193.- 605 Cham of Com. A-1527,
t 5 ACRES.
Located IS miles from business cen
ter of Portland; 1 miles small town
and electrlo line, - miles from river
and railroad, facing on main county
road; - buildings; good soil, no gravel;
lots or rruit ana berries, mce izsuu
11 450 cash, balance 2 years. 7 ner cent
Address owner, box 111 A, R. P. D. 4,
Vancouver, Wash.
FOR 8 A LB. by owner. 14500.' IV, acres
19 minutes out on Oregon Electric, 6c
. f are, all,,.fenced with woven wire; small
creek across one corner, 8 room house
with running water, fireplace, barn,
chicken house, 'household goods, sow and
calf, telephone; Ideal place for chickens
land ducks; 11000 cash, terms on balance.
Uet off at Ryan Place and Inquire for
.. r. a. Mcwann. -- -.- -r- ,
FOR SALE 160 acres. 19 miles S. W. o
Roseburg, 12 miles from R. R. Btatlon
IDUlard), on good road, 2 miles to store,
P. p., and school; 12 acres cleared, some
good timber on balance; running spring
water running through yard at all times;
fair house and barn; good fruit and
poultry ian--' pest climate ,in Oregon.
casn price oniy sizau.
87 W. Skldmors 8t.. Portland, Or.
Investigate our Cranhfirrv iwiuim
Insure yoersolf of a permanent income
, inai requires mu attention and work.
Better than any other fruit proposition.
xei us enow you. -
. 411 Lewis bldg.,
4th and Oak sts.
, J HANDLE my own acreage and can
suit anyone looking for fruit tracts,
truck gardening, clOHe In homes or
cnirxen ranches. The largest assort
- ment of I to 10 acre tracts in the city.
Small cash payment down, balance
monthly payments or liberal discount
for cash. Call or write for literature
on any of my -tract. J. O. Elrod, 51S-
oia-oju lorneu piqg.. Portland, Or.'
40 Acres, Near Grants Pass
being only two miles distant on ma
cadam road; irrigated land; two fine
houses, lots of grapes, family orchard.
$500 cash, balance easy. Would consid
er ruruana acreage in all or part trade.
rru-w ag. zo iVl C-K fl y mi fly.
5 acres level, black sediment soil, no
; gravei ; wiu grow anyming, ail cleared
and ready for the plow. Nice settled
neighborhood, store, school and church;
electric station walking distance: chean
ifares to Portland. $1250. part cash. See
owner, 208 Corbett bldg., Portland.
FOR SALE 20 acres, all in cultivation!
iHvei, t room oia nouse and barn, 2
fine new modern 'Chicken- houses, on
good road, 2 miles from good railroad
town In the valley, $1S5 per acre. Call
on Monday or Tuesday at 1021 Clinton
m., or pnone seiiwood 1808.
MUST BE SOLD 20 acres, 13 miles
from Portland: station at corner of
property, on county road; 7 acres under
cultivation; nes Deautiruny; mortgage
coming due wthln 60 days; come and
make offer. A. W. Smith, room 100
Auingion Ding. Main t3.
"180 ACRES of goodand well Improved
larm iana, moaern improvements,
Stock and farm machinery and nortlon
of household goods included in pur-
ftiasing price; Duuciings wen insured;
no agents; owner in city. Inquire at
i"rlneto" noiei.
:!"5 or 1 acres Beaverdam land irt
miles from center of Portland, on elec
tric canine, rine for onions or garden,
$275 per acre. J. Sellger, 112 Sherlock
.wain pioa. .
TWO acres with neat cottage.
4 acres, good new residence, barn. etc.
'Sot to berries and fruit trees, near city
Minns ana electric line.
- 310, Corbett Bldg., Portland.
10 Acres
On Base Line Road near the famous
Webb cherry orchard. Very best of
soil. A snap at $3000. Terms. Osburn
jjros., bus MCK.ay piqg., ara and stark
6 acres on Buckley ave, between Base
and Section Line roads, price reduced
from $3500 to $2800. Must have money.
317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
. 50 ACRES of choice land.
timber, located about 2 miles west of
, tieavcrton. Must do sold by March 17,
i to settle an estate. Further partlcul--ars.
Allen & Mulkey. Mul key bldg.
, ACRE, chicken fenced, 10 bearing apt
irers, uu. 14 acre Cleared J350;
100x100 cleared except shade trees $550,
mu payment aown ana Il per month
228 4th ave., Lents.
FIVE and 10 acre tracts part beaver--
dam land. Sty miles from Vancouver,
on electric car line, at Rooney's sta
tion. $275 per acre and up. 245 Mor
rison st. Room 12. Phone Main 150S
2 acres, easily cleared, excellent soil,
.spring water, four blocks to electric
car s union, rnce zi; terms $50 cash.
$10 per month. Call 203 Corbett bldg.
SEVEN acres. 9 miles, west of Portland
,.; half mile to station. Improved, creek'
good buildings, 70 fruit trees; on poun
. ly road: $3000; easy terms. Wallace
Miller. 21$ Board of Trade.
4 ACRE8, cultivated, good level land.
13 miles east of city. $1000; terms
-Taks-GreshSfB-eer-to- Jnnmftn-H
tlon, go south on Pleasant View car 1
' mile to Parker's place.
iS ACRES 1 miles from Portland 7
acres has been cultivated; miles
from Oregon City, $2500, 1000 caxh,
balance to suit. - X-4S0. Journal.
10 AtTRE tracts with living water, on
ccunty- road, one mile from R R
station. $110 per acre, $300 , cash, bl
ance to stilt. X-481, Journal.
TEN "acres miles from eourt housa
ueanng; irun, nving water, plastered
bungalow, A good buy,
; Ko agents,
'1-4 ut, journal,
k'UH 8ALE 20 acres land near 1ake-
virw, county, ur, 'nil lor $650
v owner., - R-433, Journal.
10 ACRES, all In cultivation, about 45
minutes out, near Electric, $250 acre
Terms. X-465. Journal. "
ffftlACRES on the north fork of thi
lewls river; fine cedar timber; $10
- ptr s-re. ,X-4!. Journal. 1
S 9 k 'res, botYomnd,Wel(!nl1",'''on,
" Hinmette river, near Wllsonville Or
' No asents. IC-4 4 8,-Journal.- '
oTiiAT.Ef T'i'-s, until ared. TljiarU
,Vo phone A-3T44.
t .APIO acrsa on 6iegun Jilectiii:
isbor iuil -
x .4
20 Acres $500
$1G0-eash,-$10 Per-Month
4 minutes from Portland.
Half mils from a station.
Near a good road and neighbors.
Genuine red shot soil.
No rocks .or gravel
10 Acres $600
$120 Cash, $12 Per Month
" " Deep,- dark.-rtch loam -noil. -An
hour's Mde from Portland.
All level land, no. rocks or gravel.
A ei-reek running across It. s
IaTly mail and telephone.
Adjoining 10 Acres $1800 .
filRoom House and Barn
. $400 cash, easv terms.
40 Acres $2400
2000. Cotds "01V .Wood.
$500 Cash, Easy Terms
45 minutes from Portland.
Mile and aTTiaTr rromSTation.
On a good county road.
Every foot down ftfll.
80 cent rate to Portland.
Either the land or the timber.
Well worth the money.
It will sell for $40U0 by June 1.
And reserving the timber
3fi 1-9 Arrfts.-JMfinn
t) minuiea irom rormna,
One mile from the depot.
On an old, wJl traveled county road.
2 houses, barn, chicken coop and runs.
'2 unrinirs. 1000 cords wood.
Adjoining Land I Am Selling
It Will .Sell for Double
The Money Within 90 Days
cionuino rsa snot soil. .
Can not be better orchard, land.
No rocks hills or gravel.
Easv slona from the station but an
Unsuroassed View of the
Columbia' Valley and
The Mountains
A Gentleman's Home
7 Room House and Bath
2 Acres of Ground Under
High State of Cultivation
100 Bearing pruit Trees .
25 minutes from Portland.
Easy walk from the cars, but
A most magnificent view of the
Willamette river and valley.
630 Lumber Exchange. Id snd Stark.
that you can
During the dry summer, so you can dou
ble or treble your yields?
If so, get in on the ground floor of
our Willamette valley Irrigated land In
Marion county, h. n. or tsaiem.
iirst come, iirst served.
Apply at farm land department of
Chamber of Commerce bldg.,
at our Branch Office
on the Grounds
Take 4:15 d. m. 8. P. train at Union
depot (or at 4:25 p. m. from E. Morrison
st.) to west stayton, via woodnurn.
80 Acres
18 Jn cultivation, mostly In wheat.
oats, clover; a good room house, good
barn, a large yard. 5 foot high picket
fence, a good family orchard, apples,
pears, cherries and lots of grapes, on a
good county road, 1 miles to school, Vi I
miles to p. O. and store; rolling land.
plentv of hay and seed potatoes, 2
horses, and harness, wagon, buggy.
saddle, mower, rake, nlow, 2 harrows,
1 spring tooth; axes, saws, niattox, and
all kinds of tools, 5 cows, 3 heifers, 1
separator, 4 milk cows, 8 hogs, 2 dozen
chickens, furniture, cook stove and
utensils, 6 stands of bees; l mile from
station. Price $3750; a mortgage of
$1600 can stand, balance cash.
2d and Washington,
FOR SALE 2 acres, Improved, house,
well. 85 fruit trees, faces improved
street, best! of soil.
6 acres. Improved, on comer, well
watered, ""best of soil, house, barn, or
chard, berries, well fenced.
10-acres. 5 cleared, balance llsrht
brush, faces 2 Improved strfets, fenced,
anunaance or water an year, nouso,
family orchard, new barn, best of soil,
near carllne, 8o fare; part cash,
R. J. LIDDELL. 133H 1st St., room 3,
uppo. u. w. f. yepot.
mile from Gates on O. W. P. car
line; 2V4 acres cleared, balance easily
cleared; 3-room house, barn, chicken
house and park; all fenced;-gobd well.
Price $2500, $1500 cash, balance easy
terms. This Is one of the most attrac
tive buys in this locality.
381 E. Morrisen. Phone East 878.
$1750 On Salem Electric, near sta
tion, all plowed ready to plant: this is
the richest garden and fruit land: tile
drained; slightly rolling; running water;
near station; can give very easy terms.
6 .per cent Interest; price is way under
the market. I also have 5 and 15 acre
tracts near above.
209 Commercial blk., 2d and Washing-
12 acres lying fine, nearly all
leared. on Cornell road. Positively
good buy at $250 per acre.
1012 Chamber of Commerce.
$35 PER
320 acres rich black Soil. 12E acrea In
cultivation, some timber, balance easllv
leared. good house. 2 srocid barns ami
outbuildings, orchard, all kinds fruit,
well watered, on iroort road. 5 hiIIph from
Creswcll, Lane county. Terms cash.
Consolidated Realty Co., 31o Henry bldg.
Between Base Line and Section Mm.
roads, and within half mile of Mount
Hood and O. W. P. carl men: rich. ivpI
iand -imd -ft-baelflat- $3fi-ter acre.-
605 Concord bldg.
7-acre tract adjoining station: nm-i
under cultivation,-balance easv cleared.
IS miles from Portland.- Lies beautiful
Prlc $210 per acre. Will make term'
A. W. Smith, room 100, Abington bldg
Phone Main 5933. h
Ten acres; inside limits of Vancouver
All in bearing orchard, good house. 8
rooms, barns, ' prune dryer. Income
1500 ner year. A fine nluttlnir trar.t
II around selling In lots. Price $10,600
SOilO cash; balance 5 years. R. m
Hood, 604 Lumbermens , bldg.
MUST set , at once, one 5 acre and
one 10 acre tract. Close to cltv and
car. Will exenange tor a good home
not over $4000. No agents. In atmwrr
ff'ye pnone numner. ir-4in journal
OR SALE 20 Acre t, Tljiainouk county
near Tillamook Cftv and oceanr H00 -1
U0O ft. timncrj - running stream. Great
t'Mi-cnin st $500 cash. T-463, Journal.
EN acies, near Mosler, under cultiva
tion; best or son. owner. . Ports
mouth station, 1667 Exeter st.
More than 40u0 acres close to
Portland and cut into 1, 2, 6, 10
and 20 acre tracts; fine roads, all
Kraded and In first class condi
tion, in front of every traot. Ws'
have been 35 years in Willamette
valley and 15 years of this time
in farm and acreage business in
Portland. We know the soil. Ws
make..-specialty of clqse-In acre
age and our 4000 acres platting is
1 of tho most fertile soli In the
state. See rrop of past year. You
make tho first payment and the
crops will do the rest. Pleasant
employment and convenient to all
the advantages of Portland. The'
cheapest' acreage ' tracts around
frtntmnd. quality and location
considered and sold on liberal
trm. 1125 to 1300 'ner acre,
Main 35. 102 4th t A-3500.
24 acres, only two short blocks to
Gladstone avenue and -Woodstock cars.
The whole south front faces on a splen
did street; 1H acres In. fine young or
chard; large 6 room house and outbuild
ings. , This land lies high and sightly
unu commands a lovely view; all,
cleared, cultivated and fenced; not a
foot of waste land.. It will-make an
tdnrl -home- or It can-be em up into- 21
full site 50x100 foot lots. ua.n -An this
swell location should sell in a hurry
at from $X00 to' $900 each, according to
choice. This place Is but 20 minutes
from the business center of Portland;
land only a few blocks away sold for
$4000 per acre a couple sf weeks ago.
We can show you that this place Is
f m iy s good-4r -ot neiter- xns taxes
and all the sewer assessments are fully
paid. This 24 acres goes for $7800;
$5000 must be rash.
N. B. Clarke & Co,
207 Rothchlld Bldg.. 4th ft Washington.
One of the choicest farms in the
state; the place Is well Improved with
good buildings, plenty of fruit, most all
In Iilgh. state of cultivation, running
Wifor at house and barn, all fine soil
and7 some under Irrigation; 20 head et
good dairy cows, 3 good horses, 20 head
of hogs, -and all kind of farm Imple
ments go with . the place. Price $195
per gem. Come ana see this before
you buy. .
DEMENT & KRIDER, 248 Madison St
Is. the "West" of today. We have the
cream of it for colonization, and NOW
Is the time to get in before the present
owners realize that they have the most
valuable land on earth.
Come in. We II tell you snout it.
322 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark.
"Here Is a Paradise.''
acres in Sunnyslde, 3 miles from
limits on O. W, P. Ry.. on main
Sunnvslde road and 1 mile from Oregon
City road; richest soil In Clackamas
county; 3 acres in finest fruit, balance
In high state of cultivation; brand new
house and good outbuildings; can all
be Irrigated; lays from the road in a
gentle slope back to a fine running
creek snd spring. For particulars see
Crescent Realty Co,
286 Yamhill at.
10 or 20 acres on Villa avenue, fine
soil; will make beautiful villa home.
Partly cleared, some fine trees, well,
small house; $650 per acre. Mt. Hood
Land Co., 1012 Chamber of Commerce.
.10 Acres, $100 Down
Balance on easy terms, no interest or
ta,x.8; situated In the famous apple belt
of Klickitat county. This is considered
one of the very best tracts for fruit
raising, having deep, rich, volcanic ash
son. This tract has a natural spring.
371 N. 22d. Phone Main 4112.
2 Acre Poultry and Fruit
All improved, small house, poultry
yard and houses, assorted young fruit,
good well, fenced, fine road, plenty
sawed wood, near Lents, pleasant loca
tion, sell or trade. John Scott, Spalding
piqg. rnones Mam 2142. East 5433.
2 acres, $700: 5 acres, $1200, cash:
10 screw with buildings and well, $3000
Vt acres with buildings, fruit and well)
$3500. All c-nvenlent to car, church.
tM'lf UU1 U I HI Si,OltJ.
100 Ablngton HI d g.
Lies well and on connty road 14 milng
from Portland. Will sell on easy terms
If sold before March 15. Price $185 per
ni-rr. n. w . omun. room 1UH ADlngton
om;k r.noiw .Mam ti:s3.
Adjoining city limits, all clear and
111 rultiv&tinn: nn otdvpI
Splendid fruit and garden land or flna
i nn Kf!n rancn. v ive minutes rrom car
Smith & Montague, room 214 Henry bid
83;i00 buys- modern 5 room house, 2
acios, i mile from O. W. P. line, 8c
fa-fa rt 11 lwinnr..mnv. t . . . A.
m uiii'i vt riiici I lb ill . uti aMclilBi
B-433, Journal. "
$1250 SNAP
Fine 10-aore tract near electric line,
wen improveu.
Two 5-acre tracts, well Improved,
cuise in, near rarnne, at bargain prices,
vwiiii tinno uo. no- mrst st.
i wo ares of fine land, all In berries
and fruit, good 6-room house, near
East Gli.san st., on Mt. Hood R. R.;
illu, Utrtnt.ina .nlU.. ..I ,.1
wott; iotK are selling nowOT SOO-TOcltrf
i in wuuio v.ui m i 4 iois. i-'none la
bor 21. Price, $4800. Investigate this
I" "1'' is
5 ACRES, $50 DOWN,
.$10 a month, no interest or taxes, In
the famous apple belt of Klickitat coun
ty, having deep, rich volcanic ash soil;
abundance of water and w.ood; 371 N,
22d st. Main 4112.
7 miles from Washington street, 5
acres partly cleared, best of soil, no
stone, living spring, nothing better lays
outside at the price close In. $1400.
$100 down balance $15 monthly. How
ard & Co.. 402 Commercial block.
Near oily and car, all Improved, well,
house, barn and fencelrl, cheap and on
your own terms. H. P, Lee, 1015 Board
-ef-T(!fi W4g- i
FOR SAL10 5 acres one mil north
west of Clackamas station, good
chicken ranch, all improved, small
house, ohicken house, good well. Ap
ply to William Haberlach, Clackamas,
10 aires for sale on O. W. P; electrlo
carllno.close to station and' schdol,
some timber, easy cleared and best of
soil, a good buy, at $1200, own terms.
S-467, Journal.
Best small tracts of land' located 3
miles from Aurora are for sale by
owner. J. .1. Stangnl, Woodburn. Or
ONE acre tracts, close to 6c car. Level
and rich soli, Wa have a few choice
tracts left. Easy payments. 215 Henry
A FINE 80-acre farm, 20 acres cleared
House, barn, granary, chicken house"
orchard, some fine timber. 880 -npr
a-re Wolfyteln 227 Front st. V
Ff tucres""ontIie "Willamette river"
boat landing; $1501), $300 down and $15
a month. M, E, I,ee, 411 Corbett bldg.
lVt ACRES, near Beftverton, tU50
terms. io; gj st. ' . '
10,800 ACRES cut over
on river
and railroad.
A. J. Ioban.
These Places Are
Positively" Underprlced,
2 acres, all cleared, postoff Ice,
Lents, close to adjoining station;
room house in splendid condition,
woodshed and hen houses, 1 acre
8-year-old assorted fruit trees; red
shot and black soll greatly under-
priced at $3200.(t.,r. .;,x.$ .'
4i acres, all cleared, rich loam soil,
splendid t drainage, near Garden
Home on Oregon Electric. A snap
at $600 an acre. i -
acres on the Oregon City line, with
in 1 ny l l-mmult-f ronVi-nt a
tlon; well and shack; ea&ily cleared
the cheapest thing on the line a
20 acres. 12 acres cleared, black loam,
on O. W. P.. well watered; level
close to school, store, church and
station. Land, selling here at $2Qu
an acre. Price oh this $3200.
80 acres, 29 cleareo 10 acres beaver
dam, ' balance fine, fruit land; no
gravel, close to S. P. station, 25
miles of Portland. -Owner hard up
and Will sell this from $78 to $100
less than anything In this section.
His price $165 an acre. ,
40 acres, with over 600 healthy trees.
prum. pescnes, ap
rlcots, walnuts.
best commercial
varieties, many
In bearing. 1 great
quantity and excellent selection of
small fruit; 86 acres In high state
or cultivation; deep son, wun just
.j enough sand to make It work free
ly: beautiful slope affording draln
' age, fine living weh of soft water;
houBe, barn, chtcken - houses, new
wire fences. One hour's, ride of
Portland; close to rail and river
boats. Can see Portland and Mount
. Hood. Price $125 an acre, on terms;
three farms, neither -so -good, In
neighborhood, sold recently for $156
an acre and up.
acres, 14 acres nearly cleared, bal
ance second growth with occasional
tree, running creek from, big spring:
house; barn, no gravel, fine rich
soil, splendid drainage; 13 miles
from Portland, and 2 miles from R.
R. station; 10 acres adjoining sold
a few days ago at $95 an acre.
Several new houses near by. Price
for a few duys, $65 an acre.
80 acres, 15 cleared,. 20 acres slashed.
45 acres piling timber; 14 miles of
Portland, in Clackamas county,
close to Oregon City; rolling land,
85 acres fenced; family orchard,
4 years old; plenty small fruits; 5
room house barn, wagon shed.
There never was a better piece of
land lay outdoors. Price $65 an
acre. This is lower than anything
In that section. 1
Our farm department can locate you
on any sized place, in any section
of Oregon or Washington that you
may select, by ready reference to
Its lists on file In the office.
Suite 606 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder.
Phone Marshall 1948. A-2332. .
On a good country road and In a
thickly settled neighborhood; best of
soil, free from rock and gravel; can be
cleared for $16 per acre. Will take
$300-down balance In 3 years at 7 per
cent. This lies 6 miles rrom Vancouver,
2 miles from R. R. station and store.
This Is an ideal place and the soil will
produce any kind of garden truck or
fruit of all kinds.
11 AGi
All level and 6U acres under culti
vation, all fenced with a good wire
fence, the 5 acres Is all into fruit
of the following kinds: 16 Arkansas
Blacks. 110 Spitz. 110. Yellow Newtons.
14 cherries, 14 prunes, 14 Bartlett pears,
100 gooseberries. 100 Mammoth black
berries, 100 Shen berries. All of the
fruit trees are two years old, and the
berries are in bearing aj the present
time, $1100 cash and the balance to
suit vou. Any one looking for a fruit
ranch will find hat this Is a money
maker and one of the best in the coun
try for the money. Come and let us
show It to you.
Cor, Tenth and Main Sts.,
Vancouver, Wash.
In the beautiful Tualatin valley, 11
miles from Portland, on a good automo
bile road, one-quarter mile from Oregon
electric car station and mile from
Southern Pacific
If you ever wanted a' pretty home In
the country, everything convenient to
start with, where you can stand on your
porch and see the mountains in one di
rection the whole valley, below and
Council Crest and Portland, you won't
hesitate in buying this.
This acreage is all fenced and In n
high state of cultivation; there are 75
fruit trees of different kinds, 200 goose
berry bushes, 6000 to 7000 strawberry
plants, 300 raspberry plants, 300 black
berry plants.
There Is a 6-room (nearly new) house,
with a good well, all . bricked up; a new
barn built last fall,, chicken house and
good cellar.
This is positively the best buy In the
district and Is on a fast carllne, 2 blocks
from fine school.
Fon particulars phone - Main- 5338,
Tabor 362. 328 Henry bldg.
TO COLONISTS 2600 acres first class
agricultural and fruit land In Benton
and Lane counties, Willamette valley,
$35 per acre. Terms 1-3 cash.
240 acres good for dairy ranch and
general farming, 60 acres under culti
vation, good buildings, plenty of water,
tltuated In Klickitat county, Washing
ton; $7000. Terms $3000 cash, balance
on time.
320 aeres Gilliam county, 20 miles
south of Arlington and 2 miles from
0 i etntlnn vsm-wI anA nlnn ( v r9 ivoiAt I
about 180 acres good-wheat lancL: place
Is fenced; $9 per acre. Terms,
Inquire Wm. Mast, room 227- Abing
ton biusr.
Nearly 6 acres, 9 utiles from Port
land. 1 mile from Greenberg station.
flnp soil, no rocks, running water, only
$1800, terms.
We have all kinds of farms and acre
age for sale or trade. Come and see us.
North 6th st., hear Ankeny st.
We have a large and exclusive list to
select from, better call, on us before you
buy. We can save you time and money.
C, F.-Ptluger & Co,
Suite 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison.
t KHTAHLiiaIKU 1880.
CALIFORNIA fruit -land which "tr
natu rally rich in climate and solL
Can't homestead It, on acount of gold
In soil. You can have 20 acres of this
if you will have it staked and pay
nominal fee on easy terms. Ask for
literature and terms. Homestead Realty
uo., ive cn.
FIVE acres, located -In two miles of
Multnomah ' station, on electrlo car.
linev JOc fare; land half cleared; has
fine spring, and is the finest of land;
teleDhone; groceries delivered to vour
door; mail and milk route. Smith-Wag-oner
Co., 311-31 j Lewis bldg. -
HERE Is a-sna.0, 14 4e,es within 3ft
11 I .... 1 Jn- . , i .in , . t Art,. , .
, iuiiq i;;, imp f ivvv irr acre,
property ajolning selling for $2000 per
acre; platted all around.: George Little;
bus Menry mg-
js xienry nig. ;-. -
ACRES Improved, near Mt. Scott car,
new house and barns. No gravel.
bearing fruit. Will sell cheap,
phone B-2301. .' '
$ 7 5 -twiys-4r-e'ees , 4 fr-nrt fee-f rnnr Port
land: Ideal for chicken business: Rfl
down and 810 a month.. M, E. Lee. 411
Corbett hldg. '
87 acres of level land, running water, 1
roujn nouse, oatn, ail lenced, 1 mile
from Jefferson. 85000. half cash rr.ifil
Journal. ' , ; ' '
;28 acres. . cultivated: horses. Imple
ments. Near Portland. For particulars
aaoeess owner.
r. 107l K. Harrison at
O. E., T blocks" north of
Tigard: . running. water Phona. East
K3TJ fall KSt V ' Uorrlann ,
60 ACRES timber land near Reedvllle,
cheap. J. D. Kennedy, 839 Union
ave. N. - ' . . r,
70 acres under plow, "balance
pasture and timber, spring water
j)lped tohouseand barn. nlcej.
young or " chard and- some old
1 orchard, new barn, fine house; '
'price $100 per acre; this place
Is close to Adyont college. :
a 177 acres, close to Gaston, on
Rock road, all -under plow,-, but
30 acres, most all ash bottom
- land good improvements," water
piped to buildings, close to school?"
price $18,000, on easy terms. .
14 acres near Dilley Or,, all
well Improved, 6 acres in orchard,
' house, barn and outbuildings;
price $4000, H cash.
ko Sres In Washington, SO
acres 4nead?w, (fine water, no
buildings, can be-Jiandled for
$13ao. balance $1300 2 years.
431 Lumber Ex.
. Dairy or Stock Ranch
16S acres. H In cultivation (all
crops go, balance open pasture,
timber for home use: good orch
ard and small fruit; large square
house of 8 rooms; large new barn
and old barn for hay and stock
oettle; 17 head of cattle, S horses,
harness, wagons, all farm Imple
ments; cream seoarator; two fine
springs as ever flowed out ' of
f ;round; has ram to force water
nto house and barn; land lays '
fine; miles from good town
with boat and R. R. transport-:
tlon and bnly 35 miles from Port
land and worth more money, than :
Is asked, but all goes for $50
per acre. - -
Waggoner Real Estate Co.
310-212 Abington bldg.,
. 106 4 3d st.
$36 Per Acre
This farm consists of 20$
acres. About under cultiva
tion. The whole farm Is tillable
land except a few acres. The
soil Is deep and rich. It Is all
fenced and lies on a good county
road In Yamhill county, about
40 miles from Portland'. If you
don't see this you are the loser,
Incumbrance $3000 at ( per cent.
Will exchange most of equity for
good Portland property.
419 Henry bldg.
60 acres of A-1 soli, 30 practically
level and good farm land, balance pas
ture and timber, 15 acres in cultivation,
6 room box house, good barn 24x40, 2
acres of orchard, living water, 1 Vi miles
of school, phone, cream route and dall
mall, 10 minutes of Oregon City on a
good rock road. This Is one of the
cheapest of its kind In Clackamas coun
ty; $1800 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per
End of suspension bridge, Oregon City,
5 Acres
14 Miles From Portland
Only $900
This little farm Is located only a few
rods from a station, and the soil Is the
very best of black loam. It Is well
adapted to garden and berry raising.
The whole place Is under cultivation.
Remember, the price Is only $900, and
we can give terms If desired.
' 419 Henry bldg.
Fruit and Walnut . Farrn,
160 acres, 120 In high state of culti
vation, 60 of which Is in young orchard,
balance brush; a fine stream of water,
2 sets of buildings. 1H miles from
Dundee and Ry. station; magnificent
view; Just 30 miles from Portland; $100
per acr; good terms. -GEO.
za woara or xraae.
104 Acres, $6500
Small. Cash Payment
Productive soll.-ac rocks or gravel.
60 acres under cultivation, good build
Hour and half ride from Portland.
Half mile from station on electric.
Fine spring brook running
ThrouKh the farm by the buildings
Valuable for the waterpower.
530 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
For 400 acres of land In Lincoln county
joins gooa town with rail and water
transportation, all good soli, 50 acres of
very rich bottom land, all clear, some
rine pinng iimoer, wen watered by sev
eral creeks and snrlna-s. Thin nriu in
eludes all stock and Implements value
$2000; terms. 402 Lumber Exchange. 2d
and Stark
" " - .
A 10 Acre Farm,
iieurea mnu. ricn Diack anil, nn
stumps jtravel or .wst-land-exGeD-
tlonally adapted for raising vegetables,
berries- and fruit; $250 cash; balance
easy terms; ciose to jfortland and elec
trie line.
. uo foncn bldg,
HO acres 3 miles east of Oregon City,
25 acres clear and in cultivation, fair
iiuunv ana ouiouuaings. we, are In
tsiruciea 10 nen ims piece at $7a per
-oy taiiiin. ii you Hnow mat iana is
Selling In this locality for $350 per acre,
8b--iiiereBiru ana Bee US at Once.
402- Corbett bldg. Marshall 1720, A-1733
TEN dollars per sere and up buys the
best farms In this country-located in
Clarke county, ..Wash, This land re
cently secured from M. P, R. R. Co,
Deep rich soil suitable for agriculture,
gardening or fruit, good transportation
to Portland. Nothlnr better as an in.
men I. Portland AbwTracTar"TfiiiF
Co.. 603 Lumbermens bldg. , ,
Farm for $350.
28 2-3 acres at Nappa, Or.; some good
timber, part easily, cleared, small creek,
runs through place, best of soil, no
rocks, must be sold at once. Price $350,
Albert Harala, 7, 89 & Mississippi ave.
135 acres, 30 miles from Portland,
only $00 per sere; terms, . .
pug oLttin en,
"5M mile from railroad and towrt;
cleared of brush and seeded down; fine
timber; $60 per re; timber will more
than nay for land, - ' ( .
sub uouqi) .uiag
40 ACRES adjoining town; some lm
provements. If sold quick, $1600: only
$500 cash, bal. easy. Room 303 8 wet
land bldg
FARMS, orchard tracts, fine assort'
wliii S"0. Oregon Farms Co.,,, 41T
Rothchlld bldg, ... -, , ,
$11 m ACRE
. JKTli Mil.
8 $1200 - 40 aerss unimproved, 16 8
8 acres slashes unrt burnt: - land is 8
8 2 H miles from R..R. station and B (
a boat landing- (U tnllaa Crnm o-nod 8
8 town on Cowliti rivsr, near school. 8
& ?3,?unty Toad, good soil.Terms St
8 $10 acres. 1W miles from stood S
8 ft. R. town in Yamhill county, 0 8
S acres In fins stats cultivation, bat. 8
a rine timoer and pasture; there are a
8 10.000 cords of wood on nlace: 8
Sfmlljr orchard on main county S
8 road, very best of soil, fine loca- S
S tlon, new house - and gortd barn. 8
S Price only $46 per acrs. Give good 8
8 terms. If you are In the market 8
S for a rood Investment -it will way H
8 you -to Investigate this, before buy- 8
8 Ing. , - ' "'. . 8
S $1200 40 acres unimproved, 18" S
8 acres slashed and burnt, very best S
8 of soli, 2V4 miles from good town 8
8 on Cowlitx river and main line of S
8 N. P. R. R.. I mils front boat H
8 landing, mile to school Terms, 8
8 $260 cash, balance $50 per . year, 8
8 6 pet centrThls is a snap. 8
1426040 sere ft U miles from S
8 rood town on main fins of N. P. 8
8 R.-R.;-lso-boat-landlng-on'tCow 8
8 1IU river, 1M acres In cuHlva- 8
8 tlon, $ acres ready for plow, all S
8 level and on good graver road,- 195. 8
8 bearing fruit trees, small fruits, 8
8 8 acres seeded to timothy and clov- S
8 er, all fenced, 4 roomv house, barn- 8
8 24x38, good well and small ereek, S
R very best of soil, good tsam weigh- 8
8 4ng -2800-Ibs, J- ewB.-$neifra, 8
8 8 hogs, 3 dosen chickens, 2 wagons, 8
8 farm implements. $300 worth of 8
8 clearing tools, telephone In hbuse, S
8 Will take $2600 In exchange smalt 8
8 ac Tease near Portland nr Van. 8
8 couver. "- , . " 8
8: ... v;;;4--v;i'.v .. g
8 $260O-44 acres on Cowlits rhrr. 8
8 JH miles from R. R. station and 8
8 boat landing, 18 acres In cultlva-.9
8 tlon, 16 acres creek bottom. 20 8
8 acres slashed, some timber, Well, S
8 1 acre strawberries all kinds small 8
8 fruits, 6 acres seeded to timothy 8
8 and clover, t room bouse, barn 80 8
8 by 64, rodthouse, frulthouse, on 8
8 county road, phone In house, 8
8 mile to school. Terms, $1000 8
S cash, balance time. This is extra s
8 fine soil. , 8
8 ... - V. ' n , ' -.-:;'-- ' (8
s 173 acres. IH miles from Lax- 8
8 ayette. Yamhill coun- 90 acres 8
S in fine state of cultivation, bal- 8
8 ance timber very best of soil, on 8
8 main county road, no hulldlnara. R
8 Price only $70 per acre. A snap. 8
S , 8
$3500 80 acres, !H miles from 8
rood R.Tt lnn tw rvxviitti rw.
a er. IB acres In cultivation. IS
8 acres timber. Family orchard.
S Small fruit, well and spring. All
S fenced, 3 room house, barn 40x50.
Other OIlthtlllHInra 1 tam m-avnn
8 and harness. 4 cows, 2 yearling
8 colts. Buggy,. 10 hogs. 2 helf-
8 ers, 70 chickens, all farm lmpls-
8 ments. All household furniture.
give good terms.
$900017$ acres H mile frbm
R. R. station in the Willamette
valley. 76 acres in fine state of S
cultivation, free from stumps. 76 S
acres creek bottom. 40 acres S
green timber, family orchard, S
good well, small creek. 2 springs, 8
all fenced, very best f solL good 8
1H story 7 room rustic house, 8
barn 40x80. other outbuildings. S
Personal property goes with S
place: 4 horses. 8 cows. 5 helf- S
ers, 3 dosen chickens. 6 stands S
bees. 20 tons hay, some grain, S
cream separator, wagon, hack, all 8
farm machinery and household 8
furniture, mils to church and S
school, on main county road, S
terms $2600. cash $3106, Port- 8
land property $3400. Mortraiaf 8
on ranch. This is ose of the
best buys on the market.
320 acres. 1U mll from It B
8 station in Clarke county. Wash.
S 27 miles from Portland. Some 8
8 creek bottom land. Fine creek S
S runs throurh nlace. flom tim- ft
S ber. Fine soli. If sold within 8
8 30 days will sell for $0 per acre S
8 on good terms. If you are look- 8
8 Ing for a snap Investigate this S
8 beore buying. Good location. 8
I . 8
8 10 acre tracts I hsve them 8
8 within 9 miles of Portland. 2H 8
8 miles of Beaverton, y, miles of S
8 8. P. R. R.; very best of soil, no S
8 rock or gravel; $100 to $126 per 8
8 acre, your own terms. If you are In 8
8 the market for a country home. B
S for farm large or small, for un- 8
8 Improved land, see me before buy- 8
8 ing. I have some of the best bar- S
8 gains In the country. All prop- 8
S erty guaranteed as advertised. K
8 8
ZOS Gerlinger Bldg. .
2nd and Alder.
Phone Main 8430.
Residence East 1798.
BJ8SB8868S8S 88888888
17 H
acres 2H miles from station, 1
mile from Willnmsftn rivor
miles up the valley from Port-lPrlnK "iped to house and bam, old or
land. All rich black soil. 3 acres i chard, fine youn - orchard. Price $10,-
in cultivation, balance small
brush and, timber. - Small house
and barn. Good well and creek,
Price $1600.
acres, 2 miles from station and
high school. 10 acroB In cuMlvs-
tlon. 6 acres .of stump pastures
6 acres of timber. New 6 room
house and barn. J ehlrkn ho..e 1
goon ramny orchard, good w
and creek, tea in of horses, 3
cows, 60 chickens, new wagon,
harness and buggy. All small
tools. 24 miles , up the valley
from Portland. Price $3600; $1000
can run at 6 per cent
160 acres a few miles south of Oregon
City. Is all the best kind of
sqII. 30 acres in cultivation. A
fine new barn, 4 good springs,
the balance of the land is tlm-
x ber and pasture. No waste land.
When cleared will make a fine
farm, n Price $43 per acre.Terms.
109 acres of the best Willamette river
bottom land. 60 acres In cnltlva
..tlon. a good 7 room house, large
v barn, 4 acres of good orchard, is
one of the most productive tracts
of land in the valley. Boat land
ing on. the place. Price. $6500.
480 acres on the Willamette river, 6
miles from Salem,, 190 In .cul
tivation. All the best Tiind of
soil. Good buildings. Price $750$
- per acre. Terms. , -. -. ',
946 acres down the Columbia: river. Is
, logged off land. All good land.
, 60 per cent level land.- Some Im
provements, Price $16 per acre.
836 acres 6 miles from McMlnnvllle on
.the county road and near station.
350 acres In cultivation, several
springs and a creekl Extra good
buildings, well fenced Price $60
per acre. Good terms.
414 Abington bldg.
8400 acres stock farm. $6 per Sere.
7300 acres excellent,' $15 per acre.
2700 acres, near good town, $25 per
B80 acres, part crop, idu per acre.
275 acres, well Stocks!, $8500,- 1
90 acres,- well Improved, '$6000... s (
21 acres. Well Improved. $2250. 1
66 acres, fine land, $2500. '
58 acres. 14 miles from Portland, fin.
well stocked, $176 per acre. ..
For these and many other snlendld
buys see" - t
zi M M hitvM A n, a I o poara qt Trade Mflg.
We have Borne very good bar-
gains in farms and acreage. Borne
excellent fruit tracts set to com-
"m erd a ivstiettes 1 wf s pplewr" 1 and 1
some bearing orchards. Come In
and ret pur orlces.
McKenzie Realty Co,
60 acres, ti In cultivation, I
A houses and good barn and ouU-buildings,-
lies fine -and good
.ground; all fenced and cross
fenced; 3H mikes to Kldgefield;
" $4500. .
. ' 40 aores, 20 . In cultivation and
good 7 room house and barn, run
ning water, wall fenced, on good
- road and close to postoff ice and
-itore: id acre are timber and 20
are 1 bottom land . in cultivation:
close to- Forest Grove, . and will
take good part lu city property.
' $400Q. ,(-,V,;(:':.i-r,.,w, i,-.Vvj-;
14 acres and all In fine state of.
cultivation; 12 acres of commrr-,.
cial apples, bearing, over 4000 - ''
boxes this year:; fine new house '
and rood barn: macadamised road. A
joins city limits. $76U0, will Uks
.- some city property. v - - - . n
. 20 acres. - all in cultivation, 1
acre strawberries, 6 room house. ,
nice barn, 3 cows. 1 horse,. 100
chickens, plows, harrows and vari
ous other tools; 2 miles out of
town; $100 per acre. ,
. : 28 acres." air fine land. " 13 la
cultivation, front fine macadam
lied road; no. buildings, plenty of
water, balance easily cleared; j 1
- tiilterts flnesrown tnthe valley;
will trade for city property.
$3500. - ,, i .;
800 acres fine wheat lands, well .
watered, all fenced, good build
ings, no waste, close to rood town .
in eastern OreronS $14,000, half1
'cash.'-,. , -. v.
820 acres, all In wheat; $ room
house, barn, water, stock; $8000.
Farms of all descriptions at
Everett & Crew
617 Rothchlld Md. X x
r- - --. .', -tf.c)' '.'''; : '
6 ACRES FOR $0tf.'. i
Absolutely : the cheapest and best
buy on tho market today. Located with
in 20 miles center of Portland. Lies In
a beautiful open country on a good -level
road. R. F. : D., milk route and
phone; -mile to school; 1H miles to
small country town, 4 miles to electric
sta. ; electric line is bulldlnr towards
place and will be within mile of place
ueiore summer is over, xne sou is a
heavy black shot. Ideal for fruits and
berries. Would make a splendid chick'
en ranch.
10 Acre Farm for $1200,
6 acres under high state 6f cultiva
tion, balance in timber. Fair 6-room
house; new barn; good well. All fenced
and on main county road. - This prop
erty is locatedl$ miles from Portland,
2 miles from electric carllne.. 2 miles '
from boat landing and railroad station;
In a beautiful valley very thickly set
tled. Price $1200; terms.
Will cut 500 cords of wood which
will more than pay for place. Property
located Within 12 milesV of Portland on
good level, graveled road, R. F. D.,
milk route and phone; H mile to school.
1 mile to small country town, 2 miles
to electrlo sta. Land Ilea level; black
shot soil; Ideal for fruits, berries and
chickens. First party to see tkis will
buy It. Terms $300 cash. bal. to suit.
80 4th St.
Board of Trade , Bldg.
Ground Floor.
68 acres within 3 miles f Falls City
and 5 miles of Dallas, has a good new,
6 room house, wel painted, a good barn
and poultry house; plenty of shed room,
fine well at house, small stream run
ning through rdace, can Irrigate with it
at least 20 acres, fine place for berries
and gardening, 20 acres bottom land,
under plow, quite a lot of fine fruit
land, some good saw and cordwood tim
ber, plenty of bearing fruit, a fine home,
only $4500, $1000 cash, time on balance.
714 acres, 3 miles of Monnuuth,
where is located the state normal school,
all under plow, with exception of 1
acre, 6 room house, good barn, abund
ance of fruit In bearing, plenty of fine
water, fine fruit or grain land, all deep
red soil, none better, only $6500, $1000
cash will buy It, time on balance; will
sell In 10 acre tracts at $100 per acre,
luys fine, .
167 acres, 6 miles of Dallas, 100 acres
of river bottom land, 90 acres of which
is under plow, 67 acres of fine upland
that is covered with small oak and fir,
easily cleared, fine grain or fruit land,
6 room house, large barn, dally mall,
phone K mile to school; only $85 per
acre, $3000 cash will buy it. time on
balance. .
jjauas, or.
"6t) Acres '
11 miles this stde Salem, 40 acres In
fine hops. In excellent ordrtlon: will
yield from 40,000 to 45,000 lbs. of hops;
will contract for this amount at 15 cents
a pound; free drying for- two years.
Will exchange for city property. Price
$7500. . ' .."
184 acres In Gilliam county, of
mile from Gwendolln, 150 In cultivatlost
32 acres In pasture, under feice. fair
house, a spring. . Price $3760; will trade
for city oroperty, . ; '
100 acres ltt mt. from Gaston. 70 acres
In cultivation, fair house, new barn, fine
""L'i1" terms.
!. ,17S Rcr? 3 miles from North Yamblll,
i f" Rcres ' cultivation. 10 acres of this
In beaverdam, from 90 to 100 acres good
'tV,nu?rU nrw,7 ,0?m.nou,"' old bams,
"L1 ,k?? "f'i,!';.4?.'"
?FLlwi f,E?rtf6' do,J V"-1!
l?.lled o''no . ogs, 4 horses. 8 fine
n i chickens, cream aeoarator all kinds of
c"w? now m mils, one registered bun
w tun wv iniiii. 8ii3 iiuuaciiuici
furniture. All goes at,$S0 per acre,
S5000 cash.
218 t ommerclal blk.. cor, 2d
ind Wash.
$137.50 PER ACRE.
160 acres, 2U miles from Dallas,
right on the main road to Monmouth,
the motor line and the electric power
line. ,
103 acres arc now In 2-year-old ap
ples In prime condition, consisting of
Newtowns, Spits and Jonothans, In ratio
Of 3-2-1. - ' . ',.
This orehftrd-itas-had-TnostrTnodem
and efficient care and all trees are m
healthy condition.
'1 ne orchard now has a cover crop
of vetch' to be plowed under rtils spring.
The land was platted before planting
and proper provisions have been made
tor ronds. :--; -
This can be sold In small tracts at
$350per acre, and a handsome profit
realised within tho next few months;
$6000 cash will handle It. and the bal
ance can be made In payments covering
a period Of 3 years at t per cent, with
proper release clauses. -W.
H. BUOT. y.
Room 1. Rallwav Exchange bldg.
. Marshall 1199. - . .
- Here Is a rare opportunity.
Jjook It up. E0 acres under cultli
vatlon. 10 acres in pasture and
cak timber. Very best of deep
rich soil. No waste land. The farm
is all fenced and cross fenced.
Targe new barn. New 8 room
house which cost $1200. This
farm Is located In the famous
Chehalem - valley at Newberg.
tnly 28 miles ' from Portland. .
Price for short time only $5600.'
-einis ii uenirea.
Hill & Myer
ts nenry oiag.
$1$ PER ACREl .
1280' sores, 300 acres can orf"culH
vated. bal. excellent pasture. ' Plenty of
water and outrange,;. Green year around
Can sell one or two sections for 14 per
acre, cash. bat. easy payments, 8 per
fenrintereBt. 1 '" '' "r ' a"
' 1022 Board of .Trade hlrl .Vi4 '":
8NAP A wlieat farm relinquishment In
Eastern,; bregors All - cultivated.
Mouse and improvements. , Iti Gilliam
county. Will exchange for city property
or sell cheap for- cash. K-4 6 7. Journal