: GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 P ENERAL REAL BSIJK 02 FOB SALE llOtSES 01 FOR BALK DOUSES 01 FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR SALE LOTS 10 FOR SALE LOTS LOTS. kal W tat Ml', MM $1850 $500 cash and $15 montr! for 7 room house and 2 nice lots with bearing fruit trees, 2 blocks from v car line. .Will consider, el oeeJ acres in Mchanw $1250 $400 cash and IIS month, rood 4' room house and 2 nice, lots, well located. i.1500$50O ahy balance time -for y .room house and 1H lots, 1 block from car line,1. '. , i- f 2000 $200 cash and$15 month, nice new d room moaern nouse. " vvnjr ; pay t rent? If you have $200 . to pay., down your rent buys you a rtioe home. 1600-r-$5OO cash, halance time, nice I room modern nouae, lot tuxivo. -, fenced. Nice shrubbery and near car line. $23Q0 $500 cash and 215 month, nice , new 6 room modern house with nice furniture, all goes for 12300. 2 blocks to car line. ' $280021000 cash, balance time for BOx r 100 business lot situated in cen ter of business' district; small house on lot -.this property at pres ent time Is worth 14000 and will increase rapidly In value owing " to location. ; . ' $1200 $600 cash, balance time to suit .. : purchaser for nice new 4 room mod- i em house, fine location. This Is an extra good investment. ' $2000 $300 cash - for beautiful new . .. , modern bungalow, not yet occu-pied.-I blocks from Caroline. , After paying $100 cash, balance Is -. moderate rent, - .only $16 month. Be your own landlord. $1600 Aorea on Powell valley road In side city limits. I (50 $50 cash and $10 month, tt re Jn bearing fruit - trees, 2 blocks from Car "line; only a few acre lots left: best bargain' in the city. I 1(0 $10 cash and easy monthly pay merits, large lots near car line. Don't delay. NEIL 8MITH OR KERN PARK LAND CO.. Kern Park, station. Mount Scott car - - line. Phone Tabor 193,1. Well Improved 111 -Mi 25 acres in growing hops and in good condition; 15 acres fine prune orchard, bearing and in first' class condition; 20 acres cultivated land used for raising gram; 60 acres slashed and burned that can be put In cultivation for the 'ex pense of $10 per acre; running water and ltvln springs; red shot soil, being the finest apple and fruit land in the state; can be cultivated any season of the year; a new double drying hop house, cost $1000; also a fruit dryer and a good fair barn; dwelling house with four or five rooms, also small family orchard; school house and church across the road; In fact one of the fin est" home sights in the valley; 22 miles from Portland; nine miles from Hllls boro: six miles from Newburgh on a main county road. Price $100 per acre, with very easy terms. Come and inves tigate; no better buy and easier terms ran be than this. Partly improved, 2 miles from Will .sonvtlle on Salem Electric R. R.; 28 acres In cultivation; balance pasture and timber; good spring and running water; fenced and cross fenced; fam ily orchard and fair buildings; will ex change for city property or will sell on easy terms. Price $7000, 65 acres in cultivation and all in crop; fair 7 room house and two barns; 2J4 acres bearing orchard with variety of fruits; 5 acres pasture with some wood: land lays slightly rolling with 18 acres upland and the ballance rich bottom land; on good county road with school and church nearby; 24 miles from Portland; six miles from 8. P. R. R. and a good town; with a fine road; on mail delivery and telephone. Price $7000 with good terms. We also have small tracts Improved and unimproved near Electric car line and the Willamette river with buildings and, without. We also have 200 acres froiUIng on- the Willamette river and 14 acres bearing orchard and two sets of buildings. A fine farm and well Im proved for sale on good terms. For parttculares see JOHN DICK. 826 Henry Bldg. - $ rooms, modern, 2 H blocks to car, Patton ave., $1800; trrms $600 cash. Congress St., near Preacott, $2100, terms $600 cash; 6 rooms, modern, Blandena. between Mississippi ave. and Kerby: $2850, terms $800 cash; 8 rooms, modern, . . s On Kerby st., near Prascott, $3200; terms $600 rash; 6 rooms, modern. Corner Prescott, $200; cash; $ rooms, modern. terms $5Q0 Overlook lot on Capital ave., $1260; terms $600 cash. Lot on Michigan ave., near Fremont, $1280; terms $450 cash," good view. Lot on 13th, near Mason, for $800; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. Quality and prices to suit, best car service in city; Jefferson high school rtoss to alt" tills " property, andT many more we have. If you are looking for a home or a good lot, don't stop until you arrive at Wolletfs, 841H Mississippi ave., near R. 8. car. Come in and tell us your wants. $900 room house, furnished: lot 62xl00 feet, Terms $200 cash, balance easy. 624x100 ft. lot for $25 cafh. In Railway addition. 80x100 ft. lot for $420, $240 cash. 100x100 ft. lot for $500, $50 cash. H, Benz E. Ollsan and 80th sts. M-V car. j aoor bust. Apartment site We can quote a low cash price on that sightly quarter on the S. w, corner of 16th and Montgomery sts. It has a for apartments.. Only 16 minutes' walk to P. O. . STRONG k CO,,' - 605 Concord bldg. ' $8000 7 Room House Strictly modern, In swellest Irvington district one block from -car. If you want' something nice see this. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 815 Falling, bldg. -' , UNION AVENUE, - We are offering a great bargain on tht thoroughfare; 60x120 and good six room house for $5500; business houses on all' sides: $3600 cash needed. STRONG & CO,, 608 Concord bid g1. . a VERT FINE RE8IDE'CE.J'J'"," 12ttt and Prescott, corner 45x100 feet, : strictly modern 2 room" house, fur nace, ground lies high with first class retaining will in, fine view; price $4300, ..easy terms. , - ' OODDARD & WIBDRICK, -V 243 Stark st. ' '( '11., We deal only with the highest class of 'buyers Land sellers, Your prop erty'rnust be good. Our -buyers are. s , -f-WimiTIT7 .' WE-HAVE'IT'-.:'.:- DUMBER A8TERII&WE8TE TBU8T 60. 901 Chamber of Com merce. The finest bungalow on the east side for the money, $4000, terms, Best paying apartment house in Portland, $6000 cash, $6000 time, Net monthly revenue, $600, 35 apartments, fine lo cation, ASTERM&WESTE , TWIT GO. 901 Chamber of Com merce. iO DOWN $10 A MONTH 2 room celled house and lot. close to car. , 4 room .plastered house, $200 down, $15 per month. Lot 40x160. 5 room ceiled house, lot 76x100. Price $1160, $400 down. New 6 room mastered house with i basement, $1800; $350 down. Z acres in Lents. $1300; $500 down. LENTS REAL ESTATE CO., Lents. Or. Tabor 1599. HIGH CLASS SPECULATORS GET BUSY. 100x150 ON KING STREET, JUST OFF WASHINGTON, FINEST APARTMENT SITE IN PORTLAND BETTER COME QUICK OR YOU WILL BE TOO LATE. Crescent Realty Co. Exclusive agents. 286 Yamhill jut.. UNEEDA HOME-V OUGHT" TO tnTde your AUTO for one. We have timber or acreage to trade for a car; bargains in homes on month ly payments: two fine prune orchards, one. in bearing, for sale at value of raw land. UNEEDA HOME CO.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 Cash This home sacrificed; completely and well furnished; 6 rooms, bath, basement, beautiful Improved lot, Piedmont near Killingsworth ave. Price $3600. 417 Board of Trade. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 Full lot fenced and city water. Bear Ing fruit, trees, AJieathoroL on easy payments. Can for narticulars on M'Donell k Sharp 328 Lumbermen bldg. -NEW BONGALOW 5 Rooms Price $2000. $600 cash, terms to suit; near Clark Station, Mt Scott line; lot 60x100. See something nice. MOO WAN ft PENNINGTON, Room 3 Healey bldg., corner E. Moril- son and Grand, Phone Tabor 282. FINE Home in Irvington or E. 26th st. Just completed and modern in every detail; large living room and fireplace; 8 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, , paneled dining room, hardwood floors, cement basement and goGd-fnmarerlarge at tier" Price $6600. Can be handled for $1000 cash, balance $50 per month. McAllister & Ludde- mann. 7zi Electric ping, Be Your Own Real Estate Agent Will allow full commission to party buying this new modern room bunga low, 100 feet from Hawthorne ave. $550 down; terms to suit; price $3760. 8. Harms, pwnel. 167 11 st, Main 240g. il 00 CASH $15 per month, at 6 per cent. 8 room modern cottage,. 3 blocks from car. Price $2100. - - KLEPPER A JONES, " 640 Chamber of Commerce, y Phone Main TUT. SIX room t bungalow, new, lot fiOxlOQ, $2450; $60 cash, balance , $25 per month. " . " x- '' ToeTw-TnodeTrr house; WorBOXIOIT, $2360; $360 cash, balance $25 per month. For snaps se the C. J.- Culllson Real Estate Co., 205 H Morrison st. FIVE room modern house. block from car. close Uo good school: $300 cash, $16-per month, $2200.. rhons Tabor 674. .. a i:'.:;, ti , OR-'SE mum ' " 'mm mm - -houses Spc1 No finer house la Portland; oak floors, fireplace, furnace, tub and hewer baths, laundry, "leaping porch, full ce ment floor, double .alls with tar paper between, art glass window, sidewalks and street work paid for. gas and elec tricity, hot and cold water, medicine rhaat lln.n Mnl walla tinted. Dutch kitchen; paneled dining room, ( cove ceil ings. ; !-' - ' f " . Phone Owner,' East 1392 ' ' Half block to ear. . 50x124 $500 CASH. $25 PER MONTH jNew Modern House,- - - t rooms, l block from Hawthorne Ave. car. Full basement, ,. flre plaee. r Fine neighborhood. Eastern & Western Trust Co, 901 Chamber of Commerce. - - " - 4 ROOM - - ' , " 'T: . New modern house of double construction, fine view lot with v- all street Improvements; short -walk to car; prle $1250, 10 per cent cash, balance easy terms. Take Rose City park car at 6th and Washington sts. Ride to end rrz of - llnev" T 7." "TTT" Gregory Investment Co, HONEST VALUE, r New house, 6 large rooms, full ce ment basement, bath and toilet, also toilet In basement, hardwood floors, hot water heat, artistic fireplace, beautiful ly finished throughout; this house, has never been occupied, Is honestly built and Iff one of the very best homes of its size In Portland; the lot is Well Improved, has sewerage, gas and electricity- this property can be reached conveniently by 6 streetcar lines; price for immediate sale $3800, favorable terms. S. R. Norton, 7 Chamber of Commerce. OfO$2800 LOT 75x125 5 room modern cottage, cement base ment, barn, plenty of fruit and roses, chicken run, 1 block to car,- street im provements all in; 20 foot alley; 15 min utes from Alder st. This la an Ideal home and must be seen to be appreciat ed, $600 down, balance terms. - Howard & Co.. 402 Commercial block. LISTEN Save commission, buy from owner; corner lot, new 6 room bun galow; cement walks, basement with floor, and laundry trays; all rooms tint ed, electric lights,, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, white enamel finish; dining room paneled, haa plate rail; first class plumbing. 'Am leaving city; must sell this month. Price $2950, $800 down; easy payments. Call Tabor 2716. 6-room house with sleeping porch, polished oak floors, tub and shower bath, furnace, fireplace, etc, etc. Take Rose City Park car to 46th st, first house north. Price $4250. Phone own- er, East 1392. V FOR SALE New, very neat and mod ern 5 room bungalow, 28x46, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, wax floors, select slashed grain woodwork, large cement basement, wood lift, cor ner lot 55x116 1-S. 4 bearing fruit trees and plenty of large shade trees; near carllne; only $3500; terms. 1705 Ftske St.. University Park. Phone Woodlawn 641. By owner. BEAUTIFUL new 5 room bungalow In Sunnyside district, thoroughly mod ern, with many built-in conveniences, living room with fireplace, Dutch kitch en, dining room, sewing room, full ce ment basement and furnace; price $3500; cash $500, balance easy monthly pay ments. McAllister & Luddemann, 723 Electric bldg. $2000 will handle this 6 room bungalow on corner lot, first class finish throughout, all modern conveniences, full basement, with laundry; 3 additional rooms can be arranged upstairs. Price $3000 Alberta or Broadway. 917 E. 21st st. N. FOR SALE CHEAP, BY OWNER. 100x100. handsome 6 room house, with every modern convenience, ready to oc cupy. Take the Mt. Scott car and get off at Clark Station and walk 2 blocks north and 1 block east Phone Tabor 2206. FOR SALE 2 large lots, good 6 room house, 2 blocks from O. W. P. carllne, 25 minutes' ride from city, small fruit, bearing: graded school and church near. Price $2500; $500 down, balance 5 years at 7 per ment Address or Inquire 649 Taylor, room I. NICE little bungalow house, 4 rooms, woodshed, basement, at 3 blocks from carllne, 6c to any part down in city. Price $1100, cash or terms. No agent. D-441, Journal. ACALIFORNIA HOME For sale or exchange rfor acreage near Portland; well' situated In Santa Clara valley; value $1760. Address L-448, Journal. $450 $450 $450 $460 ' $260 cash, $6 monthly, buys lot 46x 187, with large siihck, xzo, at Ients. Better see this. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. 2776. SELLING my home. If you want a nice 6 room cottage 2 blocks from Ankeny car. phone B-1842 or call at 112 Sherlock bldg. Reasonable price and terms. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New 5 room modern bungalow, fire place, full basement, east front, Haw thorne district, only $2900; $500 cash, balance monthly. Call Tabor 2283. $665 CASH, $15 per month, 6 per cent, 5 room 'mod ern cottage, 8 blocks from car, 1 block to -acnooL Price- $3200; lot 50xl25rwn er. 17 E. 7th st. N. A 6 ROOM house on Mt. Scott line, by owner; electric lights and modern im provements; cash or installments. In- quire t6'Ji 7ist . m. A CORNER lot 65x100, Improved with 2 new houses; will pay In rentals 10 per cent. $2500 will handle. Owner. K-440. Journal. MODERN 6 room bungalow. Overlook on Patton ave., between Beach and Failing. For terms see owner, 107T E. 22d N. A HOUSE for sale on corner Garfield and Killingsworth ave. Piedmont. In quire 400 Surman street or Woodlawn 1994. TWO room house, on a 60x100 lot east front 2 blocks from Alberta carllne, Improvements paid; cash only. Call at 1129 E. S2d st. N. Owner. WATER froitt property,- flan Frnncteco Day. zp acreB, on Boutnern Racine, valuable rock and clay, forced sale. Ad dress Ernest uicsson, Eureka, Cal THREE bargains in homes, see owner, terms to stilt you. C. M. ROBINSON, Sellwood 1848. 1214 Holgate. $4760 6 room modern house, east front 415 E. -25th at. N. Phone C-2378. BY owner; modern 6 room house, corner lot 20 minutes from city on Haw- thorne ave. carllne. Phone B-2494. 60x100 lot, on Gay, near Ainsworth, $75. below market value, 2 days only. wooaiawn ziyd GRAB thia quick, $1100 cash, 4 room nouse. large cement basement, 84x100 lot 1150 E., 19th st. N. ACRE; 6 room house, electric lighted 8800 CASH or sale. A. Justice. Sell wood 177T. mKWti hlah lot in Bunny side: at ii k" S ROOM modern house, 2 blocks from 35th, with good tent ihouse, well fur- -trai frul4Mtd shade r,ferr:hoft iehedrtrgw"foi$l0; "' ' 1 ' and churches, Terms, Tabor 951. ' ROSSMERE LOT .$800. ; HOUSE and lot 4 room cottage, for aaie Part cash, east front. Improvements cheap. ' 935 Commercial st. paid. 80.1 Lumbermens nldg. TENT bungalow in Piedmont for sale ONE of best, lots In. Laurelhurst cheap cheap. Phone Woodlawn 8047. by owner, p-468. Journal, ' FOR SALE cheap. 6 room house and $900 Cor. lot on E. 17th and Prescott. corner lot in Vernon. Phone C-1685. phone Owner, A-2258. II1S On Easy Terms ALL PARTS , Of CITY AND COUNTRY House Lots ' Acreage 77' $100 Cash . Balance $ lS per month,' 6 per cent, will buy & 6 room modern cottage, $ blocks from Anabel station. Mt Scott line. Price $2100. It's modern. i $750 Cash $30 per month, including interest, will handle a 2 story, 6 room house on corner No. 894 Grand ave. N. Price $4260. 1 $600 Cash And $20 per month will handle a 5 room modern . bungalow on comer of 19tlt and Oolng sts -2 blocks from Al berta; lot 60x100. Price $2600. 12 Acres" On Mt. Hood electric, adjoining Villa ave., 1 miles from city limUs. includ ing good house and barn, valued at $3100. The whole business can be bought for $600 per acre. Terms. ..- FRACTION LOT. West Side " Between 6th and 6th on Jefferson; Income $36 per month. A bargain for a small investment Price $10,000. ALSO. Have some nice lots, 6)xl00. $10 down. $10 per month, S per cent; price $400. Klepper & Jones Room 540, Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 7967. - QUICK SALES AND SHORT PROFITS Read a short list of our bargains In Alberta district, Alameda Park. Irvlng- lon rarx ana surrounding additions Nice modern 6 room bungalow, east front Price $2650, $400 cash. . 8 room house on Vernon ave.; mod ern. Price $2600, $1200 cash. 6 rooms, new and modern, nice fire place, east front, corner. $2800, $660 cash. New room house, bath, pantry, re ception hall, basement, east front IVi blocks to car. Price $2650. 6 rooma, 60x110 ft. lot, east front, good location, 1 block to Alberta car. Price $2050, $500 cash, balance $15 a month. Two small houses and good lots, near car, only $900 each, cash. 4 room house, basement, lot 68x100 ft. Price $1500, $1000 cash. Store house and residence, new and good, corner lot 100x114 ft., near Ala meda Park. Price $3400, cash, bal ance 1, 2 and 3 years. Choice vacant lots, prices right. J, M, REPASS & SON E. 24th- and Alberta. Woodlawn 1834. $1000 Takes This 6 room house, chicken house, lot 60x100, close to car and school, $300 down, bal ance terms to suit; a cheap place. How- m ot v.., commercial oiock. Bungalows! Bungalows! Good locations, prices from $2000 to $4000. Photos at office. Fred W. Ger man, 829 Burnslde. M. 2776. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7 room house with full lot, on E. Main st.. near 20th; bath room on both floors and hot water furnace. uvv. r-iop, journal. TENT HOUSE ON PENINSULA. $725. Full lot. 2 rooms In tent and city wa ter, lot all set out to berries, rose bush es, etc. $200 casn handles. Fred W. German. 329 Burnalde. M. 2776. J700 BUYS 60x100. corner, west side, with good 6room house. This Is an excellent home and Investment com bined; $500 cash. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg, FOR SALE: By owner, 100x100, small house, nice orchard, 300 strawberry plants, chicken park, near Ockley Green school and Jefferson high. - Inquire 840 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE LOTS 10 University Park, We have 2 lots In University Park that we can aell for what they cost three years ago. Can you ask for any thing more? This is a fine chance to get 2 lota at a snap. For further par ticulars regarding the above as well as many others in all parts of the city. Call on C, F, Pfluger & Co, Suite 5, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. ESTABLISHED 1880. I OWN A choloe 100x100 corner in Kenton that I will make the cheapest buy for you In this desirable district. See Mr. Beck, at 270 Stark st. ROSE CITY PARK. 75x100, adjoining Rose City Park and facing on Fremont St. Price $600; $50 cash, balance $15 per month. E. R.. MARKHAM. 206Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. And Pippin st, sightly corner, 100x100, at a bargain, by the owner. 183 Madl son st. Phone Woodlawn 837. HEIGHTS VIEW LOfT Superb city and valley view, away from the smoke and dust of the city; nothing like It anywhere; $1650, $4fl0 cash, bal. 4 years, 6 per oent THE SPANTON CO.. 269 Oak st. I AM leaving town, will aacrlfice my lot In high class restricted district close In on the west aide, all Improve ments Included in the price of $1500; terms. Address owner. Mr. Osborne, 83 Park st, city. 60" ?eet front On Killingsworth, oppo aite Wilbur streclj-JlfejL . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 162 4th st Main 35. A-8500. $1000 BUYS half acre adjoining lot ad ditions, where lots are selling from $500 to $900 each. Terms one fourth cash and balance to suit. M. E. Lee, 411 Cerbett bldg. - CHOICE QUARTER BLOCK, B. Wash ington and 28th, offered by OWNER for SO days for $6000; terms. Marshall 1647. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Near car and store. Price $650, terms. 603 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall 1858, A-6345. 60x100 south front on Aiiisworth ave., 6 blocks east of PIEDMONT, $875; terms, uwner. imtbiiwi, ioti FOR SALE Fine building lots, 65th and lanaere sis., voo each, call up Tabor 2870. " 50x100. E. Davis and 52(1, Price $400. A fine building lot In Merlow; street graded and cement walk. Price $800. Lota on Eaut 14th and Center streets. Improved streets, cement .walk and. sewer all in. and paid for. Price $860 and up; terms. -' A.-VESTER, 330 Railway Exchange Bldg. 1 First station east of Golf Links and Sell wood. The most scenic -addition on the east side. Full size lots, graded streets and water piped to each lot; side walks built and all paid for. Price of lots $400 to $600. Easy terms. Buy now before the prices are raised. Knapp & Mackey, 212 & 213 Board of Trade bldg. A Snap Two Lots, 85x100. Facing east, between Tillamook and Hancock, on E. 27th, in a choice re stricted district. Price $2250, $750 be low value. One-third cash, balance 6 per" cent "McCargar, Bates & Lively, 818 Falling bldg. i $5 Down, $5 a Month Buys fine lots in Lee-Bow Park; graded streets, cement walks and water mains, all In and paid for; price $215 up; near M-V carllne and new Mt. Hood elactrio now building right by the property. WEBB. 414 E. 8tark st. cor. K. 6th. MUST HAVE MONEY this week sure. On account of aickness I must sell my lot In a choice section of the city. You can buy this if taken at once for 2750 and that is giving It Javay. Pay me $100 down and the bal- ! ' . - m. mm T once on muninijr paynronia. iuui- nai. - . a 1-4 Acre Near Airland )unt Scott line; 1 for $400 and : pa.iv terms. 1 Knapp & Mackey, 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. j HAVING passed my 21st birthday and I ' attain a frA tn art will aalt mv 1 Inta UrEast 39th st N., at $650; they are jiunii jubl iwicb mm inucn, out hub ma n ror spot casn; aosrract ann warraaty deed. E-442, Journal. - - Vernon Lot I have a beautiful lot on Vernon ave nue near car line, 2 shade trees, about 16 inches aDove grade. jo ouxiuo. Price $800, terms. Z-469, Journal. Best Buy in Rose City Park 3 lots. East front. 3 blocks from car. Cleared and plowed. $1200. $700 cash. Balance 2 years. Owner. H-448, Jour nal. SNAP $450 Choice lot, 2 blocks from Rose City Park car; easy terms: Dhone even lngs, East 4212, or address J-441, Jour nal. WILL sell my choice lot in Waverly Heights. Improvements in, 20 minutes' ride, near 2 carlines. E. 31st and Kelly sts. This is a sightly lot, and a bar gain. Call C-3249, Sunday 1141 Vernon ave. $75 cash and $16 per month will buy a 25x100 foot lot on Union ave. Let your few dollars work for you. Price for a few days only $760. Brong-Steele Co., Lewis bldg., ground floor. Phones, M. 1743, A-1743. BUY QUICK. Lots on 6 2d and W. Stark, on carllne, at $50; easy terms; greatest buy evr offered. . NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 326 Washington at. I'LL TAKE $200 for my equity in a fine business section building lot in Harbarton. Bought this lot two years ago for $350. Don't answer unless you have the $200. I need It M-441, Journ al. WILLIAMS AVE. Lot 60x125. between Eugene and Sac ramento sts., 2 cottages, rent $35. Price $8000; $3000 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. Owner. Phone East 4166. CHEAP AS DIRT. Six full east front lots, includlngcor ner on Boston ave.. near Killingsworth, $3600; $700 down, balance to suit Owner, FOUR lots in University Park (100x100) best location and cultivated, Colum bia side. 227 Ablngton Bldg., 106 Third st. Evenings and Sunday 170 Chapman st , $45 cash and $9 per month will buy a business lot 26x100 ft. on Grand ave. Price for a few days $460. Brong Steele Co.. Lewis bldg., ground floor. Phones, M. 1743. A-1748. $66 rash and $18 oer month will buv a beautiful building lot near WilllamsJ ave. we can help you build a home. Brong-Steele Co., Lewis bldg., ground floor. Phones, M. 1743. A-1743. $260 $16 down and 16 a month, buya a fine lot on the west side; water piped to ach lot; only 20 minutes' car ride; excellent view; good future. M. E. Lee, n uoroeii Ding, OWNER WILL SACRIFICE 60x100 on 30th St., between Clinton ami Division, on almost any terms. Tabor 422. FOR SALE Corner lot, 50x100. also house tent and about $150 worth of lumber, cheap If taken at once; terms. C. F. Donaldson. 1074 E. 33d st. N. A BARGAIN $760 buys two' lots South Hawthorne, one block must sell. Chas. I. Lewis. 904 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 3963. CORNER lot In Laurelhurst, cheap. $1160 lot for $900; terms $250 down, balance at rate of $18.72 per month. Ad dress Kr448 Journal, FINE building lot, 40x100, one block of car line, street graded and side walk in. Must be sold. Price $600 cash, ('all 623 Henry hldg. BUSINESS corner on Alberta st . car line, 100x80. Ripe for stores flats or Investment. Price $8100. woodlawn 1307. QUARTER, 24th and Thompson, fine building site, $8000; restrictions. Own er. 27th and Tillamook. Phone Tabor 311. I FOR SALE Choice 80x100, RoBe City iara, a nargain. inquire room 611, Spalding bldg. ST. JOHNS lot, close In, cash or terms, $800. See owner, Mrs. Langllle, 1330 Atlantic st $760 Two fine lots two blocks from University Park Station; terms. Phone owner, Main 8628. lfr-foot-f rentage -orrKtHtnawoTtftronTy $1100 cash. 1150 E, 19th st. N. Wood- lawn 494. I CORNER lot, all clear. 32d and EmeS son sts. 1 block from carllne; owner. Call 402 Ross st. corner Dixon. A FEW suburban lota with fruit trees, $300; eaay terms. Address box 37, city. THREE lots, small house, Kenton. Will make good price for cash. L-443, Journal. CORNER, 100x106, at Lents; a a lap for few days, $800, $100 down, $10 per mo. By owner. ist weaae st A BARGAIN 60x100 lot In Vernon. 100 feet from Alameda Park, only $750, worth good deal more. E-444. Journal. FOPt SALE-rSeautiful corner lot In Piedmont, Cheap. Owner. Phone EASY term a. 100x100. 22d st., near Irv Ington Park, $75 down, $1J00. 1150 E. mn st. it. a car. $425 cashrirvington Tafk' Tot.""iiS(K E. FOR SALE Fine lot In . Bell Crest. Cheap. Owner. Phone East 2482. APARTMENT site for sale, close In. Phone East 1065. 100x100 corner lot, in Alameda Park, at snap price, Phona C-1685. IK 1 JUST A . FEW CHOiCE LOTS LEFT. $160050x100 on 15th at., pear Knott. $160060x100, on 16th at. near Knott $145050x100, en 16th st, near Stanton. $130.0 JOxlKQ,- on 17th tn-near -Kllckl-tat . $1350-50x100, on 20th st, near Siski you, $1500 60x100, on 21st St., near Stanton. $1300 60x100. on 22d St., near Broad way car; east front. $3300 76x100, corner on Stanton at. $3000100x100 corner on . 22d at, Broadway car. $4150 100x100. corner 24th and Brazee. $6000 100x100, comer 22d and Thomp son. EASY TERMS. INTEREST 8 PER CENT IRVIBBOT0G6 IBBVESTMEKTCdF. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Phones: Main 3177. A-4450. That Sandy Road will soon be the most popular thoroughfare in Portland? Hard surface pavements and double track will be laid thia summer, and will In crease valuea a this section the same taa they have 'ncreaaed values along Hawthorne aveu Union ave. and other paved thoroughfares. If you sre looking for a lot upon which to build a lwme. or If you are looking for a good Inveatment, come to Gregory Heights. See our Lots and buy NOW. on our easy oay' ment plan. Bull Run water piped in front of all lots, street improvements, lots all high, cleared and level; short car ride. Take Rose City Park car at 6th and Washington. Ride to end of line. Gregory Investment Co, A SNAP A Big Little Bargain Corner lot 60x50. East 22d St. 2 blocks north of Rose City Park car line. Both streets graded and cement walka on both streets. Sewer in and paid for. In a pinch, it's walking distance. ' Price, $1100. Terms, about cash. J. J. OEDETt Corner Grand and E. Ankeny. We have three lots In Olmsted Park to aell at loss than market price. These are good building lots; take your choice for a little money down, will re lease the lot on first pay ment. Cooperative Realty Co, 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. 23rd and Holladay ave. 100x100 $2400 Terms, Phone Owner, Sellwood 1720, CHEAP FLAT SITE $165040x60 near Belmont and E. 26th. facing east; in good rental dis trict. Fine location for two-flat build ing. This is snap. Cash offer for few days only. Call Sunday at 819 Belmont or phone B-1942. CHOICE WAVERLY LOT East front; 2 blocks to car. Cement walks and curbs. Price $700, $300 down balance 6 per cent Interest C BOB CON KLIN East 35th and Hawthorne. Tabor 80S. No Mistake, It's a Pickup Three lots well located tn Kenton, cor ner, 76x106, In the best residence dis trict; owner must sell and no reason able offer ref used. Neal Brown, 709 Swet land bldg. $3 Down, $3 a Month Buya fine lots in Hazeldell, Inside city Units, near M-V carllne and new Mt. Hood electric now building right by this property. Price $140 up, WEBB, 414 E. Stark St.. cor. 6th. SIX lots, 60x100 each, on Sumner and Delaware at a bargain price if taken this week. See these. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 4th st. Main 85 A-3500. HAWTHORNE district Cor. lot. 38th st. $800. Glenn ave. 50x100. Cor. $1350. Easy terms.- 70x140 near 41st and Gladstone $S50. 1 j. k. etipe, tzu inamoer or commerce. IRVINGTON. Half block. 100x200 ft. on E. 22d stJ carllne: faces south; price $5500, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699. A-2653, FINE lot on the west side; water piped to each lot; only 20 minutes' ride; in line for fast development; ideal for a home or investment; price only $260; $15 down and $5 a month. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. 76x100 on Atlantic st; just north of Killingsworth at $1000. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 4th st Main 35. A-3500. TWO lots for sale on easy terms by out-of-town owner In built-up district. 2 blocks from car. $1000 will take them. Some terms, as owner Is farming and wanm . io-sall CalL Woodla,w-n3fe $450, $150 cash, balance on terms, takes 50x100 corner lot. one block from Hal sey st. Here's where the Mt. Hood road will go. Buy now if you want a bar gain. Call 414 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Lot, 2 blocks to Merlow Addition. Price $675. Terms. .One block from Rose City Park car, near 52d st. W-460. Journal. BARGAIN In Ladd's addition: East front lot, 40X128 ft. offered this week only. Give us a call on thia. 414 Haw thorne ave. - -. $4000 BUYS a good fractional lot: close in: on the west aide; Ideal location to get a good building to. move onto, M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. t TWO fine Improved lots, second block from car, . Peninsula. Owner, Wood lawn 1575. ROSSMERE bargain. Lot 60x100: east front. $750. Terms, Phone C-1946 or V-464, Journal.? , v A ROftB-4:Uy-Parli-4ot-helew thr-hllt for"' $676, on easy terms.': C. De Younr 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. : LAURELHUR8T equity in fine lot near 39th st for sale. Call Woodlawn 313 evenings before Wednesday. : $10' DOWN $10 MONTHLY. Buys full lot on Millard ave., 3 blocks of car. Owner, Tabor 422. i i -t PIEDMONT. $1000 Four 50x100 foot lota on' Com merclsl st, bet. Ainsworth and Jarrett- at, $1000- eatU. :- ' ' SELLWOODV - ' $1000 50x100 foot corner oh railway; . business property with a future. BROADWAY A DDI HON. $1250 50140 feet, faring north v on - Broadway, near E. 31st st, paved street; restricted, district . - " IRVINGTON. $1325 60x100 feet on E. 20th, near Stanton t, Improvements all In, , -LA UR ELHURSTi- $145060x100 foot lot on E. Hoyt st, near E. 33d at, 1 block from Montavilla carllne; all improve ments In. CENTRAL EAST RIDE. $180040x100 feet on E. 19th st, i block from Sandjr boulevards IRVINGTON. : $2500 70x100 feet on E. 5 2d st, on carllne; surrounded by beautiful tiomee, ample room for garage; -street improvements all in. , BELMONT STREET."-'" i $350050x100 feet, near E. 28th st. above grade, one of the best lo cations on the street for store, -flats or -apartments. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial club bldg. . Phones: Main 8699, A-2663. $426 Arleta Park, three" 40x50 tT lots, cheap at the price; 9th ave. -. $500-:atherln addition, 73d st, be tween Ciackamas and Multnomah sta.; three choice 50x100 ft lots $600 each. $875 Hancock st.; two choice lota; $876 rach. $1800 Irvington. on 27th and Thomp son; improvements paid. 4Joo irvington. on Tnompson, loo 100 ft. Improvements najd. oiiiu irvington, on i nompion, ivux 100 ft; Improvements paid. . LAURELHURST. ' $950 Choice 60x100 ft lots, on waved street ; 1 0 per cent cash. Let us show . you tbeee - - 1 CHAS. RINGLER & CO., i 211 LEWIS BLDG A $900 LOT This lot cost $760 two years ago. It 1- a corner lot in Waverielgt, r Heights. - With cement sidewalks and "graded streets. 50x100 feet. 5 blocks from the car. Must have at least $500 cash on this. It Is a rare bargain. Taxes paiu for 1910, - - . Don't phone about this. '' , Come in and arrange to see It. J, P, FORD & CO. 613 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Phone Sundays. B-2471. mniGTON T ' Snap Must sell at once, J-469. Jour-' nal. . j Beautiful Building Sites. Irvington, 60x100, corner 24th and Schuyler, on Broadway carllne; prlc $3160; all Improvements In and paid . for, and included In price. Irvington, 100x100, on E. 8th near Siskiyou; price $2f00. Irvington. 60x100, on E. 10th between ' Thompson and Brazee. Elmhurst, 60x100, on E. 65th hnweon Hancock and Broadway; price $600, for" a short time only. It will pay you to Investigate the : above. C. F. PFLUGER & CO.. Suite 5. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. ; : . CHICKEN RANCH - Full Vs acre, all cleared, 14 minutes'' ride from business center, 6c fare, on ' the heights on the weat side of the river, 2 blocks from carllne; 60x100 lots V in this district are selling' from $500 to $1200. Price $700, $100 cash, balance $10 per month. , ' CLOHES8Y & M'GUIRE, M. 1068516 Ablngton Bldg.A-llK. "' ITS 711 Li Si 00 CASH $200 EACH. On Bidwell ave. not far from carllne, . between East and Westmoreland. Own- ; ers are members of one armed orchestra going on the road; some mortgage, good title; 1 am the owner. Phone M. 7311. Call at my office, 213 Gerllnger bldg. No agents Interviewed. EXCELLENT BUY Rose City Park -district 35x100, -unobstructed vlew, south of carllne, not beyond 69th st Price, $1000; easy terms.- 603 Lumber mens bldg. Marshall 1858. A-5346. I WILL sacrifice my $580 equity In a fineeaet side residence lot for $260 cash.' have other business and need the money. L-463. Journal. SPLENDID buy, lot 40x100, .Albeit". district near car, with good llttlo house, -only $1400. half cash, bal. easy. Owner leaving. . 802 Swetland bldg. FULL lot, 3 room house, cheap; Sell wood. Owner. R-464, Journal. " ' . ACREAGE 39 acres, 10 acrea In cultivation, t acres green timber; small house and barn, 4 mile to school. 4 miles from . R. R. station and 19 mile to center of Portland. This is snap, $2500, $160tf cash. bal. good terms. J. B. ATKINSON. 401 Washington st. "Pliorin STS, 'Vancouver, Wash. BIGGEST SNAP IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY., 10 acres, all cleared and fenced, with 3 acres planted to apples; 6 milet from courthouse, near Salem Electric; laya high and very sightly, with command ing view of Hood and Council Crest; two of the best automobile roads lead to the place and we an take you there in 20 minutes. We challenge you to beat this at the price of $4660; very easy terms. Well worth1 $6500. THE VAN DERSAL COMPANY, 402 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 1720, A-1733. OWNER OF CHOICE 20 ACRES Wants to meet buyer who mean . BUY When h se a bargain; rlthln 15 mile circle Washington county; .borders road, near nice town and transportation, all clear and way above average soil: n, buildings; '400 apple tree. .11 ,ls time , NOW to jet buay on this. 510, ffenrr 40 ACRES near Portland. 10 ilea red. , i 1: 40 acres hear H arpooe. r 40 aa- near Gohle. in ; , 80 acres near Castle TlOfk. v 10 a;res eastern iiregon. what ianirr: .' 400 acres eastern or"jr wht lanl , 60s acres eaatern nrfo ht I ami. Will take exchange for lrt , See Mr. Mqora, Jl Lumir Ex'hanf. rano iDTMfffE1 fro AMnSfm fn re? - wiilil ininwis wiAiyiKii- . TO LEili WE11I. ; MOT-BE ilEiap;