. PORTLAND, .OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1911. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE ti ENTERAL HEAL ESTATE , 02 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 02 GENERAL REAL TESTATE ' 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 03 ' GENERAL REAL ESTATE 2 'x, YOV CAN V 'BUY RIGHT . : , FROM . V.-. .J HIT SHOEMAKER - MLY UK WEI CU8 1 FARM ' EMM 1 .,. r. ANOTHER , - , , $20 DOWN ' - ' 16 A MONTH ' - A rern Virtu cla on.) 1A , iifviia Price' $850 Solve the high' cost of Hying; .: $1600' 4 room, strictly modern house, Large . closets and. pantry. ' Chicken house and yard. ; Lot 60x100.! Full basement, wood '. lift etc. MO cash; balance monthly payment!. t ' vl ' J'"' m in i i r ' " 1 ' '4 -2 Acres "Rights on Oregon Electric.. MeUgef , atatton. Price $1200; ' $300 down) bal ance easy. ' ..' "'.' ii2 Acres'-':: ' ' AND SMALL HOUSE 1H miles cast of Lents, close to car. Price $1200; H cash, balance $26; easy terms, interest i per cent. - v'V -:5 AcTes -i ' Near Lents. . price $5000: easy terms.' . l" ' FINE FOR PLATTING. V Tracts around this selling at $400 and . ibuu ror acre tracts. . acres in cultivation... f v ...,; I''" .10 Acres ' f - ' $550 'A'N ACRE. - FINE FOR PLATTING. ' t " mile from Lents, Terms. Chtckeri Ranch .- 1 mile from Lents,, on good road, close to car; 2V4 acres and 5 room -bungalow, cement basement ' Plastered and verv cosy.i LatKS barn and . 9 chicken houses 12x16 each. All fenced with wire chicken fence. JFlne- 'Well.. Price $3600. ' including 1 good norse. buggy, wagon, all farm implements and some furni ture, several thoroughbred chickens. Terms, cash, , balance. 4 years at I per cent., !(- ;,: ... . , - New 6 Room' House-,- Corner lot 100x140," close to car and near proposed Catholic church; wood shed. A fine buy.' - - 43x143, $376 AND UP. . I - " $5 down and $5 per month; will build f to suit purchaser. i :;- - ; 2 ACRES ' , and good t room house, 1 mile from l.ents. five minutes' walkOfrom car; 3 i chicken houses and parks, 68 fruit trees, fr-nll kinds; 7 walnut trues, strawberries. it Good well and running stream. Price k'i $8200; .terms. ESJNQ JHIEDGraS fflflMNEi HfflTS LOTS 1r 'J ..I-, - J I .,. , . : anrl I In - $5 Down,"$5 a Month - v , Closa,,to Car- . i See us for houses, lots, on easy pay menta. Mt, Scott' Car to Lents Phon B-111. Ask for s ; '.Bright Realty Co, .'vEXGHA "We Swap the Earth." - (133) ; S ' room cottage, all modern Improve ments on E. 18th st. N. Lot '60x100. Price $8600. Will trade for 10 or more acres with some stock. v (226) ' 4 room house between Skldmore and Mason sts. Lot 60x100, 6 blocks from car. - Graded street. Price $2000.. Will trade for' acreage. ' - - : t (Ml).. , " ( $ storV hotel In good southern Ore gon town. 144 ' miles from Portland. Plenty of lumber and mining In the vicinity.' ' $6 rooms two and one-half blocks from depot. House all modern. Price $6600. Will trade for acreage near Portland or city property. ' Vs V ' t -?. . .. .. (213) si fi Rcrefl, 12 acres cultivated, balance in light brush, 24 mllesx from electric R. R. station. Borne fruit trees, small f hens - and -bam Price $3000. Wilt trade for City property. - " ' (208) " ' 7H acres 12 miles southwest of Port land. All cultivated, well, barn and house. Price. $6600, . Will trade tor city property, , . , - - - (206) t . . ' - . 5 ' room : modern hona"on -Mount Kc6tt ' llno. ' Price- $2000., ' Will , trade for, acreage nd assume .some. - ' . - . ,i VV'?.It',r:St:'' (207 , 'SH'acreS near Jennings ; lodge, 1 acres "cleared. Price $900, r -Will trade for city property. (408) 8 0-acre-easily-clwrodr"fl Tnlh-from: Klamath Falls. Ff ice $26 an acre. Will trade for city pioperty,. K . (29) ' '- ; 10 acres all in prunes, 10 mites from Mt. -Angel. Price $3500. . Will trade for city property. - I ' t , ' . t. ; t (io) v.'; " ' 160 acres all under plow.", Wit rent for $300 cash per year. i34 miles of atation. Will trade for, city property. Beaux Arts Building .Cor, Inc. . Real Estate Dept. . " 201-2-3 Lumbermens bldg. fhonest' Marshall 1479.- Home A-3883. is " ..'Cor. 6th and Stark sts. ' 11 tOR t. SALE By owner, 160 feet of 5 jenninKs ioage river iromagc, will sell either whole or half. W-468, Jour nal.. ' . . i . his. BRDGunr '10-ctes. 8 miles out of the city by good road, all' first class soil and in cultivation; good 0 room houne; frne largei barn and all other necessary out buildings; good orchard of assorted va rieties, tesideM an abundance : of small fruits; 1 block to school, 1 mile to small town, convenient to electric line, R. K. D. and telephone. The following per sonal property is included: 8 horses,-2 sets of harness, 2 cows, 2 hogs, 60 chickens, 2 wagons, 1 hack and binder, 1 mower, 1 -hedder, 1 disc, 2 cultivators, 1 harrow, 1 plowand numerous other articles quantity of hay. grain and po tatoes ; great portloti of the plate IsTiow in- crop balance will be In crop soon. Price $16000,, $6000 cash, time . on .bal ance at 6 per cent. - ' f V , ' Stock and Grain Farm r 640 acres in Willamette valley, 90 miles south of Portland, about ft In cut. tlvatlon, balance ' open pasture culti vated land is gently rolling and the soil is till excellent quality. . A considerable fiortlon is nowJn growing crop; pasture and is rough, but is fine grass land; 1 mile to school, 3 miles to good rail road town, telephone and mail deliver, good $ room house, 2 ..good barns, large orchard, well. fenced and -cross'. fenced; place is well watered by several strong springs and . water ts piped to the build ings and different enclosures.! Price-Including growing crop, $30 per acre; $8,000 cash, easy terms on balance. . Good" Buys foHhe Man , With ' Small Capital 4 . .. 110 acres, all bottom land, about 0 acres In cultivation balance very easily cleared; the best -of sandy " loam soil, especially adapted, for root crops; "good house;, large' barn and other outbuild inf?s, some agricultural implements-go with the place; the location is in-a fine farming country. ZVk miles by good road from good railroad and river .town. Price $ 1 Q,000t $ i 00 1 cash. Mndlefcdthis, . 1 ." .-. .... y.1 ' f . J' -. ' 120 acres, close to the above pfoperty, about half of which is bench land, bal ance pasture land; about 26 acres in cul tivation; fine creek crosses; sufficient water for Irrigation . or power; good 2 story house, small box house; 2 barns; family orchard; on main county road; telephone and R. F. D.. -, Price $4000, $1000 cash-'handles, this. ' -i .' .."' . ' -i. '"' ' Chehalis Valley Farm 100 acres, all level laud Just sloping enough fur self drainage, 30 acres' is prairie land, balance all the finest of bottom land, ,75 acres perfectly cleared, balance open pasture - easily cleared; large creek crosses; new 8 room bunga low house, large barn, woodtehed, root house, and chicken house: all small out. buildings hew; well fenced, good well at the house; also. 3. horses, 5 good cows, 1 heifer, 2 hogs, 40 fine chickens and a full equipment of agricultural Imple ments, all of which are practically new; considerable hay and graij)., TtilS .place ia In one -of the-fittest sections' of the valley, ,i-mile from school, mile from store and jpostoff Ice ; 6H miles by level macadamised rcd from railroad station; on dally condenser route. Price $9500; terms $5500 cash, balance 7 years. - , - . .. ,- River View Home - 19 acres nearly all level bench land Commanding a beautiful view of the Lewis -river and-valley;- right at boat landing and "stores;- close to school; -9 acres In cultivation of which 6. acres are seeded to fall grain .and 'clover and tim othy; 6 acres more easily cleared bal ance timber. This timber Is sufficient to pay for the place when marketed. All the very best of soil. Fine water supplies from living springs and creeks; some goodfruit. Good .6 room. house, small barn, chicken house and other accessary outbuildings. The following rrsonal property goes, with, the place: pigs, 1 good brood sow, 100 chickens, new plow and new cultivator, harrow and a number of small tools; 120 eg in cubator, brooder, nearlv all the house hold furniture. ' Phone In the house. On main county road- and R. F. D. Price $2300; terms $1500 cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent. Hunter Realty Co, 223-5 Board of Trade Bldg., . .Marshall 1777.. A-3307, HENRY BUILDING. V HOUSES, 6 "room bungalow, modern and jelose in; one block to car;price $2500. Will consider ' trade. ' me ' - fi room modern : bungalow with all improvements; built for a home. Price $3800. Will consider a trade. $300 down for a 5 room bungalow, all modern and close to car? price $2500. Will consider a trade.' ' , LOTS, 2 fine 60x100 fodt lota overlooking the Columbia river, $700 will buy them and the balance long time. 60x100 in Belle Crest. All paid for. Price $750. Will trade '- for payment on house. ' 135-frontage -on Division jtreet, this aide of 20th. Wlirsell all. or part. Hard surface street on Division. Price $7800. Terms. ,. iVT-:.,-.vFARMS...:V:-::- 75 acres Ijj Clarke county, Washing ton, on the Tacolt branch. . Fine aoil J nd can be divided Into - 3 arms. Price 46 per acre.-) - Terms. .-- -145 . acreB within 30 ' miles of Port land; full set of buildings. Price $27.60 per acre.- Terms. - - 160 acres near Albany, 8$ in culti vation and more easily cleared, red shot soil, well adapted for apples. Price $75 per acre. Will consider, trade for Portland property. ACREAGE, 60, ecres planted to commercial ap ples and divided into 6 acre tracts. Within 26 miles -of Portland and. mile to electric car. Prtce $S76 per acre and Includes cultivation for three years.: Will trade for Portland prop erty or acreage. 6 acres all under cultivation. 10 min utes' walk from the electric car and close to the steam car also. Full set of buildings and all in good repair. Implements, wood and hay on the place. Price $5000. Will, consider Portland prop erty of value. i- 14 acres." 10 minutes walk from the electric car. No Incumbrance. Will consider first mortgage. Price $500 per acre. , . ' Knabp & Wisdom A-azBi ' Henry Bldg. Main S3R3 .uvuvi i, v uuiibnw tt. . j ua h "Will- pleted. block from car. Price $2,500. $100 DOWN, $25 A MONTH. 60x100 foot lots In restricted : dis trict. $10 do,wn and $10 a .month, in cludinx Interest . CheaDest lots in Port land. , , - . . GROVE .n;TZEN. - ., ' E. 80th and Pearl flts. M.-V. Car. - - - - Tabor 2358. WEI T1E11 1 NO AND " ; $1 5,oooi i:.. . ' 480i acres Jaixllllam vaunt jvall otnder high state of cultivation but 40 acres, aoil is above tho average, good- set: of buildings,' good "'orchard, - running wa ter, about 1 mile from- town, and onu of the .best 'farms In -that- section ".of Oregon.. Owner-, will rader all or. prt for city property of good value. " ? -$200. Per "Acre. C.- Don't wai too long and-have to pay more. We have a few morfr -lO-and 20 acre tracts,'" all la high state of cultiva tion," otr- Qregon t electric - Une ail Hhe very best of soil,' no 'rocks; easy terhls. " . $2600, - . 40 acres near. Dayton, Or.;.. 10 acrea cleared, balance oak timber enough to pay for land.. Terms..'' . , - ' '"V- $5000,' : . 160 acras of good old corn land in the state- of TWIssourlt will trade for Ore gon or Washington property, " 'Z $8000, ' " 10 acres, under cultivation, only 9 miles out on Bane Line road, and on Mt Hood ' Electric; fine large new $ room modern " bungalow, gpod barn, some fruit, all the very best of solL $3000 cash, balance tfrms. .v.Y' ::'-' ' $350 .Rer.Acre,- i ... - 'lUi 'acres.- all' under cultiva'tiom 9 mllea out on Base Line' road and new Mt. Hood "Electric, i att good soil. Will give some terms.- , ''. . "T ,'!v:"f Investment,' , r- $30,000,-' f' -60x100 near business center on West Side; $15,000 cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. $30,000, Fine piece ' of Income property on '7th' st. for acreage in the valley, close to electric line. , $200 Per Acre. 100 acres on Oregon Electric, all in high state of cultivation, all platted to 10 acre tracts and ready to set to fruit One of the choicest propositions for a commercial orchard that is on the mar ket today. Will consider a good city property. $5000 Clear. $0 acres at North Yamhill, 15. acres cultivated, .fair house and barn, good orchard, 2,000,000 feet of. timber, all good fruit land. Will trade for stock of merchandise. , $3000, 7 room house on .West SId. Will trade for vacant lots" on Mf. 8cptt line. $5000. 6 acres beaverdam onion land, right In- Beaverton; onions on 2 acres this year rsold f or -$4i9. ,W1U trade for Port land property of godd value. What have yout - - : $8500, 70 acres In the good old Woodburn vicinity, all cultivated. Will ttade for home In Portland. $10,000 Clear. 0 lots In Vancouver, Wash. Will trade for clear Portland .property. $36,000, 100x100 on Montgomery st, $16,000 cash, balance terms. $6500, 8 room modern residence on E. Couch st; 3 lots, all kinds of bearing fruit etc 2 blocks, from car.. Will trade for pood acreage In. the valley, or vacant lots in. Portland, Or., West Side prop erty jor gooa vatue. $4500, -.10 acres, all'-lxi-bearing fruit, 'i mlle from Orchards. 6 miles east of Van couver, all good soil. - Will trade for Portland property? or larger farm. ' ' Stock of grocerlos,v'doihg $700 "per month business; . rent'1 $35 per jnonth, irteludinit' 5 llvlntr rooms, barn,. etc. This Is - a money ,maker- wHl. lpvolce; no iraue. , . $6500, 6 acres at Ryan Place, all cultivated, good buildings, fine soil, only 8 miles out close to 2 carlines; a very fine suburban home. Will trade for Port land property of good value. 5c fare. $3000 Clear, 100 acres near Myrtle Creek; IS acres cleared, all logged off. good 5 room house, barn, fruit, on main county road, all tillable land. Will trade for home In Portland of good value. $200 Per Acre Clear, 66 acres, nearly all cultivated, fine set of buildinKs, running water, wind mill, fine orchard, all good -red sht soil, right at Myrtle Creek. Will trade for Portland property. $3000, 5 acres at Jennings X.odge, cleared, no. buildings. Will trade for Los Angeles, cai., property. ,$2500, 40 acres near Kelso, "Wash: for any- $8ooo; 85 acres, caat vt Woodburn, 60 under cultivation aire in crop; fair set of buildings, orchard, all good soil, on main county road. 1 Will trade tor Portland property or good value. For Sale - f 1860M!0xl00 corner on"Hffwthorne ave. . ,--' .-w . $3fi,000r8rd st apartment site, ) 13800-6 -room modern bungalow. $4600 6 room absolutely new resi dence. ! ' . ' ' $1800 6 room house, some fruit etc. . $26005 room modern, a fine home. $3500 5 room swell bungalow, $30006 rooin modern, easy terms. ' 66 foot lots In Lawndale on Mt. Hood Electric, $500 and up on easy, terms. , " $4500 Clear, 4 block in business section of Van couver. Trade for Portland city property-or acreage of good value.. We have several good automobiles to trade for real eBtate. - We have buyers wanting 4, 5 and 6 room home. . 1 We have buyert ' waiting for farms,' both large and small, We sell property quickly and quietly. Call or write us. 1 Yotmt reBpectfxiliy.'" ' ' ' "" Shoemaker investment Co,," Office -526-5271 Henry, Bldg, MORE PEOPLE BUYMC r-- ,5- ;-'.!--,..:.- .;.' "... y '..i...'i' It ' .-'- ' ' 7 '""'' '''''''''?'' -V-'! Than -any otheV"subdlvfslon:1n Portland;-' ' J Because, it Is -the most beautiful-tract on the market, and will be closer, to the business center of the city by car than Woodlawn, Alberta, Ports mouth or Sellwood, Are 50 per cent lower than any other improved acres the same distance out. The Mt, Hood Electric passes through. Ascpt. Acres; for. a dis tance of one-mile,- There will be three statbnlf oil the tract, so the farthest acre will not exceed five short blocks from a station, MAKAGER.6. F, Reports for the first 30 days show actual sales, to aggre gate $33,600,, with reserva tion deposits of $t 2,040, a total of $45,640, Our automobile leaves the of fice at 9:00, 10H5, 11:30 a, m 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 4:30 P.. m, every day in the. -week, Phone Mam 1 189 or A- 3814 for information and one of our agents will call -on you if -preferable, - All deposits; returned if - i .... ... property is. not found -as rep resented, ' ' - . - ISOl:-' mm 232 Chamber of .Commerce ID) rae m-m mm -wi imy. Hie,-- 410 acres, 300 acres In cultivation, 10 acres orchard, 20 acres alfalfa; fine stream water, 2 good houses, outbuild ings, all under fence, only 6 miles from The Dalles, Or. This is a lovely home. Price $60 per acre, terms and 6 per cent on deferred payments. , , -80 -acres,- 6 -miles east of -Oregon. City, all fenced, farm buildings, nice-stream of water all bottom land, " S acres cleared. This Is a snap at $2700. $1700 cash, balance terms. . Three. JOj acre tract, and one 6 acre tract t)f 16 acres, all In nice young or chavdr choice fruit; 'Situated near La Fayette, Or. Price $200 per acre; very easy terms - - i 'A:' 1000 -acre stock farm, all fenced, well, water., aood fair bnildlnas. This la'ar-plccuPiat the, price, ;, r " tVk aores,. $3700: $2050; cash.' 1 mile from 6c. car fare, 12 00. feet from 10c car fare, -nicely located,' all In htfrli state cultivation, on main crushed rock road; 3 'ac're In orchard from 8 to year old trees, and, strawberries- between treea;- acre In- chicken yard,; small house -but comfortable, -i lne well - of water with pump in, evergreen trees around the house, . chicken house and outbuildings. ; , , , 6 room house,, all, modern, I large. bed rooms, nice cloth-s closets, large parlor, dining roonvt sitting, room and, kitchen, half cement basement and- half-' dirt basement for wbod, acetyllne gas, wood, I urt, nice rirepiace, t iois tuxiuu .eacn, nicej-ose bushes, fruittrees and shrub bery, H block from car, TO minutes out nice district: price $2400, $900 cash, bal ance easy terms. "6 room nous's, modern, near 23d and Thurman on Qutia: street improve-i ments in and paid; nice lawn, handy to car. $1010 cash, balance on easy terms, .5 room cottage In Nrth Irvlngton; cement basement with floor, nice lawn with all kinds of, ah rubbery; parties buying this can have the use of the va cant lot adjoining. Price $2000; $300 cash, balance $10 per month, with In terest ' Wells .Si Dufur 303 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 689. $100 cash, balance $15 a month for a 5 acre tract, or corresponding terms for larger tracts, . WIf make a specialty of small tracts close to Port land at the right price and terms, Several large farms at good terms; prices lower than usual, It will pay you to call at the office, see our list and receive all information free In regard to little farms In Oregon, Main 1403 411 Henry bldg, Jackson & peering. ?; $500. Two lots Argyle street Peninsular No. 3, lying between Peninsula avenue and Kenton, that are a choice buy. A good home site or ren.tal proposition. $1000, , Two vacant lots. Columbia Heights, near Woodlawn, very easy terms. , $4500, : .Kunnyside corner, 6Sxl0ft, with good 7 room house and garage, ;lots of fruit, room for two more houses. Let us nhow J'du. V . $10,000, ' Two ' 7 room flats renting $75. lo cated lBtlv 'near Montgomery, good view and' walking distance. $25,000.- A first class Nob' Hill home, modern,?-14 rooms, everyweonventence -and a lot of hanfrings and' draperies all new, thrown in.. Very easy terms. TonLease 100x100 with terminal trackage, close in on 16th. with building to suit ten ant; can be leased for long term. Also 60x100 on 14th street and a corner can be had for 16 years; very satisfactory terms, ' : 'Jackson & Deering Phonea Main' 345, 1 A-3 457. 2 4 6 Stark st "Look Here' Modern 3 storv room hoiiHA n cor ner, S94 Grand ave. North. Price $450. Kasy terms. , Will takfr span of good TfLEMIl mares as nrst payment. Kasy terms on balance. Phone Main ,7967. V-v ";'- '- :'.'"'.&.',:? i'.-,--, "'':'-'y FARM lire : MARCROV .5 Acre-Chicken Ranch . Just 4 inilea'-from tlie city limits of Portland, Vt hiile from station,; lOo. fare ..to the city, we have, the best "buy iti a small tract that you can firnt. There are, 6 acres, H cleared,, lies per fectly... ftnlendid new 6, room plastered house,- concretc-fandatroiiir - cement basement, house just completed. Chicken house, wood shed, small-barn. Price only $2500, $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. 86 Acres 7 'Miles' Out - : $12,600 iwill buy- -this , splendid ,8 acre farm, about Vt In tilgh- state of cul tivation. balance beautiful ' grove of first grwth ;fir, choicest of- loose mel low; loam- soil, -dn- fact none better in the state, not a foot of waste land on entire tract. 'Splendid -4 -room - house very. fine large" barn, lots of outbuild ings, everything in first class shape. Nice bearing orchard, fine living spring pure, water. The owner of this farm lias been living on this place - for. more than 20 years, cleared the land, and is conaidored' the best 'farmer In section, and lie. has all the land in the best of shape. No farmer in his sec tion aelle" more spuds and tlmothv hay than-he-does, PKRSONAL-PROPEft"-TYi -Good team, harness, wagon, sev eral cows, large bunch; sheep, hogs, chickens, and all , implements. Foil' equipment of everything. Price only $12,00. $6000 cash, balance per cent Remember It is Just 7 miles from the city limits of Portland, sou theaar,vi ti the '-beat "farming section adjacent' to the city. - . . !.- ' ' Money Making 8 Acres ';v; This little farm clears $1000 per year f or.-th-wner.- There are 8 acres.S acres choice orchard, mostly big Ital ian prunes,- some apples and cherries, and walnuts, 2 acres choice garden spot irrigated from living spring, 4 room house, 2 chicken houses, new .'prune drier worth $1000, Just one eighth mite from station. Price with some personal property only $2700. 82 1-2 Acres for $2000 ' Just 60 mttes east of Portland orj Columbia river we have a snap; 82, acres, 6 acres in cultivation, 4 room house, small barn, 200 bearing fruit trees. 40 acres of this land is per fectly level and exceedingly rich, bal ance 2000 cords timber. Owner has water right to extent of 100 inches and can irrigate the whole tract Water piped to the house. Convenient to sta--tion and boat landing. Best buy in Hood IJlver oounty. Price only $2000,' H cash, 6 per cent Would take 2 good teams as part payment ' ( .Well Improved 140 Acres v; f nothing but 'the beat, ; improved farm will suit you, we hav.a "t here. There are 140 acres, .60 acres in high state of, cultivation. 20 acre's - timber. balance open pasture: the soil Is th very choicest in Oregon and 1a located, in one or the most pleasant .sections of the valley; several good springs and living stream - of water; there Is a splendid 2- story.lO room house, por celain bath and toilet, hot- and cold water,-water piped from spring; there are 2 very fine, large barns, wbodt house. 2 story smokehouse 3 chicken houses, granary, hog house, etc.; all buildings in first class shapes splendid 5 acres of bearing orchard, all kinds of berries. Personal property 3 horses, cows, chickens, hogs, wagon, hack, hay, grain, all farm implements, and house hold goods. Price only $70 per acre; $6000 cash, balance 6 (per cent. For this price you can't duplicate this farm in Oregon. , - Select 20 Acres -Are you looking for a 20 acre tract? Are you hard to please? If so. call and look at this select 20 acre home. It is Just 6 miles east from the cltv limits of Portland. All in a high 'state of cultivation, lies perfectly, choicest o loose mellow loam soil, elegant 8 room plastered house, very fine large red barn, improvements worth $5000. Water piped to house .and barn from aprlng. Choice variety of bearing fruit and berries. Price with all personal prop erty, $8000, H cash, balance 6 per cent. All of the above farms are Just as represented. We make a specialty of farms and have a select list at the present time. Call and see us. 122 6th Bt, north, corner 6th and Gllsan. Main -4381. A-7259. Fll IILE On Easy Payments 6 rooms on 50x100 lot on East 13th street. N. Price $2400. All. furnished. Terms . one-half cash, - balance $12 month. ....... ..' ,,. .. (122) '6 room new modern house on Irving ton. All improvements in and paid for. Furnac, and paved 'streets Included: Price $5500. Term. $750 cash,, balance $20 per month at 7 per cent. - i-r "' . (124) ' i.,.'- ' 1 . ' ' A-":. New modern S room bungalow with attic, I0O feet-from Union avenue, prioe $30VO. Terms $500 cash, balance $20 per month. (125) New 7 room modern house, one Mock from Union avenuc--Ftrtl-cement tiann ment, fireplace, etc. Price $3900. Terms $500 cash, balance $20 month and lnterst, 126) - -Good-10 room bouse on 60x125 lot- Nice- lawn, plenty fruit. House la rented ror $3 a per month. Price 14500. TerniK $700 cash, balance $35 month, at 6 per cent" nV . 2 room house on 50x100 lot on Ver non street east facing. Price ' $750. Terms cash, balnce to suit ... If vou are not able to find whxt von are looking for on this list call at bur otrice...We have other homes of vari ous sizes and prices on easy temn. Also have vacant lots and will -build to suit you for cash- or monthly pay ments. ' , ? Beaux Arts' Building Co,, Inc 'I ' Reai Estate I)ept. ' v- 201-2-3 Lumbermens bldg ' Phones; Marshall 1470. Home .A-383. , Cor. 6th and Staik Sts. FULLV STOCKED"; 82 8 0 0 TElRIRflS This Is the best of garden land, can all be Irrigated by irrL gating ditch on place; n coun ty road, 4 ' mile', from electrlo line and station; school, stores and all conveniences within. U mile. ' -v. " - . - The. soil is n. loose black loam, entirely free from rock or grav. el, well adapted for general gar dening purposes. With this Utile ranch"ou get the following personal property; ; A fine team of horses. 1 good -cow. a large flock of ; Rhode Island Red chickens, i harness, wagon, buggy, cultivator, plow, harrow and all - necessary small tools to work the place. - lias a fair 8 room house, a wood 2 storyj barn, and in fact everything for- anyone to start right 'In -at once, such as chicken t parks, ...houses,- hog pens, cross fences, and all In the best con dition. Price $2800; - we will arrange ."terms. .- .-. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. .' - 605 Corbett bldg. ; , WITHIDO 36:MllimES0F'.. $4000ttTEIRKI3 ' This 11 acres has 10 acres In. cultivation and Is mostly genuine beaverdam land, the very finest for onions and celery, has raised 400 sack of onions per acre.- lo cated within 8 miles of Portland. ' In one f the best suburbs of .Portland, within 3 blocka of sta- , tlon, postoffice, school, store, has road on 3 sides, nice creek runs -through .the center of tract-;-Ve are offering this piece of -land $100 less per acre than any other piece can be bought near it Land within 2 blocks of this Is being sold in city lots. ; ) ," This tract would cut up and ' sell 'readily for $600 per acre In ' acre tracts. This "Is sufficiently close to Portland t enable one to go back and forth to Portland ' dally. This in sacrificed on ac count of sickness; the owner must leave for a higher altitude, Same kind of land near Hills- bora or ' Beaverton -is 'selling for from $700 to $1000 per acre. Remember, only 9 miles from Portland. - i . - - Price, $4000. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.' 605 Corbett bldg- .t -. . 7f. -' This 5 acre farm Is the best . . of .garden land. 6 miles 'from the Portland postoffice. right on main traveled macadamised road; you can drive to Portland markets with your truck in less than one hour. This 1s rich black loam, slopes Just enough for drainage, Haa one acre in young orchard, & -'-Bre strawberries and acre raspberries. Good -6 -room- plastered house, i year old; new barn 20x30 feet, chicken house, run of woven wire; close ta school and store; Port i land IS platted right up against ' this .ranclu The soil Is' 1ft feet - deep and the location makes this ideal for a truck and poultry -. ranch. - - -- - . ' - -.- - - - Will take Portland city lot as first payment; easy terms on bal- 605 Corbett bldg. If you want to speculate In fine river and R. R. frontage, business Mocks," houses . and lots, vacant : lots, hotels, also cigar store doing good business. One acre , in East St Johns factory district for $2000 if taken this week ' this Is the best buy in the citv for the money. .See J. F,-GilmorT-113 Jer-r sey. st. Columbia 81, , . Valuable Waterfront r " Oh lower Columbia, Including; new. wharf, hotel and 18 acres of land. Price $15.00Q; terms cash. J-431. Journal. $16,000 . WAREHOUSE RITE ON NORTH 22nd STREET. 100x110, $11,500 IMPROVED BT-8INESS CORNER 'NORTH TWENTY-THIRD STREET LEASED TO GOOD TENANT AND PAYS ? PER CENT NET. .$8000 IMPROVED CORNER ON LARRAEEE . STREET. . ' NEAR BROADWAY. - VVhU LOT. , . . $12,000 IMPROVED LOT ON FIRST ST. ' ; NEAR MONTGOMERY. ' ' JINBJJ.CATlN--FOH--TORES,--- $6500 Fractional lot on BELMONT STREKT. Running through to Yamhill lret. Improved with cottage and stor build ing, Kent $56. per month. ,$4000 Fractlohaf corner on 1 NORTH 25TH ST Near Thurman.' ; :.:) $2250 ' - I9t4 ACRF3 NEAR VN1TKD RAILWAY" LINE 8 room house. itnd brn. chi Ki-n tiopse. voood -ewk.-' ? ?S ' fres cf- ur - T r r" 1" 6 ACRE8CSARDEH LAHD flll(e MBTIABD--WILt' WEIISraRli LOT ASfWST IFMMEUT-'