.: TYPES OF HEW RESIDENCES FOR LAURELHURST. !;:.-..'.''--;.v,t:-V uhi - -V v v ull In i lit i 11. R.'J'li Values In Apartment "House District .South of Jefferson Street Have Grown 50 Per Cent in Past Year. I SELLTOOD THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 8 1911. JlEALTY DEALS OF BUT HUMFJIOUS i r -:) it rr"r' Two parcel! of real estate in the tlstrlct south of Salmon .strtef srtd be- tween Tenth, and Fourteenth' ehanged hands, last week atj ft juris which 'show , that values in thar district have , in treased fully? 6V;perf centvwlthirt th - t past lmonthsvjCtii'- One of ths pieces, ths J. R. Bell home .stea(luatTweJfth and Columbia was , purchased by Henry Roberts of Roberts ' Brothers for 21.500. r. Property In that , vicinity, that is a 60 by 100 toot lot, . could have heen purchased, one year ago - for 114.000 to $16,000. i The other was the f ull lot ; at the - northwest corner of Eleventh and Main -. strtsr which - was - sold by - Josephine - a Chtlds to tarrte and William Hahn' '. for $11,000. ' Similarly located - proper ties were sold in the early part of 1(10 for $22,600. Both pieces were acquired for investment purposes, the speculative -r- elements not entering into the trans ' actions. " t . , ... "Another piece in the same vaclnlty , . changing hands recently 1s the home . ' stead of EX Quackenbush, which was . r 'purchased by M. K. Lee for $21,600. This ; parcel is a 7$ by 100 foot piece, located j on the west side of Thirteenth street, near Main. It Is Improved with1 an old style 10. room residence. -..'a, cntij rourtesata adrriatders laJa,-1 - - The H. P. Palmer-Jones company re- ports the sale .of the quarter block at , the southeast corner of Fourteenth and Flanders streets for $32,600. .f , It was purchased by a local physician, whose I. name is temporarily withheld, as a site ' ' for a garage or other substantial ton prcvement. It Is now occupied by a - number of frame residences and a store 7 building,-whtch-rinsr hra fair return t on the value of the property. - The noth half of the block bounded by East Third ? street Union avenue, v East .Taylor and East Yamhill streets, was sold last week by the Oregon Realty company to the Chinook Investment company for $36,000. The property fronts 200 feet on the north side of TarQhlll and extends along East Third street and Union avenue. The Improved quarter block at the . southwest corner of East Sixth and East Davis Streets has been sold by Charles ! : Arata to F. - F. Haradon for $16,000. j .j Property in this vicinity has been for j V several months more active than that 1 In any other near-in eastSiide district, , one firm. Mall Von Borstel. having! sold over $100,000 worth since Janu ary 1. " J. E. Dugan closed a deal last week . with Henry Wehrung for a new house - occupying lots J and I In bloji , in Going street addition. The consldera tion was $!000. Seneca Smith, acting as trustee, has I sold to- Henry Wagner L acres located near the Intersection of Corbett street am) Boundary avenue, South Portland, ca-v 70OOi""!"' :-"st " "n" ..rr, -- , , -Jf J. Haloes has ; purchased V from .'Martha P.. Benham a houae and lot in Bellevlew. In the Rose City Park dis $ trlct. The consideration was $6700. cast tide Homo Sites Bell. , A large number of east side residence properties of- the better class changed hands last week at a uniformly. .In-, creased price over the last sales re- ported in the districts involved in the ; -deals. Mary F. . Patereon has purchased from F, D. Stephenson a fractional building lot located on the east side of : East Ankeny street between East Eigh teenth and East Twentieth streets, for $5250. ,- :; One of the prettiest homes in Bunga , low Glade was sold last week by Jay H. Upton to M. L. Higglns for $6000. The single lot at the northeast corner ' of East Twelfth and Salmon streets has been Sold by the Hawthorne estate " to Blanche V. Marshall for $4000. No - recently reported sale of east aids real- dence property better :. illustrates the' . big raise in values on the other side of , - the rlveK Five years ago lots in the "lcirlty of East Twelfth and Salmon j ;? streets were held at $1200 to $1600, and i ( mere were not many tatters at tnose figures. O. W. Priest, ths investment and spooulstlve builder, has sold to Annie . M. Butler one of the new residences 4 recently erected by hlmin Rossmere; ( . onMratiAn tSAAO. - F. W. Torgler has sold to Martha H, j Perrott lot 11 In block 6, Ladd's sddl ; tlon, for $5600; The lot is occupied by ; a new two story frame residence built last year. - . ..: Block I. in Excelsior addition, locat- ed immediately south of Kenllworth, has been sold by Frances Kelly to Grace ; Edna Short for $500- ' 8. L. Brown has cfpsed a deal with jt Jacob Bom for the purchase Of a new j house and 50 foot lot described . as lot p jn piocs , vvainui rarai vunsiaeraiion $569JL ' Xanr.lhurst Home Brings S57BO. . r Lot 10, In block 20, Laurelhurst. lm 2 proved with a modern residence, was j last week purchased by W. F. Rogers from Jennie Mlchael for $8760.. . -Frank P. McOettrlck has sold to M. J. Gardner a fractional tot on the south side of Sherman street, between Fifth 'and Sixth, in South Portland, for $4200. I William Bahihleer has purchased from i John McConnell a modern two story 7 t room frame residence . and 80 foot lot f located on East Eleventh street near Multnomah avenue, for $3500. , t j; H. Holllster has taken title to a 1 two story six room residence located at ft ths-, southeast i oorner of East ;, Forty- first street . and East Madison street i The property was purchased from Thto : dore Anderson; consideration $3600. 1 Adolph Dekum, the hardware , lfierV f chant, closed .a. deal last week for the : purchase of a 20 acre tract located on tha Barr rotd, 1H mllea from the city f boundary. The property is described As lot 21, Hsselwood, and was sold for i $tooo,' , ; . , , I HOI El Charles Rirgler 4 Co. report the fol- mm TO COST OVNER $6000 lowing sales': ,LOs 11,12, "13 and 14. 7 bloek 6, Brasee street addition, - owned n by Elliot Mceallister and sold to Seth XcaUliA, fov. 6320.AlS4ots 1 6-and s 16. block 6, Brasee ' -' street - addition, owned by Thomas Mulr and sold to Seth :, Jcstallne, for $125. ' Mr. Catalins la k proprietor of the Oregon f Blua Print , company and he intends to build a' $6000 'T .. , ' i , .: -r J h , 2.m v ',:rr-r7 Sll i I i - - :- . .i.. ' '". T7k iV:li..f IPM C. R.- liewtbWaite, who recently purchased a number of choice lots In LaurelhurBt, Is preparing to Improve two f the lots with duplicates of the' above houses. r Both resdences will face Hazelfern Place, In the 'Southwest quarter of the addition. ; i home' this summer, tot 13, block 65, i Laurelhurst, was sold to Adam Wtlkin ! son. Mr. Wilkinson paid $1376 cash and Intends to . build a home; also lot 1Z, block 10, Evelyn addition: sold to Adam Wilkinson for $300 cash. . Mr. Wilkinson will hold this as an investment v Lot 7, block 1, Hancock addition, was sold to F. o. Thompson ror ihbo. Lots and 7. block 2, Mornlngslde. were sold for Hartmaii & Thompson to Maud E. Brand for $3000. Miss Brand selected this site on account of the beau tiful view. On one lot she will build, a residence and hold the adjoining lot as an investment w Plans are being drawn In the office of a local architect for a four-story brick hotel to be erected for 3. S. Johnson at the northeast corner of Third and Hall streets. The building will have ground dimensions of 6px6 feet and will con tain 40 large rooms. The exterior walla are to be of pressed brick with white terra cotta trimmings. There is to be a marquise over the main entrance.. Its estimated cost is $25,000. Best Buy in the City COUNat CREST 4 YRS AGO SOLD At 4300?5 TO $ 400 !J - TODAY $SoO0!ST0$60OOtf r WEST J , BLYTHSWOOD Jl-" T2YRSXQOSOLOAT4lSOO!?IDl2000tf . . v r I TOOAYUOOOttWfSOOOtf , ''JC PO.mANO MTS.; 7Y(tSAAOSOlotf$SOoS7O$0OOtf TODWISOOOST047000U . -a . v y -paj . unltUMTi tun . : i u WW E u l tL.u L-J m . m WCSTM0RCLANO ' jvs Moeei.saT$tsoTO$M09 TooAYeootrTO iisooa REGENT HEIGHTS it just north of Willamette Height.. (W) car to end of line. Agents an the ground today. 917. BOARD OF TRADE mff:-'!7T.... Activity in East Side Tier Looks Like Work of Rail road Company. What is It that is csuslng the un usual activity -in the tier of blocks be tween East Third and Union avenue, south of ' Belmont street, is the ques tion that is agitating the minds of half of Portland's real estate operators. Over $100,000 worth of property has changed hands In this tier of blocks last week while options were taken pn other par eels valued at fully another $100,000. The belief that the Milwaukee road Is seeking terminal grounds in that por tion of the east side le gaining ; gen eral currency among property owners snd realty operators who make a spe cialty of east side holdings. While this nTTHTT r IT Tirmrt O N THE HElUiil ! Today Note Values .bar Map Then See Us Today WILLAMETT HTS. 3 YRS AG0S0-D AT $20002?T0 $3000tf TODAY 4 6000 ? TO 750tfV W V ' ?f '' r Y" " lff V4'WWW$M08 ROSE CITY PARK " CAST tm Aoosois r 6t(osTo$3Mtf . YOpAV 4SO0!? TO tlQOO&t READ " THIS S BUILDING v I Is believed to be a fact no one has been able to connect any of the recent sales over there with the .Milwaukee people. Local investors not known to have rail road connections last week bought all the block bounded by East Third street, Union avenue, Yamhill and Taylor stistets. The block was - sold In two different transactions, Chapin'& Her low and Leonard Bros, selling the north half of the block for $45,000. Chapln & Herlow also sold to another investor the south half of the same block for j the same consideration. i The "persistent rumor that thir Mil-! waukee road has acquired the holdings of the Inman-Poulsen mill lends color to" the belief that this tranneontlntal line "Is.. seeking an .outlet; to the north ! byway of the tfef of blocks bounded by j East Third 'street and Union avenue Another thing that adds strength to the j belief that the Milwaukee road Is mak- j Ing extensive purchases in that section of the east side Is the report printed ' two or Ihreo weeks ago to the effect that the Portland Railway, Light & Power company had soid a large part j or Its holdings In that Immediate sec tion. At that time it was surmised that the sale. If made at all, was made to the Milwaukee people. A. bicycle so constructed that .the! front wheel can be detached and "the entire machine folded so that it can be ! carried on a man's hack has been adopt- j ed for ths French army. a 1 a WEST SIDE OVERLOOK, 4 YRS MOMtOT$JJOSVA0aS T0OY$250OST03500tf PtEOHONT- $YW M0 SOU AT $730 TO 410009 TODY$20009TO3000V Take WUlamette Heights v ' Main 9416t A-3183 liliiSilf 111 j , Everybody in Portland ha$ hnn tdm8 a!ctit TR ' " ! Becauie THE REED INSTITUTE seU out to fe the ' ,:: Now, what will this mean to stmof eland" ? , . Just that "EwtmoreWd" iviH soon fee, arid ViU ever 1 . . i4- :i8itiiiiii:llg':j: j liipiliiiWi'Ean v " Voluntary "repeat orders' so far hive made that quite , t, , X h nobodv is required to invest w Ewtmorejand f r