LIT 'A THE' OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND," SUNDAY MORNING." MARCH '19JL 10 sary for a modern church bulMlng. - It Is the Intention of tbe architect to have the plans ready and tha contracts let by May 1 in order that tha building may be completed this summer.-5 Mann of the 121 acres lying along the 6t Helens Road, west of the cltfor, $42,600. The property was sold throbghV the agencies of Chapln & Harlow and W-Vlncent JonesvoTr-synaicate cora---posed of local investors. The . prop. " erty, is to be Improved and placed on the market sometime this spring. Tbts Is "the first of a number of large deals to be closed that are flow nendln in MRS. Pi MAfifl SELLS that.vlclnUy, , ' " $&.-? . y -ft y- " : : : i ' A ? Milton Couple Wed. ' - '(SpecW, Dlipitoh to Tbo lonmal.) ' Milton. Or., March 4 Clyde Putman and Miss Maud Osborne were married vGna-of-vtha-larrest transaction! Wednesdayteoine-f-4he-brldes'-:; Architects Are Ovprrun; Con tractorsAre?quallyBusy Cost Prices in Perniits -" indicate Many Full Purses. Liveried Attendants Among --Requirements-for Largest suburban acreages . recently reported was the Mis yesterday , by Mrs. , P. J. psrents, k Mr. and Mrs, , Ben Osborne, prominent ranchers, living above Milton- . Apartments, Is Declaration of Pioneer Builder. OyiLDIIJG HOMES SEES NEED FOR 1 EASTERN METHODS IN APARTMENTS ! V: ft'ftft' jf 121 ACRESFOR $42,500 ! " " hi' i $ . J X"'- n i - - J j i J.. ft Taking out residence permits deems to be the principal vocation nowadays 'of very large element of Portland's Population, Every ne who has. Jot and can possibly raise the money, seems 1 bent of living 'nettli his own vine and - fig- tree t4h-rilt possible mom Those architects in the city who make A specialty of dwelling house work are overrun with business, with commie tons for more houses coming In steadily. : Dwelling house contractors are also en joying a season of unusual prosperity. 7 7Xur1ng February"t)uildtng permits to . the value of $1,060,000 were issued, and ' ' of this vast sunKflH but about 1400,000 went into the construction of new - homes. This is the largest proportion of one month's permits yet devoted to the building of dwelling houses In Port land. It speaks volumes for the pros perity of Portland and is more eloquent in proclaiming the future greatness of the city-than would bo the completion of a half doen high orrice buildings, ' ,. : Soma of the ns Homes. - The following are" some" of the reel- 4ences, early erection of which has been ' announced in the past few days; ' : F. P. Kendall, local representative of the American Car company, has com pleted the purchase of a view site on Laurel street, near Twenty-first. Port , land Heights, on. which he plans to be gin at an early date the erection of a $6000 home. n' R. J. McOuIre, of the Beaux Arts Building company, is Tiavlng plans drawn for a colonial type residence to be erected at East Twenty-seventh and ' Thompson streets, The building will - contain six large rooms and the usual number of smaller, rooms. Its estimated cost is 5000. The design is by D. B. Fllcklnger, who Is also drawing the plans for a two-story residence of the colonial type to be erected on another corner at East Twenty-seventh and Thompson streets for. Henry Hennings. J". H. Lelghton la about to begin the ' erection at East Fourteenth and Knott Streets Of a modern two-etory residence to cost between 15000 and 16000. -. -' Architects Roberts & Roberta have completed the plans for three new dwel ling houses, two of which will be erect ed in the Rose City Park district and the other at East Eighth and East Davis streets. One of the buildings 1a for F. J, Brower and another for R. , Byrne, both of which are to be built Th the Rose City Park district Mrs. George Jef f ery has begun a two- story frame house on Russell street be tween Kerby and Borthwick. The struc ture will cost approximately $5000. East -Side Gets ITtarly All. A permit was issued last Monday to Mrs. Philomeri Gillespie for a two-story frame residence which she will build on Hancock street, near East Fifty-first, at a cost of $5000. ' On the same date H. W. Lemcke took out a permit for a - one-story' cottage to be erected on East Gllean street, be tween Laddington and East Thirty ninth. The structure will cost $4000. H. O. Trlplett took out a permit Tues day for a two-story frame flat build ing to be erected on Belmont street, be tween Twenty-sixth and East Twenty seventh, at a cost of $4500. On the same date Howard D. Kllham , was authorized to begin the erection of a 2ti story frame dwelling on Stephens street, between Eaet Twenty-fifth and East Twenty-sixth, at a cost of $5800. Lamon & Walsh took put permits last week . for two one-story frame cottages to be erected on East Seventieth on the Base Line road. Each to cost $3000. 8. M. Hamby is building an attractive up-to-date 1 story frame cottage on , Garfield avenue, between Kllllngsworth and Pearl avenues. The building will cost about $3600, Edward Laurlson has begun two 1 . story frame cottages at East Eighty eighth and Hassalo streets. The build ings will cost $1800 each. T. H. Powell has begun a two story frame dwelling On East Lincoln street, between East Twenty-fourth and Glenn avenue. - A permit authorizing the Im provement, at a cost of $2900, was Issued last week. W. Barr has taken out a permit for a two story frame cottage to be erect ed at a cost of $3000 on East Twenty seventh street, between Brasee and Thompson. Charles Hussey has begun the erec- tion of a 1 story frame cottage on . East Thirty-seventh street, between Thompson and Brazee. The approxi mate cost of the building Is $3000. J. P. Kelleher was authorized by per mit Issued last Thursday to build two - two-Story frame dwelling- houses on East Forty-seventh street, between Bra see and Victoria. The houses will cost $2600 each. On the same date E. Jones was grant ed a permit to build a one-etory frame cottage on East Forty-eighth street, be tween Brazee and Thompson, at a cost Of $3000. F. A. Anderson has taken out a per . mlt for a two-story frame residence which he will build on East Seventieth between Tolman and Duke streets. The structure will cost $2500. . Louis Miller has begun a one-story . frame cottage on East Tenth street, be tween Beacon and Frederick, which will , cost approximately $2500. ORCHARD COMPANY BEGINS BUSINESS That the time has come when the finest and largest apartment houses In Portland will have to be managed as such properties are in the large eastern cities, In the opinion of W. U. Morgan Portland pionver builder of apartment houses. , i'Portlftftd-capitallsts are now building a number of very handsome structures of that class,' said Mr. Morgan, "seml fireDroof in construction, finished in hardwood, elegant appointments and large, commodious apartments. "The next step," continued Mr. Mor gan "will be the liveried attendant, who wttt-'keep new1 at the apartmenlput ting up the strong arm against the in trusion of unwelcome guests, book- agents, solicitors and bill 'collectors. There is nothing of that kind In Port land now, but I know of a number of large apartment houses under construe tion in which this innovation will in all probability be put into operation. Attendants at Doors, "In these large buildings containing 40 or 50 five and six room apartments, where 250 or 300 persons live, an at tendant at the front entrance Is almost a necessity. In no other waycan the occupants be protected against unde sirable callers. "The system, 6t course, will be an ex periment here, but since it works well in the east, particularly among the higher grade apartments, there is no reason why it should not be a success here. We must prevent the rambling around of tormentors and possibly thieves in the building, and for this rea son the system will have to be adopted." -Another--feature that builders of apartment houses in Portland would do well to adopt is the plan of having servants quarters on the top floor. This will do away with arranging servants' rooms In the various apartment where servants are wanted. Instead of apart ments, the top floor will be arranged In small rooms. The tenants of the apartment. If they want to keep a serv ant and house her out of the apartment. may do so by renting one of the rooms above. Another Feature, Another feature, adopted In the east which has been found to work well, is an Improvement In the manner of han dling; hot water. By thfs plan all of the hot water is pumped to a large tank on the- roof before sending it down into the pipes. This Is to provide Instantan eous hot water always at the same temperature. while On his vacation In California recently, Mr. Morgan made a special study of apartment house construction and management In San Francisco and Los Angeles, with a view of adopting the methods in vogue where superior to those In use In Portland. "The larger California cities have many very fine apartment houses," he said, "seme -of them costing far mora than any so far built In Portland. In the matter of appointments and conven iences, however, Portland apartment houses are far ahead of those in- Cali fornia. I was astonished to find that very few of suoh buildings In California have a dumb waiter service to eaoh suite, a feature that is to be found In nearly every apartment house in Port land. The result is that the tradesmen deliver their goods by way of the pas sender elevator or staircases and the garbage is taken care of in the same way. However, the California apart ment house builders spend more money in fitting up amusements for their tenants than we do in Portland, manv of the larger buildings being equipped witn Dimara nans, urge reception hall and solarlums. "I found that apartment rents are from 50 to 100 per cent higher in Cali fornia than in Portland. In one Los Angeles apartment bouse three room apartments rent for as high as $160 a month. I don't know of a single build ing here where a three room suite rent for more than $50 or $60." New home of Powers' Furniture Company, at Third and Yamhill;, building Is practically completed and will - - b occupied about April 1.- 5 " - - -t -- - On Halsey Street, between nrand an'1 Union avenues, F. C. Wasscrman has broken ground for a two-story frame flat building containing four suites of Six rooms each. The permit calls for an expenditure of $9000. J. Maraules has taken nut a narmlt for a, two-storv fmm ntnra anA rmr. ment building to be erected on Corbett irei, oeiween rjower and Iowa streets. The proposed improvement will cost suuu. A permit was issued, lnnt Thn.,, to Mrs. George Jeffrev tnr ? frame store and rooming house which she is rjrenarlnir tn hniLi nn r.. n - uu nuisni street, between Kerby and Borthwick, at CUBJU E GOTHIC CHURCH IS TO COST $100,000 What is to be one of the handsomest of the new stone churches in Portland, is the $100,000 Gothic structure to be erected by the Westminister Presby terian congregation in Irvlngton. The Westminister church owns the block bounded by East Bixteenth, East Sev enteenth, Hancock and Schuyler streets, and It Is on this block the new church is to go up. When completed the build Ing will be probably the finest church structure on the East Side. The de sign Is known, as English gothic and is the work of Architect Ellis F. Lawrence. The main auditorium and the Sun day school annex will each have a seat ing capacity for 1000 to J100 people, aitnougn tne auditorium may be en larged by the addition of the choir room and the Bible class room, which together with the pastor's study are to be-connected with the auditorium by means of sliding doors. In the basement will be located the heating plant, kitchen, dining room- and a number of small apartments neces H AND HALL WILLC0STS10.0Q0 Small Flats Still in Demand on East Side; List of Builders. Builders of small stores and flats took out permits last week for five new buildings, the aggregate cost of which is $42,000. The largest of these Im provements is a two-story concrete structure to be erected at the corner of Mllwaukie Road and Karl street at a cost of $10,000. The ground floor is to e arranged for store purposes and the upper floor will be a large public hall. H. Pfister has begun a four-series two-story frame flat building on East Main street, between East Twelfth and East Thirteenth. The permit, fixing the cost at $10,000, was Issued last week. ; 'A company known as The Dalles Or chard company was incorporated this " last ' week with headquarters In Port land and has engaged offices with the , Columbia Trust company In the Board of Trade building.- The. company has henn organised for the purpose of de veloping Oregon orchard lands, to be sold on th Installment plan In five and ten cr tracts. A purchase of , Mlt seres laying five miles south of The Dalles has . been made, on which It intends to begin immediate develop ment work. The officers and directors -- mpawy are.. T. m Qauitsi-H nent; . b. orrer, vice president; H. ".W,-, Sellendar, secretary, and treasurer. O. t- Forrla. George T. Moore and H. H. Pearce, together with tha officers, constitute the board of directors. DEAFNESS CURED "I have demonstrated that deafness can be cured." Dr. Guy Clifford Powell The secret of how to use tha mys terious and Invisible nature forces for the cure of Deafness and Head Noises has at last been discovered by the fam ous Physician-Scientist, Dr. Guy Clif ford Powell. Deafness and Head Noises disappear as if by magic under the use ot this new and wonderful discovery. He will send all who suffer from Deaf ness and Head Noises full information how they may be cured, absolutely free, no mattcrhow long they have been deaf, or what caused their deafness. This marvelous treatment is so simple, natural and certain that you will won der why it was )ot discovered before. Investigators marvel at the quick re sults. Anv deaf nerann ran hv .,n Information how tw bevnred tra1cMy"nnJ 41 1 PAI Wt A . Jt A IL J A . a .v, if i-Uri-u ti nume witnout in .,CN,t Writ today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. 8090 Bank Building, Pe oria. 111., arid get full information of , , . wonaenui discovery, apso- NATIONAL ADDITION Packing plants, large factories and pay rolls make cities. Population is dense where employment is plenty. The secret of success in making real estate investments lies in one's ability to decide where the greatest number of people will congregate. KENTON is the center of the factory district where the packing plants, unions stockyards and other large institutions have-located, and also is the retail section to serve this important district. NATIONAL ADDITION IS IN THE HEART OF KENTON Under the above conditions, lots purchased in NATIONAL ADDITION are sure to advance rapidly, and NOW is the time to buy. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 519-20-21 RAILWAY EXCHANGE PORTLAND OREGON OO-OPXStATXTE XJBAXTT CO., i Gntlnien Please send me your latest folder of National Addition. OOTTPOH 6 lor the lest Let ters How Much Income Does Your Acre Produce? ... p $2 AO ILL ?P GIVEN b The Journal fr the best letter tell JJtF.VV mg of investment or income results obtained per acre from one to five acres of Oregon land. , u. ?u0(? ,W?J be given for the second best and a $1.00 prize for the third best letter. " ; The city men who have'gone back to the soil" for health, recrea tion or profit-and there are thousands of 'them haye become en thusiastic m their praise of the small farm the independent, health ful means of living and the additional income it affords. - On Colonist Day thousands of letters were sent east from loyal Oregonians, telling of the benefits derived from small holdings in this state and of the good investment opportunities such as are offered daily in The Journal's classified columns. For the best letter telling of these advantages will give ap prize of $3.00, the second addressed to Journal Real Estate Department and reach this office by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. 1 To Build This Spring? Building operations have assumed large proportions in LAURELHURST since the first of the year. The great home-building movement of Portland has cen tered in this beautiful residence district. r ft OVER 60 HOMES CONTRACTED FOR IN eAirelhvmst SINCE JANUARY 1 Many more are preparing their plans every , day. You cannot afford to decide definitely on your home-site until first. visitng LAUREL HURST. have you Investigated our special 30 day plan op 15 Discount to Home-Builders If not, fill out blank below, mail to address given below and we will send full details of how we can assist you financially to BUILD YOUR OWN HOME. Prices $90Q up; 10 per cent down, 2 per cent a month. Rose City Park, East Ankeny or Montavilla carlines. XtMnUr&XDMT CO. 033-96 Corbett Bid. Portland, Or. Main 1503 A-1515 Gentlemen: Kindly send me new city map, plat of "Laurel hurst" and full details of your plan of assisting home-builders Nam. Street No City or Town. SPEND as much money as you like, and still you can find no more desirable beach property on the Pacific coast than at Gearhart Park. , . YOUR family is entitled to a few months' rest and recrea tion in the year. Put them in a cottage of your own and when your VACATION comes join them at the beach, where you can forget your -troubles and business cares, bathe in the surf, dig clams and enjoy every hour of your time At Gearhart Park Call at our office and let us tell you of our special inducement to cottage builders. Ruth Trust Company 235 STARK STREET. G leap L anas CAN BE OBTAINED ON VEBI EAST PAYMENTS FOR THE NEXT FEW DATS FROM US, LAND THAT WILL MAKE TOTJ A HOME IN TOUR DECLINING TEARS. ft A Goocl Home for Everybody lyf?nii:- - vln tat J' Washington at the extremely low price' of $300 for a choice 10 acre tract; you pay for this on Tirv mn tL! jndou wm not miss the nwney and you can have home i that .makes you independent This land is situated on one of the most sightly points along the rrand old Columbia river. nly a short distance from' Portland, uni wUl produce ill Jdnds of barrles; will grow apples In abundance and one of these tracts will make you a good home when you are tired rff the steady grind of work. Ing for some ons els.T The prudent man today is not buying town lots Some of the far seeing buslneas men are selling their city property nd buying acreage. ' Whal are you doing? Are you buying r lof in town with no hope of ever being able to make your 1iome or living on it? You had better take the same amount of money and buy some good land ; for tha day will com when the good land along the Pacific coast will be worth many times what wo are asking you for it en the present easy : The amount of our land Is limited and selling fast Remember you are now offered a home on very easy terms, an offer that places within voiir reach something that you have often longed to have yet never could ob tain. If you buy one of our tracts you can look forward to some day having a little home of yo?ir own where you will he th "tr .11 i urvy-' TKe opportunity. Secure a tract at once. You will be J durln" weekas11 Pn Sund-y fternon for those who can not call Col 83S lUKBSa EXOKAXOI BUO, COSHZB as AJTS STAK KTS, V E. R. MilleT-