The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Sc3 Grocery Advertisement Pago 3, Sec. 5 Orcaiifast Tomorrow In Oiir Doaiitifol Seventh Floor Rc3tcurant Good Llenu, Fine Service
'(cm ..
MANY: additional features mark the second week of this great "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition of the Manu
facturers' Association at Meier &" Frank's. While you watch, busy workers are transforming the Taw ma
terials into the finished product.' 1 v., . . 1 - . r ,
. Shirts, overalls; mattresses, bed springs, "pottery, tents, gas mantles are being made right-on the Exposi
tion floorand in the show windows. , It's a sight no man, woman or child can afford to miss. , Come to
morrow! J t.,lL . . , w . v". v, ' v " ' ' w
let. HooS aop Co., fcootb.
Blmtatng- OnuUt Co finish A KfclMt
FieUlo Iron Works, finUbad alblt.
Colombia. Utl Co booth. . . - ' - - 1
Doombookor runltut ICwufaotur.
luff Co., booth. '
Portland Oiuod Wpo Co., booth. -tottlor
rpor Box Mir. Co, booth.
Control Door ft Inmbov 0o bullt-w
Xhlbit. f ,v ;:. .,.-,.. ;- . v.-.- . '
Vorthrup ft BtorfU, fruit yrnpo. '
Ororon BrM Works, booth.
Ban Bros.. woodonwaro, booth. -Cumu
Xfr. Co-. fontltuN. t mat-
- troMos, tn booth. -PadXlo
coast Safo ft Xrfwk Co booth.
Oreg-oa Platinf Works, booth. .
Fottlt roataor Co, working exhibit.
Portlsad Pnrattnro Co booth. -
nrron Pnrnitnra Co booth.
Psoiflo Btonswars Co., Wkrtg wMWtf
Altera Bros, Kiuinr eo., ooou. -Xisor
Hand-ColorcA Photos, booth
ud window.
Pacific Tout ft AWBlaff Cdn worklnf
sshibiV ";;: -
Kustdtr Broa working' exhibit of
shirts and overalls.
CoopoT ft Co., tailors, booth,
intkel,- K; XMe, - soap- mtg.
Ami mills, booth.
OUlam Ohambors Co- asbostoa snpls.
Ona Typawritof Copyholder Co booth
, BL W. Thompson, bod aprlnf a, booth,
'Cola Hachin Uig. Co booth.
Oormaa-Amarioan Toa Co toas ud
' ooffoos, booth and window.
Portland Sloe acuiinff Co booth ud
' -window, .
.Clossst ft Dorsrsrtoas and ooffoos,
booth. " -. ' , i v. ..
Vaooda Kftf Co soaps, booth. '
WUlamotto Tont ft Avahv Col
worklnr aXhlbit.
Wostsra dm Mantis Co worklaf ox.
"" hlblt.' ' : ' o . .,....
Bnlso Utf. Co wood flalshtaf spo
1 cialttos, booth, "
Borthwost Blow lpo Co rontllatlnr
Paoino Coast Byrnp Co booth. ' '
Knltnomah ft Box Co booth. .
Vnloa Bloat Co., booth-and window.
Paolflo Stove ft Baaro Co booth,
tohman Tils Co booth.- y - -IMTls-pronltt
tshr. Bsltf. Co axhlbl
Cur Nov Spring and Sammsr
:uc Is Nov Eleaciv
..... r ... - . . or ,
t 1 .WVJTJi
1 m-m : iliivt. ;im
AO' , '
"A FTI;R weeks spent
in the collection of
data; the picturing of
all 4 the beautiful new
1911 styles and mer
chandise out big spring
and summer catalog is
" now; ready. " , - ir
:-Oyer 100 pages of T
intensely i n tere sting .
news to every person in
the , great ', northwest"
Hundreds; of the ad-
yancedjspring and sunir2
nier styles in women's V
Waists, i Muslin 'and Knit Underwear. iTailored Suits; ' Dresses.
Infants'j :W.ear; Men's and Boys' Apparel, Shoes, Carpets, Furrii
ture, Drapery, Curtains and Housefurnishings. ' A1; postal1 card
will bring? this -big catalog to you. - "s,
V7ritc for YOURS Novf-Today!
(I -j if
J ..p' : i
', l t&&2ftf Wit
Second Floor, Main Bldg. 4 , v ,, . v , . .Ordr by Mail
INDIVIDUALITY the secret of woman's charm. and of women's apparel!
Ourreat Garment Salons are resplendent .with all that's new, beautiful
and distinctive in Women's Tailored Suits; Dresses. Waists. Skirts and other
5 j Prin wearables: 'Come tomorrow and see all these new things for yourself.
r& UUUbl U UI1UVU11IC Ul 1 flHd.Pl sr:ai wxiil
... .... Cbbw '
Fashion's every whim for spring .is.' mirrored in our big showing of Tailored Suits;
Garments from such famous makers as Max M. Schwarcz, J. C. Stratton and others.
.Styles run the gamut from beautiful Novelty Suits to the smart, strictly tailored
models ever popular; with' American rwomen. Prices range fronl-818, $20,' ?25r
SOndpnjupjoSO. 1
WideXhoice- m.pring4Qt$3S;
And among them exact reproductions ot Paris model" Suits, including the lovely'
Paul Poiret effects with short jaunty coats .finished in black satin sailor collars.
Another style has shawl collar of satin or braid and fastens fo the side with
ornamental buttons and frogs. Tans, grays, black, navy and ;natty djOf A A
mannfsh weaves. Unusual values, indeed, are these - suits at this price D)sUU
praw Apparel
Fine New Spring Coats
' Coats for utility and dress. I he new;
I: interweave, material,' resembling a. sweat
' er coat new wool broche, satin,' tussah,
shantung and cloth of gold. New models
have large collars, long revers and, fasten
with large loops and cabachons. ' .Prices
range in easy steps from $12.50 to $75.
The New House Dresses
1 A multitude "of 'pretty little " AVash'
Frocks. of sturdy, tubable chambrays,
gingnams, percales maarases ana cotton
foulards. Pretty stripes, checks, , dots,
plaids and solid colors,. High collars or
cool Dutch' necks. Prices $3.75 to
$7.50.. '
In Marquisette Waists
Rare beauty in these new spring mod
els of Marquisette Waists. For its trim
ming scheme Fashion has borrowed from
the American Indian bright, multi-colored
beads, which are. freely '-employed
on these Marquisette Waists; New Tokio
sleeves. Prices $7.50 to $25.
A Waist Special 06 98
. A maker's entircjine of sample and
model ; .Marquisette and Crepe Waists,
worth $7,50 to $15. Some exquisitely
hand-embroidered. Many of the Crepe
Waists show real Irish crochet trim
mings. ., Special tomorrow $6.98.
No Let-Up to Wash Goods Interest
' First Floor, New Bid. ' , Order by Mall
UNDER the prosaic term of "Wash Cottons" we present a veritable wonderlands of
beautiful fabricslustrous, silky materials with a wealth of suggestion for. charming;
party "dresses, outdoor frocks, etc' . ' V. 1
; New ."Helen Taf t" pinks,, new blues, new greehsa marvelous array ". of the new 1911 shades
awaits you. See them tomorrow. - ' - v t . Ha
35c "Njraora Silk," one of the new
if rough' weaves. Full assortment ,
' . of the season's shades. Special, -yard.
25. , .
25c .Printed Dimities in beautiful
new floral .designs and dotted
patterns. All wanted shades. Spe
' cial, yard, 15. .
50c Marquisettes, sheer and lus
trous, with beautiful open mesh.
'Full 1 assortment of ' colors. .32
inches wide. Yard SOf (
35c French Voiles, in beautiful
'checked and striped effects. Beau-
. .tiful range of colorings.,27 inches
wide.- Yard 25. t
Wai Anderson's Scotch Ginghams
,in scores of new patterns. Priced
at. yard.. 25.;
Printed Voiles in. Persian lesigns,
small and large floral patterns
and silk striped and shadow ef
fects. 27 , inches wide. Yard
30. ' " )
Lovely New Arrivals in Imported Laces
jraer tj auui
To $2 Strips Embr'dery 98c
Fine sheer swiss, namsook and cambric Em
broideries in beautiful ; eyelet and blind work
designs; W2 to 5 yards in a strip. Both edges
ana inserncnftSTTjr-iOriB mcnes-wiae.
First Floor, Xew BIdg.
DIRECT from Paris came most of them,
with all the beauty, the finish and ; the
exquisite tracings which have made famous the
Freudi Laces.
MarquisetteSrCbiffonsj-asper-KtSi-Silk -AU-4
overs, finest Baby Irish and Venise Bands with
edges and insertions to match in "gold, silver and
the newest of Persian effects. Yard, 25c to' $15.
$1.50 to $2 Embroidery Strips at 98c
$2.50 to $3 Embroidery Strips $1.39
Second Vloor, New BIdg.
Urder byMall,-, " .
inITH the first welcome flash of the glorious Spring .sunlight have come beautiful 1911
YV Millinery creations to greet alike , the. new season and the winter-weary women U'
Exquisite beauty," chic, dash and good taste characterize this great spring exhibits Reproductions
of models of Georgette,. Suzanne Talbot and others whose names are synonymous withMhe highest
Parisian skill are widely, represented. And the greatest of American millinersGage Fisk, Phippsi
Hyland, Burgesser,, etc., have' evolved a wonderful array of exquisite models. ,
$20 Tailored Model Pictured
Fine white Milan, with rolling blrim,'-abruptly
turned up1 on side and-finished with bands of
tflack velvet. Jauntily trimmed with side upright
bow of blaclc velvet, caught with handsome coral
buckle. Price $20.00
$ 1 7 Tailored Model Pictured
Made with the new. horsehair .'hood (a feature
of many of the newest models), draped over flex-,
iblc frame, finished at base with black .velvet band.
Prettily trimmed with cluster of small fancy feath
ers: Priced y:. . V;. . i . , V.v.;1700
The $15 Dress Hat Pictured
A charming: variation of ttitnrhAn 1Ammrk(
navy blue hemp, braid, trimmed in blue , shirred II
cilL ar,A (;n;.t..t ...uu j . . u : . ... M
iivumioiiKu nuii uaaiuu sjjiay 01 narnaomz
ing blue and pink flowers. Brim sharplyUpturned
all around.5 ? Priced' at. . . . .V. . . ,;. . . . . . .$15.00
The $17 Dress Hat Pictured
' Handsome white horsehair hood, finished with
sharply upturned brinv. of variegated coarse noy
elty braid. Beautifully trimmed with; wings? White
at; base,; but blended at ends to harmonize with
straw. ; Priced at,,,v,. v.. Vr.-;v::;;$17.00
$25.00 Cash for the Dcst Name
for Our New Felt Mat
4th now
VtW Bldf.
WE WANT a name and trade
Jf mark: for -our: new Hygienic
Felt Mattress, which is to be" the. best
tnat can - possibly
be sold;at"$8.50.
For the best name
submitted ; the
coming week $25'
cash will be paid.
The answers
.will a : s1svMst U. .
a disinterested committee and based upon the following points:
.. 1 .II... ... ...... ... . .. . " .-. ':, ;. : . ... :.;..;..,.....:.,;
most original iaea in construction ox wora or woras. . .
. 2. Suitability of word. . ,
' 3. Neatness of design submitted. C ' V '
This flew -Mattress will be made according' to our, specifications of '
best layer felt and covered with 7-ounce A. C. A. ticking. It will be the
equal of many other Mattresses at, a higher price. ; Leave answers to
contest in oiir Furniture Department.
As exclusive distributors for, Oregon, we are able to offer for a
-limitedimeonlyithese-eekbrated- $30 -OstertnooH French-Edge-Mat-
tressea at $ia50. Extra thick weighing 60 pounds, finished. with French"
rolled edges, han4-laid and hand-sewed. Full double bed (J1Q PA
size. These Mattresses are now on sale at.the low price of DlO0U'
Xcyy ,'rr-
sfyles-dts-; ,Tfir fSm
r;;: M '
S:T': J
Women's Famous G 6u siris Spring Foptwpar
Sold Here Only in Portland
Third Floor. New Bids. Order by Mall
T'S a charming array indeed that' awaits women here
in our new Sprine showinjrs of the celebrated J. & T. v."
Cousins' Footwear.
C Chic new Pumps.- Oxfords and High Shoes in
tinctly new and different; The , new brown or
black ooze calf, the black buckskin, the tan Ru- -
sia velour. as well as more staple patent and gun
metal leathers. - ... "
For years J. & T. Cousins' famous" New York
made shoes for women have set the pace for
style and quality. Sold here only in Portland.
' And the present vogue for velvet is carried out in smart black or brown
Tumps. 9t,lcr I,inPs s"ow the two-strap, ankle-strap and "some without
any strapt " High Cuban, medium or low heels. Among the high shoes
are new beaded vamp effects, for which " Fashion ' has predicted such
popularity the coming season.- vVamps are still more "stagy", and high'
heels fashionable. .Jt (;. , j '
The prices on Cousins' high-grade shoes range at $3.50,'.$4.00, $4.50,
complete. . ' , 1 r ' " . .
TScVehise Lace Collars forl47c
Hwt Floo Mala Bide. V v- ' Order hr MaII
tA 0U5JNG special on Venise Lace Neckwear, just
unwrappea iirom,vineirr tissue coverings.
collars, yokes. and chemisettes iri both white. and ecm
To $3 Silk rScarfi $1.79
une tnousand beautiful new bilk
Scarfs in plain, Persian and fig
ured effects. - Either square ' or4
long" also suitable , for hat drapes. :
Worth $2 and 3 each. f7Q
Special' tomorrow.',. I)A5
50c Silk Ribbon, Yard 35c
Heavy, all-silk Ribbdhs of vruoire
or plain taffeta; black; white and
all Spring shades aSiiitable -for
ashes and millinery purposes.
Best regular ' SOc ' urades OCf
I special at, tomorrow, r OOC
The New Shepherd Check Suitings
t v .Press Goods Salons, First Floor, Main BIdg.
'AS REGULARLY as Spring rolls around,, the Shep-
herd Checks, return to their old-time popularity.'
,WeVei showing i: Shepherd Check; Suitings from the smallest
pin check . to the largest, for ": smart . tailored ? suits $0'"CA'
and dresses. Widths 40 to 56 inches. .; Prices 50c to JU
New Silk.and.Wool Port
Una All 'the latest ; spring
shades and exclusive patterns
44 inches wide, Specially
priced tomorrow A An;
at, the yard; ;r.. . )ZUU
i New' Hairline Chiffon
yoile37-44 inches wide ; a fine
quality of -,ilk andTwoolr
Black -and white and blue and!
, white, stripes. ;i To- An AA
morrow, ; the' yard aCUU
Sailing Dishes $3. 19
First, Floor, Main Building .Order by Mail ''"
Lj ARDLY a liome that hasn't need for ont of
" these splendid Baking Dishes: Made of best 1
quadruple ..j&ilver platein two-pint -rsueU with 1 plain-
cover. Useful as well as ornamental Ree-d1 1 A
ular $5.00 Baking Dishes.'
$12.50 Tea Sets Four
jpieces of heavy quadruple
plate in beautiful colonial
design. Special dA A'Q
tomorrow at.r9t0
' $5.00 Silver Plated Nut
Bowls Heavy quadruple
plate, in handsome grape
pattern, w i t h 1A
gold .lining, at9t)i7
$4.75 Silver Plated Com
potes, with engraved cen-'
-tfr-and opeTr-work-'errger
Special price dQ A
for tomorrow.. dt)D
For tomorrow
. $3.00 Silver Plate d
Trays 12-inch size, with
plain ' satin' center ,and
bead edge. Spe- nn
cial , tomorrow 5) 1 IO
; SOc .Salt and' Pepper
Shakers Best .quadruple;
plate, in ''satin lined box.
Specially price for on
tomorrow, only.. OuC
. $2.50 . . Syrup ' Pitchers t
with : Plates M e d1u m
silver plate ; to- A , A A
morrow at. ... t2)l
New Gossard Front-Lace Corsets
WHAT' PERFECT lines!'r
' V V;: How-, often have you
heard , this exclamation from some
admiring woman ? Correct Corsetry
is the secret of a perfect figure. Each
day women areMearning the merits
of Gossard Front Lace Corsets; '
.Kumber 360,i the-first GossirdTCorset
to be sold for less than : $5. It is of
medium length and decidedly effective
in imparting a taper to the, waist and'
hips. Made of fine coutil,:Now (SJQ
on sale at' the very low price; vOtJU
New Madame Ireae Corsets '
.the new No."-1414 Madame Irene Corset
complies "with the radical chaffge from
the straiaht hipless effect to the more
becoming waist line. - Medium low bust, I
the waist curving beautifully, ' showing
the taper at the aides. Of line fl?Q flO
French coutil. Priced at.' vOUU
Two New Soccesso Corsets
Model No. 222. Successo, for the average figure. Low bust and modi
fied curved back. Made of white broche and mercerized CC'iTlfl
Model No. 240 Succesao, for the medium stout figure. Low bust and
long skirt, with heavy boning. Made of strong coutiL: These' fl?K Aft
Corsets are placed on sale at the, very low price of, each VJ"V
- nil rA
i IK.
1. .:v