V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1911. .5 TOXIGIIT'S '.AMUSEMENTS ... HElMO Wagenhals & Kemper present "Seven Days,' a comedy. 7- BAKER Baker Theatre Stock company presents Hall Caines "The Chelan": drama. .- . i , - ORPHEUMOrpheum Circuit - Vaude- irille. - BUNGALOW Max pill In "Dream - City," musical comedy. - GRAND-Sulllvan & Considlne Vaude- ville. , . ; , ' LYRIC -Lyric Musical Comedy com pany in "Alabazu." -. PANT AGES Vaudeville. 'M? STAR, ARCADE. , OH ' JOT, ; ODEON, JJTIVOLI -First run pictures. 11 a. m. ' to 11 p. m. - ' ; . -Weather mtUtlona. - '. - - - "A disturbance of moderate strength Is .'' central at sea off the north California V Ti coast and the barometer is roiauveiy High over the KocKy mountain ana mo Gulf states. 'A shallow low pressure ; area is central near nova, scuua. ; jub" n-ain has-f alien ln-California-ae far ' south as gan Diego, and light snow has occurred in Montana. North UaKota ana w the- Lake region. It is much colder rialheinrRea ,r rivervaiieyoi ma norm s and decidedly warmer in" southwestern Montana. Wyoming. Texas, Oklahoma, "Arkansas and-eastern-Missouri A heavy ' frost was reported at Shrevepdrt, Louis- tana, mis morning ana aeavjr irui uy- - eurrea generally, in tne norm -raeuw :ri- The' conditions are favorable for rain -and warnipr weather tonlfht in SOUth- western Oregon. ... Bain SvlU . continue over Saturday in that section and spread to include northern and eastern Oregon V t and southern Idaho, v In the nortnern . and MLatern flmtmcta . a nortion or iu UIBUIUllKllUU . Will , D IB l I""" Vi lji.ll ... 1 1 f ABM . A 0 nnw. - ' . ' ' FORECASTS. f;-- '" - Portland and vicinity Fair tonight j ' Saturday probably rain or snow;.-, east- .. - any winds. '.-. Oregon -Fair tonight except ram ana V warmer southwest portion. Saturday ruin fir inn! atr irly winds. davf northeaaterlv winds. ' - . Idaho Fair tonight Saturday .fair north, rain or snow south portion. 7 nlAf.vra u FhntitfkTnrn anenlal trains carrying soldiers and equipment passed through Portland on the South ' era Paciflo yesterday. The trains car ried detachments from Fort Robinson, Neb and Vancouver barracks. Wash., ron their way to San Franclsoo. where j-' they will embark Monday for tha Philf lpplnea. - On the first train.- were : two troops of the Eighth cavalry from Fort Robinson, made up of 128 enlisted men and six officers. Two hundred and seventy-two enlisted men and nine of ficers moved from Vancouver .barracks last night and entrained for San Fran cisco. This detachment consisted of the headquarters of the first batalllon and : batteries A and B , of the second field artillery. Lieutenant Bishop had charge . of the movement The two detachments are expected to stay, in the Philippines for about two years. ' ' Woman Pioneer Diss Death has " taken another pioneer woman of Oregon " in Mrs. Harriet B. Opltx, who came to the state In 1862, making the trip by prairie schooner across the plains from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mrs, Oplts was 1 born In Germany In 1844. She came to America with her parents in 1868, set tling In St Louis, Mo., where she re mained until. In company with her father and brother, she made the trip across the plains. In 1868 she was mar ried in Portland to Ferdinand Oplts. who died in 1807. The surviving rela tives living in Portland are M. Beno, a 4 brother; two nephews, L. P and V. E. Beno, and a niece, Mrs. W. W. Bollen. ' Social Heeds of Portland An Interest. Ing meeting was held at Central W. C. - T. U. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. L. F. Additon. gave a talk on "Social Welfare." emphasising social settlement work, of which there was said to be great need In this city; a girls industrial home, a municipal lodging house and a coffee wagon. It was announced that Mrs. Sllbaugh wIllTipeak Friday afternoon at the Y. W". C. A. Owing to tha county institute, Uiere 'will be no meeting of , Central W. C. T, TJ. next Wednesday. Quarter ' Block Sold Through the agency of the H. P. Palmer-Jones com pany the quarter block at the south eat corner of Fourteenth and Flan ders streets was sold yesterday after noon to a local physician who is already heavily interested in realty in that seo tion of the city.' The property formerly belonged to the Corbett company and was sold for $32,600. It is the intention of the new owner to Improve the prop erty in a substantial way, which will probably take the form of a large garage. Spiritualists Will Meet The regular quarterly meeting of the State Spiritual ists' Association of Oregon will be held Saturday afternooo, at 4 o'clock at tha business headquarters, 601 Yamhill street, at which time arrangements will .be completed for the anniversary serv ices to be held the last of March, Rev. John Slater, returned missionary from the California field, will be presented at the meeting preparatory to beginning his work here on Sunday, v Twelfth and Columbia Iiot Sells The homestead of J. A. BelL Front street commission merchant, has been sold to Henry Roberts of Roberts Bros. The property Is located at the northeast corner of Twelfth and Columbia streets. It comprises a 60' by 100 foot lot and is- Improved with- a large 10 room dwelling house. Mr. Roberts paid $20, 00) for the property. The sal was negotiated by & Da La Met. ' V- Xreorare on Department Stores R. J. Campbell, manager of one of Portland's larg department stores, will deliver a free lecture for all salesmen-of the city In the auditorium of the Portland Young Men's Christian Association to night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Campbell's sub ject will b "The Machinery ef a De partment Store and the Advantages Se cured Through It." . Jlmmle Oman starts something to morrow. He claims that tomorrow he is going to give Portland men the great est values In the city In high, grade suits,- men's spring models that would F.W. Baltcs and Company invito your inquiries for PBINTtN6 First and, ftak cost t22.50. $25.00 and $27.60 In a high rented store on the street, be will sell for. $14.75. He has been selling cloth- f Ing in the .Oregonlan building for near jly two years and gives everybody a .square deal.- Take elevator to room $16 i OregoniaitT bldg., and save money on your spring suit. v A painting by Charles Russell, the nqted paintei of western , life, is being shown in the "Roundup Cleanser', booth at i Meier & Frank's . made-ln-Oregon show. This. work of art was exhibited In . the fitwJLoulaajid Chicago-world's fairs, vwhere It caused considerable comment because of Its excellent por trayal of life; In. th far west If Is considered by art critics to be Mr. Rus sell's best work. No one should fall to see this . beautiful painting of the cowboy, , ' Ernest Ken Vanishes R. Kern , of T7Q Clatsop avenue, Sellwood, haa asked the police to assist him In his search for his father, Ernest Kern, who dis appeared yesterday from the family residence without any apparent reason. The lost man la 65 years of age, 6 feet S Inches fn height and weighs about 180 pounds. He wears a full beard and his clothing Is plain black with a short brown overcoat. . ..' - - . , ; - Will Attend Tale DinnerTo attend the dinner to be given in the White House tomorrow for the Yale, class of '78, James Adam HiU of the class Of '02 left Portland Saturday tor Wash ington, D. C Mr. Hill Is the eldest son of Dr. Joseph Wood HiU (Yala '78 and the first boy born to a member of that fampuiasaJHawaacted-'class Burglar Beared Off An attempt was made at an early, hour this morning to rob the residence of Frank Garretson at 697 First street, but before the In truder could get away with the pile of doming ana the groceries ha had col lected in the basement, of the house members of the household, frightened him away. Entrance to the house was gained through tha basement ; y,: v ; S rivers of Automobiles who have not the technical knowledge to ease the rigid state "examination soon to be re quired of them can be assisted by call Ing at the Auto college of Portland, 118 Merchant .Trust building., .Reduced price for this especial course. r -Dont rorgst XI That Rubenstein, the optician, makes the highest grade of spectacles and eyeglasses. Insures your comfort and stylo at very reasonable prices 188-Thlrd street, ground floor. - Address at Portland Commons Mrs. Sllbaugh, a national worker of the W. C. T. U., will speak at the Portland Com mons mission, 2J North Front street to night - wv. John Slater of California will lecture, "The Life Beyond the Grave." Women of Woodcraft hall,' Tenth and Taylor, Bunday evening, March 6, 8:16. Cleaner Jessie JXarkms. for Cam. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street cock at p. m. v-.!, .. L. Old Jewelry wanted-ve buy old gold and sliver. Uncle Myer's Collateral vanx, 71 eixtn st, near oak. Diamonds. C. Christen sen, second floor Corbett building. Take elevator. Br. William Ronse, removed to 1108-8 Selling building. Phone Mam 885. W. A. Wise and associates painless Sentists, Third and Washington, . Br. 7. Tntelson removed to 1001-8 Sel ling bldg. Phone Marshall 2614. Dr. B. O. Brown, Eye, Ear, Marquarh. s Jlmmle morrow. m ! Dunn starts something to- March 10 IS THE Westbound Colonist Fares Prom the Middle , West, Eastern States and Eastern Canada. WBITE YOITB rarxiTDS 8EHO FOB TKEK Ask us for rates. We will assist you In Interesting your friends. Re mit to cover tickets and we will deliver them. Via Puget Sound Cities. rXEQTXEVT TXAIB8 AJCPI.B w FOUR THROUGH TRAINS Electric Lights AND THE CRACK TRAIN OF ALL 18 THE North Coast Limited The only exclusively first class transcontinental SECURE FULL INFORMATION FROM B. CXABXTO XV Asst. . 895 Morrison 8t, Oomsr Third, Portland, Or. ' .v-v. . ;. t Northern Pacific Railway 0 3 fi&rajDB WtMft r TOXTX.Aim ' 9ZSTBTB VTTJTCr fOnm 27 WASBTlT(rTOw STREET fflfiin BE GREATEST YET Olympia . Legislators in Haste May Spend Vast Amount 7 . of Money. ' (Speelal Dispatch te Tbt JoorsaLV Olympia, r Wash., - March -.- $. The wheels are grinding rapidly thse last days of the session and It was well on to midnight before the senate adjourned last nIght,''-iW5 The house utilities commission bin was passed which . gives ine present railroad commission Jurisdiction over the gas,- electric light, telephone -and telegraph companies and other public utllitlea. The bill fixes the, salaries of the commissioners at 8600) per an num and states that It A. Falrchlld, J. C. Lawrence and Jesse T.' Jones are tha railroad commissioners be appointed on the new commission, Tha,jnllltary bill is made a special oraer ior mis evening In the senate and the employers' llablUty bill will be Jtaken up- Saturday afternoon. Boldlers' Home to Stay. The house, after hours of debate and floods of oratory, refused to remove- the old soldiers', home from Ortlng to Port Orchard. , "V ; ; . The row Is on. over the appropriations budget as the house has refused to con cede to the senate amendments which increased the r appropriations made by the house committee over $100,000. It is said that as th end draws near every faction will strain every effort for their pet measures and trading will begin which will result In appropriating a larger sum than has ever been spent by a previous legislature. When the measure to abolish the land office and put the management, of the publlo lands with the tax commission was reported out of committee the house well over Itself In Its eagerness for indefinite postponement and the- bill was put to sleep by an almost unani mous vote. The house also refused to pass the senate measure making ths office of In surance commissioner appointive Instead of elective thus blasting another of the measures indorsed by Governor Hay to centralise powder in the hands of the legislature.' The supreme court this morning handed down an opinion, to the effect that the city of Spokane can adopt a new charterjo place the management of municipal affairs under a commission form of government The opinion sus tains the commission and the election of the commission will be held In Spo kane next Tuesday. The Spokane com mission charter differs from the Tacoma Natural Laxative Water Recommended by Physicians - Refuse Substitutes Best remedy for CONOTIPATIO to April 10 PERIOD OF Via "North Bank" -- Road EQUmCBBX QTJICX SEBTXCB Steam Heat train. raas. A-ent. wmmmtm 338 BTTtNSXDB BTBXET charter in making one of the, five com missioners mayor, to be selected by the commissioners themselves. In Tacoma, although municipal affairs are managed Kw . sft AAmmtoslAH tKa tn m waw 4 si a1 attarl by popular vote. ,,. -. ;", : . . .' I ohsns Baps Say. ' i- M Dr. Ghent of King county took oc casion to rap Governor Hay during- the talk feat on what should be done with the military investigation reports, - "If the governor had any rAckbone." he said, "there would never have, been need - for ait f Investigating committee, for he'Sf commander-in-chief and could - - ollffijfe Jilt 'iHnr V iLAAfT ii YOU TOO I WIS PLANNING TO BUILD This is sure to be Portland's banner year for home bulldtnr and the great movement has centered In LAU RELHURST. OVER 60 MAGNIFICENT HOMES HAVE BEEN CONTRACTED FOR in UUl park since January, 1, 1811. Many are taking advantage of our special plan of. 157b DISCOUNT TO BUILDERS .:. cL-l::.:. Xn g. 8. QTAXTZB More homes to be constructed in Laurelhurst this year than In any other three high class exclusive residence districts In Portland. Can you afford to postpone the matter of selecting that homesitef Phone for appoint- ' ment We will call for you to visit property. III l BOBAD III I I X Main 1608. $22 Corbett bldg. m' f THE ADDITION Our Own "Cheshire' S3 Hat The New Spring Stetson Hats Now Our Boy s' An exclusive department, de voted to boys' and children's Hats. Mafy floor. Prices from 50c to New Underwear S) Men's $27.50 Suits Mow U5M W MecdDafls Mow $13o95 : :. . - ' 1 ' ' i A great clean-up of Men's Raincoats in the very latest "slip-on" styles, made of the best rainproof materials, suitable for rain or shine or for summer auto fl j 111? coats. Regular $20.00 values. - Specially priced for tomorrow's sale 31 OJjrQ A zkehwe Mali Free WSmiii Ewiry New- pME Sunnfl Introductory offrin g for tomorrow only. Our new spring cloth-rr ing is now readylor your inspection and approval.- The lines ing is now ready lor your were never so complete, values never 6o good. To. introduce tnese newcomers we will give to every one who puri VPpA chases a suit costinc $18 or more a new Cheshire Hat. JL ZK have relieved from duty : the trouble makers." - Ljlepresenuuve Ororf of Spokane took exception to these remarks, contending they were out of order; and an unwar ranted attack. $cr" "". :.; y: ;:' - ':;..': "Oh, if you and 'the governor : can stand it," replied Ghent, "anyhow, I've got It out of my system, and I'm through," and he sat down. . - JTlmmie morrow. Dunastartlaomelhlng to S Jeurnal "Want Ads bring results. mrBPSCr, Sales Agents. ' A-1615 Hats rTri : . w- . v-a sjssals jj--'',.JL5'---"-JL-" a'H , ' X. & K. Fine Clothing These Suits are not fthc new Spring styles, but the latest ar up to $27.50 Ing them special at, the suit inspection and approval.- lh Jimmie Dunn Starts Something He claims tnat tomorrow tie is going tO"'faPOrtlan.dmW"enrreKesTv'ai" ues in the city In high grade suits, new spring models that would cost $22.60. $26 and $27.60 In a high rented store on the street, he will sell ior $14.76. He has been selling clothing In the Ore gonlan building for nearly two years and gives everybody a square . duel. Take elevator to room 816, Oregonlan bullding.-and save - money on your spring suit ' ' Sixth and Burnslde Streets, lure Vha cost of Interments have been greatly reduced by the acouaaa . Uadertaklng eomvaay. nrtafor It haa been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for all inciaentais , connected who a iu rmL Tha Edward Holman Undertak- fna company, the leading funeral, di rectors of. Portland, have departed rror kb miitam. When casket is furnish h nm ra niAka no axtra. charses for embolmlng, hearse to cemetery, outside box or sny services tnat may oe re Af ua axeant elothtna:. cemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving )f $28 to $76 on each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. aao rants it, cob. saimoh. Has No Equal The handsomest and most complete line of boys Top Coats in all Portland. Many fancv novelties for this Spring's wear. See them. New Neck w'ar The World's Best NewDeoai f Bov'sCoats The more you know about the f be point. of tailoring and materials and styles, the greater will be your appreciation of this lot of Men's Suits offered special for to- morrow Taste, distinctiveness and style are the features which characterize O. W. rivals in medium weights for all-year- round wear The best materials and most pleasing patterns Not a suit in the lot worth less than $20, and values vary We are sell- $15.85 New Spring Shoes IVew Spring Shirts NJcw Spring Sweaters New Spring Gloves New Spring Coats 4' ?.'&..??. f ... "K mS i . '. 8 tni!.a.'.. S Ji- J'. HEILIG Ttn and TONIGHT TOMORROW M'ETTAT, PRICE MATINEE TOMORROW. VA' ENHAL8 A KEMPER PHKSKXT Till COMEDY HIT PAST TWENTY YEAi.j SEVEN DAYG" Bxcellen cast Complete profluct!"iv. Evenings: Lower floor, 81.60, $1. Bal cony, first 6 rows. $1: next rows. -760: last 11 rows, 60c: gallery, reserved, 8ic; admission, 25c Both Bitlos Lower floor, $1, 76c. Balcony, first 6 rows,7Be; rear of first 6 rows 60c, gallery 85c. 2 So, BOBATSJ QofmaDD . Pianist '; rsxoxs ; 2.00 SI 50 tioo OAT AJD3C T5 BtnroAT ATTXJurooir, KASCB 8, t O'CLOCK Bcilifl Theatre 1 ; Direction ; ! Lois Steers-Wynn Coman Seat Sale Today HEILIG 'THEATRE NIGHTS, berlnnina MONDAY Soecial Price Matinees Wed. and Sat. Lew . Fields Presents the Big Spectacu lar Musical snow, v I iTLi ll!J!jLir.-J With the Favorite Comedian) oeobob w. xonoi . - tOO PeopleHn the Stage 100 PRICES: Evenlnri. lower floor. 81.50. Balcony.. first 11 rows, Sir following rows, 76o; last B rows, 60c Entire gallery, too. Both matinees, lower floor, 1; balcony. nrst li rows, 7Bo; last 11 rows, auo. uav lery, S5o-26c. :. ' BUNGALOW THEATRE 55gUT Oeorse Lb Baker. General Manager. ' Tonight, all week. Mats. Thur. and Sat MJUC SZJum. ' Of Kolb A Dill, In tne greatest of mu sical cornea y surceases, imi ail " err. ir f wr Just from 100 nights' engagement In fL F. Splendid Company and Production. Ever.,5e, 60s, 7 Bo, ly Matsi J6o, eOo, wew. ween "Jirowns is ww- , BAKER if orrisoa and Utt. Mala 8 and Aroaeo.- Ann. tm. una inanajreav Extraordinary attraction all this wees. Baker stock company in a splendid re- Ttral oi Hail came s remarKaois pw, VXM OKBZSXZA3T -Greater sensation than erer before. Tonlghtr all week. Mats. Wait S6o, Sat loo, cue. Jtvenings, ibo. mo. iso. Next week "The Woll." a. juioM mat. avniT BAT 1S-S WEEK PEB 87 THEATRB2 tat The BoUonlans, "Tni lawn Jete," neadliaars. ;.-'. mialA Waadavilla. wxi t oovKxzrcuia scobtdat kjlt. Alethela and Alego, woria a greates mental telepathlsts; George Smedley, Nevlns and Gordon, Sylvia De y rankle, OUie Mack and Company, The Interna tional Quartet. Popular Prices. Mati nee dally. Curtain :tO. T:ao. OR AND Walt Fab, ar. 1911 a Tenow of m- ftalts Jest" JAB. jT. KOBTOaT "The Boy Comic" Ttrdea and Saalap Bobsxi xoiaaa Bdlth A-Kontrose "Ho. 44" Prosit Trio. Orandasoope. Mitint averr nay. i:v, wj hu. evening performances ft-7:S0 and :1S. Baioony loc, wwtr nr. " T VOl'OBTX-AWD'S TAM, 1 Jl.1vzxt pithouss VMk commanoina' Mondar Hatlnes. ' Keating Flood present tha 'Iffrio Mu sical 1Uuieay , mwu ' T8 mtOVOXHTUV.w i Three performances dally 1:45. 7:15, 15. Friday night. Chorus Girls' Con test after each performance. Kext week Alaoasu." " ' Organ Recital By CUUUVCB EDDY, The Famous Organist of New York, . At tha Plrst Baptist Caurca ...... . (White Temple) Friday Brenljr, Mare a, 90 eClook. Admission J 6c. Kesenred Seats. $1. . On sale at Sherman, Clay, & Co, a, . . March 1. S and i. Monarch Oil Refining Co. ReQners and Minufacturtrs of High Grade Lubrlcat ing Oils and Greases. Now occupying1 permanent quarters at 107 First street Telephone f numbers VMr shall,: 810;tHome, A-U76. . All orders promptly attend ed to and goods guaranteed. Portland Printing House Co. mook, O a a 1 o g aa Conunerolal . Printing - :i Book Blading and Blank Book Making. 388 Taylor St. Phones: A2281, H 6201 California fletal Plafca Wcrb A," Metblvier, Prop, , OOXVD, SXLTXB, BBA8S ABB BIOZZXi l Metal Coloring a 8peoialty. 843 SEOOBB STREET. Mai A Ml 8. , Voi Hand, Or. e High Grade Commercial and Klectric bic;n3. Ba Tta and East Everat 'i, ' fbones last 1111) -S cc!iv.VaUK.:i::ii::!;c ;its YCJ.ll. ..HfTAr". iiicmiuiiiuiiiJuiD a n n m m m n m urm w m a m wu i- ........ J. . ......,..'.! '!.. . ' ' ' . ,.U'- y.f