IOKSES VEUICLES, ETC.' 1 i BARGAINS IN CHEAP HORSES AND. ' 3286 buys 2700 lb. team, age 6 and . 7, blocky built, with heavy bone and substance; have become tender in front feet from constant line on pavements; been in use the past 8 months on brew ery wagon; trial allowed, 608 Alder. Handsome combination' horse,' golden orrel, 6 years old, weighs 1090 lb.i . perfectly sound, very stylish, well nan. nered and fearless of all city sights; - rides or drives; make a very high class family horse; also nearly new rubber tired runabout and harness whip, robe. i blanket, horse clothing all complete. Price $225. Call at, once. Broadway ' Stables, 15th and Alder eta. 20 head horses,, pair "horses 5 years, weight around 3000 lbs.; pair frays, 8 years, 2400; pair dark grays, 3360; pair bays, 6, and 7, 2900; fine. bay mare, 6. .in foal, weight 1570; 'nice bay mare, anil 4 Ivl nw HAail aa, 4a vrr artalr oil from 4 to 8, all fat and ready for work, and must be sold at once. Can ba seen at 13th at, between Overton and Petty grove. " , , , v - 40 HEAD MARES AND HORSES. I have 'lust arrived with 40 head of horses and mares weighing from 900 to 1460 lbs, all well broken and suitable for ranch, express, delivery.' contractors, bakers and pleasure or riding. Call and Inspect my ntoctc hefore buying elae- . where. New "Stork Club Stables, loth and Alder.- ,.-".' - .- -.'.',, 20 HEAD horses, pair horses 6 years, weight around 3000 lbs; pair grays, 8 years, 2400: pair dark gray, 3360; pair bays, 3 and 7. 2900; fine bay mare, 3, In foal, weight 1570; nice, bay mare, suitable for road or farm work, all from 4 to 8, all fat and ready for work and must be sold at once. Can be seen at 13th st, between Overton and Petty - grove. ABOUT a oarload of eastern Oregon 'horses and mares, mart with foal, weight 1300 to 1600 lbs.; all young and sound and guaranteed; 1864- Madison St., near new bridge, west side. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 ' : PTinnil! TRT.ANTl REDS: Sggs from' mv best pens of select thorughbred stock f 1.50 and 32. C. E. Carlton, Lents, Or., R. F. D. 1. .Phone Mam 8900 or Aii8. CAR GOOD WORK HORSES JUST IN. GUARANTEED AT REASONABLE PRICES. 62ND ST. AND SANDY ROAD. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR, AD AMS ft CAMPBELL. , BUFF Leghorn eggs for hatching; get your . BBS irurii vuiuacus . lay, from pens headed by prise winners. Setting of 16, 32; 80 eggs fo 38.60. waDaen. rnone wooamwn nn. - msa m-i' a a- .in Til in i i rw ,. iiiiiibiih. vm.i aa aa aa - ii Kffn ananr uncos-: -roiiauiiaiMVTi - t. Hams Bros., Grays Crossing, Mt Scott line. Tabor 629. : , PRAR1E STATE incubator. New. 150 eggs. Chatham incubator. Bargains. Black Minorca cockerels. 673 E. Ore- on, near 18 th, FOR SALE Fine thoroughbred young Bronse gobblers for breeding. Dob-son- milk ranch, Gilbert road, aaat of jjenis scnooiiiouMt ' IF YOU want to buy or sell dairy n.u.i n - rA atMb. cows, BV9 inuci-in uvw w, ' m- yards. Woodlawn 2400. TWO cars tubercular tested milch cows and springers. Mokel-Bruce Stock- . yards - Woodlawn 2400. i THREE fresh cows. 9 . head young horses, 900 to 1200 lbs. 993 to. xam hill. . v . ' - THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, 31-50 setting; special price per bun- area, neuwooa iaao. ANCONA eggs for hatching, best winter layers, 31.25 per 15. Sell wood ' 1616. FOUR tuberculin tested cows for sale at comer of K. 12th and Stark. CANARIES, fine singers, female, cheap. 547 Montgomery. Main zu. FOR SALE Thoroughbred pointer pup- jies. .589 savier st. jqam azp, Toi UNO genu milch cow. 340. Journal. - r : , - . - '' . ' - -. GOOD cow for sale. Phono . SeUwood 1,' : , FRESH cow. East 12th and Madison, house In Park. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 63 ONE blua eyed white Angora female ; registered cat 84 Glbbs st. South. FOll BALE flllSCELLANEOUS 10 Must Sacrifice As I am leaving, one roll top desk, I flat top desks, straight back chairs, 8 revolving chairs, 9x12 rug, safe, good as new and the very best, been used only 8 months. If you are wanting some of f loo furniture do not pass this snap up. - Call at onoe and inspect same. Boom 620 Board of Trade bldg. 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines ' at very low prices, Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, White. New Home, Domestic i and other machines rented by week and month; all makes of machines repaired and work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Store, S. S. SI gel. agent, JB36 Morrison st. Phone Main 3183, A-4B99. paved streets, for sale or trade; will accept good auto, either roadster or 6 passenger, in trade., Address Box I, wooanurn, ur, TOR SALE 8 room tent house on Guild's lake, near North Bank R. R.. containing 1 heating stove, 1 cook stove, No. 8; 1 folding bed, hair mattreng, 1 center ta ble, 2 rockers, 2 kitchen chairs, table, ' matting, stable for 2 horses, some tools. eu-ror ito. . j, in. isicnois lo, fu Board Of Trade. NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; oowiing aneys, rerngerators ror imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswiok- Balke-coiienaer co.48 etnst FOR SALE-Shoemaklng and repairing shop; must sen on account i sick ness; going east 678 Mllwaukia st, urooKiyn: rent or snop ft per montn. . SAFES-New and 2d hand; low prices: easy terms: safes opened. reDaired and painted.- Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 85 6th St. Main 6309. A-41 1 8. FOR SALE Cheap; 2 old violins; fine tone, in good condition; must sell at ooce; bargains. Call and see them at 211 3Bt St. .,- - FOR SALE -Balance of our stock of - famous Chatham brooders at lust half . priced - Corner E - Yamhill and Union ave. fnone is. on. ;STEtNWAY piano, practically new, will sell for 3260 cash. This bargain' will liave to be seen-, to be appreciated. Ad- -I T JOI TmilM.1 NEW No. 6 model Oliver typewriter, with leather traveling case at less than agent's cost Inquire at 95 Front ! FIRST class Foa Visible typewriter, only $40; 35 down, $3 monthly, 850 vjucr BRAND NEW 850 Dhonowranh end 60 records, all for 2T.t0; includes large ' I2 siik norn, sr-m, lournHi. ; FOR SALE 85,000 second hand brick" ir-e i2.ow vr iiiuunana. inquire a in ONE cream separator, been used four months, ror saie ror h price, bi b. SNAP 7 toora houseboat, furnished or unfurnlohed. Call 888 3d st Phone l-A-8253i J'OR Sjf LB or rent, logging and hoisting ' engines. Railway. Equipment Co.r 74 if. st. tiuin pnoneB FOR SALE An astronomical telescope; win ratise gooa streei instrument X-428. Journal. , HAV'E 3107 paid on pland. Will sell , cheap, i can mornings or write 340 FOR SALE One logging engln6, 9x11, , - Willamette, with eqiiipment completa w-4l, journal FOR BALE -Small dairy business In S Sellwood,' .Quick sale. $1200.t G-448. i -journal. GOOD bicycle) with coanter brake, chean. . -SellWood 114S B-2664. ' FOR SALE )2 b. p. gH9 engine, 204 E. . lth N. Kast 440. B-196S. a SltSWCASES, fixtures, store fittlnKS, . ww. td hand. 812 Everett M. 7tti7. $5 NEW HOME sewing machine; good stitcher. Call 888 East Morrison. THE FOU BALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 pet cleaner, 6 horsepower : gasoline engine, double pump complete in every detail.-Call at 268 Morrison. ;,;.v- For .Sate- . ' A dye plant; cleaning and pressing. Call 55 Alberta st. Sears ; Clark. li VATEi MISCELLANEOUS . S Barger's Auction House ' Formerly of the ' Dollar Furniture House, now located- at 870 East Morri son, will 'buy all kinds of furniture, stoves . bankrupt stocks, restaurants, hotels, etc. - will sell real estate or livestock on commission, city or coun try. Phone East 1022. ' 8. H. BAROER. ' WANTED People of Portland to know ! that I pay the highest cash prloe for seoond '.hand household goods. . N. M. Beater, 143 Ruspell. East 1563. IF YOU want the piO"t money your fur nlture will bring; save time, call East 4732. 3(8 Hawthorn. Meier Furniture Co. - -r i. .".,. :.. .,yv -i- EAST SIDE auction Jobbers want 2d nsnd rurntture, higtst price paia 94 Grend ave.. E. 1051. - BE WISE; cei were for your second nana turnjiure py selling it. 10 rora Auction co.. ill ist. Main Nm. a-imd. WANTED One or two IL P. gasoline engine, standard make. C. G. Sanl Stone, Hillsdale,- Or,- i WANTED Moving picture machine, films, etc. Give full particulars. J-448, journal,- , AN Incubator and1 brooder wanted, cheap. Dr. c. E. Brovn, phone e-b40. BHEPARD Furniture Co. gives most for used f ornitnre, etc. E. 348. 296 Grand. WANTED 2d hand fumlturaHEaat 8134r 348 Hawthorne ave. Beater Martin, WANTED The use of piano for stor age. Phone Tabor 8004. FOR 8ALL AUTOMOKILES 44 . -SECOND HAND CARS . . STEARNS, 1909 model. '. cylinder . 30-60 H. P. Equipment: Top, . glass front, gas tank, eloek, de mountable rims ,,............-. 33500 STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 passen ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equlp- mentt-Top, glass front,- speedo meter, gas tank, - demountable .rlrna, 1 bxtra casing ........... 3500 PEERLESS, 1909 model, 7 paasen- fen. Equlpmeot: Top; glass ront Warner speedometer, gas tank ' 2500 CADILLAC, Model "G" 1907, passenger. . Equipment: wina- ahield.op,-.;T77Tr.T00 xer. - Eaulnment! tod. class front, Stewart speedometer ... . 450 PIERCE, 1910- model, 6 yllnder; Equipment: Top, windshield. Stewart speedometer, clock, seat covers 3600 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1906 model, -first class condition ........... 800 REO.'i 2 cylinder, 6 passenger, -equipped with top and Stewart" speedometer ................... 450: REO, 2 Cylinder," 6 passenger, quipped with top and Stewart speedometer . v . . .'. 400 OLDSMOBILE, 4 cylinder, equipped with top , and glass front 600 BUICK, 8 cylinder, equipped with top, windshield, Stewart speed ometer 460 BUICK, model 10r 1910 equipped with - top, glass . 'front, Jones speedometer 900 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger, equipped with top, glass front, Stewart speedometer and clock.. 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. Covey Motor Car Co, Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sts. MAKE THAT MACHINE OF " YOURS NEW AGAIN Every machine painted by ua la backed by 22 years of practical factory ex perience, insuring high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and sea our work you'll be pleased. THE W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO BILE PAINT COMPANY. 64 Union ave., corner East Davis st. HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-De trolts, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Bulck. 1 Ford and 1 Packard- Cars called for and delivered. Free storage, free demonstration. For quick results, tell us your wants, Address H. M'MILLAN, Sales Mgr. 64 Union ave., cor. E. Davis street FOR SALE or exchange, 1909-1910 mod els: 6 Buies, 6 Cadillacs, 2 steamers, 6 runabouts, 8 light delivery trucks, 2 Chalmers, 2 Pope-Hartfords, 2 Stoddard paytons, 2 Maxwells, all in first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commis sion house, 60-52 N. 7th st GASOLINE engines from 1 to 80 horse power.power spraying machines, pump ing plants, etc See our 4V4 H. P. sta tionary engine for sawing wood, etc., for 8165: guaranteed. East Yamhill and pinion ave. rnone uast tn Bareainsl Bargains! Auto tires and Inner tubes, all sizes at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. 'Phone A-3646, Elton ft Humer. FOR SALE 6 passenger Bulck, in per- feet shape, with equipment, ' 6 new tires, S extra Inner tubes, must be seen to be appreciated: guaranteed bargain. Call or see G. A. Cobb, 641 Tillamook st Phone East 8868.- Save Freight Charges T On one new Wlnton auto. I oan save your freight charges, wnr not yoursi 438. Journal. WE WILL BUT. SELL, OR TRADlfi YOUR AUTOMOBILE OR REAL ES TATE. SEE US FIRST. FLETCHER ft McANTIRE, 306-4 Board of Trade. Phones Main 8325, A-1018. wit.t. 8 ELL a 5 passenger Franklin kll cheap to right party, equipped with loose tonneau. truck DodyrwlnerahteldTTz extra casings; guaranteed in a-i shape, any reagoname lenng. vu d-ivii. FOR auto bargains see tbo Custom House Auto Co., or write for our bar gain list We are sure to have the car you want ani mverett. wain iBt, MI ""t' ; " ....... . . . ... OLD auto tires 6c- per lb., delivered; old Inner tubes 18o-a lb., delivered We also buy copper, brass, cast Iron. 6 AND 7 horsepower Indian motorcycle, will sell cheap for cash. Montavllla farage, 74th and Base Line road. Phone 'abor 652. -- .-.f- v.:.::-.:.. WANTED Automobilos to trader re pair and sell. Have property to trade for cars. Columbia Auto Co., Union ave. and weiaier Bt V Ja oiiu tv vim' - . 1910 Indian mortorcycle practically new, $200, complete, 843 N. 16th st, near jtaieign. FC.SALEMaxwelI--runahdulli910i eaulDment:'itoo. good running order. Fnone 'tin9i FOR SALE or will trade, one 2 cylinder auto. $150. Phone Woodlawn 1350, or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS sx 81 BEAUTIFUL brand hew piano $25, 316 down, $3.75 monthly. Call 860 Aiaer si. A SNAP $400 Ludwig piano new, will Bell interest cneap ana. ..term arc easy. tail 2!s.i i.arranee st. Robinson expert violin maker,; old vlo Hns bought and sold. 18 Russet bldg. $150 willy buy my A-l Kimball piano, Kraulll. f none wiarnuaii two. FINANCIAL WILL pay cash for builders equities or - first and second mortgages or oon tracts. . 608 McKay pldg, Marshall 2600fc LOANS WANTED 3U I If yotf have money to Invest V II Ask MR. EASTON arout PnEI'EKRED MOUTUAOE I.OAN8 J. H. Trfitoit Qw- 1108 Wpaldlng bldg: $2000' loan wanted, on real estata kl" .442, journal. . , 1 , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ,! i.J,1,1. ' !' 111 yl '.Hi.'. LOANS WANTEP 30 1 " Want to Borrow $1500 7 per cent, one year or longer, on Portland business property. First mort gage. Hargrove & Sons m x. 'Ctn st. bone Main 4381. WK can Invest your monpy at good rates of Interest. - Gilt-edg securities. First mortgages. Long-term investments. PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO., '201-203 Board of Trade Bldg. $1000 wanted on realty. ' Will pay - 8 per cent to private party, H-442. journal. WANT to borrow 12000 for 2 years. 8 per cent. On. farm near Portland. Box 4040. MOAEY TO LOA7T 27 Borrow Money - ' .v'frora the ----.- i-vy ' Salary Loan Bank--. . No security, -.f ',' 1 Everything confidential. - . Lowest rates in the city. . State Security-Co, ' i '.Third and Washington Sts. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY., Do you ne"5u"wonyoday4--If so, come to me and I will help you out I ad vance mony Immediately arid strictly Confidentially on furniture, pianos,: au tos and other securities. - Reasonable rates of Interest For appointment Phone A-3476, Mala 8660. M. Maiden, 144 T7 III .ij .WiIlioan-x)U-Money- ur furniture, piano or real e On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of Interest See mt first J. E. Nichols . .. 20 Board of Trade Building. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property; week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rcthchild bldg., JS7 Washington st, between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY advauced salaried people, housed keepers and ' others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In Ct princi pal cities; save money by getting our trms. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. Quick loans on furplture and pianos, storage receipts life Insur- 8 ance policies, livestock, real estate, $ eta U. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage f Co.. 613 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. j YCUR-CREDIT-- Is aood at the Employes' Loan Co', 821 Ablngton. 106 3d st 7 IF-you own a lot and wish to build we will build you a home, from $200 down and up, balance like rent Gren- perg & joviK. rooms z-5, 20 H Grand ave. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN Portland and Suburban Real Estate. J. P... TIPTON CO;, 1108 Spalding Bldg. Phone Marshall 2746. Ask Mr. Easton. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl- ties, onaiieis or rai estata union Loan Co., 36 Lafayette bid., 6 th ft Wash. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, hnllflln lnnnfl. IawhI rutM? fir I rv. stirante. W. G. Beck, 812 Falling. TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 in 2 or $ . amounts Slight- charge -to borrower. Any good location. Ward, Allsky bldg. RESIDENCES . financed and- built A. C. Furlong, contractor, 63$ Chamber of Commerce. Main 4564. MONEY to loan, on good improved city and farm security. J. M. French & Co., 413-413 Ablngton bldg. 108 H 3d st MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly eoniiaenuai. hi ia st, near Alder. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenale ft Co.. Oerllnger blag., 3d and Alder. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent Good nough ft Seitx. 310 Spauldlng bldg. PBIVATE funds, lean on improved city property, 5 to 7 p. ct M. zois, 1U-ZU&3. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A rteynoios, aia unamper or com, MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent city and rarm property, zus coucn piag. LOAN for - the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414' Dekum bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real eatater yarrington.- 4is commercial ciuo aiag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 ft 7 PER CENT. LOUIS 8ALOMON, 238 8TARK ST. SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. F. A., Newton. 515 tienry bldg. MONEY to loau on improved rtal estate. I. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. S. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. NOTICES 26 MULTNOMAH 'COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whidden & Lewis, archi tects, 701 Corbett building, Portland, Or., until noon Tuesday, March 14, 1910, for the carpentry and cabinet work as called for in specifications for the east wing of the new court hquse -to be erected for the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the oounty court of Multnomah county certified by a re sponsible bank for an amount equal to the per cent of the aggregate proposal, to bo forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the -bidder 'neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work, In the event the contract Is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. F 8. FIELDS, County Clerk. LOST AND FOUND 21 : PEARL MNITdiIAMOND Lost, a crescent pin; liberal reward to finder; no - questions, asked. Tele- pnuna a-(o, or nam isoi. Apt. 44, i no wneeinon. ram unu TftvioT. LOST Watch fob and heavy gold Mrliiniavl &1 L' nA-V. . mvuutcu VIA a IWiu, lUUUtltlllK UI1- graved, "A. B. Galloway, 287 . Walla walla." Reward for return to 41 4th st. or pnone aiarsnau cap. STRAYED One roan horse, age 10 yrs.. weight 1100; brand, Houstly's J on left shoulder. Phone Tabor 3092 or ad- tiress j hoH. wiles, aoi Beck bldg. LOST Bunch of about dozen keys on 1H inch metal ring, Monday, Feb. 28, near Lewis bldg.; suitable reward. 414 Lewis uiag. L08TBlue overcoat on 12th, south of Jefferson! return to 270 12th St.; reward. Main 1860. A PLACE to have your clotnes. steam . or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College Inn Cleaners. Wash., o$p. .18th. A-1868. FOUND A' Spitz pup. 491 Broadway. E-2536. . . , PERSONAL 22 SCIEN'WFIC masseuse gives- electrical, : alcoholic, genuine tub baths for the ladis and gejUtoftnxJchlropodUt-7 DR. SANDERS6N CO Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak- - ness in nu, money return ea II It fails; price $1.T., J-Pierce, 246 Mor- DETEOTIVE-rPrivate, competent and reliable; : secret Investigations made: evidence secured, etc.; correspondence oonnoentiai. v-uu, journal. .-' MADAME ESTELLE, magnetic healer, reliable spiritual adviser. 848 Yam LOREN ENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore it vitality. 25c box, 6 boxes $1.26. -Tyor,p.ruslCo.,.289JVlorrl8oi.,., lost Stlpa WRlMvLES rea. iveo, sagging correuted - in 19 minutes; ireo aemonstrationa. 3 Kelllng-Hirj'fh bldg. Neo Plastitiue Agcy. San Francisco Examiner 813H . wasmngton. Main- 9262. tl'flMEN' Us Femoids whn ,tthrs Ifailsold and guaranteed by the Aus plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st Main 810$ PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, -MARCH-3, 1911. - 1 I .... i . j ,i. ii , j. i m....m ,..!!., 1. II '..,'. p mi; t . PEI!SOS'vk;-22 S- (X)At'M&-WOOD DR. ALICI3 A. tHlrt. Diseases of. women and children ex clusively. Wpmen are often saved se vers surgical operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of 'children a specialty. ' Private hospital aocnramoda. tlona.- -Confinement eared - for.- - Cor respondents solicited. No . charge for consultation, y nones, Main 8831, A-obov. Office room 10, Grand Theatre tldg.. mfn r.iiRFn nmr.KiY Modern ' electric treatment s for dis eases of the prostate neryoua-debility., rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. I. Howard, M. D., 304-6 Rothchlld klJM ..I- , If. , J i . .1 "u a-, tin n ii lvasniiiiiig o GET married; matrlmunlal paper con talninjc advertisements rnarrlapeable people from all sections of the United States, Canada, rich, poor; young, old Protestants. - oaithoJlwO mailed sealed new. ,u, is., uunneio. xoieao, umo. J.....l u I' . i .in i . . . m OCCULT, new thought, scientific and m school books, bought and sold, send for our free mae.izlna rlnh linf alaa catalogue -of ocu'tflr-acientlf logbooks Bent on application, jonea book a tore. neiiry piog., i 2fj Vnli St, ' Are .You Ruptured? The perfect truss Is made and fitted Vf a specialist to men. women and chil drenrSatlef action -guaranteed - or no chaw.- Wilson; 6th st YOUNG man, 28, with little home, de- sires to meet respectable lady under 26,d"0rdarlr-halr.-tall7OblTmat- rlmony. No flirts or general delivery, YOUNG Kentucky gentleman, 24, wanU to. meet Kentucky or country ladv of suitable age.. Object matrimony. Earl C. Armstrong, general delivery Port land. . - WOULD like lnterviewwlth elderly , trAtltlAmJin - nf trtAanai , aVit- mrAi11 wtT delivery answered. G-444, Journal GERMAN boons, magasinea, novels, etc. Germat, English, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kind Behmale Co, 229 in . DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, oiaaaer ana pue ii First, Fort land. BACHELOR. 40 would like acquaint ance refined maid or widow who ap preciates true companionship; object matrimony, j-tti, journal. MARRIAGE paper with descriptions, many wira means, seaiea.' Mrs. tlell, 1816 MagnoMa ave., Los Angeles, Cal. BAtM of flKS, rniBd tor dlseanrs of women. 632 Davis st Main Mil. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS WHEN In doubt about valuation, hava It appraised. Northwestern Appraisal Co., 606 Board of Trade. ASSATEKS WELLS A'PROF.P.STftL. nsanvera. ui. lyticai cnemists. ZQ4 wash. M. 7608. MONTANA asay office, laboratory and' ore testing vorn. iss Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Mtoorehnuse. A Co.. 411 Wash, st AVTOMOBILB SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. , Thorough instruction, competent management and practical work. E. 23d and Morrison Take B-S or Mt Tabor car; look us an before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTOKNETS A E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in an courts. Abstracts exam' Ined. 716 Chtm. of Com. M. 71, A-2071 B. M. BENSON', mineral nraftlr-: in lections, abstract. 20 Washington bid. CHRISTUPHERSOM MATTHEWS general practice, 405-8 Buchanan bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWEL DAVIS COMPANY. loV 3d at Blank book m'fg; agta for Jonas' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see th Dew Eureka leaf. A-8183. Main 138. BICYCLE REPAIRING S. W. BAILEY. 887 E. Wash. B-2709. Lawn mowers sharpened, locksmith. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES QTALB Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels pougpt. sou. Repairing. 133 iota. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- mgs. til HePtC Dlflg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO Portland office, 605 Electric bldg. JAB Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of Insurance, surety bonds. MnKa y bl d g. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electrlo Cleaning Works. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, k, to.n-iin, m. ivxn N, IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovaieo; guaraniepa. K. e, B-2288. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from oiu carpeis, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. ma union ave., near m. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works. Colonial rag carpet and rugs. 1518 Patton ave, Prtene Wood la wn 26 86. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Blng Choong. physician for men and women. Guaranteed cure. 226 Si Alder. DR. L. T. YEE & SONS, 142 1st at Main 8464. A-3856. CHIR'JPKACTIO DOCTOR DR. A. S. DOUGLASS. 338 Union ave. N. Phone East 6241. Consultation and examination free. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPOET, manicuring, scalp. Mrs. Dunton, S49 Wash. Marshall 1829. CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dfspatch.' Craln Com. Letter Co. A-465. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley, civil engineer, 100S unamoer or commerce. Marsnau 1554. CLOTHES BUY, seUT airTtlhaTcTbthes, shoes, fur niture. 820 Jefferson. Marshall 1953. WE pay higheat price for Id hand clothes and shoesj 273 Front Maln 4802. sac OT.7ND-vVOOIJ Gf COOS BAY COAL CO., 191 Burnside St. Phonos, Main 2228. A-1276. ' 4 foot dry wood. , - Nat Fuel Co.r 818 Water st Aiarsnan uuo. Sawed Wood deli V.Mffl mm i ered, any quantity. U lffilu) wain itVB. tionia a-ii N EER & KAHK 41 No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft, sawed to order. ' . j : j ". nnf ipip ot.Anwnrin rr Dry Slabwood Ma 8709 HXlNIER Slabwood ' Co.,. foot iYamhlllj" cmtntrv slabwo&o. rr short and hlor. "wtanftewe-' wcrod.'snr i20ir a-8 S29. R ESS N LU M B EnTfcFUE L COTlBlock ana inm wooo. iapor xsu CITY MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook & Hqn, 2d and Clay. M aln 824 3, A-43 2 2. DRY MIXED -cedar $TTloa'd for"3v CORD wood delivered anywhura In city wholesale, retail. East 319. H-30SB. HOTICEnSLABWOOD GRKKN 4 X)T WOODl, i-rtin.H;. nh( kt av( nn SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. I: The PcrtlaHd;Slabww)d Co. Main 3113. A-7001. - Dry Block Wood , ; - Mixed ' with small wood, 34.50 per load, delivered anywhera in city. Port-latrdWreckrng-C07, 105.-10T N. lllh st Main 37, A-3736 - WOOD. : Flfte' country slabwood, sawed,' 32.78. t Four foot slabwood, per cord, $2.76. 1 Inside wood sawed, $3.60. 1000 ft. of new cull tits, sawed. $5.50. ' . SEfiHrcns wnnn en.. 9th and OlWn.'Home A-2415. M. 63S THE ECONOMY ' Fusl Co.- handkni all the bett grades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal l at a reasonable -. price.-. Special Fioe" on loada. ? B-2343J East 214. o t;ust Aimeny. ' . ' "' A' "l" V'"".'. "" . Ith and Gllsan Street ' ' Dealera la All Kind of Cordwood. . Fir. Oak. Aart. - ':' Main 636. A-2416. : 1 Meier tc Frang take uders for our standard grades, or unone nasi sva, or vi. 1TjJI... M 1 - . - - PROMPTLY i Main 8767. F. X EVBRTB. Ft Curry st Yamato Wood and Coal Company BAST 811 B-1867 Cr A I A lblna. Fual Co BLOCi WML'47 Alblna ave. WOODPreWlcilV. WOOD liOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO, Main 2163. A-3842. Dry Inside wood, green siabwood, clean- sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel: blockwood. STANDARD WOOD CO. Wood and coat 847 B. Stark. East 2816. B-146. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections ' only. U Plnckney White. Main 6074, A-7028. - COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims ct uvery description collected on a strictly percentage basis anywhere. Telephone Main 8410. Colton Adjust-imntT-440-Ablngton-bMgirHPOTtland. NQTE3. accounts collected everywltere, Guarantee Collection Agency. 321 Hen- ry piug. Marsnau aya, A-nau, PORTLAND Collctlon Agency. AU debts collected. 817 Allsky A-7317: M. 4221 CONSULTING ENGINEERS C 8. GOLDBERG ft CO., 812 Couch bldg. Concrete warehouses, power plants, conveyors, elevatorsjjateiit devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 8028. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Contractors We will build you 6 or 6 room bunga lows, modern, from $750 to $1460: free plans and estimates. Give us a chance to- figure with you. We will Tall and talk house to you. Phone Tabor 264. Ptmell ft Co PORTER A PENN Concrete founda- tion, construction estimates on all kinds of cement work. 107 N. 14th. Main 8387 FOR cement work, plastering, brick vork, excavating, call on G, C. Olson, yinrwnnn mi, iz urgver si. WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and ouuaer, jobbing and contracting. 204 tn. Mam szti. JT. BURT5N, 148 1st. architect-builder, n.u mates rurniahea. m. 1817, A-1817 UNITED" Eng. & Construction Co., engi neerB ana contractors. 711 lewi8. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. M. 580 DANCKIQ 25o PER lesson, 4 lessons for $1; waits. two-siept tnree-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and only recog nized leading academy for correct danc lng, 886 H Wash., bet. W. Park and 10th, HEATH'S dancing school, 109 Second St. between Washington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 leasona Class Monday evenings, 8 to 12. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL BR. BROWN, D. V. S..of. 824 Flandera M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 6446. DENTIST8 ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is plates, bridgework: we cure pyrrohea liable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ab- iiiKton piug,, ivpft ara si, CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 328 Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists. Third and Washington sts. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Faclflo Elec tric Engineering Co.. 218 2d St. FOOT SPECIALIST DR. C. W. HEVLAND, 17 Healy bldg. Graduate Chiropodist Grand and Mor rison. ITRNITURte AND STOVES. WB buy, sell, exchange and pay best prices for second hand furniture, stoves, ranges, eti. Hartsell Furn. Co., aiu a. jrniine niarsnaii atxo. UNION Salvage Co., 183 Front st. Mar.' 7 9b. HigneBt price tor za hand goods. S. J.. Donaldson, 25 13 1st at., Maln 30 buys 2nd hand furniture and s toves. FURNITURE REPAIRINa FINISHING and repairing at your noma, 18 years in Portland. East 6609. - GLAZING ' UNITi.i utASB & GLAZING CO. AH kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. STATIONARY and marine; electric aquiiments; launches, accessorlea wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relarson Machinery Co., 1 SS Morrison. UOKSESUOELNa DE NIKE, 282 Front st. makes a specialty of drlving-honses; 20 years' experience In N York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital-association, 303 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 703. INSURANCE MCCAR0AR, Bates & Lively. 318 Fall lng bldg. Every form insurance, bonds. $AM ES D OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 202. C-200S. Insure now. f LAUNDRY SEE Lee, Chinese. 200 Mill, v Washing and ironing carefully done. A-4039. LAWYERS. FRED W. BRONN LAWYER. 1014 Ch. Of Cony Phone Main 8199.- LKATlIErrAND-riNHINCS CO. L. MASTICK Ctt, 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers flndtncs - LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 185 5th. bet t xayiorana tamniu. uooha. so per 1 REIiESTATE fDIRECTORY NAM Baker, D. M., City, Farm Property. . ....SOU nrtrft Kraitr iKmpny. ................ ..,..24 Urn baker Jc Benedict Dunsnsnaw jjueuier. ........ Chipla Hwluw.., ................... VOOK m tO., t.. B. .......... .......... .... huini a Micker... Mraa)l. W. H.. rarms. Citr Procerty.. urenoa neai muk am., xb. ..... Tbnniion. M. K. Co... IUT FACTORl MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren- orators In the city,' 64-68 3d st, ground floor Worcester tllg. Hats direct from the. factory at hair price. - BONING AND jlEVELOPMENT ' SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. v Send far our dook I eii s z zu ureaei piag. ' ' -r'tc MACnTNEKT .' B. TRENKM AN .. CO. KJrdrtullo and ' special pipes, screens, nagijiiiB, roiuuig machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4tn MAaSAGESAyEDISHMOENT C. HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatic, dl- gestlve disorqers. uregoman oiog .JlOiUNEIlY iOODS N. Y. Hat A Cap Co,, whsle., 673 1st Speo cap orders, mtg. Heaver anirt At ii ii8 UULTIORAPHIAG MULTIGRAPHING, shorthand, type writing. M. 766. 413 Buchanan Diag. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupl. Sevclk, 900 Maruuam. A-41S0. Mar.l8. FrOF. T. E. LAWSON. 135 14th st Phone Main 6197. . Piano lessons ouc. SElBERLINGsLUCAS-MUSIC, COlSi 2d; complete line musical mdse. r catalogue Bueafher band Instrument. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 326 Washins- ton St. 'Kyes wmineu. r ib wviviv.. OSTEOPATHIC-PHtSlCIANfi Dr. W, W, Christie nsTAnnsth shinnin nrvnila dlBArlSAal. . . r .VI ; ' mn ion' unu j t)R LILXEBELLfcJ PATTERBON. P 14- nn nuvuai imta si nA rhrnnla 314-5 aiaclCHy Piag." xviHn 'vat 'tog v diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Mam iiwti VW11D6 al "V vwat "1. . DR. SMITH, graduate -Klrkville. Mo, 1893; post graduate 1907. 1122 Sell- lng bldg. DR. L. II. HOWLAND, general praoU- tloner, 802 Fleldner bldg. DRBi L. B. AND E. W. SMITH, general practltlonera 409 Oregonian bldg. DR. KATHRYN RUETER. specialist women & children, 80Z meaner mog. OSTRICH PLUIES MADAM GILBERT. 303 WASH., ROOM 26. UYEINO, UI.iflAlW, CURLING AND MAKING OVER OS TRICH PLUMES. BOAS," ETC. WORK GUARANTEED. M. 4964. RES. M. 4443. - PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 115 1st Main 13, A-tvaa. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High SUndard palnt. ne. cor. 2d A Taylor M- A-1771. PAINTING AND PAI'EIUNG - n , -a-. n.j-i i -IL -L. "I aiik n-' T. J. WILSON, 187 Madison.- M. 1437i painting, papernanging, signs. i rioea - .. i iiiT-vY Vi7 ,4 M 7140. Paint rnarhinrr Rea. Tabor 2828. FOR best work, prices right call P. A uoane, iwa union, mimi. GET our prices on painting, paper lng, tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor. ney-at-Law, latt U. S. Patent Office; book rree. 7 is rtoaro or uiw R. c. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents: infringement cases. 404 Daaum. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning $2; 18 years' experience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING" and gas fitting, contract or day work. We furnish material or you furnish it. i.-4s, journal. PLUMBING, heating, etc.- Robert Gll- lan, 166 lotn, HOtn pnones. PRINTING WfcLCH PRmTIKG CO. "Doers of clever things witk type and Ink on. paper." 141H let E.'L. E White & Co.. Printers. Barber White, Main D3U, a-z6iq. 5ENprfntfn(g-: lit -ft.fT- ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing -repairing, painting and Job bing. Loali & Holser. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. KURBER STA3IPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ninghara Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs, iockuuh opened, bargains In second nana saies JOHN E. DAVIS, sufes. safe counsel, bnryaing. SjrgentJHotgl. Phone E. 291. SANATORIUI HILL'S SANATORIUM, 595 Front Main . 451. Guarantied cure for Rheumatism. SANITARY ENGINEERS j. a. grant, c. e.. 214 couch bidg., A-496;. inspections ana reports, oao- SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for 2d hand goods. 303 1st. M 11 1003. 'SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures mace to ar ano store xixiu he Lutke Mfg. Co. order. T) THE J A M t b I. MARSHALL MFG. Cft, new and old showcases, cabinets, store end office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.; 8703. it, H, B1RDBKLL. HAMH-fUN BLDG.' . KOow cases in sioca. rrompi aeuvery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co, SHINGLES BEST In Portland. , WKwhl.igton st. S. See them. B. Gilbert 201 ; i SIGN AND SHOW . CARDS FOSTER. A KLEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers in the northwest, K. Ith and E. Everett sta. . Pbonea, tai 1111. Heme B-2234. ' ' ' J RANN SIGN. CO... quality and service! 389 E. Alder st. East 602. THAT ATTKAtn'" Portland Sign Co, 7 Stark. Malo H9S. STATJ(NEVOFyiCy'Si;iULI PIONEER" STATIONERY CO,, Buohamln . bid? ; bi'St typewriting papers, M. 75. . STENOGRAPH I KS, COLliT . REPORTERS"'-' .. OREGON I-bw Rni-ort'.-rr As i-n. 4 )4 4oS ' Ablngttm. al. : " .', A - i. li ni!is, Corbett Bid K. .. . A-4 1 9 2. Main 74S1 4tb.. ...,.Mrllall IttitL AA-UH .....Lrrnnud floor lwla 8Wg.....lIi and A-1T4.1 .....5j2 McKar Bldg...... ,,MU WS ....fiawmorne anaiis. 49th. ....Tabor 1743 .....833 Chamber of Cummorcn...... .. in t .....603 Cntbett Bldg .Mala US, A-S". I Chamber ot Commeroa. ...llaia and k-'jin .....Boon i J 2COU, AMer Mala TI ..-.-. iiarHrtyw Bid. ...,. ......... .Main 4 .....Maarr BMa;.. 4th-0t ,-..M. Mm. ktolt SURVEYORS -jv......, v TTn.fn. pia. .Marnnai -IPS. V TAXIDEiailST. F B. FINLBY, toxldermist and furrieri glass eyesf; 249 Columbia ur""l TAIjXJRINQ 'ALFRED OGILBEE.; 110 Labbe bldg. r'!zL"l'iia-fnm to erar. OU8 SEAQUIST, tailo-Tand draper; ex- .v..ipitrm, z4fr Washington st TOWEL SUPrLT -Vi rfvr am ana v;oucn sts. ' tr'nvnio, Portland . Laundry 4k Pbons ' Main 410. A-4410. TRUNKS 1S'Mai''l-wanJ.AriLj SIMONS TRUNK WKS., 657 1st Trotik .yw. tveprinng. Al. VIII. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Establlahed 1870. . Transfer and forwarding amata. a. Storage; free trackage. Off Ice, 81 0 Hoyt st. bet 6 th and Ittw Phones; Main a i.tu. . . CaM ma 1 ...7 ' most mode-n storage warehouse In eitrl hI!,7Mnc-n!ln,,n22 proper C CI VICW Tp...t.. mi e. "" J"' flee and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separata Iron room! and fireproof Taults for valuables; northi el " 2d and Pine sts. Plasos "J1 -furniture moved and packed for Bhlpment Main 6; A-ml rVrM'Ili!fvClty ma;, A-im. ZB9 ntn. W.-. Johnson. 23 tin Inn av T? T.1i. 8. Piano, f urn, moving. B-2060, H. 4441 EXPRESSiNG.coal delivered any part" city, lowest grJcea-Rubln. 804 Ankenv! TYPEWRITERS ALL maken rented, repaired, sold. Cuo- ..iuaiii y.q m etarn. , Main 1407. VETERINARIAN D fitafeJ? ; SIL.L Hawthorne Ar.nue - Stables.. East 72. S97. B-1369. WALL PAPER AND TINTING MC"NTOCK & ' GROOCOCK, Inc., 189 4th. Main 9188. TlntlngT' painting. wallpaper, paints, oils and varnlahea ll VVt..I!,",?-LAE1WU' 4." Sd. Main 4444". """ mm payenng. uei our prlovs. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea w!b eV,LMi "46 orP write R, sqaM"111"8 contracts. J, W. Green. 890 Vancouver. C-2478. ' , . WHOLESALE JOBBERS , EVERDING & FARRELL, produee and commission merchants. 140 Front st Portland. O- Phone Main 179. ' . M- A- GUNST & CO. ' ' "' DISTRLBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grecersT and Oak. .' " C0"e Ernest Miller Wall Pater (V im. Z1 , Horn, hangings, whofetiale and ratal! M"UA? WAidL PAPEi t CO., 220 ii st. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN & LEWI& QRXJERIES. " otcauotaixway, uan m - courts? " - f Ticket Office and wJdUng Rooa. Porti.r,t a5d AIder Streeta? . . Oregon City-Leava a m W. ' R? AJder "treeta, 4:0 .fV8 ra- tnen very so minutes (on the hour and half houri P; n?ti.nTo?OOtVnJ 6:66 .7:45; 8i45. 'irMolil vdZ Witts 8:45, 4:45: 6:45, ,l:4aVl7, , ' .fKMS?aro,,a?d ntrrnediat points-. , Vaaoowet Zdna, ' . : s in,:4560" :" l0:00' i10:S. 'llaol: ivfn. xh thl?a Monday in every month th last ear leaves at 7:05 p. m. .mon? ttJS?!;1"" f0!! Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Burnside street and Portland boulevard "o let off pa: sengers, but make stops to pick up naaw engers at all transfer polataT Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect yVi S,1? tr. Portland A. M.":00 On third Monday of every month the last forry leaves Vancouver at 7 :8S transT,nK t,m"' ' backfac . uMl - Cc??- i-rJ?m .Vancourr'- make ; ra slopa -piUureonivenue Tttween Portland boulevard and Burnside street . except to let off passengers. pally except Sundays '"' Daily except Mondays. Runs aa local on Union avenue. TRANSPORTATION nnfin River TransnfirMtinn f:n: - ww. Fraight taoaivad daily at Oak Bt Book for OUlo, The lll-a. nid Klver, White Salmon, L"nlrwo.Hl, Umatilla,. Kannawlrk, V- mhlDnri llnn,ll.rf Whit Bluffs : ami ' all tntcrmiHllalit . Dtilnta. . Ftrat - H&aa riu,mr. .. aertlre. Steamer leaves 1'orttand, 8nn., Tiica.. Tbura. 7 a. in...- Katurnies la.ivca Th lllpa MooHt(l.JErt;ijuiii arrlrlna at Piirllan about 6 iff m. am Anr. A. 8. Waiting, atant. ; W. B. Smallwoed, Oon'i Manafar,.. I'bow XUla COOS BAY UIINU Str," Breakwater sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. ni. every Tuead ly night. - Freight received " at aiuska dock until 6 p. in., dally. ... Pas senger far : 1st class, 110; 2d ciua. 87, Including meals and berths. Tickers on sale at Ainsworth dock. Phones Main 268. A-1234. ' - . Ban rranclsco ft Vortla&d Eteauisuip C iew service to ijos Angeiea via o.tii Francisco every five days. From Ainsworth doitk, Portland 4 p, m.i S. S. Bear 5Ir. 3, Rose City 8, Beaver 11. From San Francisco, northnound. 13 m : S. S. Boae City l&ax. 9, Braver 7, Bear 1 3. From San Pedro, nnnhbound: S. . Heaver Mar. 5, Bear 10, " Cltv 1 3, zr. o. smita, c. x. ii i-i'i'ti Kt. J. V. Bensom. Agent, Aluaworth r. Phonest riln40i, e n A-1 f, SAN IRANCLsLU, IX 4 A' and s i :: , ' U ' ' tlCT.-d VAC?T 16. '-' S. S. a A l-;vHry e.lii.--t,', i r. T!i !l o- i 1 ,or.a ! t aa V . Oft