A THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 if ; Horses for Sale- ; 12 horses, wOight 1100 to 1200 lbs. . i 2 horses, weight 1750 to 1840 lbs. j ilO horses, weight 1400 to 1609 lbs. ' .10 liorsea, weight 1000 to 4100 lbs. - A11 will be Bold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVE. BTABLKS. I ( 42Q Hawthorne Ave. . 20 HEAD hornes. and nwrei for eale at 13th. st.,; between Overton and Petty Rrove; all are sound and well broke to liarnoss.-. thev-. must be sold this, month. Come and see them In harness and get my prices.,, I can aave you money. I nesa horses are fat, and ready for any -kind of work. C W. McClain. ' - . -V JDST off railroad work,.4 head horses anJ mares: weigh 1000 to 100 pounds, Jiome Rood farm norses.v Price reason able and trial glveo. Inquire .Travis. Bros, wood Tca'a,-' J5. , sui , ena tw thorne. - ; ,." : ' . TEAM of marea and harneaa and moun tain 1 ewiny apring nacK, Dig norms, good--for fajrm' work, 1 fresh cow. East 12th wimf giadiwon. hmiae In park. - 29 UKAUiJioraea-ana marea,. JuhC off m. RJ weight 1000 to 1600 lbs, Inaiik fr Of floe- Travis .Bros.'.: wood- yard.- E,-ttt and Hawthorne ave; aARaAIN--rl0.buyB true.jrentle,- 8400 lib. veaptf, nitre and. horse.. .Farm Blares Mirtipwaias. vj. (in, - fOilOr-Mar or epari. IBOO- to 140o uiximl ' nut ovar ft' . s-ive- deacrrDtlOn and prlq: Woodlawn 1693.: " 1 ' '." f LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 BUFF Leghorn egg for hatching: get . youfvSKgs from chickens that will lay, from pens headed t ...by ; Prto,,TinrB; Setting of 15. $3; 30 eggs for $3.60,-1644 Wabash. Phone Woodlawn 11T2. CAR GOOD WORK HORSES JUST IN. OUARANTEJiJ' vA ttJUABUW AOiJiu PRICES. 63ND 8T.-AND 8ANDT ROAD. TAKE ROSE CITY PARK CAR. AD AMS ft CAMPBELL. FOR SALE White and Buff Orplng ton' stock and eggs. for hatching. Kl leratrass and Owens strain. SB0 Mar guerite. Hawthorne car. IF YOl) want to buy or II, dairy cows, aee Mokel-Bruo at stock yarda. , VWoodlawa 1400. ';?' THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rock eggs from graded pens. 11-12 setting, -. 6pe- clal price per lmndred. Sallwood 1835 THOROUGHBRED -cocker spaniel pup, female. 62 worth loth st, EIGHT fine cows and choice Irvlngton milk route Bargain. 444 E. 27th tt, N. FOR SALEhorughbredi pointer pup pies; . p eavier st. jwm oatv. FOR SALE USCEIilAKEOtTS 19 m. j. - - ' - - - - Aa I am leaving. onO roll too desk.. 2 flat top desks, 4 straight back chairs. 3 revolving chairs 812 rugV safe, good as new and the very bestAbeen used only 3 months. If you are waiving some of floe furniture do not pass Ihie snap up. . Call, at. once and inspect (came. SO SLIGHTLY used Sewing machines at very . low prices. Singer, "Wheeler ft Wilson," White, New Home. Domestio and other machines rented by week and month; all makes of machines repaired and work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine. Store, 8. a- Slgel, agent, 835 Morrison' st..' Phone Main till A-4699, LAUNCH" 'iix'tWX 2 -cylinder, engine. clutch,- magneto, air- pump, whistle, bow and sidelights, life preservers, full equipment; will trade. y Webber .Bros.' To n noW 'WnltAn . . - - ; ' . k NEW and second hand pool and billiard . tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling aUeys, Tef rlgerAtors for imme diate delivery. 'Address the Brunswlck- Halke-collender Co.. 46 ttb st FOR ' slQjR Balance of our stock of famous Chatham brooders at juet half price. Corner K. Yamhill and Union ave. Phone K. 514.' - EDISON phonograph, 86 records, mahog- anv cabinet, recorder and. 4 minute attachment, oomplete outfit, cheap at ti-44, journal. 8TEINWAY piano, practically new, will sell for 250 cash, This bargain will have to be seen to be appreclate4c..d" dreas ,J-2i.. Journal. 7 ". .- CHEAPEST and best "game" heads on , coast-, FInley, Taxidermist, 34a ,Co- BRAND VKEW $59 r.honoraph end 60 .records, all for 127.60: includes large 112 silk norn. tf-ra, journal. DOUBIl and single Victor phonograph' records for .sale, - Inquire 212 Mad ison st. THREE dozen high grade nickelplated Individual creamers, new, at a bargain. t;au Home pnone A-azao, rorenoona FOR S ALE--Cheap, new ' cook stove. carpets, etc. ' Side entrance, 178 E. 7th. BALLOON and Parachute, good as new,' t up 4 times, Hia, ox. tecs n. tu at. tOTl SALS or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 in coin pnones, SAFES 'New and second-hand genuine null MlWf ! w irnvcih VHjr ivriua Portland Safe Co., 86-87 Fifth St. FOR SALEAH astronomical telescope; Will makei good street instrument X.-4Z8. journal. FANCY 1 oe hay, aiso , fine timothy for sale In carload lots. Call -or address FOR SALE Thoroughbred shepherd COMPLEB outfit for moving pictures ror saie or iraaa. as mn st:, city. FOR 8 A Li 12 h. p. gas engine, 104 B. i9tn n. nuBi o, B-itta SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, new, na nana.:- in urereii, m. itii, 1 5P NEW HOME se win g machine ; gootf tOR SALE 100 2-mlnute , records. - cheap, v C-S03. Journal. k fill piano check on Eilers for 15. Outen - dorf. 166 E. 11th. yKyAjq '5 P Barger's Auction House Formerly Of :the cellar Furniture House, now located at 270 East Morrl- soni will ouy an . Kinas ot- turntture. stoves, bankrupt ' Stocks. restaurants. hotels, etc. ! Will sell real estate or livestock- on commission, city or coun try. ; Phone tuet 1022. ..W. WANTED PeoDle of Portland to know that I pay tho hlghesi cash price for second nana nousenoia gooas. m. m. Us t..ll : .vr lid, 'J- 1 IF YOU want the WO"t saoney yo'JT ti nuurt win onng, save time, can .isast is. ss Hawinorne. aveier x urniture kT SIDE auction jobbers want Bd - ,ana rurnuuret nigctst price paid. 8-4 Grand ave- E. 1051. bE WlhE: tret irsre for your . second hand turniture by-.selling it to Ford Aucwoji xt.i ii i st. .Main pm. WANTED Lace curtatna to launder at home,- nlBO day work. Phone Main 1604 Of A-6880 -before '6s-, p.-j, m.'-.jy: H--v WANTEP-rTo:; buy flrst-elaas macHln ' lets v , vise, v. i Portland Phonograph WANTED To buy v guinea pigs. - Call office, 805; Medical . bldg.; or - phone WANTED One or .two H. P. gasollm H.nglne.' standard make.. C G, Saul svone, riiiisaaie: ur, ni ? . . 1 SHEPARD Furniture Co. gives most tor used'lurnlture, etc. E. 948. 295 Grand. WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8184. ofs itawinorne ave neater ec Martin. WA NTED To get: a team to nee for Mhelr care, light work. T-431 Journal. F01t SALEAUTOMOBILES 44 1910 RV.O touring car, 4 cylinder, 80" h.-. rf.p. uiea. v mouins, can. noi . ne tow rom- iicw,isi 4101 a. i rnce 0i lus- 0OJ otn ' Mouse a mo :o., ij.verett.-i- Tt.r, exrhana-e auto for real estate. '-830I'Umberinentoldg,Jf Phone Mar-; snail zvi; -i.-'-i ', :-j FOR SALH or will trade, one 2 "cylinder c auto, 6160, , Phone Woodlawn I860, or WILL PAY , cash for Hupmobile or . AUxweii. in gqod order. 11-445, Jour iikj. ... . t .... rOU SALLr-AUTOMOriLLS 44 SECOND HAND CARS STEARNS. 1909 model. 4 cylinder, : 80-60 II. P. Equipment: Top, t glass, fronts' gas tank, clock, de mountable rims ........... .s 13600 STEARNS,' 190' model, 7 passen- , , 1 , ger, .4 cyUnQer, 60 11. P. .. Equip- . .-, 101?' Top, glass 'front, epeedo- - r " i meter, gas tank, demountable ' rims, 1 extra casing ........... 2500 PEERLESS. 1909 model. ?-passen- . , f en. P'(iuljment: Top, glass 1 4 ; ront,';Wariier speedometer, , gas - ' -tank .v,........,...,. j.,,v 250 CADILLAC. ' Model 'G"T 1907, 5f passenger. ,, Equipment: Wind- ' ; Shield, top -.....v..r.. ......., 600 MAXWELL. 3 cylinder, 6 passen- '7 -i ger. , Equlpm'eatt . Top, ' glass , " front Stewart speedome,ter . i, 466 WBRCBt "iia 4modeL 6 eyMnderVf ; Equipment: ly Top. n' windshield, . ; B te wart speedometer, -clock,5 seat ' covers tv,T..T; ..,. .''50B PIERCE, f passenger, 1906 model, ' ' first class conditlotji -r't,y. , . .. , . 809 REO, 3 cylinder. ,6 r passenger, KU j.; i equipped , with top and Stewart wW speedometer -.i.J.. T 460 REO, 2 -oyllnder, 8 "t passenger; equipped with top, and Stewart speedometer .1... j, i., 400 DLD8M0BILE, v. t oyUhder, equipped . with tpp f aad glass BUICK, 2 cylinder, equipped fwlthC? : top, winqsmewr .Biewart speea-, t i ometer , w'fi.fei'. , . ; ' 450 BUICK. mbdel ' to, X910 equipped ; wiiu iop, v giass - ironi, j. Jones . speedometer , , . .4, . . . 900 BTUDEBAKER. 1910. 7 passenger, J .-. equipped with top,' glass front, - Diiwuri Bpaeaomeier ana ciock. . zuou THESE , CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US. BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW , AID CADILLAC CARS. : . , -,,-:: V.fe ..r-:::, .i,'--V - Motor, Car Co,:' Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sts. MAKE THAT MACHINE OFV" ' YOURS NEW AGAIN ; Evenr machine oainted by ua is backed by 2 years of practical , factoi y ex perience, .insuring nignciaes , mecnani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even' to the smallest detail. Come and sea our work you'll be pleased. : TUB ' W. FLEETWATER AUTOMO BILE PAINT COMPANY. 841 Union ave., corner "East Davit st. HAVE customers tfor . 2 . Chalmers-De-trolts, . 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens puryea, I Cadillacs, l Peerless, 1 Buick. Ford and 1 Packard. . Cars called for and delivered. Free storage, iree aemonsiruiion. ., u or quKK resuilS, tell us' your wants. - Address (, , - II. ; M'MILLAN,- Sales , Mgr. rr t 64 Union v cor.-E. Davis street. FOR SALE or exonange. 1909-181O modi . els: 6-Bulcs, S Cadillacs, 8 steamers, ( runabouts, 8 light delivery trucks. 2 Shalmersi 2 Pope-Hartforde, 2 Stoddard aytons, 3 Maxwell all In first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commls- slow house, 60-62-N. 7th st iQASOLINE engines from 1 to 80 borse - nower.-oower SDravina- machines, niimn- tng plants, etc. See our 4l H. P, sta tionary engine. lor 1 sawing wooa, etc for $166; guaranteed. East Yamhill and union ave. r none ist tit n ave. pnone Kaat 514. : Bareainili ;b Bareainsl ; r Auto tires and - Inner tubes ail alzea at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. t Phone A-8646, Elton ft Humer. ; ' - -. - t ,. - ; WILL SELL a 5 passenger Franklin cheap to right party, - equipped with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield, extra, casings: guaranteed In A-d shane. any reasonable terms. Call B-1817J FOR auto bargains see the Custom House Auto Co or write for our bar gain list . We are sure to have the car you want. tl Everett. Main 1649 OLD auto tires 4o per lb. delivered; jold Inner tubes 18o a lb.,-delivered We also buy copper, brass, east Iron. j. Lve, ie voiumoia st, m. i8. 6 AND 7 horsepower. Indian motorcycle". ' will sell cheap for cash. Montavllla garage, 74th and Base Line road. Phone moor 662, . . , WE WILL BUY, sell or (rade your au tomoblle Or real estate. See ua first Fletcher & McAntlre, 206-4 Board of Trade, fnones Main 8315, a-iois. . MU6ICAI1 INSTRUMENTS 84 - --------- v . - - - ' CELEBRATED Weser upright, mission case; aoBoiuisty new. My price ioo; sold by others 8350, Garner, 226 6th st BEAUTIFUL brand new piano 6265, si aown, 63.7,6 montniy. . can iu Alder St. FINANCIAL 01 10 ACRES on O. W. P. electric car Una. '. close to Station; easy cleared; timber will almost pay for land; no big stumps; best of soil and leveL,$1206; own terms. r-4111, journal WILL pay cash for builders' equities or first and second mortgages or con tracts. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. LOANS WANTED 80 PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANS. A Will pay 7 and. 8 per cent Ask Mr. Easton. Want 12000, 83000, 14000, 85000. J. H.TIPTQN CO., 1108 Spalding Bldg. WANT $1600 at ? pei cent on ,'' home wnrlh tRiJIA. will. n, inata nrt commission.': j-sb, journal, WANT 11200. good security, n Sheets, 420 Swetland bldg. Main 7776. MONEY TO LOAK ST MONEY loaned 1n amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray ft Cunningham, room 201 Rotbehlld bldg., 287 H Washington st, between 4th and 6th Sts. , 7;.;.; j-... MONEY advanced salaried people, hwuee- keepers and others' upon their own hemes without 'security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cities; save money by getting our Wins. Tolman,' 917 Lumber Exchange, v Chilek loans t on" furniture ami pianos, storage receipts, lixe insur ance policies, livestock, , real estate, ete. ru. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co.. 818 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. T: .m ?; U YCOR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co, III IMnc tws- 106V -'Id st -- -i; LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN Portland and Suburban. Real Estate. JT.. P. TIPTON CO., 1108 Spalding -Bldg. Phone Marshall 2746. Ask Mr. Easton. MORTGAGE loans In city and subur ban, property, lowest rates, mortgages purchasedV -Cowllshaw, 515 Commercial oiag. r'none Mam wit. L0WE8T RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or roai estate. - union Loan Cc. 36 Lafayette bid., th ft Wash. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, ' building loans lowest rates; fire In- suranre. w. mcck. iia tailing. TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 In 2 or amounts. Slight charge to borrower. Any good location.- "Ward. Allaky bldg. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141H . 3d stM near-Alder.-: .1.: ' 1100,000 - on mortgages, city or ' farm - property, fire Insurance. McKensle ft Co., oeriinger oiog., tq anq Aider. MONEY to loan, I to I per cent - Good- nough ft Belts. 810 Spauldlng bldg. PRIVATE funds, lean, on Improved city property, e to 1 p. c. m. auia, m-zosa. MONEY to loan on real state, Harding ft Reynolds. 813 Chamber of Com,- MORTGAGEoans 6 to 8 per cent, city and farm property. 205! Couch bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg, WTLL; loan 2"0,b00 or less real estate! Far""1"10". commercial i;iuo oiog, MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 ft t PER CENtT LOUIS SALOMON, 238 STARK ST. "salary - LOANS TONFIDENTIALT it. A. wewton. bib wenry Dins;. MONEY to lost; on Improved real estate, - t L. White, 881 Sherlock' bldg. . . QUICK- loans on all securities. 8. W. - Klner, 46 Waahlnarton bids-. Main 6109. HAVlfl 8400 M loan on Improved prop erty. 411 Henry bldg. 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. LEV' US BE YOUR BANKERS. "T;. WE LOAN MONK 4 TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES : WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. . ' EVERYHING STRICTLY - t; CONFIDENTIAL, . ' . -i-T-.-'- STATE SECURITY CO.. ., 808 FAILING BLDO. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY... vDoyou need money today? . If so, come to me and I will help you out I ad vance money, Immediately and strictly confidentially on furniture, , pianos, au tos and other securities. 'Reasonable rates , of -interest. " For ""appointment phone A-2475, Main 8660. At Maiden, ail Falling bldg. WHY BE BROKET ,f ' You can have money for the asking I loan on furniture, pianos, autos and other securities In amounts of flO up. LOw 'rates of interest Loans made im mediately nd confidentially. M. Maid en, 322 Falling bldg., cor. 3d and Wasli inyton sts.:'' , . v - ' " ' - Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of - interest See me first &-Mif. E. Nichols . HI nnrA nf TrMlii RiilMlnr. ' IF you own a lot and .wish to build we ; 1 will do the rest, from $200 down, bal ance like rent" Grenberg tt Jovlk. room 3-5 20 Orand avenue." "i'.'V; .:--. NOTICES -v '. 26 i MULTNOMAH COUNTT "COURT ; r - HOUSE: - 1 ' - -V ' - Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whldden S: Lewis, archi tects,. 70t v C6rbett , building, -Portland, Or., until noon Tuesday, March 14, 1910, for. the carpentry and 'cabinet work as called for In specifications for the east wing of, the new court house to be erected for the county of Multnomah, state of Oregon. s- .i . v Plans and specifications may be oo talned 'at the office, of the architects. No proposal or bid-will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order - of the county court of Multnomah' county, certified by a 're sponsible bank for an amount equal to the per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the .bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond for tho faith ful performance ;of said work, In the event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby -reserved., v ; - 4-, .,,,V5'-.'' - F. S. FIELDS, ' .y , ' . County Clerk. OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster, - Fort Stevens, Or., Feb. 1. 1911 Sealed proposals, in triplicate will be received at this office until t o'clock p. m., March 3, 1911, and then publicly opened, for constructor a hlnrk smith shnn nt tFort Stevens, or. ( Plans can be seen. ltwij.iuiiuiiB uDuunra ana mil miur- matlon furnished at this- office.- The United States reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, or any part there of. Envelopes containing . proposals should be. marked "Proposals for Black smith Shop," ' addressed to ' the Con structing Quartermaster, Fort.Stevens, Lithe undersigned, -will 4iot be resoon- . slble for any debts or damages in curred py .james sorter, 4 im. tn st (Signed) MRS, MARY L. PORTER. lost and rorrro 21 LOST Left on the rear fear of Alberta - train as i left tho car at 6 th and Washington, about 11:16 Sunday. Feb ruary 26, a silver mesh purse, engraved on clasp "To Doctor - from Grace." Con tains cards with name and address, gold ring, silver knife, silver pencil case, mnnev and other ' truck. Finder nlease telephone CJ-1108 or Woodlawn 1787 or leave at koo union Ave. if. Keward. vr. Ella K. Dearborn. LOST Bulldog - 6 ' months old. color ,- brown, black nose chain, collar. Re ward. Phone Main 925. - '';-'- A PLACE to have your clotnes steam or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College inn Cleaners, wasn., opp. latn. A-ia. LOST Child's black mualo roll. Pleas .phone Woodlawn 1713. 836 Union LOST Sunday n or near Orpheum thea tre, ladles' watch. "Anna," engraved msiae, newarq. Kopm z, lztj jn. i4tn. LOST Black and tan collie dog. wear ing collar, with tags marked to Sap uiego. Main . - - - - - - PERSONAL 22 DR. ALICB A. uRIFV Diseases of women and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vero surgteal operations by consulting too. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. - Private hospital aocommoda tions. Confinements , cared - for. Cor responder.ee solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones, Main 3928, A-6667. Office room 10. Grand Thoatre tldg, Washington and Park. Listbni not yet. but sooni women-what is itt reliable, alletider sikkj5r, a liquid. - known as best. - ask your druggist FOR ALLETIDER SIKKER. IS. A, W. ALLEN CO., Distributers,, for I'ortiana. L A D I E 8 Aek your drug - Chicesters Pills, the Dlamom st for Brand. For 26 years known - as best, safest. Always reliable, .. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. Marv Kramer Confinement cases specialty; " -herbs and root mdldne for all irregularities of the. blood. Examination free. Phono Woodlawn 1673, 861 Mississippi SVe. GET married; matrimonial- paper con taining advertisements marriageable people from all . sections of the United States, Canada, - rich, poor, young, old Protestants, ' Catholics, mailed sealed f ree. D. K. Gunnels. Toledo, Ohio. OCCULT, ' new thought scientific '' and school books, bought and sold, send for our- free magazine club list; also catalogue of occu't or scientific books sent on application.! Jones Book Store, Henry bldg., 284 Oak st. Are You Ruptured? . 1 The perfect truss Is made and fitted bv a specialist to men, "women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson; 66 6th st .. UR. L.EWIS. -- v Physician and surgeon: treats women and : children exclusively; . private hos pital -' accommodations; examinations free.. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants xrust oiag., stn ana wasn. GERMAN books, magacinvs, novels, etc. GermaLr - English, French, , Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co, 229 ist st. - ; - - ' DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood snd skin dis eases., sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, oiaoaer ana puen, .!;,- s ;rirst,i ort land. .- v,--;,'-' " '-:- BUSINESS woman wishes to meet re 1 fined -business man over ( 86,. who would appreciate1 companionship; object matrimony ,v give , telephone. , , D-446. Journal. ' ' ". : ' ; SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical, alcoholic, genuine tub baths for the ladies ana i geouemen; cniropodlet; 7 Kalelgh bldg. -' t5RTSANblSRS0N sVvln and" Cotton - Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; tS2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or mall. : - .T. 3. Plerc 346V Morrison st ri wn trhin ' ' 1L, ... ML.. L Jm . '! ' ! ' air KKXOID A marvelous cure' for weak ness in men money; returned If It falls; price $1., T., J. Pierce, 246 Vs Mor- rlson at - . ' ,; .' ' , 8UFFERER8 from piles. A card from t you will bring our remedy. Pay when cureq. mipar wig, to,, r, y pox 324. MADAME ESTELLE. magnetio healer, t-eltahle spiritual adviser. 848 Yam hlll. mom 2. .Walk Upstairs. ' Main 1320. LQRENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality. 26c box. 6 boxes $1.26. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 389 Morrison. J WK1NKJL.H.IS rent rveu, sagging corrected in IB minuios, ires aemonstrations. I elling-H'.rch bldg. Neo Plastlaue Aacy. "tt F i r- -'" " i -r rsarr r ranctscortxaminer?; 818 4 Washington. Main 9263. WOMEN Use Femoids when others fail; sold and (.uaran'.eed by the Aus plund Drug Co., 110 N. th st Main 8106 MARRIAGE- paper with descriptions, ' many with in. -ana, sealed. Mrs. Bell, ibis magnolia ave., x.os Angeies, cai. IIOJCEY TO LOA2T TEIJSONAL MEN CURED QUICKLY ? . Modern electric . treatment for , dis eases of the proatate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases, W. I.- Howard, M., D., 304-6 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. . - remed tor diseases mt omen. 63 Pa vis st Main 9216. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS V-NP ArrBAISERS ; WHEN in doubt about valuation, have It appraised. Northwestern Appraisal Co.. 604 Board of Trade.'- i ' ASSAYEKA WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana- lyiicai cnemiets. i4Mi wasn. m. tsos. MONTANA asay office, laborator and mm Tesimg vorx. iks Morrison.- ARTI&TS' MATERIALS AKTI8T8 materials, picture framing. EL H. MVorehoiie ft Co.. 411 Wash. SC .AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. : Beimont Auto School The r only "thoroughly equipped school , v OW TMHJ PACIFIC CUAHTt- Thorough Instruction. competent management and practical work. ' " : t.v23d and Morrison ?i ' Take fi-8 or ML Tabor car': look urn no before deciding to. enroll elsewhere. ATTOKNETS A. E. COOPER, Attornsy-at-Law, Prao 2ict in au . courts, ADatratu exam- tned. 714 Cham, of Com. M. 71, A-207L B. M. BENSON, general practice; coir lections, abstract. 20 Washington bid. CHRISTOPHERSON t MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan bldg. ; . BLANK BOOK MAKERS - -----' HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d St, - Blank book tn'f g : arts, for ' Jones' Improved ' Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-8I88. Main 181. BICYCLE REPAIRING ;;; S. W. BAILEY, i 87 E. J. Wash, B-2709 - Lawn mowers .sharpened, locksmith. repairing, : ; . , . BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES H ALB Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels pougnt soiu. Kepainng. iti iviq -BUSINCSS CARDS WA R RE N CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, siaewaias svna cross- Ings. 81T Beck bldg. - -- ' THE BARBER ASPHALT PAYING.CO.. Portland office, 606 Electric bldg.. JAS. McL WOOD ft CO.. all kinds oi insurance, surety uonos. Mcnay oiag. CARPET CLEANINQ . JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. , Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, re. 40. B-ia. 24 m. itn w. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovateq; guaranteea. k. 11 bo. b-ziss y; CARPET WE A VINQ . KORTHWE8T RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. Its union ave., near m. aaornson. . toTTXTTXTCTTTT A "-k ..ha. mw.A ma mlm Colonial xk carpet ana rugs, ltii Parton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2615. CHINESE DOCTORS DR. Bing Choong. physician for men and women, unaranteeq cure, rz-oft Aioer. DR. MRS. S. K. CHAN cures all, dis eases of women: 226 Morrison st. DR. L T. YEE ft SONS, 142 -1st- st Main 8464, A-6S6V. 1 CHIROPRACTIO JDOCTOR TjR.i sr'DbuaSAsa asV N. . Phone East 624L Consultation and examination free.' CHIROPODISTS 1 CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 649 Wash. Marshall 1329, CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CIRCULAR ' LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch.1 Com. Letter Co. A-4665. Craln CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley, civil engineer, 1006 Chamber of Commerce. Marehall 1654. CLOTHES BUY, sell, all kinds clothes, shoes, fur . nlture. 220H Jefferson. Marshall 1953. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and shoes, 273 Front. Main 4802. COAL AND WOOD Kjnrrrc special SLABVCCD PRICES ON GREEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT VOOD ........12.60 82.75 INSIDE GREEN SHORT . , f .23.60 DRY SHORT ' WOOD . 7. . . ..... .$4.00 SAWDUST, for uel and heddlng. The Portland SlabWood Co. ; Main 2119v A-7001.- Dry Block Wood . Mixed with . small wood; 14.60 per load, delivered anywhero in city. Port land Wrecking Co., 106-107 N. 11th st Main 37, A-8736: WOOD. slabwood. sawed, tl Four foot slabwood, per cord, 12.76. inside wood sawed, 13.60. . V1000 ft; of new cull ties, sawed, $6.60. SEGHERS WOOD C04 ' th and Gllsen. Home A-2416. M. 6859. THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the bebt grades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special brioes on car loads. - -2343, East 214. wo aini Anxeny, Seahers Wood Co. th and Gllsan Streets. Dealers In All Kinds of Cord wood.' Fir. Oak. Aah. Main 6369. ' A-2416. ' ; Meier ft Frame taka, odnra for our standard grades, or pnone tasi sua, or u-xsoi-Edlefsen Fuel Co, Ino. , DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 876T. F. J. BVBRTB, Ft Curry at, Yamato Wood" and Coal Company. COAL TJ&S BLOCK WOOD fsFi'iV: WOOD 60UTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main 3168, A-8848.' Dry Inside wood, green auabwood, clean' sawduet for bed slng.y out fuel; . blockwood, k. ; ' COOS BAY COAL CO., 191 Burnslde St. . Phones, Main 2228. A-127S foot dry wood. Fuel Co.. 218 Water st MarsnauBo. ffSCWlTdSJiB eawed wood dellv-' laOlUlTU II UUHUa ered. any quantity. 7 an i i. 1,"'"C .U. . 1 Smnn NEER V FARR iVl8- J .. I ISAA - YT..t .A A Ko. 1 , dry -wood 4 ft. sawed to order. ..VI'" PACIFIC.-': SLABWOOD .- CO. w uf i j ymu ' Main- 9iv ' RAINIKR Slabwood Co., foot Yainhlll VAli XV XV J'A VVi wv m m II 11 1 1 t oountry. slabwood, or stiort and block;! wood, inaldo wood. M'll 1204, -A-8829. T N LUMMR ft "FUEL CO. Block anq,- trim wooa. "j eDor znii CITY MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook ft Son, 2d and Clay. Main 8248, A-4322. bRY MIXED cedar 82 a load for 89 - oayn vmy. win ena, a-, CORD wood delivered anywhere in city, ? wholesale, retail. East ; 819. !. B-3089. ffANDARD WOOi50.ood15ndloaX -, 147 E. stark. East 2316. u-im. II COLLECTION SPECIALIST ; 1 ' PUYSICiANS' and dentists collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074, A-7026. - - . COLLECnOKB LET US get tdur money for you. Claims . "i every aeacripiion -collected on a strictly . uercentaso .-oasis .anywhere. Telephone Main-8410. "Cotton Adjust ment Co.. 410 Ablngton bldg.. Portland. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col- lectad. ' Wells Mercantile Agency. 70J Board of Trade bldg.. 4th ena Oak sts. NOTES, .accounts collected everywhere. , uuarantee collection Agency, 2i Hen- ry bldg. .. U ,1 , PORfLAND Collection Agency. All debts eollected, 81T Allsky A-7317: M. 4221 CrONSULTINQ -I'' ENGINEERS C S. GOljlBERG ft CO.. 812 Couch Wdg. Concrete warehouses. - power plants, cbnveyors,-elevators,-, patent devices, all Kinas or macninery. M Marsnaii CONTRACTOltS AND BUILDERS PORTER ft . PENNi-Concreto ! fbunda tlon. construction estimates ' on all klndS of cemoni work. 107 N. 14th. FOR cement .work.- olastairlna. .' brluk '.Work, excavating, call on G. C, Olsoa Marahall 1441;'' U3 Grover st " WILLIAM FISHRECK, carpenter . and builder, jobbing, and contracting. ZOtf th.1 Main '624L - ' ROBERT ' WA K K FI ELD, general con- 3t tractor. if wciis-irargo oiag. Main BURTON, 148 '1st., arohltect-bullder! Estimates furnished. M. 1817, A1817. tjNITED Eng. ft Construction Co.,' engi neers ana eoniraciors. tii xewis. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general con- tractor. 414 Wells-rgo bldg. M. 680. DANCOO 26e PER lesson, 4 lessons for Si: waits, two-step, mree-aiep, stage aancinr. etc; every morning, . afternoon and evening- for ' beginners, including lady and gentlemen, teachers. - Prof. Wal Wilsoifs eohoolf oldest and only recog nised leading academy for correct dano- mg, wasn.. tev w. park anq iotn. HEATH'S dancing school 10 . Second st. , between Wsshlngton and . Stark, stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 lesaons. Class Monday evenings, 6 to 18. DOQ-AND HORSE teOSPITAlf DR. BROWN, D. V. a.of. 824 Flanders. M. 4Ust. HOSp. 8 B. 12th.' B. 6446V DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth Whore bridge work Is impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridge work; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Ablngton bldg.. 106k 8d st . ' CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 16 years. izs Washington, oor, 6th W. A. WISE and Associates. Painless Dentists. Thirq and waanington sts. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent or sale. Paclflo Elao- trio Engineering Co.. 212 Id st. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. m. d. Htii. 42 fi leaner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted, Address United Electric Garment Co., 637 Aiderf FURNITURE AND STOVES. UNION Salvage Co.. 188 Front at Mar. T96. Highest price for2d hand goods. FURNITURE WSJ buy. sell, exchange and-pay best prices for second nand - f urnituro, stoves, rangea, eac. nariseii .rurn.-Co., 310 B. lit, ' Marshall 27a. FURNITURE REPAIRINQ FINISHING and repaiRing at your home, 18, years in Portland. East GLAZING UNITLO ULASS ft GLAZING Ca All Kinas giass worn, s.4 w. 14th. M. .4481. 42ASOL1N& KU1CS STATIONARY and marine;" electrle squipments; . launches, . aoeeseorles. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relereon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. HAT FACTORY ' MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at th eastern at Factory; largest barren ators In th city. 64-66 8d st. around floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING X)E NIKE, '288 H Front st, makes a f .nw-l, 1 1 v rtt Hrlvlnv hnmn. 9 ft ,um experience In New York City, ' ; - JSOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 803 jtotncmiq oiag. r'none Main 7UI. H031E f TREATMENTS VIA VI assists nature to remove' cause or disease. 6U Rothchild bldg. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates ft Lively,, 818 Fall ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. wooaiaws zuz, u-zuua. insure now. IiAWYEHS. . " FRED W. BRONN. LAWYER. 1014 Ch of Com. Phone Main 8199. LEATHER AND FINDINGS aaasea. aejsl'SW CHAD. L. MA8TICK ft CO., 74 Front tatner or every description: tap sasnufacturers. findings- UBRARIES t CIRCULATING library. 116 6th. bet Taylor and Famhltl. Bonks Sc per day. : MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. Bend fr our oooaiet ziu urexei oiag. . MACHINERY , a TRENKMAN A CO. Hydriulie and special ntpes. screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th massage; Swedish Movement C. HOLMSTROM, . nerve, rheumatic, dl- geative qisoraers. aoz- uregonian bldg MXLjfNERY 4JOQDS ? N. Y. Hat ACapCo.j Whsle 679 1st. Spec cap oraors, mrg. neaver Hnirt. M ir 1913 MULTIGRAlHING MULTIGRAPHING, shorthand, - type. w ruing- m. iup.;' in xiuf-iiajitiTi oijt, h.4 w m TEH m m x . . i 1 j - : MUSIO TEACHERS - - - - - - B. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupK kSevclk, 900 Marqoam. A-4160. Mar.l29. FRWlTLAWs5Nr:T:36l 4th"st Phone Main 61I., Piano lessons 60c. PIANO, vlnlln.' trombone, cornet, guitar. - panjo.- rror. m. a. onmn, xvi iztn. MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLINQ-LUCAS MUSIC. COw 184 - 20: complete in musical mase. rree catalogue uuesrner nana instrumennf. U Vf NATUIIOPATH VDOtTtOK Dr. S. P. Grower, naturopath, chiro practic sjjpciftlist: ; paralysis, ; rheuma tism, nervous diaeasca, Cali or write. Phone Main 3142. 702 Oregonian bldg. REA ESTATE N1MB ''' Baker, D. U.t City, 'nii.-Prprtirmrr. - ........ .. .......... KrilMkflr a BMMNiict -.t. ....k., ......... SU3 Burtnshaw A Buehler. . Chantn A Uerluw Cook A Co., B. BV.........,....-,...........Sll Miami Marl........... . HaMhallW. U.. , Fartna. City Prooertr Oretoo Heal Iaut Co.. Th....... ........... Kbieid;. J, H..iv... Thomp-wn. M. .i Co...............f.'' OPTICAL . SPEaALISTS GLOBE OFTICAL;CO.,' S26 Washing ton et. Byes examinea. . r rw nuvn c. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS y Wmrm WffChristieri AaLtnna th. -clirnnln - nervous diseases. II 4-5 Macleay bldg. Main 612,-4880. riR. T.IT.I.F.BELLE PATTERSON. sp- clafist n nerves.4 acute and chrome diseases. V 21T Fenton bldg. Main tttl DR. SMITH graduate Klrkville.. Ma. . i; posv,graauie o?ji Ing bllg. - ; - ' : DR. L H.1' ROWLAND, general praotl j tioner,. 802 Fieianer oiog. DRS' l!'. AND E. H. JMITH,. general practitioners. 409 uregonian piag. DR. KATHRYN RUBTER. eoeciallst women ft children. oz r neaner oiag. v . PAINTOIL AND CLASS fiy JT. E. BEACH ft CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 116 1st l Main l34. A-(P4i. : i RA6MUSBEN ft CO., "High Standard paint ne. cor. 3d Tayior. m.. a-iiii. PAINTING AND PAPERING T, J. WILSON, 187 Madison. M. 1467: painting, papernanging, j signs. ; vjoi noes K" L. HUXLEY, 282 2d st Main 7140. Painter ana papernanger. , ttes.- i.aDor 3326. .-.'-' '- - ' ' '" FOR best work, pnoes right call P. Doaiie. 164 Union. Both ahones. GET our prices on painting, oaper- lng. tinting, arnest Miner va, in ii PATENT ATTORNEYS -h PATENTS procured by J. K. Mook, Attor-ney-at-La I w, laU U. a Patent . Of fleet book free. 719 Board of Trade oiag, tt t WRIGHT. U. a and foreign pat- ents: lnrringemeni cases. u miam. PIANO TUNING j FRED JACOBSEN Piano. tuning. t?i II years experience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING v PLUMBING and gas fitting, contract or day work.-- we .rurnian material or you furnish it. L-4S3. Journal. . PLUMBING, heating,' etc. Robert all ien, lee lotn. wotn pnones. PUBUC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, short notice. K. Allen, 616 ' uregonian. oiog m. a4tf, PRINTING WELCH PRIRTIWG CO. Txtora of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141H lat.' E. L. E. White ft Co.. Printers. Barber ft White. Mam pavu. a-zjib. , ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairingpainting and Job-, bing.. Loan ft ttoiser, ja jeiiereon. Main 1424. 1 - ' ",- RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office sUtlonery. . Cun ningham Co.. 281 Stark. , Main 1401. .SAFES, THE M osier 6are Co, 106 3d st Safes - at .factory - prices; repairs; iockouis opened, bargains In second hand safes. SANATOlfrUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 696 Front. Main 461; Guaranteea cure ror Kneumatiem. SANITARY ENGINEERS J. A. GRANT, C. E-, 214 Couch bldg., A-4963 inspections ana reports, oaa- terlologlst. ' ' SECOND HAND FURNraURK THE PORTLAND pays highest price for Zd nana goons. u tat, at 11 iuuj. ; SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every '. description; -bank. Dar ana store iixtares mac m order. The Xutke Mfg. Co. ' THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. Ca. new and old showcases, cabineta, store nd office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 3703. a H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG, Show oases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. ' SHINGLES BEST In rortland. Be them. 801 wssBmgton st. g. Bi. Miioen. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS , FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the larg est sign makers 10 m norm west i 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones, East 1111, Home B-Z2?4. RANN SIGN CO., quality and service. 389 E. Alder St. East 5802. - ' ' . "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT'' Portland Sign co.. it 1 ptarg. Main is. STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEERSTAioNERY bldg.f best typewriting papers. M. 768. STENOXJRAPHERS, COtRT OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n. 404-408 Ablngton. M. 6037, A-533B. depositions. SPECIALISTS FOR MEN OUR guarantee NO MONEY rk- - QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED is your aosoiute protection, uonauuauon,., ex amination and diagnoKis free. Our spe cialty is ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. Wnat you want is a cure. Come to us and gat.it Hours daily 9 to 5. Even- 1 t C3,.n,1...n ,A . liia. f iu o. ouiiy. m ,v uv a vaiij. DP.. GREEN CO-, ' 362 Washington st. rortiana. ur. , ,. - :- SURVEYORS 8lTBDlVIS10N work a A. G Benson, 20 wash, bid: Marshall 192 TA I AO RING ALFRED OGILBEE. 110 Iibbe - bldg.. ia ana w siuni;ion. ouits to orosr. GU8 6EAQUIST, tailor and draper;- ex clualv patterns,- 948;H Washington st TAXIDEl'.M 1ST, F. B. FINLEYtaxldermist ahd furrier; glass eyes,-' iJ4 voiumDia. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply "Cc 9th . and Couch sts. 11 per montn. r- rortiana Lunory 1 rnons mb in 4 1 0. a-4 4 1 . HiANbFER AND STORAGE ' . Oregon Transfer. Co. . EsUbllshed 1870. . -v Transfer and forwarding agents, t ' Storage; free trackage. Office. -819 Hoyt st. bet 6th snd 6th. PhonesyMain 63; A-1H9, PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. ljth . and Everitt sts., Just opened, newel moat mode-n storage warehouse In .tv. every convenience for safe and proper handling sf : goods; lowest Insurano rat in no-thwest; free trackage, vans Tor moving. ; Maw or a-ibho. : r 1 ' - ' FllRNlTURK.. trunk l.ioTl'n. Citv Ilnl Transfer CO,' M. 70S. A-4724. 265 5th. DlRECTOIiY ADOKBSS V"-J'H i"' Ti.LKPHONS' " 0SrM--Bldv.r:.'Ai4 492, Main 7491 wiona lioor UVU BICB .Mala ami A. 174 . . . . -.-', -Ma...,..i...,..ataninKii zsi at in McKar Bld... ' w.i. mm Hawthorne and E. 49thr. TMhn Chamber of Co ni mere. .Mala 11 Cntbrtt Bide... ...Mala 853. A-a'. 7 smh., tit rnmM.,M - . . ........ Boom 1. Jaox. 1M v. , "fii." "l.iT 2"Jf - M' and biltoonuui.';..Eia er C-IT g.etiiiifer ..,...... ....'.Mala 4.w swsry BMe.. 4th-Oak.... . . , . . M. Autw" 4 Is w TRANSFER' AND STORAGE C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Col. ef warehouse, separate;, iron rooms V and rod fSSSR J4 ""S. . shipment "Mil, "m A.isisp,'?'q IW a M-'JUl',0'J 22 Union av-; Res. faho? ??8STNG. coal ' delivered any' part city, lowtst prices. , Rubin. 204 1 A nuZZV ; TRUNKS . I 8IM.N8 TRUNK' WKSL, 657 1st Trunks , factory prices. Jtepxtrrmr. M. 9313." TYPEWRITERS..: i ; ningham Co., 231 Stark. Main 140L vetwuNarian iv b.-iy.A srrr,jsr-lhssWsiiaii .ai k ii " t i. .i. j. ' .'; -' - - ii,-, pat. B-iatii. - i' WALL PAPER AND TINTTNG 'NTS .?ROOCOCK.Inc.. 139 Wuwt-Tln., W-r- ,r. ", v-P aavasaj - V III H Hf9J!6, ... F. BLAESINfl." in aA a a .V Painting and paoerina-. ruf our VVELL . DRILLING - - - - - - . .. . ?oaX!SZ- W. Gree.: -WHOLESALE JOBBERS- ...u....wu Minrvnmnis. - iq Front st Portland, Qe, - Phona Ma t "70. 0 V ' TmM. A. GUNST ft CO. . 11 DISTRIBUTORS OF FIN8 CIOAKS 1 l j. r -t va. VVAJLUiAMS ft CO.- WholeU" .rne, Miner Wall Paper Co.. Imn an.i dom. ;hanrln--v.rrZ.' "'' i"?.n! .,st, between Salmon onrf M.iic a ALLEN & LEWIS UROKRiira . . - WAiriv WJr - po'rt.ar"ad ldj;?tre?f ; - Portland"Fr.rgnd 'lldSr .Vra'a? "xL't m' trains J2:00 midni-ht ' e.fa,Tiw, ".I T"outdaloi-g:68, e.4g- j !$ 4 li: ,te IiS ' m. 'o:i8. . the third Monday In every th last car lea.vM .nc - month Cars for Vanioi,v t. ' ... trnion avenuiV betWeen -BuVsWestree and Portland boulevard oei ! of f l sengers, but make stops to pick up pas sengers at all transfer points; Kerry leaves Vancouver to conneet with cars for Portland A. M-? .iT US On- third Monday fit SaVVAta MA.tl '-aVm. lsstv forry - Unvss Vancouver irt;l, if:'!n,t WfwkX6W4 , ' dOBblq Cars from Vancouver maka nn atAna on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Burnsld , street except ' .pY xeept Sundays..' , 'HP"y xe.Bt Mondays. 1 Runs as local on Union eveno. TRANSPORTATION 'T' A sUlinPl be Ooldsn- ' I . aTl 1 J I 'Mda of th ' EIGHT BAYS' BTAT THIKH. , Celebration (July 141 Pall .nf th Bast He,, native fetes, mystic rites ' of walking over redhot atones, and all the rest of It. Splendid driveway of. 90 miles around the island, unfolding trop- M- ':15, 6:0. 7-25 I-OA t-5K '' :10. 9:60, 10:30. UaO. 11:60. l''38'. f ,!fS'?'l9 ,60 3l. "oi 40! 5mi':45.:SO' 9 :JS 16:50, 0: XxTx Tn Tit 2:10., 2:60,; 1:80, 4:10. 4:6oV I-SO f :l 1:50, J:25, 8:00. , 8:35, 0:10 46 ll'Xs. 10:68. lW30ei sK 7 : U-Z9 delightful trip; for recreation and pleas- ' ure. eieamer tare rouna tnp, nrst , class, from San Francisco. BOOK NOW. ueeanic . s. Co , i3 Market street, San Francisco: ' ' t Line to HONOLULU, K -g. sierra. Bailings, April 8, April 29, May "20. Juno iu, una every ii aays. -t. .4 - O F X K BITS M . TXAJTSPOBTATTO X : CO. .Str. J. tt. TJSAXa ' rr.lfM Xod. ; daUy at Oak St Dook foe Pelllo Tha riallM HOod River. Whit Salmon. , uu an intermeaiat points. Steamer leaves Portland Sundays, Tuesdays and ' Thursdays at 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves, The Dallea : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at : a. mv arriving at Portland about ! p. m, bame day. A. S. WHITING. Phones Main 2960, A-3527. - Agt uaptain w. s. aucuanan, Huperintendeiit. Soi Tillamook. "Vewnort.- TtuniTnn ; nA ; CoejulUe rlyer. points with passengers t and freight, milB from Albers dork No. 3, Monday, eo. xt t, p. m. Jrreight re- . celved up to noon for Bandon and Co- : - ?ullle river points and up to v p. m. ' or .Tillamook and Newport. - 1 -y.t i. , , - Phones Main 191, A-1902. . . i Ticket offlc 128 3d St. Phone Main 638. COOS BAY UNU Str. reakwate sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 6 : p. m. . every Tuesday night Freight - received at , Alask.1 dock until 6 p., ni... dally. - i'a- senger- fare -1st class.--$10; Id "Class.; $7, Including meals and bertha.' Tickets , on sale at Alnsworth dock, Phones Main - Illy Al2S4.'Vf:v;'-''f' :. . - S. S. GOLDEN GATE TOM. TCCXtAMOOK. BAT CITY A ITS -, ,i , , , OAJIBAZU3I. s. 1 .. - -, Leaves Washington st. dock evcrV A.nn, . PBEIOHT ASS P ASSUHQXXS . , Phone Main 8619. A-34CS for infonnatlon. : San naaclsoo ft Sfortlaad Bteamaiiip Co. jsew service jvs iiswa i pu Francisco 'every five days, From Ainsworth do k, i'ortlattd 4 p. m : S. a Bear Mr. 3, Xos City 8, Hearer 1J. From San Francisco, northnuund, IJ m 1 8. a ftoee City Mar. S, Beaver 7, Bear IS. Fronr San Pedro, northbound:; S. S. Beaver Mar. 5, Bear 10, note City IS. V. a. Smith, C. V. A.. 143 Thin st. 9. W. Ransom. Agent, Aiiissrorth Dm.,. ' rnonest main . - ; gAIf FRANCISCO, 1 , ACrr.rj ' v AND SAN DILCiO I ir.TJCI moirn pacitto a n. t a a fcOAJfcOAB SS4 H. 8. X.J.. ' . if) Every Wednesday. alt.rnateiy, m n a. Tlcht ot: 112 'I'i'l. u'p phones '''n 1H. A-U14, I'i .1.1 J Li " I 1. t A ! 17. U t,t I. lu,l L 1