The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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- J -
are welcome and will be served with
true western, hospitality. , F. A. Young,
. 5 Don' Forget It-That Rubenstelnr the
optician, - makes the highest grade of
spectacles and eyeglasses Insures your
comfort and style at Very reasonable
prices. 189 Third street, ground floor,
IIEIUC' Wagenhala & Kemper present iphy, Car of OaUdren." Ports
nrHnt Hail Tftine a The Christian": i lN meet at the school building Tues-
ORPHEUM Orpheum ; Clroult Vaude-
BUNUALOW--.Max -rDHI " In "Dream
, City," musical comedy. ; ,
GRAND Sullivan & Consldlna Vaudeville.-
f LYKIC---Lyrla Musical Comedy eom-
- puny in "Alabasu." i
: PANT AG Eft Vaudeville. '
.TIVOLI First run pictures, a.- nv
to 11 p. m.
day at S o'clock p. m.- Dr. White will
talk on "'Physical care : of children.
; -'r . Weather Conditions. .
' 'A' large high pressure field overllew
the central portion of the country, nd
cooler weather obtains generally , ex
i , rept along the Pacific, Atlantic and
Gulf coasts, and near the- Mexican bor
dor. The pressure is relatively low pn
! ' the south Pacific slope, and over the
i northeastern states, and precipitation
has occurred In Callfornlas In the basin
etates, in Colorado, , Texas, Louisiana
and Miohlgan. High north to north
east winds have occurred along -the
north Paclflo coast, but; they Tare de
creasing In force, and storm warnings
i were lowered at a. m. today. , The
- weather Is much colder In the Missouri,
; upper and central Mississippi, and Ohio
valleys and lake region; and west of a
line drawn from Texas to Michigan
; temperatures are generally below the
normal. . - " -
. i . Conditions are favorable for gener
ally fair and continued cool weather
throughout this district during the
.' next 36 hours, except that occasional
rain or enow is expected lor soumwesi
v em Oregon, Temperatures Will be low
er tonight in western Idaho, and winds
,.wlll ba generally easterly. w v ; '
r . Forecasts. --V 'V J ' y:
. Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight
' Oregon Fair tonight and Tuesday
. except occasional rain or snow south
, west portion; easterly winds. n
:; Washington Fair tonight and Tues-
dsy ; easterly winds. .
Idaho Fair tonight and, Tuesday,
' cooler west portion tonight. - ' -
Cnrtoiu Greek Xs Said TTp N. P. Pul-
; lis, a Greek laborer, living on Willam
ette boulevard, reported to the police
this morning that ha had bean held up
and robbed of 136 in front of his horn.
j One man held a gun in his face, while
the other searched his pockets, Pullls
reported that he entered Ms home, then
: stepped outside again? to aee who the
two men were who bad followed him.
They ordered him to put up his hands.
When the search of the man's pockets
was completed the robbers fled down the
Decision la Patent Cm TTnlted
States Judge Boan returned an opinion
today In the case of the Schmetser Man
ufacturing company against John Lilly
and Richard McGllvery, giving the
plaintiff a decree, sustaining the val
idity of patent rights in dispute be
tween the parties in the suit and leav
ing the amount of damages sustained
by the plaintiff to be fixed by a com
missloner. The validity of the patent
bad already been sustained by the
United States circuit court In Califor
nia and eastern Washington.
' Wants Summons Barred To allow of
the appeal of C. A. Smith, the Linn &
Lane Timber company and Frederick
Krlbba from a verdict , for the United
States in a suit to .recover timber lan.l
. of the defendants. Attorney John M.
.Gearta. today secured permission . from
Judge Bean to serve summons- In sever
ance on the- score or mors of leaner de
fendants In thesa cases, who have no
Interest In the appeal. The Important
defendants filed their appeal bonds with
the United States circuit court last
week. - '
. Admitted to F radios -Robert F. Mo
gul re, deputy United States attorney,
was admitted to practice in the United
States Circuit and district courts this
morning. ' Although as a member of
, United States Attorney McCourt's , of-
fice, Mr. Maguire has been practicing in
these courts for months, and through
an oversight was not admitted to pri
vate practice before this. Mr. MdCourt
moved Mr. Magulre's admission and
Judge Bean, -upon-belng assured .of the
deputy district attorney's probity,
, laughingly signed the order s admitting
him to practice.-., ... ",, m. ... ;::",
Will Withdraw XxUbltsAattorney
Emmett Callahan of Baker appeared be
fore Judge Bean In the United States'
court this morning and Secured perals
- slon to withdraw the books and other ex
hibits in the suit of Valentine Lauben
helraer against the Citizens' National
bank of Baker. He Said the exhibits
were needed in tho trial of another suit
between the same partieat in Baker.
"Texas Cowboy" will Be XeardRev.
Bud" Roblnsom known as the - Texas
Cowboy Preacher, will hold a three days'
eonventlon In the First Church of the
Nasarene, East Seventh and Couch
street beginning Tuesday at 2:S0 and
7:80 o'clock p. m.. and continuing until
Thursday night. Rev. C. W. Ruth, evan
gelist, of Indianapolis, Ind., will assist
In this convention.
Concert Wednesday Evening by the
male chorus and quartet of Grace Meth
, edlst church, , Twelfth and ; Taylor
r streets. But one concert this year and It
.win ps tne oest tne ononis has even given.
: Soloists, Miss Holllster, Mrs. Stowers,
Mr. Pelrce and Mr. Hocktnberry. Tick
V ets of members of the chorus, or at
OUl's book store. .
Steamer Jessie Harcias, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. ro. ,
y:'M'tf ' lirtfy.'s'? 'nr, '(!
W, A Wise ana associates, painless
Sentlsts. Third ahd Washlnaon.'
-I. ; (Continued from page Ode.) ? : t
tempted to speak In her daughter's de
fense she was ejected from the court
room. r.
?iWalllng was apparently ' unaffected
by Miss Grunspan's hysteria, and mani
fested no concern when she was carried;
half fainting, from the room.
Attorney Fuchs attempted to show
that none of , Waiting's letters contain
any promise to marry the plaintiff. ' -
. WalllagV Cotirtihlp.
Walling is a wealthy Socialist, and
husband of Anna Strunsky Walling, set
tlement worker and writer An .Russian
politics. Miss Grunspan in her earlier
testimony said Walling Induced her to
leave he, mother in Paris and go with'
him to , Russia, by promising to ! save
her two brothers from' the persecution
of the Russian government and unite
them with . her mother. Before, after
and during the trip, she declared, Wall
ing professed that he Intended to marry
her, only to leave her later on. Walling
denies ever promising to marry Miss
Grunspan, and says he has proof that
they were "only friends." . .
- Daniel Grunspan, a brother of the
plamtlf f tesUf led that Walling ! had
given him 100 francs to pay his pas
sage from Paris to America. ,
(Continued from Pago One.) ir
respectively, and as a county commie
sloners' court of said Multnomah coun
ty,' Oregon, herelnforth mentioned and
set forth and before and after- said
dates, wrongfully and unlawfully in
structed, directed,1 counseled and - ad
vised the persons operating the draws
of said Burnside street and Morrison
street bridges to unnecessarily delay the
opening of said draws of said bridges
after reasonable signal should be given
in accordance with and pursuant to the
aforesaid rules and regulations by ves
sels and boats for passage up and down
the said Willamette' river through said
bridges." .- - ,
The particular offenses alleged are
The steamer Ottawa, bound up, with
a dredge and barge in tow, was delayed
at the Burnside bridge from 8:19
o'clock till 6:4s p. m. ' -
The same steamer was delayed at the
Morrison bridge from :0S" p. nu, till
:80 p. m. rtV'--;'-'
The steamer Oregona, bound 4ownt
was delayed at the, Morrison ?r street
bridge from 6:03 p. m till :2 p. m.
- The steamer Gamecock, bound up, was
delayed at the Burnside bridge from 6:12
p. m.,.- till 6:8J p. m. Jt' is alleged a
delay of three minutes Is reasonable in
which to clear the draws and open them
for the passage of boats.,- . :.: -
The move of United States Attorney
McCourt 1n filing direct information
against the county court Itself Instead
of against the bridge tenders, is prob
ably something -of a surprise to r tne
county officials. It was expected that
a bridge tender would be arrested and
that the county would be able to make a
test case of his arrest, It was also ex
pected the complaints that have' been
piling utf in the wilted Statea attorney's
office would be piacea berore the fed
eral grand jury, which will meet about
the 16th of this month.! V Mr, McCourt
took no chances ' with a sympathetic
grand Jury, however, the last one hav
ing turned down prosecutions for; al
leged violations of the navigation laws,
and filed the information directly, secur
ing permission of United States Judge
Bean this . morning.. . .:
There is every probability that the
cases will - be carried to the highest
courts on appeal, as both the county
and. the federal governments are' anx
ious to secure a ruling one. way or an
other on the respective rights of river
and bridge traffic during rush hours.
VTbs action of the United States In no
way interferes with tne-closed periods
agreed upon by the war, department for
the morning rush hours. ;The war de
partment has never sanotloned the clos
ing of draws, during the evening or af
ternoon but In defiance of Its ruling,
the county court has Instructed the
bridge tenders, to keep the draws closed
during the rush hours around , six
o'clock at night ,
Mrs. Beatrice Hill Gadsby has no
legal claim on the home In which she
and her husband lived Immediately
after their wedding six years : ago.
That It was not a gift " to the young
married , couple, was held by- Judge
Morrow of the circuit court In the last
legal arguments ever the matter. He
sustained a demurrer to the complaint
of Mrs. Gadsby in which she bought to
recover her share of the noma
Mrs. Beatrice Hill Gadsby claimed
the home was given as a wedding pres
ent When the divorce was started sev
eral months ago, she asked for her
share in the home and made Mrs. Nel
lie Gadsby, mother of Walter -Gadsby.
a party to the suit By tne ruling of
Judge Morrow, the title to the. home ls
still In the name of Mrs. Nellie Gadsby
(Continued from Page One.) ,
ation. .That is why I resorted td quo
warranto proceedings. District Attor
ney Cameron has signed the complaint
prepared by me against the company. It
is very brief, merely setting forth my
contention that the Portland' Railway,
Light & Power company has occupied
and used the Hawthorne avenue bridge
since December 20 last without right
or legal authority and praying that the
company be excluded from further usur
pation on the bridge."
.' tunone Stipulation la the Way. .
City 'Attorney Grant's taction Is in
direct opposition to the policy of Mayor
Simon, by whose advice a stlpulatory
agreement was entered into between the
city and the company, whereby . the
company was permitted to operate cars
across the span without the payment
of any rental until the city should es
tablish yln the courts what the rental
should be, whether $1200 a year, as
fixed by the f ranchlseij granted the
company for the use of the old bridge,
or 15,000 a year as fixed by the char
ter amendment under which the new
viaduct was built ity Attorney Grant
has Always been opposed to the stipula
tion sanctioned by -Mayor Simon.
.- If the suit started by the city attor
ney today should prove successful, hs
believes the company will lose no time
in signing a contract with the city, pro
viding for a $15,000 a year rental.
If the suit should not prove success
ful, the city attorney will then pro
ceed to sue for the collection of the
money, according to the instructions of
the city council and the mayor. ..
Work Begun on Fill.
' (BixcUI Ptipatch to Th JonrnL)
Aberdeen.: Feb. 27. Clearing of Ahe
big ,tldeflat district west of Broadway
has bogun, preparatory to the proposal
flit Filling will be done by the Taeoma
Dredging company, and Is to be finished.
according to the terms of the contract,
within 10 months from February U
v Por Infanta and Children
Tb8 Kind Yea Kaia Alwajs E:r.t
' Bears the
Signature of
IX y $
'4 Great Britain Imports ten million ap
ples a yeej,,-,..?.tf,i
K -A, :
Has made itself welcome in
the homes of the people the
world over, by its wonderful
cures of all blood diseases and
run-down conditions.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Barsatabe.
"don't put
it off!-
SSil Cure
Whether 4 imaWMdoryefavaraU-lneleer
rl.'n bine tried ranecij will cof Rkm.
nutunu Sixty Eighty Liihl wm oristntllr the
umber ol 4 pnwiipJM cina bradoctaf iaSiw
pmr, Waconaa, to.rheonMiie ptbain. .Set
ueosMfol wai a that lbs pnpntnu sad laltaf
ww Butaturtled ea a lane sale, k't
CM W MM Bieni. It Cumb Kh
Yam mwIiwiA .1 :tj , . Lt v
ATsahRwwt.L a .LJ.TT
- MMwaiMMllwyQawiJass9Ws
. being a suggestion to every par
ticular man in Portland who has his
shirts made to order
that is to say, "make your selections NOW
before the cream of our importa
tions for 1911 are all gobbled up!"
in charge
Everything that is new and
gpod from the best looms
of the world is fully repre
sented $3.$0 and upl
"Where You Get the Beit"
Vi sTVawrVr filtgjn Ylt Cf I
" SevcDlh aed Coocb Streeb
I Be asked to buy a high-priced hat at either of the i
v two stores. ?
1 Kenshaw Hats, Always $2.00 1
Agents lor Stetson Hats New Cheshire $3.00 Hats lor Spring
Vassar Union Soils, Dr. Dclmels Linen Mesh and Slnttgarter Underwear"
. 0ospiolous contents In Poiets- Louis
Vnieforte, a negro, who claims he re
eently came from Seattle, was arrested
early this . morning and when searched
' was found to have a gun, a Jimmy, an 1
iron bar and three 'gold watches in his!
pockets. Detectives are investigating to
see if he has been committing burglaries
In the city.
' r Want jewelry a turned Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. eiingsby started, suit this j morn-
Ing in the circuit court against Wong
On. The action Involves the transfer of
Jewelry and a chattel ; mortgage i on' a
restaurant at 46S Washington street,
and the plaintiffs are asking for the ro
, . turn of the Jewelry.
Buss Power CompanySuit against
the Blount Hood Hallway ft Power com
pany was started this morning Jn , the
circuit court by the Risdon' Iron & Lo
eomotlve company. ' It Is charged the
railway company failed to fulfill a con
tract made In reference to the purchase
of piping. The Iron company claims
damages to the amount of $9735.
Returns True Bills The grand Judy
returned four true bills, this morning in
; the circuit court . One, is against ' E.
., Butcher for larceny, and the other is
against Brune Strauss for forgery. Both
; men- are In custody, while the persons
i'eharged in the other two bills are at
-"Ttarge. 'i " ' ; 1 " 11 " " m r
' inent ' wisnes to state that, regardless
."i-ef the little "controversy between the
old s,nd the present management, the
hntel at Collins. Wash., ,1s ntlll - nnn
Factory Cleanup of Men's and Young Men's
1 I1' I ' ' " . ' '. ' '" ' -" - 1. -
II (III t X. MM m
Our buyer, while in the East, found one of the largest and best
known manufacturers of fine clothing greatly overstocked with
Men's and Young Men's Suits, so he clubbed in with several
buyers for Eastern retail houses and bought the entire stock and
divided it up. Our allotment was 300 Worsted Suits, 150 Blue
Serge Suits, 350 Scotch Tweeds and 450 Fancy Mixtures, mak
ing a total of 1250 Suits. 1 Themost remarkable values we have
ever owned at a special price. There's every wanted 'pattern
in the lot All sizes. Many different weights. Suits for styl
ish young fellows and particular business men. If bought regu
larly they could not be sold for less than $15.00, $20.00 and
row we place the entire lot on
special sale at, the suit, only
n j (
it i .
"Gold Nugget Tuesday"
Tomorrow for our first great "Gold Nugftt Tuesday," we present a
final clean-up of all winter garments.
(This is our last winter season In this location We can't move
these goods that's why the bargains are so wonderful Have I
your.share. :
S A groupt of .Strictly Man-Tailored Suits, decidedly
B 11 appropriate in style and fabric for Spring wear
lsJiJkL0 1-i to 1-5 their former prices.
5 Suits formerly priced at $65.00 each
3 Suits formerly priced at $50.00 each
2 Suits formerly priced at $45.00 each......
3 Suits formerly priced at $40.00 each.
2 Suits formerly priced at $37.50 each .
5 Suits formerly priced at $35.00 each.
A lot of 20 one-pfece dresses in
fine broadcloth and all-wool
gerges, all colors, formerly sold
at up to $20.00 special........
SUTTS Women's Navy Blue Suits, 25 in the lot,
formerly sold at up to $22.50 Choice
15 odd coats in fancy mix
tures and black broadcloths,
formerly sold at $17.50 to
,$22.00 Cord Nugget Tuesday .
Jl X ll A Ly 1 V7 7th and Taylor
mnJ ione Main I and A-tiaa.
- - i - TWENTY YEAR8.
Exosllent Cast Complete prodnotlon.
Evenlnsrs: Lower floor, $1.60, II. Pal-'
i cony nrst 6 rows, II: next 6 rows, 75c;
i last 11 rows. 50c; gallery, reserved 15c; ,
admission, 23c. Both matinees: Lower
(floor, II, 76c. Balcony, first 6 rows. 76c;
rear of first 6 rows 60. Gallery, 85c. 25o ;
George L. Baker, General Manager.
Tonight, all week. Mats. Thur. and Bat.
Of Kolb ft Dill, in the greatest of mu
sical comedy successes,
"SKEAM cmr."'
Just from 100 nights engagement In S.
F. Splendid Company and Production.
Evea., 25o, 60c, 75c, II MatS;, 25c, BOO.
Next wepk "Brown's In Town.
RAICPP ' :- tiSAnB , ;
MW.IJ,S. Morrison aad 11th,
Kaln 8 and A-5330.
QEO. X, a.K"EK. Maiartt.
Extraordinary attraction aUtnis week,
Baker stock company In a splendid re .:.
rival of Hall Caine's remarkable play..
Greater sensation than ever before.'
Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed. 25c, Sac. -25c,
bOc. Evenings, 25c. 60c, 76o.
' Next week 'The Wolf."
. vans a. 1.1ms
- The- aVlfonlana,
'HALF PRICEWhite serge' suits, slightly soiled, plain
tailored styles, "Gold Nugget Tuesday" HALF PRICE
HALF PRICE All furs. Wear them the rest of this
season and own them next season at HALF PRICE
THE. City and the Country are bound together
by the telephone line. The farmer and his
family use the rural telephone constantly,'
calling up eacruother and the market jown on all matters and f or wall sorts of supplies and
intorrriatiorr. -
City people also find. the rural telephone of great
advantage. A traveler, from his room in the hotel
talks with the farm folk miles away. Without the
telephone he could not reach them. .
The farmer himself may travel far and still talk
home over the-Long Distance Lines of the Bell
System. , ' . , , ' J .
Every Bell Telephone It the Center
of the System
Tn XMwn Tste,"
SW5 X VTwammAIaA WilAW41lA
Tneanaid Tandsvtlls.
wiK coamEir exact vobtoat wult.
Alethela and Alego, world's greatest
mental telepathlsts; George Bmedley,
Nevlns and Gordon, Sylvia De Frankie.
Ollie Mack and Company, The Interna
tional Quartet. Popular prices. Mati
nee dally. Curtain 1:80, 7:10. .
GRAND Week Feb. 37. 1911
A Tallow of In
finite Jest"
"The Boy ' Comlo."
Prosit Trio.
Tlrdsn and Snnlap
Xobert Xoland
, "Ho. 44"
Matinee every day, 1:10; any seat ltet
evening performances st 7:30 and 1:15.
Balcony l5o, lower fir. 2Sc, box seats 60e
V"0 POTXAins nk
X JA.lV-HiT piATHOosa
Week Commencing Monday Hatinee.
Keating & Flood present the Lyrics Mu
sical Comedy Co.; Dillon & King
Mnr axmoiTOTj.-v
Three performances dally, 2:48, 7:15,
9:15. Friday night, Chorus Girls' Con
test after each performance. '
Next week "Alabaan. -
Organ Recital
- .By.,'- --.v,
, The Famous Organist of New York,
At the rirst Baptist Church ,
(White Temple) J " -rrlday
Evening, March 3, 8:30 e'CIook,
Admission 75c. Reserved Seate tl.
On sale at Bherroan, Clay & Co.':
March 1,1 and 3.
Tuesday Evening, Feb. 28, 8:15 o'Clock.
Vosio jand WUgla.
Tickets 76o, on sale at GUI's. Wood-ard-Clarke's.
Nau's and Sherman-Clav'a.
For the Carp enter
or the building mechanic. -. Full eem
plete lines quality 'goods at the lowest
possible price, when-we say quality
it means the greatest servtoeablsnese
combined with the best material ob
tainable. We cater to your wants be
cause we can and know how, to supply
them. v -.iwi? -
" 48 Third St.
Portland Printing House Co.
Book, Catalog and Cnunsrclal
Book Biasing and Blank Book Hating.
388 Taytor St. Phones: A2281, M623 1
High Grade : Commcrci :1
.ana iiiectnc oisns.
Bsst Tth sed Ever-' eti,
-rtiones Brt lili i- . t -
hjscuciTS YCit i .