The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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With Ice Forming and Water
Two Feet Below Zero Mark,
Operation ..Above, Celilo Is
-Considered -Perilous.:-
Ice and snow on the upper Columbia
river ara threatening to close naviga
tion again tor tlie present, according: to
advices 5 received by the Open River
Transportation company. '' It is probable
the- steamer Inland Empire will not
make another trip np the river until
the lee ia out . " .
information received this morning by
Captain W. S. Buchanan, general super
intendent: of the company, from Cap
tain Dave Smith, master of the Inland
Empire, was to the effect that enow
storms and cold weather had made nav
igation of tiie river dangerous and with
U -water-2 two - feet ; below the ero
mark, that further .navigation would be
practically Impossible until weather
conditions become more favorable..
The Inland Empire reached Pasco and
Kcnnewlck. yesterday after a successful
run over the lowest stage of water she
lms yet been - operated' on. . Captain
Smith said in his report the weather
was a little better yesterday, but that
It was very cold and that Ice was mak
ing In the river. ' )- . t
Captain Buchanan said this morning
he expected the steamer would be able
to get back to Celilo an ,ngni, out.
until v. i.. nut an1 the weather
moderates she will- not be sent;?ut
again. ")" ?' .v r v-' --'.
If the cold weather 1n that section
continues a Jew day longer-It would
be Impossible to operate the boats' any
bow as the water Is now at the lowest
stage at which boats can be navigated
without serious danger and it will prob
ably remain at at least Its present low
stage until some j, of the snow has a riH. After the anow
begins to melt and Snake river begins
to rise the Twin Cities wiu oe piacea on
the Lewlston run. " - ,
v The Inland Empire has been on the
r..n lutvMn ' r"Aiiift und unner rtver
points only -about a week as she had to
be taken off more than a month ago be
cause of the lee In the Columbia.
Holds 2120 Cubic Feet of Gag and
Can Be He-Filled in Water. v
, First of its kind in this district, a
rtnvt tvn nt .comnressed acetylene buoy
was received by the lightbouse depart
ment this morning and will be Installed
a iriian s.tuli in Wlllana. BsV. The
distinctive feature is that ' the tanks4,
or accumulators, wmcn jioia jize cudic
feet of gas and are good for about
a year, can be changed while the i buoy
Is in the water.' With the present type
of buoys used in this district It Is nec
nnn tnr h tnHpr to brine them
in and it is -expected that the new buoy
will be saved a lot of wear and tear be
cause it will be only necessary to place
a new tank in the buoy and bring in
the old one to be refilled. ', ; , N
Steamer Fort . Bragg Arrives From
San Francisco. s -T.rin
with KSO tons of cement .tfnd
general merchandise, in addition to 32
passengers. the steamer Fort Bragg,
Captain Hlggtns, arrived .yesterday
nnnvln, from Hun Frajiclsco. After dis
charging her -general freight, at -Couch
street dock she will proceed to the Oak
street Uoqk to discharge cement.' From
there she will go to Balfour, Guthrie &
Co.'a section of the North Bank dock to
load 4s tons of wheat for , San Fran
cisco. She will finish her. cargo with
200,000 feet of lumber, to be loaded at
Goble. the latter part of her cargo also
going to the Bay City.
- Astoria, Feb. , 17. -Arrived . and left
up during the night, gasoline schooner
Anvil, from Bandon. Arrived at t a. m.
steamer F. H. Leggett, from San Fran
cisco. Arrived at ;S0 and left up at
1:30 a. m., steamer George W. Elder,
from San Diego and way ports. Sailed
at 7 a, m.. steamer Beaver, for 8an
Francisco and San Pedro..' Balled at I
a, m., steamer. J. A, Chanslor,- for San
Francisco. Left up at a. nt.; steamer
W. 8.- Porter. Arrived at. .10 . m.,
steamer Bear, from -San Pedro and San
Francisco. Sailed at :46 a, re., steamer
Shasta, for San Pedro. ' v;1 i . t, '.
San Francisco, Feb. IT. Arrived at
midnight, steamer Nehalenv from Co
lumbia river; at a. m., ateamer Asun
cion, frojn Portland. . , . ,
West Hartlepool, Feb. ?4.Arfived,
Italian ship Ninfan, : from Columbia
river. '. r -
Astoria, Feb. S6.r-Salled at 7 a. n.,
steamer. Shna Tak, for Ban Pedro;
steamer Westerner,' for, San Francisco,
Arrived at 7 and left-up at 8 a. m.,
steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay.
Arrived at 12 noon, steamer W. 8. Por
ter,' from Monterey. Arrived down at
5:80 p. m., schooner Irene, 1 ' "
; San Francisco, Feb.:; i I. Sailed at 11
a. - m.t steamer Shoshone, for Portland.
Arrived, steamer General Hubbard, from
San Pedro. Sailed at 10 a. m.,T steamer
Rose City, for San. Pedro. Sailed at 6
p. m , steamer General .Hubbard, fbr Co
lumbia river. . " ..
Eureka, Feb. S6. Bailed at 10 a.
British 'steamer Damara, for Columbia
river. .
Point Lobos, Feb. 26. Passed at 10
a. m steamer Boma, frbm Portland, for
Port San Luis. r -v
Astoria, Feb.' J7. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. tn.,' smooth;
wind north, 8 miles; weather, clear. ,
Tides at Astoria Tuesday Tligh wa
ter. 0:5 a. m 8.6 feet; 0:S4 p. m 8.7
feet Low water. 6:64 a, m., 2.4 feet;
742 p; m-, 0.8 feet.
' Laden with cement and general mer
chandise, the steamer Thomas L. W and,
Captain Peterson, will he que to arrive
at Couch street dock from San Fran
cisco tonight.
It is expected that the British bark
Invermay will finish loading wheat at
the elevator dock today.
With r paaengers and ' freight, ' the
steamer Sue'.' H.: Elmore, Captain
Schrader, will sail this afternoon for
Tillamook, S"h , ; ' ' ' - ; v'
When she-sailed, yesterday afternoon
for San Francisco and San Pedro, the
steamer Beaver, Captain . Nelson. car
ried 200 passengers . and 1600 tons of
freight .v-ii'v. .--i $,' vr;:' r4 !
, Both the : passenger ' list :and the
amount of freight brought up on, the
steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn.
yesterday were ' small. She reached
here fromCooa Bay at 4:15 o'clock.
The steamer Bear,' Captain Nopan--der.
la scheduled to arrive at , the Alns
worth dock from "San , Pedro and San
Francisco this afternoon, carrying pas
sengers and. freight ' ' -1
When she sails tonight for San Fran
cisco, the American-Hawaiian steamer
Falcon, Captain Schage. , will have
aboard 10 tons of miscellaneous freight
for New York, 10 tons of cascara for
Europe and a small shipment of grain
for the Golden Gate. -
With 122,858 buahals of wheat aboard,
valued at 8110.730. the British ahlp
Nile, Captain Griffiths, "has cleared for
Belfast She la now in the stream and
as soon as eight sailors have been
shinned she will be ready, to leave
down for the sea.
!Ye Oregon Grille
.Special engagement Hendlerv Boy
Wonder Pianist Every night this week
after lp.u.
A meeting of the bridge committee of
the North East Side Improvement as
sociation has beon called for 4:8(1, o'clock
p, m. today, in the office of Judge M. a.
Munly, president of the 'association,
fourth floor of the Wells-Fargo building.
The purpose is to devise ways and means
for advancing construction of the Broad
way bridge. It Is desired that the Port
of Portland suits obstructive of Broad
way bridge building shall be withdrawn
or annulled, the , e indentation proceed
ings for the rights of way. for the
bridge approaches shall be instituted by
the city attorney's office, and that the
work of ?-Klernan-Dunlway, bridge ob
structionists;, in depreciating the bonds
offered by the city shall be ended, 'It is
desired, too, says Judge Munly, that the
people of Portland be apprised of the
injury done the city by the tactics of the
obstructionists. . - - :
' 11 t" '. ' "" s ::;-'::
DaD Rrrer Readings.
' 8:00 a. m'.( 120th meridian time. '
Lewlston ..........
Riparla ,.-.
UmaUlla ..........
Eugene ,
Harrisburg ........
Albany .
Salem ... ....... .
Wilson villa ........
Portland ..........
) FaUing.
' 18
Journal Want Ada bring results.
Ellensburg Patrolman Inter:
' rupts Bandit Holding Up
Restaurant; May Die.
-.:'- (Special tMimtch to The JoarnaL) .
Ellensburg, Wash., Feb. 27. Joe
Shull, former chief of police of Ellens
burg and now special me'rehants pa
trol, "was shot in the hip by a bandit
who held up the IT. ft N. cafe at 2:10
this morning. ' Sbull had' been- follow
ing a suspioious character all evening
and when he went by the cafe he no
ticed the Chinese proprietor and cooks
lined up along the wall with a bandit
looking in ' the cash drawer. Shull
pulled his gun and started for the door,
but. the bandit suddenly raised his re
volver and shot at . Shull through the
glass window - several times. Smoke
prevented the watohman - from seeing
where his assailant was for a moment
and the? next' thing Shull saw was a
bandit rushing toward- the kitchen in,
the rear.
Shull fired' twice through the glass
of the door and then turned and ran to
ward the alley to' head the man off. As
Shull ran into the alley some one shot
him at close range through the hip and
then rushed by him. Shull,' although
wounded, emptied, his revolver at. the
man. s .
f , The officers are unable to say wheth
er two men werainvolved or not It is
thought that an outside man may have
shot the officer. ' Shull ,1s not certain
whether ona or two men were together.
Shull la in the hospital and suffering
much pain. Doctors say that the bul
let apparently hRB not broken the bone .
And that thA 'nfflrar hm m. ennri i-h,nnA
i hvo. ouei m vrerninn ana eepuues
all m n . V. & ...II
wnr uen .an nicrnr ,ni huv. vnt t . ,.n
Dull,,? Durjjav.vo. uub XttJ ilBVO IrtJtn-
unable to connect any one 'definitely '
with the crime. , ;..
. (Salem Burma of Tbe Journal.) '
Salem, Or.,. Feb. 27jr-Owing to the
fact that Journal Clerk Gordon Moores
has "marlred a wife," !hlef Clerk Dra
ger has been compelled to call to, his
asolstance In revising the house journal
Representative George "Neuner of .Doug-,
inn munij', ipiiv nu juunmi nrrn in :
the houfles two years ago. Moores has
comnletelv iumtcd the ioh lpavlnar Trn.
srep to perform the task alone. Mr.
Moores married .Miss ' Jessie - Ifnrlpv
Unlveraitv t,f .Orearon; Tli marr Km.
was quite unostentatious, the parents of
r.eiiner vi mo yuu yrupie utiiiR iwaro
of the nuptials. :. The wedding was held
in this city, at the residence of A. . N. 1
Mooren, an' uncle of; Gordon Moores. 1
L A Creit m h thi D:!ry 7
; Tfofessor Dean' first advice to dairy
men is "Clean the pails, cans and sep
arators thoroughly, at least once or twice
a day." '
Soap and water remove surface dirt
but they do not thoroughly remove all
the little germs which sour and taint
the milk. The greatest of all cleansers
is Gold Dust washing powder. It not
only removes all the visible dirt and
grease, but goes deep after every trace
of impurity, and leaves the milk pails,'
cans and bottles really clean,, wholesome
and safe. Morover, it' does the work
more quickly and easily than any othet
cleanser known. .
All Credit Purchases Made Tomorrow Charged Bills-1-Visit Onr Hairdressfog, ManSciiring and Massage Parlors
Take Breakfast in Our Seventh ': Floor Tea Room-Excellent Menn A la Carte ServiceSpecial Lunch From 11:30 to 2 p. m.
j, , ,.. , ,, , r . . . . - - - , s a - - - -
On Basement Bargain Square
Single Lace Curtains,' 66c
We. took every Sample Lace Curtain a manufacturer
had on hand ! Over 1 500 Single Curtains-ecrii or white
in hundreds of. pretty novelty designs;, also a,few Scrim
Curtains. - Reg. worth $3 a. pair many', can ilsr
be matched up. Special price for Tuesday, each UUl
Star Tcbles! . .. - -
of Marvelous; Savings for
1$ &i SteirTiosiay
A N instantaneous success! An hour after opening time
f last Tuesday saw scores of eager, enthusiastic shop
pers around the Red Star bargain tables, and long before
night most ofjttie lots were sold.! . - J '
This week we've planned even larger economies for Red Star Tues
day.. The prices will be for one day only,' and as most of the lots are
limited, it'll pay to come early. Look for the special Red Star signs
in all departments. Read every item belpw THE ONE YOU MISS
Heed These Great Dargains-Come Early
Men's Nightshirts at 69c
nssT rz.oox, maxs bijo.
These -1200 men's $1.50."to $2.00 Night Shirts
will go in a hurry Tuesday at three for $2.00 ; each,'jr
B9c Made of fine quality sateen, with silk trimmed
cuffs, pockets and collaft. Military and plain styles.
White, blue, tan, gray and helio. ; In the great Red Q
Star Sale Tuesday they go at the very low price of DeC
Women's rlc Neckw'r 25 c
II Thousands of the daintiest best 60c and 75c
.TT Neckwear for Red Star Tuesday, 25c. Charming
new Jabots, Rabats and Dutch Collars, trimmed in
snowy laces and embroideries. For Tuesday they rjr
go on sale for the attractive price of, your choice uOC
Utile Picnic Hams 133c
A Red Star Tuesday Grocery 'bargain. Lit
tie California Picnic Hams at 18j4c pound! XT
Sweet, tender and juicy;-. cut from' young corn ; rS ':l
and milk fd pigs. Range in size from 5 to 7 pounds.
Sold only by the ham. 1000 bought just for Q 1
this sale. Special tomorrow, the pound only , lOC
; js:-.. '.;;r ;' ; o 7." ,1
$l.SOFbodChopper $1.11
A truly, sensational Red Star Tuesday bar-
rain, considering tnat it is tne universal
rood Chopper that is reduced. Fitted with fine,
.medium and coarse knives.-. Will cut meat, vegetables
and Jruits, both cooked and raw. . Always dl 1 1
$1.50.' Special price for Tuesday, each,
1 ,
Wow 3.B3
. ssooiro rx.oom, main buq.
HERE'S a Red Star Tues
day bargain that's sure to
bring women from far and wide t
About 200 splendid Silk .Taffeta
Petticoats made with deep flounce
trammed rin rows. of shirring, pin
tucjes and tailor bands; Light,
medium and dark colors no
black, Actual'$7 to (frO C
P Silk Petticoats at tj) J.dt)
$1.75 Petticoats 51.18
a phenomenal tavine on fine "black
Cotton Petticoats for Red Star Tuesday!
Made with- knit Jersey tops and spun-glass-flounces,
trimmed in clusters of
i ine-ttickr8nd laTi) 4 n islAho" "black '
Moreen Petticoats. Very best 4f 1 1 0
: fjadeS,laToesday,.v: for HlfU
Manufacturers' Association's
Made-in-Oregorir Exposition
fpHIS 'great Indus-
v trial. Exposition
atMeier $ Frank's
opened .the eyes of.
thousands yesterday
to the immense scale
tbd: ADETtl OREGOHi '
iron" banner I - j' Ilj
U .J. '
Few .people have
any idea of the mul
titude of products
manufactured within
the : state - .of the
wearing apparel, the food products, he every-day necessi-,
ties which are made by Oregon people with Oregon ma
terials. ' w ' J j.'"- ;- ? " ' , -;'t1 :
At great expense, both to ourselves and the Aanufactur
ersV Association, these exhibits have been arranged. "The
big Fourth Floor of our,- Main ? Building fairly .hums with
activityright before your eyes:. dozens of yoiing women
are. engaged in the making of shirts;1 overalls etc.', Men,
are weavine bed springs, making 'tents, mattresses, etc.,
besides all the big-snowings of finished products.
' And in the show windows, too, overalls are bein? made.'
One window shows the production of coffee' from the na-J
uvc tjcc to mc phages in wmcn u reaencs inc toiibumcr.
And many others too numerous tomention. - .
1 W " -Vv . A . II
35c Silk Ribbons ryd 1 9c
Ten thousand yards of 35c Silk . Messaline Ji
Ribbon at Another Red Star bargain.
Black, white, cream maize, pink; tan,' brown,.; r x
blue, cardinal, peach, apricot and many other wanted
colors;. five inches wide. Best regular 35e A'
grade goes on special sale tomorrow at, yard 17C
50c Handkerchiefs 19c
. . raurv r.ooB,tMAxir stDO. ",; . ,
; A , Splendid Red Star Tuesday special on" worn-.
"VV'en's fine Initial Handkerchiefs. Incomplete
:k lines, comprising kerchiefs with colored borders,
some with colored initials on white background, 1A.
some with scalloped edges; 35c to 50c grades lJIC
Women's Silk Under vests
' Just for Red Star Tuesday almost half price on
pure Venetian Silk Vests in .white, pink and JightXT'
bluej: -All sizes.?1; Note reductions? ' V ' . r 1
$2.00 Silk, Vests will be on special sale at only $1.29
$2.50 Silk Vests will be on special sale at only $1.G9
$3.00 Silk Vests will be on special sale at only $1.87
$3.60 Silk Vests will be on special sale at only $2.19
Vomen's !!.oS Coats 98c
fi No greaWr bargain for oqr second Red . Star
a'TjTlTuesday than this reduction on 'incomplete Jines'
- r of short Coas and Capes. The cajpes are of broad
cloth in tan, helio and navy. , Coats of -tan covert and
mixed tweeds, semi or tight fitting styles.' Reg-AQ
ular $5.00 to $8.00 grades go on sale for only. ; eOC
$ 1.25 Curtains at ?9c
naxo woom,'ifAiar iioa.1
Red -Star "Tuesday special oh 400
pairs of Ruffled Curtains. , Made of- fine ,T7
quality dotted, figured and. striped Swiss, n r'
with plain hemstitched ruffles.' Also plain cur
tains with ruffle of self matenal,36 ins.
wide and 2l3 yds. long; $1.25 curtains, pr.
$2Motor Veils $I9
ji -..V . t', ' '.-,-: ,.--:y f. v.".'- '!' ., -; :,..'.
Jji One thousand imported new $2.50 Motor
TTor Auto Veils to sell for $1.69 just foe
: r Red' Star Tuesday 1 Made of silk crepe
Chiffon Cloth, with fxcy satin border. All the
season's most wanted.' shades. : Full , 70 inches
Jong -and -24: inche wider-Best $2.50 f 7ptt.
-Veils. ' Tuesday thty go on sale for j 1 '
J'35c-50cl Mesh (Veilii)gr black," white,-colors.l8
25cBurson Hos'ry l?c
rtmsr nooB, skaxst bloo.
A rousing Red Star -Tuesday reduction
on famous Burton hose for women f Seam-
less, with parterproof tops.- Come in black
and tan only. Full fashioned throughput.
ceptionally ' fine wearing quality. Sell m
always at 25c. , Special tomorrowpair 1C
. nam rivoox, ,kixv buo. -
k ' Great Red Star Tuesday sale of women's
TTsilk and mercerized lisle Gloves- sample
fTr line, containing wide choice of kinds. Bro
ken assortment of colors, but all the newest and
plete range of sizes.- These are best 50c OA
to $1.00 Gloves, 'and will be sold at, pair J JC
35c Hair Rolls at 1 9c
rmsT xxoobbxw blso. '
From the Notion "Section we have .a A
splendid Red Star Tuesday Hair Roll .pe:V
cial.. Made of fine Human hair, each in a
sanitary paper package. All shades; light weight.
Sell regularly at yftec- each. Special fori' ft
the second Red Star Tuesday sale atwonTy JiVC
To $3 Waists; $1.75
" , 8EC0ITD riOS, 1KAXV BLDO. i .
A 'special line of women's pretty tailor .d,
-T lingerie, and tan or light blue sailor.waists
.jA for Red Star Tuesday I. Lingerie wais'ts,
open front or back,; Dutch collar-or high neck
laces and embroideries. Tailored waists, strictly
plain, with .Gibson pleats and dainty (
side-pocket. , Our $2.50 to $3 Waists 1 I d