THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, ? PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, v FEBRUARY 27, 1911J 13 i 1 , . ' . -', -. . ....... New York Firm Offers to. Put ? Back $1,000,000 for Sake 1 : - of Immunity. ' i v. ' (TluUri .TreM Wire.) . ' J nr.ov.ino'tnn ph. 27. Attornev-Gen- Lfral Wickersham la considering an ot ter by the Duveen Art importing torn pany of New VYork, to pay back ' mora than $1,000,000, or wnicn tney are bubk c,a t vmv ittfrniuiKii th ' aovernment i through i v, undervaluation v of ; goods btought In from -'abroad,-' ne uveens are also -said to have agreed to pay flnea'tn -fha (intirta if thev are promised immunity ,from the penitentiary. ?u is reponea mat unncu piu -trlct Attorney Wise of New Yorkv fa vors a compromise.'-. - fn miV an aMtnmnhiU fill it OWH tires with wind, an Inventor has brought nut a nnmn' that rnav h Onerated bV i merely screwing it In place of spark plug on top of a cylinder. . Thero' U not a physician; living Who can claim to be -proficient, in the treatment of all human allmenta. To attain the highest possible de gree or proricienoy in an aeparv mpUi of madlnal , science would re quire half a dozen lifetimes of study and as many more of practical expe rlence, -, The .regular practitioner is proficient in a largenumoer 01 ail ments. The peclafiat must first be come proficient for general practice ana must tnen go on 10 proijcwntjr m a few of those conditions and ail ments more difficult to .understand and mora difficult to cur f ' The Leading BneoiaUat. a PariVWtenl Have Cure! ; Yon Examination Free1 i offer' not only free consultation and advice, but of -every case that oomea to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without uharara. : ailinr man. should nes tethla,. opportunity to get -expert , notras a. is. to 9. M. ) SnSOATfl. 10 to l. IT TOO CAVXOT OAU, WBXTB The DR. TAYLOR Co. imn MO-sxscftr bt, - VOXTXJUIO, OB. CURED $10 :iS0URFEE Pay:" When wured We have ' every known remedy ap pliance for TBXATuro TOP.. Our ax erience is so gTeat and varied, that no on of the ailments of men is new to a COMB AKB VAX.X XT OTEX. . .Otneral Debility, Weak sTervee, la. omnia Results of exporure. overwork and other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Veri eoie Telns, avickly and permanently cued at email expense and no deeutloa from business. gVEOXaii AXXHITT Newly con tracted .and chronic cases cured. All burning, Itching . and inflammation topped in ti hours. Cures effected ia even days. Consultation free. If an able to call, write for list of questions; Office Hours A. M. t 8 P. M Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. id. only. - Pacific Coast Medical Co. : ga44 wAs-nraTOir itb-ss, Oernu yinl. Dr. Lindsay RELIABLE . EDUCATED EXPERIENCED OONSXTLT XX NUSS If sou are worried about a special ail- m.nt. ''nrcrnnlA 7 waaIt nees or any male ail ment -! or i blood i ail ment. -I hava so much faith In mv own nielli tnat 1. will prove my ability beforeI aek one cent You don t ne?d money to be gin my treatment A YOU MAY PAY ME AFTER I CURE YOU. r ; , v. mA naniallat. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128V4 Second street Portland, Or. Office hours a. m. to 8 p. m. .Hundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ARE YOO SICK? j Consult the On Wo Tone Medicine Cn These noted dootors have learned the secrets known only to the famous Chi- nese savants and have specially imported herbs from the remote provinces of China that positively cure all ills of the human 'system. Diseases of the nervous sys ' tern,;, female disorders, blood poison, ' stomach trouble, etc.. absolutely cured. No matter how many doctors have .iA no matter how manv medlalnoe vnu have uiied without result, call on us. Oonsultation free, s Treatments by mail. On ,Wo Jonz ' Chinese Medicine and Tea Company , I 91 Second St , MEN j ' MEN rWf The Army of ' Constipation h Crowing Smaller Every Day. ; CARTER'S LITTLE LIVE PILLS aia i napootiLle they not only (ire relief tbey pern eaeauy care leati ITTLl rtus. i lies. . JfliL them for t j : Bilieae ' ; .- eV geu, laJIrettiea, Sick EetJacke, SaSsv rJai SMALL FILL; SSALLEC:!. SSAU FJLICE Ge&aiae awtbaw Signature XHOM DR. GREEN MAN BUILDING TMATMEHT noi itzouiit wio puui . It -matters not what your ailment is, nor-Who has treated It, if it Is curable, we will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keen -you from getting welt We charge nothing to prove our methods win cure you. irar oner j MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL, BAT I8FIED -Is your absolute protection. Consultation, examination and diag nosis free. We claim for our treatment noth ing "wonderful." or ,seoret,M--lt Is lmplf our successful , way of doing things. ' AJrruCTEJ imr.tsfors treatlncr elsewhere, koaeatly investigate onr eroven meihods. ; Ton will then under stand' Bow easily we cure all curable eases TAXIOOSa , TEtBTB, HTDBO- oei.b, , epscirxo tXMtm poiaoir, iniiiwA ejrvma . U sin m AtiiiniTrl . wows,. yaosTATio, bjlAdde and jlivuet -trouDies, v u crzujuj-tx a au meats, KVyTOU, TOX9 a&A All XX O- to vueases, ;,s $x :iv.''V ' What you want is a cure. Come to us and get It Onoe under our treat ment you will quickly realise how simple a thing it Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows bis business. .Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Of fice bours dally 9 to 8, Evenings, ? to I. .Sundays. 10 to 1. 1 - DR. GREEN CO. S6a Washington at, rortlaad, Or. All EfiEfilY OF SICKNESS 1 ' '', : C Gee Wo Is Daily Demonstrat ing His Ability to Cure the : Various Ailments That Come to Him for Treatment. , C Gee Wo Gee Wo mm T83t CHXHX8XI SOCTOX, Lots and lots of powerful and pois onous 'drug' taken internally v may seemingly help-the ailment for which they were Intended, but may be very injurious In soma other way. This Is especially true of meroury In Its vari ous forma. ' v Nothing that I use ean react on the patient and causa; any . eomplleatlonsk The vegetable kingdom furnishes my remedies in the form of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Buds. - These are gathered from every quarter of the world and administered aooordlng to formulas that have been kest a profound secret within the families of the Chinese doo tors. Unfailing cures are the result of these remedies, My consultations are free. Out-of-town patients may send four eents In stamps and secure a con sultatlon blank and . circular, I can diagnose your case that way; t r : The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1st at oor. icorrlson, ortland, Or. Mrs. S. K. Chan: ' Dear Madamt I wish to thank you for all you have done for me. I had been lick so long and had taken to much mother remedies without benefit,. As soon as I .Jad taken the first lot of your medicine. 1 felt like .a new woman, which la aavlna- a food deaL ha. cause I was so weak fromMvr"-I . illraa and auf fared .0xa. SJ.K.OHBA much, I could not leave my bei'Now I am strong ana enureiy curea. n i was 10,000 miles away, I would send to you tor medicine when I were sick. I, wish all. people, suffering from, weakness or sickness would take your medicine. They would bless you the rest of .their II vex, an 1 will the rest of mine. Mrs. o. a. Edwards, ; Junction CUy, Or. : Call or X. Chan Chinese Kedlolne Co.. Morrison St., between First and ; y , . Becona, roriiana, ureKon. Ss$j' SS Nirvv t6day STORE FIVE STORIES ANp BASEMENT Lare elevator, first-class shippine facilities, , heavy - mill tonstruction; very low insurance rate, absolutely hrst class, lhia building is situatea within one block of principal freight houses, and within half block of new Postoffice site. : Will lease , for five years at a very reasonable rate. The W.G.rJcPhersohCo. 328 GL1SAN ST.' ass menti close, In it will pay you to tee me. M. E. LEE 411 CORBETT BLDG. 7 ACRES 7 1 - If sold at once, I can offer 7 acres unimproved land, m th rery best lo cality, about Portland, at $125.00 per sere. Convenient to good road, 1 miles from, carline, lays well and is of' excellent qualityof soil, positively the. best bargain now on the market for the man of moderate means. ALONZO QIRTON Phont E-2340. 323 Lumbermens Bldg. Profits In Fruits Yes. if you plant to suit the de mands of the market Sundale, on the JNorth Hank Ky., produces splen um grapes, aimonas, apples, apricots, peaches, pears, cherries. Sundale's climate is ideal for people, fruits, chickens; has daily trains and water competition forever ort the grand Co lumbia. We guarantee work for our chaser with teanv See owners. ;..- Hunter Land Co. ' 407 well's"1 fargobldo. One-half fare Excursion March 4 $3.25 round trip. ACREAGE From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts Adjoining Rose City Park 50 UNDER MARKET PRICE . Easy Terms OREGON ft WASHINGTON! REALTY CO. C27 Chamber of Commerce . . Alain 803 ;-;'.'.;", ic In- v If you come in right away, we have an acreage proposition between Gresham and Bull R un that we jyii a r- antee will double your money. Will cake pan interest with you. 1012 , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BAY CITY TSSMTjrVS TrrTX BTS. Deep water shipplngpolnt, P. R. 4k N. R. R. JVOTS fad UP. Easy pay. menta, For full partlcularj see , (at cur Xauro co, ;.t ' 701-708 Spalding Bldg. A QUARTER BLOCK SouthJThird Street Facing on Car Line Harding & Reynolds Company 3 i 3 Chamber of Commerce - Mortgage Loans PtQi John ECronan p70Jr w gpaiaimr mag. AUCTIONS Barger's Auction House Formerly of the - Dollar Furnitura House, now located at 870 East Morri son, will buy all kinds of furniture, stoves, bankrupt stocks, . restaurants, llwt.oin, v.v. vv. . '- mo.x iqi VBima or livestock on commission, city or country, t-none iwii ..-.C"..:;-.'-.'V.S.'H. BARGER. CLASSIFIED AD BATEO In Effect February 1. 1911. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED , - CASH ADS On Cent Per Word. Or . ' IE words or less, lSo per Issue; 18 to zo woras, xvo per issue; ii 10 ft woras. Lost and found, help wanted, situation wanted, to rent ana wanted to rent ads, l 4-AtAfia fit ihsl ttftak a . 9 . a t Insertions for the price of 6. All other classifications , the : cost per counted line is: .::; --1 time. 8o per line. , ' 8 consecutive times, To per line per insertion, -v-.a. ;- -. ;.. - a or more consecutive umes. a per line per insertion or. i , insertions for price or s. -. .-;.- r-- i. , No ad counted for less than 3 lines. - ' CHARGE ADS. a ' s. 7 Rooms for rent, rooms and board, lost ana louna, na neip ana. situations want ed.' .7o oer line aa ad. sets uo in nanar. Other than contract ads. and coming unaer aiiiereni ciansiiications tnan above enumerated will ba charged at tne rate vi. : : . ; f 8 consecutive times, 8c per Una pet insertion. 7 or mora consecutive times, 7o per line per insertion, . . i No ad charged for less than 1 linea, fount o wonis to tne line. Contract rates glvetr n application, FORRENT For High Gl Apart REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES Of title tnade by tb "Title A Truat company, Lewis Bldg, ith an1 rU . n. R Gnainia. o .1 tn, V A Ui. hi "i"J Vtl IV. Daniel, lot. a, block 22, Hawr 1 '! thornes 1st addition 1,300 inter U urban Realty company to James M. Clark, west 60 feet . of lot 4 and west 50 feet of lot . lot 6. block 16, Belle Crest, . . . 25 A. W. Gaines and wife tp M. Peery, lots g, 9, 10, 41.12, 13, t' U, block IS. Point View...;., 12,100 Section Abstract and Tract com pany to Marie fJilsson, lot 12, - " . block 11 Elmhurt 660 Same to Martha E. Kllsson, lot 13, block 11. Elmhurst....... , 050 Charles Kuttingh to Ole Boh- .- man, lots 1, 2, block 2, Arleta - Park No. 3: lota 22, 23, block 9, '" Laurelwood Park; lot 6, block ' 8, Arleta Park No. J. ......... 10,000 Alameda Land company to X. J. , ' Glrardlots 7, 8, block , Ala-" . ' meda Park ................ 1,100 A. M. Gray and wife to George - Wv Clarke et aL. land in aeo . tion 22. townshin ;1. south rane 2, E. , , .. i. . . 1. ..... ... . S.ftOO Edward J. Jaeger 'and wife to , , g. K. Sratton, lot S, biooK s, - olladav Park MOO Laurelhurst company to Lester ; , B. Markham et ai iota 1, i, . block 74. Laurelhurst . 1.000 Stephen Gluth and wife to B. S. -Tate, 11 acres in nortnwest , nf .niilhuat li, fit anntlnn 12. ; township t. north range 1, B. t 19,400 LAWYERS Abatract & Trust Co., room ,1 Board of .Trade bldg.,s abstracU a specialty. UNION Abstract Co, 412-411 Corbet! biag. Tel. Majn e. EtCiFlC Title Trust Co., the leading aoetractcre. t cn. com., rrounn nwr. MABRIAGB UV1HB& Carl Adler. 221 Meade at. S5. And Ce lls Browm 19. ' , 1 Joe Llvingston Arleta, 12, and Min nie Buckbee,. 18. ' k W. V. Bunten, Dee, Or, 27, and Mary Stoneman, 24, . T. A. Charette, 184H Glbbs St, 83, and Iva Goldlng.. 18. B. T. Grote, Star buck. Wash, 29, and M. C. Baumann, 20. ; . Bruno John, 894 ' Schuyler, 81, and Helen Kronenberg, 19. . F. H. Judson, Spokane, Wash., 88, and Zoa Foster, 23. . . '. ' . . James Staloup, BHdal Veil, Or, 84, and Bern Ice Rowe, 14. and monogsara stationers. Washington l i nr 1. 1 a A . .. m A ptas., Tvmaiiiiiava au. upt. DRESS suits for rent all alma. Unique Tailoring I'Q.. spsmara st. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral) deal is. l Momwm si. BIRTHS ERISMANN To Mr. and Mrs. Emll Erismann, 117a ifi. Tayior streei, eu- mia -as 1 A ab tSAv . "" " " " : T.PU.To Mr. 8vnrt Mrt. John Ia. 1000 rnAn- auaniia ArtvllOPV 91 hflV. ' 4 NIIL To Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, Nul, 788 Txw iWjiT. VTr an1 Mr. .loaanh Plan. 1623 iiassaio street reoruary boy. RE rNOLDS To Mr. ana Mrs. James Reynolds, Kansas, February 9. a girl. DiTunn T Mr inif Mra John Pal mer Woodstock, February 19, a girl. HAVERKAMP To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haverkamp, January i. noy. HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, January 28 a boy. ' KING To Mr. and Mrs. T. R. King, January 87, Sea View, Wash, a girl. RICHARDS To Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Richards, 211 Bancroft street, Janu- KNNER To Mr. ana Mrs. Richard Kenner, 440 Miller street February 18, a boy. .......... ..- ... TURNER To Mr. and Mrs. R A. Tur ner, 82!L ave. 72d street, February 18, a girl.' " i ' DEATHS AND FUNERALS Roe Patrick ' Roe, 649 Hoyt" St., Feb. 26, age 60 years. Funeral notice later, BLACK Eliza BlaokiiH Market Street, February 4, age 78, eanoer. HARTNESS George Hartness. 671 Clackamas, age 66, February 4, brlght's disease. ELDER -Nellie Elder, 262 King street, February 4, age 27, tumor. MAR.TER Auruat Hartf. 1625 Vir ginia street, February 4. age El, no cause. FONQ Lee Fong, 162 H First street, February 4, age 60, palmlnallo. MAX M. SMITH, florist. ISO tth at. opp. Meier at FranK-s. Main Tin, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunnins L McFntee Un every detail. 7th and Pine. Ualn 480. A-4658. Laty assistant - J, P. FINLEY&SONm.. Lady attendant Main t, A-1691. I CDPU The east side undertaker. LCnUn lAdr aaslsunt B-l 888. East 781. East 6th and Alder. . CDircnM pndertaklni Co., Main Lady ass't 6138. A-22SE EAST SJDE funeral directors, success- sor to r . a. uunninK. inc. si. -zozs EDWARD HOLM AN. undertakor. 221 Id st ldy assistant Main 0T. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., B94 Williams ave.! both ohones: ladv asslstsnt. MEETING NOTICES 41 OREOON COUNCIL No 1582. ,S-VilL ' Royal Arcanum, meets at T! Tf i? the Auditorium. .208 Third )U street the first 'ajid third Vt , JS, Tuesdays of each month at 8 rftr p. m. Visitors cordially wel come. O. O. HALL Secretary; Care Honey man Hardware, Co. M. W. A, ATTENTION NEIGHBORS. All members of Alberta Camp No. 9741, and old members of Spruce Camp No. 6694 are requested to meet at their old hall, Williams avew and .Russell, Thursday evenlii" 8 p. m- sharp. Visl tora welcome. March 2, 1911. CAMELIA Social Club will give a 600 card party and informal dance this evening at Masonic Temple, Park ami Yamhill. O. E. S. members and friends invited. Admission 21 cents. : COMMITTEE. M.VV. A., ROSlfl CITI CAMP Monday, t elling-Hlrsch bld., Washington near IT.n. rnone 'ura. warn a, A-4181 R N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meets Tuesday evenings. Swiss hall, 8d and jeirerson. MARGUERITE' CAMP.' R, N. Jl wlTi glve'a dance March 1 at ,109 2d7 Ad mlBglon 25c. - . ' ACREAGE 57 . ONI Y SVClCtf) i 0 Sjaa w fs w V 80 acres of ; choicest fruit land on coast, adjoining growing town, SO miles from Portland. D-910, Journal. TEN acres for 8750. Quarter mil frnm Yacol, Wash.; good, level land, two acres plowed, remainder timber, 450 casn or Becuruy; oaiance t years, wm, irie, 67 K. stn St., Portland. TWO and 6 acres for sale chrap, near new Mount Hood electric; fare 10 ets. Must have money and will sell for half price of land sold . near this tract. tf-a, journal. FOR SALE by owner, two and one half aorea, new . 6 room bungalow, good well, close to school, ' 26 minutes' car ride, south of Wichita station,, Cazadero car line, wnas. iMorion. $534 EQUITY in J 12-8 acres, 10 miles out;-priced $360 per acre; must have .... . 1 1 1 II tiAn -nr.,. . money, wui cw ,ur- fivv. t vvrii OQX 11 Arlnta. Oft .' FIVE acres offbeautlful land thorough ly. cleared, on eleotrlo line, near Port-land.- amall payment puts you in pos- iZS ,.ry. 166 ACRES on the north fork of the Lewi river, fine cedar timber, 12 miles Irom R, R, $10 per acre, T-430, Journal. ' ' '. : , ' ' . : 44 Ml -ACRE8--tBHe-etheast-f -Ore gon City, on good county road; 4 acres has been cultivated, 82500. 81000 cash, balam'e easy terms. 8-439,-' journal. $750 BUYS B cres, 18 miles from Pori land, handy to river and rail trans portation; 250 down and $10 a month, M. E. Lee, 411,Corbett bldj ? .acreage; FEW. ' Must- Be Sold , This'.Mohth. IS acres. 8 acres In hlch. state of cul tivation, small house and barn, - good well, fenced, good soil,, no rock or gravel; 100 feet from station, electric carline; to see this means you will buy; let us snow you loaay. jr ice uuu, 81600 cash, balance easy terms. ' , J. D, Al&ln OUiN, i 401 .Washington- st, Vancouver. Wn. Phones, 618 and 166. ' BARGAINS. 10 acre tracts. 4 miles from Meadow Glade sohool and Seventh; Day Adven 1st sanltariam; 8600. terms. 40 - acres, . unimproved ? land, 4 - miles from R.R., station j 335 per acre, terms. aores, improvea, t miles iron n. R. station and 4 miles from the Seventh Day Adventlst school; 82600, $16Q0 cash, balance terms. . , - 80 acres, 60 "acres in cultivation, lra ? roved, 4 iHm from iR, R. station; his Includes stock and' alt implements with hay and grain; $8600, V4 cash. See me for acre ' tracts; nave all slses and prices, with term to suit the purchaser. - - J.' B. ATKINSON, 401 Washington St; Vancouver Wash. V s Phones 18 and 166. VALLH VISTA I acres, 3-8 In cultivation, one end fronting on . Xt.-R and the other on public road, fine land and lies well, right at station; price only 81600 on easy terms. ... 20 acres 8 acres tn cultivation, barh and sever! bearing fruit trees, mil from Valle Vista Station; price $1600. 7 acres, house, woodhouse, fruit house, chickenhouse. and granary, blackberries. rasDberrlea. red and black loganberries, gooseberries, currants and grapes, orchard with several kinds of iruitj.ieasy payments.. , ,: , 3U a SMITH, R. T. t. No. 1, Hlllsboro, Or. ACREAGE: .10 acrea within citv limits of Vaneou ver, all in bearing Italian prunes, good 8 room house, barns, outbuildings and prune dryer. Improvementa worth 34000: all around slatted Into lots: In come from this place is $1600 per year, but It is worth more to plat Into lots. Price $10,600; ,$8000 cash, 6 years on Balance. R. M. HOOD, 804 Lumbermens Bldg. i . SECTION LINE ROAD, 6$ acres, only four miles from city; runs throuKhito Powell valley road: may be had this week for $300 per acre. This is the best acreage buy on the market. , STRONG A CO, 606 Concord bldg. MUST BE SOLD. - 20 acres IS miles from Portland, mort gage coming-due' within 60 days. Sta tion at corner of nronertv and on coun ty road, about 7 cres under cultivation, Come and make an offer. A. W. Smith, room 100 Abington bldg. Phone. Main 5933. Milwaukie Road, Woodstock 100x140 feet for 2750. on terms, or 1600 cash. This Is a splendid buy. and have only ten tracts. UNDERDAHL REALTY CO., ; Room A, Lumber Bxch. Bldg. ONION. CELERY AND ASPARAGUS LANDS. RECOMMENDED BY RES PONSIBLE experts; 20 miles from Portland, close to town and railway sta tion, 8200 per acre. Pacific N.-y. De- yeiopment yju. vvuiiuu like to Ket into comraunlca- tlon with good general merchandise store man; an excellent opportunity for right man. Address L. H, Smith, Hllls- poro,1 ur. Koure i. FOUR one acre tracts north of Beau mont; will' sell one or all; half cash. Lundberg, 102 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE FARMS 11 80 Acre Farm Near Gresham: best of soli. 60 acres in cultivation, good buildings, very best of fruit land, lays fine for subdivision; horses, cows and all kinds of farm im plements: everything goes for 3200 per acre. Easy terms. OSBURN BROS., 508 McKajr Bldy. 31 Acre Ranch f1iaisk 4 1 Afaann l"Mw all 4w,t mr A VBv W Vpivn V - 1 M WW SM1U farm tools, price 86000; liberal terms or will exchange; your opportunity; don't miss it. , Fred L. Strout 310 Oak St. ANYBODY wishing to purchase a small ranch. 31 acres, 7 room house, good barn, 10 acres cleared; will sell right if sold soon. Inquire at Castle Rock, Wash. Owner, C. W, Helm. Terms 10 suit purchaser, FOR RENT 10 acres, 6 onion land, on county road, elentrlo depot. Mrs. Purser, Beavertoh, Or. FOR SALE Owner, farm 140 acres, 14000. cottage 11600; store building, 86500: lot 2250. 201 ',4 E, 34th st FARMS, orchard tracts, fine assortment.- See Oregon Farms Co., 417 Rothchlld bldir. , FARMS for sale. For choicest farms ad dress C.M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. FOR RENT -FARJIS 14 10 acres, 4 acres beaverdam, all fine garden soil, fair house- and barn, on carline, 8 miles center of Portland. This is the finest onion and celery farm near Portland: all In high state of cultivation. Hargrove & Sons 122 Ith st. N., Portland. Or. Phone Main 4381, A-7258. WANTED To rent a ' small improved farm close in for term of years. C- 910, Journal. WANTEDFARMS 88 CONSTANT .calls for farm lands. E. L. Howard & Co., 402 Commercial block. HOMESTEADS 417 HOMESTEADS Located near Portland; good soil, plenty water' and wood; al so wheat, fruit and potato land; crop this year; uso your rights before too late. Koom 21, an ima, A GOOD homestead for you in central Oregon; '820 acres deep rich soil. We can locate you on this. 250 Third st, Portland, Or.- 1 - " ; ; FRUIT LAJVDS 40 ' - A BARGAIN. - Equity of choicest 10 sera Spitsen berg apple tracts in Oregon; $100 down; balance 415 per month; Includes care five years. AH or halt Z-437. Journal. ' . ' , ' ,:- -' EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 84 FOR SALE or trade, improved farm. SSi acres In Wadena county, Mlnno ota. Call or address 641 j Mississippi. WE exchange your property for what you desire. .Portland Exchange, 617 ...ifpait. hlrifl- ' flit Vf . rtri... jpoaro wi j.." ". " "... -irni 1000,000 FEET Douglas county for good auto. Owner. Graves, 1014 Chamber of commerce. IF you wknt to sell, buy or trade, see Shoemftker, $28 and 627 Henry bids?. Main 446b, a-7. - - r"ACRE8, Linn county trade for va. cant. oo ir. r . .iJireaner, juy. wauKie,' ur. WE CAN trade your property or busi ness, van eva otmra x lane. WE trade tqr anything anywhere. Bee v us today. 411 Henry bldg. - ,'. Fll IE1T ECTIAXGE--REAL ESTATE 24 FOR EXCHANGE. . , . 40 acres. White Salmon. 85000.' for city property. ; v- zn acres. Jt oresi urove, . ibboo, lor house and Jot. . . . 1 -. 63 acres, Falls City, 810,600, wants IB000 'residence. ; . ' 1 80 acres, . Estacada, 84000, trada for houMe, ' - 4 1 160 acres. Klickitat county. 34000. for city property. j . tr. iuo acres, - uaiias, vr., f4Bug, want 18000, residence. , '. ' - 160. acre. Orchard, Wasb. 85600, for house and lot 280 acres, Molalla, or 85600, want 12500, house. 604 Lumbermens Bids;. ONE HALF ACRE 8600; terms, chlck- en fenced, 10 bearing apple trees. . , ONE QUARTER" ACRE 3B0;' cleared. 100x100 with shade trees, rest eleared. 8500. ; . ' 1 228 4th ave., Lents. .TRADE ' I wi)V trade for rooming house 160 acres, .valued at $5 an acre, not far from Portland. 1 will pav cash differ ence. Call 15 N. 6th st or 129 loth st. ' GROCERY STORE Best location in City, rent 230, includ ing rooms, stock will invoice 22150. I will trade this for anything of value Call 129 10th at. or 15 N. 5th St. RODMINfi HOIISF monthly. J will trade this for anything of value, Call 129 10th st, or 15 N, 6th st. STORE and apartment bldg., good sub urb, pays 10 per cent on f 10,000; com pleted March " 1,. - Will - trade for good house or acreage. Seward, 48 E. 79th st. rnone Tabor 2765. TRADES If you haVe a rooming house and want to trade it call Main 6377. I can put 60 trades to you and pay half cash witn any or tnem. 811.000 Hotel Drouertv In nrosoerous town; will consider city or farm prop erty; will assume or pay difference.' Angeles Trust Co., 826 , Washington i., room fio. FOR SALE 265x100 ft, 4 room house ana Darn, snort wain irom good car line. Price 81800; terms. Phone Sell wood 246 or call after I p. m. at 834 Clinton st; owner. FOR SALE or will 'exchange lot for a bungalow, by equity. 100x240, at Trv ihgtori Park. If interested .see owner, at drug store. 6th and Burnside. , I WILL buy. sell or trade anything n. f . iee. ipib ttoaro or xraoe oiog. CASH paid for your equity and contract James Co.. 88 10th st A-S799. SWAP COLUMN 25 WILL trade first class phonograph for musio box, ... Portland Phono. , agency, aou -Aioer. Vtt-t t r . . i .... good organ. Portland Phonograph . ten Ai. oL"vJ w w v mvi. - . WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANTED i-From owner, upper Alblna lot suxiou. ror aDout 'iiivu casn. jfuu description ', or no attention. X-436, journal. FOR- quick action,' list your property with us. 315 Spalding Bldg, A-1137, Main 4298 'WANTED Car to overhaul by Belmont Auto School. The best of work as sured at your price. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL AND REALTY CO.. ' ' , Phone B. 2119. East 23d and Morrison, WANTED- I will buy bungalow in gunnyside or Hawtnorne district on terms rrom r owa er. A-906. Journal. WANTED About 8 to 15 acres of good land with Improvements build ings and some fruit within 13 miles of court house. Owners only W-48L journal. t AM looking for a home on the west side, wish to deal with owner, terms. WANTED Bungalow and lot direct. In Sunnystde district; no agents; from owner, rnone Kast in or B-2214. ,WANTED 6 or 6 room house or lot in Sunnyside district, 8 mile circle. K-481, Jofarnal. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 FOR SALE. 6 room house, bath, electric lights, lot 60x100. 22200; $200 down and. $18 per month; 200 feet from carline, close to 42d st ' Come quick, only 8 blocks from new school at Woodstock, a nice little bun galow, all painted, nice large windows, kitchen, plastered and finished up right not finished - inside, small barn, water in barn and fenced: for 2 days only at $800; $200 down, balance $10 per month, CHICKEN RANCH., v - 1 acre, 8 room house and good well water, 6 cent ear fare; $1400j terms. B. 'FE1UHNER & CO., - 193 Morrison st. GOOD WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE, $2200. Located on the O. R N." R. R., olose in, opposite large manufacturing plant: lot 50x135. This kind of prop erty is becoming very scarce and will be very valuable as city grows. Will discount price for cash. Easy terms if desired. Phone me after 6:30 p. m., Woodlawn 2997. Mr. Delahunty, 1144 Union ave. N " FOR SALE HOUSES 01 GOOD imaU house7"east frontull slsed lot, water in, shade, olose to school and oar, near Arleta, $650; good terms. A. L. Barker, 206 Madison. Main 46. . - : i NEW bungalow, with 8 rooms and one acre of land, for sale at $2300, for one week onlv 81400 will handle this; Ueo. Heims. juents, ur. DRAFTSMAN W. Andrew Clarke. Ma- chines ana patents oeaigned. 788 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1969, A-SD31 FINE little furnished bungalow on Mt Scott car line, and lot 60x100, only 81800. Terms $450 cash, $12 per month. rnone to, ziiv, b-hh, HOUSE and lot partly finished; sell easy terms or trade for other prop erty. Boggeas A Co., 221 Morrison, room o FOR SALE By owner, at greatly re duced price, 7-room snap. This snap Is modern. . This snap is on Belmont st This snan reauires monev. B-28RT. A MODERN 6 room house for sale, lot 67X128, a DiocKs irom mi. scott car; ground well improved. Price $2800; terms. b-ub, journal. TENT bungalow, in Piedmont, size 16 by 24, for sale cheap. Phone Wood- lawir iu4v. 4 ACRE end of W-W car line, for sale , n . .,.,( T) V. a n . . T7- M . . I. 6 ROOM modern house, lot 50x124, cor ner 44th and E. YamhilL , See owner In mMTnnen at trim T1ft-a. . i. " - . FINE 7 room house, cost 61500 to buildT ' lot fuxiuu; au gves tor iuu cash. .tw.- oob . .......--:" .. IRVINGTON home, modern in every re spect; price $5750, terms to suit For saje ty owner, rnone n,asi saig. BARGAIN 3 in -houses Rossmere eddl - tlon; terms. F. L. Boyd. Tabor 804. s rt m aiaw XT . " . 893 I -rOlH Al D. B. FLICKINGER. designs ideal homes. Office 208 Lumbermen bids. small payment down. $15 per nioutU; w-otuu. -mail ffvio. RESIDENCES -financed and butlt. A. C. Furlong, contractor, 636 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 4664. . - - 66TH ST., near Mt Koott line, 5 room - bungalow. PhoneEast 1042. ' , 7 n h a m FOR SAL& tlOUSI- r,t eroinwiE rireplace,. furnace, tub - and show.-r uii, jiuuury, steeping porcn, lull ce mrtr flnn- ..1.1.1. i . l.i.u . ... " - - v . , uvuiu Tim kin wiin var papftr between, art irlass windows, sidewalks and street work paid for, gas and tno- to nu lum water, mpnicine chest, linen closet, walls tinted, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, cove ceil ings. .. r - Phone Owner, East 1392 Half block to car. -' Mt, Tabor . A beautiful new bungalow, on, Mt. Ta- bor carline.. 8 brocks from city park; reception hall,-'parlor, ove celling, fire-, place, dressing room pantry,; kitchen. ; bedrooms and bath, best of fixtures. iUi bae-ent, concrete foundation. 60x w. M-tfw juu; zuuu casn, balance & veara af "7 n.r ; n,n. . - - . - -v 1 1 v, w ii m i unjn SOmA mntt.v aA t Af,..i. .1.1. ertv 1600 under former , price. After ""-" , v .. wm do wunurawn from market , . l , ' . R- M. HOOD, - , ' pO Lumbermens Bldg. ' 1 tir7fi T fW 7 MAtn htinalAn.v t,,.ITt ' a -1 . - on bunnlniir llrtasii ani s a,.ia i and out Has, hall seat, window seats. ...i DttueiBq waiiB, tripia windows, j.v.w.0i, vuiru Kucnen, iuii . cement : f on second; store room, corner Y vM.ivy, -. s oiocks 10 Atoerta car in fine neighborhood. This is a finA buy and as low as 8600 cash will handle. : . Cowing & Piircell . . CAT fll4.AUi. nu 507 Scalding Bldg. Hawthorne District , TtnrA - rt A-eay at mjm v..., i , lot and near car. has furnace, fireplace, Dutch -kitchen, hardwood floors, pan eled walls, a built in buffet that can't be surpassed, woodwork is of selected wood and very fine. To see this is to want it Price 3750; terms. towing & Purcell - - c v- . , , Turf . $2000 IRVINfifON RARftAlM - ... . ... u, i . , M, , , , , New and modern. 7 rooms, den and sleeping porch, fireplace, bookcase. iuh. Lcmenc Dasement cement floors, furnace, wash traya r-- 5?JinBroa!lwX. car- Prtc $4500; terms. 82000 casiu . Owner, 270 Oak t. room V At . . - V . - , - EVERY ONE A SNAP. " "' Side Tor sale cheap, viz7: . 6 room house at Piedmont. , .'2750 6 room house at University Park.. 3000 6 room bungalow, plastered, Mt. own canine , ,.,,,..,,,,, 1300 Terms oh all the above.. QODDARD, 615 Board of Trade. ' Rvsll nw It vnnm hMisa si-UiiM w.A ?nn .1 latest improvements, lot 60r ; uurn, n to. win near Hancock.-This is something very swell, and Wan bllllt Tni a hnma . fall. MtA. $6500, some terms. 1 UKUSSi ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg..'4tn and Oak. . : ANABEL BARGAINS: , I room modern house, lot 60x100 close to car. Price 32500, 2100 cash, balance 220 per month. Maim liit... -... (Hka A.m. i. ' balance 816 per month. " 1 i 7 I. MITCH KLTREE, - Anabel, Mt Scott car. Open Sunday. Phone Tabor 810. 1 . CM Aff v Beautiful lot 100x102 - with ' small 1 ' room houso; Just the place for maa alone worth more money. Easy terms. ' uowing fit parcel! ; y-r -'iri 807; Spalding-Rldg.r-ffi;.1 -4CLOSE TO UNION AVgNuk,",l'(''"f 28260 will buv brand' "new 7 room' house with full cement basement, laun dry, rurnacu, combination light fixtures; bath room with latest plumbing, large front porch. Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, " ' ;' ' '' : - 242Stark street. " , ' EAST STARK ST. llOUSB. Good 7 room house, on corner lot 60x88; good location and handy to ear, : E. 46th and Stark; price $2900, $600 cash, balance to suit ' - GRUSSI & ZADOW: ' ' t 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS ' H Wall 7 . rnnm hrniminw . m.... 88250; corner lot, full Basement, south view; 13 minutes' walk to courthouse. vv uuwn nnu f.o per montn. inciuamg interest To see is to buy, Come Mon day. Goddard. 616 Board Of Trade. ' ' ( room new modern house, fine loca tion, close to Hawthorne ave., it will pay to investigate this as it is - the best uy,on the east, side, easy terms. ' GOODNOUGH & SEITZT ' tl) BpaMing Dl(K , j2700-iEXCEPflONALi:t "welibiiTir? - room house. e)ectrlc lights good bath, nne basement The house alone oot oyer $3000; east side, convenient to car; $500 cash, balance easy payments.' Mil-. "r, ii oi naiiiupr oi commerce. THREE modern 5 room bungalows, short uiock 10 cars; one on canine, all full lota, one a corner,; high and Klghtlv, swell view, close m, restricted diBtrlct. $2500-82600.: Clarke, 207 Rpthchlld bldg, 4th and Washington. 5 Beautiful Homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choloe location. . IrvUijfton. C 18B8 E 273 No agents. W. H. Herdmaii A BARGAIN 6 room cottage, full base ment and bath, small team Of horses, double harnesn and 3 wagons; no acrents. ; See owner. 1100 E. 25tli et. N. Phona Woodlawn 1881. , FOR SALE $700. 2 room house and: furniture, corner lot ; 60xS0, fenced; $150 cash, balance $5 month, 6 per cent. Take Mi Scott car -to Tremont ko 1 uiut'RB pm.ri, .1 wesT.. io. NEW 6 room, plastered house, bath," hot and. cold water, basement; $80( cash $450, terms. Car three blocks, o. P. Hedge, owner. Hotel Lents. Lents. fnone uaiuor zoK SNAP Must be seen to be appreciated, 100x100. small house, nice orchard, all kinds of berrloa, garden space, chicken park, near Kllllngsworth ave., by owner, 840 Mississippi ave. SNAP. ' Small house and 48x100 lot, ' close t carline; price $760, easy tcrnm. GOODNOUGH & REITZ, '' ', 810 8paldlng:Mdg. ' " NICE 6 room house, tinted, paneled din lngropm, gaSi hot and cold water, electric liirhts, lot 68x100; lawn. gar- den, garage, , 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave.; sewers, sidewalks. Come and see. Must be sold at once; a snap. 834 E.' 46th at. B. Phone Tabor ar,4. $2000. FOR SALELOTS V THINK IT OVER Then call me up about it. ; The cheapest buy In Irvington, 90x100 on , comer,' 83100; $500 caah. You will lmk a long time before you find one as cheap. Eat : 614.; East 26. ' '-: - . . LOTS, $160 and up, on the new Mt. Hood carline. Soma $6 down and 15 per -month. Buy now while they are cheap H. Ben, real Utw, K. 8utu and E. Qlisan. ' Phone Tabor SQS7. $650 BUYS H acre, 4 bloo'ks from Hiu linitame,'- adjoining - Carson Holght; $50 down and $10 a month. . AI. K L-e, Hi corpott piny. $10 DOWN 16 per month, only 4 1-( i . 69x100, on 100 foot t Sure to in.-j you. Best part .of Peninsula. Mahi FOR "SALE 5 building lute, valui $1V00; must have money; will ai-M-flee-this week, for $o. :- Phone H-II-wood 1459. - ;-- :' BELLE , CREST ' lot ra..-U, ,.t wa-eic.,ea-rni. n-.' $800 EQUITY, -loo too oi iv-r k tT- " addition Will BtU for $450 cash, l l ; ., Journnl, ' 1 FOR SALE -Two "i 1"H ... or addrna 310 11 li-vU' i .. i Or.J. U King.