THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING; " FEBRUARY 25, 1911. 13 JIOKSI3VEniCXrA ETC. is It HORSES' and mare that are In fin working condition; price from 30 to $300 each; from 4 to 8. years old: no old, wornout skates. If you are looking for them, don't torn to our barn. We are in a position to give you lowe prices acedtdlng. to quality than any cam in the city. Come and Inspect this tuff before buying elsewhere. ' These horses can be seen aUl&Ua st. between Overton and Pettygrove. . ' -" " '' Houses for Sale - . II horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs.. t horses, weight 1750 to 1140 lbs. y 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1000 to, 1180 lbs. All will be sold under our guarantee, i HAWTHORNE AVE. tfTABLES. , I , 40 Hawthorn Ave. g . FOB SAL10 Draught and general pur- pose horses. 20 head will arrive Sat-. hurday. , February 26. all firs class norses. weigning rrom iuuw to ioou-.u., fuaranteed as represented, mostly all and years old, some good matched teams, bays and grays..Fulton car, 1640 ; Macadam st.. through week, 227illmon ; st, Phone Marshall 1895. - Main 9186. ' SO FINE young draft horses Just in at ? reasonable prices; 52d St and Sandy : road. Take Rose City Park car. Adams . ft Campbell to HEAD, horse and mares. Just off R. K worn weignt icuu tn IROft Iba. Inquire at of floe Travis Bros.' wood-, yard, E. ' 8th and Hawthorne ave. , BOUND 2100 lb. team, harness, caw farm wagon. 1000. lb. saddle and drivr, cheap, 1050 lb. mare. See ths before baying. ' 270 Jefferson St.. ' ; ' ONB good family .driving horse, 1200 lbs.; 8 years old; will sell cheap., 421 : m Yamhill, East 8882. . ' . : SB, a TV Waft II V W V w -- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 THOROUGHBRED RHODE ISLAND if Egg from my best pens of eplendld winter layers ii.oirper setiing. n. el Carlton, Lents, or., , r, V, 1. Phon Main 8900, or A-sm BUFF Leghorn eggs for hatching: get your eggs rrom cnicnens mat wm iayj from pens headed by prize .winners, fiettln )f 15. 82: 80 eggs for ti60. 1544 t Wabash. ' Phone -Woodiawn iitz. SEVENTY-FIVB-L. C. W. Leghorn pul lets, Wycoff strain : and 25 ' Silver Spangled Hamburg, all lay!n now. Price. 11.8ft each, I Inquire V20B Morri son streerr room 2 fcOOS fof setting, prize winnln stock, . Barred Rocks, Leghorns. R. I. -Reds and others. , B. Groen, 378 85th st. Tabor 105. .V ' ; KINfiLE comb R. I. red and black Ml- norca cockerels.-, JJeil Elliott,- East za and Division sts. ynone lapor zzti. - St head tuberculin ' tested milk cows; V 1. Hon stein bull It months old. Mokel ruce Co.. stockyards; .Woodiawn 2400. RPINGTONS, buffs ahd white stock ana eggs, no scruos nere. unas. Mur- pnyf wooostocK, tieiiwooa izsv. IF YOU went to buy or sell, dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co., at Stock yards. Woodiawn 2400. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for batching, Cook strain. O., K. Poultry Pen, E. th and Willows. M!-V car. , 84th THOROUGHBRED Barred Plymouths, $1.26 for 15. 490 Clatsop St., Beil wood. A. Watt. 6ILVERLACE Wyandotte chickens and etres. eastern cross. Zella Gossett, 7 FOR SALE Fine fresh c$m, good tor ramuy. A. German, iiear jents juno- "CANARY, females, cheap, $47 M'ont- IFOR fiALE -Gentle young milch cow, "W-439, Journal. FO 8ALE--G004 milch cow.. 808 Burn- Ide st. FOR 8-LK MISCELLANEOUS 19 GASOLINE! LAUNCH ' AND BOAT HOUSE FOR SALE. V : 12 passenger s gasoline , launch. : with ., lft-horse bowef enarlne. boat and en gine in first, class condition; also -boat house, brand new. one of the best -gloat- . lng on the Willamette river today, with . one living room in it Price of boat and house, $800; terms can be had, . See swner. 1836 First street, room 24, 60 SLIGHTLY used . sewing machines - at very low prices. Singer, Mrheeler tc Wilson, White, New Home, Domestlo and other machines rented by week and month; all -makes of machines repaired and work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Morrison st Phone Main 2183, A-4599 LAUNCH2x7H, . 2-cylinder engine, clutch, magneii- air pump, whistle, bow and sidelights, life preservers, full v equipment: will trade, . Webber Bros.' Tannery. Fulton. . FOR SALE or tirade on office f urnl ture, three shares No. 1 stock, paying 8 per cent- Phone Or call L Doherty, 87 Grand ave., car The Ross Co,, 3-2(72: NEW and second band pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alleys, rlfrlgerators for lmme , diat delivery. 'Address th Brunswick- ga'ke-C011""! Co., 48 6th st t'LL MAKB exceptionally good terms on, a restaurant range, a plush cov ered lounge, bookoaee and davenport If taken this week. 888 Hawthorne v. TRY the Old Dutchman, pickled Herring. Holland style. It is clean, nice and , delicious. 26o a pint Jar. Ask your ' dealer. H" 1 - ' - FOR SALE Piano, sewing machine and household furniture, all or part; nartygolng east 609 Davis below . FOR SALE Balance of our stock of v famous Chatham brooders at just half price. Corner E. Yamhill and Union ave. Phone E. 614. . STEtNWAT piano, practically new, will sell for 1 250 cash. This barm in will have to be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress J-428, Journal. 1 i BEHRING piano, used tor four months,) cost souu; wm sett ror xzuu cash. This Is a bargain. K-489, Journal. BALLOON and Parachute, good asVneWl up 4 times. H. E. Fox, 1688 N. 4th St., Salem, Or. ' VERY cheap: new furniture In apart ment; leaving city; must sell quick; ' tarm. A-7896. ' ..,;-.-.7V:,,.v $12 GENT'S wheel, coaster, Hartford tires, fine condition; girl's wheel,, $8. 208fe 4th. . '';. '' -v.-- ' JroR SALE or rent logging and hoisting engines.- Railway Equipment ; Co. 71 - 1st st. Both phones. : X" HAFES New and second-hand genuin Hall safes; low prices; easy term. Portland Safe Co.. 86-87 Fifth Bt FOR SALE- An astronomical telescope: Will ;make good -atreet, instrument X-428, Journal. .: FOR SALE One standard rolltop desE and chair. Portland Land Co., 807 uoinniervitu uivck; FANCY oat. hay, also. fine timothy for sale in carload loe. Call or address jm. m.ttianion, neeqviue, ur. vl&Hr-P--aa engine, - good condition, Multnomah Mil 4 Construction Co., E, 8th and Madison sts. FOR SALEGood bloycle; practically new..,f van evenings YVUliams BRAND NEW 850 ohonoicranh -end KA - -- records, all for $27.60; Includes large ilk horn- 'f'423' Jout - ' ' 4 H. P, gasoline dm sv. Joubl cable. ' V aJr cooled ehgino. 1 33ft E, Yamhill. ' PEANUT and nopcorn wagon for sale; s-ood ron 'or gelling. 788 Front st. WHA'l'i-will you give for "$i33.o0 piaiio ' 1 contest gheck. -Phone Marshall 1659. ' $25 drop head eingrer; sewing machine; - complete; call 883 E. Morrison st. s FOR SALE 12 h. p. gas engine. 104 E. 19th N. Kast 440. B-1963. $HOWCASES. fixtures, store ... fittings; new, 2dand. 613 Everett. M. 7617. WELL rotted fertiliser manure. , East WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS 5 "m " " w piiiiii;iiin,a BIIEPARD Furniture Co. gives most for usea furniture, etc. k. . z5 Grand, WANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8181. 841 18 Hawthorn ave. Beater Martin. WANTED To gt ' team to use for ' tlielr care, Hffht work. T-431, Journal. WANTED Large ,eample trunk P-437, t- , Journal. WANTED- BUSCELLAXEOL'S 5 FURNITUR15 and , everything; we pay the beet price for furniture and cloth ing. Phone Globe second band store. Main 2080, 290 1st st. WANTED People of Portland to know ! that X pay tho highest cash price for second hand household goods. N.. M, Seater, 143 Rusfell, East 1S62. .- IF YOU want the r("i money yevr fur niture will bring, save time, call East 4732., 868 Hawthrrne.. Meier furniture Co.f -. - y ' - : '. ; - - KAHT SIDE auction- Jobbers want Id band (nrntture, higtHt price paid. 4 Grand ave.. E. 1481. BE WltsE; get mere for your second band furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8961. A-4445. FOB SALLr-AtTOMOBILES 44 SECONDHAND CARS STEARN8, 1909 model cylinder, vi 80-60 H, -P. Equipment: Top, class front, gas tank, clock, de- 1 moun table rims . . . . . . ... ..,..83600 STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 paasen- ' er, 4 cylinder, 80 H. P. Equip- '. a ? ment: Top, glass front,: speedo- - meter,, gas tank, demountable . rims,, 1 extra casing 3500 PEERLESS. 1909 model 7 paasen- ' en. Equipment: Top, 1 glass , front,' Warner speedometer, gas, . tank .. . ... ... S600 CADILLAC Model -O" 1907, 5 ' passenger. Equipment: , wina- Shield,, ton. 109 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 5 paesen- rer. equipment: Top, glass -' front, Steward speedometer .... 410 PIERCE, 1910 model, t cylinder. equipment: xop, winasnieia, - utewart speedometer, clock, seat cover sT , , , ... PIERCE, 1 passenger, 1908 modal, . first class condition too vAMv , m v3v . ' v : mtIII3r.H. equipped with top and Stewart '' speedometer . , . . .'. .. . . 450 REO, 3 cylinder, t. passenger, - , . equipped wun top ana stewarf speedometer ,,,.,..,.... . ,.', ; 400 OLDSMOBILE. 4 " cyUnder, ' . equipped with ' top and ; glass ' front ....... . . .. . ,, . . ,-, . .. .. BOO BU1CK, J cylinder, equipped with, , top, winasnieia, oiewari speea ... -Ometer, ,, 460 BUICK, model 10, ' 1910 equipped ' with top, glass fron,t, Jones ' speedometer t . 900 STUDEBAKER. 1910, 7 passenger, " . ciiuiypeu vim top, guise iruni, .. Stewart speedometer and clock, , 2000 ; THESE CARS HAVE1 BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCES ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS.'i,S; S ; X-r..,;;! 1 Covey Motor Xar Cor Main 4470."; v 7th and Couch Sts. MAKE THAT MACHINE 6F YOURS TiEW AGAIN Every machine painted by lis is backed by 23 years or practical factoty ex perience,: insuring .high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and-, personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and see our work you'll be oleased. v THE . W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO- . BILE PAINT COMPANY. 64 Union ave corner East Davis st HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-be- trolts, 2 Jlaxwell runabouts, 1 Stev ens Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Bulok, 1 Ford and 1- Packard. Cars called for andrdelivered. Free storage, free demonstration: Fof quick results, tall us jour wants. Address v H. M'MILLAN,' Sales Mgr. 64 Union ave., cor. E. Davis street FOR SALE or exchange, 1909-1910 mod- els: , ( Bulcs. B Cadillacs, 3 steamers, 6 runabouts, 3 light delivery trucks, 3 Chalmers. 3 Pooe-Hartfords. 1 Stoddard- Daytons, 2 .Max wells, all In first class condition, nail Portland Auto Commls- slon house, 80-62 N. 7th St GASOLINE engines from 1 to 30 horse - power.power spraying machines, pump inn plants, etc. . See our 4 H. P. sta tionary engine or sawinjrood.-eto.. for $145; guaranteed.' East TamhtU and imion ave. rnone u;ast n. . i Bargains! ' Bargains! 1 Auto tires and inner tubes, all sices at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-8646. Elton ft Humer. HAVE bought a larger can Will trade a 6-paasenger Franklin cheap to right party, equipped with loose, tonneau, truck tody, wind shield; extra casings; guaranteed in a-i snap, can m-iuiy, FOR auto bargains see the Custom House Auto Co.; or write for our bar gain list We are sure to have the car you want. 331 Everett. Main 1849. OLD 'auto tires 6c per lb.,, delivered; old Inner tubes no a id., deiiverex We also buy copper, brass, cast Iron. j. Lieve, 18 uoiumoia st., m. biss. WANTED Second hand aide or for door car or delivery van for motor cycler State condition and price. Gresh- am, rvuiv . dux ioi, White Steamer Auto For sale. Enquire room 827 Corbett Biag. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE AUTOMO pir.ra iNn estitk oat.t. AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. FLETCHER & McANTIRE. 808 BOARD OF TRADE WILL exchange auto for real estate. 330 Lumbermen bldg. Phone Mar shall 297. ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 64 CELEBRATED Weleer upright, mission case; absolutely new. . My price $185; sold by others 3350. Garner, 22S 6th at FINANCIAL CI WILL pay cash for builders equities or first and second mortgages or con tracts, 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 8500. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED-About $1800 on choice 11 acre homo- near Oregon Electric; 8 miles from Portland limits; 'buildings nearly new; perennial spring, on county roaa. i-4o, journal SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical, i alqohollc, genuine tub baths for the ladies and gentlemen; chiropodist; 7 Kftieign Diag. 2000 wanted on Improved real estate; will pay private party 8 per cent D- 4 8 P.- Journal.'-- - WANT loan of 6700 on house and' lot 1 to 3 years, 8 per cent E-432, Jour- nai. WANT $1500 at 7 per cent on home worth 83400; will pay costs, but no nnmmtimlon. . J.4AG. .Tntirnal - v "PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANS.'"" " Will pay 7 and 8 per cent Ask Mr. Easton. Want $2000, $3000, $4000. $5000. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spalding Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN OB dwellings, $1709 In-1 -e I amounts. 81lght charge to borrower. Any good location Ward. Allsky bldg. $1600 to loan at 7 per cent. Howard , Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg., 6th and wasningtonsts,- $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenale A Co., Gerlinger bldg.. Id , and Alder, MONEY loaned on diamond and jewelry: strictly confidential. 141 . 8d t st, near Aiaer. ;AVILL loan $5000 or less on real estate, ",tl..l..,.l.. 111 R.II.MI1 kU. . MONEY to loan on real estate,. Harding . Reynolds, 813 Chamber of Com. MORTGAGE loans 4 to 8 per cent city ana irm property, xuo uoucn Diag, LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel, ine ixan i ueaum Diag, WILL loan 320.000 or less real asfata. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 & 7 PER CENli "l)t!I SALOMON. 283 STARK fiT rarnngton. ei t:ommerciai uint biag SALARY LOANS cSNFIDENTIALT h . m. A . , E II LI. . MONEY to loai. on improved real estate. I. L. White. 831 Sherlock bldg. QUICK loans on all securities. JJ. W. ' King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 8109. MONEY to loan. 6 t 8 per cent Good - nongh & Belts. 810 Spauldlna; bll d g. r PRIVATE funH, loan on improved city property, 8 to 7 P. ct M. 2018, E-205S. 37 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. . - LUST'S BE YOUR BANKERS. , WE .LOAN MONEY -TO ALLJIONEST EMPLOYES' ; WITHOUT SECURITY.- ' NO MORTGAGE. NO INDOR6ER. ... EVERYH1NO STRICTLT , CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, ' , 80S FAILING BLPO. WHY BE- BROKE? You can have money for the asking. I loan on furniture, pianos, autos and other securities in amounts of 1 10 up. Low rates of interest. Loans made im mediately and confidentially. M. Maid en, 822 Falling bldg., cor. 3d nd Wash ington aim Will Loan You Money ' On your furniture, plana or real estate. Lowest rat of Interest Se me first ' J. Ee Nichols , 829 Board of Trade Building MONEY loaned In amount from $10 up on all klnila nt . aaMmrltiea. furniture. J ilanos or any personal property; week y or monthly payments; low rate con fidential. Gray & , Cunningham, room 201 Rcthchlld Wdg., "287 H Wasblnftpn PL, JT7. w wit ivu aim bvu pw. MONEY advanced salaried people. h . keepers and other, upoo their hwuee- ws aameu without security ; cheapest ratea easiest, payments; offftsia, 88 princi pal cltiss; sav money by get tint, ' jur term s, Tolman, 317 Lumber Eichanga Quick loans , en furnltur t and pianos, storage receipts, life Insur ance policies, livestock, real eatate, to. U. S. Real Estate A Brokerage Co.. 813 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. I aoodat the Employer Loan Co, 111 v Abinston. 1U 8d SL. .. X IF you own a lot and Wish to build w will do th rest, from- 9309 down, bal ance like rent Granberg 4 Jovik, room 3-6 30 H Grand kvnae. .;y:vJ;- f ' LARGE and SMALL amounts 4o IX) AN .Portland and Suburban Real Estate. J. P. TIPTON CO.j 1108 Spalding Bldg. Phone Marshall 2745. Ask Mr, Eastoa HAVE 84000 on . closeln real estate. Smith-Wagoner Co., . IU-813 Lewjs MONET to loan on Improved real estate, no , commission charges, r Pacific States Fire Insurance Co. a ? LOWEST RATES;' loans on any aecurh uea, coaueis or real esiaie. unios Loan Co-736 Lafayette bid., 8th St Wash. MONEY to loan, lara-e loans a specialty, ouiiaina loans; loweei raies; lire in uranfce. W..G. Beck. 313 Falling. 1 NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , ' : in the District Court of the United Sutes for the District f Oregon. - In the matter of Abe Raymond, bank mot: No. 1721 in bankruDtcr. Notice is hereby given mat on me 99A Aaxr t,t V.hpn.lhr k T 111 AH Raymond of Portland, Oregon, the bank- rupc aoove namea,- was- amy aajuat cated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, rooms 401-3-8, Fenton building, Portland. Ore gon, on the 7th day of March. 1911. at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a . trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly com before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired i by the . bankruptcy act, and sworn to. , : Th schedule filed discloses no assets, CHESTER O. MURPHY. , Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated February 24th. 1911. . KATE E. INGOLDSBY ESTATE. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. : .. , : (In Probate.) Notice is hereby s;lven that the un derBtgned, Administrator of the estate of Kate K. Ingoldsby, deceased, has filed his final account and petition for dis charge as administrator with the clerk of the county court of th Stat of Or egon for Multnomah county, and that the courity 'court of said state of Ore iron has set the same for hearing and ex amination on th 27th day of March, A. D. 1911, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the county court room In th county court house, In the city of Port land in Bald county and state. Any andall persons interested may at or before saliMiour of hearlntr file ob jections to saldTlnal account f JOHN K. KOLLOCK, Administrator of the Estate of Kate B. Ingoidsby. Deceased. . Dated February 25. 1911, LOST ANT FOUND 21 LOST Black medium slzfd, part Cocker Spaniel male dog, named' Nlg' wore ooliar with small padlock. Hi S. Hunt- lngton, 122B Thurman st LOST Diamond shaped diamond locket; 1 stone in center; liberal reward. P. J, Nolan, 404 Blaokatone hotel. LOST Two keys, No. 1493; please re turn 6724 40th ave. 8. E. Mt Scott car; receive reward. ' A PLACE to have your clotues steam or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College Inn Cleaners. Wash., op p. 18th. A-1866. LOSTWednesday night at 6th and Washington, a long: black neck fur. Finder please return to Journal office. LOST Keys with tag room 8. Return to E. C. White, 17 th and Upshur ts. and get 60c. ' PERSONAL' 22 MEN CURED QUICKLY " Modern electric treatment for dls ases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. WM. Howard, M. -D 804-6 Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. GET married; matrimonial paper con talning advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the United States, Canada, rich, poor,, young, old Protestants, Catholics, mailed" sealed free, p. K. Gunnels. Toledo, Ohio. 1 ' Are You Ruptured? Tho perfect truss is mad-and fitted bv a tpeciallst to men. women and chil dren. : Satisfaction guaranteed or no char. Wilson. 66 th at - OCCULT, new thought, scientific and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list: also catalogue of occu't or scientific books sent on application. Jones Book Store, Henry pidg., 284 oak st t)H. 1.KWI1 Physician and eura-eor: treats women and children exclusively; private- hos pitai accommoaaticne: examination free. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants Trust bldg., gin, ana wash, GERMAN boons, nagaainea, novels, etc, Germau, English. .. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries: forelcn doors ot an xinus. ocnmai uow lit 1st at. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseaaea of tneu; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen viands, kid. ftey. nladder and pll?il$l FlrstTPert- isna DR. SANDERSON CO.. ISavin and Cotton - Kooi rius, sure remeay ior tieiayea periods; $2 box or 8 boxes $6. Druggists or mall. T. J. pierce, 246 Morrison st SEX01D- A marvelous cure for weak ness in men; money returned if it falls; price $1. T. J. Pierce, 346)4 Mor- SUFFERERS from piles. - A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when curea. nuoar mig. un., -tf. u., oox i'ii. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore , lost vitality. 26c box, 6 boxes $1.36. Btipe-tayior urug jo Morrison, Wrinkles ren ivo sagging oorftd in 16 minutes; iree-demonstration, f Relling-Hirsch bldg. Neo Plastiau Aaoy. GERMAN physician gives body massage at patron's residence. Phone Main 9711 San Francisco Examiner; 318 Washington. Main 9262. WOMEN Use Femoid when other rai I mml i mnA r uarnlaA h ik...Aiu. p'lund'Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st Main 8106 FTre SALE -High top shoes anoTlog- gerr Doots at nair price. All Bites. Not aamagwi. Z4h Burnside. MARRTAGE paper with description, ' many with means, sealed. Mrs, Bell. mis wiagnoiia av.. i.oa Angeles, cat BALM : figs, rind for dlaeaees of women. . iti x.via st Main 921a, MONEY TO LOAN 22 ' DR. AL1CB Av uRIFV. k Diseases ef women and children rs clusively. Women are often saved s vers surgical operations bv consulting me.'' Nervous diseases ef children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor reepondebM solicited. No ebarge for consultation. Phones, Main 8928. A-8607. Office room 10. Grand Theatre tidg;. VsMnrw-snd Park. ' - . LISTEN) NOT YET; BUT SOON! WOMEN WHAT IS ITt RELIABLE. ALLETIDER S1KKER. A LIQUID. ' KNOWN AS BEST. - ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ' FOR ALLETIDER SIKKKR, . $t. . ' A. W. ALLEN CO., Dlstrlbaters, , for Portland. , , BUSINESS DIRECTORY --fM"MipTfl4an. ADJU8TJERS AP APPRAISERS WHEN in doubt about valuation, have It appraised. VNorth western Appraisal Co., 808 Board of Trade. ' " 1 - . A6SATETU9 t"ptajiaM4 WELLS PROEBSTEL, rfesayers, ana lytical chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7808. MONTANA asy office, laboratory and ore tetting .orK. 'a Morrison. - ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTISTS materials, ntctur framing. H. Hi MXornoose at vtf., ll wasn. sv AUTOMOMLB SCHOOLB. . Belmont Auto School - The only thoroughly equipped school ON THIS PACIFIU vvASI. . "Thorough Instruction, competent managemont ana practical wora. : E, 23d and Morrison Take S-8 or ML Tabor car: look as tra pefore deciding to -enroll . oiwewncro. ATTORNETB A. E. COOPER, Attorney -a t-Law. Prao- tic in an courts. Aosiratis exam ined. 718 Chim. of Com. M. 71. A-8071. H IT.. RKXHON. traneral nractlca: col lections, abstract 20 Washington nia. CHBiaTdPHERRON Ml MATTHEWS general practice, 405-8 Buchanan mag. AUTO EXPRESS. AUTO EXPRESS quick delivery. 403 Com'l blk. A-1838; Marshall itm. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 3d St. Blank book mt g: - agts. for Jojea Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; se th Hew tcurexa tear. A-aisa. Main BICiCLES AXl) MOTORCYCLES STALE Motorcvclea - Second-hand wheels bought soiu. Kepairing. i mia BUSINKSS &ARD9 Street ' paving, sidewalks and cross, Inn. 817 Beck bldg. fHE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COH Portland ornce, eun isiectnc oiog. J AS. Mcl. WOOD CO.. all kinds ef Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARTEir CLEAXiyo JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty, m. x m. inn w, lONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteea. fi. 3B0. h-zz3 CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 188 Union ave., near E. Morrison. Colonial rag carpet and run. 11 Patton ave, Phon Woodiawn 2691. CHINESE DOCTORS LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots cure an disease or men. One treatment rree; nt rnirq at. DR. Blng Choong, physician for men and women. Guaranteed cure. 226 Alder. DR. MRS. S. K. CHAN cures all dis eases of women. 226 Morrison st DR. L. T, YEE & SONS, 142 fat it Main 8464, A-386B. CD IROPK ACTIO DOCTOR DR. A S. DOUGLASS. 338 Union av. N. Phone Diast Dzti. uonsuitauon and examination free. CHIROPODISTS GRADUATE chiropodist,' manicurist race and scaip specialist, i naieign bldg. 6th and Washington. . CHIROPOUTk manicuring. oaip. Mrs. Dunton. i wssn. aiarsnau nzv. CHIROPODY, AND PEDICURING Mr. M. U. Hill, tgn rneoner Diag. CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch.". Craln Com. Letter vo. a-4ho. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley, civil engineer, 1006 Chamber of commerce. Martsnau ib. CLOTHES BUY, sell, alt kinds clothes, shoes, fur niture. 320 Jefferson, fllargnau lt. WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothes and snoes. z,3 reont. Mam 4xuz. COAL AND WOOD WOOD. Fin country slabwood, sawed, $3.76. Four foot slabwood, per cord, $2.76. Inside wood sawed, $3,50. 1000 ft of new cull tics, sawed, $6i60. SEGHERS WOOD CO- 9th and Gllsen. Home A-2416. M. 6369. ' Dry BJock Wood Mtiert with amall wOnd. 14. K0 ' n,r load, delivered anywhere in city. Port land Wrecking Co., 105-107 N. 11th st Main 37, A-373B THE ECONOMY. Fuel Co. handles - all the befet tirades Of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special prices on car loads. - B4343. East 814. 646 East Anfceny, . Seghers Wood Co. 9th and Gllsan Street'a Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood , ' Fir. Oak, Ash. ' Main 6369. A-2416. Meier & Frank take odera for our standard -grades, or phone East 309, or C-3308. Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. CtaarcoaLJ DELIVERED PROMPTLY1- Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st Yamato Wooa and Coal Company. EAST 313 B-18 167 PHAI Alblna Fuel Co4 UUnL 47 Alblna ave. WOODProM ia8n2?c?iiV7l WOOD RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot of Yamhill Bt; country slabwood, or short and block wood, inside wqpd. Marshall 1304, A-3829. ,- , f -T. flOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO, Main 8163. A-3843. Dry Inside wood, Jreea sutbwood, , clean sawdust for bed lng, cut fuel: blockwood. - , : COOS BAY COAL CO., 191 Burnsiae Kt. , fhones, - ain zzs. A-IZ7 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 81$ Water at Marshall 960, .) i fsawed wood dellv-1 ered. any uuantity. Main 1606, .Honio A-1108. wdob NEER & FARK jkAir No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft... sawed to- order. OREGON LUMBER A FUEl, Ca" Block and trim Wood. Tabor 3811 CITY, MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook ft Son, 2rt and Clay. Main 3243. A-4322 DRY MIXED cedar 83 a load tor dav ouly. Main 2153. A--.' 30 COAL AND WbOD NOTICE pSnSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD . 60 78 GHKEN 4 FOOT WOOD . INSIDE GREEN SHORT ,....,.$ DBY- SHORT WOOD . ........ .$4. 160 00 crt v fuoi, iur aucj tnu yeuuiai, Tnc Pcrtlaod Slabwocd Co. 4 Main 8119. A-7001 CORD wood dellvered'anywhere in city. wnoiesaie; retaiL East 819, B-808. STANDARD WOOD CO. Wooa and coal. 347 E. Stark. East 2316. B-1S95. COLLECTIONS LET -US get your money for you. Claims Of every description collected on a strictly percentage " basis ane w her. Telephdne Main 8410. t Col ton Adjust ment Co.. 410 Abington bldg.. Portland. CURRUNT and delliiq jent accounts col- lectea. - wens Mercantile Agency. 70J Board of Trade bldK- 4th .-na Oak sta NOTES, accounts, collected, everywhere. - Guarantee CoUertinn' imnn 821 Mati. ry bldg.- Marshall 2688, A-7780. - PORTLAND Collection Agency, AlIdeDU cqnecteo. 817 aiibkv A-7.117: M. 4232i COLLECTION SPECIALIST f PHYSICIANS' and dentists' voilectlon only. L. Plncknev Whlta. Ualii AO 7 4. A'7016. : CONSULTING ENGINEERS t a 8. GOLDBERG ft CO., 813 Couch bldg. concrete warenousea, power plants., conveyors, elevators,, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 8028. OONTRACTOKg AND BCILDERS PORTER A PENN Conorete founda tion, construction estimate on all kinds of cement work. 107 N, 14th. Main 8887. : FOR' cement work, plastering, j brick Vork. excavatina-. caJl an O. HSCiman. Marshall 1441; .92 G rover st BURTON, 148 1st, architect-builder. Estlmates'furnlahed M. 1817. Arl817 WILLtAAt FISHBECK. carpenter and builder, lobbing and contracting. 204 in. Main oati. UNITED Eng. & Construction Co., engl iieciB miiu ountraoturs. yii i.ewiB, 1 BAICI-f Q 25o PER lesson, 4 lessons for $1; waits, ttfA.fllari thrA-aW-tt-aan at t O-a 4annn etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady ana gentlemen teecners. Fror. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and only rcog. nlsad leading academy for correct dane- eao-w vyasn., pet, w. rarK ana lutn HEATH S dancing schooL 108. Second st. between Washington ands8tark. stag dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in . 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings, 8 to. 12. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cur pyrrobea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Abington CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. gzH Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE snd Associates, Painless Dentists, tnirq ana Washington sts. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S . of. 124 Flanders. At. 408. Hosp. B. llttl. B. 644. FURNITURE AND STOVES. UNION Salvatre Co.. 182 Front at. Mae 796. Highest price for 2d hand goods. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for-rent cr sale. Pacific Elec tric engineering Co.. 318 2d st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re- moved. Mrs, m. p. hhi. 429 pitedner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United iuiectnc liarment to., 637 Alder. FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING and repairing at your home, 18 years In Portland. East 6609. GLAZING UNITi-O uLASS ft GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. GASOLINE K.NU1M STATIONARY and mariner electno equipment; launcbea, accessorlea wholesale and retail; engln repairing. Reterson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison, HAT FACTORY MEN'S bats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in th city, 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester blug. Hats direct from the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING DO NIKE, 283 H Froht st. i makes a specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience in New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND HospltaL association, 803 Kotnonnq piag. fine Mam 701. HOME TREATMENTS VIA VI assists natur to remov cause or disease, gp Kothchlld bldg.. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates & Lively. 818 Fall ing bldg. Every form insurance, bonds. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. wooanwn ,uz. u-zuus. insure now. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD.. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every .description: ..tap manufacturers, finding LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library . 196 th. bet Taylor end famhlll. Books 3c per day. MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. Send for our booklet. 220 Drexel bldg. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Hvdrnullc and sneclal nlnea screens, haazlnu. mlnltttr maebtner. All kinds repairs 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM, nerve, rheumatic, dl- restive disorders. 303-8 Oregon lan bldg MILLINERY GOODS N. Y. Hat ft Cap Co., whsle., 573 1st Spec cap orders, mfg,. Beaver Shirt. M'll 1913 MUSIC TEACHERB B. THIELHORN.' violin teacher: nunf, Sevclk, 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.1629, PROF. T7HE. LAWSON7135 14th"st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 60c. PIANO, violin trombonei cornet, guitar. . banjo. Prof. E. A. Smith. 293 12th. MULTIGRAPHINQ MULTI GRAPHING, hhorthand. typ. writing, w. i os. tianucnanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS , 8EIBERLING-LUCA8 MUSIC CO.. 124 3d; complete line musical mds. Fre caiaiogue tiuescner nana instrument. NATUROPATH DOCTOR f Dr. 8. F. Grover, naturopath, chiro practic j specialist; paralysis, - rheuma tism, nervous diseases. Call or write. Phone Main J 142. 703 Oregonian bldg. REAL ESTATE HAUt-J ' '-v."'c . - - -iV : . ,- ADUMKBS--' ' ' ' , v " It Baker, D. M-dty, Farm Property...... 3 03 Corbett Bldg...,,A-4492, Maisrim Bvrri't) Unuij Conipany 2-10 4tb.. .............. ,.Wrtl;n 2S. A-4m Branc-meele Cosipioy. .,...erooi;l floo tfnU Dldt:,...Mla and a 171 Brabaker Benedict .30 Mf" Bug. Mxla i Burtenshaw ii Buehler...., ...... ...... Hawthorne and E. 49th. . ... ,TalMr 1743 Oispln A Berk... .....8S3 Cbnibr l Commeree.. ....... .Mulo l 1 Cook Co.. B. B.... .........508 Cilt Blit ............ ..Mi S5.1. A:-i Khpd j Msokey 1 Cfcjmhtfr of rnmmre....Ma. in A-19 u.r.h.ll W H.. ranns. City Property Bonm.T, 20OH Alder.,.. ...Main 7t Orefon Seal Estate Co, Tn shield!. 17 H Tsomywa, M. B. C. OPTICAL SPEaALlSTS . GLOBE OPTICAL CO.; 826 H YVil1?!" "ton st. Eyes examined. Free advice. . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS nr.' W. W. Christie . Osteopath, chronic ;?f rvous diseasej, !I1R MBOieaV OlIJB. mam OH-II MP""! ' - "II . t-i V. art. DR. LILLEBELLK MUliw'u.v .j eialist on nerves acut and ehronle "ese. 917 Tentow fcldr Main 8961. Klrkvllle. Ho. 1898; post graduate 1907, 1122 Sell- Ing bldg. : i)R. X. IL HOWL AND, general praeu- DRS. L. B. AND E. M. SMlm feneral tloner. soz rieianr pm. - oractitioners. 4 DR. KATHRYN utitttvh aneoiallst IVehlMren. 302 Flledner bldg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS V. B. BEACH A CO Pioneer fm wo. 181 1st Main 1834. A-7041, RASMUS8EN CO.. "High iHwn " ' . paint, n. cor, in w i " - PAINTING AND PAPERING T, J. WILSON. 137 Madison Jt .., lntlng, paperhaoKlng, prices. FOR h-t. work. Pfices rlghj t cal I P. A l inane. i unron. dhi SET our price on Pf'ntlng. W'- ln. tinting, cmrm miliar PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Moclt Attor-nev-a t-Law. lati U. 8.Patent Office; book friL 719 Board of Trade omg R7C. WRIGHT. U. 8. ana lore,?n p-v- ents; mrnne-emenT PIANO TUNING FRED JACOB8EN. piano iJjf.- H.V years expenemp. PLUMBING AND HEATING QASFITTING fnd Jobbing, conta or you furnish It L-488. Journal. . PLUMBING, heating eto. Robert Gil Hnt vnric wa iuriiiu lan, 16 lllin. pmn I"'"1'"- PRINTTNO WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things wlthv type and Ink on paper. i4i ! I J Barber Mz wnite. muni PUBUC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, short notice. E AUen, sis ureitonian " -. . ROOFING, PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job blng. Loin & Holier, 213 Jeffron. Main 1424. . RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. .Cjnv nlnaham Co.. 231 Starte Main 1407. SAFES THE Moslr Safs Co.. 108 3d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockout opened, bargains In second hand safes. SANATORIUM HILL'S SANATORIUM, 696 Front Main 451. Guaranteed cure for Rheumatism. SANITARY ENGINEERS J. A. GRANT. C. E., '214 Couch, bldg., A-4963. Inspections and reports, bac- terioloRlst SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE' PORTLAND pays highest Jrlc for 2d hand goods. 803 1st M il 1003. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of - every . description. bank, oar ana iivrt imu wut order. ' The Lutk Mrg. co. VUK JAMES 1. MARSHALL MFG. ca, new and old showcases, cabinets, store snd office fixtures. 389 Couch. M. 3703. R. H. BtRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. snow cases in stoca. rrompi aeuvery. dales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST tn Portland. 8ee tbetn. 891 wasnitigton t. b. b.. unpen. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS, FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers in in nortnwest, m. 7th and E. Everett sta Phones. Easi 1111. Hem .B-2234. , : " . "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign CO.. ii Btra. Main tan. STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchanan bldg. ; best typewriting papers, m. ib8. STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-403 Abington. M. t87, A-Q33B. uepositions. SPECIALISTS FOR MEN OUR guarantee NO MONEY RE QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED- IS your absolute protection. : Consultation, ex amination ana aiagnonis tree.- uur sne- clalty Is ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. wnat you want is a cure, come to us and get it. Hours daily 9 to 6. Even ings, 7 to S. 8undays 10 to 1 only. Vll. green co.. 8z wasnington st, Portland, Or. SURVEYORS SUBDIVISION work a specialty, A G. Benson. 20 Wash. bid. MarslmlL-192. TAIiAORINQ ALFRED OGILBEE, S10 Labbe bldg. 2a ana wasnington. suits to oroer. 5US SEAQUIST. tailor and draper: ex. elusive patterns. 245 Washington st TAXIDERMIST F. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and furrier: glass eyes, 249 Columbia. TRANSFER 'AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. ' " k i Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agenta Storag; f re trackage. Office. 210 Hoyt t, bet 5th and 6th. Phones: Main 69: A-1169. PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. nUb - and Kventt sts.. lust CDened newvat most moden storage werahouse tn iitr, very convenience foj safe and proper handling cf koods: lowest Insurance rate in nonnwest; fr trackag, vaa C Ot.PICKTranstr ft Stora Co.. of fice and commodious 4 stury , brU-H warehouse, separate Iron room. antf fireproof -vaults for valuables, forth west corner 10 ana rine Kt." i'ir..t and furniture moved ani pacl:-' I for shipment. Main 6t; a-T-i exPressTn'v;. '.. i". . 7 cltylowist prl.-w. I ' i FUUNITUM 7t-' Transfer to. . DIRECTORY 2'AJl,n4'',SuitDO'lnl - ..t JT. C-1T Bid... Mate MT4 Benry Bldg,. tta-Oslr .M. WHH. A X' rt TOWEL BCPPLT LBAN towela daily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co 9th and Couch sta. i per in on tn. Portland Laundry Pbon Main 410. A-44I9i TRUNKS ! SIMONS TRUNK WK8.,- 657 1st. Trunk factory prices. Repairing. , M. 9318. TYPEWRITERS JLU malten rented, repaired, sold. - Cun , Bingham Co-.; 231 Stark. Main 147. 'VETERINARIAN Stables; East1 72. 697. B-1349. j .WALL iTAjnEft'jfiSD TINTTNQ , M'CUNTOCK & GROOCOCK, Inc.. 18 4th. Main 188. Tinting, painting, wallpaper. paints and Varntahes. I WELL DRILLTNO DRILLING wells a specialty- prices ra. whwib. wn nun ti or write it.-. West 182 Morrison at. , . . v?jLL. Jrlll,n contracts. J. W. Green; Vancouver. C-3478. j .WINDOW CLEANING t NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO.- . 63 N. Park st Phon Main 7386 : WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING A FARRELL, produce and - commission merchants, 140 Front st. Portland. O. Phone Main 178. ,-. . ' M. A. GUN8T aV CO. ; DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. . WADHAMS i CO., wholesale grocerS .i?Vluciurer nd ffee roasters. 4th tA imer, Wh tpeir Col. imp. anj dom. hangings. Wholesale and retail. "V." WAtL. PAPER CO, 230 ii . ii.icn oaimon ang Main. . lOWZ3t OOaCTAJTY. ' , :' City Xdnes. "' ' "TicketOffice and Waiting Room." First and Alder Streets? Portland and Oregon - Cltv I j.flv Portland, First and AdSr streets. 40 m 6:30 a. m., then every 30 minutes. (on the hour snrt hloht.,T J includln, 9:00 mT then lo':00V p rZ UAi p. m. Last train 12:00 midnight . Ea,5vlw,?m! Troutdale 8:65: 7:4t S;Jr4i4B6: ,,!445:4?vlm"' 6:46 p. m. , . . ; Tuecww 111 : ' , A. M. 6:15, 6:60, 7:28, 8:00. 8:33. P. M. 12:30. lilO. i.ra im' ... 3160, 4r30, 6:16, 0, gad, 7:0s; 7:40. "11:46. ' :"' l0:0, "l0:. On the third Monday in every inonto the last ear leaves at 7:05 p. m. - Cars for Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Burnstde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengers, but make stops to pick up pas sengers at all transfer points., ' r itntuuvnr io connect 6:60. 7:26, 8:00, 8:36. 910. 9:46,' 10:30. 10:66, 11:30. 13:65. " On third Monday of evarv month h last furry leave Vancouver at 7-93 p. m. ' ... - . . - Leaving ; time j blackface. doubl,. tralna - .---J'y - - .. . Car front Vancouver make no stone on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and 'Biirnald street exoent to let off passengers. Dally except (Sundays Daily except Mondays. ' Runs a loeal on Trnlon avenna TRANSPORTATION HONOLULU ' i ' AITD THE VOLCAJTO The TRIP HOST COMFXIJnra an.l worth while, excellinr all others for novelty and pleasures. The Volcano of Kllauea, the largest In the world, is tre mendously active. It i now possible to make this desirable trip with speed and comfort and the price la low, 3110 first class, San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and 345.60 for side trip from Hon olulu to volcano,' includln rail and auto to. Kllauea; hotel at Hilo. also, Volcano House. No ,ther trip compares with this. Be sure to visit the Islands and DO IT NOW while the volcano Is active. S. S. SIERRA, 10,000 tons displacement, sails Jan. 14. Feb. 4, Feb. 25. March 14. - OvJBAHXO SV. B. 479. , , ( 873 Market Street, 8a Fraadsoo. oris B i t i a THAKSPtmTATIO W CO. Btr. J. V. TEAL P r 1 f k . Heed, daily at Oak 88. Dock for Cell to. The rullew Hood River, v White , Salmon ' . and all Intermediate point. , Steamer leaves Portland Sundays. . Tuesdays and j Thursdays at 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves The Dalhis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m. arriving at Portland about 4 p. m. same aay. ,a. b. wuxtinu. Phones Maln.2960,, A-3527. , Agt Captain W,, B.uchahan, Supertntendfntv ' 0.VV,R.&M.C0.KJsT" Leaves Portland c'aily except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Majtes all war Jandlnga. Arrives at Astoria at 6.00 a. m. Leaven Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 a. m, Arrives Portland at 6:00 p, m. Makes direct connection with uteumer Nahcotta for Megler, Ilwaco. Long Beach and all points on the Hwaco dl'slon. f tr. A.'NVIL." For-TUlamook, NtrwportrBandatt-Knd : Coqullle river points with,, passengers and freight, nails from Alters dork N. 3, Monday, Feb. 27, 5 pi m. Freight re ceived up to noon for Bandon and. C. ?ullle river points and up to 3 p. m. or Tillamook and Newport. , Phones Main 151. A-1903. Ticket office 198 3d st. Phone Main 633. an rrauclsco ft Sfortlaad Bteamaiup Co, New service to Los Angeles via tta Francisco every, five days. -From Ainsw.orth dock. Porttand 4 p. m.s Beaver Feb. as, Fewr Mar. 83. City Mar s. From San Francisco, northbound, 11 in : Bear Feb. 85. K. City Mar.8,Bvr Mar.7 From San .Pedro,- northbound: . 3k Cltv Pb. 88, Svf Mar. 8, Bear 10. It. O. Smith, C. T. An 149 Tl.ivd K. . J. W. Ransom, Agent, AinsWortH Vo X Pbones: Main 40. 888 A-140a. BAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELL',3 ' AND SAN DIEGO DlP.Ul ' wowrst Acrrxo s. . t". U. g. KOA&OtCa and . S. XLZJk g -til Every wednemiay, alternaujy, at t m r i. Ticket office 133 'li irO, near A'- ' t bones r''i 1314, A-1M4. i'tiH J. hicl! it. i : cocii bay" "l.!: ' tr. Z-ak 1-,m-;.h;,. p u : i . 1 lit ssiila frnru ' !. in . ' t. Tf . "f " wun ran, ior roniana a. M. -6:00. 6:36. 7:10, 7:4 8:20, 85, 930, 10:lo! 10:60, 11:30. & M.12no; 12:60. 1 30 3:10., lit,,; 3:30. 4:10 4:Ro. I.An .t'.il' WW V