THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY, 23,-1911. ' HORSES." VEHICLES. ETC. IS j 11 'S TEAM AND HARNESS. i ' Bay and sorrel, weights 2400 lbs., good .. puuers, , suitanie ror rancn or .express, t harness lh heavy breeching, all conn f plete.' Also good wagon, Ho, .606 Alder ! , , , ' ' - - - '. u .! i-.r.inaiciiea aorrsi iiujnm, 100 lb., matched extra well; true pull- era everywhere: Hffht off a crave! wag-' on. Also , heavy harness, all "suitable 1 for ranch or heavy- hauling. . Owner I ranch otheaVy -hauling. Owner t ! needs' money.? Must sell quick. Can be i seen at stables, 605 Alder at., until sold. Mr. Frederick, owner.', -: , j V 2 ::- Bay, 6-year-old horse, 10B0 lbs, rides Tor drives. Brown mare, -6 years old, 1100 ibs rides or drives.- Your choice. 180. Also nice, pair brown mares, weights 1100 each. -Price $150. One bay 1300 lbs. horse.: $6. Another 1200 lbs. bay horse, $65. Nice big 1200 lbs. mare, fat and gentle, $76. Horse to mate, $65.' All kinds double and single har ' ness. farm warnna. btiraies. delivery. k-wagons, saddles. New York Club Stables, m and Alder sts...j rilip,f'J: BLACK MARES. HARNESS, $140. Fat and handsome; full sisters,, both look just alike, weights 2400 lbs.; drive single, double or ride. Harness in heavy breeching; aewed trace, Boston team collars. . Call New York Club, stables, 15th and Alder sts. , " $ 18 8 BUCKSKIN TEAM.. $1 1 5." , ' Welaht 2600 i lbs.. 8-year-old. good, prompt walker, true pullers, .gentle; a . pair will last a life time on a' ration. Also heavy J-inch farm wagon andh ar tless, .rrio iioo. Bom new.) w r7 BLACK GELDING AND HARNESS, . . $800. r ' -- . .. 1 A, i l. A 1 1 All IV. VI A nl. r nil oruLnere, woisu vw u coal; both alike as two tieas: true to pull and fast walkers, suitable for any purpose; worg fvery :. way. nu harness is sewed traoe. box loop; West- enrlng breeohlng, sliver top ball haraesa, and genuine pipe collars. 606 Alder at, 23 HORSES and mares that are in zme working condition; prices from $90 to $300 each; from 4 to 8 years old: no old. wornout skates. If you are looking for them,.,don't com to our barn, we are -m m position to give you tower prices according to : quality than any barn in the city. Come and inspect this tuff before buying elsewhere. 'These horses can be seen at 13 th at. between Overton and Pettygrove, FOR BALE Span of fine young bay mares, 4 and yeara old; sound, true to pull and gentle to de single and aouDie, weigni xsuu ids. t mco oa,. good as gold, f Also large 6-y earmold hlre gelding, a great - draft ... horse, weight 1600 lbs. Price $250. , Locust Grove Farm. Home Phone 808. I Horses for Sale 12 Horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. 2 horses, weight 1760 to 1840 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. , All will be sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. 420 Hawthorn Ave. I . 7KAM and harness, weighing 2603 lbs. young and sound, 8,276, earning 8 ic dir. lob a-oes - with team, other leavv horses ' for . sale. 14 E. $0th St. Aiontavma $1(6 buys sorrel team of horses, weight 2200 lbs.. 8 and 8 years old. sound and true pullers, good drivers audi gentle. t ome ana try tnem. JKast iztn ana uaa Ison st. House In the park, DEATH causes me to .dispose of hand- some i860 lb. 7-year-old horse sound and gentle to work single or double, $150; cost. 1220' 4 months ago. Mrs. Burns, 312 Russell St.;-near Union avw. $0 FINE young draft horses just in at reaaonam prices; ozq si, ana sanay road. Take Rose City Park car. Adams A Campbell.. 20 HEAD horses and mares, lust off R. . work: weight 1000 to 1600 lbs. Inquire at office Travis Bros.' wood- srd, e. atn ana Hawthorne ave. .. LIVESTOCK AIVO POULTRY 89 BUFF Leghorn eggs, for hatching: get your eggs irom chickens mat will lay, from pens headetrVby prise winners, Betting of 16. $2; 20 tg-gs for $8.60. 1644 Wabash. Phone Woodlawn 1172. EGGS for setting, prlza winning stock, uarrea kocks, iegnorns, 1 li. l Keas end others. R. Green. 276 86th St Tabor THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, $1.60 setting; rates per hundred. Phone Ssllwood 1336. IT YOU want to buy or Veil dairy cows, see Moaei-wruce co., at stocK yards. Woodlawn $400. SILVERLACb' Wyandotte chickens and eggs, eastern cross. z,eua tioesert, 7 West KlUlngsworth. " FOR BALE Fine -fresh cow, good for family. A. Herman, near Lents Juno lion ONE Jersey cow, fresh, and one Hoi- stein cow, corner neroy and liryant. Take Kenton car. FRESH Durham cows, 86 H. 30th.,- E. 6506. - ' " CANARY females, cheap, 647 Mont- gomery. Mam 820: IJUNE freah Jersey Guernsey cow and can 2 weexs 01a. zue naimon si. FOR 8ALERUSCELLANEOUS 19 - Am Leaving Must sell all my office furniture. which consists of 1 roll top desk, 2 flat top desks, 1 safe, 8 office chairs, 6 common chairs, 2 8x12 rugs. In fact, everything complete, for an office. Will sell It separately or all together and let you have the offices. , All new and the very best, and must be sold regard less of cost. Call at 620 Board of Trade or phone Marshall 1886, A-1171. 60 SLIGHTLY used sewing machines - at very low prices,v singer, wneeier ft Wilson, White. New Home, Domestic and other machines rented by week and month; alt makes of machines repaired snd work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Store. S. 8. Stgel, agent, 336 Morrison st. Phone Main 2183. A-4699. ia-FOOT glass cabin launch, 18 horse old. Bulled for - passengers. Owner wants to build speed boat. Price $760: cost $1260. Address 664 Williams ave,, care J. H. W. ' ' NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick- Baike-Collender Co.. 46 6th st. I HAVE a lot of .household goods to -. sen, iron Deas, " springs, mattresses, extension tablt;, chairs, White cabinet machine, bath tub, awning tent, range. Call at 112 Union ave. - TRY the Old Dutchman, pickled Henrlng. Holland style. It is clean, nice and delicious. 26o dealer. pint jar. Ask your STEINWAY piano, practically new. will sell fof $250 cash.- This bargain will have to be seen to bs appreciated. Ad dress J-423, Journal. - j 1 1 HAVE a first class $76 Edison phono irraDh with horn and 100 latest rec ords.wil! sell for $36. Act quick. Ad dress .-P-422, Journal. :, f .. ,-.,- VJv; . TbH SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Kanway .qiepment CO., 74 imv wi, cntn pnonea. . FINE motorboat for sale cheap) speed 16 mile an hour. 49 N. 14th st- or Main 8606. . i. $12 Gent's . wheel, coaster, Hartford tires, rine condition; girrs wheel, $8, 2Q6H; 4th. . SAFES New and xeoond-hand genuine Man sares, iow- prices: easy term a Portland Pafe Co.v 86-87 Fifth st FOR SALE An astronomical telescope; - Will make good street instrument X-438. Journal. FANCY oati hay, also fine timothy for sate in carload lots. Call or address M. B, Blanton, Reedvllle Qy. $25 SIDEb6aRD for $11 ; nearly new. -$400 piano cheap . for cash or. good easy terms - 42$ it. Burnslde. i ' - EQUITY In Portland lots, close to car- 4lo-ACU.iare.riOtraa-itr-ayiHlg'4QTTfK -insns -on-all-secitrttleit; or vaui. M-aa jounmt, $25 drop head Singer sewing machine, ' ,'prnplete;; call 883 E. Morrlwon st. FfFTeALF 13 h. p.'gss engine,- 204 EL -19th N. East 440. B-1963. BHOWCAEE3, fixtures, store flttinnn, M.,7fll7 new, 2d hand. .812 Everett. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 ft FOR 8ALT-oston bull puppies, cheap. . Call A-3109.1 -..- V V AJSiTJfiD snscEMdjnEocs s FURNITURE and everything; w pay me oesi price for lurniture ana Cloth- ing - . phone Globe second hand store, uiin nft a 1st at ,. . .,. , -m Tr? M-n.-,L-r...i r..V i, : , . highest cash nrle for second hand hotisenold. goods. ,.' N. M Scater.' 143 Rusfeljf.. East 1S62. IK YOU want the tno-t money yes- nlture will bring, save time, call East 47J2. 668 Hawthirua. Meier Furniture Co. v- ' ' ' .- ltA'f S:DeJ buetlon Jubbers want . Id nana furniture. hlgl-t price Mid.. 4 OranA eve.. E. 1061. - ' BK VVlbE; gei mere for your veoond hand turnfture by selllna it te Ford Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 1. A-44S. 4 lALKY Furniture Co. gives most, for used furniture, etc. E. 848. 286 Grand. WANTEl-2d haml furniture. East 813 . 848 Hawthorne ave. Seater & Martin. OAK flat and rolltop debk and chairs and 9x12 rug. B-486, Journal. " ' WANTED At once, small oak . type writing desk, M. 1088, A-1140. ' ' ' FOR BALIAtrrOMOJttf.KS -U . secondthad:carsi 8TEARNS, 1808 model. 4 cylinder. . so-eu ii. p. equipment: lop, , J glass front, gas tank, clock, de- ' mOuntable rims , . .,. .,,. ,.-, .$800 BTEARNS, 1208 model, T passen- ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equlp v ment; ' Top, glass front speedo- ' r -r meter, - gas tank, -x - demountable rims, 1 extra casing $600 PEERLESS, 1808 model T passen , gen. Equipment:;. Top, glass - front,: Warnr speedometer, . gas j '-'v tank .,,,... ,..., ... . 600 CADILLAC, Model "G". 1808 S f passenger. ..; Equipment: . Wind Shield, top ......... v i 00 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder,' I patsen , f er. Equipment: Top, glass ront, Stewart speedometer ,.i. . 4B0 PIERCE, 1910 model, 5 4 cylinder, v ;; Equipment: Top, windshield, 8tewart speedometer, clock, seat ; covers . ... t. . . v $600 PIERCE," 7 passenger, 1867 model,' --first class condition $00 REO, ,2 cylinder, 6 passenger. t, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer. .....,..',.... . . 460 REO, 2 cylinder. $ passenger, ' -equipped with top and Stewart ' speedometer 400 OLDSMOBILE, 4 cylinder, , equipped with tjp and glass front . ., , . . , . . . ... ... . , . "' 800 BUICK7 1 cylinder, equipped with - top, windshield. Stewart speed ometer ......... T. ,. . t, . , . , , BUICK, model 10, 1010 equipped 460 I .wun top, glass iront, Jones speedometer . . ,n , 800 STUDEBAKER, 1910; 7 passenger. vqutppeu wim ' top, glass ironi, ' Stewart speedometer and dock,. 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS 9CO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1811 PIERCE , ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. Covey Motor Car Co. v- Main 6470, 7th and Couch Sts. MAKE THAT MACHINE OF' YOURS NEW AGAIN " Every machine painted by us is backed by 22 years of practical factoiy ex perience, Insuring high-class mechani cal skill, classical work, best materials and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and see our work you'll be pleased. THE W. FLEETWATER AUTOMO- , BILE PAINT COMPANY. 64 Union av. corner Esst Davis st. HAVE customers for 2 Chalmers-De-trolts, 2 Maxwell runabouts, 1 Stev en Duryea, 2 Cadillacs, 1 Peerless, 1 Bulck, 1 Ford and 1 Packard. Cars called for and delivered. Free storage, free demonstration, For quick results, tell us your wants. Address ti. mmi1aL.AaN. Bales Mar. 64 Union ave.. cor. B. Davis street. 1810 MAXWELL Jr.. runabout, $37$ cash if taken Wednesday. - 1910 Maxwell 4 cylinder. 21 R! P.. roadster, fully equipped, cheap for cash. Studebaker E M F SO, roadster, fully equipped, nearly new, $760. asi Everett st. wain i49 FOR SALE or exchange, 1809-1810 mod els: 6 Bulcs, 6 Cadillacs, 2 steamers, 6 runabouts. 2 light delivery truck. .8 Chalmers, 2 Pope-Hartfords, 2 Stoddard- Daytons, 2 Maxwells, an in first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commis sion house, 60-63 N. 7th st Bargains! Bargains! - Auto tires and inner tubes, all sizes at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-8646, Elton ft Humer.- WILL take good Hupmoblle or other oar in exenange as part payment on new 6 room house, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, eto., close to car. 0-433, Jour nal HAVE bought a larger car. Will trade a it-passenger ranicun cneap to ngni party, equipped with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield, .extra casings; guaranteed in A-l shspe. Call B-1017. FOR auto bargains see the Custom House Auto Co.. or write for our bar gain list We are sure to have the car you want. 331 Everett. ,Maln 1649. WILL sell my 4, cylinder 80 H. P. Mitchell, perfect condition, for $876, spot rjsh, value 31200; must be sold by Saturday. ui, epaiaing oiag. OLD auto tires 6o per lb., delivered; old inner tubes 18c a lb., delivered. We also buy copper; brass, cast iron. j. Lev, loo coiumoia st., m. bits. WANTED Second hand side or fore door car or delivery van for.motor cvcle; state condition and price. Gresh am. route 8. box 1384. White Steamer Auto For sale. Enquire room 627 Corbet t mag. WE BUY, SELL AND. TRADE AUTOMO BILES AND REAL ESTATE. CALL AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. FLETCHER ft MeANTlRE. 80 BOARD OF TRADE. WILL exchange auto" for real, estate. 330 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Mar shall 297. FOll SALE New automobile storage battery $10. Phone Main 2420. FINANCIAL 01 FIRST and second mortgages purchased on farm and city property. 'Eastern ft Western Trust Co.,, 801, Chamber of Commerce. WILL pay cash for builders' equltte or - first and second mortgages or eon tract. 608 McKay bldg. Marshall 8500. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED About- $1800 on choice .11 acre home, near Oregon Electric; 6 miles fromf' Portland limits, buildings nearly riew: pprehntnl spring, "on county road. ! Y-430; Journat PREFERRED MORTaAGB XOANS. Will pay 7 and 8 per cent, Ask Mr. Easton. Want $2000, $3000. $4000, 85000. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1108 spaiaing Bldg. WANT $1800 at 7 per cent on home worth $8400; will psy costs, but n commission. J-43B, Journal. . WANTED $1000' and $3000,' good real dene property;; no agents.; Room 203 Kotncruiu. $2000 WANTED on , Improved reay; will pay private partes per cent V 486, Journal - ' t WANT to get $250, will repay with any ' Interest at $5 weekly. J-436, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 2? SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTL1L, F. A. wewton, pie tienry oiog. MONEY to loai. on Improved real estate. I. Ia. White, 361 sneriocK wag: ':' ' , , 8.lW. Kins. 46 Washington bldir. Main 8106. $1000 to loan on Alblna property at 8 per cent. L-4.t3, Journal. Son hi Y to loan 6 to .8 per cent Good- nough ft Beltx. 210 Spauldlng bldg. llUVATH funds, loan on Improved city . property, 5 to 7 P. ct M. 2018, E-2063. 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RA1 . LJJC US BE YOUR BANKERS. RATES. WE LOAN MONEY , TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES . WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. EVER YHINO STRICTLY ! T ' CONFIDENT? A L. A? STATE SECURITY COH -808 FAILING BLDG. ; WHY BE BROKE? tYou can have mony for the asking. I kan on furniture, pianos, utoe and other securities In amounts Of $10 up. Low rates of Interest. Loana made im- mediately nd confidentially. Al.- maiu- en, 322 Failing bid., cor. 3d and Wash- Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest J-ate of Interest." 8e m flrit, .:v::JiyE;Nich6lsx?..5 6 3 J Board of Tradw Building MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on ; all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property; week ly or monthly payments; law rates; con fidential. . Gray A. Cunningham, room 201 Rcthchild bldg., 287ft .Washington st, between 41h and 5th at. MONK i adv4. ed salaried people, hwuse keepers . and .others 'upon - their . own Bameu without security; cheapest .rates, easiest payments; offices in prlnei) pal cities; save money by gettinf. ur terms. '. Tolman. 837 Lumber Exchange. Quick ' loans en furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life insur ance solldes, livestock, real estate, etc. U. 8. -Real Estate Brokerage Co., 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 20M. TOOK CREDIT . Is good at th Employer Loan Co $21 Ablngton. 188 i $d st IF you own a lot and wish to build w V will do the rest, from $200 down, bal ance like rent, urennerg ft jovik, room 2-5 20 Mi Grand avenue. ? ; MONEY to loan on improved real estate. no commission charges. Pacific B16tes Fire Insurance Co. iAWEST RATES; loans on any securt tles, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., t Lafayette bld.t tth tt Wash. MONEY to loan, lars loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surante. W. a Beck. 812 Falling. TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 In 3 'or $ amounts. Slight charge to borrower. Any good location, ward, Allsky bldg, 0t loan at 7 per cent, Howard fid Co.. 420 Swotland bldx. 6th and Washington sts, 8100.000 on mortKaxea. city or farm property, fire Insurance McKenale 4k Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY loaned on diamond and jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 Jd si, near mer. . WILL loan $6000 or ls on real estate. ' Hitchuek. em Kotncnua Bids'. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding & Rey ynoldi Is. 318 Chamber of Com. MORTGAGE loans to 8 ner cent, cltv 1 ana larm property, wa couon hiag. MORTGAGE LOANS, ft 7 PER CEI Ati.n a A V At.MJ ... A t- . r cm. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bide WILL loan 820.000 or less real estate. rarnngton. iw ryimmercim ciup bid, LOST AM) FOUJfD 21 LOST Muskrat muff Monday afternoon in Sealy ft Lowell's grocery or Charl tons 6 ft lOo store; a liberal reward will be paid for return to 808H Union ave. N. Phone C. Z386. LOST Lady's cold hunting case watch. monogram G. F., with fob having sil ver monogram, G. F. F. ; return to 706 .Bwetland bldg. and receive reward. LOST Near courthouae or down town. envelope containing abstract and two aeeas; )a rewaru ir reiurnea to oiu At blna ave. FOUND One steer and heifer, about 1 years old. Owner can have same by proving proper and Davlnar costs. Phone Tabor 1696. zbz is. t4tn is.. LOST Feb. 31, -on either Alder or Washington sts., a pearl pendant Re ward if returned to B. O. Case ft Co., oin ana uau. LOST wagon cover, 8x14 feet, on Wash ington st between 28d and 14th sts. Finder leave at 761 Washington st and receive rewarq. - i LOST Diamond shaped diamond locket; l stone in center; JiDerai reward. J. Nolan, 404 Blackstone hotel. LOST Black fur on 6th and Washing ton, Feb. 22. Return to janitor at 686 Everett. . LOST Lady's open face watch, Addison works; "O. P." engraved on back. Finder return te $24 Stark St. Reward. LOST I diamond Masonic watch chain. Kindly return to 616 Worcester bldg. and be rewarded. J. H. Batcher. A PLACE to have your clotnes steam or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College Inn Cleaners, Wash., opp. 18th. A-1866. LOST Wednesday night at tth and Washington, a long black neck fur. Finder -please return to Journal office. LOST Keys with ta; to E. C. White. 17t room 8. Return and Upshur st. and get 60o. REWARD Amethyst pin, between Eg- gert ana xoung ana Jiieier Frank . Main 4905. . ' LoAf Cameo pin, between 19th and Schuyler ave., 6th and Washington. Reward. C-1669. PERSONAL 22 L A D I E S Ask your druggist for Chicesters Pills, the Dlsmond Brand. For 26 years known as best,- safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond -Brand -fljla.. are bpiq py qruggists everywnere, Are You Ruututed? v- The perfect truss Is made and fitted by a specialist to men, women and ohil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th st . UK. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively: private hos pital acoommodatlcns; examinations free. Main 4047; A-241J. 609 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash. OCCULT, new thought, scientific and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list; also catalogue of oeeu't,or scientific books sent on application. Jones Book Store, Henry bldg., 284 Oak st. GERMAN books, magaxtne. novels, etc, Germax, English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of afi kind Schmale Co., 329 1st st. .- . -:-, - DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly -cures disease of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gland, kid ney, oladder and piles. 181 First. Port land I POSSESS Information which cost me a fortune, and feel that I should let every consumptive know about . my ex perience. Mrs.rJ, M. Reynolds, Central National mux, coiumnun. unio, DETECTIVE. Drivate l highest of busl- nena reference furnished; private In vestigations, legai ana corporation worx. All correspondence confidential. V-4 00, journal. SUFFERERS from piles. A. card from yeu will bring our remedy. Pay when curea. wupar Mrg. w, f. u. pox g4. LORENZ Nerve Tonio Tablets restore tost vitality. 26a box, 6 boxes $1.26. Btipe-Tsyior Drug Co.. 288 Morrison. WRINKLES ren. veu, sagging oorrected in is minutes; ire demonstrations. I Belllng-H.ri'i'n bldg. Neo Plastique Agcy. LA RISE frbnt room first i floor for housekeeping, suitable for 2. 810 Clay. All conveniences. " - GERMAN physician gives body massage at patron's residence. Phone Main 8711. - ' - ;- . - .- : Sam Francisco Examiner 818 Washington. Main 9262. WOMEN Use Femoida wnen others fail; sold and guaranteed by the Aua. plund Drug Co.. lift- N. 6th st Main 8106 MARRIAGE paper with descriptions, I manv with mi-ans. sealed,. Mrs.. Ball, tl$16 MsgnolTC ave.; tos Angetes. Cat. C5RW ..reading and palmistry taught; nil; questions; answered, m Suite 46, BbwH Morrison,- Miiner bldg'. GERTRUDE LORD, expert manicurist Suite 45, 350 ft Morrison at.. 4th floor. BALM- of flK. remedy tor rtlsoase wouven. 612 f avis st, Main 121. MONEY TO LOAJf DR. ALICE A. in.IFF. i. Dtaeaaes of women and children - .m- cluslvely. Womtii are ofto saved a vere surgical operation Uy conmiiuni me. - Nervous dlseaMS of children specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor. respondeti-e solicited. No charge ror consultation. Phoaes. Main l2. A-6C07. Office room 10, Grand Thare;,fcldg wanmeron anfl Park. LISTEN! NOT YET, liUT SOON! WOMEN WHAT 19 ITT RELIABLE. ALLETIDER SIKKER. A LIQUID. , KNOWN AS BHJ5T. - . ASK 'YOUR DRUGGIST .! s : v FOR ALLETIDER SUCKER. ' $3.; A. W. ALLEN CO.. Distributers, for Portland. : ! MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment for dt- aase of the prostate, nervous debility,' reoiai, cnronic. blood ana sKin aiseasns. W. I. Howard. M D. 304-8 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. ' 1 Dr, Mary Kramert ;m Confinement cases sDeclaltr: hn and root meafctn for all irregularities oi tne Djooa. Kxamination tre pnon Woodlawn 1678. 861 Mississippi sve. j-.. GET married; .matrimonial paper con . taihing advertisement marrluireable geonle from all sections of the United tales, Canada, rich, poor, young, old Prctestants, Catholics, mailed - sealed freea- 0. K. Gunnels. Toledo. Olilo. -a SCIENTIFIC masseuRe gives electrical, , alcoholic, genuine tub baths, chlroo- paist. manicurist. Koom 7, . Raieign mag. '-. BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ADJUSTERS AND A1TRAISERS WHEN in doubt about valuation, hav it appraised. Northwestern Appraisal uo., duo aoara ex xraie. c . ass a yisra , WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. assayers, na- lyticai cnemtets. wfr wasn. M. 7oi. MONTANA aauty office, laboratory and ore testing v orK. ss Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. aroorehonse ft Co.. 411 Wash, at AUTOMOBILE SCBOOLB. ' Belmont' Auto School The ' onlyihoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. -Thorough instruction, competent management ana practical work. - t. 23d and Morrison . Take R-S or Mt Tabor car: frnik us an peiore aeciaing to enroll elsewhere. . ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law, Prac tice in air eourta Abstracts exam- ined. 714 Cham, of Com. M. 71, A-2071 B. M. BENSON, ma. abstra aeneral nractice: col lections, abstract $0 Washington bid. "Christgpherson & MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan bldg. AUTO EXPRESS. AUTO EXPRESS quick delivery. 402 ComT bllt. A-1838; Marshal) 17B8. BLANK BOOK MAKERS BOWEL DAVIS COMPANY. 10$ 2d St Blank book m'fg; agts. 2or Joai' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-2183. Main 188. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALK Motorcycles. Second-hand wheel bought sold. Repairing. 188 10th. BUSINKSS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalk ana eras ins 817 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office. 605 Electric bldg. JAB. McL WOOD ft CO.. insurance, surety bends. all kinds o McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electrlo Cleaning Work. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our Specialty. K, 440. B-1B63. 204 & 18th N. IONE Steam Cleanlnc. carDets. feather renovated; guaranteed, H. 860, B-2236 CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from oia carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. ltx union ave., near m. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works. colonial rag carpet ana rugs, l&ii Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn JI85. CHINESE DOCTORS LEE HONG, Chinese Medicine Co Herb snd roots cure all diseases of men. One trestment free; 14.5H Third st DR. Blng Choong, physician for men and women, uuaranteea cure, zxofr Alder, DR. MRS. 8. K. CHAN ou res all dls- ease of women. 226 Morrison st DR. I T. YEE 4 SONS, 142 1st st Main 8464, A-8866. CHHiOPRACTIC DOCTOR DR. A. 6. DOUGLASS. 838 Union ave. N. Phone East 624L consultation and examination free. CHIROPODISTS GRADUATE , chiropodist manlourist, fao and scalp specialist 7 Raleigh bldg. Btn isna vvasnington. CHIROPOCY, manicuring, scalp. Mr. Dunton,. 64S wasn. warsnaii II2. CHIROPODY AND PEDIOUHINO Hill- 4? Flledner bldg. Mr. M. D. CIRCULAR LETTERS "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." Grain Com. Iietter c:o. a-4666. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley, civil engineer, 1006 Chamber or commerce. Marshall 1664. ROTHES BUY, sell, all kinds clothes, shoes, fur niture. Biio jeiierson. Marsnau lb. COAL AND WOOD WOOD. Fin country slabwood, sawed, $2.76. Four foot slabwood, per cord, $2.76. dnSlvM wood sawed, $3.60. 1000 ft of new oull ties, sawed, $8.60. SEGHERS WOOD CO.. 9th and Oil sen. Home A-2416. M. 6359, Dry Block Wood Mixed with smalt -wood, $4.80 per load, delivered anywhere in city. Port land Wrecking Co., 106-107 N. 11th st Main 37, A-3736. ' THE 'ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the Lest grades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at .a reasonable price. Special prices on car load. B-3343, East 314. Secher' Wood Co. 9th and Gllsan Street. Dealer in Air .Kinds of CordWeod. '. . Fir. Oak. Ah. - Main 6359. A-2418. rn A I , A lblna Fuel Co, BLOCK uunu 47 Alblna av. WOOD pfo!5eswE: WOOD feOUTH PORTLAND. .SLAB WOOD CO, Main 1163. A-8842. Dry Inside wood, green wabwood, clean sawdust for bed- sing, cut ' Q'ocxwooq, - ; COOS. BAY COAL CO., ToT Burnside St. Phones, Main . ... 2228. A-l 27 6. 4 foot dry wood Nat Fuel Co. $13 Water at Marshall 960. pilar ir $2 s' load fur 30 dsys oniy. Main 2153, A-R84S1. CORD wood delivered anyw"nre In city. wholesale." retail. East 319, B-3089. ITTANDARD WOOD fco. Wood and coat 347 E. Stark. Enst 2315. B-1693. CITY MARKET WOOD YARD, Cook ft Son, 2d and Clay. - Mala 3343, A.-4322. I CO Ah ASP WOOD NOTICE pnSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD ....... ,.$2.50 GHKKN 4 rtlOf WOOD ,.,,,,.,.13.75 INSIDE GREEN SHORT ..,,....$3.60 DRY SHORT WOOD ......... ..$4.00 SAWDUST, for fuel snd buidlng. ' Tee Pcrtland Slalrwocd Co. Main 3119. A-7001. Meier St Frame take oUers for, our standard grade, of phone East 303, or C-2I9I. Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc. -DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main sltl.' V. J. EVERTS, Ft. Curry su Vamato-Wooa and . Coal Company. EAST 818 B-im : COAL NEER & FARR M. 4586, A-4647 WOOD - ' No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft, sawed to order. OREGON LUMBER ft FUEL Ca Block and trim wood. Tabor 2811 COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims ci overy description oouectea on s strictly percentage - basis anywhere, Telephone Main 8410. Colton Adjust ment Co., 410 Ablngton bldg.. Portland. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col- , leotea.' wen mercantile Agency, ivs Board of Trade bldg.. 4th no Oak sta NOTES, accounts oulleoted everywhera Guarantee Collection Agency. 8Z1 Hen- rv bids. Marshall 2688, A-77IU. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. U7 Allsky A-7817: M. 4ZII. COLLECTION SPECIALIST - PHYSICIANS' and dentist collections only. I Plnokney White, Mala 6074, A-7024. . -". - , -- . CON8ULTINQ ENOLNEERS C 8. GOLDBERG ft CO., 812 Couch bldg. concrete warehouses, power plants, conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 8028. CONTRACTORS - AND BUILDERS ROGERS A ANDERSON, oontrators, basement - floors, walks, plaetf ring, brick work. oesgDools and excavating. 1747 Fowler ava Kesiaence pnone woeaiawn isob. , PORTER ft PENNConorete f ounda- tion. construction estimates on an kinds of cement work., 107 N. 14th. Main 8387. FOR cemwnt work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C Olson. Wsrshsll 1441, i92 Grover st J. BURTON, 148 1st. architect-builder. Estimates furnished. M. 1817, Arl817. WILLIAIH FISHtBECK, carpenter and builder, jobbing ana contracting, zon 4th. Main 6241. , ' UNITED Eng. ft Construction Co., engl- neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. DANCING 25o PER lesson, 4 lesson for $1; waits, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, eta; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady and - gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and only recog- fiUed leading academy for oorrect dano ng. SB Wash., bet.W. Park and 10th. HEATH'S dancing ' school, 109 Second st, between Washington - and Stark, tag dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 lesson. Class Monday, evenings, 8 to 18. ' DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is -imDosstble: does away entirely with plates, brldgawork: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Cv, Ablngton bldg., 106 V, 8d st CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. BZ3 Washington, cor.dth. Inl Dentist. Third and Washington sta DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. 8.. of. $84 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 EL ITth. K. 6440. FURNITURE AND STOVES. UNION Salvage Co,, 183 Front st Mar. 796. Highest price for 2d hand goods. ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Elec trlo Engineering uo.. Z1S ia St. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. I). Hill. 4Z Flledner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United Electric Garment uo., 687 Alder. FURNITURE REPAIIUNG FINISHING and repairing, at in Portland. yonr East home, 18 years 6609. '" - - GLAZING UNITi-O CLASS ft GLAZING CO. All kinds glsss work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4481, Q ABOLISH KMilNES STATIONARY and marine; electrle eouloment; launobe. aoceeaorlea wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reterson Machinery Co.. 184 Morrison. HAT FACTOR MEN'S hat cleaned and blocked at th Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren. ovators In th city. 64-66 Sd st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Ha'ji flireot from the facory at half price. UOltSESHOEING DE NIKE, 283 Front at, make a specialty of driving horses; 20 year' experience In New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS i"iS1 PORTLAND Hospital association. SOS Kotncnua piag. mono Main vu3. HOME TREATMENTS VIA VI assist naturs to remove cause of disease. 609 Rothchild bldg. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates ft Lively, 318 Fall- mg Didg. Every iorm insurance, Donas. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. wooaiawn a, u-uua. insure now. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAO, L. MASTICK ft Ca. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings LIBRARIES CIRCULATING llbrsry. 186 6th. bet Tsylor and ramhlll, Books 8c per nay. MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. - Send for our booklet 320 Drexel bldg. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN ft CO., Hydraulic and special pipe, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All ktnda repair. 104 N 4th MASSAGE. SWEDISH MOVEMENT C HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatic, di gestive disorders. 303-3 Oregonlan bldg MILLINERY GOODS N. Y.,Hat&CpCo.,whsle., 673 1st Spec cap orders, mfg. Beaver Shirt. M il 1918 MLblO TEACHERS . E. TH1ELHORN. ' violin teacher: Dupfc Sevclk, 900 Marquhm. A-4160. Mar.T629. PROF, T. ErLAWSON. 135 14th st. Phone Main 5197. Piano lessons BOo, PI ANOi 'vifHln 4 trombone, cornet, guitar, psnjo. xtoi vk a. smith, lUtu lift REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAMfc- u - v .:' ' 'r;: . . APtHlESS- " : ' TkLFTHUN Baker, D. M, City, Farm Property,,,),, ,803 CorbettBldg.....A-4492, Main 74n Brrr'nttpJiiyCoDipaByA. ................... 2U 4tb.; ..Mrlmll H-i. Brocg-8tel Company ......... .............. Onaixl flaw Lewis JBVlf .....Miln n.t ,17 Brabaker ft Btuidlrt 2 MeKjy Bl.1. ... ..Mit a-' Burtenshaw ft Buehler.. .... Iiawthorne and E.. 49th. ... .Tabor 1741 Chpln A Herlow., ......................833 Cbsoiher of Couumerc..,..,....Miilo 1 t Cook A Co.-, B. B.... ....... ...... ......60 fotlirtt Bid. ...........Mills OM, A-ff I Kiipp Meey.... ............ ...v....' 7 Cbjmbrr at Commeree. ...; ,d .2"i4 MHrabsll. W. H.J rwrms. City Property 7. 2WH Alder , Mnin "7t Or-son Best Eiute Co-. The.,.. -,...-. ;rnd Ae, nl MultBoBab...,Xait si.- C-17'S Rhleloi. J, H... ..-.. .........P 4Jriliiti-r Bid; '....t.M.So H4 Thompson. M. Ce. ..-.-. Pgfr BHs-. 4tS)s. ....... .M. SOS4. M MCLTIGKAPmNQ MULTIGRAPHING, shorthand, type writing. M. 766. 418 Buchanan bldg. . MUSICAL DEALERS , SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 184 2ds complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band Instrument!. NATUROPATH DOCTOR j Dr. S. F. Grover, naturopath, chiro practic specialist; paralysis, rheuma tism, nervous diseases, Call or write. Phone Main 8142. 702 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL'CO., $26 H Washlng ton st. Eyes examined. Free advice. OSTEOPATHIC PIIYSICIANB Dr. W, W, -Christie PR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, pe - dalist on nerve, acute and hronl disease. 217 vFenton bldg. Main 8861 DR SMITH, graduate KirkyMe, Mo. 1888; post graduate 1907. $U Swot- lend biag. DR. L. H, HOWLAND. general practi tioner, tn neianer oiag. DRSTLTB. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners, 409 Oregonlan bldg. DR. KATHRYN RUETER. specialist women ft children. 802 Flledner bldg, PAINTotL AND GLASS T E. BEACH ft CO.. Pioneer Paint CO. i8i 1st Main i4. A-7U. RASMU8SEN CO.i"H1gh SUndara" paint. n. cor. ia i ayior. iw- a-iiii. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right call P. A.' Doane. 10 union, noin snout GET our prices on nalntln. i-aper- ing. tinting, Ernest Miller Co., (72 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS pith!KT9 nrocured bv J. K. Mock. Attor- " :: " . f . .. i.,. tt a riffleal ui;ai'Ai'i . w. - - 2 ' book free. 119 Board of Trade bldg, RTTJ. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat ents; infringement cay.. m wmh. fr PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning. $2f 18 years experience, rnone main PLUMBING AND HEATING GASFITTING to Jobbing contract or dav work. We furnish material or you furnish it L-432. Journal. PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert , Gil- lan. 1 10th. MQtn pnones. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. ; "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper.' HlHiw. E, L. E. White & Co.. Printers. Barber Be vvnite, wain pauiy A-tJio. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, short notice, E. Allen, 616 Oregonlan bldg. M. 2440. A-2440. kChbek stad?s and seals STENCILS and office stationery. Cun. nlngnam uo.. nai ctara. anain ifg?. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; iockouis opened, bargains In second hand safes. SANITARY ENGINEERS " A? GRANT, C. E?. 214 Couch bidg. A-4962. inspections and reports, bao- tertologlst SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for 2d hand goods. us 1st. ai u ivus. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description) bank, oar ana store nxiures mace to erder. The Lutk Mfg. Co. THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new snd old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 3709. R. It BIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDG, . . Bhow cases tn stock, irompt aeuvery. dale agent M, Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BE8T in Portland. See them. 301 wasnitigton at. . m. uuotn. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers in tne nortnwest, is, 7th and E. Everett sta. Phones, Eaat 1111. Home B-3234. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PortUnd Kign uo., ill Btara. Mam iiv. 8TATIONEUY, OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchanan bidg.r nest typewriting paper, m. iov. STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-408 Ablngton. M. 6037. a-b. Depositions. SPECIALISTS FOR MEN OUR guarantee NO MONEY RE QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Consultation, ex amination and diagnosis free. Our spe cialty is ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. What you want is a cure. . Come to us and get It. Hours dally 9 to .6. Even ings. 7 to 6. Sundays 10 ttrr l only. DR. GREEN CO.. 362 Washington st. Portland. Or. SURVEYORS SUBDIVISION wortt a A. G. Benson, 20 Wash, bid, Marshall 192. TAIiORLNO ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg. XO ana yyasriington. ous to oroer, SUS SEAQOrST, tailor and draper; ex clusive patterns. 24D Washington st TAXIDEIJMIST F. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and furrier; glass eyes. Z49 Columbia, TOWEL SUPPLY CLKAN towels dallv. comb, brush, soao. Towel BupdIv Co.. 6th and Couch at. $1 per month. Portland Laundry t Phon-s Main 410. A-4410. TRAN8FEB AND jSTORAGK ; Oregon Transfer Co. ' EsUbllshed 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent. Ctn...,. fr l..k.A. Office. S 10 Hoyt St.. bet 6th and 6uv Phones- Msin 9J A-l 169 FOR'fi.AND Von t$torjs Co.. cor. i;;h snd Eventf sta. Just opened. new. most mode-a storage warehouse In, very convenience for safe and proper handling cfwsoods; lowent ' Insurance rate in northwest;- frs trackage, van lor moving. Alain or A-16!0 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. PICK Transfer ft E tor a ire Co. ef- .iAi ana commoaiou story brU-lc warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vaults for valuable, north orner 2d and Pin ts. Plaroe ifil funlt', moved nd sacked for EXPRESSING, coal delivered aiy"part v, ,w.t ynces. Kuoin. am Anxeny. FURNITURE, trunk moving. City HaU . Transfer Co. M. 7089. A-4724. 266 6th. TRUNKS SIMONS TRUNK WKS , 667 1st Trunk factory price. RepHrinay M. 98.18. TYPEWRITERS ALL maken rented, repaired, sold. Cun- . Bingham Co.. 221 Stark. Main 148T. VETERINARIAN DRT. h P- piLLON.'Hawthorn Avou Stables. East 72. 697. B-1889. WELL DRILLING ' 1 DRILLING wells a pedaltyr prices rea uui5. v;u Mam inv or write n. West. 182 Morrison mt WELT drilling contracts. J. W. Greeni ; 690 Vsncouver. C-2478. H1NDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO. 62 N. Parkst Phone Main 7886 WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. - 140 Front i. Portland. Q-. phope Main 178. M. A. GUN8T ft C6. ' piSTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS trJt l Li A aN U, U It. WADHAMS ft CO. wholesale grooers! .ma"ufRturera and coffee roaster. 4th v van 9 to. kr MlUer Wall Psper Co., Imp. sni dom. hangings, wholesale and rata It kOKGAN, WALL PAPErt CO., 236 ii' st, between Salmon and Main. AM.EN A LEWI8--1 ?R rKRIH:3. "' 0TLANT BAXXWAY. I.IflHT a. City Zdnes. . ' T?ket Office and waiting Room." 1 First and Alder Street. Portland ' and Oregon City Leav Portland, First and Alder streets, 4:o3 a. m.,i6:30 a. m., then every 30 minutes, .on. ,ou,r. and nal' hour), to ini ncluding 8:00 p. ,., then lOYoO p. Si, 1116 p. m. Last train 12:00 midnight Gresham iut inui.mAAi.. 6:66. 7:45, 8:45, sTs M0U5 II 46l fViTtw-1! Troutdal f :68, 'tM. ;45 p, rn. ... T . Tanooire yja. A. M. 6:15, 6:50, 7:26. " 8 00 ' t-88. . P- M 13:80, 1:10. lOO, 8:30, gilO, f:60, 4S30, StlO, 60. t:30, 7:0& "SC 2ill:45. ';26 10:0 ,0:". !. ts tnlrn Monday In every month th last car leaves at 7:06 p. m. Cars for Vancouver make no stops oa Unlorr avenue between Burnstde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengers, but make stop to pick no Das sen gers at all transfer points. Ferrv leave Vinrnnvxi- w,.th f,1? for Portland A. M 9:00. 6:35, 7:10. 7:45, 8:20, 88, 30, 10:10. 10:50, 11:80. I.tM. 18:lo! 12-60. 1-3? 2:10; 2:60. 8:30. ' 4rl0 7 V-Ks i tn' i.?' 6:60, 7:26, 8:00. 8:85. 8:10. t:45. 10:20. 10:65, 11:30, 13:06. un miru Auunaay or every month the ' last forry leaves Vancouver at 7rll P nr.- . Leaving . time ' blackfana. ' MmtKl.i ' trains. Car from Vancouver make tin star. on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Burnside ttrut unni to jet off passenger. ( ..-,..;" Dally except Sunday ' . . i . . Daily except Mondaf. ' V Rnnw as local on TTnlon avenna TRANSPORTATION HONOLULU i AITO TKB TOliCAJrO ' " -Th TRIP MOST (JOlsTEUIJra and worth while, excelling all others fop novelty and pleasure. The Volcano of Kilauea, the largest in the world, is tre mendously active. It is now possible to make this desirable trip with speed and comfort and the price is low, $116 first class, San Francisco to Honolulu nd back, and $46.60 for side trip from Hon-i olulu to volcano. Including; rail and auto to Kilauea; hotel at Hllo. also Volcano House. No other trip compares with this. Be sure to visit the Islands and DO IT NOW while the volcano I active. S. H. SIERRA, 10,000 tons displacement, sail Jan. ia. f eo. , ren. z&. warcn is. - oouAkto s. . c. -'kbi 673 Market Street. Baa rraneisoo. O rl If" B IT II TXAJfSrOWTATIO K CO. Btr. J. Mm TEAH mil lit stood, dally at 0k St, Dock for CelilO. The Dallas : ' T-?On1 'Plva, .,.WhllAl flttlmAA nd all intermediate point. Steamer leaves Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays - at 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves The Dalles Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, at a. m., arriving at Portland about 6 ; p. m. same day. A. S. WHITING. Phone Main 2960yA-S527V t j Agt " Captain W. 8. .Buohanan, Superintendent. 0.VV.R.&N.C0.! Astoria Stout BTIAMXm UAaSALO Leaves Portland ?ally except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Mantes all way landings. , Arrives at Astoria at s.oo a. tn. Leaves Astoria daily, except Bunday, tt 7:00 a. m. Arrives Portland at 6:00 d. m. Makes direct connection with steamer Nahcotta for Megier, Iiwaco. Long Beach and all point on the llwaco division, tr. AVIU For Tlllttmook, Newport Bandon and Coqullle river points with passenger ana ireignt, sans xrom Aioers aoc.a .no. 3, Monday, Feb." 27, 6 p, m'. ' Freight re celved ud to noon for Bandon and . Co- tiullle river points, and up to , 8, p. . m. for TUiamooK ana mewpon. -' 1 rbons UtalB 181. A-1903. ; f Tloket office 188 3d t yhone Main 63B. Ban Francisco 8 Portland Bteamsnip po. New service 10 uom aiiihu i,bm Francisco every five days. ' f From Ainswdrth dock. Portland 4 p. tn.f Beaver Feb. 90, arar. 9A City tur,8, Vrnm San Francisco, northbound. 13 m.: Bear Feb. as. U. City Mar. a,air Mar.T From- an jfeoro, nonnoouoo; a. City Peb. S3, Beaver Mar. 8, Bear 19 Jt. O. Smith, 0. T. A., 143 TI d St. J. W- Xansom. Agent, Ainsworth Do), F hones i Main 403, 9H61 A-l 403. gAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIECO DIRECT . ' vottTB Acrmo st . S. t. SiO AMOKS and S. S. BATH ' Every Wednesday. ltrnuiy. at , m. Ticket office 183 Third, near Al.i , Phones Main -1814, A-1314. KAR11N J. HJGLEY, Pass. Aget rW. U. BLUSSiCR. Freight Axnt gtr. Breakwater sail fronviU ' v. t'nrl laiui. p.,.- in.-. evet y ' nluht - Frclgt:t ' :' recftvd .-. .v s dock, uniil S p, in, nisr fare -l.-l ;' . 17, mehidirir n-'"! e ' Hi, A-li31.