THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY . EVENING,.. FEBRUARY 22. 1911. ,1? WANTEDTO RENT WANTED. V 5 room unfurnished cottage on east side, near car and school: inunt be mod- ' ern and reasonable rent . 82 Chamber of Commerce. Main ltZ: WANTED Furnished house or roon for inrht housekeeping, east side near Montavilla line. ' Must be neat and clean. Mart and wife only" M-436. Journal. -I - FOR REXT HACL8 59 THE Drew ball for: rent, any, night in the week, 16 2d st. : 'J ' . FOR; RENTmSCELLANEOUB S3 FOR -SALE OR LEASE.: ; Property,, in , warehouse , and factory district,'" with or with out, trackage facilities.. Own er will build for-suitable ten ant, 0-4QI, 4 HORSES. VEHICLES, ETa 18 1K TWAM AND HARNESS. ; ' -Bay and sorrel, weights 2400 lbs., good pullers, suitable for ranch or express; , harness In heavy, breeching, all com plete. Also good .wagon, $86,, 506 Aider st., ' ' ) ; ; f Pair matohed . sorral horse,weight ith lbs., matched extra well; true pulj ert verywhr right off a gravl. wak on. Also heavy harnea. all ultable fni nitfih , havvv hauling, i Owner needs money. Must eel! quick. Can b seen at tabi, 6U& Aiaer si., uniu boau. Mr. Frederick, owner. " ' , r - Bay," l-year-bld horse,' 1080 lbs, ride or drives. Brown mare, 6 years old,, 1100 lb., rldea or drives. Your choice, Ilk Also nice pair brown jmare, 1100 each. Prlc. $150. Dnebay .1100; lbs. horse, $65. - Another 1200 lbs. bay: hors. $65. Nlc big ?20O lba mare.' fat and gentle, $76. Horse to mate, MS. All kind double and' single har ness, farm wagons, buggle, delivery wagons, saddles. New .York Club Stables, 15th and Alder ata. . . , ' ? BLACK MARES, HARNESS, $140. a Fat and handsome, Xull elster, botn look Just alike, weights 2400 lbs.; drty Ingle, double or ride. Harness in heavy breeching: sewed trace. Boston team collars. Call New York Club table, 16th ..and Alder f. ,4--, - -Z 1 $115 BUCKSKIN TEAM. $186. triht ?n(i lha.. 8-vear-Old. good, prompt walkers, true puilerf.Ttentler pair win iasi a mo wm Also heavy l-lnch farm wagon andh ar ness. Prica $100. Both new. 685 Al der St. - , -' ; : y ! BLACK GELDINO AND HARNESS, x . $300. . a Full brothers, weight 2100 lbs., black as coal; both llke as two peas; true to pull and fast walkers, suitable for any purpose; work every way and ride; harness la sewed trace, box loop; ,Wt enrlng breeching, silver top ball harness, and aenulne ripe collars. 605 Aider at FOR SALE Span of fine young Jay - mares, 4 and years old; sound, true to pull and gentle to drive alngle and double, weight 2800 lbs. Prica $626, as good as gold. Also large 5-year-old hire gelding, a great draft horse, weight 1800 lbs." Prlca $260. P. L. KEN AD Y WOODBURN. Locust Grove Farm. Home Phone 900. - Horses for Sale ; v; 12" horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lb 2 horses, weight 1760 to 1840 bs. 10 "horses, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. All will be eold under our guarantee. i HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, ' ,, - 420 Hawthorna Ava. WHITE mare, weight. 1100. work any - - place, mo mate, must aell, price $60. 851 2d. ' . ' . y;;; ,,v'.( $149- buys 2800 pound team, true pul lers, make good ranch team; will givo thorough trial. '815 3d at. WHITE mare, weight 1100, work any ? lace, no mata, must sell, prica $60. 2d. $140 buys 2600 pound team, true pul lers, make good ranch team; will give thorough trial, bio rjecona i LOST mate, must sell 1400 lb. 6-year-old bay horse, good worker, single or double, trial and guarantee given, $176; also new rubber tired top buggy, $65. 149 E. 3d St. N, - 40- HEAD-of horses and mares from .1200 to 1600 lbs., Just arrived from eastern Oregon; everything "Old, anteed as represented at U. 8. stables, 248 Front at tEAM and harness, weighing 2603 lb;., young and sound, $275, earning 86 per day. Job goes with team, othor heavy horses for sale. 14- E. 80th at., Montavilla; -" -' ' $0 FINE voung draft horses Just in at ' reasonable prices; 62d st. and Sandy road. Take Rose City Park car. Adams A Campbell. '20 HEAD horses and mares. Just off R R, work; weight 1000 to 1600 lbs. Inquire at office Travis Bros. wood- yardj B, 8th and Hawthorne ave. HOHrtt'S and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rate to traatness houaea th and Hawthorna East - 78. :; -1 , , MUST sell 2600 lb. team mules, 6 and 8 years old. trial and guarantee given; also new double harness complete, $250. 848 E. 8d at N. f,.; : . 20 hsavy .horses and mules, 20 light farm. 48 Goldamith. Phone E. 46, W. D. Combs. K BMALL PONY About 800 lba. for sale cheap. Call 261 E 68th St.. N. Phone Tabor 1686. ; -7 X SADDLE 1PONY 2 goodroheap work Horses, set double harness. 270 Jef- f erson. WANTED Teams. O. Paulson, 1820 Omaha ave. Woodlawn 2288. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 iBUFF Leghorn eggs for hatching: get your eggs from ohiokens that will lay, " from pens headed by prUe winners. Setting of 18. $2; 80 eggs for $160. 1644 Wabash. Phone Woodlawn 1172. r 8. C. R. t Red eggs for hatching. White Orpington cockerels. ; .Wm. h Kelly, 2 blocks west school, Lents. . THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, $1.50 setting; rates per hundred. Phone Sellwood 1335. 1F YOU. want to buy or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce CSojit stock . yards. Woodlawn 8400. 8ILVERLACE Wyandotte chickens and ' eggs, eastern cross, Zella Gossett, 7 - w est mmnga worm S. C. R. I. Red eggs for sale for hatch- Ing and White Orpington cockerels. 818 Clark avenue, Lenta. HIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs. ll.JW setting. 106 E. 9th St.-N. FOR 6ALE-r--On thbroujr hbred Barred Rock cockerel, cheap. Call 489 E. 6th, bANARY females, bheap, 647 Mont gomery. Main , FOR SALE-mSCELLANEOUS 19 SPLENDID. Mason A Hamlin six Ootave nn-n Ink aamAUIa. ' 1 ft rt . 1 : j uignii. fiiiQ wuuiuviii v,u.k avv. villjr $87.60; $5 down, $3 monthly; 860 Alder. A BARGAIN Must sell my 4 cylinder Franklin ror $7. Neeq, tn cash., C 431f Journal. FANCY oat hay, also fin timothy for sale in carload lots. Call or address M. E. Bianton. Reedvllle, Or.- t EQUITY In Portland lota, close to car Tihe. 60 fare, to trade for1 anything of value, L-435 Journal. ' - . CALL up Saturday night Woodlawn 8113 and get piano check free. ti6 drop .head .'Sing4r sewing machine; complete; call 883 B. Morrison, at. F0R:SALE 12 h. p. gas engine. 204 E . ltn-r as(ev,-t-Jsi SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, jaeWftd hand. 31 lErettJit ;76l7! $1.60 FOR piano" cheokTvatue ;$1$6 'on Kiiers munic nouse, at-t af, Journar, $ih SALE Boston bull puppies, cheap. . iCall A-8108, . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 , A m I a4 win ill! L.CO.V 111)5.. Must aeU all my wffii furniture, which consists of 1 roll top desk, 2 flat- top desks,,! safe, a office chairs, . 6 common chairs, 2 9x12 rugs. In, fact, seu u Beparately or all together' and let you hav the of flees. All new and the very best, and must b aold regard- nf Anmt fa1 at -A Rmnl nf 'I'm flu or ihop Marshall 188, A-1171. - , tn -'at -rrLtiT v ...J -..,, ir, I at verv low nrieea. filneir. Wheeler NH? ! ana oioer mac runes reniea uy wee aim t minh- .it miii nf m,rHn mm rni and work guaranteed. Singer Sewing ' rr : siacnine isiore, a. a. Disei.aKoni, Morrison at. Phone Main 2183, A-4539. 82-FOOT glass cabin launch, 18 horsa power, tour cycle engine, three years old. Suited for j- passtmgera.i Owner wants to build speed boat , Price $760;. cost $1250. Address 664 Williams av care J. H. W. NEW and second hand pool and billiard table bought and sold emsasy terms; bowling-alleys, refrigerators- for Imme diate delivery. Address tha Brunswtck-Balke-Collender Co.. 46 6th st TRY the' Old Dutchman, pickled Herring, Holland style. It is clean, nice and delicious. 25c -A pint Jar, . Ask your oeaicr. - . - 1910 Twin 6 Indian motorcycle, bought new Sept, -16 prloe 1200:. in 'Al con dition, 407 Holladay. Phone . B. 8008, C-1947. ' - - ' .- ;, STEINWAT piano, practically new, will sea zor zto cesn. .;tiui pargain wm nave io oe seen to do appreciaiea.i Ad- drees J-42S, Journal. ' - X HAVE a first class $75 Edison phono graph with horn and 100 latest reo Ords. will sail for 881. Aot oulck. Ad- 'dress' P-422, Journal. . fCR SALE Furniture Of six room buh aalow In good condition, with piano. 140L-without $250. 828 East 82d St W-W car. i'OR HALE or rent logging and' holstln engines. ajiway iiouiDmeni uo.. I 1st st. BoM) phones. $li Oent's wheel, '-coaster, - Hartford tires, Tine conauion; rirrs wheel, is. 20U 4th. ' A SNAP A good 8H h.-p. Oreyhound motorcycle in gooa opnauion, u- HAVE piano check worth $126 wish to f ive away, gooa ax juner . aays y. Y-432. Journal. - SAFES New and second-hand genuine Hall safes; 1W" prices; easy terms. Foruana fsare i.:o.. 85-87 nrtn st FOR SALE An astronomical telescope; make rood street i initnimtnl. X-4 2 8, Journal. WANTED 5USCELLAXEOU8 5 FURNITURE and -verythlng; -wa pay the best price for rumiturt ana cloth ing. Phone Globe second hand store. Main 2080. -290 1st WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods, - N. M. Seater, 148 Rusfell. Eagf 1562. IF YOU want the nii money yoiir f"jr nlture will bring, save time, call Eaat 4781. 88 Hawthorne. Meier Furniture CO. . ' EAMT SIDE auction Jobbers want nand rurnlture, hlgtist price paid. 15 wrsmi ave.. k. iol. WANTED Marble slab and copper kettle. - 665 Harney ave., Sellwood, Portland. - BE WlbE;' get irnre for your second hand lurniture by selling it to Ford Auction Co- 211 1st. Main 8951. A-2446. HALEY FurnUura Co. gives most for used furniture, etc. E 948.' 295 Grand. WANTED 2d hand furniture. Eaat 813. 948 Hawthorne ave. Seater 6c Martin. OAK flat and rolltop desk and chalra and .9x12 rujf. Btj36, Journal. FOR SALLJAUTOMOBILKS 44 . . SECOiflfflANtCAR STEARNS, 1909 model. 4 cylinder, , ' 80-60 H. P. Equipment: Top, glass front, gas tank, plock, de mountable rims ...J 3600 STEARNS, 1909 model,.? passen ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equip ment: Top, glass front speedo- v meter, gas tank, demountable rlma, 1 extra casing 8500 PEERLESS, 1009 model, 7 paesen- fen. Equipment: Top, glass ront, Warner' speedometer, gas tank 2500 CADILLAC. 1910 model, 6 passen ger, Equipment: Top, glass front, electric lights 1250 CADILLAC, Deml-tonneau. 1909 ' m odL Equlproen t : -Top, - wind -shield, clock, Stewart speedome ter, el ec trio lights 1060 CADILLAC. Model "G" 1908, 6 pasaenger. Equipment: Wind v shield, top 600 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 6 passen ger, equipment: Top, glass front, Stewart speedometer .... 460 PIERCE. 1910 model, 6 cylinder. equipment: Top.- wmosnieid, Stewart speedometer, clock, seat covers 8500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1907 model. rirst ciass conauion suo REO, 2 cylinder. 6 passenger. equipped with top and 6tewart epeedometer 460 REO, 2 cylinder, 5 passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer .400 OLDSMOBILE', 4 cylinder. equipped with top and glass 'front .: 600 BUICK, T cylinder, equipped with " 7 top, windshield, Stewart speed- ometer ...... . 460 BUICK, model 10, 1910 equipped i with top, ' glass front. Jones speedometer 900 STUDEBA KER. 1910. 7 passenger, equipped with ton. elass front . Stewart speedometer and. clock 2000- THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD. THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PJERCE ARROW AND CADILLAC OARS. ' Covey Motor -Car Co. Main 6470. 7th and Couch Sta. 19i0 "MAXWELL Jr., runabout, $375 , cash, if taken Wednesday. ' 1 910 Maxwell 4 cyllndor, 22 H. P., road8ter, fully equipped, cheap for cash, v Btudebaker B M V 80, roadster, fully equipped, nearly new, 8760. i CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO., 831 Everett st. Main 149. FOR SALE or exchange. 1909-1910 mod- els: 6 Bulcs, 6 Cadillacs, 2 steamers, 6 runabouts. 3 light . delivery trucks, t Chalmers, I Pope-Hartfords, 2 Stoddard Daytons, Maxwells, all In first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commis sion house, 60-68 N. 7th st -Bargains BargainsL Auto tires and Inner tubes, all sisea at half price, Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-8846, Elton A Humer, WIlwL take good ; Hupmobil or other rear In exchange as part payment on new 6 room house, oak floors, furnaoe, fireplace, etc, close to ear. 0-433, Jour- nal. i" ' . .. ., ' ,,,!, HAVE boughi a larger car.- Will trade , a 5-pasaenger Franklin cheap to right party, quipped with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield, extra casings; guaranteed in A-i snap can o-ion. FOR auto bargain see the Custom House Auto Co., or write for our bar gain list W are sure to have the car ou want, sal iirvereit. Main . W" ILL sell my 4 cylinder 80 H, : Mitchell nerfect Condition, for 3375. spot cash, value $1200; must be sold by Saturqay. : ui cpaiaing oiog. OLD auto tires o ' per lb., delivered; We lo baiy copper, brass, cast Iron, J. Lev. 16 Columbia st, M. 6198. WANTED Second hand side or for door car or aeii vary van ror motor cycl i a tate condition and price. Gresh anj, rotit a. box I34 wvVhiteSteamerAut For nalei Enqulr room 627 Corbett Bldg, WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE AUTOMO - BILES AND REAL ESTATE. CALL AND SEE OWR BA RGAINS. FLETCHER A McANTIRE, 809 BOARD OF TRADE. . FOR SALE At'TOMODILES 4.4 . t.MAKB THAT MACHINE) OF;. i Every machine painted by us U backed by 22 years of practical faetoiy ex- perlenco, Insuring hlgh-clasa mechanic UUHS NbW A14A1N nt ci,ni -.nrir ht motarlula ! and personal supervision, even to the smallest detail. Come and sea our work you'll ba oleased. THE W. FLEET WATER AUTOMO- . BILE PAINT COMPANY. . 64 Union - ave.. oorfter East Davis st liAVE eustomers for J Chalmers-De- .LM5X,b?U.fIliAYO , - vu,.., Bu ck. 1 Ford snd 1 Packard. Cars t canea ror ana enverea. ir iigr, i . - - . i free demonstration ; For quiolc reauits, 1 t ' l-l. ai M 1 IjliAlV. . r . i . t . . r I, oaies i Mgr. ,. , rri., 54 Union ave., cor. E. Davis street' ' miSIDAf. rvSTKTTMKXTS S4 I FOR SALE High grade piano, rood I bldg7 cor. 10th and Washington sts. I FINANCIAL ,G1 FIRST and second mortcares purchased - on rarra ana city property, eastern A Western Trust Co., 801 Chamber )f commerce. hn' miiIii,. n I i-.,. .a JTrtn. ini Mv., kh, Umii'oii Rftft I LOANS WANTED 80 Wanted I have some gilt edge $ ear oant paper, which I will dlsoount liberal- ly. J-429,. Journal. - I CjLlBNT wants loan of lt60 to lAo on I - fUt-edga seouxity,.. 8 per . cent: alao I 400 on Al curity.,! Oeprf UtflavWI 14 Henry bldg. PRSFERREfi Mort6A6b1 LOANS. Will pay 7 and 8 per cent - Ask Mr. Easton-vfant $2000, ISOOO. $4000. $6000. J. H. TIPTON CO., 1108 Spalding Bldg. MONET TO LOAW SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. 1 LEfJ. US BE YOUR BANKERS. WE I JUAN MOKBI , TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES i WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTOAQE NO INDORSE. BVERYHINO STRICTLY , CONFIDENTIAL. ; STATE SECURITY CCs, ' 808 FAILING BLDO. I loan on furniture, pianos, autoa and other securities In amounts of $10 up. Low rates of Interest Loans made lm- mediately and confidentially. - M. Maid- 1 en, 822 Falling bldg., cor, 8d and Wash- ington sts. 1AM V.. win Luan iuu iviuucy On your furniture, piano or real aetata liOweii rate or interest, eee mm iini. J, E. Nichols 828 Board of Trade Building, lONEY loaned In amounts from 810 un on all kinds of securities, lurniture, Pianos or any nersonal property: week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rcthchlld bldg., 287 Washington st.,' between tn ana bin sts. MONEif advanced salaried people, house keepers and other upon their own namea without security; cheapest ratea aalest navmanta: offices in ( nrinoi- pat cities; save money cy gettinr our term a xoiman, in L.nreoer Excnange. Quick loans en furniture and pianos, storage receipt life Insur ance oliclea, livestock, real estate. etc. 17. S. Real Estate A Brokerage $ Co., 818 Hamilton bldg. Main 8084. $ TCUR CREDIT Is good at the Employer Loan Co Stl Abington, iu- sa st. IF you own lot ana wish to build we will do tb rest, from $200 down, hal- anca ilka rent Granberg A Jovlk. room Z-6 20 Grand avenue. ftlA. lift r, A avnna - 1 PRIVATE funds to loan on Improved ufPmS!' 7 per cenL Maln MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. no commission chargea Paclfio States Fir insurance co. LOWEST RATES: loana on any aecurl Loan Co.. 85 Lafayette bid.. 6th A Wash. rr i -... ,. . MONEY to lon,-larg loana a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire in- surante. W. G. Beck. 312 Failing. TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 In 2 or 8 amount. Slight charge to borrower. Any good location. Ward, AHsky bldg. Iioo 000 on mortgages, city ur farm property, fire insurance McKensle A Co.. Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 K Sd at, near Alder. WILL, loan $6000 or less on real estata :. HitcnOK. . turning , muivei to loan on real estate, waraina-1 1 - A Reynolds - 818 Chamber of Jomr- iTOd.OuO and uo to loan on timber and mm plant. journal. MORTGAGE loan I to 8 per cent, city and farm property, zos couch bldg. MORTGAGE L6ANS, $ A 1 PER CENT. LOUI8 SALOMON, 888 STARK ST. - LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- tel. me txian co., 414 uexum oiag. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estata ramngton. i t ommerciai ciud Diag. SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL F. A. Newton. 515 Henry bldg. MONEY to loat. on tmoroved real estate, I. L. White, 331 Bheriock bldg. . OUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. Ring, i wasnington oiag. Mam sioo. $1000 to loan on Alblna property at 8 per cent L-432. Journal. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nough & Helta bib spauiaing Diag. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Muskrat muff Monday afternoon in Sealy A Lowell's grocery or Charl tons 6 A lOo store; a liberal reward will be paid for return to sos Union ave. N. ijnone c, Z3o. LOST Lady's gold hunting case watch, monogram u. with roo having su- xrmr mnnnirram. . V W'-Mturn tn - 7l Swetland bldg. and ' " - - -.- receive reward L0ST-i-Npar courthouse or down town, snvelone containing abstract and two deeds; $5 reward If returned to 640 Al- OUJNi on steer ana neirer, about IW years oM. . Owner can have atme by proving property and paying costa ynone xaoor jioao. ;nt m. ntn in. LOST Feb. 21, on either Alder or Washington sts.. a pearl pendant Re ward if returned to B. O. Caa A Co., Bth ana ua. LOST Lady's open face watch, Addison works i "O P." engraved on back. ymoer return to an ptanrr. newaror.i LOST 1 diamond uasonio watch chain. Kinaiy return to 6 in Worcester piag. ana pe rewaroea. - j. ti. jbiatcner. A PLACE to have your clotiie steam Inn Cleaners, wasn., opp. latn. A-1! 866. LOST Gold necklace. Jade ornaments. Keiurn to v iumoer juxenango Diag, Kwara,"-' PERSONAL SUFFERERS from piles. A card from i you win Dring our remedy, ray wnen emrea. Kuoar Mrg. co., r. u. box Z34 MADAME ESTELLE. magnetio healer; reliable spiritual adviser. 348 Yam hill, room 2. Walk upstairs. Main 1320. nerv xomo Tablets restore lo ost vitality.' 2So box. boxes M . I rt,. aaa . , K Btipe-j-ayiur ivruy w, toy Morrison. WRINKLES rn; ,vo. Sagging corrected in 16 minutes; free demonstration 9 1 fielllng-Hlrsch bldg. Neo Plastiaue Aoy. GERMAN1 Dhysiclan gives bodv muwin t at patron reamenca Phone - Main 8T11. San Francisco Examiner 31St& 'Washington ' Mftlrt 'Tf iiM-l'ij7 IWiffV -:- - fi ifn 1 " TiaWi 1 T WOMEN JU Femoid When others fan; sold ana Miaran'eed by the Aus- piuna irug to. no im. hb st, Main sioi BALM of figs remedy lor dlseaees ef . women. 61 2 Davis st Main S3ia G-394 pleas caU Xr mall at Journal offlca .:.... PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. urXIFT. Diseases of women and nhlMren ex- I clusively. . Women are of rn saved m vere sttrglcal operation by consul lna pie. .Nervous diseases of children JpecUUty. Private hospital arcomtnoda. tlona. Cnnflncnnonia cared for. Cor repondi. solicited. No charge for joneultatlon. Pliccwh Main IK28. A-MOJi Offic room 10. Grand Thoeira tldg.. waaninrton ana rara LISTEN! NOT YET, BUT ' SOON! - WOMEN WHAT IS ITT RELIABLE. ALI.ETIDERSIKKER, A HQU1U. - vpmrrxt atxrvxrtt II . L ALLKTIOER suvKBK, i. a w 1 1 .1 i. v 'ii i ,i at ri ttn ,r. for v zz1.' ,, iuuiiuu yuiunu i Modern electrlo treatment for dis eases of tha nrostate. nervous -debility. rectal, chronlo. hlnod and akin diseases. 4th Washington; y taining advertisements marriageable tales. ' Canada, rich. ? poor, young, old Protestants. Catholics. ' mailed aealed free. D. K. Onnnels. Toledo, Ohio. Are You RuDtuied? ThA nerfert truis U mada and f!tt(J by a specialist to-men, women and chiW dren. Satisfaction guaranteed -or-na charge. Wilson, S stir st UR LEWIS, v.. i.- Physlolan and aurgeon: treats - women ana cnuaren , exclusively; private now Dital accommodaticos: examinations tree. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants Trustbldg. Bin ana wasn. i - OCCULT, new thought, sclentlflo an school books, bought and sold, sen "L for our free magazine club 'list; also rrrj T miii H'htlf occu't or scientino dooks plication. Jones Book Store. Henry Piag., 284 oan st GERMAN boons, magannea, novels, eta. Bwi.hdiaian diet onarfes- foreign KS 4 VU 'Cal sfflr S i2tKIt uermax, junguan, - ranon. Bpanisn, I dlaeaaea of men: blood and akin dls- eaaea. aorea. ulcere, swollen icianas. Kia- pey. oladder and piles. 181 First. Port lani. DETECTIVE, nrtvate: hitfheat of busl ness reference furnished: private in- estimations, letral and corporation work All correspondence confidential. V-400, Journal, SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical, alcoholic, genuine tub - baths, chirop- MIDDLE aged man, excellent habits home and trade, would meet maiden lady of 80; must be respectable; object matrimony., xa.-a jgurnai. MARRIAGE paper with descriptions, many with means, sealed. Mrs. Bell, "15 Magnolia av, ixs Angeles, cai. CARD reading and palmistry taught; ell questions answered. Huiie 49, 8504 ' Morrison, Milner bldg. . GERTRUDE LORD, expert manicurist Buite 4ft. ftu Morrison St., 4tn noor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS , WHEN in doubt about valuation, have it appraised. Northwestern Appraisal co., 606 uoara or iraae. ASSATEBB WELLS A PROEBSTEL, assayers. ana- lyticai chemists. Z04H vyasn. m. 7to. MONTANA asy office, laboratory and ore testing one. me Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Moorehonsn A Qo.. 411 Wash, st AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School 1 Vh0V,,i,hTv M,itnnri 1 LTn JnfvfTvr- school ' 1 v.. Thorough instruction. competent management and oractlca'l work. E. 23d and Morrison . Tk S-S.or Mt Tabor car; look us un beforo deciaing to enroll elsewhere. ATTORNEYS AE. COOPER. Attornsy-at-Law. Prac- tic in an court ADStracts exam 7). rhtm rnm M 7, a-2071 Jin t.ntm, or com, m. 71, a-zuh kiuw ih nil tuuris. Australia, rxBiu- B. M. BENSON, general practice; col lections, abstract. 20 Washington bid. CHRlSTOPHEKSOiN & MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan ?idg. AUTO EXPRESS. AUTO EXPRESS quick delivery. 402 comi niK. a-1338; Marsnan 176S. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id t Riant hnnic m-fi- airts. Tor Jo..' Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; ee the new Kureka lear. a-six3. Main ibi. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TOEgfl0t,00? , bought, sold. Repairing. 188 iota. BUSINESS CARDS (WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. street paving, sidewalks ana cross In g. 3 1 7 B!ck bldg . THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. I'ortiana ornce. wo Kiectnc ping, I JAB. Mcl. WOOD A CO., all kinds of I insurance, surety uonos. McKay Diag. .nnT. n.r.,n vanr mm x v ajx, ah a n u JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Wtcrka Carpets cieanea ana laid, rentting our specialty, k. 440. n-iti3. zo4 is. ith N. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renovated; guarantimd E, 360, B-2236. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 153 Union ava, near E. Morrison. kJj,.,w,jMn ,wu .t.g nvi..i - l VVIVUIOI B . WW " lugl, mi J . . ...j... ..u....w,t.. ,.,, I Dk.rftH uwa Dhftn. WnmllanrM, 4CCK CHINESE DOCTORS U trv unti nt.ii. n -.j unn rnnta onr All niRM hah nf man On treatment rreeji6 Third st dr. Blng Choong. pbyskian for men and women. Guaranteed cure. 226 V4 Alder. DR. MRS. S IC CHAN ourea all dls- eases of women. 226J4 Morrison st DR. I T. YEE & SONS, 142 lat st Main 8464. A-8856. CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR np j g DOUGLASS, 338 Union ava I N. Phone East 6Z41. Consultation and examination tree. CHIROPODISTS GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, race and scaip specialist, 7 Raleigh piog. Dtp ana , wasnington. CHIROPOEY. manicuring, scalp. Mra Dun ton. 84 wash. Marshall 1329. 1 CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mr. M. ix urn. 4? Fiieaner mag. CIRCULAR LETTERS 1 "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." Crain Com. Letter Co. A-4665. I CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanley,, civil engineer, 1005 cnamoer or commerce.- Marsnau 1664, COAL AND WOOD Yamato Wodd arid Coal Company. C0AU. EL0CK IWOODProM .iVifcftiiV WOOD COAL MCCD. if. CADO At 4596. WOOD HILL I mill A.4R4T No. 1 dry wood. '4 ft, sawed to order. 0REG15nLIJMBE5 A FUEL Ca BlocS I and trim wood. Tabor. 2811, COAL AND WOOD NOTICE PSANSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD 2.50 GKEEN 4 FOOT WOOD ..,.,i...$2.75 INSIDE GREEN SHORT $8.60 DRY SHORT WOOD -........... .84.00 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. - Tbc Portland Slabwccd Co. - v Main 8119. A-7001. WOOD. Fins country slabwood. sawed. 8' 2.7. Four, foot alabwood, per cord, 83.75. Inahfe wood sawed, $3.50. 1000 ft of new cull ties, sawed, $8.60. SEGHERS WOOD CO:. . r 9th and Ollwn. Home A-2415M. 6369. Dry Block Wood ': Mixed with small : wood. 14.60 ner load, delivered anywhere In city. Port land Wrecking Co., 106-107 N. 11th st Main SI, A-3736. THE ECONOMY Fuel Coi handles all the befct grades of coal, We make a specialty of furnace and heating nlant coal at a -reasonable price. Special prices on car loads, B-2343. Eaat 314. Anttany, Saahera Wood Co. th and QHsan Street r Dealer In All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir. Oak. A. . Main 6359. A-341B. Meier A Frang take odera for our standard grades, or phone East 803, or C-2808-Edlefaen Fuel Co..-Inc. Chaitoat; DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Main .8717. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main 1168, A-3842. Dry inside wood, green siabwood. clean sawdust lor bed- qmg. cut fuel: QiooKwooa. COOS . BAYCOAL CO- 181 iiumsiae et , fnonee, aim ZZ8, A-1J(. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co.. 811 Water st Marshall 960. DRY MIXED cedar 82 a load for $0 flays only. -Main 8168, A-3843. CORD wood delivered anywhere In city, wnoienaie. retail. j Kant, nil, h-buh. STANDARD WOOD CO. Wood and coal, 847 E. Stark. East 2315. B-1695. COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claim '.1 svery. aesenpuon couaciea va a strictly percentago basis anywhere. Telephone Main B410. Colton Adjust. ment Co.. 410 Abington bldg.. Portland. CURRENT and dellnauent account col lected. Well Mercantile Agency. 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th enq Oak ta NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency. 32LHen-. ry bldg. Marshall 2688. A-7780. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All dents - collected. 317 AHsky A-7317: M. 4231 COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSUANS' and dentist olSctlons only. L, Plnckney Whita Main 6074, A-7026. '. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. 8. GOLDBERG A CO., 812 Couch bldg. Concrete) warehouses, power plants, conveyors, elevatora, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 8026. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ROGERS A ANDERSON, contractors, basement floors, walks, plastering, brick work, cesspools and excavating. 1747 Fowler ave. Residence phone Woodlawn 1605. PORTER A PENN Concrete founda tion, construction estimates on all kinds of cement work. 107 N. 14th. Main 8387. FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on i, C Olson. Marshall 1441; 192 Grover St. J. BURTON, 148 let., architect-builder. Estimates furnished. M. 1317, Ar-1817 WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 204 4th Main ff241. UNITED Eng. A Construction Co., engi- neers and contractors. 711 Lewis. DANCING 26c PER lesson.- lessons for $1; waltz. two-step, three-step, stage dancing. etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson s school, oldest and only recog nized loading academy for correct danc- iiiK, QP?a vibii., ugt. vy , r 01 A alllU JVlll. HEATH'S dancing school, 109 Second st. between Washington and Stark, Btage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings, 3 to 12, ' DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth whre bridge work is Impossible: does away entirely with plates, bridge work; we cure pyrrohea (loose teem) aDsoiuteiy, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Abington bldg., 106 H 3d st - CHICAGO Painless DentisUv established 16 years, azas wasnington. cor. etn. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentist.' Third ana wasnington sta DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. R.of. 824 Flandera M. 4086. Hosp. 89 K. 12th. E. 644. FURNITURE AND STOVES. UNION Salvage Co,, J88 Front st Mar: 798. Highest price ror 2d hand goods, ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sala Paclfio Elec- tno Engineering co.. zn sa st. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re- moved. MitrM. U. HIH. 4? ntedner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United Electric Garment Co., 637 Alder. FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING and repairing at your home, is year m Portland. East 6609. , GLAZING UNIT1-1J ULASS A GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4481 GASOLINE K.NGJNE3 STATIONARY - and marine; electrle equipments; launches, acceaaorle wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 188 Morrleon. HAT-FACTOR! MEN'S hat cleaned and blocked at tha Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators In the city. 14-66 3d at, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory at half price. HORSESHOELXO PRACTICAL horseshoer, especUl atten. tlon given to lame and Interfering horses; horse called for and delivered. Main 9186. 227 salmon at. rR NIKE. 283 M, . Front st. makes specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience in in ew iuu uiy, HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 303 Rothchiid bldg. Phone Main 708. - HOME TREATMENTS VIAVI assists nature to remov cus of disease. 4U9 Kothohlld bldg. INSURANCE - wripain p,u. A, eta mail at wa.Ma. , aw. v. , v.U A W 4 - 1ng hlrlir. Kverv form insiirnnr. hnnrla 7 JAMES U. QuDGn, 848 UlsBlsalppt ave. woooiawn iiua. c-z u o . insur now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches, Jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties, H. A. Forbes, New Parkin Hotel, 5 th & Wash, ill REAL ESTATE NAME ' ' , n AD0MBS8 . . - TU.rpUOXK Baker, p. M.; City, Farm Property,. ,,,.803 Corbett BIdg.. . . A-449a, Main 74i Berry' Heuty Comi,ajr..v....-..............K4 4tb.. ............... .Uunbi.ll Inh A-4714 Bronc-Pteele Company ....................... Omniid Vmot Lewis Bldg Uata noil A1T41 Brauaker Broedlet 80S UeRajr Hds . u Burtenshaw A Euehler. ............... Hawthorne and E. 49th,. . ..Tabor 1743 Chiplo A Herlow. ............................ tfii Clumber of Oouimerce... ,.,.mId iv i Cook A Co.. B. ..,..,................008 Cottiett BW. .Main 863, A-W J Kliapp Jk Maciey. .......!. ; Marshall. W. H.. Farms. Cltr Property.. Oreron Benl Eaute Co.. Tbc.... altnomab. . gat T. C-lTiH Shield. J H........ iSlte01 ."i......ala 4 o Thompwi. 14. . Co. . Henry Bids.. 4th-Oak..., M. Km. AJt'c7 LAUNDRIES EAGLE LAUNDRY, fine work,- low prices and quic. 'Eiiue 8863. 120 Russell st 1 LEATHER AND FlXpINGS CHAD. L. MABTICK, CO., 74 front. Ieatner 01 ; every aecpunu. 3nufcturera. finding - ' ' LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. . 188 Ith. bet Taylor and rambill. Books 8e per day. MIXl:a AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. . Send fr our oooaiet. azo t'mri uu- MACHTNERT B. TRENKMAN A CO. HydrtUlle and special pipes. creens, baegtns. mining mschlner. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4U aayeataiaatjaaavrf MASSAG& SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM. , gestlve disorder nerve, rheumatic, dl-802-8 Oregonlan oldf MULTIORAPHINa MULTIGRAPHING. shorthand, typ wrlting. M. 766. 413 Buchanan bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupt. Savnilc boo Marnuam. A-4160. Mar.l6. PROF. T.' E."XAWSONri35 14th st Phone Main 5197. fjano iwwm ""- PIANO, violin, trombone, cornet, guU banjo. Prof. E. A. Smith. 293 12th. ultar, MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 184 2d: complete line musical mon. " catalogue uuescner oano intruinn. NATUROPATH HOCTOI n- a v nrnvtr. naturopath, ohlro- .-,r.'ioiit- naraJvafs. rheuma tism, nervous diseasea. CalU or writa Fbone Main un, ivt OPTICAL SPECIAUSTS w."r".rr;'" advice. iuu st. n.y rAPiuiuvw -T. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W, Christie fWeooath. chronic nervous: diseases, 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6171, A-4880. PR LILLEBELUE PATTERSON, ape clalist on nerves, acute and chronic dlaeaaea 811 ronton oiqb. mam owv, no', cuitu .riAiiitt Klrkvilla Mo, 1898; post graduate 1907. 818 Swet- land blag. DR. L. H. HOWLAND, general practi tioner, OZ r leioner mot. DBS. L. U. AND E. H. SMITH, genera practitioners. o uregonian mug. DR. KATHRYN UUETlfirl, specianei. women A chimren, ua fiieaner ui. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH A CO.. Pioneer Paint Co, 136 lat Mm is. a-i. tt aCTurreaWM A- ffl . "HI eh Standard pynt, ne. cor, w-'i ayior. m.. tjj- PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR beat work, prices right call P. A Doane, 104 union, pym.niiung-. GET our prices on Dalntlns. paper- Ing. tinting Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor. V ney-at-Law. latt U. 8. Patent Office: book free. 71 ttoarq oi i ru R C. WRIGHT. U. S. and lomin pat- ant; Infringement caiw. um. PUNO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning $2; 18 vra' einerience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING GASFITTING to Jobbing contract or dav Work. we iuriusn nmiciiai v. you fiirnlah It L-433, Journal PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Oil- lan, 186 lotn. ootn pnouea. TRUSTING WELCH PKINTIRG 'CO. "Doera of clever things with type and ink on paper.'' 141 1st. - 1 L. E. Whit & Co., Printers. Barber A White. Main 6800, A-2315. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, Bhort notice, E, Allen, 615 Oregonian Dioy. m. tw, a-miv. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery . Can. nmgnam co- i pith, jum ,. SAFES THE Moaler Safe Co.. 108 2d at Safes at factory prices; repairs; iocxuuh opened, bargains in second hand safes SANITARY' ENGINEERS t a URANT. C. E.. 214 Couch bldg.. A-4963. inspection ana reports, oau- terlolQKlBt. ' : ; SECOND HAND FURNITURE THE PORTLAND pays highest price for 2d hand gooas. aua 1st. m u iwus. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES ennwCASES of every description; bank, bar ana star miuru uiaus w order. The L,ute Mig. co. FrTp TAMF.S I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and 01a snowcaaea caDineta, store nd office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. R. H. B1RD8ELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show-case nisiocKrTomFraetvery; Sales agent M. winter uumper co. SHINGLES BEST in Portland .Bee tnern. 201 wasnington st. p. b. mioen. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER Signs; - the larg. est sign makers in tn norm west, 7th and B. Everett ta - Phones, Eaat 1111, Home B-2Z24. .v "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign CO., ZHi Ptara. main STATIONERY, OFI1CE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchanan bldg.; best typewriting pnpers. M. 75rt. STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REI'ORTEliS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-408 Abington. M. pul A-aoan. i-xetiuamoim, " SPECIALISTS FOR MEN Ann guarantee -NO ' MONEY RE i-WIRE4JNTlL.ATISFiED--. 1 yur aoBOiui. )iru"iviivu. v--' ut'suuouiMi, ex amination ana aiagnoHis ne. viur s ie ..inltv la ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. What you want'-l a cure. Come to us and set it Hours dally 9 to 6. Even Incs. 7 to 8, Sundays 10 to 1 only, DR. GREEN CO., 363 Washington . si. Parkland. Vr., ,,- . - i j. K .... ; DIKECTORY mamw oi ( nnimere. ...Mi:a and A-2ina Btoon f,-8SOH' Aider .......IWals eTi scrVetors nupUlvl3iyft worR a specialty. A. O. DTTntMltTriTAK ......... y, nnii. oui.- MarNDall 193. W?1?''" Labbs bld -c Waahlngton. Suits te order! GWsEAUISTT UlIotluTdHaTaplrTTx: clunlve patterns. 245 H WaahlngtAn .a - TAXIDEIiSUST '. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and fuirierl glass eyes. 249 Columbia. . " 1 TOWEL SUPPLt CLEAN towel dally, comb, brush, soap. 0Ztlr.!Pmr.So Jb "" Couch tS! P&JL ' m?nth:. . l11-! Laundry . w.iii in, A-f410. ALL, Blakm rmntmA ... , m. alngham Co., 231 StarhT' Main 1 4 of . TRANSFER AND STORAGE nd cmmodlous 4 story brick warehouse,., separate - iron ' rooms and .ireproor vaults for -valuables, north- f-i ,d n" Wnt sta - Piano and zurnltiira mAwaa , . . . Uhlpment Main 696; -199C P(iiJli6ANi,.aVBn Storage Co. cor. 18tb and Event ata.. int rnnaO f,a..d"n torag warehoua In ctyj VL JIu convnlence for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insuranc rate in nothw.i. e . . lormovfng -Msln' or A-1620 " , Oregon Transfer Co. . - Established 1870. - ' Transfer and forwarding ageota Offic. 810 Hoyt st. bet 6th nd Itn. muni-n: i"in W: A-11SS. EXPRESSING, coal dHvr.i n.. city, lowtet prices. Rubin. 804 Ahkeny. FURNITURE, trunk moving. City Hail -anfer-eor-r?0 8.-A- 7?4T 265 6th, VETERINARIAN h P' DILLON, Hawthorn Avenu Stables. East 72, 597. B-1369. WELL DRILLING . DRILLING wells specialty; prices rea. sonable. Call-Main-4348-or writ R. West, 1 S3 Morrison st. ; VJEIA,dr,UIn contracts. J. W. Green, 890 Vancouver. C-2478. AVINDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO. 63 N. Park st. Phone Main 7385. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING A FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front t. Portland, O-. Phone Main 179. . M. A. GUN8T A CO. ' DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS ruKiXiAWU, OR. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale. groceriT manufacturers and coffee roaatera 4th and Oak sts. ! Eri't Uler, WH Pw Cfc, Imp. ana ....... ,,u.i,Biiiba, wimiesaie ana retail. M.RUK WALL PAPER Ca, 230 ii st, between Salmon ami Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS OR "H'KHrf M rOSTZLAjra BAJLWAY, XtGMTi j City Un. , Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder Streeta Portland anil nn. r-i,.. t Portland. First and Alder treets. 4:oT IhJ3! a: m-' V1"1 ,every $ minutes, (on the hour and half hour), to and inc udlng 9:00 p. m.. then 10:00 p. m. ll.le p m. Last train 12:00 midnight! e.KK .? 2armdUt point 6:65. 7:45. 8:45. 9:45. am-. it ?,..a a Fa4lvi?w,n,1 Trontdale :55, V.Ah, Mil 'llL U5 :4SI , "8, ,l:4-8'-8 m.KKaA?tf?$ intermediate point-.' 8:66, .8:45, 10:46 atm., 12:45, 1:45. 4:45, Vancouver 2lna A. M. 6:15, 6:60, 7:25, 8:00. 8:85. 9:10. 9:60, 10:86, 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 1330, 1:10, 1:50. tO. SilOt tin the third Monday In every monti the last car leaves at 7:05 p. n Cars for Vancouver make no stop on Lnion avenue between Burnside street . and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengers, but make stops to pick un taa sengers at all transfer points.' ""J wjcouvBr to connect On third Monday of ever 'month ,. lat ferry leve Vancouver at -J p. m. Leaving urn blackface, doubli trains. , , -. .... v.-. Cars from Vancouver make no sldr.a on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Burnside street except Dally except Sunday. . , .- : Daily except Mondaya ' Rnn' t lrwel on TTnion svenn. TRANSPORTATION OPENS ITS TBAJTSPOBTATIO XT CO. Str. J. K. TBAX. rrtlf M Kecd. dally at Oak fit Dock for Celflo Th TkI1 Hoorl ' T?l . ami all Intormealate points. -Steamer leaves , portlan! Sundays, Tuesdays arrd1 Thursdays at 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves' The Dalles Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m., arriving at Portland about 5 p, m. same day. A. 8. WHITINU. -Phones Main 2960. A-3527. A at Captain W. S. Buchanan, Superintendent," Str. AJNVIL,' , For Tillamook, Newport, Bandon and C4quUle---r4--pe'lnt--w44h passenger -and freight, sails from Alber dock No. 3, Monday, Feb. 27, 5 p. m. Freight ro-r celved. up to' noon for Bandon aiidtC- ?uille river points and up to 3 p. in. or .Ylllamook and Newport. .Phones Main 151. A-1903. , Ticket ' 138 3d st. Phone Main 023. San. Pra?Slsoo A Portland Steamship Co, New toewtce to lo Angeies via au Franciscgevery five days. From Ai.haiortli dock, Portland 4 p. m : Beaver P i& 3d, SWar VCa. 33. City Mar, 8. From San Francisco, northbound. 1 in.: Bear Pen. 25. R. City lar. 8,Beavr Max. 7 From can iearo, nortnoouna: - - ' 2V City Peb. SB, BTr Mar. 6, Bear 10. ix. a. Btoitn, u. x. a., za TA-.ra et. J. W. Bancom, Affent, Ainaworth Cook, - Phones r Main 403, 288! A-1403. BAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES " AND SAN DIEGO DIRXC - X03T3 PACTPIO & S CO, St S. JtOAirOaCB and . 8. ILVx. tun Every Wedneaday, altarnataly, at m m. Ticket offic 133 Third, near AH. Phone Main 1314, A-1314. - W. t fiLCSlR, Freight Avt COOJ bay uirn TAIX)RINO . , 1. i";.rsr;?a m. -8:00, 6:35. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20. 86, ao, IO2I0I 10:50, 11:30. P. M.-12:1X 12:60. 1 2:10. 2:50, 3:30, 4M0. 4:60, 6 -30. 1 10 6:50 7:25, 8:00. 8:85." 8:10.' iM" 10 20.' 10:56. 11:30. ai8'0S ' WW Str. Breakwater sail front AIuvm o, l'nrtUnii,- (s p. 'ry '1 11",- nlBlit. Freight rHvd wt At dock Until ft p. .iv. ,.. r singer' far . 1st i-Ihx, lt, I . $7, Including msli t.t i t - on sala et Aiuvui.ii u ., 1 263. A-1234. 'I