I ti 1 t , ; - i .r i ! i i j, t. s t (.is l. i; k-" ., , t tmii and eir!tii io drne ntfM iuul "i. i.l, -ftt'lt'l.t XhiiO 1, s. 1 Bf i uh i iii. ai o r-yi j'-oia i;lre geloing. ' a trre.it ilrart horse, WeiRht ItSuO lhs., I'nri $ '.. i l. Kj;.m wniiinHiX Locust Grove, Farm. Home 1'tioni 9"fl. Horses for Sab 1! horses, weight 1100 to K00 b. i l-orm-8, weight 1750 to J 840 lbe. 10 horsos, weight 1400 to 1G00 Iii. 10 horsL-8. weiCht 1000 to 1100 b. All will be sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVK. STABLE 3. 4?0 Hawthorne Ave. ONE pair of niares, 8300 lbs., In foal; 3 head young; mores, 1200 to 1400 lbs.; all sound unci well broken. Adams & Campbell, 621 and Sandy road; Rosa City . Park car. , 40 HEAD of horses Anil mares from "1200 to 1600 lbs.. Just arrived from eastern Oregon; everything now guar anteed as represented at U B. stables, 248 Front st. MUST sell flue chunky, 2500 lb.' team young mules, viiuu. www wt tvmu Guaranteed true work- rs - anywhere. All $27.5. Call Broadway, i Almost new-, harness. 349 E. 3d St. N pear CaRLOAI) eastern-Oregon horses and i mares, weight 1200 tq 1609 lbs., all young, sound - and- well ' broke.- -185 Vs Wadlaon st, near new bridge on west sine. BIO BARGAIN Team, mare and horse, v 820Q lbs., true pullers, .harness and wagon.' Take Woodstock car 67th and tm ave. Pnone Sell wood '1788.'' 'OR BALE One lilO lb, home aheap can 7 i&, nutn st., Montavma ear. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 WANTED to rent, a dairy by month or will take charge, or will run on hares; state location, number of cows and terms; beet of references: have been running a dairy in Portland for two years. F-410, journal. -FRESH gentle cows and thoroughbred , prise , winning Brown Leghorn chick ens. U mile northeast of Hoaan sta tion on Cazadero line, E. J. Gradla Phone Gresham 828.- - BEAUTIFULLY man ked sab an white female Scotch. 00IU eed, registered, 8 years 01a tde. 187 17th st ron- WHITE Plymouth Rocks." 8 laying pul- lets, 1 oocKerei. a DiooKS north, 1 east ot school. Toxon Park, L Peek, Lents, box 31. t6 -tJcClUNGd-Flno:. Jferser " helfe 19 months old. Will trade for. chick ens or good Incubator or will sell cheap, 1828 Er Taylor. Phono Tabor 5S. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggsl 11.60 ettlnsr. Bate per nunarea Bellwood 1836. 1 WANT a good Jersey cow, a steel rang and some chickens will ex change a' fine 3160 lot . V-428, Journal. Ijr Yau want to bur or: sell "dairy ' cows,, see Mokel-Bruce Co.. at stock yards. Woodlawn 1400. ' FOR SALE 8 fresh cows.-165 and UD. 62d and 83d aves.. & B. end, of Haw- tnorne car. - RljSH cow and calf for sale, ' 46 . Brown st. near JCUllnirsworth. FOR SAIB Thoroughbred toolntor. pup plea. 689 Savler. Main 8829. ' mOll "class Silver ".Laced Wyandotte e-rs, -81.60 setUng. 1063 E. 8th st N. CANARY -birds; fine ' singers and fe- maies. 647 Montgomery. Main izo, FOR SALBMlSCELLAIfKOUS 18 f ' ADSKN PORTLAND CB3MENT. ' A' fresh cargo of this oelebrated Im ported cement has Just arrived.; for saie Dy - - THBT , J. , M'CR AKEN CO. " . 73 ront Kt ' a bargaW. JT6r responsible party -will Sell my equity In fine residence property. See ii. u. a. iiuxrman, owner, aoous par tloulars '2461 Washington st, manager Wythe Dental Co. Phone Marshall 727. sJcFOOT glass cabin-launch. 18 horse power, four cycle engine, three years old. Suited for -passengers. Owner wants to build speed boat- Price 3760: cost i2ou. Address est vvnuams ave, cars J. 11. W. - - - .-s . ' NEW and second hand pool and hllllard v tables bought and sold on easy terms: bowling alleys, refrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 48 6th st S10 Twin 6 Indian motorcycle, taught new Beot. 15; nrlee 8200: in Al con- dltion, 407 C-1947. Holladay. . Phone 82. 8003, HURRY HURIiY T I have a 8187 Reed-French nlano oheek. What do you want to give for UT Phone Martina u ibis, 'OR SALB: or rent logging and hoisting : ensrlnea . Railway Eauinmant Co.. II 1st st. Both phones.' SABT'JS New and second-hand' genuine Portland Hsfe Co., 85-87 Fifth st - AUTOMOBILK, four passenger, in first .class condition, nhetip. Might oon elder part trade.- W-4Htl. .Totirnal. YQ1X SALE Cheap, second hand high pressure boiler, good condition. Amer ican umcie to., iin ana jonnson. UPRIGHT 12mrson piano for cash. Real bargain. Leaving city. X-42 l'R SALE An astronomical ieieecope; Will make .. rood street Initnimant "X-428, Journal, - VCR SALE Drees suit, or will trade for - 1st class kodak and developing outfit Call after p, m. B-8188. 8181.50 piano check for l6. . Mr. Chaa A. lCaius, 140 Ji. 47th street 38 foot fish boat, 7H ft. beam. Bar. gam.- Aaoress x-23, journal. FOR SALB 3134 piano check on Reed French. $2. 894 Harrison at 6 HOUSEHOLD sewing machine gool stitcher. Call 383 H. Morrison. - FOR BALB"-18 h. p. gns engine, 204 B, twin . u, o-iHoa. SHOWCASES, -fixtures, store flttlngsT new, 3d hand. 813 Everett. M. 7817. l3.50 GENT'S wheel, coaster brake, fine condition; girt s wneei i. kosw 4th. .PIANO; check. 313t.60; good UUs veek; will take 337.60 -ti, journal. FOR 8ALE--"Sun" typewriter. ioo3 conamon, very reasonapie. 248 Alder. ,200 FINE cedar posts for sale cheap A ' ' 7713 or 1st rtreet - WeTjL' rotted fer;lllaer manure, "Est 492. FOR SALB, cheap, Boston bull puppios : WANTED amCELLAXgOUS S ' BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 8. H. Barger, formerly of the Dollar -Fornlture Co., has regained hi health and will resame business at 868-370'E. Morrison st next to Calef Bros.,- and -will: be, glad to serve all his old cus tomers and many new ones. The utore - 1h open for the purpose of buying or we will now accept goods on consignment for sale on1 commission or housa sales, 4 go if you are contemplating selling we will turn everything into cash on short eat possible notice. Ctll un Katt iad V and get In touch with vs on any propo- IF yoU want the money yevr "rv .B?itul7.wl,r1 brJ.ng ve time, call tint 4722, 388 Haw the me. Meier Furniture , (ip. " J-- ' ' " . 1 liB WISE; gev mere tor ynr ttecond ; hand furniture by selling it to Ford Aurtlon Co., ill 1st.' Main 81. A-244S. !lSA'ls:LE auction jobbers want 2d ' nand furniture, high let price paid. 84 Grand ave.. B. 1051. . ' WANTED 25 calibre rifle in good con- dltlon. ii, iri, i,u ul IUVIIUUi iiiu . mn . . State - price, journal; : - JrJ'UKJNlTURI'J WANTED, , . 43rcond hand; highest ' price paid. Hockfeld ft Sons, 86 Grand ave. E. 294. " WANTED -To buy a cheap ticket to CUlc?o,jor1TewYQrk..j8-iiijour. ( HALEY Furniture X!o. gives most for used furniture, etc K. 948. 296 Grand. ' VANTED -2d hand furniture. East 8isT iii'U- L-U-iJ.: iiii''.ll! Mi, m S48 Hawthorne ave. Seater & Martin, L-JllOOL hooka boimht ud eold"," 2d st, near Sahuuii, 16$ fctli. 211 i 1 SECOND HAND CARS STEARNS. 1909 model. 4 cylinder, So-eO if. P. Equipment: Top, glass front, pas tank, clock, de mountable rims .... .-. jr. $3500 STEARNS. 1909 model, 7 passen ger, 4 cylinder, 60 II. P. Equip meat: Top, gluts -front, speedo meter, gat tunic, demountable rims, 1 extra casing . 4 . PEERLESS. 3 909 model, 7 passen . pen. Equipment: Ton, glass front, Warner speedometer, gas tank ... ' 3500 2500 CADILLAC, J910 model, S possen gor. Equipment: Top. glasa rront, electrio lights-.1, 1260 CADILLAC, Deml-tonneau, 1'909 model' Equipment: Top, wind- . t shield, clock, Stewart speedome ter, electrio lights ,., 1050 CADILLAC, . Model-"G" 1808,- 5, 1 passenger. Equipment: Wlnd shield, top 600 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder 5 passen- fer. Equipment: Top, , glass ront, Stewart speedometer PIERCE, 1910 model, cylinder. Equipment: Top, windshield, - Stewart speedometer,' clock, seat coyers PIERCB, 7 passenger; 1807 model, . first class condition REO, 3 cylinder, 8 passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer , ...,..... REO, 3 ' cylinder, 6 f passenger, quipped with top and Stewart speedometer OLDSMOBILE. 4' cylinder, equipped, with top. and .glass front ..; BTJICK;' 3 cylintftr, equipped with 450 8500 800 480 400 100 iop, wiousnjeiq, Hiewart speed- meter 450 BUICK, model 10, 1910 equipped -speedometer 800 STUDBBAKER. 1910, 7 passenger. , equipped with top, glass front" Stewart speedometer and clock., 2000 - THESE CARS 1 HAVE BEEN XEFT WITH CS BY OWNERS TO BB BOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASE) 19li PIERCE ARRO W AND t CADILLAC . : Covey : Motor v Car Co." ; Main 6470. -7th and Couch fits. FOR SALE or exchange, 190M910 mod els: 8 Bulcs 6 Cadillacs, 3 steamers, 6 runabouts. 8 lisrht dnllverv triloba 4 Chalmers, 3 Pope-Hartfords, 3 Stoddard Day tons, 8 Maxwells, all in first class oondlUon. - Call Portland Auto Commls. iun oouset pu-z jx. Yin St. ' AGENCY of high grade auto and stock of new and used cars. 8 years' lease on DricK aarare. waat biam. tnv side, cheap, or trad for farm or city property. ortimlty ot a lifetime.. 806-4 Board raue. iiAVIJ bought a larger oar. Will trade a 6-passenger Franklin cheap to right J".tw"11wm wose. tonneau, " uuuy, nuia moiar extra casings guaranteed In A-l Shape. Call B-1017. Bargains!-. Bargains! Auto tires and Inner tubes, all si sea at , half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-8646, Elton A numer. ' FOR auto bargains seo the Custom House Auto Co- or write for our har. gain list We are sure to have the ear you want. zi mverett ' Main 1649,, 24 FOOT launch for' sale cheap, or will traae ror automobile, aiain B8Z5. OLD auto "tires So per lb., delivered: via iimvr luun 10., aeiiverea. We also buy copper, brass, east ' Iron. J. Leva, 186 Columbia st. M. 6198. - WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE AUTOMCv - BILES AND REAL ESTATE. CAT.T. AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. FLETCHER A MCANilHHJ, W BOARD OF TRADE. i; iu -wantea in exenange xor 60 acres una aoDia or rum riuii nur i.-st, journal. WANT to buy a small auto truck, also a laryn one; aeconq nana, fliain 83ZB. AM buying a larger truck; will sell m loop 10. truck cheap. G-391, Journa MUSICAL INSmtJMEKTS 84 Mi Mlli-,---W--.'.i-I.I.V.il.ll,1IWh,,lfclW , FOR SALE High' grade piano, food londitlon: a? bargain. 231 Filed ner cor. 10th and Washington sts. LOANS WANTED ao , If you hays money to invest ask mk, KABTurj about PREFERRED MORTGAGB fi)AlCl J. H. Tipton Co 1108 Spalding bldg. WANT 36000 on Irvington house; will pay e per cent u-ii, journal $2000 and?360O to loan on realty. Ask MOXEY TO LOAJf ST Will Loan You 'Money On your furniture, piano, 'or real estate. uvwesi rate or interest, see me nret ... r.i 1 M mm . a s .1 .- m h t, NiChOIS' 620 Board of Trsda Rulldlnr. S40NEY loaned In amounts from $10 up , 1 I . d ........ Jl . . vn- an mimia or secunuea, furniture, lanos or any personal property; week y Or monthly oavmentsi law nlut nw. fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 801 RcthchUd bids-.. 287 U Washlnato St. between 4th and 5th sts. WB SELL five acres of logged off land ; r tisv, ei nown ana f i per month, , . i"0"1 yu bea it Watch -for our his m.A in finn' Jaurnal. 307- Fallln Rli. " MONET advanced salaried peopie. hvtisa-' keepers and others upon their own names without security; chapnst rates, easiest. payments; of floee in 6 princi pal cities; -sava money by gettinp our terms, Tolman, 817 Lumber Exthanre. Quick - loans on' furniture anil $ pianos, storage receipts, life lnsur 3 ance policies, livestock, real estate. 3 eta y, B. Real Estate ft Brokerage $ Co., 312 Hamilton bldg.- Main 3084. $ J. . MONEY 10 LOAN. We loan in laree and small amounts obj well improved city and farm prop erty. J. M. French & Co., 412-418 Abing ton bldg., 106H 3d st. - Ti.rm rnrntT la good at the Employes Loan Co; 831 Aoington. juey set st LARGE aqd SMALL amounts to LOAN! t-ortiana ana wuournan Keai Estate.. j. . 'iinvn v., iiu Bpniaing Bldg, Phone Mar. 3745. Aalt for Mr. EASTON.' ' '1'. I"".''"''""'' "L' I ,"'. -.'I-IIIHII I ill I , . ir yu tiwn a oi ana wisn to nuud we will do Jhe rest, from $200 down, bal ance like rent, Grenberg & Jovik, room o ivya urunu avrnue MONEY to loan on Improved real estate, iiu t vuitiiuiaBiVJi ; i..ii A'iHl tktt i-.'!-aulIlO Slates Fire Insurance Co. ' LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or roal estate. Union lioan uo., SD t-aiayette nia., utn ft Wash. MONEY to oan, lars loans a specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire in- suran.e. w. u. necK. an failing, TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 in 3 or 8 - amounts. Slight charge to borrower. Any good location. Ward, AHsky bldg. WILL loan $6000 or Ua on real estate. MitctmwK. eiu uoincnuq bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding & Reynolds. 818 Chamber of Com. $100,000 and up to loan on t iin ber and mm piant. j4i, journal MORTGAGEloaris 6 to 8 per cent city and farm property,' 205 Couch bids. MORTGAGE LOANS, $ & 7PEU CENfT - LOUIS SALOMON, 283 STARK ST. LOAN for the asking, salary or, chat " ol-, ; The Loan Co.. 414 D-kum bldg. WlLL loan $26,000 or less real estate. yarrwaton. 4ib i;nmmerciai ciub bldg. oat i"bv . T oific f-7M trTl ri.jjf-nn - SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL! F. A. wewton. eie tifnry bid g. UONKY to loai. on Improved rat estate. I. I White, 831 Sherlock bldg. QUICK loans on all securltlf. B. W. King. 45'Waahlntrton Mdap. faln tOl. MONibf 10 loan, 8 to S p?r ccni i'.ood nough & Seltz. 310 Spauidlng- bldg. -AtTc:;cr:LL V T,' i . to 1 !, ! l.Illi ' il'C I.W- l T 1 n 1' . r t t o '1U BTAYE r -.1 I ril l V CO., Ton can tiave money for the asking. I lonn on f enillure, jilninn autos and other seiiurl'i-' In amounts of $10 up. l,ow rates of Interest. Loans made im mediately and confidentially.. M. Maid en, 322 Failing bids., cor. 3d and Wash ln?ton BUI. . f 100,000 on roortyaites, - city or farm property, fire Insurance, McKensie Co.. fJorhnper W.8.. 2d and Aldr. KOTICT3 23 SEALED bids will be received at the . office of Bridges Webber, archi tects, room 422 Hamilton building, Portland, Oregon,, until 10 a. m on Wednesday, March 1," 1811, for the con struction of the tuberculosis building at Multnomah Farm, one mile west of Troutdale. Oreeon. Plans and sneclflca- tlons .can be seen at the office of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied byva check, payable to the order of the county court of Multnomah county, certified to be a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, and which is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damasres in case the bidder negleots or refuses to enter Into contract and fur nish a suitable bond for the faithful per formance ot said work, in the event the contract la awarded to him. The county reserves the right to ac cept pr reject any or all bids. T. .J. CLEETON, . , . , . County Judge. ' ' , W. L. LIGHTNER, , ' ; County Commissioner. V D. V.HART, . ' " 1 '' County Commissioner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, , In -the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. ... In the matter Af Adolf Reiner. In. voluntary bankrupt; No. 1709 in bank ruptcy, t - . - - - . ' 1 . Notice is hereby given that on the Jtrt ay of February A. D-, 1811, Adolf Reiner of Portland. Or..- thA hunkrimt above named, was .duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be herd at "the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fen ton bulldlnev Portland. Or:, an fh A day of March. 1911. at 10 a. m. at which time, saia creditors may attend, prove their claims, annnlnt . tnmt -. amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may: properly come before said meeting-. Claims must be presented In form re quired by. the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses assets amounting to 82000. estimated. ', CHESTER G. MURPHY, ' " ' ' Referee In Bankruptcy. tmea r en. iv, 1111. NOTrr.Fi Tf rtRTr.niTnnfl 1 In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Arthur Lavy, bank rupt; No. 1724 in bankruptcy. Notice la hereby, riven that on the 16 day of. February A. D., 1911, Arthur Lavy -of Portland, Qr., the bankrupt above named,- was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of fices ot the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fenton building, Portland, Or, on the 1st day of March, 1911, at 10 a. m., at which time said oredi tors may attend, prove - their claims, appoint a -trustee, examine the-bankrupt nd ' transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting;. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to, The schedule filed discloses no as sets. ..... , k. w -X ; CHESTER O. MURPHY. ' - Referee in Bankruptcy. ' , Dated FeK 18. 1911. , , , ' - NOTICE TO CREDITORS, v In the district court of the United States for the dlstriot of Oregon, . - In the matter of Josephine C. Oakley, bankrupt; No. 1731 tn bankruptcy. . Notice is v hereby riven that on the 9th day of February A. D., 1911, Joae phfne C, Oakley of Portland, Or. the bankrupt above named, was duly ad- juuiuaiea oanarupt; ana mat tne rirst meeting 01 ner creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-8, Fenton building. Portland, Or., on the 28th day of February, 1911, st 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact . such - other business - as may properly come before said meeting.. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act. and sworn to. The schedule filed . dlsoloses no assets. , - " - ' . . -CHESTER G. MURPHY, i ' . Referee in Bankruptcy. i.iea r co. 10, in. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF1 PART- Notice Is hereby tlven that the nart. nershln heretofore -existln r - betwaen A i. bert Klein and Frank Bruha In the meat garnet ousinesa,. conducted at 433 East urnslde street, Portland, Or, has been dissolved by mutual consent The mar. ket will be conducted by Mr Bruhn at the old stand. .ALBERT KLETNr FRANK BRUHN.' LOST AND FOUND 21 SUITABLE reward for return of two large envelopes containing receipts. pamphlets, other papers, lost between Capitol ave, and Shaver st and Sd and Oak.' L. C Stone, 881 Overlook blvd, foot of Shaver. . , LOST -In Roberts Bros.' - store or be tween there and 8d and Washington, a gold square and compass Masonic pin. Finder please return to Ella Boyce, 654 Couch st Reward.' ' LOST, probably tn - poatofflce, Index hook with f. c wacns on flyleaf, with notes and addresses, also owner's name. Please return to Journal and receive reward.- LOST Lady's small purse on Chapman win oiw ..tfc.ivvBuiiy uu ixllirKei, Finder please return to (58 Market st Reward. '- LOST Gold watch, open face, initial on nam, a. v. n. nease return to room H, F.iectno bldg. " PLACE to have your clotnaa. ateam . or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College Inn Cleaners. W'aah.. opp. f18th. A-l 8 6 6. LOST Ladles' gold watch, on west side Finder please return to 1414 Russell st.: reward. - Loir At Pantages " theatre, lady's v black fox rug muff; reward if re turn ed to General Film Co., 1434 4H'. EoSf Gold - lufket Between Armory and Waalilngton street Monosram on back. Return to Journal. Reward. PEHSOXAL SKXOID A marvelous ctwe for weak. ness m men; money returned if it falls., Price $1 per box. Druggists or malk t.y. J. Pierce, '243 JM orrlson. ; WtDOW.i 53, beVt 'roferences, - would marry. - honorable "fjentleman ' with good home. G-402, journal, SClLNTIFIO masseuse gives elect rleaX alcoholic, genuine tub baths, chlropo dlst, wanlcwrist. -7, 8. 9 Raleigh bklg, SUFFER ERS?rom piles, A card"? reim you will bring our remedy. Pay when cured. F.ubar Mfg. Co., P. O. box 824. M AD A M IS E S T E lJE, magnetic healer"; - reliable spiritual advlaer. 348 Yam hill, room 2. Wallt upstairs. Main 1320. LOHKH'A -Nerve fonfo Tablets restore ivnt yaaif uw ftv-Af" w e J Stipe-Taylor Drngi Co., 239 Morrison VRfl. TIeilttJ4 MW MwA O 6JUX49B' 4lI,ZeVe BATTLK, CREEK baths ' formerly Ore- tt-nnffttf ' hlflflr? , ladlaa naitfw k..!,,.. aonlsif bids Mum 1938. ...... wmm. t. (.SW,, WRINKLES rert, iveo, safging correled iq It minutes; ires demonstrations. 8 elllng-H..-nen bldg. Nea Plahtique Agcy. ""Bap: Francisco Examiner; SIXVs "Waahlngton. Main 9262. MARRIaGK ! ..paper .with uesoripUons, many with iiiuans, fcealed. Mrs. BelL 1815 Ma gnolla ave., Los Angeles, Cal. WOMKN--Use 1 mnida when othare fail; sold and j uainn'eed by the Au plund Drug Co.. 110 N. th st. Main 8106 Ur.TO DATE tnatilciirlng, Hotfl Alder, room 308 and . parlor B, Hours i a, ni. i, to 10 p. in, ' . , r 1. at ; a. -. r''.e r v- , .,, -i i. i ( :, t t' lively. ex--a re e." 1 vl r irrU-al "vj rat.t 1 if f ,. ' fi J . IVOl'i 1 hi vi ! - :!! S "-cligiy. l-ilvsirt i.o:;!!?l I'" -.im t.nnn. Conf!r"'iicn' t" ltd tor. Cir r !ondpr.fe t'-Jrite-.l. ho r" r"s fnr f 'j!tatlon. Phc;n-. Kuln 3-j. A-tr-t7. ( !m:e room 10, .,n!-.d Th-trs tidifH vnhlnron and FUiiC. ' -: LLSTrfX' SOT VKC. iiVT H'.)OX: WOMKM-WHAT LS IT? RELIAm.H. ALLKTID-KR SIKKER, A LIQUID. KNOWN AS RK.-T. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST run ALLETIDER SIKKER, 33. A. W. ALLEN" CO., Distributers, for Portland.- MEN CURED QUICKLY . Modern ' electrio - treatment - for dis eases of the. proBtate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skin' diseases. W. I. Howard. M. D.f 304-6 Rothchlld fuis., em ana Washington WE SELL five acres of logged off land ..for $160, $2 down and 82 per month. ' "Can you beat it 7". Watch for our big ad in Sunday's Journal. " 1 ' , LOGGED OFF LAND DEV.. CO. : 807 Falling Bldg. ' . , UK. LEWIS, Physician and surgeon) treats women end children' exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047; A-2417. 509 Merchants 1 rusi nioff.,- sin and wash. OCCL'LT. new thought, scientific and school books,-bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list; also catalogue of occu't or sclentlfia books sent on application. Jones Book Store, """I1 ill UK St. Set" married; matrimonial paper con ' talnlng advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the united States, ' Canada; rich. ' poor, young, old Protestants. . cthnii- ' M.11,.1 ...i. free. D. K. Gunnels. Toledo. Ohio. Are You Rimtutfirt? . g"" sesss saw siioauej ssiBtJi aI alfvj by a specialist to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no KllftrfO, ; VT IIMVII, ' D tlfl SC. . . '"! 1 UEHMAN bvoKS. maaaxinm. novaia Germau English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kind . Schmale Co. 229 1st st- .,',' - - - y, 1 . PR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of mu; blood and skirl dis eases, sores, ulcers; swollen glands, kid ney, svuiwr ua pues. , isi x irst. port- una MRS. SOPHIA B. 8EIP, mental and snlrltual aolentist mrmannt dent, reliable adviser $2 Scliing-Hlrsch. iinin sani ..-1 . . . ..i..i. : '1. ' . .. UauM iX flf rmly for '6!ea f women. 682 Davis t Main 01 1L BUSINESS . DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APmAISEItS WHEN-in doubt about valuation, , have U appraised. Northwestern Appraisal Co., 806 Board of Trade. A6SATERS 4 WELLS PROEBSTELi, assayers, ana- iynrai cnemiste. Z04 wssn. M. 706, MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing vork. 186 Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. w. airoorenoiie a Co.. 411 Wash, st. ACTOMOBILK SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The Only thoroughly eaulnoed sohoet ON THE PACIFIC COAST. - - VHtB u -r, , iiisviuvUUUi VVIUVV6ftt managemeftt and practical work. , . . t, 2dd and Morrisons Palr aa aw ur 1 ... iumn uwmiiii to enrou eisewnere. ATTORNEYS COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prao- lice in an courts. Abstracts exam Ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A.1071 R M. BENSON, general praotice' col. lections, abstract examined, 80 Wash ington oiag CHRWtuPHeAson " MATf fiEWS' general practice, 405-6 Buchanan bldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS T1 JJAVIS COMPANY, 100 3d st oia-na pook m tk: sets, ror Jtuar improved t Loose-Leaf ledgers: see the new siBrana iear. A-s lsi. Main 1SI. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES HALE Motorcycles. Secondhand wheels gyvfiu, bqiu. nepairing. xat lutn. . BUILDINGS WRECKED ' Sawed wood, id-hand lumber for sale, Oregon Wrecklr- OoH a 448. Mr. Cur ry, 418 Oantenblne. BUSINESS CARDS SSaSiMrfSB4RSjgtfSjpiries Ii-S-. io WARREN CONSTRUCTION , CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ' a.MT i , . . ..... uiji. iii nron oiaar TIN roofing,- guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Losli, 813 effer- aun au ilKin THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. - - --- v.. ....... y ,, j.ji..it mj unifji JAB. Mcl. WOOD CO.. all kinds of Insurance, surety honria wivKav hld jruruanfr or nee, sue Electric Ding. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS Electric' Cleaning Works. warueis cieBnea ana laioj, rerittmg our aticuiiv.y. r D-lVllH. iU4 HI. ltn N, r.... j . , . Vk W-....I JJJ. .A (Ff.Il il,' iiNE .Swum Cleairtns: car Lit a. -athera renovated: guaranteed. K, $60. R 8236. I CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from ri tt p 5?" cr"!t cleaning. in uiimiii iti., near jpj, moriiaon PENINSLLA Caipot and Rug work. Colonial rag carpet and rugs.- 1611 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 26S6. . CHINESE DOCTORS Dr. L. T. Yee & Sons, 142H 1st. Con sultation, pulse diagnosis free. off. hr. iv.av a. in. to a p. m. M., B4B4, A-8SS8. tEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs "' --ruoi -cur an diseases or men. vi'V iree: iyn Mi I n'fo St LR. Blng Choong, physician for men sn.J wuiueii. uranii'Q cure, ziohb Alder, YOUNG MING Chinese' Medicine"" Free conBultation. 186V4 1st St. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Hone Kong Cafe, chop suey, noodles. M. 6514, A-7807, 107H 6th st ' CHUtOMUCTIC DOCTOIi dr. a, s. Douglass" " ss 8 Vni'on ei e. N. phone Kaat 5241. Consultation and examination free. DRS. INGEBORGrCARLOBERflt Chiropractor and eogge.lve thrspeu tfc. Main 7583. A-7791. 309 Dekum bldg. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPOJ.Y. manlcurtns-j scalp.. Mrs Dunton. 648 Wash. ; Marshall 1S29. CHIROPODY. : 'manicuring and "facial mnwHaga. Rooms 7, 8. 9, Raleigh bldg, CHfROPODY ANJ) PIJurtrRlNO" Mrs. M, D. Hill. 4? Fllefinep-bldg. iSCIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN E. Stanlejy civil engineer, 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Marfhali 1B64. 'COAL AND WOO0 -, ri nr.K 47 Alblna av. W00D&dswEy ygtag WOOD Meier ft Frame take oders for our standard sradea. or phone Fast 803. or C-2308. Edlefsen Fuel Cc tno. ' DELIVERED " WlPlOirl VlUjH.a vviliil PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Cutry it GOAL M ' ' Zl- . V X 'OOO, per load..J2 5 i , 4 i-n'iT Wood, per cerrt..i'i 7S l.-.i; 1 ;!'! SHOiiT, pr load.ii.60 I.v:V t,U -ir WOOD, per load. .. .4.00 FAWlyi;ST. for fuel end bidding. lit Pcrthsi Slafcvc-cd Cc . Main SI 19. A-7001. ' s. WOOD. Fine country slabwood,- sawed, $2.75. ' Four foot slabwood, per rord, $2.75. Inside wood sawed, $3.60. ' -1000 ft of n-w cull tl- s, sawed, $5.50. si;iKEits wood en . 9th and UliBPn. Home A-215. M. 6358, THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the beit grades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a . reasonable price.' Special prices on car loads. B-2342, East 814. 84K Lest Ankeny, - - fceghar Wood Co. ' ' 9th and Gllsan fitreeta Dealers n All Kinds of Cordwood, : . , Fir. Oak, Aah. ' ' Main 6368. A-3416. ' Yamato Wood and Coal Company. EAST 818 B-1M7 Delivered any place in cltyi 34,50 load; 1 In. 'wood. $3 .tiuiii' if, a-iiii, ftOUTH PORTlDbLABWOOD CO., Main 2153, A-8s42. . Dry inside wood, green wabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel: .blockwood. COOS BAY COAL CO.. 191 Burnslde St 8228, A-1278. Phones, Main g&V NEER (St FARR IW Na 1 dry wood, 4 fU sawed to order. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 818. Water st arsnan mso, DRY MIXED cedar $2 a load1 'for S days only. Main 2153, A-3842, , Standard wood co. wood and" coat " St 1, nil J, Ui ' A 4 Va CORD wood delivered anywhere in city, wholesale, retail.. East 819. B-3089. ®ON LUMBER ft FUEL 06. 3100 mini. BiarK. - East ZB1B. B-ltS 'sasiu vmi3 rvuuil, AKUtir stBil j ' COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims ji - oveiy aesenpuon couectea on a mrictltf -i tiaiV!aritrn i haala . nwhaa. Telephone Main 8410. Colton Adjust ment CdV, 410 Ablngton bldg., Portland. (!I7RRICNT anil dnllrmuant uammt. n1 a:vj. i Tusna nisriwniiia Asency, yui l--" ; i oiog-' tin ana uag sts. tiOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Ouarantaa f!nl1ae-fnn irannlr 191 TTan. ry Diog. jaarBhail 3688, A-773 0. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts umiCTHgu, ill AllBKT H. 4ZZX. -COLLECTION SPECIALIST , PHYSIOfANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White. Main 8074. coxstLTi:,Ta engineers as. GOLDBERG cs CO., 312 Couch bldg. concrete warehouses, power plants, conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 8028. ANDREW- CLARKE, mechanical draftsman, machines and patents de signed, 786 Chamber of Commeroe. Main BUS, A-a681. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement 1 wor. ' plastering.' brick aork. esnaVBtlnar. Mllnn n IT rilann aiaranau 1441-, ia Grover st J, BURTON, 148 1st. architect-builder. - Estimates furnished. M. 1817. A-1817. WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and - Duuaer, jonoing ana contracting. 804 4th. Main 6241. DANCIJO 860 PER lesson, 4 lessons for $1: waits, T.WO-BMP. inree-step, - stage aanomg. eta; -every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady biiu Kauiienien xeacners. tTor. wal Wilson's school, oldest and only recog nized leading academy for correct danc- mg, ustvt vvasn., net. w. park ana loth, SeaTHS dancing school, lo Second St.. between Washington and Stark, stsge dancing1 taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 ; lessons. Class Monda y evenings, I to 1 DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is impossible; does away entirely with Plates,- brldgework: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, -terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Ablngton mug., j vtt. a a sy CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 1,5 years. 823 H Washington, cor. 6th. W, A. WISE and Associates, Painless uentists. Tnird and Washington sta ' DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL J I Dr7b"rOWN, D. V. 8 ot 32rF?anders! M. 4086.. Hosp. 89 IS. l?th. fe. 6440, : ; ELECTRIC " MACHINERY " . MOTORS for rent cr sale.' Paclflo Elec- tnc engineering Co.. 818 3d st ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. u. Hill, 429 Fltedner ELECTIUO HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United uisciric warment uo., osv Aider. EXPRESS AND TRANS.:"ER . FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks aeiiverea, tu cents. Additional trnnks 25c. M. 812B. A-7281 4th and Taylor, . . FURNITURE REPAIRING FINISHING and repairing at yoiir home, 18 years in Portland. , East 5609. ' . r GAS STOVES CUT down your gas bill. . We will make your stove- work as good as new Phone East 959, ' UNIT"uLASa ft GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 84 N. 14th. M. 4431. i'-,i-ii-Wi-wi.ifii.i,,,i-iMp'vrsiii-iVi-iw STATIONARY and marine; elecuie equii)i(ien; launches, aoceceoriea wholesale and retail; engine repairing Reli-rwon M"hinery Cr., 1 Mnrrlsoa HAT FACTOR! MEN'S hats cleaned and' blocked at the Eastern Hat factory; largest hat. ren- ovatora in the city, 6'.-66 3d at,, ground floor Worcester blue. Hats rtlreot from the factory st hlf piic. - ". - - HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL horaeahoer, especial atten. tion given to lame and interfering horsos; horses called for and delivered. Main 9136.' 227 Salmon st DB NIKE, 2 83 to Front st. makes a specialty of driving horses; 20 years' cperlpce in New York City. - , - ; HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND' Hospital association. 80$ HOME TREATMENTS y V1AVI assists nature to remove cause ni mm-awe. oun 4.oincnim oiuk. INSURANCE r.y,' McCARGAR, Bates A Lively, 818 Fail- inn; nwi;,-Tirrry iwra iirnnmnee, tvni JAMES DTOGDEN, 8l8 Mississippi v; 'itvwuwii iw, -jisvvai ' jnnure now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches, Jewlry, allverwiiru iin.t,.i(.i.t hii-uiiu., iri A Forbs, New l'tsikins Hotel, eih&'Waau. ai. a amm! "X aJk m4 mJ0 a, a Name .-..'; Vui.ur, D. M., City, Farm Property. Iwitv'h hfaily llompiui.... Hi'nii(--Ktcfie Cuinpaoy hrutiaker & BtiiiKdlrt ........ Rurtennhaw & Buehler, (htiptitl A ller-V') Cook A Co.. II. .. Kiitp A Mrlfey. .............. ........ Marauall. W. H., Farm, City Property. Owiron Real Estate Co.. Ttit. ........... f-hlelua. i. II Thomp-on. M. B. Co. ................. , , . . .( . a ... .'.! LAUNDRIES EAGLE LAUNDRY, fine W.ork, low. prices and quick. . Phone C-17S4r E. 38(3. 120 Russell St - LIBRARIES CIRCULATING librsry. 186 Bta. bet " Taylor and Famhlll. Books 8o per day. LEATHER AND FINDINGS : CHAS. L. MASTICK st CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. toNIXG AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. Send fer - our booklet' 320 Drexel bldg. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN A CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISH : MOVEMENT a HOLMSTROM. nerve,- rheumatle. dl ; geetlve disorders. 308-8 Oregonlan Dldg MULTIGRAPHINQ MULTIGRAPHINGw shorthand, type writing! M, 758. 413 Buohanan bl wg. MUSIC TEACIIEKS E. THIELHORN, violin teaoher; pup. eevoiK, svu Marquam. a-iu. war.iois. PIANO, violin; trombone, cornet, guitar, 1 cynjo. v rot. . to. a. umitn, na iztn. MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 184 3d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band lnstrument-i. .: . NATUROPATH DOCTOH ; ' - Dr. ' 8. ftf. Grbver, naturopath, chlro practlo sieciallst; paralysis, rheuma tism, nervous diseases. Call or write. Phone Main 8142. 702 OregOnlah bldg. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 826 Washing- -ton st Eyes examined. Free advioe. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W..W. Christie; 'Osteopath, chronic nervous diseases, 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880, aJE , . .. .n.n r. ....... . A A UlUIV,, WVV- oialist on nerves, acute and chronle T T T T T,' t. TT' T , U, D 1 -I'TL-tlOAV! r. diseases, "' $11 Fenton Dldg, Mam rsJ DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkville, Mo, 1898; post graduate 1907. $1$ fwet- land nidg. DR- Llt HO WLAND, general praoU- DRS. L.' B. AND E. H. SMITH, general tioner, so Fieianer Diog. pncuuunCTl. mi -.rgisunian uiuk- DR. KATHRYN RUETER. , specialist women ft children. 802 Flledeer bldg PAINT, OIL AND GLASS T. EL BEACH ft CO- Pioneer Paint Co. 188 1st Main 1884. A-7048. RASMUSSEN ft CO.. "High Standard" paint no. cor. 8d ft Tavlor.M.. A-177L PAINTING AND, PAPERING FOR best work, prices right call P. A. tuoene. 104 union. . Horn unones. GET our prices -on painting, paper ing, tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 178 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor. ney-at-Law, latt, U. S. Patent Office; dook rree. - lis ttoarn or -iraae oiog. R. C WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat 9 ents; Infringement cssee. 604 Dekum. , PERFUMERY PERFUMES from home-grown roses Rose, Cay Perfume CO.. Hi jerrertmn. -, piano; tuning FRED JACOBSEN. piano tuning. $8; 18 years experience. run main mi. PLUMBINQ AND HEATING ' UMBINOv beating-eto. Robert Gll lan, 166 10th. 1 Both-phones. PRINTING WELCH PKaBTIHG CO. "Doers of clever thing with type and Ink on paper." 41 -4 1st PSYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. M. J: PIERSON. psychopath, gen- erai practitioners room in, ioa n-n. ; PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS . TYPEWRITING, short notice, E. Allen. 615 oregonian plug, m. Z440, A-aeeu. RUBBER STRIPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. - Cun ningham (.. J!5l Btanr. Main eT.- SANITARY ENGINEERS J.' A. GRANT,- C. E 214 Couch bldg.. terlologisfc. - ' - SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co- 108 3d st Safes at factory prices; repairs: lockouts opened-... bargains In' second hand safes. SHINGLES BEST " In Portland.- See - them. -Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert 301 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES 6HOWCASES , of - every -description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to trd;r. The Lutlcei Mfg.- Ca ' - VHE JAMi: 1. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2x9 couch. M. 2708. . H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show Cases In stock. Prompt delivery, dales sgent M. Winter Lumber Ca - SHOWCASES. wallcsKes, counters In stock and made to order at the lowest price. 413 E. $th. Phone Bast 8117. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS ' FCBTJK! ft KLElsER87gMTe lalrg 1 tat sign makers in the northwest, E. 7th and E. Everett sta Phones. Easf 1111. Home B-2234. - '..- -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main "1696. STATMNERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES PIONEER STATIONERY CO., Buchannn bldg.; best typewrltinir papers, M. 7-S6. STENOGRAPHERS, COV RT y REPORTERS - OREGON Law Reporting AsTn, 404-408 Ablngton. M. 5037, A-53 3 ti.l lepw It Ion a. SPJSCTALISTS FOR MEX OUR guarantee NO . JIO(3Y WIIRje-D LM'lL KA'J lMi-jh.li Is sour absolute protection, ('oiuit.ition, ex amination and diiu-no'-.i.s fit-i.. (Mir !tn clalty in A LI, AILMENTS of MEN. WiiRt you Vvdnt Is a vie. o.ue t n.s anil at It. H"ii' il.'i- n Id :,. I.vom Ins. 7 to S. t- . - i t i T i. v. i.p.. ci::-.i'rv c-. , , ,lt , i i UiukI, or. ... it m6 Af'PI'I . ! Coiut-tt T,lug . il'J 4 n i. t. . , .( r'niii.t f.uir I"U l-:-; i,., j . .-V.J Jirkay P,Jg , ,11-lM tin ii no ami E. 4Sth T - . Xr'i I lifii'-tiip ef Cwuimert e. , . . . , . . 6j.J t'orltt IJiiie ,'.VI ii . 7 Chiimti-r nt rouiiieree. ...5 :.o , B4ui 7, 2.HH Alii-r........ , "Stf V v"ltutnan.".LJi,t ,8"6 Uerllnirer Ulilij. . . .... . . "y Bl'lg.. 4lh-Oak '. . . ! if.' M'., ' . 5 I A I :! i 'i i, liU K' t. A .' ,-f TAXIDEESIIST LEARN taxidermy by malt jp, ). Fuv . oy- 249 Columbia et F. R FINLEY, taxidermist and furnUrl iasjeyes. 249 Columbia. TAILORING -iLi5R5 OQILBEE, 310 Labb- b1d.. j,U',yj,"""'gton. auits to ordr. GU8 SEA.ejmS't tailor ' an"d"drap-i: cluwivo palrferiTs. 245 Washlngtin st ' TRANSFER AND STORAGE C f.P.iF Trn"f; Storage. Co- of fice and 1. commodious 4 story prick; warehouse. separate iron room and fireproof yaulls for valuables; north- and furniture moved and packed foe uiyiu-uv. majw eve; ! e-iea. P-i'.iilJv"n Storatie Co- "otir. isia most modem storage warehouse In titra 5t?,ri.cont,,-e-,c'l 'wsafe and proper PattlSj In MrtSrht-faeO' tf.. a.-.. IrtP mAVtn . U.I. a etsfftA -.. Oregon Transfer Co. i 1. l ISiftcii VI laaV.al wsTIWam. -' 1 r 1 -sstMa xtniiejti A(f IV, rtr And forwardinc agtmlft; . Office. 8lt Hoyt st, bet 6th and OUfc, EXPRESSUNO, coal delivered any pari '11 41fV Iilafa Si4 nt4M. 1; W-. LI- at a a ' FURNITURE; trunk moving. CltyliaTI, m. Ilt9, A-47Zt. ISO 6th. v TOWIO SUPPLY itiizZi m 0 ,m 5a,,-l eon-b' brash, soap. Towel Supply Co, 9th and Couch ttZ $1 per month. Portland Laundry A PbOnaai Main al 1 nm ' TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- "'"i"1" vp.. tii Mtara. Ham 1407. VETERINARIAN ; D.?' iHM?- nvvr. LArenu.: WELL , DRELLTNa PHa liA.W.trrPrtse. rea- tw- i ". 4"' or write u. West, 183 Morrison st ' - , 0tVr-r-1Un contracts, J. W.-GreenV 890 Vancouver. , C-2478. WINDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO. ram, bi. rnone Main 7385. WHOLESALE JOBBERS BVERDING ft FARRELL, produoe and - commission merchant , un .. , Portland. O. Phone Main 178. " M- A. GUNST ft C6. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale and 0k .fU' i n4 ttM X . AicB,K3, wnoieflnii and rtaH. ""-iHIVU. clUQl JBelin,''.i'V. i.-....-;:..: .ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCER igfl."" BANKS Cornel Slit. e.d WMbto-tpTSti Tn S reaeial fkiag tmlamt Drlta POBTTaAirn BAIftWAY. UGHT aj "' ' CUty Unas, " , , Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder Streets? - Portland: First aIS" ""y? a. m.. 6:30 a. m.. then tin nn... (on the hour and half hour) to W 11:16 p. m. Last train l:0n mwM' s.Fxllarlw;ui? 1"rontda!ei-8:88, TtlS." !: Sill: fctfv" . Vanoourer TJae. 8:10. 9:60. 10:80. ll:lbr llfio. ! f'M. , tab, V3, xd, v 'ot, 5 5 'i '::' :26'-10:00, .. nira Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 p. m. it - - ' -uvuuy,, uiana iiu Slops on Pj1i0Av,enu.,1.b,t,WMn, Brnalde street v . wu.v . u w vix pas- sengers, but make stops to pick un oas. sengere at all transfer points. itw "1 "l W1 newuvsr to connect 7'. SV? r Portland A. M 6:0(, 8:85. 7:10- 7:46, 8:20, 8:58, o, 10:lo! IhoTllio: 1:10 iTlO. 4:80. W 6:50, 7:25, 8:00, 8:85. 8:10. 9:45. 10:20 10:65, 41:80, 12:05. ' i.Olt thlri) Mnnla-r e awww ... .'i: last furry leaves Vancouver at ' 7:26 p. m. v Leaving -., time , blackface. doubLi trains ' .. . -,, , v ,, ) Ccrs from Vancouver malra-i hah a4nr,ak . on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Bumslde street except v vt vi. vasaiijKVl a. , Daily except Sundays -, Daily except Mondays. - '. T"i"i as locai on union avsnna TRANSPORTATION 03IR RlTSH TJU-tfSPtniTATTO K CO. fctr. J. K, THAI. Freight Eecd. daily at Oak St. Sock for Coltln l'h l.ollu k 'u xvirni, niuu naunntl 'tind all intermediate points. ' Steamer leaves Portland HahiI I' ni.... :: ; ,.,.. .". .....i. .. ... Sundays, , Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:oo a. m. Returning leaves The Dane Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays, at a..m., arriving at peruana annul i p. m. same day. A. S. WHITING. Phones Main 8960, A-3527. - ' Agt Captain W. S. Buchanan, Superintendent. San Prancisco t$ Portland Steamship Co. - fsew service to x.os Angeiea via oaa Francisco everv five davs. . From Ainsworth dock, Portland 4 p. m.J BB. & City Feb. St, Beaver 28, JJiiar lur. 3 From San Francisco, northnound, is; m.t SS. Beaver Feb. SO, Bear 25, B. City ?,t. i From can t'earo, nortn;)Ouna; 83. Bear Feh. 83, It City 39, Es i7 ?e. $ S. a. Smith. 43. T. Aw. 143 Vhiid M. jr. W. Sansom. Agent, Arr-eworth Suck. Phones i Mm 4H4, u; -i'J. COOii BAY LINU Btr. Creakwater sails from A'anUa d. . Portland. 8 p. m. Dec. u, no, i, Jj'. 3. 10. 17. 2 and 31. Ken. 7, 14. 21, Si and every Tuesdey nisht. Frt-in' t t cetved at A'ana dock iii.l;l ( n, . is . '. rasHetifer fare ial class, 4'". i i 17. inciiidliiif mr-al.Hf and ben u. ; i on ai'le vt Ainsworth dol. i. . i A-1 14. toM4wVUi-v i... .... r ' r. 1. 1. i'.verv Vvf" i a- t ; - v