The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 17, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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!Hil KIEii
FOREST MEASURE Albers Dock Dismantled to Prepare r or Bridge "
. - irT ' : '
if s
Tells Them Where to Find His
Body, Blames "Loss of One
Who Never Caa. Come
Back,"' ijr-lU:.-
In th mall received by Dunning 8t
ta.ctjiit uuaertaaers tnis morning wa
written . on ine stationery or
..... Ti..i.
tie" had registered. Symptoms showed
!.- j . c . ... ,
, mat airycnnine baa caused death.
Investigation deepened the mystery.
Not a abred of paper that might dls
close the man's Identity could be found.
; His pockets had been emptied. He had
had no ?aggaga He bad been dead for
hours, v: ...... . .
After advising the undertakers where
. to find bis body, tha writer went on
. simply and calmly: ''Please notify room
. 40b. Bank of Commarea bulldlnv. . T-
oma, Wash, of my death. Cremate my
body, unless you are ordered to do other
; wise. n-v-v- . ! .. -:. .V
- "My teaaon - for doing ' this Is" the
logs of one who can never eome bac."
Gentry, a- he signed himself.- wrote
that he had registered under the name
of Carter to avojid having the newspa
" pera discover his Identity, ' His same
. appears on ! the register under the date
. of February 14, Tuesday. t
He waa a member of the Masonlo fra
ternity, of Chicago, I1L, lodge of the
Woodmen of the World, and of the
. ' Knight of Pythias. Buttons on his
coat gave evidence of his connection
- with these rders.. :- ' .;?. :; ' ;
The body found la Gentry's room was
that of a man about li years of age,
about five feet, nine Inches In height,
and 4f about 1J0 pounds weight ' He
wore glasses, was dressed In a suit of
blue serge, and his appearance gave ev
ery evidence that he; was a prosperous
business r 'professional man, , v
No signs of , the poison that caused
death, could be found, but symptoms'
pointed to the conclusion that he took
trychnlnev n tablet form. . He had j
struggled In his convlusions and disar
ranged tha furniture and garnlshings In
"the room. --.-; - ..
Every circumstance indicates' that
.Gentry came to Portland to kill htm
, self. ; He had carefully destroyed all
papers that he thought might lead to
discovery of who ho waa. Ha wore no
Jewelry, only the pins of the Orders to
which It le thought he belonged, . In
his letter to the undertakers he asked
that the - newspapers .not be "given his
.right name. ,
Employes of the Foster hotel aaid to
day, that - Gentry ' waa not n
about th hostelry. Thtr said he mmmA
quiet and composed. They knew noth
ing of his death until they war told
by the deputy coroner today.
' Tacom. ; Wash., Feb. .'. 1T-Gllee C
Rush, a local attorney to whom Charles
Gentry addressed a letter, said today:
' "I had known Gentry for about four
months. He was engaged In contract
ing work with headquarters at Seattle,
and had. at times business in Tacomar
He was about SS veara of a and
nearly as I could observe, appeared to
be of a cheerful , disposition. He told
me a; few daya ago that-he was going
to , Portland, where he expected to se
cure a contract for aome work. The
, only relative he had, ao far as I know,
. Is a mother and an uncle, who reside In
Minneapolis." : i
-Rush received a telegram . from a
PorUandU undertaker this morning, in
forming him that .the body would be
. held awaiting Instructions..
$50,000 FOR CHEMAWA;
- $15,000, MODOC LANDS
' Washington, Feb. 17. Conferee on
the Indian bill agree to retain Cham
berlain' amendments which give ISO,;
,i00 to the Chemawa Indian school and
$15,000 for the Modoo Indian lands' rec
lamation. , Chamberlain will attempt to get $16,.
, 000 for the Mount Hood wagon road in
ma agricultural mil.- '
Covered with Eruption to Back of
. cars oo i ney Hardly Knew What
He Looked Like. Used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. In 4
WeeksFaceFineand Clean.
"Our little boy Gilbert was" troubled
with ecsema when but a few weeks old.
His little face wa
covered with ores even
to back or hit ears.
The poor. little feUow
Buffered very much.
The seres beran a
pimples, hit little lace
was disfigured very
muck. W hardly knew
what be looked Ilka.
The lice looked like
raw meat. We tied
little bag of cloth over
his hands to prevent
him from scratching.:
Be wm very restless,
at night, his little (ace
itched. . t. -
f0Cton ChJcago, where we raided at that
time. .After trying all the medicine of the'
doctors without any result, wa red of the
Cutteur Remedies, and at once bought the
; Ctlcura Soap and Ointment, yellowing the
v ctKns carefully and promptly wt saw the
eult, and after four weeks, the dear ehUd'i
, ; fact wai at fine and dean a any IkUe baby'i
, lac. Every ooe who saw Gilbert after ustnf
: the Cuticura Remedies was surprised. He!
a ha head r,Jbalr which Is a prklt for any
, toy el hla ageiHihree years. We can only
. reeomaieiid the Cuticura Remedies to every.
Oitfcura soap (2Se.) and Cuticura Oint
I1;' throughout the world.
Heed e Pett-r Drug Chem. Corpu sole
r"r. m CoJumbui Ave Boston, for free'
liaet beak, a guide t tkln and kali health.
the Foster hotel, Third and Davi r "" n;.niiw, ino m
treets. The letter wasdgned "Charles -i,rt'y of comSl,,t,tf e' eon5ltlnK '
Gentry " I Chairman Albee, Calkins, Slnnott and
- TJpon receipt of thla' note," i read th Nottingham, stood 1 firm for the $60,000
communioAtlon. "you will find my re-1 approw"lBtion- contending this was non
mains at the above address." too large for" saving the forests and
J, J. Dunning, deputy coroner, hurried h10me nuy7nd8rered by the fire
to the hotel. He found the body of aiaem.n-. . .m' . T , " '
man of about 35 year of age, well , , T" debte w" Bhort. Wood satfng
dressed and refined In abearance, in a ne ald not want t0 Jopardlae,.ih for
room or which W. CSr oTseat! J ?try interests, but thought 160.000 to
Senate Refuses to "Cut Ap
- propriation From $60,000
; to $20,000,,
Salem. Or- Feb. 17. Friend of for-
VV yiUb7bllUII HUH pUUBlUIIlllfti VlClUf
ry in.,, the senate yesterday afternoon,
whenthatT)ay refused to cut the se t
propriation fr6m )60,000 for the
nial period to $20,000'. Z.
by Senator Wood, a member of the waya
' . 'r".",s
r - . - V .
iori or tiawiey ana tf'atton. The ma-
i large, tie thought the forestry infer.
ests should protect themselves The
malority reDort waa. adnntArf hv n h.
clsive vote and the bill goes to the
tmra reading and final passage this
(Soecial Diapatdi The Journal.
Salem, Or., Feb. 17.After debating
Rogue river flan and Chinese pheasants
at length, the senate settled down and
passed 10 bills. One of these waa born
yesterday, fathered ' by Senator Ma-
larkey. It Is No. ',, 306, and probably
the last of senate bills. It provides
that In the absence of eountv Inrira
the circuit court, may Issue letters of
probate and initiate proceedings in all
probate matters. - v . ,
Several small aoDroDrlatlon bill a ran
the ' gauntlet. Includinr tar a
bridge over Snake river in Baker county;
18000 for east'rn Orn falra tennn
for an experiment sUtion In .Morrow
county, The bills passed In the senate
are the following:
H. B. 172 Bv Marion Yamhill anri
Clackamas delegations protecting
Chinese pheasants for two years.
M. a, Z37 By ThOmDSon. securlna
title Of bona fide aettlera
Warner valley lands.
a. u. auo y Maiarkey. authortilng
circuit courts to eign papers In probate
caaea in- aD?nee of county Judge. ; i
m. is, 16 By insurance committee,
relating to license fee annnallv hv in.
suranoe agents.
H. B. 147 Bt lnsuranna rnrrtm
for protection of' fire lnaurance policy
noiaers against frauds.
H. B. SSBv Brooke. maVIn
prlatlons of S90QCT for Baker; Malheur
ana omer county, fairs.
a. d. lZl-By Jones, appropriating
3UW HinUUIT. lor -I'llrbmrma
H. B. JIIKrBr Mthontr liHn. tn
piuiwuon wi grouse in wasco, Morrow,
Union and Wallowa. eountfa
H. B. 2 By McKlnney, appropriating
tv.uuu ior a oriage over Snake river
in Baker toiinty, contingent on 10,000
to be given by; Idaho and $10,000 by
Baker county.
H. .Bt68 By Mahoney, appropriating
wnnuajiy ior experiment station
m aiorrow county.
Charle H. Everetta,who waa ao-
cusea oi swmaung nanlTiln Portland,
Seattle, Spokane and er northwest
ern Cities out of mora-tin sn nnn v
the use of fraudulent letters of credit
and who was arrested in Hot Springs,
Ara., some weeics ago. has escaped from
the Hot Springs lalL Evnrv P1nlrrtnn
Office in the country has been warned
io waicn out ror him. Washington
state authorities asked for Evrt. T-
tradition and tt wa while awaiting a
aecimon in ine ouasoma supreme court
on the extradition matter that Everett
escabed. ' His wife who waa with htm .
Hot Springs, has also d!sair,eftrd
Everetts was confined in tha cntmW
Hail and wa In charge of a city detec
tive. The afternoon before he cut his
way through the bars Mrs. Everetts
saw him ana In the presence of the Jail.
er, gave mm about isoo in currency
That night, according to the Jailor's
story, ne areamed his prisoner was ea
caplng. H woke up the next morning
to find the dream a realitv. a ntt
and a aquaxe hoi cut through the bars
or me cen wmaow showed the manner
of hi escape. '
Cltv Attnrnvv KVanV n u j
- - ... M. . . . m j l iiaiiucu
down an ltaDortant onininn vanii'i,
afternoon when he filed with the city
auauor a communication which, in ef
feet, relieves the citv from th
sity ef navlna a refund of tuna a n.
iveuaner ana otners on account of vehl
cie taxes paia into he city treasury
by them after the referendum had been
placed oh an Ordinance passed February
'1 am returnimr herewith " rd tv,.
opinion, "a petition by D. Kellaher am"
others for a refund of vhici nAfi.o
paid under the provisions of ordinance
!,.. ine petition waa, referred to
me by the Judiciary committee of the
Ordinance 17,414 was bSSser" Feh-
ruarv 13 ions Th -a .
' . - ivicit iti u III BUB-
pended this via wiLbut . ordinance 13,138
was still in fores' and effat nti r.
comber 10. 1909. 4TM being so. I would
advise the city auditor to hv ,V
list attached to the petition and see
how many were liable; to th
license taxes under the provisions of
ordinance 13,138.- It might develop that
some -of these have overpaid under the
mistaken Idea that ordlnanra it ah
still In effect." . '
The Kellaher netltlon waa fii n
city conncll May 11, 1910. .
, Prlsoo to Celebrate.
(Cnited PreM Leased Wire.) :
Sat) FranCtSCO. Feb. 17 Plana fro
ths - Panama-Pacific nrnoalMnn , tniiifi.
eaeiownet t week-were" praetlcfttTyiiOm"
pieiea toaay. The parade on next Sat
urday promises to fee one of the most
notable ' In the f history of . the' city
Mayor . McCarthy will proclaim that day
f :
'V - 1
Workmen tearing away Albers'
Bulldlric St tha Broadwav bridaa ia
vigorously under way on both sides of
. 1 TTIII ... I 4 . . '
ua rriiimuf no river, uangs or men,
machinery, pile i drivers and tua have
created constructive actlvltyron the site
so long quiet and idle while Klernan
and Duni way waged obstructive litiga
tion through the courts of Oregon.
-Material will be on the ground in a
few days for making piers No. 1 and
No. 4 on the east and west sides of
tha rlvar rAanaHvalo . UanMnAntf
needed to sink the piers by means of
Milton Tanner, Wanted by the
Local Police Caught for
Case in Denver.
Milton' Ellis Tanner, formerlv of
Portland, and for some time emnloved
In the. advertising department of the
racuic Montniy, nas oeen arrested in
uenver,, accoraing to aavices receivea
todav bv Superintendent Henrv K. Von
Groenewald of the Plnkertons.
Portland police have a warrant for his
arrest on. a cuarge of passing a worth
less cneca on ine ttamapo notei, wnere
he lived. He disappeared from Portland
auoui iu aays ago lmmeaiateiy alter
securing' the $150 from Manager Gray
of ' the Ramapo, say the police. The
check was drawn on the Walsh Calendar
company of San Francisco, a firm for
Which Tanner had once worked.
The Plnkertons were'warned of Tan-:
ner's presence In Denver by a printer
to whom Tanner went to have 100
blank drafts on the Puritan Manufac
turinr ' comnanv if Iowa Citv. Iowa
atruok nff. IT. la anld to hava rniMMf
a worthless check for $45. on the Tour
hotel In Denver.; He waa arrested at
once and the local office wa notified.
it is expecteu Tanner win ca tne$ in
Colorado first and later brought to
Portland to stand tnal.
The Pacific Monthly, where Tanner
was employed wnue here, speak well of
rum ana says nis accounts wun mem
are straight. He is married and at one
time occupied an apartment at 663
uusan street.
Ttrtvaa announced at Chlrn trn vaatar.
uay mat special rate tickets to the
Portland Kose Festival will be on sale
Mav 29. 30 and 21. with a final limit
to TTuly 31. A fare of $72.60 has been
established from Chicago and $60 from
at. faui ana Missouri river points, with
nn additional nf 11R fnr rmitlna. hv m r
of California on the return trip from
An immense Influx of neonle is look ad
for hara thla aumraar hv rallrAad nm
aa a result of the special rates that.are
ocing granted over tne various trans
continental llnaa. and It la hallavad that
during the summer tiie number of peo-
pio in furxiano win rival mat or tne
www ana v.iarn exposition.
. William McMurrav. aranaral tinaaan.
gr agent of the Harrl man line in Ore
gon, wno returned irom unicago yea-
terdav atatad thla mnrnlnv that h ha.
lleves the Influx of people Into Oregon
mis year win oe tremendous.
Steel for tha bia- Orasrnn Trn nlr hrl A r.
across tne uoiumoia river irom Fall
oriage station on the B., P, & 8, and
Moodv nn tha (yraernn Trrnik la
In dallv and unleaa hlah watar lnta
feres, the work will be completed early
mis Bummer. Many or tne girders are
of such size that they have to be car
ried on three flat cars.
Work On the Oonprata nlara la
grossing rapiaiy ann only few remain
to be completed. A number of them
were built On solid rnrli
level of low water, a fact which makes
me Drioge one or the most remarkable
in me woria.
Mlsf ortuneieldom come lng-
This old German adage Is es-
peclally applicable to Orant v aa
w vviiuams, wno last nirbt at. a.
e tempted at 16 H t North mint th : V
w airneu ia commit Suicide bv aJr. a
ing cocaine.
. Grant failed Utterly at suicide, '''
. getting only lo St. Vincent hos-'1 a
pltal.' Thi mornlnihe fanad -w
,ar vagrancy charge . in 'police ,
, court and f Judge aTaawell sen- r e
e tenced him to 30- days on the rock-
Pe. ; ,.' . - rl
e "Well that' irony," eald WU- .
Hams. I'atmdd at the morgue .'
and landed on the rocks." y'? ' ' ,'
Williams left two- notaa h hla ' a.
aide -last -nleh tmoivwi&ir-nt a.
- a ' tt r vi, n -a
a, ...i.i. i T .
-a. a.icv varuuuara, m wnicn ne a
a.',., t.... m !... ..... . ..... r ..
v ireuicu um ncn uncles or Wall
e streot, and of Boston reward a e I
av friand nf hi. ,.,. , ' 7 1 "tatement in a sermon at the Typo
ay friend of his for .faithfulness. , . graphical Temple, leading up to It with
J I . ' ' i V . " '' 1 I the assertion that prevarication 1 a
- - ".-' w . w w w v w:
. K : . . ', ill
y-:-. v i- . i. Mil
"W. v. I i " , J " r III
il i ii i i iiC1,.iHi
dock to make landing place for the'west end of Broadway bridge' '
compressed air chambers Is on the way ,
io roriiana. ijsaDie portion or the
plant used In making the new railroad
bridge are -being removed by the' Union
Bridge-& Construction company to the
Site of- the Broadway bridge,
Albers dock 1 nearly torn awiy to
make a landing place for the West end
Of the brldae. An offfua for . tha ran'.
structlon company is being erected. On
me east siae 760 reet or water front,
the Spencer property, has , been ' leased
for dock and moortnar'tilacea tar craft
used, in connection, with construction.
Tacoma will be well . represented In
Portland tomorrow when the Puget
sound excursion run under the. auspices
of the Tacoma chamber of commerce
and the southwestern Washington! pe
velopment association arrive here eh
route f or the south. The party will
arrive here at 6 o'clock tomorrow even
ing and will have dinner at th Com
mercial club.
The purpose of this excursion, out
side' of affording an opportunity to see
California and Oregon is to cement the
feeling of friendship between these
three great states, and secondly, to ex
ploit the Pacific northwest a a great
summer resort and tourist center. , ,
Special folders will be distributed en
route, calling particular attention to
tourist attractions. It is also the In
tention to lend connaratlrm tn a mnva-
ment to establish a chain of hotel from
extreme southern California, to British
Columbia, In order to encourage tourist
travel along the coast. -
There will be about 160 In the party,
representing the cities of Tacoma, Aber
deen, Che halls. Central., Olympla and
Other cities la aauthtoaat TOaah. nann
Th, special train well consist . of one
naa'flraB'a. ..r. tm rtlnara aawaM
ra a" "-"ft, .t"m 0w.w , .,TtM twiu v,J9 uuaervauun car...
R. Kennedy, former promoter of the
Portland' Produce company, who' was
found guilty Tuesday of selllner several
one third Interests In the business, was
sentenced to four years and three
months In the state prison this morning
by Judge Morrow. Kennedy wa In
dicted for obtaining monav hv fala nra.
tense,i bunkoing eeveral men. r
&.enreay is about 86 years old. and
organised the Portland Produce com-
Dauv. He also ortranlzed what ha naiiad
tho Portland Brokerage company. One
concern wa supposed to handle lemons.
He advertised la the dally papers- that
a one third Interest In the first com
pany would be sbld, and received several
applications. One man paid $1000, an
other $760, another $300. and another
$1600 for the one third intaraat VTa
contended, however, that all portion of
ine Dusicesa were soia in good raitn.
Innuirv at tha hnma nf W - tt r-Ar.
bett president of the Willamette Iron
& Steel company, at 1 o'clock this after
noon broUe-ht the . resnonsA'. that Mr.
Corbett wa resting quietly, that ' h
passed a comfortable night and seemed
io do some stronger tnie morning... The
hope Is now entertained1 that th suf
ferer has more than, an even channa nf
conquering the disease. Dr. Labbe, Mr.
uorbett' physician, ay that 1 hi pa
tient la atlll in a. varv nraAarlntia tiam.
ditlon. but that hla nulat alean nf laat
night and this , morning Indicates - a
improvement, ne nas oeen UI-
ferlng from pneumonia. ' , '
; . 1 - ,r ... V'. ... .
i i n .1 i i . .. i .. i .
An amendment to tha new nit Hunt
ing code, Submitted to the .health and
police committee of the citv council thla
morning, offers on avenue of eacspe
from, financial loss for owners of -moving
picture theatres which cannot be
made to , comply with the requirement
of the code, as to rear and side exits.'
If 'tha amendment should be adopted,
these theatres will be Dermltted to nnn.
tinue in buslneas, , if standard - lamp
rooms are install j in th rear of uch
etructure and the '- front thereof are
screened off-1 In case even thean immit.
ed requirement cannot be complied with
tne proposed ordinance permit the the
atres to continue lij pperatlon until, the
lease on each 'expire 'nrnvtdnd tha
leases expire not later than 1 months
after the passage of the ,ordInanc, '
1 Wore- liars Thafa -Men.
en are f
(I'nlted PrM Leand Wlra V
Washinaton. . Feb., 1 ?.-."Wnm..
hlfarar and waif. Mm lli. h.. j.
- areJ;KeV.EU.Iles. gwm In a a.rnxm .
cnat i agitaung t tie women of Wash-i
ingtdn i today. Rev. Swam marfa. tha
eur naoit wita doiq sexes. . .
' . v
"The ". Deanler of Portland ' wan r " tha
bridge. We are going to build It for
them," declared H. PC Seltser, engineer
or consiruotion. this morning. "We
don't intend to be stormed hv ntiratinM
or by Klernan and Dunlway. They are
nui m me game any more and I don't
think they can stop us." 1 r:, :
' HaVlna SUCCeaafullv mila 'imnnL
menta for -beginning-Broadway bridge
uuuumg, x-rrsiaeni stewart or the con-
- r v ii iui iu
njUBu cuy, Aio,, neaaquarters tomor
E. J. .Somrnerville, Pendleton
' Man Named; J. A. Fee Em-
.ployed as Attorney.'
t&peclil Dispatch to The Journal) ' '
Pendleton. Or.. Feb. 17. E. J. Bom.
mervllle of thi city wa. this morning
appointed by Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps
as receiver of properties of the In
land Irrigation comnany In' bossession
of. Henry W. Coe, his companies and
subagents.-' Sommervllle was selected by.
the court to act ill thla rnnarttv Inaa.
much as Furnish and Coe' attorney
couia not agree upon a man acceptable
to hoth ' . .
The order of tha annnlntmant no.
filed this afternoon tand'by it th re
ceiver is given power to secure com
petent legal counsel to assist him In Ms
duties, andthe has aelantad Jnilir, Tamaa
A.' Fee, ......
In Outlining the dutlaanf tha ranalva
the order states that he shall take pos
session Of all monava nnnlranta nni.
or other properties in possession of Coe,
ma v-oiuraoia iana company, Sloan &
Co., or any of their subagents. which
belon to tha -Inland Trrl
pany, and all book accounts kept by Coe
or uitu companies in tne transaction
of business for . the Inland Irrigation
company under contract.
and the company. Furthen it states
that in case auck aornnnla i Iran in
the private books of. Co or his com
panies, the receiver shall taka tran
script from the records. .
He is also directed to take possession
of only such correspondence of the de
fendants In tha suit aa nartalna dlrantlv
to the unfinished business of the In
land irrigation company. The bonds of
Mr. sommervllle have not yet been fixed.
' ftjnltfrt Pram. ted Win 1
Seattla. Feb. ' 1 7 .Tha nnhttn ahAn1
j T " " .WW,.W BtWMW
teachers of Seattle todav voload a nrn.
test against the practice of manufac
turers oi e cent cigars or giving such
name as George Washington and Hon
est Aba Lincoln to their nrnduxt Tha
protest Is set forth In. memorials and
..I... .. . . i . . , . ...
iiuwva vui ui sucn a use or tnese
grand old name reacts unfavorably on
the patriotism of the youngster.
Porto Rico contains 6000 unionists.
Makes the mo3tnutri
tious f bod and tho Most
dainty ; and delicious.
., ',. 'ftif-''57fe';f i , , '
Absolutely Puro
; The onl Baking , Powder made i
; from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No ftiiiig w
thebiscuit-miJdng. Royal -
is the aid
toy 'al Cool Book4t00 ReiFi eui Ntme and AdJm
ROTAt pAKiwa powpen
Mrs.' Claude Matheria Given
Divorce, as Result; Other
, Decrees Granted, v
Claude MathenA kicked h1a wtfa nut nf
mu - una . uivruiiiK wi iv in aune. iiui.
and- this was one of the grounds upon
Which she secured a dlvnrca thla morn.
ing In the circuit court , -Other reasons
... .i. .j... . , . . . .. . .
iur iu ,-ui rurci;, - aa given Dy tne 'wire,
were that he called . her .llr," "fool,''
and other abusive names. ' The v were
married in 1906. ' , ,: , ' -
Abe , I,. "Jonpg said-hia wlfa. PraaalA.
told. him on evening in January,' 1909,
that she did not Ilka lilm anv mora.
and proposed leaving him. The next day
sue leiu . .ones was granted a divorce
this momlnaJ ,Thev were married In
AprU, 1D06. ?"''; - , - , ,
Wilhelmlna Zlnk. wlfa tt TRmlt Tin If
a butcher at SUJohns, told how her hus
band had forced herself and four chil
dren! to leave the home in March, 1908.
He ha not supported them since," she
eald. ,Mrs. Ztnk testified that her hus
band owned COO acres of land In .ut.
ern Oregon, and a large number' of cat-
tie. one aiso said part , otr. her money
had paid for the property. She was
granted a divorce. . The Dronertv rlahts
were settled out of court. They were
married In Luciano,' Russia, In l$8$, and
earn to America In 1900. .
. G. Carpenter waa allowed a dlvorra
frdm Elven 1. Carpenter on the ground
oi oesenion. , Tney wer married May
16, 1887, He charred his wife left him
In '.Tune ' 18 ;.' Thav wara marrlat at
ceioev vermon. ; ' :? ' '''-
"ti, j-...iiiKia Was granted a di
vorce rrom Frank Sutherland "nn tha
grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment - '. ' - : ,. -.
i xiunnab Wallace was a-lven a dlvnroa
from J. T. Wallace on tha rround nf
ueaerupn, ;: f j-:-,;, .-
Fathar hail aanth.- '4aK 0 m n. afa
overburdened shoulder this morning by
the POStOffice neonle. Fear in a- that am.
In g down to the offlc in th morning
wun no Dunaiea and oming- back at
mgnt loauea aown was too great a con
trast for hi own arood. tha noatal da.
partment ha decided that he must car
ry- aown town wiui mm any papers he
or the family wants mailed. - The de
partment won't Insure th collection of
newspapers from uptown letter boxes.
mis action was taicen at th regu
lar monthly meeting of the supervisory
employes of th pootofflc today. There
-re not - package boxes arid carrier
enough to place In all part of the city
and hence these boxes are confined to
th business district Since time Im
memorial; people aa V placed newpa
pers for mailing on top of the letter
bOXeS. trusting to luck and tha nnatal
department to their being gathered in
as man. i ne xecierai court have pre
viously i; ruled that thi department- Is
not responsible-for such mall matter
and thaf. th sender responsibility ex
tend to Actual depositing of the paper
In, the pontofflce or In a. package box.
.'Lately tha rain' h onairH
placed on top of letter boxes for mailt
ing ana wnen tnese wet papers have
been added to the letter, pouch, they
have Dlavtid havnn with tha lattara k-
water running the addresses on the en
velope and unsealing tha flaps. Be
cause, of thla It has ' been decided to
collect papers when nossibiA. hut nnt
to do so at the expense of first class
matter. j 'V . .
The only war out of it whan '.lata.
want to send her friend a m
of the issue telling about . Wednesday'
iny is ior uaa to take it down
town, according to Postmaatar r.nrlV
nAjPj'UJLhlmself jiuajjackag lioxJ
"At a meeting of the Brooklyn im
provement club last night resolutions
criticising the. city engineer, the Oregon
Haasam Paving company and the Port
land Railway, Lirht A Power company,
wer adopted and ordered made public.
The resolutions state that the city
engineer has attempted to accept badly
constructed street, as In the cane of
Eat .Twenty.flrst and . , Mtlwaukle
street and express the disapproval by
the club of such tactics.
0 J
to many a .:
CO., Utvt vork.
(Ciilted Pre Leiaed Wire.) .
Freeport 111., Feb. 17. -With" the
crest not yet in sight, hundreds of fam
ine have 'been driven from their home
bv tha flrind Water nf th a' Vanntnnlna
river, row, higher than it has been for.
60 years. .The city's light and water
plant are submerged. ' The damage al
ready done Is estimated at $100,000.
.Twa rhtldran . 'rtf Alhort
rescued from "the top of his housr today
after it had been tossed about all night
Their condition 1 .'serious. -
A .FltftMiit, Simple. But Bit and ZtU
Pflfurrh nf th kttnmnnlt hat 1nna haiais
considered ..the next thing to Incurable.
j,ne usual symptoms are a run or bloat
Ing sensation after eating, accompanied ;
nmat.maa I i K haiim am -ara ..iia "
a formation of gases,, ceasing pressure
on tne - nean . ana lungs and dirncult
breathing,' headaches, fickle appetite,
nervousness and a' e-eneral nla'vod nut.
languid feelltig., r s!,. '
There is often a foul 'taat- intha
mouth, coated tongue ,and If . the fin-
terior of the stomach could ha in 11
would - show, a slimy, Inflamed condi-,
tlon. ' ' (. . ,
ii The cure for' this common and ohatt
nate trouble la found In a treatment
which cause th s food to be readily, .
thoroughly dlrestad hafdra If haartlma
to ferment and lrrltata tha dallnafa m,.
cou surfaces of th stomach. ? To e
cura a prompt and .healthy dlaestlon
Is tha one i neceaaarv thtna- Ia and
when normal dia-estlon ia aAurad ,ha
catarrhal coudltion "wUl hav dlaap-peared.-
;'. ,'., vi .. -u-it : si
' According In Hr TTarlanann t
est and best treatment 1 to use after
tcn meai aytaDiet, composed of Dla.
Use, Aseptic Pepsin, a. Uttl Nux, Gold
a Seal and fruit acid. vTfaea tablets
can now b found at -all drug store
under, the -nam of Stuart' Dyspepsia
Tablets and not halnv a natant- mal.
cln can .b -used with - perfect safety;
ana - assyrano tnat healthy- appeUt
and thorough digestion . will" XdUow
their regular us after meal. : i , '-;.
The plan of dieting is simply another
name for starvation, and tha i-- n n-a.
pared food and new. fangled-breakfast
iuuus Bimpiy maxe matter worse as
"y dy speptlo who has tried them
knows. . . - y.i'.i' . t-, S-s
v A Dr. Bennett says, the Only reason
j. can imagine 1 wny atuart Dyspepsia
Tablet are not untvaraallv naa h
everybody who 1 troubled in any way
wim vwr uigeauon ' i oecause many
people seem to, think that because a
medicine is advartlaed or la anld In Arum
stores or Is protected by a trad nark
is must oe a numoug wnereaa a a
matter of truth any druggist who I
observant know that Rtnart'a rwi.
pepala Tablet have cured more people
vi caiarra oi tne siomacn, indigestion,
heartburn, heart trouble, nervous pros
tration and:' run down condition pen.
erally than all. the patent medicine
and doctor' prescription for .stomach
trouble combined- n
Stuart's Dvanansla Tahlat l tha
safest preparation as well as the alrn--
piesi ana most convenient remedy, for
any form of indigestion, catarrh of
the stomach, bllllousneas, sour stomach,
heartburn and bloating after meals.
Send your nam and address today
for a "free trial package and see for
yourself. Address F. A. Stuart 'Co.,
160 . Stuart bldg.. Marahall, Mich. U
Fall' Set -of Teeth
w-jR.. uoid-Bridge Teeth ,B3
22-KL Gold r.rnwna ,.. An
Gold Fillineg
Extraction, Examination and Teeth
Ueaned Free.
Mrtre anrl mrire netfnla ant finl
ing their way to our luxurious and
commoaious prnces at the' corner
Of Second . and Morrirn - atraat.'
upstairs, i We havo, the entire cor
ner. . ' ' I
Larlv a'tiistante ir alurava t--1h
to look after the cofnfort ot womeii
ana cnudreh ; patients. . ,
Nervous people are assured of
gemie m treatment., uur , methods
are pamjess. ' ,
, We1, hold" ourselves responsible
for the w0rk we put in your mouth.
For 15 years we guarantee it. We
wm -uyw unnn reierences.
Reliable Pain!- aa nnla,a
N. W. Cor Upstairs, 2d and Mor-
nson, . entire Corner."; . ;
" lW ai i