THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING, FEBUARY 14, 1911. 43 HANTJIORN Apartments. J51 13th at, near Main Three room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, disappearing beds, oleotrio elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water, Janitor service, , Tnla is the best equipped apartment house in the city. Marshall zoeo. , APARTMENT, 4 rooms, new furniture, oriental, Navajo, fur nips, cost $960, sell for $550. 1 Teasdale- apartments, IONo. 20th st HOTELS . .54 HOTEL PORTLAND uroe plan niy; 18, id aay, BELVEDERE European, 4th end Alder. (STORES AM) OFFICES It ::?:;vv:;:-uVi;iiT:A LAUGH plaee, B0xl7S, -on Front 1 between Main and Madison; Just . ' the olace for machine, blacksmith. ' . -- -- - HALF of new thre story hrlck, BOxlOO; plats class front. 16th and Marshall; suitable for light jobbing, manufacture in or retail; divide space to suit ten ant or tenants; long lease. A. Q. Long. y - ' ' FOR RENT. 244-250 Front at, long lease, near Madison st bridge. J. Simon Bro, STOrM for rent, with furnished I room J-M 4 m A iri-rinmr rAlA rtTMnnin 4T dry goods, groceries, roilllnsry, .. good locality, 1298 Belmont Tabor 1761 XTOR RENT Two large rooms.sulta- bis Tor tailor anop or cigar uwwti "at 142V. 1st Bf-: ' ., f WANTEDTO KENT iVAirm) to rent i V room horusa Dorth S tntllna-n rMrih - Stating nal. rent, looauon, eta,. J-eiB, Jour- rirn-ftT m a nr three furnished housekeeping roomer would consider 'mail oottag e give full particulars first letter, journal. WANTEDA 6 room furnished steaja heated flat or cottage, woes in. v 418, Journal ' -: w m FOR RENT-SCTOiLAIOCOUS 88 FOR SAI F OR I FAfvF Property In warehouse and factory district, with or with out trackage facilities.. Own er will build for suitable ten ant, 0-4Q1i Journal, TO L-ASE Northeast corner lth and Kearney. Inquire 689 Kearney. HORSES, VEHIOLES. ETa-18 $225 Mare and gelden, 1800 lbs taatn inw A mm chunks, asres 7 and 8. kind and true, single or double, extra fast walkers, free drivers, " also their harness at purchasers option, war ranted and trial allowed. - . .. 8210- Team and harness. A and 4 years old, weight 2800 lbn., true and re liable under any and all circumstances, only little thin in flesh. 60S Alder at . , I - - - , i ! ;1 28S Dappla gray mars, ago B, extra good driver and wiu worn in any rig. warranted ana tnni auowco. ' . v $44 buys thin mare, age 8, been 'owr worked and not properly fed; worth $200 to anyone who wants to deriva the bans- fit of Improving tier. &uo Aiaer su - Ranch' outfit, oomplete,' consisting of ' team of mares, true and reliable, cet ' hnw hntArhlnr Viarnia in Al eon- - dlUon and 8 inch farm wagon as good as new. jrnoe xor inuneoian ou, allowing trial. Inquire for Frank Cook's team, at 6U Aiaer sx. , $100 Cheap team. wg 2800 Ibau tender In front feet all right vary other way. eos Aider st. " Horses for Sate- - 12 horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. I horses, weight 17(0 to 1840 lbs. I'M horses, weight 1400 to ,1000 lbs. 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbS. All will be sold under our guarantee ' ' , HAWTHORN- AVBl STABLES. 4!0 Hawthorne Are. TOR SALB A black mare, 7 years old. - 1000 lbs., good worker In all har ness; sound, hot afraid of steam or eleo- trid ears. , Appjy woks e-ami, v as Morrison. : i-OR'SA.: Lffl-On lght: ha e S-seated hac: 5' buggies dies. 10 vA 14spVi tksarisaas mrA astisl lis for rent m, sjam. fnon t IRfil. - - - - - - k T ; . , IOWN nars. . g year 'S old. - sound, Oso light spring . East 12th and weight 1000 pounds, als was-on with rood ton on, Madison. House in pars. JIFTEENf head oountry horses. Weight I60lo 1400. Frloes to suit One new FOR BALE BH farm1 wagon, new one black chunk horse, hay, barrow disc harrow and seeder and plow. 1004 MU- UOHsSJSS and bugfiss for rent by dayi week and month: special rates to WKUH1S D basinesa bouses. 4th and Hawthorne, Fast 72V ONE S wagon and a heavy aet of har- news. Phone B-6029. SB seta team harness for sale cheapi 49 North 6th. -A " LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 ONB of - the choicest dairy ranohee In vicinity of Portland tor rent and fol lowing stock for sale! 85 cows, full blood Holsteln bulls, 27 head young Stock, 4 horses, 7 hogs, chickens, 100 tons of hay and carrier complete, oream separator. Morse rake, . 8 wagons, all household -, goods. Ranoh oontalns -430 acres, and boat landing at ranch very day. Mokel Bruce Co stookyarda. woodiawn 84U JERSEY-DURHAM oow, $4S j I l-month-i old well bred brood sowa, $28) R. X. ' Red cockerala, $LE0. B. XAgecnana, ' Mllwaukle. ' : IF YOU want to buy or sell dslry cows, see Mokel-Bruce Cow at stock- . yards, wooaiawn ziuu. THREE Al cows, two fresh, large milkers; 8 horses, for sale- cheap. Oil E; Yamhill. v'-' ORPINaTONS, Bufts and Whites, stook and bks Get them right Murphy, , AlfSONA eggs, ,.,.$1.80 per setting; also pen. or fine urown ljegnorns. ; soi .Vannonvar av. - i J -. " . .. .. . CANARY, birds; fins singers and fe males. , 87 Montgomery at .. Main HIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs, $1.80 setting. 1062 E. 9th st N. WILL buy Cypher's incubator; must bs cheap Frank Oowan, Milwauklo, Or. CANARY birds; - fine singers and fe male. 847 MoVitgomery. Main 8209; VOH SALE AfiSCELliAEOUS 19 FOR SALB Log arin g engine, 7x10; 1700 l feet cable,' 3600 feet inch trip block, yardarms coppered, complete. Ii . w. ri. wervais, t. -l FACTORY rebuilt typewriters, $10 to 1855 ' ' . V- ... . ,: NORTHWEST, TYPEWRITER CO ? u r utn as. m. azs, A-147S. i FOR ALB or rent logplng and hoisting sngines.. -Railway Equipment Co., 74 TWO full size wooden bedsteads with springs, $1.25 each, ,662 Raleigh. . $5 HOUSEHOLD sewing machine, good Biltici,, tail qoq J.. IHtflUBUi I. .DOUBLE) and single Victor phonograph records, for sale. Inquire 212 Madison FOR SALE 12 h. p. gas engine, 204 . ltn lN.-Eiasi eu. a-itm. SHOWdASES," fixtures,; store fittings, newt2d hand 312 .Everett. , M. 7617. $13.60 GENT'S wheel, coaster brake, f ino oonditlon; girl's -wheel $8. 208. 4th. PIANO check, $137.60; good this week; will take 387.50. D-415, Journal. $132.60 PIANO clie'k, good till Fobru- ; ary ,?i; make ofor, B-410, Joumah APARTMENTS FOR SALE anSCELLAKEOUS 19 NEW and seoond band pool and billiard tables boucht and sold nn aaav terms: bowling alleys,' refrigerators for lmtae- aiate oeuvery. Address tne BrunswicK- isaike-Coiienjr CO.t 48 Bth st, FOR SALliOne new National cash reg ister, just rignt xor a restaurs t or other business handling small indi vidual sales, In qulrs 313 2d St. SAFES New and seoond-hand genuine .iau sates; tow prices; easy terms. Portland Safe Co., 86-87 Fifth st W AATEDflBCTXLAXEOCS 8 BARGEJi'8 AUCTION HOUSE). 8. H. Barter, farmorlv of th Dollar Furniture Co, has regained his health and will resume busineee at 868-870 EL Morrison St.. next to calef Bros.; and will be glad to serve all his old cus tomers nd many new ones. - The store la open for the purpovs of buying or we will now aooept goods on consignment for sals on commission or house sales. Bo if you are oontemnlating selling we will turn everything into cash on short est COSSible notlo. , Call tin East 102. and ret in touch with ns on any propo- WANTED Shorthand students. Expert individual instruction, privets or class. Years of txperlepca Day or evening. Highest references. P-4Q1, Journal. WANTE1D PeoDle of Portland to know. that Z oav tho hlhest cash nrlo for second; hand household goods. N. ii. Bfater, 14S Russell. ast 1683. IF YO want the - money yoer r- niture win Dnng, save time, call ast sss tiawtnorna : ueier jrunutura BE -WISE; rev more tor your seoond hand furniture by selling, it to Ford Aucuun q hi ittu catun nam. WANTED-r-A small typewriter iesk in -good condition; would prefer oak wood, can Main 1988 or 1148, w vwia xea-aa til tvva fl m Am Wt w ' EAT BIDE auction Jobbers want "id band furniture, hlgtst price pal A 04 . V . . . - , riiu v, . iv,i, "FURNITURE WANTED. Second hand; "highest ' price paid. nocKisiq at sons, urana ave. jfi. z4, HALEY L Furniture Co. gives most for used furniture, etc. E. 048. 298 Grand. WANTED 2d hand fumiturs. East 813i wawinorna ave. neater Martin. SCHOOLS' books bought end sold, 211 " -aimon. l8 tth Waited a good seoond hand band saw and saw table. -1812' Belmont FINANCIALS: rAmx oesires capital to found new "legltlTnate concern in or near Port land; unlimited demand; only safe prop ositldti; seourlty.- CaH bhone Main 7068 or A-8144. Call for 844, after 0:80 p. m. for sALAirrosionit-s 44 . SECOND HAND CARS 8TEARNS, 1900 model, 4 cylinder 80-60 ; H. P. Equipment:' Top. , glass front, 'gas-tank, clock, de- mouUbJ,s rims v...... ...,$3500 STEARNS, 1909 model. 7 passen- ger, 4 cylinder. 60 H. P. Equip- ment: Top, glass front, speedo meter, gas tank, demountable rims, I extra casing 8500 PEERLESS, 1900 model, 7 passen- S en. . Equipment: Top. glass root, .Warner speedometer, gas tank 2600 CADILLAC, 1918 model. B'passen . ger. Equipment: Top, glass front, eleotrio lfghU ... .... 1SB0 CADILLAC, Deml-tbnnean, 1900 model. - Equipment: Top, wind- . : shield, clock, Stewart speedoms- ' . ter, olectrio lights .......,... 1080 CADILLAC Model U 08. S , passenger. Equipment! wind shield, top' 000 MAXWELL, t cylinder, B passen- fer. Equipment: ., Top, glasa ront Stewart speedometer .... 480 PIHRCJE,. 1910modV cylinder. Equipment: Top,"!; windshield, Stewart SDeedometer loc. at coyera.;:-.,..,,.,;.,.,.;.;,...,,..,:,., JB00 PIERCE. 7 paasenirer, J907 model. wit cikbs oonuiiion . , . . . , , .... REO,; I cylinder, B passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer ,1-; ... . REO, 2 cylinder,' B passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer i, it OLDSMOBELEL 4- 4 cyUnder, - equipped with top: and' - glasa - front . ..... . . ... BUICK, 2 cylinder, edulpped with top, -windshield, Jrtcwart speed , ometer .... i , BUICK, model 10,1910 equipped with top. glass, front Jonea ! speedometer ............. STUDEBAKER. 1910, 7 passenger, . COUlDDed' with Inn tmr 00 450 400 BOO 4B0, 100 ..' Stewart speedometer and clock.. 2000 HEBH CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH TI8 RY lYTOWtta fn tiki dm n WERCaj ARROW AND- CADILAC Covev Motor Car f!r. . Main 470. ' 7th and Couch fits. FOR SAI.TTI gr nniiM,. 1 or.ail ai a UJI" : , s tjuics, b caaiuaca, 2 ateamera, 6 runabouts, 8 light deUvery trucks. Chalmera, I Pope-Hartfords, 3 Stoddard tytona. Maxwells, all in first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commls- 7 m , V . . I SilM PV, - HAVK bought a larger car. Wlli trad o ..... si f.Ojals-rDska sn-l4 . i ... . party, : equipped with loose tonneau. 1 -meiix, ni.r casings: guaranteed in A-l shape. Call B-1017. ,, r '.!. 1 rv . Bargains! Rarainsl t Auto tires and inner tubes, all aisea at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-8446. Elton 4k BUICK passenger, model 16. fully equipped,' nearly new; will sell cheap, or will consider runabout or light truck 111 uue. uwiim, rtotncmiq Diag, , . , . , FOR auto bargains see the Custom House Auto Co., or write for our bar- " n " auro 10 navs UK car you-want 331 Everett Main 1649. 1909 COLUMBUS electria for J fill ft in perfect order; will give written guar- uiim, juuai dd aoia. . jrnone main ssv or call 88S 3d st. v OLD auto tires 6o DSr lb., dally red- uio mow luws ic a to, aeuvereo. We also by copper, brass, cast Iron, a ... i . - , . j. ihb uoiumpia B, m. 6198, WE BUY. SELL AND TRAD ATJTOM6- ., RIT.HH IWn BBJT. lPOTlimn - , r t j.. . ' ' - - ' .' . . J ' a Aw.AJ.. VjV I.I. and see our Bargains, fletcher mcaintxkb;,.-wb :uakii of trade. I WANT to buy or trade for a Maxwell Of Hupmobile runabout Main 8825. RaSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 FINE 8 octave Mason A Hamlin organ, high top, mirror and full set of stops, Only $87.60; $5 down, $4 monthly, 850 Alder st. . ; - . -. - -t 4 LOANS wanted 80 If you have money to invest Ask MR. EASTON about , -PWfr.virRTJirr-fc Tunnipfiinin t,.. J. 'H. Tipton Co., 1108 Spalding bldg, WANTED Immediately' $2500, 8 years, . on new modern residence, completed nq uuuupitq py owner. Vr-aa, journal. i6000 wanted from private party, 3 years at 7 per cent; gilt' edged west side lm- prpypq prnpprcy. g-iiao, jourpaL, $2000 to 82800 wanted on . Irvington homes. 8 ner cent, to nrlva nrty 1 WANT to borrow $176 for i years on lot 4, block 29, Metzger Acre Traota. B-418, Journal.- , MONEY TO LOAN 2? WTLL loan $20,000 or less' real estate. Farrington. 416 Commercial Club bldg. SALARY LOANS CONFIdWtTXET jp . A. isewton,. o.e rienry oiug. MONEY to loai. on improved real, estate. i. . wnue, aii enenocK Didgi QUICK loans on all securitiea. 8. W, lng. 45 Washington bids. - Main 410. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent Good : nough A Setts. 810 Spauldlng bldg. WILL loan $5000 or lews on real estate. HltcmieK. 61U Itothcmid hldg, $Tl 500 to loan. 7 percent good security, r ., Howard Land Co 420 SweUand bldg. 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATE3. . LT US BB TOUR BAKKEtta ' Wffl LOAN MON.., , . TO ALL HON3T IfiiMPlXT WITHOUT 6BCURIT. io ortoagb. no- iNppnscaai. ;VERTHIN( STRKJTL- ; ' CONFIDENTIAL., : . jBTATE BliCURITY CO, l 108 FAILINGr BL" HDo You Need Money? n ret a loan immediately onfldentially. No wait M di Toil n and strictly oonnaenuaiiy. xso wait or aoiayj Pianos, furnltur nr dlunanda If you elayl want money oulok, come to me I reason- ait rai, luun, jor uppuiiiiiucuw RSfiil?. Mr MJrtn Ml .alllns Will Loan You Monev On your furniture, piano or real estate. juowesi rats oi interest.: mum asm first J, E. Nichols 020 Board of TrMe Bulldtnj MONET loaned in amounts from 110 up on all kinds of securities, rurmture, pianos or any personal property: week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. - Gray A Cunningham, room 201 Rothchlld bids.,, 287 H Washington st, between 4th and Bth sts. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own named without securitv: cheaneet rates. easiest payments;, offices in 6 prinoi- pai ciues; savs money nv getting our terms, i Tolman, 817 Lumber Exchange. Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life lnsur anoe policies, , livestock, rial estate, eto. TJ. 8. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co- 111 Hamilton bidg. Main ,io4. "-a-AtwVim -' U XoanT Ws loan in large and small amounts JH Wt JK I f fsjLn. v, on ,weu improved city ana iarm erty. f. MUfrenoh Cos, 412-411 A1 prop-. Lbing- ton pmgq ivVm, q si OtTR CREDIT Is good at tbs Emp plover Loaa er Loan Oew m Abington, 10 V $d at - IF you own a lot and wish to build ws will da the rest from 2200 down, bal ance like rent Orenberg A Jovlk, room 1-6 zoft urana avenue. TO LOAN1 on dwellings, $1700 In 8 er i amounts. Blleht chares to borrower. Any good location. Ward, Allsky bldy, $2000, $856o, $6000 to loan on Improved realty. J. IL Tipton Co, 110$ Spalding bidg. ask Mr. Eaaton. MONET ' to loan on imnroved real estate! no commission chargea . Pacific States rire insurance Co, LOWEST RATES; leans on any seourt i. ties, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 8B Lafayette bid., Bth m Wash. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, Dunning loans; lowest rates; nre in- Burane. w. u. aecK, sia veiling. RESIDENCE buildings financed and . built. A. C. Furlong. 636 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4864. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm - property, fire insurance. McKenslo 4k to. , uernnger piag., sa ana Aiaer, $100,000 and up to loan on timber and mm ouurnai. SlDRTQAGE loans A to 2 per cent cit. ana iarm property, sup uoucn oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 & 7 PER CENT. - LOUIS SALOMON, , 288 8TARK ST. N for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. NOTICES 98 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meet In r of the stockhold ers of the Oregon Auto-Despatoh will be held in the office of the secretary of tne company on Monday, rsoruary 17, isii, at me nour oz 1 p. m. May urn rignt, secretary, NOTICE On and after date, February 11. J 911, H. P. Rasmussen will not be resDOnslbla for anv debt aont ranted r nis wite, Mrs. jNeuie Kasmussen. ON and after date, I will no longer be responsible for anv debts contracted by Mrs. James O. Stephens. ' JA1U8 U. HTnlr QISB, STANDARD BRICK Ti ca , Removed to. ,801 HENRY BLDO, LOST AND FOUND ? 81 LOST About. 4:80 p. m--yesterday ' in boarding Woodiawn car; at Bd and Washington, : small seal purse contain ing bdoui ..( in silver, z m gold; finder please leave at room 201 R oth er, I'd bldg.; liberal reward. Phona Main LOST Pocket book engraved Will D Murphy," on Forest Grove Oregon Electric, Sunday p. m. Reward at Union Fuel Co., foot of Montgomery st. Phone Main 161), A-G448. LOST Small cotton purse containing aoout f b in goia, Between bridge and Union denot 1469 Union eve. NT Re- ward. LOST 6n Union ave. between Alns worth and Kllllngaworth. large black onyx cameo. Liberal reward. 627 Corbett wag, LOST Elk's tooth mounted ss watch charm, engraved B. P. O. E. No. 142. Return to 1008 Corbett bldg, and re ceive reward LOST A Llewellyn setter dog, lloenne "tag No. 8674, Sunday reward..- 98 6th at Ratto Broa. . PLACE to have your dotnea ateam Inn Cleaners, wash., opp. 18th. A-l 868. PERSONAL S3 GET married; matrimonial paper con taining advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the United States, Canada, rich, poor, young, old Protestants, Catholics,, mailed sealed free. D. K. Gunnels. Toledo, Ohio. iiADlB 8 Ask voor druggist for Chioesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chicbesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. Are Yoif Ruptured? . The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a specialist to men, women and chll dren. Satisfaction , guaranteed or no charge. Wilson, 66 tn st GERMAN boons, magaxines, novels, eto. uermak, u-nguan, sTenon, epanisn, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign ooke of all. kinds. . Schmals , Co-' 229 1st st. DR- WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases or men; Diooa and skin dis eases; sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, ladder and pllea. 181 Firat, Port. lana. MRS. ' SOPHIA Br SEIP. mental and . arklrfrilfll frlntlf , JhArtTtDnari iaI dent rHsiblt advUer." 22 SeUJng-Hlrach. WILL exchange lady's new full length fur coat that cost $87 for diamond, or will sell for cash very cheap. . East sz&u at once. SUFFERERS from piles, send 60 cents for i box rubar salve; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Rubar Mfg. Co., v. u. pox i-4, city. SEXOID A marvelous mire for weak- ness in men; money returned' fails. Price 31. Der box. i Drurarista or mall. T. J. fierce, ia Morrison. MADAME Estelle, naagnetio healer and . nlritual adviser, removed from m "W. Park to $48 Yamhill Room 2. Main 1820. WIDOW,. 68, best references, would marry , honorable gentleman ; with rood nome. u-tn, journal. o'TH-.W'i-Il-'in mMiauH rlv.' i--,-t' v alcohollo, genuine tub baths, chiropo dist, manicuriBi. i, e, a rtaieign Plug. SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electricaC alcoholic, genuine tub baths, chiropo- gist manicnriei. i, b, Kaieiyn bldg, LQRENZ Nerve Tonjo Tablets restore lost vitality, i, 26o- box, 8 boxes $L2 evipo-ie. ii io morrison. '.' ....L. '-' ."t.1 .1 'I " '.'1 1 " BATTLE CREEK hatha, formerly Ore- goniana-Didg; ytMuac..pmnpMl.or wain aa.- . - ! WRINKLES rem rved, sagging corrected .In 16 minutes; tree demonstrations. 3 weuing-Hirson oiag. weo nastique A gey. M'ARRIa6e paper "with descriptions, many with" means?" sealed." Mrs. Bell. 19 lb jviagnona ave., ios Angeles, ai. WOMEN-rUse Femoids . When others ti fail; sold end guaranteed by the Aus- piuno wr uo, in. stn st. Msin 8106 HAiM of fias, remedy tor dlseasea f a n C, 1 1H . ...I. .... MOXEY TO tXJAIf PERSONAL f za ' ns AT.trtl! RTF. Diseases of women asd children sx-J ciusivsta. Women are often saved se vere surgical oneratlons bv consulting pie. Nervous diseases of children, a Specialty. Private hospital aocomroda tlona. Confinements cared for.. Cor respondents solicited. ' No - charged for consultation, Phones, Main 8928, A-B407. Of floe room 10. Grand Theatre bids.. Washington Snd Park. LISTEN! NOT YET. BUT SOON! WOMEN WHAT 13 ITT RELIABLE. ALLETIDER BIKKER, A LIQUID. KNOWN AS BEST. -v A8K YOUR DRUGGIST 4 ! ' : FOR ALLETIDER BIKKER, $$.? ; A. W AfTStlM nn TiltHhiJr for Portland. ' MEN, GET WISE--When you get tired of handling your money over to the big advertisers, come to me fer a posi tive cure. satisfaction , - guaranteed. Modern methods, latest ef ectrio apparatus.- Consultation free. W. L Howard, M. D.. 104-1 Rothchlld bldg.?-v- Physician - and aurreon: treats ' women and children exclusively; privet hos- ?ltal . aooommodatiens; examinations ree. Main 4047; A-2411. 809 Merchants xrust piqg,, etn anq. wssn. , OCCULT, new thought " scientlflo and school books, 'bought and sold, send for our , free . majrazine club list: also catalogue of occu't or scientific books sent on application, j ones aoog utore, Henry 010g. 284 Oak st. DETECTIVE, private; highest -of" busl : iness reference, furnished; private in vestigations, legal ' and corporation work. All correspondence ; confidential. V-400, Journal. -' --.-i -, ..-..- BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS WHEN, in doubt about valuation, have - it appraised. Northwestern Appraisal Co., 80s Board Of Trade. ASSATER8 WELLB A PROEBSTEL, assayers. ana- iyuri mimnnn, tv vraen. flq. jev kONTANA asa,y office, laboratory and ore- testing v orK. igs Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTISTS materials, picture framing. to. . Mnorenouse co,. 411 wasn. si AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. ' Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly eauiimed Bohoel ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent management and practical work. E. 23d and Morrison " TaJra A-R of Ml TKhA - lnnk nm nn before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTORSETB H,i& piCIONBON has removed his law offlcs from the Commercial hldr. to 1012 Chamber of Commerce, with the Ait. Hooq and company, Mam 8610. A E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 714 Cham, of Com. M. 71, A-2071. B. M. BENSON, general practice: col- lections- abatraet earnlnl. to wash. Ington bldg. CHRISTUPHERSON A MATTHEWS general practice, 408-8 Buchanan ldg. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWEL DAVIS COMPANY, 109 Id at improved Looss-Leaf ledgers: see the new Eureka ienr. a-biis. Mam IBS. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES KALE Motorcycle Second-hand wheels Jought sold. Repairing. 188 10th. BUILDINGS WRECKED Sawed wood, 2d-hand lumber for sale, Oregon Wreokir- Co., B. 4048. Mr., Cur ry, 412 Oantenblne. BUSINESS CARDS V WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross Ings. $17 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. J. Loali. 212 Jeffer son st Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING) CO, Portland office. 605 Electric bldsr. JAS. McL WOOD 4k CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety bonds, McKay bldg. CARPER CLE ANTXO JOYCE BROS Elsctrio Cleaning Wcrka carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our E5 'ciauy. w. t to, a-iaB3. 204 KL istn N. E Steam Cleaning-, carueta. faaithara renovated: guaranteed. E. 380. B 2238. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG . WORKS, ruga from 01a carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. ids union avs., near u. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works. Colonial rag carpet and ruga. 1611 Patton ave. Phone Woodiawn 2618. CHINESE DOCTORS -'r- Dr. L, T. Yea A Sons, 142 H 1st Con sultation, pulse diagnosis free. off. hrs. m:au a. m. to p. m. M.'84ti4t A-8868, LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots curs all diseases of men. One treatment free; 145 Third st. DR. Bing Choong, physician for men and women, tjuaranteeo cure. zzft Alder. YOUNG MING Chinese Medicine Ca Free consultation. 186U 1st st. - bR MRS. S. K. CHAN cures all dis eases of women. 1 228 Morrison st. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Honr Konr Cafa. chon snav. nrwiillaa. M. 5614, A-7307. 107 6th st CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DR, A. B. DOUGLASS. 838 Union ava N. Fhone East 6241. . Consultation and examination fre. fiRS. INGEBORG. CARL OBERG Chiropractor and suggestive therapeu tio, Main 7683. A-7791. 309 Dekum bldg. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring., scalp. Mrs, Dunton,-8.49' Wash. Marshall 1829. CHIROPODY, manicuring and facial massage. Rooms 7, 8, 9. Raleigh bldg. IROPODY AND PEDICURING . re. m. i. rim. 4? p-neoner tiqg. CIVIL ENGINEER ' ORRIN Bt Stanley, elvirenglneer, 1008 up am oer or commerce. Marshall 1664, COAL AND WOOD NOTICE piucIsonSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. $2.7$ INSIDE GREEN SHORT, per load. $3.50 DRY SHORT WOOD, per load. .. .$4.00 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding." . . - The Portlaid Slabwood Co. ; . Main 8119, A-7001. Charcoal- DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8747. F. JT. EVERTS, Ft Curry at. Yamato VVoM and Coal Company. EAST til H-1M7 Delivered any place In city. $4.50, Joad; 1 in. wood. 33 load. Portland Wrecking Co. Phone Main 87. A-8738. , . iOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO, Main 3169, A-S843. Dry Inside wood, Sreen auabwood, clean sswdust tor bod ing, out fuel; blockwood. ' t W&n NEER &. FARR ?:AW No. 1 dry wood, 4 ft, sswed to 5 order, t.9 dULi9A-..-- at. Fuel CO 813 Water st larshall -960. . ffn (A (1 "' BAY COAL CO.',' iit n A .""Hurnalde St Phones, Main w u wa z. 8. A-1278. - - 6REGON LUMBER . FUEIj'co'.. Block aao trim wood, xaoor StlX. V COAL AND VOOD v i PACIFIC K1.AKWOOTJ CO. Dry inside wood, per load..,,..., $3. 75 Short green slabwood . ...... ,..,,$160 Dry block, wood, per load......... 4.(0 Planer trimmings, long and snort Phones Main 8709, A-7 364, ; , ' wSoBT Fins country Blabwood, sawed, $2.75. Four foot slabwood, per cord, $2.76. Inside wood sawed, $3.80. 1000 ft. of new cull ties, sawed, $5.80. ; . BEdHERa woon no . 9th and $3!pn. Home A-2415, M. 6859. Portland Cofdwood Co, OLD GROWTH FIR WOOD 2B 15.60 and IS r,r nM . riffle, ftt Corbett bldg. Phones Marshall 2898, A-4S. r THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. nandlss all - tha beat rrades of coal. We niki specialty of furnaoe and heating plant coal i i reasonable price. - Special prices on car ioaas. H-,143, East. 214. tfh.. tUAAH : $th and Gtisan itreeta. s Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood . Fir, Oak, AVv -.k-. Main 6859, - A-2411 : COAL tfKBLOCK Meier 4k Frang take odera for our standard grades, or pnone ast bus, or u-isus. Edlefsen Fuel CO.. Inc. 11 r DRY MIXED cedar 32 a load - for" $0 ' days only.- Main 2153, A-8842, IBTANDARD WOOD CO. Wood and coat 847 E. Stark. Est 2318. B-H85. CORD wood delivered anywhere In oitv. Wholeaale, reUtl. East 819, B-3089. COLLECTIONS LET 173 get your money for yon. Claims oi every description coueotea on a strictly peroentago basis anywhere. Telephone Main 1410. Colten Adjust- ment uo., 4iu Abington bldg.. Portland. CURRENT and delinquent aocounta col lected. Wens Mercantile Agency. 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th e-na Oak sts. NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency, 321 Hen ry bldg. Marshall 2683. A-7 7 30. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts Ljge collected, 317 Allaky 7817: M. 4221 . OOLLECT-pN SPECIALIST v PHYSICIANS' and dentists "coUecUons a Von Fisck:r Wbita Mala, 'o7 CONSULTDiQ ENGEVEERS a a GOLDBERG A Ca, $12 Ccraoh bldg. conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Marshall 802$. W. ANDREW CLARKEu meohanioal signed. 785 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8969. A-8681. ....... CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR - cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C Olson, Marshall 1441; 192 Grover st J. BURTON, 148 1st. archlteob-buitder, Estimates rurnuhea. M. hit, a-ibit, WILLtAM FISHBECK, carpenter add builder. Jobbins and contracting. 204 4th. Main 6241. DANCHiQ 26o PER lesson, 4 lessons for $lj waits, two-step, three-step, stage danoing. eto.; every morning, afternoon and evening for' beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wllaorra aehool. nldaat and only rei'nar. nlzed leadlns academy for correct danc- in g. $86 H Waah., bet W. Park and 10th; HCATH dancing school, 109 Seoond st.. between Washington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings, 8 to H DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge worst la impossible; does away entirely with piatea, oriageworit: we cure pyrronea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people, Rex Dental Co, Abington Diag-.. iud ga st. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, sstabllahed 15 years. 3.3 wasnington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists, Third and Washington sts. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. 8.. of, $24 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp.-8 B. 12th. B. 6440, ELECriUO CONTRACTOR Ouarant'd house wiring.- Estimates. Ok A. Nothwang CO.. 87 1st- M. 7433, ELECTRIC MACHINERY MOTORS for rent er sale. Paolflo Eleo- tno Engineering co in la st. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, -wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42B iniedner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United BUectrio Garment Co., 687 Alder. EXPRESS AND TUANbJElt FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks delivered. 60 cents. Additional trunks 36c M. 8125. A-7287. 4th and Taylor. gURNITURB REPAIRING , FURNITURE repaired, remodeled, pi- anos ponsneq m u . biz Burnside. GAS STOVES OUT down your gas bill. We will make your stove worg as good as new. Phone East 469. GLAZING UNITi-iJ i,ASS 4k GLAZING CO. All kinds glass worn, m n. I4tp. M. 44i. 41ASOL1MK KU1SE STATIONARY ' and marine; electric equl pments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing, Relereon Machinery Co.. lis worn son. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest bat ren ovators in the city. C4-66 8d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. mats direct irom the factory at half price, i HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL horseshoer, especial atten tion given to lame and Interfering horses; horses called for and delivered. Main 9186. 227 Salmon at . DE NIKE. 283 Front at, makea . a Decialtv of dr; riving horses; y 20 years' experience in New York City, . ..1. . HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS a ; PORTLAND Hospital association. 403 Rothchlld bldg. Phona Main 708 HOME TREATMENTS VIA VI assists nature to remove cause of disease. SO!) Kothcnild bldg. INSURANCE MoCARGAR, Bates A Lively, 318 Fail- mg mag, mvery tprm insurance, ponds. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. wooaiawn zua, u-zyu. insure n JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, wa tones, .Jewelry, siiverwars. UD-to-oate novelties. H. a. Forbes. New Perkins Hotel. 6th A Wash. LAUNDRIES BAOL LA UURYr-ftwerkr tow prices and .uickTPlione C-1794, V ss. lau rtusseii st. LIBRAi;iE9 mm CIRCULATING library. 181 6th. bet AM, malceti rented, repaired, sold. Cm Jaylor and YamhlU. Book 80 per deyv nlngham Co, 231 Stark. Main Hu7. REAL ESTATE KAMB Baker, T. .'.'"City, Farm Property. ,.t,.803 Berr.f'e Beau. Company.., ............... ron(-(Stceie vompany I! ru baker As Benedict Burtenshaw 4k BuehleV".-Hawth(rne Cbapln 4b Hrloir....,.,.......,...............r Cook Co., B, .. ..............ti8 Hoock, ueorre a. (uokuuob. v Leoiw niur.... i,la Knapp Marker. ......,...,..,;...... ,,,.T Chamrvr of Commerce...; Mala A-l-'id ManbalL W. H.. FaiS. Citr Prooertr. ...... Boom 7. 80O4 Alder........... .,(,. wi-tt Orciton Real Eatate Co., The.... Milelde.- . '..., .i,i.,i.v,....H...riTO io... ......... ......Mala St o .. Thompson, M, B. Co.; LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. L. .MASTICK 4k CO.. 74 Front .Leather or every aeaenpuun, u manufacturers, findings - ;-; MINLKG AND , DEVELOPMENT 1 SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. Send fer our fooxiet. zz urexei oiog. MACHHVERT a TRENKMAN ft CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repair. 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOMSTROM,vnerve, rheumatic, di. gestivo disorders. go.- uregonisn oiug MUSIC TEACHERS B. THIKLHORN, violin teacher; puph Bevclk, 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.1629. !PlXNO, violin, trombone, cornet, guitar, ban.o. jrTor. m. a. cmitn, at .nn.. RACHEL Paulson piano and harmony studio 88, 166 4th st- MUSICAL DEALERS SETBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO184 2d; complete line musical mdse. ree catalogue Buescher band instrumental. NATUROPATH , DOCTOR ; Dr. B F. Grover, naturopath, chlro- craotlo aveclallst; paralysis, rheuma tism, Bervous diseases. Call or write. Phone Main 8142. 702 Oregonlan bldg, OPTICAL SPECIALISTS ; OLOBH OPTICAL CO., 326 Washing- ton st. Eyes examined, f ree aqvica. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS , Dr. W. W. Christie, OsteotJath. chronic nervous diseases, 314-6 facieay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. tR LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe clallst on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 FentQ" bldg. Main 8f6l DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllls, Mo 1888; -post graduate 1907. 318 Swet- land t)idg. DR. L. It HOWLAND, general practl- tit oner. 802 Fletdner bid. DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. - 409 Oregonlan bldg. DR KATHRYN RUETER. specialist women ft children. 803 Fiieflner Didg. PAINTOIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH 4k CX Pioneer Paint Co, 186 1st Main 1134. A-704I. , RASMUSSEN 4k CO., "High Standard" paint ne. cor. 2d Taylor. M.; A-l 771. PAINTING AND .PAPERING PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting dono reasonable, all work guaranteed C-1747. FOR beat wort,, prices right, call P, A Doane. 104 Union. Both ohonee. ! TjSt our nrtces on painting, paper- lng, tinting. Ernest Miller Co, 171 ISt PATENT ATTORNEYS path; NTS nrooured bv J. K. Mock. Attor ney-at-Law, lat, U. 8. Patent Office; book rree. Tl oara ot -i raae mog. VL a. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign oat ante; infringement cases. 804 Dekum. PERFUMERY PERFUMES from homs-grovfn rosej. Rose City Perfume Co.; 233 Jeffersn. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning. $:1$ years' experience. Phone Main 8431. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gll lan, 166 10th. Both phones. PRINTING WELCH PKIKT111G CO. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st PSYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. M, J. PIERSON. psychopath,; gen- eral practitioner, room it, as publkT stenographers ' TYPEWRITING, abort notice, K, Allen, 616 oregonian piag. m. etv, A-a. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cnn ningnam CO.. lil star, again nvi. SHINGLES BEST In Portlana Sea them. 301 Wasnington stf s, n, unperr. SAFES THE Mosler Ssfe Co- 108 2d st. 8afes at factory prices; repairs; locaouts opened, bargains in second hand safes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES 01 every description; bank, oar and store tixtures macs to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. ' THE JAMES I, MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and 01a showcases. caDinets, store end office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. B. H. B1RDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery, gales agent M. Winter Lumber Ca SHOWCASES, wailcases, ''I counters li. stock and made to oracr at tne lowest price. 413 E. 8th. - Phone East 17. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOB TEH A KLEISBR Signs; the larg. est sign makers in the northwest- E.i 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones. East 1111. Home B-2224. --. ; 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Main 1S86. ; STENOGRAPHERS, COURT . , REPORTERS i,, OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-408 Abington. M. bOAl, A-naas. uepositions. SrECIAUSTS .FOR MEN OUR 1 guarantee-r-NO MONEY X RE QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED IS your absolute ; protection. Consultation, . ex amination and diagnosis free. Our spe cialty is ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. What you want Is a cure. - Come to us and get It Hours dally 9 to 6. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. DR." GREEN CO., 862 Washington at. Fortiano. ur. ', - - TAILORING - SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles ' Tailoring College, learn dressmaking, tailoring.. 143 llth, TAXIDERMIST LEARN taxidermy by mall, ley, 24 Columbia st. V. B. Fin- TAILOIUNQ ALFRED OQILBEE. $10 Labbe bid. d-ind-Wehilmw Butts--lerd. fi SSEA6IriSf?"talior anTraper ; st- clunive patterns, 245 Washington st , , TYPEWRITERS DIRECTORY AflDHICSS ' thirrnvsr . .A-4492 Main 1 1'H Corbstt Bldg.. 4iU...........,..,.Mr!irt.ll ibS, 4-4711 i.i r..urouuu nuur utwia HUg. , .Wulu Hull a- I II ....302 Mo Kb J Bid. ................ , .!Mi m, and E. 49th,. i. Tabor lTii Laawiwr or Commerce.. ........ M., in ', 1 Corbett Bhlf .....Mtjn ra .;- firariil Ave. ejut Multoomaku , . . Eat S7. C-1T1", ...Henry Bldg.. ethak, ' TRANSFER AND STORAGE a Oregon Transfer Co. . - , Established 1870. .. .Transfer and forwarding agents, !' :. Storage; free tracka Office, 810 Hoyt at. bet 6th sad Ith. Phones: Main 89: A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer Storage t:o nf. lies and commodious 4 story brick ' warehouse, "Separate Iron - room and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west Corner 2d and Pine ats. Pianos and furirtrn-re moved and packed fos ;-. Shipment Main 694; -19t , K PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. lStb ' and Everstt sts. Just cpened. newest, most modern atorage warehouse in elty . every convenience for safe and proper handling , cf gooda; lowest Insurance rate in no-thwest; free trackage, vans; -7or moving. Main or A-l 620. EXPRESSlNCr, coal delivered any part vit. ii.w prices, ttuom, J04 AnKeny. FURNITURE, trunk movins. City Hall Transfer Co. M. 7089, A-4724. 2S5 6th. TOWEL SUPPLY ' . CLEAN towels . daily, comb, brush, soap Towel Supply Co Bth and Couch sts. $1 per month. - Portland Laundry Pbona Main 410. A-4410. VETERINARIAN D . h p- 5ILL95r Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72, 697. B-1369. - WELL DRILLING , DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Main 1346 or write R. WesVl82 Morrison st. WELL drilling contracts. J. W. Oraent 390 Vancouver. C-2478. ' , WINDOW CLEANING ' NW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO ea in. -arn st. j-iione Main 7886. WHOLESALE JOBDEia " EVERDING A FARRELL, produce and iv uiuuwuii uiercnants. jfo front St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. OTTKHT A nn- DISTRIBUTORS OFFINE CIGARS , - PORTLAND. OR. . WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers! mJ?uiaciure ,n! cof fe" roasters. 4th "."Bngp, wnoieoaie and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 '.i st, between Salmon anr? Main ALLN A LEWIS GRCKRi'Ka .': BANKS torse, gists .u. hxm. t v T11 ssnkjagjoalnee ' Drefts f taeaea available la all the DtiHi - 1 t1?'!? "Jf JSeeS atereet paid ea mtIds eenanu. .r ni! ilts. - , ' . . . ' POfcTUJTD 3Uk2XWAT, XXQWX- 48 .r POW-B COMPAHT. ' " C1 -lnea.- . Ticket Office and Waiting Room. ' - Flrat and Alder Streets. t,,rUa,nd, and Oregon - City Leave Portland. First and Alder streets, 4:08 a. m.. 1 6:30 a. m., then every 30 minutes, (on the hour and half hour), to and inc udlng 9;00 p. m., then 10:00 p. m, 1115 p. m. Last train 13:00 midnight m "K ' . lntgrmedlate points 6:55. 7:45.; 8:4S. ein-.n .. . TWV" .a11 Troutdale l:BB, "TMS. lc"dAro,and Intermediate points :6B, 8:45. 10;46 a. m., lj:48, 1:45. 4:45, 8:45 p. m. .. Vancouver lne. " A K.1IC k.Ktk .ilt 1 - - - 9:10. 9:60, 10:30. 11:10, 11:0. . ; M 12:30, IHO, 1:50. 8:30, 3ilOL 3:60, 430. B:10, 6sBO, 630, .0i 7:40, 2.1,5,' ,f:60 9:25, 10:00, 10:86, 1U1 , "11:46. - . On ths third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:08 p. m.- ; Cars for Vancouver rnnlca nn -.- .-. Union avenue between Burnslde street 3 1 mAv 1 -A fc - . a. a . w mnu ui uniu uMuievsra io let orr pas sengers, but make slops to pick up pas sengers at all transfer points, w t Ferry leaves Vsncouver to ' connect with cars for Portland AJ M. 6:00. s:ao, T.itt, 7:(.. s:zo, 8:65, r30 10:10. 10:50. 11:30. I. M. U:l?. 12:60. l.:30. 2:10. 2:60. 2:30. 4:10. 4:60r B:80, 10. 6:50, 7:25,- 8:00. 8:35, t:10l:4B. 10 20. 10:65, 11:80, 18:05. ' On third Monday, of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:81 ' weaving time .- ciacktace, doubld trains. '. .......-., ,....7.v Cars from Vancouver make no ' stops on .t Union avenue between Portlan-t . boulevard and Burnslde street except to let off passengers. Dally "except Sundays. 1 Daily except Mondays. I eeRnns ia on Tjnlon avsnn TRANSPORTATION HONOIiULU 1 Ain THE VOLOAHO Thai .TRIP MOST COMPELL-WO and worth whilst excellinir all others for novelty and pleasures. The ' Volcano of KUauea, the largest In the world. Is tre mendously active It is now possible to make this desirable trip with speed and comfort and the price is low. $110 first class, San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and 346.50 for side trip froiru Hon. olulu to volcano. Including rail and aut. to Kilauea; hotel at Hilo, alao Volcano House. No other trip compares with-this. lie sure to visit tne lsianas and l)i IT' NOW while the volcano is active. S. rt. SIERRA, 10,000 tona displacement, salla Jan. 14, Feb, 4 Feb. 25. March IS. - - OCEANIC S. S. CO. 873 Marlret Street, San Prantlsco. OJEI RITES T3AirSlOSTAT10 W CO. Str. J. IT. TEAL V- r e lght Reed, dally at Oak 8t Dock tor cento, ire PaiieH Rivr. White Salmon and all intermediate points. eteamer leaves rortiatiit Sundays, Tuesdays and ITiursdays ot 7:00 a. nv Returning leaves The DAlles Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, at . 7 a. m,, arriving at Portland about 8 , p. m. efts day, , A. S .WHITING. Phnnes Main .9(!0. A-2S27 . .. Art Captain W. 8. lluchaqaH, iSuptrlnten(lt;iit. San Franciaco Portland Stsaaashlp Co, New service to Los Angeles via B4 Francisco every five days. : From Ainsworth dock, Fortland 4 b. m.t SS. Bear Feb. 16, B. City 31, Beaver 39. From can Francisco, northnound. 11 tn : SS. B. City Tab. 10, Beaver so, Bear 83. From San Pedro, northbound: S3. Beaver, Feb. 18, Bear. 93, B. City 23, H. O. Smith, C. T- A., 143 Tf.ud tit 3. W. Ransom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock, Phones, Main -SO?, gss; A-140a. coos t a Y l, 1 rs Li 6tr. Breakwater sails from Alaska dark, Portland, 8 ,p. ,-m, Dec 13, 20. l, Jan. 3. 10. 17. 24 and 31. Feb, 7. 14. SI. i and every Tuesd.iy ni!it FieUl.t. 1 ceivea at Alaska dock until 8 p. m. cm v. Passenger fare 1st class, 110, t.i , $7, including meals end berth TI a on sale at Alnswoitb dock.-Phones i,, 1. 1 288. A-l 23 4. .' SAW FRAXCXJCO, LOS ANCEL?" 1 -1:and.SAS..W(EGO hi::,.' -.: jroitTSk: McmO'B. n. ex- M. . KOAiU-M sad K. S. t l. ; i Every WednnsMay,-. alternaiei y, t W- ticket office 132 'iUr-1, i .mr f ISonee N''f UU, A-U14 i " I 1 ,V J. Hi-ll.h. i n " Vr HOOd