I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1911. mm. us; HO SHIP BETOEII JUIII1I ID RIVER Captain Rae Says Seven Seas Seem Nearly Deserted Since Tramp Steamer Has'Taken Up the World's Routes. . "The Seven aeaa seem absolutely de serted since the sailing vessel has been ' superseded by the tramp steamer," says Captain W. Rae, master of the British bark lnvermay, v, "and It will soon be come necessary to . rediscover manjs of the islands and rocks which are i out of the beaten track of. the steamers." In the entire 69 days the lnvermay required to make the passage from Junln, Chill to the mouth of the Co lumbia river, Captain Rae says that not a vessel of any kind, was .sighted, al though he saw five columns of smoke to the westward when he wa at the equator;' which he took to be a British squadron beaded for Valparaiso. He says that while a few years ago it was customary to see many craft on a passage, it Is now an unusual thing to sight one unless the ship is crossing one of the regular steamer tracks. Light winds and absolute calms fell to , the equator and the light winds con tinued after that until the last 10 'days of the voyage, when she ran Into a succession of gales that in some eases reached , the proportions of hurricanes Captain Rae says there were no north- - east trades at all. Her stay in South American waters fouled the Invermay's bottom so that when she did get a good . breeze she could noy make very good ' time. The captaUf expects, however. that her stay in the fresh waters of the Columbia and Willamette will put ner in shape for the voyage home. Prior to -going to Junln the lnvermay , spent three months in .Valparaiso dts charging cargo and when she arrived at the nitrate port to load a cargo of that product she was so late that she lost ner charter. She was then fixed by Hind, Rolph & Co., for wheat from this port and afterwards was rechartered to the Portland Flouring Mills com pany, which will furnish her cargo. She arrived at the Llnnton ballast dock at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, but. had to anchor In tho stream as the bertha at the dock were all full. Captain Rae was here 18 years ago in the British ship British Yeoman, taking out a cargo of wheat to the United - Kingdom. r HOO VpO IN THE GALLEY German Ship Elfrieda Has Seven Dif ferent ooks Try Then Quit Job. That there is a hoodoo on the culinary-department of his vessel is the opin ion of Captain B-llerbeck, skipper of the German ship Elfrieda which went to the stream last night with a cargo 6f wheat Since she has been out from -home this last voyage Captain EUerbeck says that there 'have been seven different cooks . on. the ship, and that at intervals there were none at alL Three of the cooks which have come and gone oh the EUerbeck have done so .since she has been In Portland harbor, the last one being the former cook of the German ship Wllhelmlne. He was paid off at San Diego because of ill ness, .but came tip here to try and get another berth on the ship, lie arrived here "before the ship did and took the position of chef on the Elfrieda. He left, lifr, however, a few-days ago: and returned t the Wllhelmlne, leaving Cap tain EUerbeck without an adept at the culinary art. The Elfrioda finished loading at Co lumbia dock No. 2 yesterday afternoon and she was towed to the stream .ast night. She will leave down Monday ffr Tuesday with a cargo of 102.890 bush els of wheat, valued at $89,600, the cargo being exported by the Northwestern Warehouse company. She will clear for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders. " WIND STORM SUBSIDES. Weather Bureau Orders Signals Down on Washington .Coast Owing to high winds which blew -yes- teraay arternoon along the Washington coast the United States Weather. .barman here ordered out storm warnings at sea ports from the mouth of the Columbia river to Puget sound. Tatoosh island ""reported a maximum wind velocity of 86 miles from the northeast and North Head, reported 60 miles from the south east All warnings were ordered down this morning as the winds have de ', creased. No report was received from the mouth of the Columbia river this morning .because of line troubles. LUMBER CARRIERS CHARTERED British Bark Marlborough Hill and Jtan or rar Taken. Chartering of two carriers for lumber was reported yesterday, one or both of which may come to Portland for loading. They are the British bark Marlborough Hill and the British steamer Earl of Forfar. - The Marlborough HH1, which arrived at San Francisco February 3 from Ant werp, is reported fixed by Heately & Co. to load for two ports in the United Kingdom, with the probability that she win load at the Hastings mill in Van couver, although she has the option of coming to" this port. She will have RUN-DOWN CONDITIONS .Their Cause and Effect. - Run-down conditions are caused by a lack of iron in the blood and mal asslmilatlon of food. If you are one of the unfortunates who have drifted , into this state, change your diet, eat foods that are rich in mineral elements of nutrition, and take Vlnol, our de licious cod liver and iron tonlo (with-' out oil), which supplies iron to tbe blood in the most easily assimilated form. . A case is reported from Mat toon, 111. Mrs. O. M. Watrous was In very . poor health for years.' She Was weak. all vun-down, no appetite, and only , weignea ninety-seven pounds; She haddoctored for a long time without benefit Vlnol . was recommended. She tried It, and in less than a year Vhe , was in perfect health and weighed 127 P0UndS. . . , , .' t , : Vinol- creates -an enpeUtoi- rsestab i - llsbea perfect digestion and makes good, pure blood. ' In this . natural manner It builds up. the run-down, weak and debilitated, and replaces weakness " wun etrengiri. . J Try a bottle ef Vlnol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help yOu. Woodv "wj rd-Clarke.K ftv Co.; druggists," Portland prompt' loading. The Earl of Forfar, which sailed - from Muroran January 18 for Redondo, has been taken by J. J. Moore & Co., according to the ad vices received here. She fras taken for Portland loading, with the option of Pu- get sound. - - . j The German ship Gustav, 2586 ' tons net, now at Honolulu, Is under charter to Comyn, Mackall & -Co., for a lumber cargo from, Puget sound for one port in the United Kingdom at 67s d. with the option of wheat from this port at 87s 6d. ' - 'OPEN BIDS FOIl "DIGGER" Portland Sand Company's New Craft x - ' to Be Model One. , Bids were opened at noon today for a new digger for the Portland Sand' com pany. The new craft will be 6f a differ ent type than those in use In. the harbor at present, and will have a - capacity equal to or greater than any of them. The digger will be 105 feet long, 32 feet beam and will have a depth of 6.8 feet The bucket, ladder, unlike the other types in use here, wiH be placed in a slot extending down ths center of the craft for 67 feety with a width of six feet, the' sides being held from jack- knifing by heavy truss names overhead, . MARINE NOTES. . Ban' Francisco, Feb. 11. Arrived Steamer Klamath from Portland via Raymond. Balled at 9 a. m. Steamer Rose Cltv' for Ban ' Fadro. Bandon, Feb. -Arrived Gasolln. schooner Anvil from Portland. San Pedro, Feb. 10. Sailed Steamer J. B.Stetson, for San Francisco and Portland. San Francisco, Feb. 10. Sailed at 13 noon Steamer Bear and Norwegian steamer Hercules for Portland. Arrived at 4:20 and sailed at 11 p. m. Steamer George W. Elder from San, Diego for Portland. Sailed at 6 p. m. Steamer Johan Poulsen for Portland. . . Punta Arenas. Feb. 11. Arrived pre viously Norwegian steamer Solvelg from Portland, for Europe. Dunedin, Feb. 11. Arrived Schooner Lyman D. Foster from Columbia river. Port Elizabeth,- Feb. 11. Arrived Barkentine Makawell from Columbia river. Astoria, Feb. 11. Cape line down; no bar report. Tides at Astoria Sunday High wa ter, 0:46 a. m., 7.3 feet: 11:69 p. m. 9.1 feet. Low water 8:23 a. m., 3.3 feet; 7:00 p. m., 1.1 feet. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Portland cargo of the British steamer Saint - Ronald, Captain Shrine, having been . discharged, she was scheduled to sail for Vancouver, B. C, at 1 o'clock this afternoon to discharge the remain der of her freight from Antwerp. Cargo being brought by the Ameri can-Hawaiian steamer Falcon, Captain Schage. which Is scheduled to arrive from San Francisco tomorrow night. consists of 500 tons of New York freight and 100 tons of bonded stuff. She will begin discharging early Monday morn ing. Commander J. m. EWeott lighthouse inspector for" the Seventeenth district, is at Tongue Point today-lnSpectlng the buoy depot there and making a survey of. llghtvessel No. BO, which has been tied up there for the last two yeais. Rough weather prevented the steamer Sue H. Elmore, Captain Schrader, from crossing In over the Tillamook bar yes terday, and she had to return to Astoria with her passengers and freight : When she sails at 4 o'clock this aft ernoon for San Francisco and San Pedro the steamer Beaver, Captain Nel son, will have about 250 passengers and 300 tons of freight, of Which 780 tons is wheat and the remainder general cargo. , To take on supplies for the light house service the tender Heather will come up to the harbor Monday from Astoria. Among .the grain fleet the bark. Nile shifted from the Llnnton ballast dock at 7 o'clock this morning. to the. North wanic aock ana .the Inyermay was taken from the stream to tho former's berth. At 9:80 o'clock the Bossuet was shifted from Montgomery dock No. 2 to Mont gomery dock No. 1, and at 11 o'clock the David D' Angers was brought up from Llnnton to Columbia dock No. 2. it is reported that Captain Groves. superintendent of dredges for the Port of Portland, received 81500 from the Union Bridge & Construction company as remuneration for his barge, used by them, which turned turtle Thursday night . . Shippers Forecast. The United States weather bureau has Issued the following: : Protect shipments as far north as S- attle against temperatures, of about 88 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 28 de groes; southeast to Boise, 80 degrees; south to Siskiyou, 34 degrees. Lowest temperature a.t Portland tonight, about 84 degrees. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Golden Gate. Tillamook Vc 19 Anvil, Bandon , tr-h' 12 btaniey Dollar. Anson ........Feb 12 Breakwater,- Coos Bay .....Feb. 12 Bear. San Pedro ....Feb. 12 Sue It Elmore. Tillamook; Feb. 12 Alliance Eureka ............. .Feb. 15 Rose City, San Pedro ....Feb 17 Beaver, San . Pedro reb. 28 Due to Depart. Beaver, San Pedro- Feb. 11 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.; Feb. 14 Golden Gate, Tillamook Feb. 14 Breakwater, Coos Bay ,. .Feb. 14 Alliance, Eureka ...V... Feb. 15 Bear, San Pedro.. .........Feb. 16 Rose City, San Pedro Feb. XI Tesssis la rort. - Celtlo Glen, Br. sh... Astoria Beaver, Am. ss .Ainsworth S!R RonaM. Br. s On way down Wllhelmlne, Gr. sh. .......... .Alfoers Queen Alexandra, Br. ss. .Inman-Poulsen Breakwater, Am. ss .Alaska S53!Je, .Fn blt'UJ V.- -Montgomery 1 David D'Angers, Fr. bk Columbia 8 St Nicholas, Am. sch , .Astoria Levi G. Burgess, Am. bk Goble Nile, Br bk...... North Bank lnvermay, Br. bk Llnnton wanning, u s. s will. Iron & Steel Wandsbek, Ger. bk... Llnnton Berlin, Am. seh Goble oabex Howes. Am. sch..... Astoria 6t Francis. Am. sh. . . , Astoria En some wun cement ana GenereL Aamirai uornuuer, Fr bk Antwerp Claus, Ger. sh...., Hamburg Marechal do Castries, Fr. bk. .. . . . .Tyne Wllhelmlne, Ger. sh .......... , Antwerp Luxon, Am. sch. .....Redondo tin jtoata wun uoai, , CoL de VUlebols "Mareull. Fr. bk. ..... . .Newcastle, N. S. W. Dally Rhrer Readings. .8 S3 tr i . P STATIONS. tr Lewlston Rlparta ............ Umatilla ........... Eugene 24 80 25 10 8.410 .0 .0 .0 8.9 2.1 S.3 ,48 HarriaUur, -IS- Albany 20 20 ST 15 6.8 4.8 8.2 4.6 ,40 tsaiem ....... 42 .42 .38 Wiisonvllle Portland Rising. 7) Falling: 'An American sewing" machine -com' pany has opened eight schools in south rn China,' at-which natives are taught to embroider with, silk by machinery. DENIES BLOCKING ST. JOHNS STREET J. S. LautheVs Tactics May Be Inspired by Railroad Company. The case df J. S. Lauthers, who was arrested on Thursday for infringing a city ordinance by obstructing a publlo street, without having first obtained the sanction of the council, came up for preliminary hearing before Recorder Esson this morning. A plea of not guilty was entered and 'the hearing ad journed until Monday next. When ' the matter will again be brought before the recorder unless a change of venue is applied fori. The trial has excited considerable Interest because it is thought Lauthers would scarcely have brought matters to a head in this way If his sole object had been the laying down of a switch and trackage to his warehouse. ' It is believed the whole matter had been carefully planned for some weeks, as the railway company was in possession of blue prints show ing the contour of the ground and the necessary surface measurements for Hie new siding. Mr. Lauthers said yes terday it was the railway company that took the initiative and that at its sug gestion he hired tbe gang of laborers to grade the track. This statement, however, is denied by the engineering department of .the railway company. . The street on which the obstruction was made is Bradford street, and plans were drawn, to construct a sidetrack crossing' over from the main line on this street to the inside line of the de fendant's own property, which extends to Burlington street. On the opposite side of the street the St. Johns Lum ber company has encroached for a dis tance ef some 80 feet and has erected a platform and a "tower on' the city property. It has been given 60 days to remove this staging and all obstruc tions occupying city ground, and the time allowed for such removal' expires in 10 days. It is probable that In view of the publicity given the existence of these obstructions in the last few days, the lumber company will take Immediate steps to comply with the orders of the council. McKtnney & Davis sold a parcel of land yesterday to John Klrchoff. The deal comprised four lots, situated at the corner of Portland boulevard and Bu chanan street. Among the real estate transfers re corded" yesterday were three deeds made by W. G. Wood and wife to Albert Buckles, S. M.. Buckles and Thomas A. Buckles for lots in block 20 ot the James Johns addition. E. F. Day was In town yesterday, hav ing returned from a trip to Mexico. He was not very favorably Impressed "with prospects In the locality he visited, the ground in his opinion looking squr and badly nourished. He saw some fair ba nana plantations, but the corn did not look hardy and other general produce was little grown. i AT THE THEATRES J 5 a "A Gentleman From Mississippi." Tonight la the last opportunity to sert America's comedy hit, A Gentleman From Mississippi," as the engagement at the Bungalow closes this evening. It Is a William A. Brady production. with the special New York company. Last Time at Pantages. Tomorrow will mark the closing per formance of the bill at Pantages, top lined by the Bottomly troupe of aerial acrobats In feats of danger and daring. As a special added attraction. Captain Tiebor's educated sealions are offered. Matinee and 'night performances today and tomorrow. "Three Twins" Tonight. The last performance of the merry musical comedy success, "Three Twins," will be given at the Heilig theatre to night Joseph M. Gat tea is presenting the favorite players, Victor Moriey and Bessie Clifford, in this tuneful comedy. "Polly of, the Circus." The attraction at the Helllg theatre all next week, beginning tomorrow night, will be the great comedy drama. 'Polly of the Clrous." Georgia Olp plays the title role, of this beautiful play. - "BfflyV Ends Tonight. "Billy," that tollicklng farce thaThas so greatly amused Baker stock company audiences all week, will go on for the last time tonight It Is presented by the Baker company with plenty of gin ger. Every one who misses "Billy" misses a lot of genuine fun. "Play Ball" Makes 'em Laugh. Welch, Mealy and Montrose In "Play Ball," ' continue to furnish unlimited amusement at the Orpheum, and no lov er of the great national game can af ford to miss their interesting patter. Welch is too fat to play the game any more but Ilka all oldtlme professionals, he can not get away from it altogether and is content with an imitation of a "onoewaaer." Matinees dally. Close of Lyric's Week. "Three Weaks" at the Lyric theatre has been drawing crowded houses all week. Tonight and tomorrow night there will be three performances, the first commencing at 1 o'clock and the Others following at 8:05 and 9:15. The matinee tomorrow to at 2:45. Smile on Sunday. Smile tomorrow at the Grand. The big laughing bill closes Sunday night. "A Jay Circus" is a riot and Rawls and Von Kauffman, with their blackface skit are scream. Sims, tse cartoon ist, anu Harry Gilbert, the mimic, add to the bill. SENATE PASSES SHERMAN SETTLERS' 1 RELIEF BILL (WaxblnKtoa Bnrem of Tbe Journal.) Washington, Feb. 11. -The senate this afternoon passed Uie bill to adjust the claims of certain settlers in Sherman countyv :r-X;:c.,';: ,. , New Schedule to Seattle,- Ta- coma and Intermediate ,' r , , Points. ,., J Effective Sunday, February 5, "O.-W. Owl" on O.-W, R. & N. "Puget Sound Route," will leave Portland at 11 p. m. instead of ll:45ps m. for Seattle. Ta coma, Centralis. Chehalis and all Puget sound points. Sleeping" cars open fort- passengers at union depot at 9:30 p. m, as usual, and passengers may remain in these slfeepers "after arrival" at Seattle and Taaoma until 8:30 a, m, HEW HOSPITAL 1H NEED OF. $10,000 $30,000 Has Already Been Raised for the Institution ' . at Piedmont. People living on the Peninsula are de termined to, have a hospital established In the Piedmont district, and $30,000 of the fund necessary has been raised to begin the work, A committee of five la now gathering tho remaining 110,000, so that by early spring the real work of construction may be taken up. Last night a meeting of ' physicians and citizens was held in North Alblna to consider ways and means of getting the hospital under way. It was shown that injured men who were being taken from the factories pn the Peninsula to down town hospitals have to change cars twice or three times and endure delays of an bour on some occasions before medical aid can be had. Plans were suggested showing that a hospital should be located in the vicinity of the Piedmont car barns in order that good medical service be given working men on the Peninsula. A meeting of physicians will be held mropsis or the AmfU ax statement or tbe DUBUQUE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF DUBUQUE, IN THE STATE OF IOWA, on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to tho Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up .'. XirOOKE. Premiums received during the year In cash $ 781.881.8! Interest, dividends and rents received during year.. 62,778.91 Income from other sources received during the. year 118,75 Total Income n DIBBTJBSEMEWTS. Losses paid during the year... Dividends paid during the year on capital stock..., Commissions and salaries paid during the year... Taxes, licenses anu lees paid during tne year Amount of all other expenditures , Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of real estate owned f Value of stocks and bonds owned Ixmns on mortgages and collateral, etc - Cash in banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and in transmission Interest and rents due and accrued Total assets admitted in Oregon LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid..: $ Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks . All other liabilities Total liabilities $ 768.158.20 Total insurance in force December 31. 1910 $107,637,053.00 BTTSXXrESS IK OREGON TOB THS TEAB. Total risks written during the year .r.T. . '. ". .". $ 328,300.00 ' Gross premiums received during the year 5.R98.12 Premiums returned during the year 1,364,80 losses paid during the year 1,554.91 Losses incurred during the year 2,304.91 Total arount of risks outstanding in Oregon, Dec. 81, 1910 350,000.00 DUBUQUE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY By N. J. SOHUEP, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: MOSES BILLINGS, Portland, Or. STHOPSIS 01" THE AKBTJAX STATEMENT OF THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE, IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, on the 81st day of December, 1910, made to tho Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up. ; $1,000,000.00 1WCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash $2,167,988.55 Interest, dividends and rents received during year. . 227,704.58 Income from other sources received during the year 256.43 Total Income . $2,395,549.56 - DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $ 873,877.79 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock.... 140,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 739,068.92 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 96,236.45 Amount of alUpther expenditures 219,067.57 Total expenditures $2,069,150.73 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $ 178.050.23 Value of stocks and bonds owned..... 8,848,937.50 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 1,255,000.00 Cash In banks and on hand 235.491.77 Premiums In course of collection and In transmission 259,879.64 Interest and rents due and accrued 26,526.53 Total assets $5,801,888.67 Less special deposits in any state 10.000.00 Total assets admitted in .Oregon : $5,791,888.67 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 124,929.78 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks., ......'...,.;- 2.812.031.06 Due for commission and brokerage........-" 17,145.00 . All other liabilities Conflagration reserve , O$350.000.00 Salaries, rents, expenses, etc.. j l,ff23.9ft ' State, county and municipal taxes...,1 95,000.00 446,823.98 Total liabilities ! $3,400,929.80 Total insurance In fore December 81, i1910 $597,846,931.00 business nr obeooh fob the teab. Total risks written during the year $3,262,610.00 Gross premiums received during the year 37,349.43 Premiums returned during the year. 5,742.49 Losses paid during the year i 10.790.96 Losses Incurred during the year : ;.. 12.200.63 Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon, Dec. 81, 1910 S, 329387. 00 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY A , ' ' A , By JOSEPH TIUEBL. Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: MOSES BILLINGS. STICQPSIS or the ajtotal statement of the CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF HAMMOND, IN THE STATE OF INDIANA, on the 81st day of December. 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the . state of Oregon, pursuant to law; " CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up. $ 800,000 00 , . xarcoME. Premiums received during the year.... Interest, dividends and rents received Income from other sources received during the year ..Total income DISBTJBSEMXHTS. Losses paid during the year, including adjustment expenses, etc , Dividends paid during the year on capital stock. . . . Commissions and salaries paid during the-year Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year Amount of an other expenditures Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of real estate owned... Value of stocks and bonds owned.-, Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. .......... . Cash in banks. and on hand. Premiums in course of collection and in transmission Interest and rents due and accrued. ............... , Total assets admitted in Oregon........ LIABILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid. .................. . Amount, of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks . . .... . Due for commission and brokerage........... All other liabilities ....v.. Total liabilities Total premiums in force December -BTTSIWESS IJT Totals risks written during the year. Gross premiums received, during the Premiums returned during the year. Losses paid during the year. .... . . . . year .... . , . . iii.Bra iiii.ui 1 vil uuiuif. vn.i 1 ......... ...,,-. .... .1. - Total amount of premiums outstanding in Oregon,' Dec. 31. 1910. . CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY ... ; ' - ; By .IL G, IX ALEXANDER, president- Statutory resident general agent and attorney few service:' ' A. J. KRAEMER, 400-408 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or, next Saturday night at the' push club rooms to consider definite plans.. It is expected that a mass meeting will - be called for the latter part of the month, when kll the. people will have oppor tunity to consider the hospital ques tion. , The committee m charge of the collec tion of the hospital fund consists of J. H. Nolta, Dr. Strawker, Dr. A. B. Stone, Dr. W.M. Kllllng&worth, George C, Carl and William Slnnott The committee will appreciate contributions from any person interested in better hospital fa cilities for people cn the Peninsula. rnun nut nr.rnir hot run uui ur nvt ran If Christian people would think over a list of five of their friends, said Dr. John Balcolm Shaw at the First Pres byterlan ehurch last night, each would have to say that about four out of ftye were unconverted. And yet, said th evangelist. Christian people show an unaccountable indifference toward the future welfare of their friends, let alone those with whom they come only casually in contact. Dr. Shaw's text "He That Wlnneth Souls Is Wise." was construed as mean ing that the people who have settled the question of eternal life show tho nart of wisdom if they point those around them to the same decision. Dr. Shaw will speak at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and will give an address in the Heliig $ !An,000.00 $ S2I.779.28 349,742.80 40,ono.nn 256.771.4fi 26,969.28 28,329.47 8 701,813.01 3,000.00 2S3.850.no 823,457.36 67,637.84 100,960.11 22,716.11 $1,301,521. 42 40.906.03 707,162.17 20,000.00 $3,083,404.20 during year. 57.082.92 116.701.12 $3,257,158.24 $1,271,266.67 60,000.00 928.448.31 59.467.12 744,775.43 $3,063,957.53 58.875.00 487,888.71 651.950.00 96,751.11 767,902.58 18,711.05 $2,082,078.45 $ S04.954.00 771,820.73 ' 108,589.05 260,475.73 $1.31S,289.61 31,4910.. ........... ... $1,842,841.47 BEOOirrOB THETEJ . . . $1,275,325.00 r 39.022.11 ; ' 669.28 ' 13,174.65 13.750.86 e e.eeetelaeae ''. 13,876.20 CONVERTED SH theatre tomorrow afternoon for mn only. -The noon meetings for men lu the - 7. M. . C A. auditorium will com mence on Monday and continue . until the close of the two weeks' series. - . 11EAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by ta Title A Trust company. Lewis Bldg 4th and uag Inman-Poulsen Lumber company . - to Oregon & California Railroad company, part of lots 2 to 6, block-64; part of lots 1, 2. 3, S. 6 and , blpck 68; part of lots 1 to 8. block 72; part of lots 1, 11 and 12, block 90, Steph ens' addition 80,000 Henry L. Corbett and wife to W. H. Morrow, lot 3, Rlverwood.. 7.300 LAWYERS' Abstract tr Trust Co., room 8 Board of Trade bldg., abstracts a specialty, UNION Abstract Co., 412-411 Corbett mag. 'lei. Main s. PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co.. he leading abstracters. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor. MKEIHNG NOTICES 41 M. X A.. ROSE CIT1 CAMP- Monday, I e'.Ung-Hlrsch blds.i Washington near 1J. Phone C Wrk. Main 8284. A-488 R N. A.. Oregon Rose -camp, meets Tuesday evenings. Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson. . MAKRIAGR LXCE3SX7 Isreal Baker, 350 First street, 82, and Ida Brenner 19. Charles Olstom, 175 East Ninth street, 27, and Mabel Manning, 26. W. 17. Myers, general delivery, 35, and Florence Kint, 39. -James Ecouomon, 93 North Tenth street, 32, and Christian Elepoulon. 20. Julian CieslelskL 46 Skidmore street, 22, and Janlna C you Ink a, 22. Herman Wilson, Dayton, Ore., 26, and Lena Rcichsteln, 21. Victor Jorgenspn 581 Gllsan street, 27, and Martha Polvka, 26. Wedding -nd visiting card engravers and raonogtttm stationers. Washington Ding., wasnington styftet. sra sna tn DRESS suits for rent, all sues. Unique Tsnormr Co., son stara st. CLARKE BR08.. florists, fins flowers end floral designs. 289 Morrison st BIRTHS BRAY To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bray, 340 Knott street, January t:'a girl. JADLOT To Mr. and Mrs. Joo Jadlot, 330 San Rafael street, February 8; a bov. HUDSON To Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hud son, 424 Larabee street, January 21; a girl. GUMTE To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gum- te, 297 -Ivy street, January 27; a el in, nmiivin Air. ana Mrs. urnmt nirir, , 1278 Wilbur street, February 6; boy. SCHLEGKL To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sch legel February 6; a girt HUNT To Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt, 72 East Twenty-sixth street, Febru ary 7; a girl. SCHOP8 To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schops, 24 2! North Twenty-third Rtrnet h'phnmrv R' a srlrl SiEDRICK-r-To 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zed-! nek, 106 East Seventy-first street, January 23; a boy. WEBB To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webb, ,130 East Fifty-seventh street, Jan uary 25; a boy. DEATHS BLAISDELL February It, 1911, st 1000 Grand avenue north, John Wes ley BlaiHd(ll, age 80 years, father of E. Blalsdell;, remains at Zeller-Byrnes parlors: fvinoral notice later. VEMDEN Nels Vonden, Portland San atariam, February 10, ago 44; per necious vomitllng. SCHUMACHER Annie 'Schumacher. 1S89 East Stephen,. February 9, age 7 months; convulsions. CALKINS Albert Ctt.lklns. Lents. Feb ruary 10, age 1; pneumonia. r LOVETT Melda Lovett, -1084 Denver avinuc, February 8, age 41; pneu monia. VERSTEEG Sadie Vcrsteeg, St. Vin cent's hospital, Feb. 8, age 31; ab scess. ROBERTS Jennie Roberts, 203 Glbbs street, February 9, age 72; Brlght's disease. KILDY Thomas Klldy, Good Samari tan hospital. February 9, age S months; pneumonia. WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. Mary'WiP son, 507 East Seventeenth street, February 9. age 82; old age. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 Sth St, epp. Meier A Frank's. Main Till. FUNERAL NOTICES GREEN In this city, February 10, at 193 Glbbs street. Rosanna - Green, aged 73 years 1 month and 8 days. The funeral .services will be held at Fin ley's parlors at 12:30 p. m.p Sunday, February 12. Friends Invited. Inter- ment (.Treenwooo cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee 'S2S5rS every detail. 7th and Pine Main 4S0. A-4n68. 1 ,8ny assistant. J.P, FINCTtY!(tS0NM.tdriVnd Lady attfndant. Main 9. A-1699. I rDPU Tne east side undertaker. LLnbli I Adv assistant B-ltSS. Eait 181. East 6th and Aider. EBICS0N Undertaking 61 S3. A-2236. Co., Mala Lady sss't EAST "SIDE funeral directors, success- sor to f. o. Dunning, me. k. fcx. tvzr? EDWARD HOI.MAN, undertaker. 328 Id st. L,aor nssistant. Mam 6vi7. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. 694 Williams ave.: both nhones: ladv assistant FOR SALE BOUSES CI FIVE room bungalow, full lot, fruit, on Spokane ave., block carline, cheap; lots or ..acreage part payment, balance like rent. Also good 7 room house. See owner. 621 Lexington ave., Sellwood. $775 3 room house, 6x10 pantry, eeiled, raoeied. tainted new outside, 2 blocks Alberta car, V4 bfock Alameda Park; part terms: rents for $8. Call 972 E. 27th et. N. Aioerta car. owner on premises. Graded street, cement walk. Three Beautiful Homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choice location, Irvlngton. C-18G6. East 273. No agents, w. H, Herdman. FOR SALE 4 room house, ceiled.- with bathroom and patent toilut. 6 blocks from Union ave., i b'ocks north Alberta st; price jiiuu. can 476 Miiared ave. No agents $2250. Want to leave city In 80 days; will sell my ti room house, modern and two lots. 100x50, large shade trees pn lot. Address owner, X-407. Journal. FOR SALE By owner, price cut from . S450O to $3900 if taken 'at once 7 rooms, strictly modern, on carllne; long time on pari: id minuies out on net mont st.; $2250 cash. B-2857. , 9 ROOMS, good furniture, clears $40 monthly: rent $35, with lease; $300 cash. Small balance monthly. See owner, 331 Front st r; NICE 6 room cottage, Ankeny car, bltu lithic street It you want, to deal with owner here is your chance. Owner, 935 E, Everett. Phone B-1842. BY OWNER Artistic 6 room modern bungalow, special price for a few days. Write or call., 885 E, Kelly st, cor. 29th.' No agents. "V". - ; -6 ROOM cottage, bain, chicken yard. fruit, 15 minutes' ride; must sell this week.' F. A, .Everest 418 Rotft- chlld bldg.. or pnone Marsnail 629. OWNER must sell modem 6 room bun galow,.- gx4 -roome. .. 8. Bj-CHntear Tel. seiiwoor .- $25 monthly buys 5 room bungalow; bath, toilet, tank, china closet, woodv lift, pantrv.' Phone owner., East 2741. " BARGAINS lu houses Rossmere addi tion; terms. F. L., Boyd. .Tabor 901. 637 E. 45th N. . ' FOR SALE 'A 4 room, house and large lot. V Hirers! ty Pa rk 1 ,5 5 4 O' I n st. 6 . ROOM ' furnished house nnd lot at Kern 1'ark; $1600 cash. Tabor 720. for sale norsia et . Gregory investment Co, - i Elegant Home , New modern t rmm,"lU ; ntnrv dencev with Dutrn kitchen, built In buf fet, paneled wali and beamed celling In dining room; ., inlaid linoleum, shade, tinted' walls, furnace 1 and modem plumbing, .-fine, location, good sur roundings, price J3600. terms. Call at Gregory Heights of rice, end of Rose Cltv Park larline. Take car at th , and Washington sts. Gregory Investment Co, : No More Landlord." $400 Down, ''Hear Hawthorne, Here Is a nice modern home with hardwood floors, .v fireplace. Uut i kitchen, near Hawthorne ave., fine home, easy monthly payments. Also a new 6 . room modern bungalow, same locality,-, for 8400 down and easy monthly pay "' ments for 82900. Pass tin the renting., be a home owner. Branch office corner 43d and Hawthorne. Agent on hand to; snow you. Portland-Pacific inv. Co., 41 Hallway Exchange. 6 Room House Modern., corner lot KOsldO. 1 block from Laurel hurst, where same sited lot was sold for $2800. This place iv on tho corner of E. 81st and Couch. For a quick sale will take 13750. 8800 cash,' balance monthlv. 10 E. 28TH ST.. NORTH. : E-A or M-V Car. . $750 House and 60x100 lot, well built eot- tage, fine lot, close to carllne: will, make terms to butt. Call at Gregory' Heights ofrice, end of Rose City Park, carllne. . x HAWTHORNE AVE. SNAP $300 CASH New modern 5 room bungalow, Just finished, lot 60x100, full cement base ment, paneled dining room, stationary! tubs, gas, electricity, one block of Haw' thorne car, cement walks around house,' $3200; all conveniences,- nice fireplace.' This is the best buy in this district, O.J j. sneeta. w BweiiHna Diug. , Why not let the other fellow pay the rent, when you can buy 3 new 4 room houses for $2600; small payment and.i terms; they are now rented for 130 r month. 271 Morrison St., room 82. 5 Acres 'I . Near Mt. Tabor on good Improved street All in high state of cultivation. Very best of soil, new 8 room nbuse. coat $2000. Swell home or platting propo- ,., i,t. (ssnn Vo. rw OSBURN BROS.. 603 McKay bldg. FOR SALE 6 room modern bungalow. 100 feet from W-W carllne. fine placetr built in bookcases and buffet, paneled; dining room, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, $3000; part cash, balance small- monthly payments. Owner, 828 E. 32d. South. . . .1 FOR SALE LOTS 10; $100,000 Is to be spent in double tracking Sandy , road in 1911. Sandy road will be wid-v cned and hard surfaced to 73d St.; this ., I is one .of the principal sts. in Gregory rteigrus. trices win raise as mo ira- tirovements are being put in.- Buy now ;4 J $200 will buy a fine lot, $ltr cash, $5 prk month, while, tney tast. AH nigu, cieareo,' level and piped with Bull Run water, -Come out today. Take Rose City Park car at 5th and Washington, ride to end ot line. ' Gregory Investment Co..; ;i Lots in Trautman's Addition $350 to $700, terms, $25 down, bal-, ance $10 per month. 8 per cent interest.; Phone or write for map and price list. JAMES D. OGDEN. , J 848 Mississippi ave. ' ' Woodlawn 202. C-2008. " " . TWO lots, corner, 14 foot lley. fenced. 3 room house, stable, wagon . shed, chicken and pigeon corrals, all new, well built and Insured; fruittrees, berries, etc.: 3 blocks Mt b'cott car, $1200, about half cash, balance easy terms. Inquire at Gray's Crossing Land Co. ' - $3 Dawn, $3 a Month Buys fine lots in Maseldell. Inside lty. limits, near M-V carllne and new Mt.' Hood Electric now building right by this property. Price $140 up. - i WEBB. 41 J E. Stark St, cor. th. SEE Gregory Heights before you buy. Fine lots for a homesite, $200 and up on easy terms. Call at Gregory Heights' office, end of Rose City Park carllne. Gregory Investments, $400 SOxlOO lot facing Brooklyn st. near E. 39th: $10 down, $10 a month. Take Richmond car. Inquire 39th and Tib bfttg sts. , - , SPECULATORS and homeseekers, I have 2 west side lots to sen, restricted dis trict. 6 minutes' csr ride and then a short walk. Beautiful view, $950 each. Terms. M-408, Journal. ... $144 CASH, balance $18 per month, for a $900 lot, right among $1100 and $1400 lots. . Some one will get this' splendid bargain. Why not yout Phone Butterfleld. E-989. , , .:,,- , . ACRE, near Flrland station, Mt Scott car, all cleared, streets graded, water in, $450. Your own terms. Wallace Miller, 213 Board of Trade bldg , FOR SALE Beautiful building lot, re- strlcted district, corner $1050; Inlde lot $750, terms. Owner, Tabor 1198. Rose City car. CORNER 76x108 on car line, in the fast growing suburb, Kenton, for sale very reasonable. Price $1500, including sew er and Bull Run water. Ii-406, Journal $1200 cash for lot on Schuyler street; south front between 80th and 33d sts. O-407. Journal. ' FEW choice quarter acres, $16 "down, $10 per month. J. H. Dorm an. Flrland . station, Mt Scott carllne. $1300 lot for $1000 in LaurelhursC be tween two oarllnea; will sell my equity, which is $371. V-401r Journal. FINE H acre, 64th and ' Flanders, 100 feet from car, $260. Call Tabor 2870. ACREAGE B7 25 acres, fruit and berry land, lty miles east of Montavilla on Mt. Hood R. R.. 10 acres set to best winter apples. A BARGAIN. . f !' 43 acres, 8 room house, Darn,: spring water piped into t'ouse and barn; .fruit of all kinds, 2 acres strawberries, 1 H acres blackcaps.. Near Newberg. This la an A-l small faim. FISHER & H1LLIER. 805 Ablngton., Main 4841. IMPROVED ACREAGE SNAP. One acre, all cleared, level, and set out to large and small fruits; Improved also with little new S room house. ps try, closet and. water piped In kiteheit: property worth $1800. Look it over anl make an offer. This is in Woodstock district Act on this at once, LAM BERT-W1IITMER CO.. ', 70 4th St 404 E. Abler st "Notice This If you want to start a fruit or chicks ranch I have several 5 acre tracts r first class land located near Vancouver, on graveled road, 1. "4 miles from electriu line, close to graded sehaol. and grocerv. Price $650 each; terms to suit. dress Box 651 Portland. $280Q-r& Acresi..; All cleared Near Clockamsa, . 1700 acres near Oak Grove, tn Ore gon City line - , r 18500 4 aerci, well Improve tt n a r Tremont station, Mt. -Scott line. L (1. I AVU '.'. 81-Chnitir of ('inniitet . 6H acres 10 mitmmt tin in- -n trie, Ry, (ShIciii 'li-ich I ' vatlon, iwlri h t'ir -soil, Jeel, et lar.-.iii, .n i t druse owycr, O-i.-i, juuii" ;(