THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL', PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY, 10, 191U, WAJiTED--TO KENT COUrLE want strictly modern'! or j room bungalow or cottotre. place fori some garden and chickens,,! or 2 years-!' tense, li reasonable rent, east side, adults umy; oet references. w-o, journal. PLACE suitable for chickens and gar j . i . . . V den: .-Vianriv in pir. phone . Marshall 8082. - -.. - v HORSES,, VEHICLES, ETC. IS. -Horses for Sale4 1 horses, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. ' 3 homes, weight 1760 to 1840 lbs. 10 horsed, weight 1400 to 1600 lbs, 10 horses, weight 1000 to 1100 lbs. All wltt be sold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES. - 420 Hawthorne Ave.', FOR SALE AT ONCE. . We have on hand a carload of 2 and S year old horses, weighing 1000 to 1200 lbs.: also a good Steele of drafters, 1400 IBS, up. . . , .. . THOM8EN & MALEHQRN; ,,' ; Union Stick Yards. . Ca TUmrllanrn SHOO f: -,A TEAM horses, weigh 760 lbs, with strong harness, work double or single; will sell them at sacrifice; no more use for them. Take Sellwopd car, get ff Innaley ave.,. walk down to railroad wuck. 23a ana innsiey: B'KW (rood, horses and mares left of my last; carload and will aell cheap. Weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs. All young and sound. 48&H Madison St., near new bridge, on west siae. FOR SALE Price right, one gray team, weignt about 2700 lbs, too ugnt lor our , work. Rose City -Coal A Supply Co.; f 4Sd and Sandy, road. Phones, Ta per ONE fine dappled gray heavy draft, 160d pounds, 6 years old; on Bambleton lan, well broke. 4 years old; on family horse, 11(0 pounds, 8 years old; 426 EL SEVEN mares, some with foal, weigh. In ,mm 1TAA An.. 1SAA IV. . al.A in A (1(9 AJVa.1 ,tf IVVV AIW Ull team and harness, weighing 1350, 2250, at xso. 4 m. gptn St.; Montavma care UOHrfifa and buggies tor rent by day, week ana montn; special rates to business houses. 8th and Hawthorn WANTED- Team. - rnaros preferred; weight 2400, harness and wagon. Seth M Hall. 746 E. 20th St. FOR SALE $160 team and harness. 2800 lbs. Mare and- gelding, Sound and good workers. 893 Water at WANTED Horse between 6 and 9 years, from 1500 toABOO lbs. V-40Z, journal. A FEW good horsea left at 870 E. Alder, LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 83 I THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca pul lets and cockerel. S12: some Ail White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red cock erels cheap. Eggs for setting, various breeds. R. Green, 276 85tb st Phono Ta bor 805. rhode Island reds. Errs from bit best rem of snlendld Winter layers, 81.60 per setting. tK IS. UAKLiTON. Main SSUV, A-BZ71, CANA Hi' birds; fine singers and fe- maies. 647 Montgomery st. wain WE now have 80 head tuberculin teat ed dairy cows. Mokel-Bruce Co., stock- yaras. wooaiawn zu, WHITE Leghorn chickens, nice young stock. C. W. Illnes, Ryan Place, on uregon Kiectno k. K. IF vyoU want to touy or aell dairy rows, see Mokel-Bruce Co., at stock yards, wooaiawn 1400. HIGH "class Sliver Laced Wyandotte eggs, 81.60 setting. 1062 E. N. PIGS, 8 months old. Phone Woodlawn 2772. BLUE-EYED, white Anjcora female cat for sale ehena; 84 Gibba Pt . WANTED Setting hens. 2-78 86th st. Phone Tabor 805. FOUR cows, two fresh, large milker. mtra nne. jersey. is. ramniii. FOH 8ALl---MISCELLA:LOUS 10 Cash Registers "American" That -caused the smash In prices, from one ' to four total adding counters, no crank to yank around and around. Ore gon state agent, w. K. uignetw set ft w. Morrison ei. NEW and second hand pool and btOl&rd i tames bought and sold on easy terms; aowllng alleys, refrigerators for lmmo llate delivery. Address the Qrunswick- Baike-Collender Co.. 48 5th st. FOR SALE One new National cash reg ister, Just right for a restaurant or other business handling small Indi vidual sales, inquire zn za st. KOR SALE Logging engine, 7x10; 1700 leet , cable, 3500 reet ft inch trip block, yardarms coppered, complete. L. w. h. oervaiB, k. l. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters, $10 to Mi. ORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 80 Fifth St M. A-1476. COR SALE A good second hand barber chair. Price only $7.60. Phone Tabor 216 egg Petaluma Incubator, perfect, $20; 4 Universal hovers, $18. C. G. Sand tone, Hillsdale, Or. REMINGTON typewriter No. 7. Cheap for cash. Inquire. 07 Union avenue. mono ii,-ooi. I SAFES Newand second-hand genuine AJCkta a m swr iiwdi wadj ilia. Portland ware co., ga-7 nrtn st. 1 OLD violins, 1 B-flat cornet. 1 $450 piano; must be sold by 16th. Ford auction i;o,, tu ibi st. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st. Both phones. l?OR SALE 18 h. p. gas engine.. 204 B. 19th N. East 440. B-1968. v SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fltUngs, new. zu nana, in juverett. m. ybi. 10 DROP head sewing machine, with attachments. Call 883 E. Morrison. TOR SALE Boston bull puppies, cheap. L'all A-3IU9. 1128 Piano certificate on local firm- will sell or trade. 249 Grant st. U0 buys 22 lb. electrio Iron. New. C 2896 765 Alberta st. ; WAKTED MISCELLANEOUS S i WANTED. $500 worth of household roods, In .arge or small lots. Casey House Fur ilsnlnr Co. . WANT to buy a piano contest check. i In answering please give value of -our 'check, and amount you will sell "or. T-402, Journal. - - .VANTED People of Portland to know j that I pay th highest cash.prioe for econd hand household goods. N. AI, Seater, 143 Russell. Kast 1663. L.FJfOlj want the no'i money yowr'f'ir- iiiiuiv wiu wiiiik, biavv iinio, can oust H782. $68 Hawthrrne. Meier Furniture UK WISE; get trore for your second : hand furniture by selling it to Ford nction t o., an ist. jwam hbi. a-46. iiAUt Sli'K auction jobbers want 2d 1 nana furniture, nigctsf prtce r-aia. 4 runii eve., k.. iobi. FURNtTURE WANTED. , " Second hand; highest price paid, lorkfeld : Sons, 86 Grand ave. E. 294. IALEY Furniture Co. gives most for , used furniture, etc, 1. 948. 29RQrand. VANTED 2d hand furniture. East 8134. 843 Hawthorne ave. Seater & Martin. SCHOOL books bought and sold, 211 j 2d at., near Salmon, 188 6th. J VQB. SAOC AUTOMOBILES 44 nr A in",uiuniumi) vn twrmii,, no i pet month; will use very little and ake good care of car; will lnsura eame, t.ns. Journal.- I. , TlTrT. ynf ' A . . . I. I , . . 809 COLUMBUS eleotrlo for $600, in perfect order; will give written guar tntee. Must be sold. "Phone Main 3359 r call 333 8d st 4DLD" auto n tires 6o jr lb., delivered; 1 old Inner tubes 18c a lb., delivered. we aiso ouy copper, crass, past iron. t.i jjeve, ins uouimoia (., m, dids. AE QU Y, SELL AND IRADffi AUX'SHo., , BILES AND REAI ESTATE. ; CALL IND SEE OUR BARGAINS. FLETCHER t- MoANTlHti, 808 B.OARD OF TRADE. tlOU cla8s apple land to exchange for auromoDiia. " rnoe or tnis iana only ,60 an aora, jtddreaa R-402, Journal, FOR SALLAFTOMOClLliS 44 SECOND HAND CARS STEARNS, J909 model, 4 cylinder,. . v 80-60 - H. P. ' Equipment:- Top, , . glass front, gas tank, clock, de ' mountabl rims .............. ..1600 STEARNS, 1909 model, 7 passen ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equip ment: Top, glass front, speedo- meter, gas tank, a demountable 1 , rims, 1 extra casing , .... 8600 PEERLESS," 1909 model,- 7 passen- non. ,quipmeni: Top, glass front, .Warner speedometer, gas 1 tan , , 2500 CADILLAC, 1910 model, t passen ger, Equipment: Top, glass front, electric lights , . , .... i . . . ... ..... 1250 CADILLAC, - Demi-tonneau, 1909 .model. Equipment: Top, wind shield, clock, Stewart speedome-i ' tar, electric lights . ..... ..v... "TOM CADILLAC. Model 'G" 1908. 6 passenger. - - Equipment: Wind- - shield, top , 800 MAXWELL. 2 cylinder, 6 passen- ' ?er. Equipment: Top, glass - ront, Stewart speedometer . 460, PIERCE, 1910 model, cylinder Equipment: 'Top, windshield 1 Stewart speedometer, alpek, seal . V covers ... , ..,.,. .,8!00 PIERCE, 7 passenger,,01 model, first class condition ........... 100 REO. 2 .cylinder, E f passenger, " equipped with top and Stewart , speedometer- 450 REO, 2 cylinder, t passenger, equipped with .top ana Stewart ' -!. speedometer ,489 OLDSMOBILE. 4 .cylinder, equipped with top and , glass -front 100 BUICK, 8 cylinder, equipped with .top, windshield, Stowart speed- ometer 488 BUICK, model 10, 1910 equipped with top, glass front Jones speedometer , 08 STUDEBAKER, 1910, 7 passenger, equipped with, top, gtasa front, Stewart speedometer and clock,. 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD. THEY HAVING PURCHASED , lli PIERCE ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. , '-' Covey Motor Car Co, Main 6470. 7th and Couch Eta. FOR SALE or exchange, 19GJ-1910 mod- eis: t uuics, 6 uaauiacs, 2 steamers, 6 runabouts, 3 light delivery trucks, 2 Chalmers, 2 Pope-Hartfords, 2 Stoddard Daytona, 2 Maxwells, all in first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commls. ston house. 60-52 N. 7th st I - Bargains! Bargains! Auto tires and inner tubes, all sizes at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phoffb A-3648. Elton A Humer. ONE 1910 Cnrtercar roadster; also I four pass. E M. F. 1910; will trade either or sell cheap for cash. V-396, journal. $800 equity in 7 passenger Studebaker auto; sell or trade for real estate. X 400, Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 Good on a local firm. Will sell for any offer, or Trade for prac tically anything. What have you7 L-402, Journal. FOR SALS) Hamilton piano cheap, good as new. 640 E. 31st, near Clin ton, LOANS WANTED. 60 HAVE YOU ANY MONEY T We have applications for money with first class security. Call and see us. J, M, French & Co- 412-413 Ablngton oinp. PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANsT"" Will nav 7 anrt St rl r-ant A air xr Easton. Want 82000, 33000, $4000, $5000! J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 8wildina- bldir. WANT $1500 at 8 per cent 8 years. Property worth $3200. Building loan. Will guarantee agalnat llena. T-407, journal, WANT $30,000 at 7 per cent for 8 or 6 years, on property worth $70,000. Close In. T-408, Journal. MONEY TO LOAJf 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. v WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSE. EVERYHING STRICTLY. CONFIDENTIAL ' STATE SECURITY CO, 808 FAILING BLDG. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate - of Interest. See ma first J. E, Nichols 620 Board of Trade Building. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property; week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rothchlld bldg., 287H Washington st; between 4th and 6th its. MONKf advauced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own nameu without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments? offices in 68 princi pal cities; save money by getting our terms. Tolman, $17 Lumber Exchange. Qntck loans on furniture end pianos,' storage receipts, life insur ance policies, livestock, real estate. etc. U. 8. Real Estate 4k Brokerage t co.. in Hamilton piqg. Main zen, 8 MONEY TO LOAN We loan in larKe and small amounts on well improved city and farm prop erty. J. M. Kronen A Co., 412-413 Ablng ton bl.g,, 106H 3d st YOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co.. 321 ADingion. 19 a st. IF yoii own a lot and wish to build we will do the rest from $200 down, bal ance HKe rent, urenoerg t jovik, room a-o zwh urana avenue. LARGE and small amounts to loan on Improved realty.. J. Ii Tipton Co., nuo spaiaing ptog. ask ror Air. Kaston. r " MONEY to loan on timber land or city property; easy terms. 221 ft Morri- o. TO LOAN on dwellings. $1700 In 2 or 8 amounts. Slisht charge to borrower. Any good location. Ward, Allany bldg. MONEY to loan on-Improved real estate, no commission cnarges. .raoirlo States Fire insurance Co. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or real estate. Union Lein Co., SB juaxayette pig.. tn ft Wash. SMALL sums to lend on morttrair. alight charge to borrower. Ward. Allaky bldg. y RESIDENCE buildings financed and built v A. . C Furlong1. (36 Chamber of Commerce. ; Main 4664. MONEY to loan, any amount, ( to 8 per cent. Qoodnough A Salts, 819 Spauld-ins- bldg. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm - property, fire insurance, McKensle A Co., Oerlinger bldg., id and, Alder. $100,000 and up to loan on timber and mill plant D-404,- Journal HORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent, city . at, fm r-m nrnrwiirtv. 5rtR Pniiih Hid, MORTGAGBS LOANS, 7 PER Cm LOUIS BAXiUMUJN, ZB3 BTAnK BT, LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- tel. The Wn co 414 ueicum Didg. WILL loan $20,000 or Jess real estata Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. "SALARY ' LOANS CONFIDENTULT F. A. wewton. bio rienry oiog, MONEY to loai. on improved real eatate. I. Ij. Wbite, 831 BneriocK piag. QUICK loana on all securities. B. W, King. 46 wasnington oioar. Mam 1P0. WILL loan $6000 or" less on real estata TTitchjck. 610 Rothchlld bldg. PRIVATE money to loan cm lmpreved city realty, v Phona M-2018 or E. 906$. 21 ' Do You., Need Monev? - " Ton can ret a loan Immediately and strictly confidentially. No wait or delay; Pianos, furniture or, diamonds. If you want money quick, come to roe; reason able rates. Phone for appointment, M 8560; A-3476. , Mr.-Maiden, $22 Failing oiag, MONEY to loan, lars loan a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in soranre. W.-O. Beck, 812 Falling. Noxicra so . NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of Bridees A Webber,, architects, room 422, Hamilton bldg.,, Portland, Oregon, until 10 a, m. on Friday, the 17th day, of February. 1911, for the plumbing; for the main building and power house for Multnomah county at Multnomah farm, one mile ; west , of Troutdale, Orecon. , . Plans and specifications nay be ob tained at the offioa of , the architects. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the county oourt or Multnomah county, cer tified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal, to be forfeited as'fixed and liquidated damages, la case the bid der neglects or refuse to enter into contract, and provide a suitable bond for me zaitnrui periormance of said worn in the event tha contract 1" awarded to. him, . T..J. CLEBTON, County' Judge. W. L. L1GHTNER, D. V. HART. County Commlsslonera, SEALED bids will be received at the office of Brtdges & Webber, archl- Portland, Oregon, until 10 a. m., on oaiuraay, tne mtn day or reDruary, ion n - il. r building and power house, for Multna mah county, at Multnomah farm, one ran west or Troutdale, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at h nffln nt th arnhltJtnta. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check, payable to tha county court of Multnomah county, carcmea oy a responsible bank, ror an amount eaual to 10 ner cent of ..the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as iixoti ana liquidated damages, in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work in -the event the contract is awarded to him. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, D. V. HART, , County Commissioners TENDERS, FOR CLEARING RIGHT OF WAY. Tenders will be received up to noon of the 15th day of February, 1911, by Messrs. Smith, Kerry & Chace, engi neers, 611 Commercial block. Portland, for clearing rlerht of mv on tha ML Hood Railway A Power company's trans mission line across tne Bandv river valley in the north half of section 1, township 2 south, ranpe 4 east, Wil lamette meridian. Work to be done Is as follows: Clearing approximately 22 acres, of which approximately iV acres are to be stumped. Product of clear ing to be made into cordwood, ties and cedar poles and posts. Work to bo completed May 1, 1911.. Specifications and forms of tender may .he obtained at the Mt Hood Railway & Power com pany's offices at Portland, Gresham. Pleasant Home and Bull Run. TO whom It may concern: The partner ship heretofore existing between M. C. Adkins and L. A. Pickler under the firm name of Adkins & Pickler, as re tall liquor dealers, doing business in the building situate at the northwest corner of Sixth and Stark streets, Port land. Or., is herebv dissolved bv mutual consent L A. Pickler to pay all out standing lnaeDteaness and coueci ail accounts due .the firm. v M. C ADKINS, L. A. PICKLER. Dated Februaryi 6, 1911 THIS is to certify that O. A. Fish will not be responsible for any bills of the firm known as the Pearl Grocery Co., located at 87 W. Kllllngsworth. in the city of Portland after this date, signed. o. is. FISM. STANDARD BRICK A TILE CO. Removed to 809 HENRY BLDG. " LOST AND FpUND 21 LOST Silk bag containing partly em broidered handkorchlpf htwn F! 8 7 li N. and. B. 60th, near Glisan and Hassalo. Reward. Return to 235 E OHtft n PARTY who took delivery boy's wheel from front of drug store, 23d and Washington Saturday, Jan. 28, will re turn same and avoid trouble, they are known. LOST -English setter, white bodv, slightly ticked, right side of faco black, answers to name of Ren. Re- warq. h,. a. arsons. Phone "nibor 125. NEAR 23d and Pettygrove. fox terrier pup (male), left aide of face black and tan. Return to 288 N. 28d and re ceive rewam PURSE lost between 2d and 4th st. on Morrison, with the name Esther on the purse, d inqer pieaee call Tabor 807 LOST Brindla bull dog, white face; had harness on; reward. Phone Sell wood 131 I LOST Musician's pin. Initials C. L. TV.; return Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor dld.. (win did rrwaru. LOST Large black lynx rug muff. Finder please phone Main 2849. Lib eral reward. A PLACE to nave your, clotnes steam or dry cleaned 24 hrs. notice. College Inn Cleaners, Wash., opp. 18th. A-185H. LOST A gold pin. Masonic emblem. Return to Journal office and get re ward. LOST Oval cut amethyst tie pin, keep- saae. netum to u otn st or pnoae East 6081. Reward. v LOST Bunch of keys at' iVth and Waah. Return to 402 Wash. Reward. PERSONAL 22 pR. LEWIS, Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hbs- ?ltal accommodations; examinations ree. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash. OCCULT, new thought, sclentlflo and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list; also catalogue of occiPt or scientific books sent oi) application. Jones Book Store, nenry oiog., uaa mu DETECTIVE, private; highest of buo-lnt-Bs reference furnished; private in vestigations, legal and corporation work.,, AH correspondence - confidential. ,-iuu, juurnv-i GERMAN books. magsein. novels, etc., oermai., jngusn, rrencn, Bpanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all, kinds. 8c h male Co., 221 let st DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of meu; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney. Bladder and piles. 181 First. Port- JUKI. SUFFERERS from piles, send 50 cents lor oox ruuur naivo; satisiaction guaranteed or money refunded. Ruber i wm Y-. r v. tin i ..... MIK. va., x, w. uux tit, cny, 8E3COID A marvelous cure for weak- ness in men; money returned if it falls. Price $1 per, box. Druggists or mail. T. J. Plerce,v245H Morrison. HIGHER psychology, palmistry and card reading taught, Questions an swered. Room 45. 360 H Morrison st, ...... ""l . ..w. LOR EN Z Nerve Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality. 260 box. 4 boxes 11.S6. Btipe-uayior urug uo., Z8 Morrison. MME. DARRELL teaches palmistry. uver journal oiticn. Vioonnougn bldg. mevatqr qui iioor. puna ooo. BATTLE CREEK Uths. formerly Ore-' gonlan bldg; ladies' beauty parlors. Mam 1988. SCIENTIFIC masseuse elves electrical. alcoholic genuine tub baths, chiropo- oiat. manicurist, i, , Kaieign bldg, WRINKLES rem iyiw, sagging oorrected 4 "J m m Inlltaail ikAA A it.. ill A If Vi S" t asvv UCUIUIIBll 8s,l,lUII8t 9 ftelllng-hirsch bldg. Neo Plastlque Agoy. MARRIAGE parjfer with descriptions; wany-wlth-meane-eeai -Mrs." Heir. 1815 Magnolia ave.. Los Angeles. Cat WOMEN Use Femmds when others fail; sold and r uarantee2 by the Aus plund Drug Co. ll O N, 6th st Main 8106 WUI ill figs, raniedy for dlsaaaea of woman. 632 Davis st Mala 931s 5IOXEY.TO LOAN 22 DR. ALICS A. HiRTFV. Diseases of women and rhlMmn t. eluslvely. Women are oftrn saved ee ere , surgical operations by consumes me. Narvona dlmiH rhllriran va specialty, y Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor- reepondet.M solicited. ' No eharm for consultation. Phones, Main 82a. A-B607. ynice' room 10. Orand Theatre Clog Washington "an4 Park. ' ' LISTEN! NOT YET. BUT SOON! WOMEN WHAT 1S-IT? RELIABLE. ALLETIDER STICKER, A LIQUID. KNOWN A3 BEST. . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ' V FOR ALLETIDER SIKKER. $$. A. W. ALLEN CO.. DlstrUiutara. - for Portland. MEN, GET WISE When you get tirrd . of hardline; your money over to the big advertisers, come to me for a posi tive cure. "Satisfaction guaranteed. Modern methods, latest eleotrlo appa ratus. Consultation free. W. L Howard, m. u., iu-e Kotncniid bldg. -.- -- - Are You Ruptured? Tha nerfect' truss la mid, unit fitted bv a tpeclallst to men, women and chil- aren. natisiactton guarasteea or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th at MADAMS) Estelle, magntio healer and spiritual adviser, removed from 193 WVPark to $48 Yamhill. Room 2. Main inu. : , - f BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND AlRAISERS WREN In doubt about valuation, have it appraised. Northwestern Appraisal Co., Bob Board of Trada ' . ASSAYERS WELLS PROEESTEL, assayers, ana lytloal chemists. 204 H Wash. M. 7606 MONTANA asay offloe, laboratory and ore testing v. orx. us Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIBT'S materials, picture framing. k. n. ivjtrarenniis i:o.. 411 wtin, st. AllTOMORILE SCHOOLS Belmont Auto School' The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction, competent management and practical work. I, 23d and Morrison Take ft-fl or ML Tabor car! look lis no before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER. Attorney-at-Law., Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-2071. lections, abstract examined. 20 Wash ington bldg. CHRISTUPHERSOi tt MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan T!dg. BATH HOUSES SUNRISE BATH AND TJAUNDRY Bathft 16c. 299 2d" A-7146. m ROOK aiAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d st oianec oook m rg; agts. ror joaer Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-81R3. Main 183. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels pougnt. eoia. repairing, iss lutn. BUILDINGS WRECKED Sawed wood, 2d-hand lumber for sale. uregon wrecKi-- uo., is. 4b48. Mr. Cur ry, 412 Gantenbine. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. S17 Beck bid. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. X LoslL 212 Jeffer son st. Main 1424. THE UAKBEK ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland offloe, 6"6 Electric bldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Wcrka Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E 440. B-1963. &04 E. 18th N. iN13 Sifum Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated: guaranteed. E. 360. f. 2238. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from oia carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. too union ave., near js. Morn son. PENINKULA Carpet and Rug works, Colonial rar carpet and rugs, 1618 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2685. CHINESE. DOCTORS Dr. L. T. Yee & Sons, 142 1st. Con sultation, pulse diagnosis free. off. hrs. m:au s. m. to p. m, m. 844, A-S8S6. DR. WING LEE makes a specialty of chronic dUcases. Give me a trial and be convl'cd; 27 N. 6th st. LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Hprbs and roots cure all dlseaees of men. une treatment free; 14 Third st DR. Bing Choong, physician for men and wumrn. uuamnK'TO cure arty Aiaer. YOUNG MING Chinese Medicine Co. Free consultation. T88H lat st. DR MRS. 8. K. CHAN cures all dis eases of women. 221 Morrison st. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Hong KortB Cafe, chop suey, noodles. M. 6614, A-7307. 107H 6th st CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DR A. a DOUGLASS. 338 Union avs. N. Phone East 6241. Consultation .and examination free. MSTINGEBORG, CARL OBERG .Chiropractor and suggestive therapeu tlo. Main 7583. A-7791. 809 Dekum bldg. anRcii .goods STATUARY, candlesticks, pictures, sta tionery, religious goods, beeswax, candles specialty. A. Janlts. 491 Wash. CHIROrODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp. Mra. Dunton. (49 Wash. Marshall 1829. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. TV Hill, 4? Flledner bldg. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN G. Stanley, civil engineer, 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1554. CLEANING AND PRESSINO CLOTHES cleaned, preened; high school tailors. 471 Aider. M-4698. N. McBherry COAL AND WOOD THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the beat grades of coat We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special prices on car loada B-234S. East 214. 3 ciaet anaeny, Meier A Fran a take odera for our standard grades, or Lagdlefsen Fuel Co, Tno. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Dry inside wood, per load..... ...$8.75 Short green slabwood $2.50 Dry block wood, per load.,..,.... 4.60 Planer trimmings, , long and snore rnones wain stus, a-7S6, Portland Cordwood Co, OLD GROWTH FIR WOOD $5, $5.60 and $ per cord. Offioa 203 Corbett bids. Phones Marshall 2899, -4684. Seahers Wood Co. tleraAVtnrf. Ueaiers Tn-Air KlnOS Of COrdWOOd. Fir. Oak. AaA. Main 6368. A-8411. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Mala IT(V F. J.XVERTS, Ft. Curry at. . PERSONAL on coal and; WOOD NOTICE pSnSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. . $3.68 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord. .$3.71 idbiuk unann bmuwt, per DRY SHORT WOOD, per load.... 44.00 8AWDUST, for fuel and bedding. 1 , Iht Pcrtland Slabwood Co. . v Main 3119. A-700ir ' ' , WOOD. ; Fine country slabwood, sawed, $2.76. Four foot slabwood, per cord, $2.76, & Inside wood sawed, $3.50. 1000 ft of new oull ties, sawed, $6.(0, , . SEGHERS -WOOD CO 9th and Gllsen. Home A-2415. M. 6259, COAL BLOCK wooDw .twasav. woou YarnatOiWooaand Coal Company, EAST 81 B-1807 Delivered any place in city, 34.60 load:- 1 in. wood. 33 load. Portland Wrecking Co, Phone Main 87, A-3736. RAINffiRlabwooTo., foot of Yam- - hill st; country slabwood, or short and block wood. Inside wood. Marshall 1204. A-3829. fcOUTH PORTLAND blABWOOD CO Main 2163, A-8843. Dry Inside wood, green atabwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cue fuel: block wood. S J. T"i. '-t ' i" - ' t .. 11 11 m root ary wooa. Nat Fuel Co., 818 Water at UE7 Marshall 960. Sawea wuod dellv- ered. any Quantity. lain 1806 Home A-1106. wood NEER (St FARR jtAlV1 No. 1 dry wood. 4 ft. sawed to Order, CORD wood delivered anywhere in city, wnoiewaie retail. East 818, B-8Q. OREGON LUMBER A FUEL Ca Block and trim wood. Tabor 2811. DRY MIXED cedar $2 a load for 86 days only. Main 2153, A-3848. STANDARD WOOD CO. Wood and coal 847 E. Stark. East 2315. B-1496; COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims of every description collected on a strictly percentage basis anywhere. Telephone Main' 8410. Colton Adjust- ment Co,, 410 Ablngton bldg., Portland. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col. - lected. wens Mercantile Agency, voi Board of Trade bldg.. 4th una Oak sts. JNOTES, accounts collected everywhere! uuaruiura iunuuon Agency, a.i xieii' ry bldg. Marshall 2683, A-778U, PORTLAND Collection Agency. All deDts collected. 817 Altekv A-7317: M. 4Z2Z. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074, A-7UZ6. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. S. GOLDBERG & CO., 812 Couch bldg. conveyors, elevators, patent derloes, all kinds of- maohlnery. Marshall 8028. W. ANDREW CLARKE, mechanical - draftsman, machines and patents de signed, lib Chamber or commerce. Mam 96. A-631 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement work, plastering, brick vork, excavating, call on u. C Olson, Marsha!11441. 192 Grover st J. BURTON, 148 1st. architect-builder. Estimates furnished. M. 1817, A-lsif, WILLlAlt FISHBECK, carpenter and builder. Jobbink and contracting. 04 4th. Main 6241. DAN COG 25o PER lesson, 4 lessons for $i; waits, two-step, throe-stet). stage dancing, eta; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners. Including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and only reoog nlzed leading academy for correct dano mg, asH wasn,, net, w. yarK ano xutn. HEATH'S dancing school. 109 Second st, between Washington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waltz and two step guaranteed in 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings, 8 to 12, DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework: we cure pyrrohea (looae teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co, Ablngton bldg.. IQti d at CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 823 Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists, Third and Washington sta DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S, of. 324 Flandera M. 4086. Hosp. 89 B. 13th. E. 6440. ELECfRlO CONTRACTOR Guarant'd house wiring. ' Estlmstea C A. Nothwang Co.. 67 lat, M. 7432. ELECTRIO MACHINERY MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 213 2d st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. 6iS, A-5785. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4? Flledner ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United Electrio Oarment Co., 627 Alder. EXPRESS AND TRANt-TSR FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks delivered, 60 cents. Additional trunks 25c, M. 8125, A-7237. 4th and Taylor. FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE repaired, remodeled, pi anos polished. M'll 89. 612 Burnslde, GLAZING UNITi-J tUAS3 A GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. tjlASULlNE KNGISICa STATIONARY, and marine; electric equipments; launches, accessoriea, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Michlnery Co.. 16 Morrison. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at tha Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators In the city. 64-66 id st, ground Iioor Worcester bldg. nata airect irom the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING PRACTJAL horseshoer. especial atten tion given to lame and interfering horses; horses called for and delivered. Main 9136. 227 Salmon st DE NIKE, 283 Front st, makes a specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience in New York City. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 808 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 703. HOME TREATMENTS VIAVI assists nature to remove cause of disease. 609 Rothchlld bldg. INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates A Lively. 818 Fail- mg piqg. yvery iorm insurance, ponda Wnodlawn SllS 2008 Tnaur nm . Woodlawn 202, C-2008.- Insure now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties. H. A, Forbes, New Perking Hotel, 5th ft Wash. REAL ESTATE NAMaV aDDEESR V r.?'-;'. , ' TM.RPt)ONs Baker, D. M, City, Farm Property.. ....$03 Corbett Bldg.,,..A-4492. Main 7491 Brrjr' Eaaity Compear. ....... ...,. 2W4Ui.... .......'.Uimbil ll a-4711 BNMif-Htoala uoniMny uroniid floor itwia BW.....Mla . and 4-1141 Brabaker Banedict ......................... M2 McKay B,l .......Mltt 6)8 Cbapln A. Herlow,., ........................ . .S'.ii Chamlier e( Conusarca.. )....... Mils Iv'4 Conk A Co., B. B......-..- .'............60S Cortt Blilf.. .,.....,,. .Mala 8M, l-.lwvl Bouek, OeorraA. (ColMiisatkD)...... 48 tnbba Bide.........,.,., , .Mla 12 -a Knupi ft. Mackey .... 7 Chamber of -Commerce.,.. Mala ul A-lfl t Marthtll, W. H.. rarnu, Ctty Proprtr Room 7. 250 Alder .Mtto T1 Ormi Eeol Eitata Co.. Toe...-. Cranil At, init Multnomah... .Et r. C-17l Bhlelda. J. U...... .; Oerllnjer Bldg ...;:... ..Mala TDompvon M. H. K ...orT QKH- n-u ......... M. 064. A-IWI LAUNDRIES EAGLE LAUNDRY, fine work, low frioes and quica. jfnona u-j.ti, iu. 3. 120 Ruesell st LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAB. L MASTICK A CO- 74 Front Leather of- every description; Up manufacturers, finding" ... LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 1$6 6th. bet Taylor and yamhlll. books se pr oy. UNINQ AND DEVELOPSIENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. Sand far our nooaiei. zzu ureiei piu. MACHINERY a TRENKMAN A CO. Hydraullo and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repalra 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatic, dl- gestlve dlsordera 80Z-8 uregonian oiag MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violU teacher; pupil Sevcllc 800 Marqunm. a-iu. anar.iOi. PlATTdTvloTlnTtTombone. cornet pultar, banjo, froi- to. a. omitn, t RACHEL Paulson piano and harmony atllriln XR 1BRU. 4tn St. ' PROF T. E. LAWSON. 135 14th at Phone Main 6197. reano leesons duo. MUSICAX DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 134 2d; complete line musical mdae. Free catalogue Bueseher band - instrument. NATUROPATH DOCTOR nr. s. v. Orover. naturopath, chiro- practlo specialist; paralysis, rheuma tism, nervous diseases. Call or writa Phone Main 3142. 708 Qregonlan bldg. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO, $26 Waahlne ton st. Byes examinee, g reo buvjup. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr, W. W. Christie, h. chronla nervous diseases. 314-5 Maclcay QiafC. ftia-in mn, DR LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronle diseases. 217 Fenton mas. Main wroj DR SMITH, graduate Klrkville, Mo, 1888: post graduate 1807. 818 Swet- land bldg. DR L H. HOWLAND. general praotl- tloner. 802 Fleioner piog. DkS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practltlonerg. ureganian nmg. DR. KATHRYN RUETER, specialist women children, 302 FUedner bldn. PAINT, GIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH A CO, Pioneer Paint Co. 185 1st. Main 1334. A-7042, RASMUS8EN A CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne eor. 2d ft Tavlor. M . A-1771. PAINTING AND PAPERING PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting done reasonable, all work guaranteed. C-1747. FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane. 104 union. otn nnonm. rITt nnr tirfcea on painting, jpaper- ing. tinting. Ernest Miller Co i 171 ist PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor-ney-at-Law, latt U. S. Patent Offloel book free. 7J9 Board of Trade bldg. R C WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat ents: Infringement cases. 604 Dekum, PERFUMERY PERFUMES from home-grown roses Rose City Perfume Co.. 238 Jefferson. PLVNO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning. $2; 1$ years' experience, fnone main ti PLUBD3ING AND HEATING PLUMBING, heating eto. Robert Qll lan. 166 10th, Both phones. ; PRINTING welch printing co. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st PSYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR M J. PIERSON, psychopath, gen eral practitioner, room 16, 166 4th. rURLIO STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, ahort notice. E. Allen, 516 Oregonian bldg. M, 2440. A-2440. RL'RRER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngham Co,. 281 Stark Main 1407. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 201 Washington st. 6. E. Gilbert SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 108 2d at Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts open ed. bargains In second hand safes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures mace to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new and old showcases, cabinets, store and off toe fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. R. H. BIRD8ELL, HAMILTON BLDG. ' Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Saiga agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES, wallcasei, counters Ik stock and made to order at the lowest price. 413 E. 8th.' Phone East 3117. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER. A KLEISER Signs; the larg- est sign makers in the northwest, E. 7th and E. Everett sta Phones, East 1111, Home B-2224. IONS THAT ATTRACT''--Portland Sign Co, 287 Stark. Main 168$. STENOGRAPHERS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Asa'n, 404-403 APington. m. ava i, A-oaae, repositions, SPECL1 LISTS FOR MEN; OUR truarantee NO QiriRED a iw 4 1 i i aoBoiut procecuon. onauuation, ex amloa tt -n ck nA A a ernnalsl aaa a.. JlllllOit.tUU ""V wtr-B""'1'" VUJ7 prr ctalty is ALL AILMENTS OF MEN. What you want is a fcura Come to us ana get it. nours uany v w o. Even twga. ' T-tej 8. " Bmdayri-o T" only DR. GREEN CO, 862 Washington at, Portland. Or. - 1 ' - TAILORING SCHOOL . KI :E3TERra lidieTHnolTea learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 ii Hut, DIRECTORY TAXIDER3UST LEARN taxidermy by mall. y. B. Jfln. v . tiv i.ommnig st. -', TRANSFER AND STORAGE .'Oregofi Transfer Xo. EsMMIshed 1870. Transfer iffi 'forwardlna; agents, StoraglT; free trackaga Office, 810 Hoyt rt. bet. 6th and 8tK i - Phones: Main 68; A-1166. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co- el flee and commodious 4 story brick wsrehonsa sepitrete iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west -corner 2d and Plna sts. PUnoa and furniture moved and packed for shipment Main 666; ' -ia(T PORTjLAND Van Storage' Co, cor. iith and Eventt sta, just opened, newest, most mode-n storage warehouse in eltrl every convenience for safe and proper handling of aoods; lowest insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, vaoa or moving Main or A-1620. fcXPRESSlNG, coal delivered any pari m city, lowtst prloea Rubin. 304 Arikeoy. FURNITURE, trunk moving. jlty" tiafl Transfer Co. M. 7089. A-4734. 381 8th, TATLORINO KlLFRED OGILBEE. $10 ' Labbe bid- d and Washington. Suits to order, GT'S SEAQUIST, tailor and draper; ' ax" elusive patterns. 245H Washington st TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brueh. soap. Towel Supply Co, $th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry A "- wain am, A-4410. TYPEWIIITERS ALL malten rented, repaired, sold. Cnn- . ningnam Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED UMBRELLAS, ahoes repaired, keys fit- ted, saws filed. M'll 2586, 490H Burns'd. VETERINARIAN DR L. P. DILLON. Hawthorne. Avenue Stables. East 72. 697. B-1868. WEIX DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty: prices rea sonable. Call Main 1346 or writa R. West. 182 Morrison at. WELt' drilling contracta. J. W. Green, 8B0Vancouver. C-2478. WINDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO 63 N. Park st. Phone Main 7386, ' WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDINQ A FARRELL, produce and uuiiniuaaiun uiarcnants. ku Front st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST & C6 DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR. - WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grooers" .nmartluacurerB an1 roastera 4th r Wr. Wal1 pPr Co- ImP- imHiiis, wnoiewaie and retail. MOHGAN WALL FAPE11 CO.. 230 id -w, trow.jTin oaimon anc Alain. allen & Lewis grdceriesT ) BANKS GSRWAK-aMBRlJAH BA ff K Portia ad. Oai Cornet Sixth and Waabtoatoa Ita. raaa! . f eaeraJ Dtnkiag ooilaaaa, pralts tMOed ataUubla Ii ill to rprtaclpal eltUa aS ta. United jutes sad Europl Fiir mTm tateraat paid ea ssrlaca acmaata. dTe.! poalt Tiolta. - "7 POJaTUUTD BAIL WAT. UOB9 si rowxg coupAjrr. City Uses. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder Streeta Oregon City 4:00. 6:30 a. m. a every 30 minutes to and Including last car midnight . a &relam. nJ. intgrmediate points 6:56, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, Ui45 l , 6:45, 11:85 p. m. T . rEa,vhw,ifn4 Troutdale 6:55, 1:4 Mr' iA' 0:A VIP" 13:45' 8:45, 4:46, 6:46, 6:45 -p. m. t. Caaadero and intermediate points 6:65, 8:46, 10:45 a, m.. 18i46, 1:1a, u5 H'an rVl " " aV aa. TuomTtr Ilai. ' A. MMf.f1f. sl.KA 9.9 A.M - f.lO. 9T50, 1-0:80, lirib, ll:!o.' " . P. M. 13 130, 1H0, 10. 8KM, 8H9, 3iBO, 430, BilO, B:90, 6:30, T:06, 7:40. j". :0. :25:, 10:00. i0:85. 'liao, ii :45. On the third Monday In avery monta the lsst car leaves at 7:05 p. ni -..Cars for Vancouver maka no stop on1 Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengera, but make stops to pick np pas sengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cara for Portland A. M.6:00. 6:38, 7:10, 7:45. 8:20, 8:53, 0130. lOrloi 100, 11:30. P. M.-1 1!:10 12:60, 1:801 :iu. 2:ou, s:su, 4:10. 4:50, 6:80, 6:10, 6:60, 7:25. 8:00. 8:85. 8:10. 8:4810:20. 10:55, "lliSO. 12:65. On third Monday of every month tha last - ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:2i p. m. . weaving ume Diackfaca, doubld trains, Cars from Vancouver maka no stone on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Burnslde street except to let off passengera ' Dally except Sundays. Dally except Mondaya. Runs as local on Union avenua, TRANSPORTATION O J E W BXTBH, TBANSPOBTATIO V CO. Btr. J. W. TEAXa r r t 8f h Bsod. dally at Oak St, Dock tor v;eitio.- me Danes River. White Salmon VHood and all intermediate points. Steamer leaves Portlaml " Sundays, Tuesdays : and Thursdf ya. at ; 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves The Dalles Mondays, Wednesdays and : Fridays, at 7 a. m, arriving at Portland about I p. m;' same day. - A. S.VviilTING, Phones Main 2960. A-8627. ' Aat. Captain W. S. Buchanan, Superlntendetit, San Franclsoo 8c Portland Eteaaunip Co New service to Los; Angelas via Baa Francisco every five -days. -:-' tTi'ttm Alnawnrln riruU. VnrtlnTiif 1 il ml ; ES. Beaver rab. 11, Bear 10, Roie City Si ' From San Francisco, northbound, 12 m.i SS. Bear Tab. 10, Boss City is. Beaves 90 From Ban fenro, nortnboumi: , SS- Boss City reb. 13, Beaver 13, Bear 33- H. G. Smith, O. T. A, 143 Third gt. ' 7. W. Ransom. Agent. Ainsworth Sock, Phones l Main 402, 386; A-1 408. y COOS BAY, UIINU Btr. Brsakwatar sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. m. Dee.,13. 20. M.Jvu 8, 10. i, 24 and 81, -Feb. 714, il, 23 and every Tuesday nlgWt ' Freight re ceived at Alaska dock until 6 p. m. dally. Passenger fare 1st ciaas, 310; 3d clans, 37, Including meals and bertha Tlckaia on sale at Ainsworth dock. Phones Mala 868, A.1234..- V'-'';-'; BAN FRANCISCO, XOS ANGELES l,,M,,ll,,l,..,li,iBfD-sAri- iiTOoDinrcT i;';.!-r jroBTH Acrma aw ; co. - - 9. U. &OAM02S and B. 8U XXJ&jH gr J Every Wednee'iay. altrrnataly, at a, m. Ticket office 138 Third, ttaar Ald.i Phones Wain 1314, A'1I14. iAR'US J. HMLiCK, Paa Ag., STU tU;jii4V r'it f