. , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. .WEDNESDAY. EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1911. ' 19 v HOUSES, VEHICLE ETC. 18 Horse for Sale - . A cur of S3 heart arrived today. Jan uary 27, from Condon, Or., weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs., age from tlOlt yeera; these will be sold under our guarantee. - HAWTUOKNK BTABlj-a, 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE AT ONCE. . ' " We have on hand a carload of 2 and I oap 1 .1 u-a oh t v, IT 1 AAA f A 1 ' fi ft bs.: also a rood stock of drafters. 1461) lbs. un. -; V ' . THOMSEN & mALEHORN, " Union Stock Yards. Call Woodlawn 240Q. '. BARGAIN Team horses, 6 and 7 years old, true single or double, 2200 lbs., harness and wagon all for $175. 950 lb. horse for $35.; Take Woodstock car 67th and 63d ave.: phone sell wood rts. FOR SALE 25 head, horses and mares, weight from 1010 lbs. to J 600 lbs; Just, off work; no barn room; also good harness. Travis Bros. Wood. Yard, & 8th and Hawthorne" ave. lEXCHANOE A fine - driving horse, years uia, ruooer ureu uuksi amu harnrRA Whut hivn vmi tn trader A in,- journal. IiOftdt1! and buggies for rent by day, - week and month; special rates to bcslness houses. Ith and Hawthorne. East T2. - -r A FEW good horses left at 970 E. Alder. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 SEVEN thorourhbred Hereford bulls, I yearlings and 5 2-year-olds; also 6 rmad of thorohbred Hereford cows. Mokel-Bruce' Co., stockyards., . Wood lawn 2400. -.'-- RHODE ISLAND REDS. Errs from mv best Dens of splendid Winter layers, $1.50 per setting. C. E. CARLTON. Main 8900. A-827L CANARY birds; fine singers and fe males. ." 547 Montgomery at Main 8209.' - WANTED Private customers for new laid eggs, better than "strictly fresh nd guaranteed." A-405, Journal. $ YOUNG Jersey, fresh cows at 708 Har old st. Take Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 1171. WHITE Leghorn chickens, nice young stock. c. w. nines, ltyan Place, on Oregon Electric R. R. i THREE A1 cows, one fresh, two will be fresh in few days. 998 E. Yam hill. . , ip YOU want to buy or sell dairy cows, see Mokel-Bruce Co.. at stock ards. Woodlawn 2400. HIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs, $1.50 setting. 1062. E. 9th it N, FOR SALE 4 fresh cows, 1 fine Jer- sey, 62d and SSd ave. 8. 13. Tabor 1461. tOLSTElN cow with -calf 3 days old, Sbtf. Cor. 71st and Division sts. FRESH Jersey-Gut fnsey cow, also calf. 436 Brown St., near Klllingsworth. PUIS. 3 months old, Phone Woodlawn 2772. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cock- " erel. Phono Woodlawn 3112. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE At once, the following household goods: White cabinet sew ing machine, sprli.gs and mattresses, hot water coll, extension table, chairs, gas range, cook stoves, side show case, heat ing stoves. 112 Union ave. FOR SALE Piano check for $131; will sell for $50: check Rood on purchase of piano at the Reed-French Co. piano "housn, 6th and Burnslde. Address P. O. bo 561. Arleta Station, Portland, Or., or phone Tnbor 587 for next 4 days. FURNITURE of 5 room modern cottage for sale: mahogany and golden oak, all solid; gas range and water heater; will sacrifice If enn sell In two weeks; rent cheap. Woocllewn 1716. FOR SALE Small slaughter house and fixtures on Columbia slough near Un ion stockyards. Call at 308 Trenton st Take St. Johns car to Peninsula station, walk to Columbia boulevard. W. C. Harris. FOR SALE 18 foot launch, new, with 6 h. n. dunhle cvlinder. 4 cvcle. H. C. Doman engTno, speed 18 miles, $300 cash. 3 blocks above Portland Motor Boat club. Inquire at white sloop. NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms: bowling alleys, rofrigerators for imme diate delivery. Address the KrunswlcK- Balke-Collender Co., 46 5th st FIRST class dlso talking machine and 7 records, $8.50; another with 6 rec oHs, $5.60. Portland Phonograph Agency. .350 Alder st. WHAT will you give for a check of $132 on the Reed-French Piano Co.? Make an offer by Thursday 6 p. m. sure. James Springer, 210 Main st, city. FACTORY rebuilt typewriters, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 90 Fifth st M. 6628, A-1476. Sl6 egg Petaluina incubator, perfect, $20; 4 Universal hovers, $18. C. G. Sand stone. HlllsdaleyOr. ' WILL trade or sell Reed-French piano check of $137.50 for anything from a white elephant to a peanut. Z-409. Journal PRACTICALLY new usable typewriter for one third Hhe cost of a new one. 620 Chamber of Commerce. STRICTLY Al Singer sewing machine, drop head with all attachments, only $23.60; $6 down, $3 monthly. 850 Alder. FOR SALE Canvas glove outfit cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2216 or address B 397, Journal. SAFES New and second-hand genuine Hall safes; low prices; easv terms, Portland Safe Co..- 86-87 Fifth st. FOR SALE $132.60 piano draft for $26. Call 711 Williams. Phone Woodlawn 143. FOR SALE or ront, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st st.- Both phones. ' FOR SALE One 8 if. P. commercial boiler. American Chicle Co., 14th and Johnson. l-'OK SALE 2 Reed-French piano drafts of $126.60 and $127; price $5 each. Call C-2445. " $125 piano check for sale cheap. u, journal. )l35 piano check for sale or trade, also . phonograph for sale. C-406, Journal. fOR SALE $128 check on Reod-French Piano Co. 9 W. Simpson st. FOR SALE 12 h. p. gas engine. 204 B. i 19th N. East 440. B-1963. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, - new, 2d hand. 812 Everett. M. 7617. $10 DROP head sewing machine, with attachments. Call 383 E. Morrison. FOR SALE Boston bull puppies, cheap. i.SIl A-3JUD. ErED-FRKNCH Piano check, $135, for $20. Call 418 E. 12th st N. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 OLD auto tires 6o ter lb., delivered; old inner tubes ISc-ia lb., delivered. We also buy copper, brass, cast Iron. J. Leve. 18ft Columbia , st. M. 6188. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE AUTOMO BILES, AND REAL ESTATE. CALL AND SEE OUR BARGAINS. FLETCHER A M'ANTfcRE, 806 BOARD OF TRADE ONE 1910 Cartercar roadster; also I four pass. E. M. F. 1910; will trade either or sell cheap for cash. V-395. journal WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay tho highest cash price for second hand household goods. N., Jl. Seater, 143 Russell. East 1662. IF YOU want, the r0"t money y?vr f'jr i nlture will bring, save time, call East 4732. 8C8 Hawthrrne. Meier Furniture Co. BE WISE; get more, for your Second ,hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auetlon Co:, 311 1st. Main 8961. A-1445. WANTED Good second hand baby car rlage; elve cost and price asked,. Y- 40a. journal. EAST SIDE auction jobbers want 2d nand furniture, hlgtst price paid. 84 Grand eve.. E. 1061. ' "-. ,., , , . .- FUtCNIT-RM-WANTED ; Second hand; highest price : pan3. .JJockfel & Sons, 88 Grand ave. R. 294. StCOiVT) ,'hand Underwood typewrfteK No. 6. State lowest cash' price and condition. J-399, Journal. L HALEY Furniture Co. gives, most for used furniture, etc. E. 948, 296 Grand. w"ANTKD--2dhand furniture. East 3131. ;.J4.JJat-tuoroe ave,, Seater & Martin. FOR bALLAUTOMOr.ILES 44 SECOND HAND CARS-: QTt? .1 UVd 1 Una mnrfal A n..Hnn. 80-60 H. P. Equipment: Top, glass front, gas tank clock, de- v mountable rims ......... ..$3600 STEARNS, 1909 model. 7. passen- , ger, 4 cylinder, 60 H. P. Equip- . . ment: Top, glass front, speedo- . meter, gad tank, .,- demountable rims, 1 extra casing 3500 PEERLESS, 1909 model. J passen- , gen. Equipment; Top, glass i- .j ....... .. I 2000 : n n 1 . CADILLAC. 1910 model, 6 passen- er, juquipment; xop,. glass iront, . electrio lights . . . . . ..... CADILLAC, Deml-tonneau, . 1909 model. Equipment: Top, wind shield, clock, Stewart speedome ter, electric lights ............. CADILLAC. Model 'G" 1908, 5 , passenger. Equipment: . Wind shield, top 1250 1050 600 MAXWELL, 2 cylinder, 5 passen- ?er. Equipment: Top, glass ' ront, Stewart speedometer .... 450 PIERCE, 1910 model, 6 cylinder. - . Equipment: " Top, windshield, Stewart speedometer, clock, seat covers J500 PIERCE, 7 passenger, 1907 model, first class condition .......... . REO, 2 cylinder, 6 passenger, BOO equipped wittu top ana Stewart speedometer '. ...... ..... . 450 KKO, -cylinder, 5 passenger, equipped with top and Stewart speedometer 400 OLDSMOB1LE, 4 cylinder, , equipped with top and glass, front ............... i ......... . 100 BUICK, 2 cylinder, equipped with top, wipasmeid, ate wart speed ' ometer v . . . . . . . , . . . . . .......... BUICK, model 10, 1910 equipped with top, glass front, Jones speedometer STUDEBAKER, 1910,, 7 passenger, equipped with top, glass front, Stewart speedometer and clock.. 460 900 2000 THESE CARS HAVE BEEN LEFT WITH US BY OWNERS TO BE SOLD, THEY HAVING PURCHASED 1911 PIERCE ARROW AND CADILLAC CARS. ' , Covey Motor Car Co, Main 6470. 7th and Couch fits. FOR SALE or exchange, 1909-1910 inod els: 6 Buics, 5 Cadillacs, 2 steamers, 5 runabouts, 8 light delivery trunks, 2 Chalmers, 2 Pope-Hartfords, 2 Stoddard Daytons, 2 Maxwells, all in first class condition. Call Portland Auto Commis- slon house, 60-52 N. 7th st . Bargains! Bargains! Auto tires and Inner tubes, all sizes at half price. Examine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-364S, Elton & Humer. , FOR auto bargains see the. Custom House Auto Co., or write for Our bar gain list, we are sure to have the car you want 331 .Everett. Main 1649. SCHOOL books bougltt and sold, 211 2d st.. near Salmon. 168 Kth JSIOAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR 6ALE Hamilton piano cheap, good as new. 540 E. 31st, near Clin ton. - LOANS WANTED SO HAVE YOU ANY MONEY? We have applications for money with first class security. Call and see us. J. M. French & Co.. 412-413 Abington bldg. WANT $1500 at K per cent on property worth 33200. This is a buiiaing loan, Can furnish guarantee against liens. C-377. Journal. WISH to borrow $10,000 to $12,000 on large Willamette farm, for improve ments. M-409. journal. 16000 ON WELL located business prop erty, value $20,000; income $200 per month. Address x-3Si. journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN RATES. LET US BE YOUR BANKERS. WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL HONEST EMPLOYES WITHOUT SECURITY. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. EVERYHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO 80S FAILING BLPG. Do You Need Money? You can get a loan Immediately and strictly confidentially. No wait or delay; Pianos, furniture or diamonds. If you want money quick, come to me; reason able rates. Phone for appointment, M 8560; A-8475. Mr. Maiden. 322 Failing bldg. Will Loan You Money On you-furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of Interest. See me first J, E. Nichols 620 Board of Trade Building. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, f danos or any personal property; week y or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 Washington St., between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own nameu without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 prlnci- al cit.es; save money Dy gettinr. our ;erm. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. Quick "loans on furniture and I pianos, storage receipts, Ufa lnsur- I ance policies, livestock, real estate, S etc. u. 8. Real Estate & Brokerage I Co.. $11 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. i MONEY TO LOAN. We loan In larne and small amounts on well improved city and farm prop erty. J. M. French & Co., 412-413 Abing ton bldg.. 106Vj 3.1 st. YOUR CREDIT Is Rood at the Employes' Loan Co.. 121 ' Abington. 106V- 3d st MONEY to loan on timber land or city Drooerty: easy terms. 221 Morrl- son, roomy TO LOAN on dwellings, $1700 In 2 or 3 amounts. Slight charge to borrower. Any good location. Ward. Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate, no commission charges. , Pacific Slates Fire Insurance Co. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl , ties, chattels or rail estate. Union toan Co., 85 Lafayette bid.. 6th A Wash. SMALL sums to lend on mortgage alight charge to borrower. Ward, Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In suranee. W, Q. Beck. 812 Falling. RESIDENCE buildings financed "and built A. C. Furlong, 636 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4564. MONEY to loan, any amount, I to t per cent, ooodnougn & tseuz, sio spauia Ing bldg. , noonoo on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzle A Co., Qerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. - $100,000 and up to loan on timber an mill nlant. D-404, Journal. MORTGAGE; loans 6 to R per cent, city and farm property. zui uoucn mog. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 &J PER CENfT LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. LOAN for the isklng. salary or chat- tel. The Loan Co.. 414, Dekum' bldg. WlLL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrington. 4is commercial itiup oiag. BALARY LOANS confide?Jtiau" F. A. Newton. 616 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real estatax J. L. White. 381 Sherlock bid. MONEY to loan on Improved city1 realty. Parrlsh, Watklns Sc Co., 350 Alder. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. a . . v.. 1 I . v , , . r 1 . . A . lying, id wasningion uiuy mum 1111111. WILL loan $5000 or less o" real estate. Hltchuek. 610 Rothchlld bldg. FRiVATE money to loan ora improved city realty. .Phone M-2018 or 2058. -NGTIGES- 2f THIS is td certify that a- Ar Flsh win not ho resDonsiblfl for anv bills at the firm known as the Pea$l Grocery Co., located ai e vv. miiingsworin in tne city of Portland after this date, signed, - . 9- E? FISH. STANDARD BRICK. & TILE CO. Removed- to 7 NOTICES 28 NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ' Sealed bids will be received at the office of Bridges & Webber, architects, room 422, Hamilton bldg.. Portland, Oregon; until 10 a. m. on Friday, the 17th day of February, 1911. for, the plumbing for the .main building' and power house for Multnomah county at Multnomah farm, one mile west of Troutdale, Oregon. .; -.,-"j-' - - Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal will be. considered unless ucconipanied by a check payable to the county oourt of Multnomah county,.cer titled by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages. In case the bid der neglects or refuses to enter Into contract, and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work In the event the contract is awarded to biin. - T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, . D. V. HART. county i;ommissionera. SEALED bids will be received at the office of Bridges & Webber, archi tects, room 422, ; Hamilton building, Portland, Oregon until . 10 a. in., on Saturday, the 18th day of February is ii, xor tne erection -or , tne main ouiiai: ldlng and power house, for Hultna- h county, at Multnomahfarm. one ma mile' west of Troutdale. Oregon. Plans and; specifications may be ob tained at .he office f the architects. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a heck, payable to the county court of Multnomah county, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, t be forfeited as iixea ana .liquidated damages, in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into a contract, and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perfonnance of said work in the event the contract Is awarded to him. T. J, CLEETON, County Judge. W. L, LIGHTNER, D. V. HART, - - County Commissioners - TENDERS FOR CLEARING RIGHT OF WAY. Tenders will be received ud to noon of the 15th day of February, 1911, by Messrs. Smith, Kerry & Chaee, engi neers,'' 611 Commercial block, Portland, for olearing right of wav on the Mt Hood Railway & Power company's trans mission line across the sanay river valley In the north half of section 1, township 2 south, range 4 east. Wil lamette meridian. Work to be done is as follows: Clearing approximately . 22 acres, of which approximately 34 acres are to be stumped. Product of clear ing to be made into cordwood, ties and cedar poles and posts. Work, to be completed May 1, 1911. Specifications and forma of tender may be obtained at the Mt. Hood Railway & Power com pany's offices at Portland, Gresham, Pleasant Home and Bull Run. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. This Is to certify that the rartnershln heretofore existing between C. G. Pulsi fer and Thomas Miller, doing business under the firm name of Pulsifer's The atrical Booking Exchange, located at rooms 827-328 Marquam bldg., of the city of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The said Thomas Mil ler retiring, and the paid C. G. Pulsifer continuing said business under the' same style" and nrm name. Said C. G. Pulsi fer is to collect all outstanding accounts and assume all liabilties of said firm. Dated this 1st day of February, 1911. ..(Sighed.) '. G. PULSIFER. ' (Signed.) THOMAS MILLER, TO whom it may concern: The partner ship heretofore existing between M. C. Adklns and L. A. Pickler under the firm name of. Adklns & Pickler, as re tail liquor dealers, dplng business In the building situate at the northwest corner of Sixth and Stark streets, Port land, Or., is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. L. A. Pickler to pay all out standing indebtedness and collect all accounts due the firm. M. C. ADKINS, 1j. A. PICKLER. Dated February 6, 1911. THE attention of sanitary engineers is called to the fact that the city of Newport Or., desires engineers to in spect the city preparatory to making proposals for constructing a sewer sys tem for said city. Signed: Geo. H. Wilcox, Mayor, L4AST AND FOUND 21 FOUND Gold emblem Din. owner can have by proving property and paying advertising costs, ask for Mr. Glass, noston Sample Shoe Store, Jsl 4th, cor. Alder. PARTY who took delivery boy's wheel from front of drug store, 23d and Washington Saturdsiv. Jan. 28. will re turn samo and avoid trouble, they are anown. LOST Airedale terrier, from 62 E. 20th St.; liberal reward for return or Infor maiion or the wnereabouts of same. Phone East H5 8. LOST English setter. white body. slightly ticked, right s de of face black, answers to name of Ben. Re ward. Hi A. Parsons. Phone Tabor 125. NEAR 23d and Pettygrove, fox terrier pup (male. left side of fRce" black and tan. Return to 288 N. 23d and re ceive -reward. LOST Large blark lynx rug 284S muff. Finder please phone Main Lib eral reward. LOST On Albina ave. between Killings. worth and Jessun st.. a tmlr nose gjnnHefl. zvs uernnger riug. ; reward. A PLACE to have your clotnes steam or dry cleaned. 24 hrs.' notice. College inn 1'ieaners, wash., opp. mn. A-15&6. LOST Oval cut amethyst tie pin, keep sane, item in to au otn st or pnone mast tiuoi. Kewara. PERSONAL DR. LEWIS. Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations: examinations free. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants Trust bldg1.. 6th and Wash. OCCULT, new thought, sclentlflo and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list: also catalogue of occu't or scientific books sent on application. Jones Book Store, Henry bldg., 284 Oak st PALMISTRY" and card reading taught any question answered correctly; room 408 Princess hotel, E. Burnslde. Hours 9:30 to 12 noon; 2 to 9 p. m, GERMAN bootts, magazines, novels, etc., German, EnidUh. French. Spanish. SwedisluiR.nd Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co., 229 1st st. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures , diseases or men; Dlood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid rey, madder and plies. ii First. Port land. SUFFLrtERS from piles, send 50 ce nt 3 ton! pai ror dox ruoar saive; satlsract guaranteed or money refunded. Rjib; Mfg. Co., P. O. box 224. city. -" SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness 1n men; money returned If it fails. Price $1 per box. Druggists or mall. T. J. Pierce, 245 Morrison. HIGHER psychology, palmistry and card reading taught, questions an swered. Room 46, 350 Morrison st, Mllner bldg.. 4th floor. MADAME Kstelle, magnetlo healer and spiritual adviser, removed from 193 W. Park tp 848 Yamhill, Room 2. Main 1320. RESTAURANT man, German, 29, wishes to get acquainted with a good work as ing girl or widow. Object matrimony. Address R-406. Journal LEARN halrdressiiig and scalp treat ment In one week, $5: also manicur ing. 675 Everett st A-3952; LORENZ Nerve Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c box. 6 boxes $1.25. Stine-Tgylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison. BATT lI-cIk baths,, formerly Ore- gonlan bldg; ladles' hlrt aflf.a' h.,... nnMln beauty parlors. Mam 1988. SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical. alcoholic genuine tub baths, chlropo- oist, manicurist, i, , v itaieign Ding. W HlNv -rii U weirirttig- rrected - in 16 minutes; tree demonstrations. I HelHng-hirKon bldg.Neft Plaatlque Agcy. MARRIAGE paper .with descriptions, many with means, sealed. Mrs. Bell, 1815 magnolia, ave., xxs Angeles, cai. WOMEN tse remolds when - others IaU;aoid and Miaraneed by the A us. plund Drug Co.. 110 N. 6th st. Main 8 1 08 tiALM : women. Jl S J, rined , tr diseases ol 633 C-avta at. Main Mil 22 DR. ALICE A. ; MOST. , Diseases of women and children ex clusively. . Women are of-o saved se vere surgical operations by consulting tne. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. . Cor. responded e solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones. Mailt 89S8. A-5697. Office room 10, Grand Theatre ; tidg.. Washington and Park. " LISTEN! NOT YET, BUT SOON! WOMEN WHAT IS IT? RELIABLE. ALLETIDER SIKKER..A LIQUID. KNOWN AS BEST. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ALLETIDER SIKKER. $3, A. W. ALLEN CO., Distributers, Portland. for MEN. GET WISE When you get tlrtd of handling your money over to the big advertisers, come to me for a posi tive cute. Satisfaction guaranteed. Modern methods, latest electric appa ratus. Consultation free. W. L Howard, M. D., 804-6 Rothchlld bldg. Are You Ruptured? The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a specialist to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no chariee. Wilson. 68 th at ' BUS NESS U RECTORY ; !ZzZ - T- - - - ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS WHEN In doubt about valuation, have it appraiBed. Northwestern Appraisal Co.. 506 Board of Trade. ASSAYERS WRLL8 & PROEBSTEL. assayera, ana- lytlcal chemists. 204 H wash. M. 70. MONTANA asey office, laboratory and ore testing . ork. 1 86 Morrison ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. EL H. MVwrshoimB ft Co.. 411 Wash, si f AUTOMOIULE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough instruction,. competent management and practical work. E. 23d and Morrison Take S-S or'TWt. Tabor car: look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPflR, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam- ned. 716 Chm. of Com. M. 71. A-2071 B. M. REN SON. eeneral nraotice: col lections, abstract examined. 20 Wash ington st. CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS general practice. 405-S Buchanan aldg. BATH HOUSES SUNRTSE BATH AND LAUNDRY Baths 15c. 299 2d. A-7146. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank book mTg; agts. ror jojer Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leRf. A-3183. Main 183. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES YALE Motorcycles? Second-hand wheels pougnt, moifi. Kepnirmg. ia mm. BUILDINGS WRECKED Sawed wood, 2d-hand lumber for sale, Oregon Wrecklr- Co.. E. 4M8. Mr. Cur ry, 412 Gantenblne. BUSINESS CARD3 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving. edewalks and cross. Ings. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Los 11. 212 Jeffer son St. Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland offloe, 605 Electric blflg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all kinds of Insurance, suretv bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Wcrks. Carpets cleaned and laid,' refitting our specialty. E, 440, B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. 1NE Steam Cleaning; carpets, feathers renovated; guaranteed. E. 860. B 2236. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. IBS Union eve., near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works, Colonial rae- carpet and rugs 161 1 Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 3685. CHINESE DOCTORS Dr. L. T. Yee & Sons, 142 1st Con sultation, pulse diagnosis free. off. hrs. 10:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. M. 8464, A-3866. DR. WING LEE makes a specialty of chronic oieeaees. tnve me a trial ana be convinced; 27 N. 6th st. LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots cure all diseases of men. One treatment free: 145 Third at. DR. Bing Choong, physician for men end women, uuaranieeo cure, zzofr Aider. YOUNG MING Chinese Medicine Co. Free consultation. 186 1st st DR. MRS. S. K. CHAN cures all dis eases of women. 226', Morrison st. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Hong Kong Cafe, chop suey, noodles. M. 5514. A-7307. 107 6th Bt. CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DR. A. S. DOUGLASS. 338 Union ave. N. Phone East 5241. Consultation and examination free. DRS. INGEBORG, CARL OBERG Chiropractor and suggestive therapeu tic. Main. 7583. A-7791. 309 Dekum bldg. CHURCH GOODS STATUARY, candlesticks, pictures, sta tionery, religious goods, beeswax candles specialty. A. Janlts, 491 Wash. CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring, aoalp. Mrs. Dunton. 149 Wash. . Marshall 1329. CHIROPODY Mrs. M. D. AND PEDICURING Hill. 4? Flledner bldg. CIVIL ENGINEER ORRIN O. Stanley, civil engineer, 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall lo54. CLEANING AND PRESSING CLOTHES cleaned, pressed; high school tailors. 471 Alder. M-4593. N. McHharry COAL AND WOOD THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the l ebt craces of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant roal at a reasonable price. Special prices on car loads. B-2343, East 214. 346 East Ankeny. Meier A Frank take odera -for our standard grades, or phone Fast 303, or C-2808. 'Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. PA UFi-J SLABWOOD CO. , Dry Insidev wood, er load $3.75 Short green slabwood ............$2.60 Dry blcck wood per load 4 60 Planer trimmings, long and short Phones Main 3709. A-7366. Seghere Wood Co. ' Ith and -Glisan Street. Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood Fir. Oak. A"!. Main 6369. A-241S. DELIVERED PROMPTLY' iwniif Biur-Tr.rT.Tinjp, r i. vurry au 1 COAL t' BLOCK W00DFrrond.WREy ffl? WOOD Yamato Wood and Coal Company, 'b-TsSi' bTANDAUD WUUUrCO. -Wood ndoaC 247 E. aui'k. Lust 215. B-1695. PERSONAL on COAL AND WOOD NOTICE special" cr i Ttsmm PRICES ON-JtADT7UUU GKEEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.50 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per coed.. $2.7$ msiDK UK&iiiN tSHUKT, per ioaa.3.ov DRY SHORT WOOD, per load....4.00 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. l He Portland Skbwccd Co. Main 3119, A-7001. WOOD. Fine country slabwood, sawed, $2.' 76. Four foot slabwood. ner cord. 1, JZ.7i. insiue wood sawed, $3.60. .1000 ft of new cull ties, sawed, $5.50. SEGHERS WOOD CO.. 9th and Gllsi-n. Home A-2416M. 6359. Portland Cordwood Co, O'ftD GROWTH FIR WOOD $5. 15.56 and 16 oer cord. Office 203 Corbett bldg. Phones Marahall 2899. A-4684. ' Delivered any place in city. oo load; l in. wood, li MM viyitfiii loa(1. . Portland Wrecking Co Phone Main 87, A-3736. B-VINIER Slabwood Co., foot of Yam hill st; country slabwood, or short and block wgod. Inside wood. Marshall fcOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO., Main 3153. A-8843. Dry Inside wood. green autbwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel: block wood. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 313 Water st. Marshall 060. SpEiTuI M. ewdfanVqualfuty". Mam 1606 Home A-1106, wd NEER & PARK M6' No. 1 dry weod. 4 ft., sawed to order. CORD wood delivered anywhere In city, Wholesale, retail. East 319, B-3089. OREGON LUMBER & FUEL CO. Block and trim wood. Tabor 2811. ' DRY MIXED cedar $2 a load for SO days only. Main 2163. A-3842. COLLECTIONS LET U3 get your money for you. Claims of i every description collected on a strictly percentage basts anywhere. Telephone Main 841d. uoiton Adjust ment Co.. 410 Abington bldg., Portland. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected, wens Mercantile Agency, 701 Board or iraae Ding., 4tn na uak sts. NOTES, accounts collected everywhere. Guarantee Collection Agency, 821 Hen ry biag. AiarBnau Z6S3, A-7730. PORTLAND Collection Agency. AH debts collected. Z17 A link v A-7317: M. 4ZZZ. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074. A-7U2. CONSULTING ENGINEERS C. L. GOLDBERG & CO., 812 Couch bldg. conveyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds or machinery. Marshall 302s. W. ANDREW CLARKE, mechanical draftsman machines and patents de signed. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6969, A-:!631. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement work, plastering, brick vork, excavating, call on G. C. Olson, Marshall 1441; 192 Orover st. J. BURTON, 148 1st. archi'tect-bullder. Kstimates furnished. M. 1817, A-l 817. WiLUAiVi F1SHBEGK, carpenter and builder, Jobbing and contracting. 20" 4th. Main 6241. DAN CINQ 2&c PEP. lesson, 4 lessons for $1; waltz, two-step, threo-step, utago dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's School, oldest and only recog nized leading academy for correct danu- lng, iisti'fr wash,, pet, w. Pane and inth HEATHS dancing school. 109 Second st between Washington and Stark. stage dancing taught: waltz and two- step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Cla6s Monday evenings, 8 to 12. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridgework; we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rox Dental Co., Abington blilg, 101; if. 3d et. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 323 Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists. Third and Washington sts. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. S., of. 324 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. Uth. E 6440. DRESSMAKING MAN tailored skirts, suits, gowns, fit guaranteed; prices reduced. I. Reuben. Elite Ladles' Parlor, 646 Washington. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR Guarant'd house wiring. C. A. Nothwang Co., 67 1st. Estimates. M. 7432. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Red Cross Employment 20 N. 2d, cor. Uurnside. M. 529G, A-5735. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill 429 F11rtnr ELECTRIC HEATED GARMENTS Representatives wanted. Address United Electric Garment Co.. 537 Alder. EXPRESS AND TKANfeER FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks delivered, 50 cents. Additional trunks 25c. M. 8125, A-7237. 4th and Taylor. FURNITURE REPAIRING FURNITURE repaired, remodeled, pl anos pollshecL, M'll 89. 513 Burnsliln. GLAZING UNIT..u uuASS & GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. UASOL1NK ENGINE STATIONARY and marine; eleculo equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. U Morrison. GAS AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES MOTORS fqr rent cr sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 213 2d at. HAT FACTORY MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators In the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats.direct from the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL horseshoer, especial atten tion given to lame and interfering horses; horses called for and delivered. Main 9136. 227 Salmon st. DB NIKE, specialty 283 Front st. makes a specialty of driving horses; 20 years' experience In New York City, HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, .103 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 703. HOME TREATMENTS VIAVI assists nature to remove cause INSURANCE JAMES D. OGDEN, 84S Mississippi ave. vvoouitwn aui. c-008. insure now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches, Jewelry, mil verwartx i-to-late-novelties. ;-H. A. Forbes, New Perkins Hotel, 6th Wash. REAL ESTATE 4- NAKS y ' ADDB.KS8 . Tii.EPrtOS1t-. Baker, D. M., City, Farm Property...... 803 Corbett Bldg..;..A-4492. Main 7191 hrrrf Hp til r Company. ,.,....248 4lh .lumbal! S$M A-4TI1 . Brong-gtoele Company .GruotMl floor Lewis Bldf .....Miu nl A-174 Brubker Benedict .'2 McKay BUf.. ,...,.,..M.to tt ' Cbiulu Berlow. .....83J Chamber ft Conmerce.. ...... ..Male 1I.1 Cook Co., B. 8 5t3 Corhett Bl(l..............Mal BM, AC.K 3 Honnk Amtm A. iColanlaatloal 49 Labhe Bl(ir. Main 12.4 - knapp' o Marker 1 Chamtxr of Caunrree...,Maln tnd A-l'mO Maraball. W. H., Karme. City Property Boom 1, 250H Alder.......... Main Ht Ornaon Beat Eatate Co.. The - .....Grand Ave. as1 Multnomah. ...East 67. C-Um HMelda. J. H... Gerllniei Bldg. Mta S4 4) Thompaon, M. E. Co.... amy bm.. 4tn-Oat......w.M. mm, A i?ft LAUNDRIES EAGLE LAUNDRY, fine worK, low prices and quick, rnont vni, 2863. 120 Russell St. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. L. MA8TICK Ca. 74 front Leather of every description; Up manufacturers, finding ' LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. ' 18 5th. bet Taylor and ramtiui. upon c pr ihj. SWASTIKA Mining C6.. Ltd. Send for our booklet. Z20 l-irexei piny. MULTIGKATHINQ MULTIGRAPHING. shorthand, type writing. Al. '108. 41S tiucumiaiu RLiCniNEftT n tpvvvman CO Gvdraullo and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MASSAGE, SWEDISIiU)VEIENT r nni.MBTn.nM nprve rheumatic, dl- 'gesttve disorder's. 302-3 Oregonlan bldg MUSIC TEACHERS ETIELIIORn' violin teacher pupfl Sevcik. 900 MarquanjAieOMr.ljSs. f5UNb7ioUnrt''oinbone, cornet, guitar, banjo. Prolf. E. A. Smith, 292 12th. , RACHEL Paulson piano and harmony studio 38, J65J4 4th st PROF T. E". LAWSON, 136 14th st Phone Main 6197. Piano lessons 80c. MUSICAL DEALERS SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band Instrument. NATUROPATH DOCTOR Dr S F. Grover, naturopath, chiro practic speplaltst: paralysis, rheuma tism, nervous diseases. Call or write. Phone Main 3142. 703 Oregonian bldg. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO.. 326 Washing ton st. Eyes examinea. necnuv"". OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Osteopath, chronic ne,rvous diseases, 114-5 Macleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spy rialtat on nerves, acute and chronic rilapases. 817 Fenton bldg. Main ) DR SMITH, graduate Kirkvllle. Mi), 1898: post graduate 1907. 318 Swet- land bldg. DR. I-. H. HOWLAND. general practi t'.oner, aoz yieiancr mus, DRSlTb. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 Oregonlan bldg. j3r KATHRYN RUETEIl. specialist women & children. 302 KMedner bldg. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Ca 185 1st. Main 1834. A-7043. RASMUSSEN A CO.. "High Standard' paint, ne. cor. 2d ft Taylor. M . A-1771. PAINTING AND PAPERING PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting dono reasonalile, all work guaranteed. C-1747. FOR best work, prices right, call P. A Dosne. 104 Union. Both phones. GET our prices 1 painting. paper- lng. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attor-nev-atLaw, latt U. S. Patent Office; book' free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. r7c. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat ents: Infringement oases 304 IXkum. PERFUMERY. PERFUMES from home-grown rose. Rose City Perfumn Co.. 233 Jefferson. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, 2; 18 years' experience, i-none aiain PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gil lan, 166 10th. Both phones. PRINTING ELCH PKHTIHG CO. "Doers of clever liilnps with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st. PSYCHOPATHIC,. PHYSICIANS DR M. J. PIERSON, psychopath, gen eral practitioner, room 16, 166 4th. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS TYPEWRITING, short notice, E. Allen, 515 Oregonlan bldg. M. 2440. A-2440. Hl'riUEK STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlncham Co.. 231 Stark Main 1407. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. Washington st. S. E. Gilbert 201 SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at factory prices: repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE J AMI S I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store,. and orilce fixtures. z i.oucn. m. Z703 K. H. B1RDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES, wallcases, counters in stock and made to order at the lowest price. 413 E. 8th. Phone East 3117. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER St KLEISER Signs; the larg. est slsn makers In the northwest 7th and E. Everett, sts. Phones, East 1111, Home B-2Z24. "SIGNS THAT ; ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co.. 287 KtarK. Main laws. STENOGBAPHERS, COURT REI'ORTERS OREGON Law Reporflhg Ass'n, 404-408 Abington. M. 5037, A-5339. Depositions. SPECIAUSTS FOR DN OUR guarantee NO MONEY : RE- QUIItKU UNTIL SATlHr IKD IS your sbulutttpratectloaCoi ulutlon,. eit.. aminauon ana diagnosis tree, our spe cialty is ALL AILMENTS, OF .MEN. What you -want IS"' otire. Come to us and get It. Hours daily 9 to 5. Even ings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 onlv, DP.. C.REEN CO.. 862 Washington st, Portland, ur. - TAILORING SCHOOL KTESTER'H-Ladles " Tatlorinsf ' Colleee. learn dressmaking, Ullorlng, 143 Va 11th, DIRECTORY TAXIDERMIST LEARN taxidermy by malt F. B. Fin ley, 249 Columbia st TAILOKINQ ALFRED OGILBEE, 110 Labbe bid, 2d and Washington. Suits to order. 518 SEAQUlSt. tailor and dTaperrix elusive patterns. 245 Washington st TOWEL SUPPLT CLEAN towela dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co. th and Couch sts. i per month. Portland Laundry m Pbon Main 410, A-4410. ' TYPEWRITERS ALL makeii rented, repaired, sold. Cun- mnrnam Co.. 331 Stark. Main 1407. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agenta. Storage; free trackage. Office. 810 Hoyt St.. bet 6th and 6th. Phonea: Main 69; A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer h Storage Co, ef flce and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. FUnoa and furniture moved and packed for hlpment. Main 696; 4-lttl PORTLAND Von Storage Co., cor. 13 U " and Everitt sts.. Just opened, newest most mode-n storage warehouse In cltyj every convenience for safe and proper handling cf goods; lowest Insurance rate In no-tbwest: frae traekam. ' vans ' Tor moving. Main or A-1S20. EXPRESSING, coal" delivered any part city, lowtst prices. Rubin. 804 Ankeny. FURNITURE, trunk moving. Cltv Hall Transfer Co. M. 7089. A-4724. 265 511 UMBRELLAS REPAIRED UMBRELLAS, shoes repaired, keys fit ted, saws filed. M'll 2586, 490 Burns'd. VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue) . Stables, East 72. 597. B-1369. JlVJiLJDiRlLLIN DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Main 1346 or write R. West. 182 Morrison st. WELL drilling contracts. J. W. Green, 390 Vancouver. C-2478. , WINDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO. 63 N. Park st. Phone Main 7385. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St.. Portland. Or. Phone Matn 179. M. A. GUNST'ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers;, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. Ernest Miller Wall Paper" Co., Imp." and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., iS0 H ucvvreaii oaimon anc Alain. ALLEN & LEWfsGRDCERIEff. BANKS cnnan-AHKHIJAII BANK Portia ad. OlW IJ Cornel sixth and Waablngtoe Sts. Tram? taaoed arellabU la all toe prtnelpal dtlae at United States and Kurope. . Vout par aaat Uitereai paid on aalnga aceoaota. Vafe 4a- IKxttt tnlta. FO TIin AIWAT, ZiIOKT VOW -B COMPACT. , , City Unes. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, . First and Alder Streets. Oregon City 4:00. 8:30 e m. an A every 30 minutes to and lnnludlnar lnaa car midnight Gresham and lnrmedlat nntnt .6:65, VA5, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, ll:45 a, i.'1?- lia' ":46 :. 6:45. 11:35 d. m. r airview and Troutdale 1:56, TMV 8:45. 9:45, 10:46 a. m.. 12:46. 1:48, 3:45, 1:45. 4:45, 6:46. 6:45 p. m. J Caiadero and Intermediate points- :66, 8:45, 10:45 a. m., 12:46, 1:46. 4:46, 6:45 p. m. . Vancouver Use. A. JA.t.l6. 6:60, 7:25, 1:00, 8:35, 9:10. 8:60, 10:30, 11:10, 11:60. P. M. 12:30, 1:10, 1:50. 8:30, 3:60, 4:30, 5:10, 6:50, 41:30, 7:06, 7:40. 8:15, 8:50. :26, 10:00, ?10:86, U:l,: 11:46. it On the third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 p. m. Cars for Vancouver make no stop on Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengers, but make stops to pick up pas sengers at -all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars for Portland A. M. 6:00. 6:35. 7:10, 7:45, 8:20, 8:55, 9:30, 10:10u 10:50, 11:30. P. M 12:10. 12:60, 1:30. 2:10. 2-50, 3:3n, 4:10. 4:60, 6:30, C:l 6:60, 7:25, 8:00, 8:35. 9:10. 8:45. 10:JO. 1055, 11:30, 12:05. . on tnird Monday of every month the last ferry p. m. Leaving trains leaves Vancouver at 7: time blackface. Crs from "Vancouver make no stop on Union avenue between Portland boulevard and Burnslde street except to let off passengers. Dally except Sundays Daily except Mondays. Runs as local on Union avenue. TRANSPORTATION OPEN BITER TEANSPOBTATIO CO. Str. 3. . TEAIi -r r e i g h t Becd. daily st Oak St Sock lor cenio, xne imnes Hood V and all Intermediate points. Steamer leaves PortUiul Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 a. m. Returning leaves The Dalles Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m., arriving at Portland about 5 p. m. same day. v A. H. W1HTINO. Phones Main 2960, A-3537. Agt Captain W. S. Buchanan, Superintendent1 Ssa nanclsco ft rortlaad Steamiuip Oo. ' xsew serviee 10 L.oa Aiigeies via san . Francisco every five days. From Ainsworth dock... Portland 4 p. tn.! ES. Bever Feb. 11, Bear 16, Rose City 81 From San Francisco, northbound. 12 m.i -S3. Bear Feb. 10, Boss City 15, Beaver 80 From .Ban Feiro, nortnpouna: -S3. oit City Teh. 13, Beaver IB. Bar 83 - S. O. Smith, C. T. A., 149 Thitd St . 7, W. Biniom. Agent, Ainsworth Dock, COOS BAY UIINB Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska dork. . Portland, 8 p. m. Dec. 13. 20, 27. Jan. 8. 10. l. 84 and 1, Feb, 1. 14. Si, Ha and every jTuesday sight. .Freight re ceived at Alaska dock until 0 p. m. oany. . Passenger fare 1st clues, J 10; 2d ci.tvs, $7. Including rneels as4 berths. Tlrkeie mI i AiitsweMa) .!ki- Phones Main 268, A-1234. - , J - .. '-"' ' .. 1 BAIC FRANCISCO, LOS ANGEtr.1 T . AND SAN, DIEGO D'n:i;rj ?'":,: sTOBTi TACitro 8. ri. , at 0. IiOAil sad . s. 1 r ; ' Every Wednemlay, it- -,ii,, , ., tn. Ticket office lli 1 1 i i, ii,r phones Vain Ul. A 1 ' KAAiiN J. a; . . . a -. T7. it K-LVSi-'s, tt. 1 .