The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 03, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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: ' , , - ,- :.. ......
Forty ' Thousand Square ; Feel
Ordered From France ' Ar
1 rives; Oldtime Coaster Cap
tain Xomes. for a Day. -."
-An unusual shipment brought In by
the fteamr Rose. City, Captljn Mason,
when' she arrived yesterday afternoon,
frOm'Satt Francisco, was a large Amount
of marble . Imported from France for
buildlr.g purposes. There was also ft
shipment .of domestic marble among the
1200 Jorrs of cargo aboard the liner. She
had in addition 185 passenger' from the
Bay City and San Pedro; . ; i
,The marble, which was brought up on
the Bps City In bond is part of a ship
nut ii. aii nan nnnar fVet ordered, from
France by. the E.-maneh-Blalr company,
tnnrhta mnj eranlte manufacturers 'here.
for use la the new courthouse, utner
marble to be used. In the structure is
coming from Belgium and Italy," and Jt
I ail mm to-ha the finest trade -of
tone thoae' countries export On , this
trip the Rose City brought B80 slabs of
the French - marble, and In addition to
this 'she had 500 pieces of domestic mar
ble, which Is a common shipment ' Ce
ment amounting to 800 tons was also In
the' cargo of the liner, and that will be
dlr.hareer'at the Irving dock. .-. ... -
, 'Among tht passengers to arrive from
California on the. Rose uy.. were cap
tain and Mrs. J, C. Hunter, captain
TTnntar ran In here as master Of the
steamer City of Topeka about SO years
ago, and will remain, in peruana ior a
day or two renewing old acquaintances.
Ut wait also master of the Pacific coast
steamer Umatilla for,years, and for the
past It years ha has been a aoutbeastern
Alaska pilot Captain and Mrs. Hunter
'will leave' forfuget sound In a few
days'" v. : p ' ": ' "
. Fine weather on the trip up the coast
- was reported by Captain Mason, the
vT heinar favored bv a lleht south
east breeze. It vtte a little rough off
the mouth of the river yesterday, he
said, but not enough to be uncomfort
able.--' -
Bonded Cargo of Falcon
A-rtinimf tn 'Print Num.
Uncle Sam will be about $5000 richer
by reason of the duties on the bonded
cargo of the American-Hawaiian steam,
r" Falcon, Captain Schage, which ar
rived at Afters dock from San Francis
ed last night .according to customs of
ficials. '
Gum chicle Imported f from Mexico
. forms the biggest item of the bonded
argc and as It carries a duty of 10
cents a pound the assessment will
-amount to about $3200 or 820 bags. The
entire bonded cargo of the Falcon
amounts s to 'about 60 tons-and the re
maining, 780 tons Is domestic- freight
from the Atlantic seaboard shipped by
way of the Isthmus of Tcbuantepeo
The cargo of the Falcon in bond, Is as
Gum chi?le,-880 bags; -decorated china
17 packages; manufactured granite, 68
cases. Dtsctma, - id enw cuiura, a
cases; wine 40 cases, and cyanide of
: rrtfr aa, lini IS 1.,f,l
The Fatcen was late in arriving this
tr'.p as sha left( here a day late last
trip and lost a day on the way down
to Ean- Francisco- becauae of- strong
headwlns. She. will leave out on time
Saturday nieht. however, and Is ex
' peeted to reach h re on her next trip
on schedule,' ., .
Is Kipefcred Here In Time to Begin
' ; Loading Lumber , Monday.
.Word Was received this morning by
the ' Pacific Export Lumber company
(hat 4h British steamer Queen, Alexan
. dra had sailed. from-; Vancouver, where
aha , has been, undergoing repairs, for
Taeoma, to. take on coal for her voyage
down here. She Is expected to sail from
the Puget sound city tomorrow and be
bera itt-liwe to commence loading at
the Jniftan-Potilsbn mills on Monday
morning. -'She Is under charter to the
Pacific Export Lumber . company to
: transport about 8,600,000 feet of lumber
to Shanghai and Taku Bar.
Astoria, Feb. t. Sailed at 7:30 a. m.
Steamer Johan Poulsen, for Ban Fran
cisco. Sailed at 8:80. a. m. Steamer
Elmore, "for Tillamook. Arrived at 11
a. m. 'Stea,mer J.A. Chanslor, from San
Franoisco, .-, (;
San Pedro, Feb. 2. Arrived Steamer
Beaver, Yo Portland.
Astoria, Feb. 2. Sailed 'at 1) noon
; Steamed Carniel, for San Pedro. Arrived
at 12:30; and left tip at 1 p. m. Steamer
Falcon, from San Francisco. Sailed at
1:15 p. m. Steamer J. B. Stetson, for
San Pedro. Sailed at 1:30 p. m. British
bark Balmoral, for Queenstown or Fal
mouth, s Arrived at 8 and left. hp at
8:40 pyfn.k-8 team er Maverick, from Ban
Franoisco. Sailed at 8 p. m Steamer
Rosecrans, for San Franoisco. Arrived
down at p. m French bark Bayard.
-. Left up at midnight French ship David
San Francisco, Feb. J. Sailed at 1
p. m. British steamer St Ronald, for
Portland. ,.
Astoria, Feb, 3. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth;
wind east ll miles; weather, cloudy.
- Tdes at Astoria Saturday High Wa
ter:. "4:18 a. m., 8.6 feet; 4:85 p. m.. 7.2
feet Low water:- 10:85 a, m., 1.6 feet;
ig;38 p. in., 1.7 rest .
Carryln iv passengers and 720. tons
or cement, tne steamer Hiamath, TJap
talo Jahnsen,- arrived last night from
San Francisco and is discharging at
AinKa dock.
With : the; British bark' Nile in tow,
the tug Wallula came right on through
from Antorla to Linnton She was mak-
f- lng slow progress of It, however, as the
ha harK'B. Itottnm In snlrl in ha vv mil
from her sojourn la South American
waters ana sne was not expectoa to ar-
rtve at the -ballast dock -before .noon.
-.Shortly after noon yesterday the
; steamer Golden Gate arrived from Tllla
mook-with S2 passengers and a cargo
' (consisting of 850 boxes of cheese, 2500
cases of cans. five tons cascara bark
? and six tons fresh, fish. , ;
4 -niRu, nuuiiu n ga.s - pasaenger
unuunor ahvii, v-aniam Aeirun. : when
she sailed last night for southern Ore
goHPOstaniariteh--4 86-towR Tvr
Tillamook there were 20 tons, Newport
B0 tons, Florence 60 4ona and for Ban
don 60 tons, :: She also had good list
of passengers. -, , t
n ww 01 tne steamer uckiahama the
French bark Bayard arrived" down ' at
Astoria yesterday and the towboat left
Up with the French bark David D Angers
at midnight last night The latter, has
several , thousand barrels of cement
aboard, consigned to Meyer, Wllsen &
Co., and she will coma to Columbia
dock No. 1. Girvlti & Eyre, who have
her chartered 'for wheat outward, have
decided, to continue her charter, which
lapsed on her non-arrival - January St.'
A menace to navigation IK the upper
harbor, In the shape of a huge log with
only about six inches -of the end ap
pearing above the water, was removed
this morning by the patrol launch Elisor
and towed out of the channel. . The log
was from DO to 60 feet long and was
lodged with ona end on the bottom be
tween the Portland mill and the Haw IfllUjiCi .............. -
After being-more than six weeks un
der the water Jit Seattle harbor, the
steamer Kitsap, sunk In a collision with
the steamer Indianapolis. , has been !
beached at West Seattle, by the Elliott
Bay Dry dock, company..' :.' .V ' '
Sae to ArriTe. ' .
Breakwater, 1 Coos Bay , .,;" , ...Feb. B
Alliance, OEureka. . . . l. , .1 ,.;Feb. 7
Sue -II. : Elmore, Tillamook. 4. ;. , Feb. , 7
leaver. San Pedro ;-. Feb. ; 7
Golden Gate, Tillamopk. ........ .Feb 9
Anvil, Banaon. . .............. . .f eo. ii
Bear. San Pedro .............. Feb., 12
Rose City. San Pedro. ......... .Feb. 17
Due to Depart ,
Golden 'Gate, Tillamook, . . . . . . .Feb. 8
Bose City,' San Pedro ....... ..Feb. " 6
Breakwater, Coos Bay...,,.,... .Feb.. 8
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook. ... .Feb ' 9
Beaver, San Pedro ....... .....Feb. 11
Alliance, Eureka. . . . .; ?. ,-. .Feb. 11
Be.Tr, San Pedro. Feb. 16
:- Tssssis la Fort. ....
Celtle Glen, Br. sh....,.. ...... Irving
Bossuet, Ft. bk. Linnton
payid D'Angers, Fr. bk...... Columbia 1
St Nlcholau, Am. sch. . . , . .... .'.Astoria
Levi O. Burgess, Am. bk.,......Goble
Nile. Br. bk.. . . . .. ........ .Linnton
Roae City, Adih;' .Alns worth
Manning, u. h s win. iron et steel
Bayard, Fr. bk ...Astoria
Wandsbek. Ger. bk.. .Linnton
Berlin. Am. schi .Goble
Jabes Howes, Am. rch ........ . .Astoria
St Francis, Am. sh.., Astoria
Sa Bouta With Cement and General.
Admiral Cornuller. Fr. bk Antwerp
Claua, Ger. sh . ...Hamburg
Mareahai de Castries, Fr. bk,. ....Tyne,
Wllhelmlne, Ger. si... .........Antwerp
vuson. Am. sen , . . . .Keuonao
v Dally 'Hirer- Readings.
I a. m., 120th Meridian Time.
Hi pari a
Umatilla ,.
Eugene ...
Albany . . .
isaiem .... .
Portland .
Rising. () Falling,
Good Judgment
And some capital, .who are
willing to invest in a land (le
vel o p m e n t proposition in
which the possibilities are un
limited. . -
See MR. MILLER, Pres.
Northern Trust Company
?400O buys 50x62-foot lot, 3 blocks
from Jefferson street.
8600050x100 corner on Mill street.
87500 Good flat building in North
Portland, hard surfaced
streets in and paid for.
815,500 buys strictly modern build
ing on Twelfth street. The
best buy south of Morrison
without any exception.
Ten are eatltled to file on 1M acres.
Ti. -w Ajply'.ai oiica...
Central Oregon Irrigation Co,
1 ' 418 Sallway Ezohanga Bldg
Portland, Or.
From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts
Adjoining Roae City Park
. s Easy Terms ,
, 527 Chamber of Commerce
. 1 Main 803
Prjce, $2600
We 'have 8.S acres located' about 1 :miu
from Ronkwood and. & mile off the Base roaa, on tne u. w. r. k. k. sta
tion on the around. This la a blsr bar
aaa-4efOi- CTa-eiear and
can - be cleared . very easily.
I , . 104 2d at
Tie Addition ttt Piorecter.
; Offers special inducements and
discounts to parties building, at
once. W are prepared to fi
nanca first and second mort-
'' gages to responsible parties.
Bear, in mind,, Laurelhurst is
now by; far the finest place in
the city in wnich to build for .
. quick sales.? It, has all modern
street jmprovernents: ; Asphalt :
paving; large water, sewer and .
'gas- mains; cluster lights, shade
trees; building line and restric
tions 26 rryles of these beautiful
improved boulevards and ah ele
gant 31-acre city - park- All
street - improvements installed
by. the city under the 10 year
bonding plan one-tenth pay
able each yeat.
Right in the center of the best
East Side residence district. Is
reached by the East Ankeny,
Rose City Park and Montavilla
carlines. Best car service in the
Lots 50x100 at $900, up.
Terms : 10 per2 cent down, 2
per cent, per month.-
. Sales Agents.
Telephones Main 1S03, A-1515.
Mortgage Loans
5Q7a JohnE. Cronan r70In
w 804 Sualdlmr BMtr. ll
CERTIFICATES of title made by tb
.itia m iruai company, MWII BIQf.
th nd Oak.
John Berry to Conrad R. mi Mrs.
lots 10 and 11, block 40, Ross
mere ... t I.IM
Florence L. Day and husband to
Myra spencer, land In Mount '
Hood View . iso
..una y. Adams to Western Ore
gon conference association of
seventh iJay Adventlsts. lot 10,
block 10. Ldfurelwood Park IKfl'
Sophie May to Alfred O. Temple,
jois a ana ir, Diock 11, Pen-
lnfilllfll flHHIflnn 1 ; 1 AAA
L. A. Milne and wife to M." Van
Aisune, south 15 feet of lot 18,
and south 22 feet of lot 19,
block 8, Hawthorne Avenue ad
dition i . . . ISA
Edwin W. Carlson and' wife to
Jtaien m. Maione et a I. lots &
and 6, block 6, Northern Hill
addition iflon
R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to J. H.
jiimmert, lot 10, block 5 Rose
dale its
James Sargent to William, B.
Moore jr., lots 8 and 8, block
12. Greenoe Helehts tun
Portland Trust company to Cella
a. meat.: tot n, Diock 4, ller
low .....v.." ...... inn
Carrie A. Bears et al to Frank
Moncfee, land commencing at
northwest Corner of southwest
quarter of northeast quarter of
section 20, township l north,
range 2 east ........ S.noo
J. A. Herdman to Mabel C. Mene-
ree, lot 16, block 5, John Ir
vines 1st addition 4 iwn
A. B. Conrad and wife to -M. . N.
Richardson et al, S of lot 13.
block 22. Multnomah . .. .. 150
W. F. Dickens and wife to M. -N.
Richardson,-lot 7, block 11, Park
addition to Alblna 825
Myer Hlrsch to M. N. Rlchard-
aon, lot 3, block 7, Park addi
tion to Alblna (00
Alice JL Dood to T. A. Ketchum,
lot 8, 7, block 12. Portsmouth
villa annex No. 2; lot 9, 10, block
77, University Park and Mock
addition to University Park .. 1.800
Title Guar?nt(. ft Trust com
pany to Wade Hnmplon Davis '
lot 31. 32. block 14. Berkeley . . 2T8
Sam to same, lot 6. block 18.
Dover 12S
Laurelhurst company to Edith B.
itocKweu. tot 16, 17, 11, DIOCk
81 and lot 8, block S3, Laurel
hurst , 2.880
University Land Co, to Mary F.
iiau.aay, lot 16, is, diock 133,
university Park . M0
Charles Smith and wife to Annie
B. Stowe et al, let 8, blook 165,
East Portland , 8,000
, J. F. Bowman to Emily L. Bow
man wife, lot 16, block "L"
Portsmouth Villa Ext W
Q. Bertram and wife to Frederick
Nelson, lot 8, block 8, Lochln-
var addition 878
Henry Helgeson and wife to Lfs-
eie urtmm, lot e, diock 4, ciara
Terraces 100
Rose City Cemetery association ;
to oottrnea uaumann. ast nair
of lot 141, section D," said
cemetery 100
H. D. Davis and wife to Prudence
A. Hiattj. lot 10, block 1. Chip- r
man's addition to St. Johns .. l.BOO
Metropolitan Land oompany to
Tancis k, wymore,, ot g, h.ocic .
8. Nut Grove ........... w .. . 480
John W. Lundy and wife to Metta
Al. ranow.-iots l. z and a. biocK-
B. Bralnard .................. 8004
Alvm w. Bagley et al to Emily
U nowman. lots 7, g and 9,
block 6. Wlllumbla 880
Emily L. Bowman and husband to
Kudotte H. Bowman, lots 7. 8
" and Srblock 6, Wlllumbla . . 880
Newell Barnard et al to Waldo
A. Avery, Jr., lot 6 and Dart of
lots 6 and 6, block t, Fordhan
HclghU .i .... . , . . , . . 13,000
Victor Land company to I. N. Me
Clure, lot 10, block 14, Highland "
Tark . . . . . : .. 800
A. R. Folkenberg et al to N. M. i
. Apple, 100 acres of Lewis Folk-
1 enberg estate irt northwest
quarter of section 30. township '
' 2 north 12,827
II. M. Harper to Andrew Benson,
lot 6, block 1, Elberta, .,...: . . 2,400
M. J. -McDanlel and wife- to ,
George 8. Buckbee, . lot 16,
block 97, Sellwood . ....... ..1,000
Herman F Frltsch. to W. M.
John W. Lundy and wife to Metta
- M. Cahow, lots 1, 2 and 3, block
6, Bralnard , . .. . . . ,-, . .... . 100
Norah Martin to W. H. Bkages,
lot 8, block 3, Kauffman's addt
Uon 280
" r V . - -J '
W. a Smith to same, lot 7, block
MA."yRyder addition ..........
SamC. R. Grove, lot 6, block
4 SO
"X." Rvder addition , . .
Jaifubs Btlne company to same, .
lota 14, IS and 16. block "E, .
subdivision blocks i. 2 and, 3,'
Parkhurst addition . . . . . .
LAWYEK S Abstract & Trust Cov "3om
Board of Trade bldg abstracts a
specialty. : ,......;..,..: , . .-i.
UNION Abstract Co.. 41J-4H Coriett
"" O'd- Tel. Main 8. - -PACIFIC
Title & Trust Co., th leading
abstracters. 7 Ch. Com., ground rioor.
R. C. Powell 107 Fourth atreet. J7,
and Ruby Ruse, SI.
Oeorge Thomas, 12! Alberta street,
25: and Eva Coffman, 25. '
. Richard Scarlett, 888 Taylor, street,
Cl ov,A f t.ila T.mta.aa.J 91. .. ......
3U R. James, 1010 East Eighth street,
'A. .'ii . i ., . . n .1
William Mason, Greshanr, "Or., 26, and
Anna Lovegreen, 19. ' ' - '
. Orrajl Thomas. Lents, Or 25, and
Jiazel Loamis, 21
James McFarlane, 3S5 TamhUl street,
28. and Mary McCov. 28
James L-arwood, 836 Minnesota, ave-
nue, 23, and Florence Moore, za.
Wedding nd visiting card engravers
and monogsara stationers. Washington
bid., Washington st, bet. 8ra ana 4tn,
.OKESB suits for rent, all sues.
Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st
CLARKE BROS., florist. , ftne flowers
end floral designs. 2 Morrison st.
M. W. A.. ROLE C1T1 CAMP -Monday.
Belllng-Hlrsch bids-. Washington near
10 tn. mone i idra. Main 3iM. a-s
R N. A.. Oregon - Rose camp, meets
-Wednesday ovenlnrga. AUaky hall. 3d
and . Morrison.
LUNG To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lung, 7
North Fourth street, January IS,
bov. ,
LOWTo Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Low, 4S
North Third street. January 22. a irlrL
MEO To Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Meo,
658 Sixth street, January 23, a girl.
SCTJOLA To Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo
8cuola.' S33V4 Market street, January
12. a girl.
P0OVIO To Mr. and Mrs. Vlncenio
Puovlo, 283 Nineteenth street, Jan
uary zj. a gin.
TGNAZZITTA To Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cesco Tgnazzltta. January 28. a girl.
BROMBERG To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Bromberg, 688 Second street, January
19, a girl. . ,
GLICKMAN to Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Gllckman. 410 First street, January
i, a gin.
WHITEHEAD To Mr. and Mrs. Way
man Whitehead, 733 Savier street,
Januarv 28. a rlrL
BHUMAKER To Mr. and Mr. Albert
W, Shumaker, 214 College street, Jan-
u a ry 2$, a noy.
COULSONWilllam Coulson, East 79th
and 88th avenue, February 1. age 4
WOODWAR1D Silas Woodward. 1203
Campbell street, February 1, age 86
GREENLY Jennie Greenly, Lents, Or.
February 1. age 42: cancer.
HOWARD Robert Howard, Portland
sanitarium, February 1, age 84; old
age. ' '
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 150 8th st,
opp. Meier A Frank's. Main 721s.
r O ifl-ri- Undertakers
uunning oi iviuniiiee Modem in
every detail. 7th and Pine. mn 480
A -4 Be
if. 8,
Tady assistant.
er-Brynes Co. iV,.vvubueTS
phones; lady assistant Most modern
ewwMlehment In city.
Ledy attendant Main . A-1S99.
The east side undertaker.
Ladv assistant B-18S3. East
781. Fast 6th and Alder.
6188. A-2236.
Co., Main
Lady ass't
EAST K.IDR funeral directors, success
sor to F. S. Dunning, Inc. E. 61. tv2525
EDWARD HOLMAN. undrtakor. 22t
8d st. Lady assistant. Main Bi7.
ANSWERS to classified advertisements
which appeared In The Journal await
those possessing certificates for the
following numbers:
A 348 (4).
B 242. 230. 302, 303, 306. 828, 838,
O ISO. 230, 292, 295, 811, 817. 841
(20), 342, 345 (2). 347. 349.
D 295, 297, 302 (2). 309 (3). 811.
324 (2), 829. 332, 339, 859 (3).
E -26, 299, 301, 811. 313 (3), 315, 316.
F 302, w8, 309 (2). 810, 811. 314 (2,
332 (3), 336 (4), 337, 339 (ZJ, 343.
1 272. 308 ((2), 327 (3), 330. 334 m,
886, 838, 840, 842 3) 843 (3), 847, 370.
H 314. KZZ, 3.4, ZZO, 3ZB. 3Z: Bau,
335 (151, 342 (2).
J 243. 299 (2). 305, 816, 829. 330 .(6).
884 (2). 342. -
K 215 301, 828 (3), 333, 834.
L 292, 805 (2). 806 (2). 822, 82 (8),
330 (8), 331 (5), 388, 341. 346.
M 299. 308. 807, 320 (12). 821. 337,
848 (2), 887.
N 800 (3), 802. 308 (2), 811. 117, $18
(2). 831 (8), 830, 335, 337. 841.
6236, 267. 292 (3), 301 (2), 802 (3).
309, 812. 820 (7), 832 (9). $38. 842, 348
(2P 209, 800 (3), 813 (3), 818 (8). 817,
818, 823, 333 (8).
R 234, 301. 302, 807, 814 (2), 817, 818,
822 (2), 333. 334, 335 (2), 336 (2), 355,
S72. 427.
S 208, 241, 291. 802 IS), 80S IK). Bill,
330 2, 333 (4).
T 297, 299, 302 (4), 317 (2). 818. 830,
3 477 ' -
V 311 (4), 821, 324.' $28. 882. 833 (8).
843, 477
dft ffiV SSfi m. 289 (21840
W 21. 823. 382. 334 (I), 885. 88T, 84L
v 9.ii ait tit. - i .
T 310, 814, 820. 321. 829 (2), 880, 831
Z 310 (2). 311 (). ail.
5 Acres
Nar Mt Tabor on good Improved street
All In hlah state of cultivation. Very
best of soli, new room house, oost
$2000. Pwell. home or platting propo
sition. Price 88600. Easy terms, uwn
er going east
OSBURN BROS., 608 McKay bldg.
FOR. SALE 2 V4 acres, 6 miles out on
Oregon Electric. P., p. box 648, Port
' $350 Cash
; r ' -
New 6 room house.l close to " Union
ave. and Piedmont Is modern In every
wav: has fine large bath, full basement
wood lift. etc. The arrangements .are
good; one double bedroom. Owner needs
Cowing & Purcell
607 Spalding bldg.
Beautiful hornoi 7 rooms, bearing
fruit trees, snruooery, lot boxiuo, ad
joining Irvlngton, half block off Union
M.tA torcn i
GORDON? 827 Board of Trade,
35600 ' buys 50x100 corner, modern 8
room house, in line for fast develop-
merit; . terms to . suiu w i-iOO, 411
uorDeit oio g. - .
MODERN 6 room house, lot UOyIIO
$2200, terms; Klshmond district. Phone
BftllWOOtt 41.
t WILL sell my B room $2500 modern
oungaiow ror jziuo on terms to rign
party. 480 Worcester bldg.
FOR SALE 8 room lioifse. $2600. iT
' E. Stark. Apnly, owner on premises.
FIVE room house. West Sido. close In.
furniture almost new; bargain.. Mar
Buy a modern home, onlv 21600. $200
down and 215 or 120 a month; one block
from car. 'xms is a real Dargain.
22(00 ' modern bunealow for .only
22100 on easy terms. Owner ileavuig
city, must soil at a loss. This la beau
tiful home in a restricted aiaincr; onty
22 minutes out: & rooms, batn and
toilet., hall. ' closst. . pantry,- . woodlif t:
everything, handy. t. ' - '-
WA also have two 1 room houses and
several other barpalns Just as good.
' See Us -Before buying
I Healey bide. East 2a. , : .
Hawthorne Bungalow ,
: ' RASy TERMS. '
You will be clad that voil bought near
Hawthorne ave.; fine wide, paved, dou
hln trrkp Hawthorne, with aulalc serv
ice to down town dlstrtots, values are
advancing here rapidly, we offer fine
new modern s room Dungaiow, . uutcn
kitchen, bathroom, 'fireplace; concrete
basement, bungalow for 32900; 8500
down and 326- monthly, only a few feet
from Hawthorne, take car to our branoh
office, corner 4'3d and Hawthorne, agent
there to snow -you. , . - , i,
418 Railway Exchange. ' .
It's a Bargain .
C lurgt ro'bms, reception halt.'
sleeping porch, large rear ana
front porches, ori corner lot; re
stricted district! street Improve
ments all paid; has Dutch kitch
en, paneled dining loom, dandy
fireplace, large bath: walls ail
tinted.: beautifully finished wood
work throughout; must go at
once; 500 .cash, balance monthly,
or 10 Per cent ' discount for all
cash over first payment, , 4L'U
Lumbermens fcldg., 6th and Stark.
A-4185. .. .-, .,;
Block From Havhome
' 3400 DOWN, 326 MONTH.
Fine modern 6 loom residence: gas,
electric light 60x100 lot, a desirable
home at 33456, -and worth more money;
take car to 43d and Hawthorne, branch
office on corner, agent there to show
you. ,rr - -
rOKTLAN17-rAt,l r 1C INV. CU.,
418 Railway KxchHiige.
Brand now 6 room modern house with
gas and electric, fins fireplace, built In
china closet, paneled dining room, sleep
ing porch, laundry trays; on a lot 42x
,114. on JCast 32d, near Hawthorne ave
a line juration, jrrica uuiy iuvu, tauv
cash and 320 per month.
817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak.
3300 CASH 'AND 320 A MONTH
Will buy a new 6 room bungalow with
every modern convenience, fireplace,
run Basement, laundry trays, etc., cor
ner lot, cement walk, curbs and graded
streets. 2 blocks to car, fine' location:
price $2600. Be sure-to see it. Call
Mr. Ward at Main 8900 or A-6271.
JtiOOO Nearly new fine large modern 8
room two story residence, 3 lots, good
barn, only 2 blocks from carllnei this
is one of the best and up to date homes
on the east side, fine location; will trade
for west side, vacant or Improved, or
will consider Sellwood property. What
have you to offer? Might consider good
farm in the valley. X-P.92, Journal.
$25 Down
A new 4 room cottage Just completed,
with bath, toilet and full basement; full
lot; on E. C6th St.; price 31900.
E. 76th and GUsan sts.
M-V car. Tabor 1449.
Five room modern bungalow Just fin
ished, half block of Hawthorne car, 50x
100 lot. run cement oasement. launary
trays, stationary tubs, paneled dining
room, extra large rooms, good neighbor
hood. 88000. c. u Ktieeta, 4.0 Bwetiana
Any Kind of Terms
A fine 7 room house on Monro st.
close to car and walking distance. Th!
Is modern and up-to-date; prlco $3000;
ir you want a gooa nome see tnis. xseai
Brown, 709 Hwetiand ning.
Bungalow Near Kenton
S rooms, modern, 1 block to car. lot
40x100;. $1800, $610 cash.
329 Burnslde. M. 2776.
Houses for Rent Money
Two started In Irvlngton: will be fin
ished to suit; also one 10 room, nearly
new. Edwin Mooner company, Cham
ber of Commerce bldg.
1-2 Acre, 5 Room Shack, $850
In "Brentwood," 6c fare, nice corner.
chicken houses and yard. $300 oash, $10
monthly. Fred W. German, 329 Burn
side. M, 2776.
FOR SALE New 4 room bungalow, cor
ner lot 60x0. 31300; $440 cash, bal
ance $20 per month. Interest 6 per cent.
Inquire at corner of 68th st. and 62d
ave., Mt. Scott car, south of Myrtle
Four Beautiful
iloraoa elegantly finished, oak and ma
hogany, choice locations, Irvlngton.
r-irfi. East 273. No agents. V. H.
FOR .SALE By owner, price cut from
$4500 to $3900 If taken at once 7
rooms, strictly modern on carline; long
time on part: 16 minutes out on Bel
mont st B-2867.
For Invest.. ient or nomes, SEE
Specialists In Real Estate
For th -man of moderate means.
Real Estate Rentals. Insurance,
"BENUINB sacrifice: One beautiful
new home In Irvlngton. If sold before
February 10, as 4. must have some cash.
ii you arei ntereatea aon t ran to in.
vestlgate. Owner, -395, Journal -
$1800 Nearly new 4 room . bungalow,
foo& bath and basement, near station,
Scott carline; can be had on easv
terms. E. T. Tagart," 416 Chamber of
commerce. .
A NICE 4 room bungalow, large base
mem an&Burflini;r aiicnen, just on
union ave; ror ton dv owner. 401
Sumner st, Woodlawn 2380.. A snap.
$3000 Buys a very choice corner wRh
good house on N. 11th st; only $500
casn, oaiance to suit. m. ju. L,ee, 411
coroett oiug.
WE have a number of houses ranging
irom tia&u to uu iqr saie on easy
terms; good locality. Room 802 Corbett
HOUSE and lot $975, easy terms, b-
- tween two carlines. 989 E. 32d N.
Alberta car to 30th or Broadway car
to H9tr and Mason. 1'none Main 7798,
A SIGHTLY tract. 100x140. most beau
tiful Tabor Heights district, dwelling
nouns ana improvements. 22 Eiectrio
bldg. .;.:.:v-i-.r,.'r , ,. v-;
BARGAINS In houses Rossmere add!
tlon; terms. F. L. Boyd. Tabor- 904..
887 -B. 46th N.
EIGHT? room house. 60x100 lot fine lo
, cation, $160 down, $15 month. 227
Lumber Exchange. . , , :.
FOR SALE A. 4 roora house and large
lot, umverBuy x-hik.' jooi uuvo st.
IRVINGTON 75x100, close , to Tennis
. club, a bargain for immediate sai:
part cash OnerOSpnMnerslalJbllt,
FOiOAtE-rLot n . Columbia lieltihts
fined, vlewt nothing ,downf $ 1 6 -per
montn, vvooniawn
FINE building lot at a sacrifice. K. lrv-
inar noar 83(1, north face: easy terms,
Phone East 60S.
-Now or N6ver
, . Hawthorne Lots, $850
Several DeODle bouaht lots the last
couple of days. They know they will
never buy at this price again here. Only i
aJZ? Vepl f;?m ary WVA
uuuuiy .
iey the moment you ' buy. ? Taka
Hawthorne 'car, got off at 3d street.
orancn ornce on corner. '
.-. rnMPAVY.
418 Railway ExchaogO;
3235. Large building lots. $0x122. on
the .Oregon Electric line; only 20
minutes' rldo from- the city hall;-water
piped to each lot; terms( 210 down and
3S a month. The line now building up
Salmon and down Tenth with 20 min
ute service -win. double ana treoie val
ues in this district. Buy now while
you can get property for one-third the
price you would-pay. tho same distance
out on the east fllda. iM. E.; Lee, 411
Corbett bldg.. - ;
A fine lot 60x100. east front, graded
atreet and cement ' sidewalk; 1 block
from Willamette station on St. Johns
cur. Price 3800, 3200 cash and 315 per
month, i
317 Board of Trade Bldg.,, 4th' and Oak.
360 for lots on West Stark and 52d; best
buy. New car line building; your op
portunity for 32 per month us long us
they last Don't say. "I wish I had."
but buy today before It Is too late. Come
and see us. ' i. -
326 Washington stRootn 616. ;
' ..... MUST SELL. .
50x100 on the Peninsula. Portsmouth,
paved street' and car 1 block; electricity,
gas. water. Price 3475; part cash.
Owner. 608 Lumbermens bldg. Marshall
18D8. A-6345. :-' - .: - '
$00. Beautiful one-half acre tract
with -good water; finest of soil; good
dltions. Buy one of these tracts and
be Independent. Terms , 326 down and
310 a month. . M. Lee, 411 Corbett
building. ' . .
Bargain close In. on 3rd st 100x100
corner. 336,(00. Terms.
271H Morrison St., Room 62.
TWO lots In Rose City Park, one cor
ner, iiio, small payment, balance
terms; one inside 3800; terms.
.. Chandler & Gibson, '
312 Commercial bldg.
FOR SALE Business lot on Mlssis
filppl ave.; 90 feet north of Russell;
Cheap, Four lots, 100x186, overlooking
citv, the most sightly residence lots on
East Side. Inquire of A. R. Zeller, 692
Williams ave. phone East 4457. ' .
$325 CASH takes 60x100, Point View.
Don't ask if It Is worth It Com
municate box 85, Kelso. Wash., and see
for yoursoir. it is going, jno agents.
Address A. L. Bowers, Kelso, vvaen
CORXER lot. 4tft:i and Sandy road, lot
5. block 30, Rose City Park, 80 feet
frontage on 46tn sc. cement want in
and paid for. 3760, $200 oash, balance
$10 monthly. X-385. Journal.
ALMKDA PARK Equity in fine lot,
$150 cash. Owner, 603 Commercial
ONE lot on carline and paved street
worth $950, will take $460 If sold
soon. Owner. L-386. Journal.
LOT on E. 11th between Mason and
Skldmore: $800. Easy terms.
C. D.
MoConaky, 191 14th.
LOT on E. 49th near Division, restrict
ed district. Improvements. $575 cash.
A-399, Journal. :.
FOR SALE $200 buys lot 60x100, only
15 minutes from postofflce, 6o fare;
terms. B-399. Journal.
WILL sell my $600 lot for $350 cash
If taken before 10th Inst. X-890k
Journal. ,
10 Acres, $400, Balance
Easy Terms
16 miles from Portland's busi
ness center, half mile from school,
church anfl store, will be on new
electric line now building; rich,
deep sediment soli, level, all
cleared and under cultivation;
good land tributary to Portland,
near electric line, will make money
faster for you than any other In
vestment or business. This prop
erty will Increase in value two
or three times in comparatively
short time; price only $1900; $400
cash, baU easy terms.
1 1 -2 Acres, $650; Easy
Five blocks from electric line,
80 minutes from Portland's busi
ness center, land all cleared, ready
for cultivation: living stream, a
very desirable suburban home for
poultry, fruit, garden, etc.; splen
did rich soil, well worth double
the price asked; $160 cash, bal.
easy terms.
4 acres, near electric line, some
timber nd brush and some rough
land, best deep soil, no rock or
gravel, will make splendid fruK
farm and chicken ranch; price
only $1000; $250 cash, balance
easy terms.
J, W. Hefferiin Realty Co,
203 Corbett bldg. Phones Marshall
2899. A-4684.
All cleared and under cultivation.
Just the place for a suburban home at
the price and terms you have-, been look
ing tor. y '
Tnis tract is very, close in to
Portland, is located on the west side.
In the most beautiful valley in Oregon.
See us about It
61S Lumbermens bldg.
This beautiful 10 acre tract on Mount'!
Stott: an ideal building snot On
county road. Good spring. If you are
looking for something good you need go
no better place than this. Price $600
per acre on terms.- Adjoining land la
selling much, nigner.
Chandler & Gibson,-
. 312 Commercial bldg.
-i i '5
carline, all cleared, good soil, beautiful
view; price $660 and $700; l5 per eni
voSra,.erceCent m0",h- Ur' Ut
yuur itiuu,
iinuin uiubo in ni inu jvii. nuuu
flClU W'iLli4cUIUdd4
411 Couch bldg.
Main 6621.
Vancouver Acreage
I wait ,4-Dart lea to each take 10-
acre tracts, Vancouver vicinity, only
$S6 per acre, $200 cash, balance terms. (WK HAVE Just listed furms In vn
Ca. l-ninn il? f'lumhfr nf Tninrnfrcp. t Incton. l.inn and Benton coiintit s ut
ITSvidti and sell-120 acres choice or
cliard land; coma loin syndicate; po
sltlot). If desired. For further partic
ulars, call bit Bnri Trnrio.
in ACRESTi'A cleared. 17 miles
Portland.- mile to electric car Mi
fciaocu 4Mc$ auM.h. Main W52. Fie
OWNER hard up will sell acre, en I
of Mt Svott line, for 3350; surround
ing lots selling for 350; require $j)
dowrt.- 310 month. Address ownor, box
6 ijems. or.
tlllVjIU!lrt ranuil
fe, chkken 1
on locti'iu line.
ffet, chicken house, separate ruin
worth 312.000. will take 8S5UO, terms.
Boom zj, 499 wasn. - i
'iAtur . , .'. . ' 4.- Li
u vr U4 ei is o a vvui vii
ITolywood addition to Lents. Nile
Helms. - 'i ' 1 - . . r . . .
For-Sale or Exchange
1266. acres In eastern Oregon, 640
acres, last year ; produced, my 'sha re,
7500 sacks wheat, 325 sacks barley, be'
side hay, etc., 30 to 28 head horses,
fenced and cross-fenced, good buildings,
3 warehouses and store, R. R. station on
land, all kinds of water, price only " 330
per acre; will trade for Portland "prop
erly. '
322 acres. Hr.n'in cultivation tialanca
flnet of timber, on 6alem electric, hops,
fruit, etc., good buildings, some of best
land in valley, trade on Portland proper
ty, 3126 per acre.
bquare Deal Realty Co., f, .
826 Board of Trade bldg.
Today's Specials, . -
Have 30 room hotel, well furnished,:
to exchange for impioved farm.
, Good picture show for sale cheap. ' -
Furniture manufacturing plant to sell
or trade for lots, acreage or cheap land.
Well furnUhed and good paying 14
rooms, for lots, acreage or cheap land,
or what have you?
Have some good coast lots, will trade
for small rooming bouse. .
Several good patents for exchange for
value, what have you?
Several good trades of all kinds. ' Call
and see. .--
Ewen Realty Co,f, ' ' '
311 Allsky bldg.
FOR TRADE 48.67 teres, 2 miles WU
sonville. All fenced and In culti
vation. 7 room house, big barn, soft
water family orchard, commercial an-
ple orchard of 10 acres. Near school.
church and boat landing. County road
on three sides. This Is the best of
soli and will make an Ideal nlace to
cut up Into small racts, or good dairy
mm ii mrni. win taae rortiana
property up to $3000, buyer to assume
$8867 mortgage for 6 years at 4 per
cent. -Price i00 per acre. H. Q. Hart
shorne. Hotel Lawrence. WUsonville. Or.
THRIVE residence lots In growing city
of Douglas, Aria., which I - will ex-:
change for equity In Portland suburban
property; ideal country for people af- -fllcted
with tuberculosis. H. T. Green,
Marshall 318. - - -
4,000,000 timber, Douglas Co., or 40
acres, Mosier, for auto: exchange ac
cording to value. Graves, 311 Commer
cial block. ' ' - -.v,
WILL ' trade high grade securities fof
' real estate; what have youT , N-383,
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 526- and 627 Henry bldg.
Main 4465. A-74S4.
WE exchange your property for what
you desire. Portland Exchange, 617
Board of Trade bldg. See Mr, W les t.
I WANT a team and some cowa at once.
and will trade my nice city lota iand,
some cash for same. Main 8064. - '
SPECIAL 6 room cottage on 87th st:
have equity Will sell or trade for lots.
826 Wash. St. room 415. Main 6381.
FOR EXCHANGE $3000 equity in lot
suitable for flats, for 8000 shares
Comstovk Golden Gate. C-390, Journal.
WILL exchange
my six room house
and lot In Fargo. N. D. for Portland
property. 186 Madison st.
WILL trade 6 room modern house In
good neighborhood, for acreage. S
398, Journal. ---:
$500 equity In fine residence lot on E.
Taylor st; will trade -for anything of
value; X-391, Journal.
WE CAN trade your property or busl-
ness. Call 808 Board of Trade.
WE iradw tor anything anywhere. Bee
us today. 411 Henry bide.
I WILL buy, sell or trade anytntmc
H. F. Lee. 1016 Board of Trade bldg.
FINE portable building worth $360;;
what have you? Box 422. Arleta. Or.
I WANT to buy 8 to 6 room house and
lot not less than 40x100; will pay
$300 down and not more than $15 per '
month; give full particulars In first -letter;
no agents need, apply. B-3.96,
Journal. . ' v ; ---
WANTED 4 room bungalow with bath,
$1800 or less; not exceeding 30 min
utes' ride from postofflce. Will pay,;
some cash. Write or call evenings. H.
T., 1093 Corbett st.
WANTED Fractional lot on west side,
between Columbia and Lincoln; must
be a snap. 8-396, Journal. '
WANT 3 or 4 room house, about $1000,
which can be bought on terma. Ad-
rtriiKK S-!)? Journal. ' .
UTroUCH with buyers for houses, lot
and farms; do you wish to eell? F. A
Everest 416 Rothchttd bldg. - Marshall .
29 or A-2909. . ,
W ANTED 6 or 6 room modern Duuga- .
low, must be clteap. Address T-3U6,
Journal '
WANT 40 or 80 acres. Mosier, cheap
for cash. Am no agent. Give price
and particulars, or I will regard you
as agent. 'X-399, Journal. ' - -. :v-i;ji'
RESlBlNCll lot, wanted on East sidf,
must be cheap and near carline. Ad
dress T-390, Journal. .
WANTED Full Size lot or quarter
block, south of Hawthorne, west .of
25th st. S-899, Journal. '
FIVE or six room new modern bunga-
low.' 420 Svetland bldg..
WAN T a ? or 8 room house, on east
pt.le, close In. T-I9 1. Journal.
To Fruit Land Investors.:'
Klickitat , County
Offers the most Inducements to specu
lators. We have to offer a large tract
in the FRUIT BELT at a ruinously
low flsrure. Timber on the land worth
all we ask and you to. be the Judge.
$1800 cash takes It with easy terms on
the balance. This Is too good to keep
long when buyers find what It is.
George S. Cased? Co.; lobby Commercial
Club bldg. . '
man county, , 960 acres, 600 - in culti
vation, half in wheat good soil, nice
orchard, . house, phone; barns, chicken
house, bunk house, granary, ; 7 mile
fence, 20 aores hog tight well, Wind,
mill, springs, good outrange, 3 miles
from good town. . Will sell on terma
or trade. Owner, 202 Gerllngnr bldg.
16 Acre Farm
Best beaver dam soil, all cleared and
! i-
j ectrio station and Portland; "an excep.
rtonHi offer.
405 Couch bldg.
BE"' WISE and buy before, the rush, ")
oroa. U mile from boat landlnst and
RR; station. 17 miles from Portland;
42 acres uuder cultivation, orchard. 5
room house, good barn and other build-
! liigs, fenced; siora ana macninwry hi
Mt Hnrtrt ' eluded, i Price $7500: terms. Western
Btment Co.. 417 Board of Tradn.
, , . t m
I Yamhl VjOUntV ' rami
. 2U mile, from Carlton
in ths wK?utLtrlcl" a. ?n
! tion, good fences. $65 per acre, Vi
ICnderuaiu Keaity vo, r.oom A,
ber- Rxt'l'ange.
HAVE concluded to cut up fine !'! t
county farm to suit ourcl'nser, 7 A.
118, ISO, 37 or 312 acres. ' t."st ffrm
of Polk county. Chaa. E. llicks, Indo-
penaencp. r.
- Marshall & Rnpert--r...i-i 1, '
FAKMS brlnirlng in in.-
pavments. F. A. fTT
chIM l'l'lgr- Plione-M -r
t, ! C
i e, i, a -i.
to 1 ' I FA R M
i, a;, i
ne, Send for my prifd l;i.
A. 1. '
uk. vuruia, ur,