S3 THE OREGON ' DAILY JOUPNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY. EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1911. SHERMAN PASSES -w mv mi i i Ul.il UUUUILH UiLL Senate Ties on the Gallinger Measure and Vice-President Breaks it. ' -"Washington, Feb. 3.-r-The chip sub tidy bill was passed by the senate- yes . .,i ,., . vnA of 40 to 39. the fortieth vote, In the affirmative, having been cast by Vice President Sherman. The bill thus passed was a substitute presented yesterday by Gallinger. and extended tho bounties under the bill to American Chips plying to the Philippines. Japan, China and Australia. The original bill restricted benefits to ships plying to the southern half of South America. The disappearance of Watson, the new Senator from West Virginia, suecessor to JEiklns, left the vote a tie for the view president to break and thereby pass the bill. Watson was counted as oppos ing, nd had voted In opposition in the earlier proceedings on the measure. The v,ote of the vice president is said to toe the first ever cast. Mr. Sherman exercised the constitutional right three times yesterday, twice on the ship sub sidy bill and once on a Question th.it JUfUIWU IICVMUH Vote was adverse to this movement. The Tote on the Bill. ' The two vote on the subsidy 'bill, whlcbwcra a tlft until. .the-jara rpsldent "kroke it, follow: AyesBradley, Brandegee. Brlggs, Bur kett. Burnham, Burrows, Carter, Clark (Wyo.). Crane, Cullom, Curtlss, Dick, Dillingham, Dixon, Dupont, Flint, Frye, Gallinger, Guggenheim, Hale, Heyburn, Jones, Kean, Lodge, Lorlmer, Nelson, Nixon, Oliver, Page, Penrose, Parkins, Piles, Root, Scott, Smoot, Stephenson, "Warner, Warren and Wetmore all Re publicans. Total 39. Noes Beveridge, Borah, Bourne. Brls tow. Brown, Burton, Crawford, Cummins, Gamble, Gronna, La Follette, McCumber 14 Smith of Michigan, Republicans; Ba en, Bankhead, Chamberlain. Clark (Ark.), Culberson, Fletcher, Fosters Frasler, Johnstone, Martin. Newlands. Overman, OWen. Paynter, Percy, Shively, Simmons, Smith (Md,), Smith (S. C), Stone, Swanson, Taliaferro, Taylor, Ter- . rell. Thornton and Tillman Democrats. ' Total 39. . Bight senators were paired Money with Young, Bailey with Bulkley, Gore with Depew and Rayner with Rlchard- eon, Jiive ieinnuir-Aiuuwi, Davis, Sutherland and Watson did not vote and were not paired. ALL INTER-MARRIAGES , WOULD BE BARRED , . (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Feb. 3. Under the present law 1 la unlawful for any white person to Jnter-marry with any Chinese, Kanaka or Mongolian Jn Oregon and there has always been, some uncertainty -as to whether Mongolian included the Jap anese, but it a law introduced by Repre sentative Peterson of Umatilla yesterday becomes a' law,' all marriages between white persons and any negro, Chinese, Japanese, Kanaka, Indian or Hindu and 'with any person with one quarter blood of those races Is null end void and can not toe recognized toy the courts of this state, - -' j . UPTON BLACKMAILER PROVES TO BE CRAZY (Speclit Dispatch to The Jmrnal) London,. Feb. 3. Albert Weldon, who tried to hold up Sir Thomas Lip ton for 16000. was today adjudged sane and removed to Jail from an infirmary. Weldon is the man who entered Sir .Thomas' home and demanded money un der threat of instant death. Sir Thomas Induced him to be seated while he went to another room, ostensibly to secure the money. Policemen were summoned and Weldon was arrested. Attorneys for "Weldon declared he was Insane and he ' was removed to an infirmary for ob servation. JOHNSON SIGNS TITLE - AND STATE FLAG BILLS l ' (United Press Leased Wire.) Baeramento, CaL, Feb. 3. Governor Sohnson signed two bills today. One makes the flag of the California Bear Tepubllo the official state flag. Tho other bill extends the McEnerney act to the end of the year 1912. The act is to establish and quiet title to property in Fan Francisco, in cases In which trouble has been caused by the destruction of records by the fire of 1806. A SPECIFIC BL000 IMPURITY Catarrh la a deep-seated blood dis ease, one which no amount of local treatment will ever permanently cure. The beneficial effects of washes, Sprays, inhalations, etc., are only temporary, and when left off the Old condition returns, because the blood is infected with catarrhal matter and impurities. This impure condition the circulation irritates and in flame, the delicate mucous mem branes and tissues and produces the 'well known symptoms of ringing noises in the head and ears, mucus in the throat, headaches, watery eyes, partial deafness, sore throat, general impairment of health, etc. This con dition will remain, growing worse as long as the catarrhal matter is al lowed to remain in the blood. Being . ft specific blood impurity, there is only one way to cure Catarrh, and that is to purify the blood. Nothing equals 8.S.S. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its head in the circu lation and by thoroughly renovating the blood and cleansing it of all impure mattei, makes a perma nent and lasting cure of the dis ease. For forty years S. S. S. has been recognized as the best blood purifier, and the thousands of cases of Catarrh it has cared is proof that it is the very medicine (needed by those Catnrrrh and any medical advice free. IHX SW1TC SFECZTIO CO, Atlanta, Oa, MARRIAGE ENDS DARING FLIGHTS IN "AIR r f. )' ' ' : ' ' f . ' II I M jffTJ f&J : I The noted French aviator Count Jacques de Lesseps and Miss Grace Mac Kenzle of Toronto, Canada,' whom he recently married In London. Tho marriage Is the culmination of a romance which began while the count ' was performing aerial feats In Toronto. Ills wife has accompanied, him on many of his trips through the air. Miss MacKenzle Is the youngest daughter of Sir William MacKenzle, the Canadian railroad man.' Count de Lesseps is a. grandson of the noted French engineer, Ferdinand de Les seps. He is 27 years of age. A year ago he took up aviation and made some notable flights. Including the crossing of the English channel. In accordance with the wishes of his young wife, he has given up aeroplan STEAMER TITANIA 5; Victoria, B. C, Feb. 8. Failure to an swer her helm while passing Stewart Island, bne of the small l!nd In rinse proximity to San Juan Island, Jon her way irom union uay to Mexico, resulted In the blr Norwes-Ian steamer Titanln. Captain Kroeger, running aground at Roche Harbor today. She was heavily iaaen witn a cargo of coal at the time of her stranding and as the tide Is fall ing she mav hcoom a tntnl assistance is not dispatched at once. ine wireless station at Roche Harbor flashed a message to the pomlnlon sta tion here this mornlnsr fplllntr of th accident The Tltanla has a crew of 18 men and was in charge of rilot Chrlstenscn at the time of the accident. MAN LONG DEAD FOUND ON HAYDEN'S ISLAND Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 3. An uniden tified man, apparently 35 years old, was found dead at 10 o'clock this morning on Hayden's Island, about 300 yards west of the Vancouver ferry landing, by Perew Brothers, who herd stock for C. A. Blurock. He had apparently been dead about 30 days. Mistakes Charged to Printer. (Special Dlipntnh to The -Journal.) Balem, Or., Feb. 3. Numerous mis takes have occurred In the house calen dar during the session and a number of representatives charged them to R. It. Nelson, the calendar clerk. Nelson showed that the mistakes were made In the state printer's plant and not by him self. Eaton of Lane, yesterday Intro duced a resolution providing that the calendar clerk and reading clerk shal" go over the calendar each day after It iias been printed and that the errors In It shall be announced to the house. Raiid of uBHs and Bears. From the New York Tribune. The musically gifted bulls and Tears of the stock exchange have organized a brass band of 22 pleres and Intend to entertain their fellow members on all possible occasions with the best music that a band Is capable of render ing. No selection Is too difficult for the band to attempt, and the manner In which Bandmaster Knoblauch, for he was unanimously elected to that posi tion by his fellow band members, wields the baton Is said by his admirers to he worth going miles to see. Each member of the band has fur-" nlshed his own Instrument and also his owh uniform. There Is no unlforj inlty about the uniforms, however,. eacii member having been allowed to select Just what- pleased his fancy, and the color combinations when the band gets together is said by those who have seen It to be something wonderful. Among the well known brokers who are members of the band and ' the in struments on which ttiey will perform under the 'able leadership of Mr. Knob lauch are Harrison K. Bird, piccolo; William J. B. Mills, French horn; J. H. McCullough, trombone; J. H. Foster, bassoon; G. Clinton Miller, flute; George B. Buchanan, bass drum, and John M. Shaw, tuba. the Way of the World. " , From Puck:- " ! If you sell good articles you are lucky to make a living, while if you deal In Just-as-t?ood things you will be ome a millionaire. jLfolPgTrmh. . ' - From Life. jOften when 'a man gets to the top lie falls to find tho records left 'by tha previous explorer, - - GROUND N DANGER f OLYMPIA LAWMAKERS TO (Special Wnpatcb to The Jourtul.) Olympia, Wash., Feb. 3.--Memorials to congress, one asking that a larger number of warships be assigned ' the Pacific fleet, the other urging Federal construction of that part of state road No. 5 as lies within the forest reserve, were passed by the senate this morn ing. Both had previously passed the house and now go to the overnor for approval. The committees from the Washington and Oregon legislatures to agree on a Joint fisheries legislation will meet at Portland Monday. To attend that ses sion Senators Stewart. Espey, Chappell and Eastham were excused. Child Burned to Death. 'Rieclal Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Feb. 3. Lee Baden, a three year old child, colored, was burned to death hero yesterday in a rooming house. The building was almost wrapped In flames before the fire was discovered and in the excitement the child was for fotten. The child's parents were not in the city, the babe havingbeen left with a friend. Our National Dangers. From the Boston Transcript. Were It not for deer hunting, Joy rid ing and the Fourth of July this would be a pretty safe country to live in. TlZ--For Tender Feet A new, scientific medical toljet tablet which Draws Out All Inflammation and Soreness. This remarkable foot bath remedy Is superior to Powder, Plaster or Salve and is guaranteed to cure Corns, Cal louses, Bunions, Frostbites. Chilblains, Ingrowing Nails, Tired, Aching, Swollen, Nervous, Sweaty, Bad Smelling Feet. Smaller Shoes Can Be Worn by using TIZ, because it puts and keeps the feet in perfect condition. TlZ Is for sale at all druggists, 25 cents per box or direct, if you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chi cago, 111. Recommended and sold by THE OWL DRUG CO. Seventh and Washington streets. PORTLAND mm EXAMINER PROUTY (Continued from Page One.) , lnman-Poulscn mill is situated on the east side of the Wlllamette'rlver, at a point about opposite that of the Port land Lumber company on thevest bank. Mr. Poulsen in the former case testi fied he had maJe nearly $1,000,000 an nually. from his milt and the testimony was used to show that Pacific coast lumbermen enjoyed rates that allowed of their making huge sums and that en titled the railroads to charge them "ad ditional rates. "' ; Decreased to 84 KUes. According to Mr. Teal's statement the Portland Lumber company and' -other south side mills are served, by the Jef ferson street line of the Southern Pa cific, which operates switches into their yards. .Formerly to reach the main line of the Southern Pacific or the O. R. & N. from the Jefferson street line re quired the transportation of cars around a loop extending about 100 miles. This was decreasod to 84 miles by-the con struction of a cutoff. The construction of the Beaverton-Wlllsburg cutoff and later of the Oswego bridge, giving di rect connection with' the main line of t'he Southern Pacific from 'the Jefferson street line, cut tlfo distance to a few nillos. A connection from the Jefferson street line to tho Front street line of the United Railways, which the South ern Pacific has always fought, would be simple and would bring the south Portland mills still nearer the Northern Pacific Terminal company's lines, it is allegad. rormsrly Charged thi Cents. South- Portland lumber manufacturers were formerly charged 7 -cents a hun dred more than other Portland manufac turers f r shipping lumber to eastern points. In 1907 this was reduced to 5 cents per hundred more, and upon com pletion of the cut-off and Oswego bridge the present local uf 4 cents was mad. It Is charged by the plaintiffs that this 4 cent local prohibits their compet ing with other Portland mills for any business in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington or Idaho, the difference on a car of Jumber reaching from $40 Jo tSn between lumber shipped by them and, lumber shipped by mills enjoying Port'lard terminal rates. Mr. Cotton, In his statement, admit ted most of the contentions of the ap plicants, saying, In explanation of the difference In rates that It had always existed and that when owners of south Portland sawmills bought land where they did. they appreciated that there was a distinction between their loca tions and those of mills located on the Northern Pacific Terminal, company's lines. F. O. Donaldson, traffic manager of the Oregon & Washington Lumber Man ufacturers' association, and L...J. Went worth, vice president and general man ager of the Portland Lumber company, were the two witnesses examined at the morning session. Both testified concerning the unfairness of the dis tinction In rates and of the, efforts made to have the railroads absorb the local In question. Mr. Wentworth said when R. B. Miller, traffic manager for the Harrlman lines told him of the rate, ho blamed the Interstate commerce commission for It. General Manager J P. O'Brien of, those lines, he said, told him the matter would be straightened out upon, completion of the Beaverton Wlllsburg cut-off and 'the Oswego bridge. TRAINS IN BLOCKADE ON GREAT NORTHERN Kallspell, Mont., Feb. 3. Trains on the Great Northern are held at White fish and thiee are stuck in drifts. Just east of the range, where a high wind is drifting 20 Inches of new snow. A rotary jumped the track yesterday and blockedVthe way that It had been 21 hours clearing. REBELS AT MEXICALI AWAIT JUAREZ NEWS Calexlco Cal. Feb. 3. Relnferci-d by approximately 500 recruits the Mexican revolutionary forces that captured Mex- ical are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the rebel advance on Jtiares as the result there will determine the next move here. If Juarez falls, the insurgents now encamped outside of Mexacall, number ing some 600 men, will move on En senada, according to reliable Informa tion. The rebels claim to have $12,000 i THE DR. GREEN SYSTEM OP MAN BUILDING TBXATMEHT TSX SPECIALIST WHO CUBES. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated it, if it is curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Bo not alow money matters to keep you from getting , well. We charge nothing to prove" our meth ods will cure you. Our guarantee NO MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED Is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and diagnosis free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It Is simply our successful way of do ing things. elsewhere, honestly Investigate onr proven methods. You will then under stand how easily we cure yajuoosb TEIHS, , XTO&OCELE, SPECIPXO BLOOD FOISOIT, JTIBTO-TITAL DE BILITY. OBSTBTJCTIOirS. PROSTAT IC, BLADDEE and ECO WET troubles, CONTRACTED ailments, RUPTURE, PILES, and AU RECTAL Diseases. What you want is a- cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well In - the . hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours dally 8 to 6. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays,'-10 to 1. DRrGREENCO; 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. In cash and their leaders promise' to pay for all supplies appropriated, r. It is declared that if General Orosco takes Juarez hundreds of Mexicans in southern California will flock, across the border end Join the Mexican forces. A large number of Americans crossed the line yesterday and today and enlisted with the revolutionists; yr. WORKOFWISINGMAINEM MUSTJSUSPENDED (tnlted fresa Lease VfirnS v) ' .Washington, Feb. : 3. Announcement was made here today that , the work of raising the sunken battleship Maine would probably be suspended, owing to the exhaustion of .the appropriation by congress. Three hundred thousand dol lars Is needed to complete the work, In addition to the $160,000 appropriation made by congress at last session. Railway Employes Arrested. i(Bwctal Dlapatch to The Journal.) Ohehalis. Wash Feb. 3. -Two former employes of the Northern Paclflo were arrested this week on complaint of the company's detective for j the ; alleged stealing of a case of cigars while work ing on the South Bend branch' out of Chehalls. One man. W. P. Mitchell, was a conductor, while the other, J. A. Thomas, was a brakeman. Ball was fixed at $1000 for each man., ; Permits Break Record. (Special Dlapatch to The Jmirna.l. Eugene, Or., Feb. 3. The building per mits fcr January, 1911, broke the record "The Only Thing That Will Relieve Neumlgia." The piercing pains of Neuralgia which often follows a bad cold or La Grippe, are frequently almost un bearable and few medicines afford anjr relief to the sufferer. 'I am a rural mail carrier and have been a user of the Dr. Miles medicines for years. - Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill can't be beaten. They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I have tried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. I am willing to tell anyone what the Anti-Pain Pills did for me." Charles Hildkrbranut, Box 205 Woodvill. Ohio If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, "have tried most everything" in rain, why not do as he did, fight your aches and pains with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con test, they will come out victorious. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills stand on their record, which is a long list of cures extending back a generation. Druggists everywhere sell them. If first package falls to benefit, your drug gltt will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. WILT ON HONOR ST. LOUIS MEDICAL, CO. will tute T" SCAJSTBX BPECXAUBT Why waste money "try ing" different doctorsT Oo to the St Ivouls Medical Co. In the first place and get cured and avoid experi menting with poor doctors. u r in -til- v. ii 54A1bV" i m v. You Can Pay Fee When Cured Some Case Cured as Low as 93.50 "OLD CHRONIC CASES" If you have sn old ailment that has been hanging on for months and Which medicine from doctors and druggists can't seem to cure, .there is. some lea son. I have a scientific cure for these cases and will cure you right quickly and cheaply. Doa't let your disorders drag you down 1n health and weaken you. Blood 'and ftkln Disorders K SS& TSSSS ism, skin disorders, eczema. Don't go to Hot Springs. I can cure you cheaper and better. Under my scisntlfio treatment all these terrible symptoms quickly disappear and robust health returns. If others have failed to cure or are not benefiting you, come to me. I cure permanent ly, quickly and cheaply. VADICO.SF VriMS usually occur on the left- side and TAKIVUOI. Tl-inip often cause dragging, aching feel ing in the groin Or loins, worry, nervousness. They are usually caused by strains, lifting, bicycle, riding, prolonged standing on the feet seden tary habits. I cure without pain. The cure is safe and absolutely cer tain. Come and see me, free. - Bladder Trouble and Kidney Disorders Have you backache? Do you have to get op at nightt Do you pass . gTavelt Have you muddy complexion? Have yon weak or 'fainting pells? Dp your feet swell? If you have any of these symptbms 'don't wait until your case gets bad, I will give you a careful examination free. Come now. klr vnn " Mtn wt itoi nr bed. tst hubw , This is how you feel: There Is usually pain across the small of the back, bluo ring; under the eyes, specks before the eyes, sleep does not refresh you, bad dreams; you get up in the morning feeling tired: your memory 1s poor, your mind wanders, you are hollow eyed; you are fear ful, always expecting the worst to happen; nervous, no appetite. Dear reader, oome to me and I will lend you a helping hand, ' I cur cheaply and quickly.' Come today don't put off any longer. OOJTSTOTATIOK AJTS EXAMOTATIOH T7UEB ' ' At office or by mail. One personal visit is preferred, but if this Is Im possible, write us a full and unreserved history of your case, and get our opinion free. Many cases cured at home. Medicine fresh from our own laboratory, $LS0 to $8.60 per course. , Hours, s . to 9. bl anuadajra, io to' la, - i. V ooaitx Bxooarp ajtp TtunrrT.i, snuBsrs postxajtb, oxzooar for this month, which is the dullest of the year, by; totaling nearly $100,000. Ten permits were Issued, and the exact total was , $98,100. The principal Item was the permit for a gas plant to the Oregcyi Power company, for $90,000. . PERSONAL Beth & ;Thdmas. JrV and. W. T. Milv ler of New York are at the Hotel Port-, land. Mr. Thomas is a son of the clock manufacturer and he and Mr. Miller are, la Portland on a combined business and pleasure trip. J. T. Marchand, attorney for the In terstate commerce commission, is at the Beward. : .'. , Captain C D. Parsons of the port of Portland bar tug Oneonta Is at the Seward. Captain Parsons now lives in Astoria,' but formerly was master ot the steamship Alliance. B. W.- Collins of'Tacoma and H. F. Reynolds of Seattle are at the Seward. They are In Portland en business fpr the' municipal ., governments of their cities. ' SV B. i Foshay, manager of the Pa cific Power ft Light company's plant at Walla Walla, is at the Seward. W. B. Stevens, an AHw? merchant, Is at the Seward. ' . Final clean up sale starts tomorrow at Jlmmle Dunn's "Knew" Sample 8ult Shop, room 815 Oregonlan btdg. DON'T BE DISCOURAGED Don't Give Up hope There Is Help for You A CT TODAY I will treat some of ' your ailments for as low a fee as $6 and $10, I will make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may be suffering from. With this low fee and my long and successful ex perience in treat ing ailments of men you need not A..A . t. . "uk viuiuir am-y. I don't eare who has tried to cure you, and has failed I will give you a Base onre and a small fee. Don't aire up before seeing me. y the latest methods kaowa to ltXDICAX, science I sttooeesfullY treat TAJUOOS1I mUTS, KUSbI 1TMTOVS AIXMXST8, rTJT Al- loum KXDHvr. lLUipim, lotto awd bood Anksirra, SSamu. nan, um AiucBirra ajetd AIIi ODEBOJnO AXUCSXTS Of sour. Come m aad see ma, Xaveaooafl. denttal talk and be eramtesd without ooat or obUgatloa. Z will cure you. DR.LINDSAY The Old issuable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. oxmaxs bboohd ajtd yaiehxx STXEET8, POxmAJTD, OXEOO MEN During its many years of uninter rupted activity this extend re establish ment has become cxceealngly popular among the eVK and afflicted of the northwest ft is business principles and rules Fair Dealing Faithful and Con scientious Service, Reasonable Charges, Successful and Prompt Cures have se cured for it a large patronage, which cannot be influenced by, announcements containing extravagant promises of ranslent, temporarily established com petitors. Aside from securing the good of the public in general, this Insti has established itself firmly in the esteem of the businees community. The St Louis Medical Co. invites investiga tion for the purpose .of proving that it is the largest and best equipped Medi cal Institute for the treatment of chron ic Nervous, Blood and Skin Disorders of Men of Portland. Its methods of treatment are tried according to latest discoveries and according to recent teachings. I issue a positive guarantee of a cure in every case undertaken or money re funded. I want nothing I do not hon estly earn, and if I fall to cure you I do not want your money. I 1 1 1 . um h 111 'VI sT 'J 1 , ,i , 1 sBssWBBMamMMHlH HATS HAIR.HEALTH Never foils to restore gray hair to its natural color. Positively removes DandruiT.v Is not d dye. Seed ee. DoMate sad your dealer's same lor s FREE SAMPLE; BOTTLB US raUe Ksy Spec. Co.. Newark, N. J U.S.A. $1 sad SOs. bottles, at drnf or dept. atorea. er diraet epos reodpt o( eriee. - ft REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES HATS LILT WHITB CRBAM beantlfies taw complexion, pretest wriaklat, asabnra, fraoklaa, piaplaa, blackhaada. Not freaiy or Irittn lear.a ao abipy affMt. Dot not promote kair (rowtk, . 2S A SOc Drn & Dept. atorea. . ho., u. at iAKliN, blit, - laiLuiv DRUG CO., SKIDMOKE DRUG CO.. VANCOUVER; O. A. BROWN. OLW drug ca . M E N" The Leading Specialist. The failure ot others to cure you does not prove your nase In curable. I have cured cases of men's ailments that had time af ter time baffled medical effort and a often been pronounced past relief. The reasons for this la that my understanding of ail ments of men is complete and ac curate and my treatment directed accordingly. If others have failed it is to your best Interests to at least (consult, me. OOWBTTLTAXIOlr rSZB Ailing ,and suffering men or those aufferlngfrom any con tracted ailments should call on me at once. I make absolutely NO CHARGE for a friendly talk and my advice will be valuable, whether treatment Is begun or not. Write if you cannot calli; arr emirs abb thorough AITD PBOUPT X Will Wr.lt for My Tee TJatil You Ara Well. If you cannot call, write' for diagnosis chart. My offices aro open all da;' from 9 a. m. to p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 834 H MOBBISON STREET, COB HEB BECOWD. POBVTI.AND. OB. AXjSO ' PISTTJ1A AKS BECTATj DISEASES , CUBES WITHOUT THE XHITE OB sETssmoir raoM business. MEN and WOMEN CUWED 1 J PAT WHEN CUBES $10 Z-BAT EXAHIHATIOM FBES Call at once unt I find out wht your trouble is before this grand offer Is withdrawn. The I British Medi I cine Co. are i curing the sick i with their won- i derful Euro -I pean methods of electric nndl natural treat ment, combined with their bl chemlo rem e- dies. Diseases: of stomach.: const lpation.1 Kianeys. Mad der. nrostateJ blood poison, rheumatism, varicose veins, sclatlna, lame hack, fits, nervousness, locomotor ataxia and all chronic dis eases. If away - from the city, write for particulars. Call at, once and bo cured. Consultation and X-Ray exam ination free. BBITISH MEDICINE CO. 887 Wsshlnrton St., 4th floor Bothchild bldg., rooms 407, 408. 409. Take Elevator. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE: Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TBEATZNU YOU.. Our ex- , perlence is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of men is new to us. COME IN AND TALK XT OVEJt. ..Oeneral Debility. Weak Nerves, to. somnia Results of exposure. overwork end other violations of Nature's laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, qalck.y and permanently cur ad at small expenss and no detention from biifliness. SPECIAL (AILMENTS Newly con tracted tand ', chronic rases cured. All ' burning. Itching and lnflamms tio stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If ur able to call, write for list of questions- Office Hours A. M. to ! P. M Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P.- M. onl Pacific Coast Medical Co. HVA '..WASHINGTON STSEET. : , : - Corner attest. 'i ARE YOU SICK? ' Consult the On Wo Tonar Medlolne ! Co. These noted doctors have learned the aecreiB Known oniy io me ramoue un i nes.e savants and have specially imported herbs from the remote provinces of China that positively cure all ills of the human system. Diseases of the nervous sys tem, female disorders, blood poison, stomach trouble, etc., absolutely cured, j No matter how many doctors have . failed, no matter how msny medicines you haye used without result, call on us. we can cure vou. . . v - i ' V8aaaTlii,VMi Cowsuitattoaree Titmentri'by-Tnrlr,-''!' On Wo Tong Chinese Medicine V-and Tea Company 1 -1 92 Second St ' soars t.A. X. to 10 F. If f