THE OREGON , SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1911. LOANS WANTED 30 1 ' NOTICES so WANTED 14000 1 on well ' Improved I . MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURT' 16000 on well mproved, oiose-ln res- Sealed proposalswill be received at Jdence, valued at $16,000. , line. ornce or Whidden Lewis, arcni"' 13500 for one year-on well located tota, 701-Corbett building, - Portland, east aide home, value 111.000. r-. "nl ',cnl?5:k ?n Saturday, I7U0V in west side- income property, i , - " """"'"i $8000 on close In brick building, well work in the west wing of new court- i.u ,, 9nnnn . .,; i ihjubo lor we county m Muunoman. ' Please phone East 2053.' " - " " The wrecking, exca- j . . - . : r r ., i uu auu luunuauons, me structural LOANS wanted We have numerous ,teel ana lron wor th granlte, terra mij-r ' t V -iV- n,7 cotla orica ana concrete, me Beaiora vruveu uruyci ij. T" k w tone work- tn roofing and sheet metal mnnev In safe Investments. Joseph H. I ,ni, v . m --j Johnston, i 3 Lafayete bldg.. Washing- cashes, the tile partitions, Fathlng and ton and 6th. Blasterine tha marhla rir ir-nrlinii $5000 wanted on new 12-room west aide I and floors, together with such other residence; s years, i per ceni; ap- wort as may De-caned ror in the speciri- pllcations on hand for other loan, cations In connection therewith. Plans Henry C. .Prudhomme Co.. 906 Spalding and specifications may be obtained at bid. ' ---V. the office of the architects, i No nro- WANT loan of $1B00 foi1 three years at Iposal will be considered unless aceom- 7 per cent, lmprovea corner on ai j tiuui yayuia-ii me oruer berta St.. .worth 4500, as security; no of the "county court of Multnomah commissions. K-872, Journal. . county," certified by a responsible bank. WANTED-1600 loan on 10 acres; Vlr. l"UtX08ai andThcheck e-inla Place. SUem electric, near Hills- H?? 'ffT,?!?. ?0"!: ,anA th.c,nec P Y pod .Interest- Z"883' damages In case the bidder neglects journal. m , or refuses to enter Into contract and to WANTED Loan of $6000 for 3 years, furnish a suitable bond for the falth- .-. at on west siao, ciose-in pruynriy, iui periormance of the said. work. In worth $13,000. Will pay costs, no com-I the event the contract Is awarded to mission.' C-876, Journal. .1 him. r WANTED $2000 on $6000 farm on O. The right is expressly reserved to w. f. 3 years, 8 per ceni. aibo jouuw reject any ana an mas received. PERSONAL 22 CARPET WEAVING ER. ALICE A. oRITF. NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from ; Diseases' of women and children - old carpets,. rag rugs, carpet cleaning, cluslvely. '' Women are oftra saved se- IBS Union ave., near E. Morrison, vere surgical operations A,j p.n",nf PENINSULA Carpet and j Rug works, me. Nervous diseases yt cblldren Colonial rag carpet and rugs, ml speciaity. . rnvaie nospai wwiuiib' tions. Onflnements cared for. Cor. respondent solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones. Main 4128. A-BC07." Office room 10, Grand Theaurs , tldg. Washington and park. er cent, $15,000 farm. orcester bidg. Bar- s years, 8 pei bour. 430 JW. WANTED To borrow $50. Return $75 within 60 days. Can furnish A-l rel- erences. M-84, journal. WANT . from nrlvate party. $2000 on realty: will nay 8. W. 385, Journal. WANTED $1260, good , security. 7 per t cent. T-389, journal. T. J. CLEETON. Coiintv Jnlar! W. L. LIGHTNER, Co. Com. u. v. maht, co. com. STANDARD BRICK & TILE CO, Kemoved to $09 HENRY BLDQ. LOST AOTI POUND 21 MONEY TO LOA3 37 Salaried People START THE NEW TEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY . w '4.. $10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL r: J l)ST One bay horse, weight 1600; roach ed mana: no ahoas: nna vrav tat Chunk, 11(0 pounds; shod all around; 3 oajr mares, cnunney Dullt, weigh from iu xvv. win pay reward lor re turning or locating same. Call Main 6227: Home, A-1869. 234 Front St. C GENTLEMAN 41, alone, kind, respeet- ame and bonorapie, eiegani rererence, rami noaltlnn iloairaa anualntance Sin- Cere, plain young lady or widow, with ; Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 2681, CHINESE RESTAURANTS Hong Kong Cafe, chop suey, noodles. M. 5514. A-7807. l7H-6th st- CHIROPRACTlP f DOCTOR soma means, who would appreciate coxy dr. a. S. DOUGLASS, 338 Union ave. little; home. Object matrjmony.-r Trl- iiers, agents and automobile nenos pos itively Ignored. Give full description, particulars and address, or letters de stroyed. Address R-380, Journal. MEN, - GET WISE When you get tlrrd -of handling your money, over to the big advertisers, come to ma for a posi tive cure. I can show ? you results. Satlsfatclon guaranteed. .Modern meth ods, latest electric apparatus. Con sultation free. W. L, Howard, M. D., 804-6 Rothchlld bldg., 4 th and Wash- in gion. N. Phone East 5241. and examination free. Consultation DR8. 1NGEBORG, 'CARL OBERO Chiropractor and suggestive therapeu tic. Main 7583. A-7791. 303 Dekum bldg. 4 DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework: we cure pyrrobea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Ablngton bldg., 106& 3d st , CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 823 y, Washington, cor 6th. W, A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists. Third and Washington eta. N1UB V Baker. P. If . City, farm Property .. Berry's Bestty Compiny.... Bronj-Btoele company urubaker at Benedict DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL Cancers Successfully Re- movea Mrs. Dr. A Newbreys home is In Woodstock, where she is permanently located for 'removing cancer. Reason able rates; W-W car to Woodstock, 4 blocks south of Russell Station. Dr. Marv Kramer . Confinement cases specialty; herbs and root medicine, for all Irregularities of -the blood. Examination free. Phone Woodlawn 1673 861 Mississippi ave. L A D I B B Ask your druggist for cucesters Pills, the Diamond urana. For 25 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no1, other. Chicnesters Diamond Brand fuis are sold by' druggists everywhere. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL. TELEPHONE OR WRITB STATE SECURITY CO. 308 FAILING BLDG. LOST Thursday evening, small linen handbag containing- vlassea and cro cheted cap. Return to 606 Marquam bldg., reward. LOST Fur collar, January 28, between Aneia &apuet and congregational Churches. Return tn Mra Nnrrivlra You can sret a loan Immediately and 4417 finth st h. f. nmr4 strictly confidentially. No wait or delay; a PLACE to nave vnr Pmtne. t.m Do You Need Money? iu can get a loan Immediately or dry cleaned, 24 hrs.' notice. College Pianos, . furniture or diamonds. If you want money ouick, come to me; reason- Tnn riennera Wash onn iVh I isY able rates. Phone for appointment, M !r 1 ?pp'. . 18th- A7-i 5. Mr. Maiden, 322 Falling ulS.f.4 rlt DrJ?w" i"r Panwges' i iice. rtewarq. 8560; A-S475. Oldg. ' 11K1I I II Will LOan TOU V OneV LOST Lady's cold watch, huntlna- case. On your furniture,-piano or real estate, Monogram "Z. A C." Liberal reward. T.nwaat rat nf lntorut Raa ma flrat I Phone B-2482. I F Mirmle LOST Carved Ivory belt pin. gold V.",.- mu.nted-.keeP?ake Phone A-6612, -v pv.m ui j.oup . ,p-jizB or Main 6. Howard. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 UP LOST Saturday afternoon oil vini. ,e xrliio enrait-nfo V0 i ottiurujiy aiterapon, on flat pianos or any personal property; weekr wa7d 260 Ysmhill u"w,u" DOU- w ly or monthly payments; low rales; con- ?Ta- t60 Vlrnh"'--.. tldential. Gray & Cunningham, room " p"'1' w,,u "ns my Aireoaie terrier 201 Rothchlld bldg., 287 Washington chained up will turn it loose at once St.. between 4th and 6th sts. Iney will avoid trouble. 62 E. 29th st. HONK V advauced salaried people, house- F9.U?!,iu!?,2n1 wnlte. sotteJ Puppv. Keepers ana otners upon tneir own ""' w m. jviornson. nameu without security ; cheapest rates. LOST A young white terrier, one dark easiest payments; offices In 66 princl- eye; reward. Hanleln, 808 Columbia pai cu.?B, invi money dt gettinf. our trmi, TQiman, ill jumoer Kxcnange, PERSONAL 23 $ Quick loans on furniture and t pianos, storage receipts, life Insur- $ ance policies, livestock, real estate. 8 I 2? ,Vi ? mltJnn Sk? S xtlfnvnaA Th?B0 holding former invitations are 8 Co.. 813 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ welcome, and strangers can secure ln- CLARA B. Metzgep Is giving a dancing pany every Tuesday evening at the Hawthorne, hall, 37th and Hawthorne. YCUR CREDIT Is good at the Employes' Loan Co.. 121 ADington. lusy- sa sl vltatlons by addressing 1108 Hawthorne ave, Are You RuDtured? The perfect truss is made and fitted MONEY to loan on both citv and farm bv a Specialist to men. women and ehtl. properties, in large and small dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no amounts. J. M. French & Co., 412-413 cnare. Wilson. ctb st Ablngton Dldg.,, 106 3d st. , LISTEN? Not yet but soon. women wnat is ltf Alletider Sikker. A liquid Reliable. Known as best. Ask your druggist for Alletider Sikker, $3. including. Interest at 6 per cent. 509 Dekum bldg. Phone M. 6604. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 85 Lafayette bid.. 4th 4k Wash. MARRIAGE paper containing descrlp SMALL sums to lend on mortirare. k,t,ons ..r.enned marriageable people. slight charge to borrower. Ward, JJ,? n i ? P V - fPer sealed; rree AllHkv bid. Mrs. Bell, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los Ange -rr , .onn ivent. " .V leS- L hum'. i iu limn, jiuuu, aiovv. j, m. 257 Russell st. Phone East A. OD lookinw young lady should like i" ineei ii lauy traveling wno would Ryan, 375. ..a,,. . . -. . . need Mn.,'eTTontr"rnfoUt" " bMS W D?t object to leav bought CoVlliaw. 515 CommerciaT blk. I . " MONEY to loan. lare building loans; lowest rates; fire In eurance. w. u. tiecK, giz railing, CZW. MTI.KM A NT 11 4 Yn mi ,.,i A 111 1oans a specialty. -7-" i;I VTmnn 'n .nM. with $500 or $600 to Join him In buying 10 acres of land tn.ralaA rhinlronn oto MONEY to loan on improved city and and to make a home. H-385. Journal. " GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper containing advertisements marriage able people from all sections of the United States Canada; rich, poor, young, old, Protestants, Catholics; mailed sealed free. D. K. Ounnels. Toledo, O. WIDOWER, exemplary habiu. well read and traveled, best rererences. wouia like to make acquaintance of Christian lady of means, middle aged; object friendship and matrimony If suited. W- 384, Journal.- OCCULT, new thought, scientific and school books, bought and sold, send for our free magazine club list; also catalogue of occu't or scientific books sent on application. Jones Book Store, Henry piog.. zm oak st. ' CHIROPODISTS DR. ETHEL WARD, chiropractic and . chiropodist. Electrical treatments, 26 and 27 Raleigh bldg.. Main 3785. GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist. 7 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 8100. - CHIROPOCY, manicuring, scalp. Mrs. Dunton, 49 Wash. Marshall 1329. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. P. Hill. 4? Fliedner bldg. PORTLAND PET HOSPITAL Douglas G. Herts, Manager. Dogs, cats, birds, etc., for sale and boarded. E.. 20th and Belmont Phone East 6342. , , DR. BROWN. D. V. 8..of. $24 Flanders. M. 4084. Hosp. 89 B. 12th. E 644. DRESSMAKING MAN tailored skirts, suits, gowns, fit fuaranteen; prices reduced. 1. Keubcn, te Ladles' Parlor, 646 Washington. DUMB ELEVATORS BUILT and installed by Pacific. Elec- trio jDumo waiter co., mi urand ave Estimates furnished. East 5322.' CHURCH GOODS STATUARY, candlesticks, pictures, sta tlonery, religious goads, beeswax, candles specialty. A Janlts. 491 Wash. CLEANING AND PRESSING THE Herald steam cleaning and dyeing - works. French dry cleaning a spe cialty; jobs called for and delivered; all work guaranteed. 193 4th. FIRST class cleaning, pressing and re pairing lowest prices, izd itusseii st. CLOTHES cleaned, pressed; high school tailors. 471 Alder. M-4598. N. Mc Sherry COAL AND "WOOD uR. L.EWIS. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos- ?ltal accommodations; examinations ree. Main 4047; A-2411. 609 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th ana wasn. GERMAN boons, magazines, novels, etc.. GermaL, ungiisn. irrencn, upanisn. Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds, schmaie Co., 12 1st st. . ACCOMPLISHED, honest little Widow (43) weary struggling alone, highest references, would marry business man having good home and some means. Ad dress Box 432. Emmett, Idaho. ; DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases or men; niooo and sxin aia eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, madder and plies. 1111 irst. rori land. , Listenl Are you ' troubled with rheumatism? fill! Oil Prompt Delivery mm Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 foot AUIHA MEL Si. Phones: E. 182, C-1 117 RTiTftTrr-ic bPecial 1IUI1UC PRinr.n nv GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord.. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, per load. DRY SHORT WOOD, per load.... SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119 A-7001. Dry inside wood, per load $3.75 anon green siaowood $2.50 Try R. S. Rheumatio Remedy. For sale j Dry block wood, per load 4.50 at Skidmore's drug store, YOUR future told. Astonishing revela tions. Let me guide you to a happy successful future. Send birth date nnd 4 2c stamps. Prof. Allen, box 602, Chicago. Planer trimmings, long and snort rnones Mam 37U, A-736B. LADIES When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills; ' always dependable. Relief and particulars free. Write Ra tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis. 1 bAUd nl figs, remedy tor diseases ot women. 622 Davis st. Main 9211. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS BUILDINGS and contents machinery, etc., appraised. Losses adjusted. Northwestern Appraisal Co., 604 Board of Trade. A-l 164. THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the best grades of coal. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal ut a reasonable price. Special prices on car loads. B-2343. Eaat 214. 346 East Ankeny. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR Guarant'd house wiring. Estimates. C. A. Nothwang Co.. 67 1st' M. 7432. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. M, D. Hill. 4ZB Fliedner EMPLOYMENT AGENTS St Louis Employment office, xeneral employment a sen is. room i. susfe Washington. Main Z03. A-4775. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks delivered, tu ceniB. Additional irunKs 2Bc. M. 8125. A-7237. 4th and Taylor FURNITURE HOMES' furnished complete, cash, credit; no rem; investigate prices Derore Duy- lng. ti. c. Hcnroeper. Z44 Kusaeu st GLAZLNG UNITi-O OLASS & GLAZING CO. All kinds glass work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. UASOL1NK EMil.E9 STATIONARY and marine; elactxlo aulnments; launches, accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Releraon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. GAS AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Else- trio Engineering Co.. 213 2d st TlAT FACTOR MEN'S bats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory: largest hat ran. ovators In the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats dlreot from the factory at half price. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL horseshoer, especial atten tion given to lame and Interfering horses; horses called for and delivered. Main 9136. 221 salmon st. DE NIKE. 2 83 'A Front St.. makes specialty of driving lioraes; 20 years' experience in iew iom v;ity. Seghers Wood Co. tth and Gllsan Streets. Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir. Oak. Ash. Main 6369. A-2415. RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot of Yam hill St.; country slabwood, or short and block wood. Inside wood. Marshall 1204, A-3829. jvh. t a A. PAA J im jr vivif' STEVENS. 16 years' Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has RESIDENCE buildings financed and her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy,1 uuiiv. -r. "' "" ror saie at 84 lamnin. cor. 7th st. WwT.u;;'Z . . , . WIDOW 44 years would like to make MFA2n,JyAaKXnVr "the acquaintance of refined man of cent Goodnough & Selta. 810 Spauld- 5B years' in business, view social; ob- ing bldg. i Ject matrimony. L-383. Journal. M2LV vna.v t2 r?bfi IfafnpriSJi7 CAN take a few more foreigners, who property. Easy terms. 22 1H Morrison, wian t0 quickjy iearn English, in my rootn B class at 307 Madison street, upstairs. 8100. ooo on -mortgages, city or rarm Terms very reasonable. Main Z618. 0, W, M, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. Phone Marshall 660; 510 Gerlingtir bldg ARCHITECTS DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS, Ft. Curry st. COAL TJS- BLOCK W00DPrronsWEy A".? cVl? W00U D. B. FLICKINGER, designer of Ideal nomes. at MonawK oieig. rnones A-74S6. B-1833. Main 1902. Vamato Wood and Coal Company, .j ASSAYERB fr!frS IA Meier & FranK take oders for our standard grades, or phone East 803, or C-230S. Edlefsen Fuel Co., Ina C-.TTTU DlM J'l f , XT'. .- T . inilAAH n IWL1H . Will 0LADITWU J Main 21K3. IVv Innlrt. mnnA WELLS 4 PROlSEbU ii.U Tern . ann-, green Bmbwood. clean sawdust for bed iynci ciieiinnm. juttv "u, m. omg, cm fuel; block wood. MONTANA asay office, laboratory and WOOD delivered any place In city, $4.60 ore testing vork. 186 Morrison. j oad. i ln wood 3 ioad. Portland Droperty, m-e insurance. Co.. Oerimger Dldg.. McKenile A zd and Alder. PRIVATE MONEY to loan, 7 per cent, on city -property; applications con fidential, pnone East zo&3. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent, city SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness In men: monev returned If it falls. Price $1 per box. Druggists or mail. T. J. Pierce. 319 Allsky bldg. MME. HOWARD, demonstrating the Oxytrodes process, all chronic disor der, gall stones removed without knife. and farm property. 205 Couch bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 & 7 PER CENT. 351 Morrison -et. Room 10. LOUIS SALOMON, 283 STARK ST. PALMISTRY and card reading taueht: LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- Question answered correctly. Room tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. r nncesa noiei, sa. Burn side. Hours tny,.. . . .... 9:30 to 12 noon; 2 to 9 p. m. YV A IVBM f iViVVV VI ICDI I CHI CRlMlOi I m I A. iV l.i -i..a t Ji YD Q & TTM?D CAM flrt Co. .4.. ..J .a.A SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. F. A. Newton, 515 Henry bldg. Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists MONEY to loan on improved real estate, "a" ' Pletc' 319 Am? bld- MARRIAGE natit-r Hlenest charnotar incorporated 16th year; 6000 members; paper sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love, box 1600, Denver, Col. J. L White. 831 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city realty. Parrish, watkins & Co.. 250 Alder, i OUICK loans on alt securities. 8. W King. 46 Washington bldg. Mam 6100. WILL loan $6000 or less on real estate. Hltchuek, 610 Rothchlld bldg. $600 TO LOAN; must be choice security. MARRY The reliable corresponding ricu-ner, i&a ADinKiun diuk. ciud nas many wen to ao members. S'Anr'r, rS Both sexes seeking communication. iiuxivjiia aii ii in Mvrtle St.. Oakland. Cal SUFFERERS from piles. A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when cured. Rubar Mfg. Co., 206 Commercial bldg. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE YOiTm,l2;.?M yf.t1S ith .8.J1 Sealed proposals will be received at Lf"' lr"r"u0 26 years of ao e office of Whirtdon Tmis arcVit. spectaoie gir. not over it -years or age, -382, Journal. the office of Whldden & Lewis, archi tects. 701 Cnrhntl liullriinir. Portlnml Or., until 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, MIDDLE aged man, American, wilh February 23. 1911. for furnlshlnar and small means, would Hke to meet a installing the electric, combination and lady situated the same: object matrl was fixtures ln the rooms and rorri- mony. -d8S. journal dors of the east wing of the new court- uERMAN, age .37, some means, with house for Multnomah county. Stato of irood noaltlon. would like to meet CatIV Oregon. ollc lady, age 18 to 27. object matrl- Plans may he seen at the office and monv. k-ss.i. Jnnrnnl. " r,"mpLctfu8Cht!!,f5ll iSr LADY n would Ut to correspond With tainea from the .architects. 1 t. D..r.,i T.... No nioposal will be considered unless ' ?."-r,B. acoomnanlcd bv a check navable to the '" ' rder of the "County Court of Multno-1 INSIDE evidence secured in business mair county." certified hy a responsi- irouoies, divorce, etc., reasenaoie; 10 ble bank, for an amount etmal to 10 ner years' nractice. For interview address cent of the aggregalo proposal, and this Box 291, 'Portland, Or. ii ,i5 Ha a e lorreuea as nxea ana CATHOLICS marry Catho cs; want a liquidated damages. In case "the bidder 00x catholic wife? Want a food neeiects or refuses to enter Into con- r-S. u " . I-ller. . ...a&?2(! " fV ,Y i"lV r-'TS1-. YX"" 'r ICathollo Home Circle, Elmlra, N. Y. litu iu-1 uuui ay.'i ivi iiiuiiv v jl oaiu nuini I ' - -'- r- .:" .- ".: . - . : " ' 11 1 11 ln tne event tne contract is awarded uniu'' win u men to Mm. lady or widow 25 to 30 years old: ob The right Is expressly reserved to re- Ject matrimony, iso inners. mvo Ject any and nil bids received. phone No. L-38I, Journal. 'i. j. ujuc-w ruw. uounty judge. PRIVATE lessons in scalp twatment, W. L. LIGHTNER. . hair dressing $5; manleurimr $5. 575 County Commissioner. Fvratf fit u. v. ii a n i, county i;omm issioner. A-3952. 4 .1V.VTT.WVf AN SI HfllilM meat aAir- h. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE iect matrimony. Address J. F. Amea. 1 .. .1 ..w.r. r. T . 1 1 1 1 ....1... ..I . . .. " . ' t;air;u iiMJvucaia mu ivumrcu ah I ira.nrn I na ivnrv. pon ann tneoriice or wniaaen Lewi8, areni- u,pptvirn" ' n' 1 vv' tects, 701 Corbett building. Portland, RP Jfly -2tllm. f"h Or., until 12 o'clock noon of Frldav respond . with gentleman with means; i-eDruary n, jail, lor an painting in vj' ....... " - finishing as culled for in the specifics.- WEALTHY western gentleman wishes tlons for the east wing of the new to meet lady. Object matrimony. Ad- courthouse for Multnomah county. State dress "A." P. O. nox 26. Oakland. Cal. of Oregon. . ... ; MADAME ESTELLE Spiritual adviser. . Flans ana specifications may he oh- magnetic healer, 193 W. Park, suite IM1M.-U mo ""'' "l ."" "-iiiiwis. 7; ladles' patronage solicited. A-5306. less accompanied by a check payable to -erv- TonTablets restore the order of the "County Court of Mult- L.;0811,!"?; MS?.'0.. 2!Aj1?6, nomah county," certified by a respon- c""'1"- --a .11.1. 1 1- ..... 1 . I n 1 tl1 tf.131j.Trtr ttalha ...-,.. r.. aiuie uhua, ivi an aiiiuui.i. cqufti iv I DAI x xjmu uiwihiv untuB, ..ursiiarir uiv per cent of the aggregate prpposal, and .gonlan bldgt .ladles' beauty -. parlors. wnicn is to oe iorreitea as nxea and Mam i3. liquidated . damages In case the bidder VANTED Acquantance of ladv" about funilsh a suitable bond for the- faithful .Sn'-.i-T performance of same, In the event the j ' ' 1 v contract is awarded to hjm. WRINKLES renjvea, sagging corrected The rlKht is expressly reserved" to re J 'jcct any and an Olds received. '. V T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER. " D." V. HART, County Commissioner. in 16 minutes: iree demonstrations. I Belllng-hrxen piag. weo Plastlque Agoy. WOMEN Use Femoida when others fail: sold and" l.uaranteed hv. tha Ann. I plund Drug Co, 110 N. 4th st Main $101 ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, nlcture framing. HL H. Mnorehnus ft Co.. 411 wasn mv Wrecking Co. Phone Main 37, A-8736. RICHMOND FUEL CO. Wood, coal, bricks, gravel, teaming. Sellwood 843. 1008 Division. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School i The only thoroughly equipped school ON THIS FACIr lC JUAOi. Thorough instruction. competent management and practical work. ; E, 23d and Morrison Take B-8 or Mt. Tabor car: look us up before deciding to enroll elsewhere. COAL WOOD No. 1 dry wood. 4 ft. NEER & FARR sawed to order. ff5 IS MY! AMI Sawea wood dellv U UDWIL ered. any qi Main' 1616- lantity, Home A-l 106. (STANDARD WOOD CO. Wood and coal. 347 E. Stark. Ewst 2316. B-7695. I WOOD and coal cheap. Ring Woodlawn 883. AUTO School of Oregon Practical in struction. Zl Mer. Trust Mar. ztas. ATTORNEYS DRY MIXED cedar 82 a load for 80 days only. Main 1163. A-3842. . OREGON LUMBER & FUEL CO., Hal wcy and East 39th st. Tabor 2811. ; CORD wood delivered anywhere in city, wnoiesaie, retail. East 318, 11-3088 HOME TREATMENTS VIAVI assists nature to remove cause of disease. 609 Rothchlld bldg. ESTATE DIRECTORY ADDRESS . TVLIPnONW 80S Corbett Bldf..... ..A-4 Mala U9 ...340 4tb .....Manbull fces, A-71 Grooud floor Levis Bldg.,...U)a au.1 A-li-t.l , ...S02 McKay Bld... .....Mala 64S Burtensbaw & Buehler ..Hawthorne and E. 49th... , Tabor 1743 Chaptn Berlow 8S2 Chamber of Oommarce... Main Wt Cook Co., B. S 6u8 Corhett Bldg .....Mala S68, A-'M Hoock, Oeorf A. (Oolonlaatton) . . . . , 4 I.abba Bld .Main l'i' Kmpp A Maekey 7 Chamber of Commerce., .-.Main and A-1 Minhill W. H.. raraw. City Propartr Boom 7. 850K, Alder.... ami Orrron Real Eatate Co., .Th Urand Are. and Multnomah . . Eaat T, C-17 Benin, tteorce u... iri Z,? .. ...Main Jiw, A-KW1 6hllda. 4. H 8M0 Oerllprer Bldg. ............... ...Mala Diair.. Thompaon, M. K. Co. . . Henry' Ag.. 4thOak. M. 8064. 8?W PAINT, 04L AND GLASS F E. BEACH ft CO.. Pioneer Paint Co, 186 1st Main 13M. a-iu. RASMU8SEN ft CO., "High SUnderd' paint, ne cor, in i ravior i..-iin. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 union. Bom cnonea. GET our prices on painting, paper ing, tinting. Krneai Miner wo., i ia s PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attor-ney-at-Law, latt U. S. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign pat" ents: Infrlnitement eases. n ueaum. PERFUMERY PERFUMES from home-growfl roses Rose City Perrume v.o.. za jeirereun. PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning. It: 1 years' experience, rnone wain mi PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Gil- lan, 166 10tn. Botn pnones. PRINTING WELCH PKHTING CO. Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st MEETING NOTICES REMEMBER the date, Tuesday even-- it.'" rruruai-y isn, nd attend the St alentine' dancing party to ta glvn by Mt. Hood circle, No. 161, Wo men of Woodcraft at the hall. East Sixth and gast AJder t. Admission, gents 60c; ISdies 25c. Unio. music. IVANHOE Lddge No. 1, K. of P.. will give an old fashion dance and whist party in their castle hall. 11th and Alder sts., Tuesday, evening, January 31. Mem bers of the order and their friends are cordially invited. A good time 1 guar anteed to all. E. M. Lance. K. R. S. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 40, B. A. Y.. meets every Wednesday evening ln Western Academy of Musts hall, corner Second and Morrison. Vis itors welcome. ,v YETTA HAINES, 609 E. Stark. Correspondent. PSYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. M. J. PIERSON, psychopath, gen eral practitioner, room 16, 166H 4th. JOBBER 3TAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ning n a inuoj:zaioiaj-BMainiawi; SHINGLES BEST ln Portland. Bee them. 101 Washington st 8. F, Gilbert SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory' prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes SCHOOLS - The OREGON Kliim ChiroDractic-NeuroDathv Teaches .a science that cures without drugs. Free treatment given every day. 810 Buchanan bldg., over 6 & 10c store, J. E. Lavalley, Ph. C. Pres. ASTRA CIRCLE Whist and 500 partyl Thursday. February 2 in the w. O. W. bldg., 128 11th st Fine prizes and good music for dancing. . COMMITTEE. MT. HOOD circle. No. 161, Women ti Woodcraft, will give a McKUiley me morial military whist social Tuesday evening, January 31, 1911. Wear a red car.iauon. 'Admlsgfon 15o.. M. W. A.. RO&B CITY CAMP Monday, Selllng-Hlrsch bid-?.. Washington near 10th. Phone Clerk. Main 9394. A-4881 : R N. AT Oregon Rose camp, meets Wednesday ovenlnas. Allakr halL 2d and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICKSZ? i. g. mm a si. Wedding -nd visiting card engraven and monogiam stationers. Washington bldg.. Washington st, bet 3rd and 4th. DRESS suits for rent all sues. Unique Tailoring to.. a atara st CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st DEATHS MAX M. SMITH, flortst 150 Bth st, opp. Meier ft Frank's. Main Till. ' FUNERAL NOTICES BUHMANN Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of the late John F. Buhmann, which will be held from Zeller-Byrnes' parlors, 694 Williams avenue. .Monday. January 30, at 1:30 p. ro. Remains will be taken to . tne fortiand crematorium. Please omit flowers. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. INSURANCE JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 202, C-2008. Insure now. THE JAM Eel I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. CARD OF THANKS WE wish to thank the many friends' for their sympathy and help ln our loss of a dear husband, and loving father, and , for the beautiful flowers that made his last resting place one of beauty. -MRS. GEORGE S. WILSON. HIRAM E. WILSON, --- ARTHUR K. WILSON, GEORGE T. WILSON, MRS. W. W. ROB1SON. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association. 303 Rotliofcfld bldg. Phone Main 703. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties. H. A. Forbes, New Perkins Hotel. 6tli&Wash. LAUNDRIES EAGLE LAUNDRY, fine work, low prices and quick. Phone C-1794, E. 3863. 120 Russell st. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, flndlnga LIBRARIES CIRCULATING librsry. 186 6th. bet Taylor and VamhlH. Books 8c per day. LOCKSMITH KEYS; factory prices, umbrella and gen eral repairing, 105 4 Park. M. 9167. LUMBER ALBINA planing Mill, mill work. Inside finish, bank, store fixtures. E-3713; 637 Vsncouver ave. MACHINERY a TRENKMAN ft CO. Hydraullo and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice ln all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71, A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON ft MATTHEWS general practice. 405-8 Buchanan bldg. BATH HOUSES SUNRISE BATH AND LAUNDRY Baths 15c. 299 2d. A-7146. COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS made everywhere. I get the money when others fall; bad debts are my specialty, no matter how long standing. Kates reasonable. C-384, Journal. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM, nerve, rheumatic, di gestive disorders. 302-3 Oreonlan bldg MICROBE KILLER RADAMS Microbe Killer, great germi cide, for sale. H. D. Winters, Winters block, Grand ave. and Davis st, whole sale and retail. R. H. B1RDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES, wallcases, counters in stock and made to order at the lowest price. 413 E. 8th. Phone East 8117. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Mary Ma.lur and family do most sincerely extend their heartfelt thanks to their many friends, to Scout Young ' Camp U. 8. W. V.. Scout Youne Woman'a Auxiliary S. W. V., and Benevolent Or- ,i der or kiks, tor tno kindness nhown dur ing our bereavement in the death of our" beloved son and brother. J. H. Mader. - SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEn ft KLEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers ln the northwest E. 7th and E. Everett sta Phones, East 1111, Home B-2224. WE DESIRE to tbank our friends for assistance rendered during illness and demise or our late parent, Charles . Holzer, and sympathy extended In our Dereavement. Kespectruuy, totgneai MR. AND MRS. C. E. HOLZER. - "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Main 1606 Dunning & McEntee TAILORING SCHOOL Undertakers. Modern In every detail. 7th and Pine. Sain 4V A-4568. Lady assistant KI ESTER'S Ladles Tailoring College, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143V 11th. Zeller-Brynes Co. iVVoTS phones; laoy assistant. Most nodarn atnhllnriwiAnF In ''-ii'iioimnin ail viij . TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sta $1 per month. Portland Laundry 4 Pbons Main 410. A-4410. I FRPW The east side undertaker. L.LIIUII Tjadv assistant -l RSIL Ram. T81. East 6th and Alder. TAXIDERMIST ERICS0N uin,mnai F. B. FINLEY, taxidermist and furrier; glass eyes. 249 Columbia EAST 6.IDE funeral directors, success. mar to it. n. uunning. inc. ts. htwh TAILORING EDWARD HOLM AN, undertaker, 12s gd st Lady assistant. Main let. ALFRED OGILBEE. 310 Labbe bldg., 2d and Washington. Suits to order. ELMGREN, ladles' and men's clothes. Builder a nd draper. 204-6 Macleay bldg. GL'S SEAQU1ST, tailor and draper; ex clusive patterns. 245 M Washington st TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage; free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt St.. bet 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69: A-1169. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separste iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables: north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for Shipment Mala 696: 4-1996. BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank book mrg; agts. zor joues improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 113. LET US get your money for you. Claims of every description collected on a strictly percentage basis anywhere. Telephone Main 8410. Colton Adjust -ment Co., 110 Ablngton bldg., Portland. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES YALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold. Repairing. iaa mtn. BUILDINGS WRECKED Sawed wood. 2d-hand lumber, for sale. Oregon Wreeklr- Co., E. 4b48. Mr. Cur ry, 412 Gantenblne. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. street paving, sidewalks ana cross. Inge. 317 Beck bldg. TIN roofing, guttering, repairing and a-enerai lonoing. j. mbii. hi jener- son St. Main 14S4. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland rnce, 60B ElectrlO Ping. JAB. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds f Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CHINESE DOCTORS Dr. L. T. Yee ft Sons, 142 H lei- Con sultation, pulse diagnosis Tree. , off. hrs. 10:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. M. 8444, A-3856. DR. WING LEE makes a specialty oi chronic diseases. Give me a trial and be conviaVed: 27 N. 6th st. CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency. 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th ano Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 317 Allakv A -731 7: M 4222. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White. Main 6074, A-7026. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GOLDBERG & TRUMBO. 312 Couch bldg.. parents and machine Resigns; plans and estimates for conveyor, tie vatdis, saw mills and power plants. ..m'imir'I 8028. W. ANDREW CLARKE, meohanloal draftsman machines and patents de signed. 735 Chamber of Commerce, Main 669, A-3531. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots cure all diseases of men. One treatment free: 14a hi Third st DR. Bing Choong, physician for men and women, uuaranteeq cure, zzvft Aider, YOUNG MING Chinese Medicine Co. Free consultation. " 186H 1st st OR. MRS. 8. K. CHAN cures all dls eases, of. womcn..j26 JUorrlson st. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.,,Electro Cleaning Wcrks. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440, B-1963. 804 E. 19th N 'INU Steam Cleaning; carpets, faathers ranovatea; guaranteed, ts. a izss. D. GURIEN, carpenter work and re pairs; store fixtures a specialty. Es timates given; 233 Sheridan. Main 8178. References. . FOR cement work, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C Olaon. Marshall 1441. i92 Grover st ' carpenter and WILLIAM FISHBECK. builder, jobbing and contracting. 4th. Main 6241. 201 WANTED Artesian, and drainage wells to drui. 4Z6 Board of Trade. DANCING 25c PER lesson, 4 lessons for 1; waits, - two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon ' and eventnff for bertnners.' including ladv tand-retitliTMi -teaehrrw; "Pror."Wai Wilson s school, oldest and only recog nized leading academy for correct danc ing. jfxu wasn., net. w. faig ana lutn MIXIMG AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. Send for our booklet. 220 Drextl bldg. MULTIGKAPHIXG MULTIGRAPHING. shorthand, type writing. M. 7fi6. 413 Huchanan Diog. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-41B0. Mar.l 629. PIANO, violin, trombone, corner, mando lln, flute. Prof. E. A Smith. 292 12th. RACHEL Paulson piano and harmony studio 38, 1S5V4 4th st fnBv. t. e. lawsonC us lltn st. Phone Main 5197. Piano leswons uc. PORTLAND Vnn Storage Co., cor. 13th and Eventt sts.. Just opened, newest most mode-n storage warehouse In cttv; every convenience for safe and proper handling- it goods: lowest Insurance rate in no-thwest; free trackage, van Tor moving. Main or A-1520. EXPRESSING, coal delivered anv part city, lowest prices. Rubin. 304 Ankeny. TYPEWRITERS ALL makee. rented, repaired, sold. Cun-' ningnam l o. 23i starK. Mam nui UMBRELLAS REPAIRED MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher' band Instruments. NATUROPATH DOCTOR Dr. S. F. Glover, naturopath, chiro- praotlc specialist; paralysis, rheuma tism, nervous diseases. Phone or write. Main 3142. 702 Oregonian bldg. NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIALISTS CROSS-EYES straightened. No operation. Dre. Freeze & Rice, Merchants Trust OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS HEATH'S dancing school, 109 Second St. between 'Washington and Stark, stage-dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed ln 4 "lessons. Class Monday evenings, 8 to 12. Dr. W. W. Christie, , Osteopath, chronic nervous diseases, 814-5 Macloay bldg. Main 6173. A-4880. DR." L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON. spa-" clallst on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 86 DR. SMITH graduate - Kirk vUle.-Mo, 1888; post graduate lU7. Ill Swat land bldg. , ' DR. L. II. HOWLAND, general practi tioner, 80? Fleldner bldg. DRS; L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. n .wegonian jildg. UMBRELLAS, shoes repaired, kevs fit ted, saws filed. M il 25S6, 4304 Burns'd. VETERINARIAN DR. L. P. DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue Stables. Kast ti. 597. B-136H. WELL DRILLING DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea sonable. Call Main 1346 or write R West, 182 Morrison st. ' WINDOW CTiEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO.- 63 N. Park at. Phone Main 7385. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission mercnants. 140 Front at, Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. M. A.?GUNST & CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND, OR. WADHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and uaK sts. r , Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d st, between Salmon ang Main. ALLEN & it.EWIS GROCERIES. " BANKS' DR. KATflRYN RUETER. soeciallst ' woinun 4boiiildren, 302 Fliedner bldg, I i ij Hfiip ifj'ilfi-lall.i-Sti"M. " if 'I"" V i rTtt" "" ' ' 'f "" )l I EHMAN-AMKRl .'AN BANK Portlifad. Or. IT. Corne. Sixth and Waahlustua Sta Trana, sets a laowal Daaklog bailntiu. Drafts taaaed aTailabU Is all tha prlnelitnl eltira at the United 8Utaa and turtpa. - our r r cent luurat rild a aa floss v.aecoanta, pvalt TtaltS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS .P. FINLEY & SON Lady attendant Main . A-l 691. Co.. Mala Lafly ass't, . tOSIUND " &AII.WAY. tlQtaTTk . powts coMPAjrr. City Xdnes. Ticket Office and Waiting Rooa. ' First and Alder Streets). v Oregon City 4:00. 6:30 a. m." and every 30 minutes to and Including last car midnight. uresnam and Intermediate points- 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:46, 10:45, 11:45 a. m.. 12:45, 1:45. a lJ.-.iUi,- 6:45, 11:35 p. m. . . Kairview and Troutdale 6:55. 7:45. :46. 9:45. 10:46 a. m.. U;48. 1:41. Srii. 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 6:45 k m. , ; 7; Cazadero and Intermediate points- 6:55, 8:45, 10:45 a. m.. 12:46, 3:45. 4:41. Vancouver Una, A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:26. 8:0ft. 8:86. 9:10. 9:50, 10:30, 11:10, 11:60. f. m. 13:30, 1:10, 1:50, 830, 3:10, 3:60, 430, 5:10, 6:50, 6ao, 7;05, 7:40. 8:yi, 8:50. 9:25, 10:00; 10:38, 11:10, 11:45. On the third Mondav In everv month the last car leaves at 7:05 p. ro. . Cars for Vancduver make no stops On Union avenue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let off pas. sengers, but make stops to pick up pas'' sengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to Connect with cars for Portland A. M. 6:00. 6:85. 7:10, 7:46, 8:20, 8:68, 9:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30. P. M. 12:10, 12:50, 1:80. 2:10. 2:50, 3:30. 4:10, 40, .1:80. 4:10, 6:50, 7:25, 8:00. 8:35, 9:10. 9:45. 10:20. 10:65, 11:30, 12:05. ' ' On third Mondav of everv month tha . last ferry leaves Vancouver at T:8S p. m. Leaving time blackface, doubli trains x..., Cars from Vancouver make no stor.a on Union avenue between Portlsn- boulevard and Burnslde street except iu ici on passengers. ,.' Dally except Sundays , s Dally except Mondays. , Runs as local on Union avenue. TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY UIINB Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska dock, , Portland, 8 p. m. Dec. 13, 20, 27, Jan. and every Tuesday night Freight r- celved at Alaska doca until p. in. oauy. Passenger fare 1st class, i o; zd class, 37, including meals and berths. Tickets on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268. A-1334. ' : . , , t Baa rranclsoo a Peruana SteanTshia Oe. New service to Los Angelas via Bun Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock, Portland 4 p. m l s SS. Bear reb. 1, Hose City 6. Bearer 11. From San B'rancisco. northbound. 13 m i SS. B. City Jan. 31. Beaver rb. 6, Bear 10 From San Pedro, northbound: SS, Beaver Teh. 3, Bear 8, Bos city 13, B. O. Smith, C. T. V 14 Third it, 3. W. Bansom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Fboneai Main 408, HW6; A-140X STSTOoIden Qatc For . Tlllamooki Bay City and Qarbaldl Leavs Wssh. st dock Tue ' v I p. i . ' Frelitht and Out"- ' Phone Malu A-.i .