The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 23, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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.Collins', Bill Provides for -Two
:v . More Judges for .Multno
: mah at $4000 Year.
As V' t Special Dispatch to The Journal.) -". .
. Salem, Or Jan. 23.--TO Increase the
number of circuit judges In the Fourth
' Judicial district, ' that ls, Muttnomah
cotlnty, from five to seven1 Is the' object
' of measure introduced . In the house
. this mornlnf 3?y Representative Collins
' Of Multnomah.. Two additional Judges
are to be t appointed by the governor
w,lthln 10 days after the act is approved
'.- -and they-ere to draw the same salary
. as other circuit' judgets In Multnomah
county, namely r $4000. Owing Ao the
press. of the docket in Multnomah an
emergency Is declared, so that It will
go Into effect as soon as It Is passed
and can get the approval of the gov-
Mr. Collins Introduced another meas
ure ln'jthe house this morning that will
attract the attention of those interesed
: la things Judicial The bill proposes that
j no circuit Judge In the stata of Oregon
ahall draw salary unless every action
- or suit' that 1taa come before him wltn-
Jn the last three months shall have -been
disposed of. This la the law1 In some
- states and Mr. Collins believes it hould
be the law -in this state. Both these
.measures were drawn by the same par
ty. ""The former. was introduced by re
quest but the latter, is not so desig
nated. Both carry emergency clauses.
rK . '.
(Continued from Page One.)
peris are called in for such matters as
physical valuation of property. Having
now the machinery for gathering such
information, -friends of the Malarkey
Dill argue that the most economical
method 4 to confer the duty of regu
lation upon . the railroad commission.
There will be required an additional ap
propriation for experts and the bill In
creases -the salaries of the three com
missioners from $4 to $5 per year. This
lr Is said to be as little as' Is paid In any
other state where similar dutjea are im
posed upon the railroad commission. The
bill now rests In the railroad oommtttee
jOf which Dan Kellaher, Is chairman, the
' other members being Burgess, Patton,
taalarkey And' Bean.
, Kellaher, who si prominently connec
ted with the East Side clubs of Port
land,. Is expected to stand with, them in
- .favor of a municipal commission btil
aa opposed to, the Malarkey measure and
ome unusual form of fun may develop
before the committee Is through with
the bill.
(Continued from Page One.)
daughters, which finally resulted In the
i bankruptcy of the institution ; "
I f J Beled.Wia'5fnujrance Mania.
It Was about this time that the al
' leged Insurance mania took hold of the
three old women, which finally resulted
' in Ocey Snead's death, according to the
authorities. Although but a mere child
at the time, a heavy policy was taken
,' out on Iter life and this was followed by
. another. The women kept adding policy
How Any Meal Can lie Thoroughly
!; . . I2n joyed by Any Stomach.
Costs Ton Hothisg to Try. Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
Men, as a rule, are first discovered
by their enemies. Their antagonists
turn on the searchlight, and the proof
of merit will lie In being able to stand
the flash.
It was only In this way that Mr.
White , ever knew that dyspepsia was
one of Mr. Black's worst enemies. Bit
ting face to face at a two-by-four table,
he handed his afflicted friend the bill of
fare;. . c ' ..
Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Olives.
' Boston Clam Chowdet. .
;. ; Strained Gumbo.
i ' Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms.
Roast Beef Hash.
Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut
Lobster a la Newburg. .
, Baked Pork and Beans.
Combination Crab Salad.
Hot Mince Plo.
Pineapple Fritters.
. Mr. White ordered a "little of each."
Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers
' and a glass of milk. '"I had such a
big breakfast this , morning,"' he said,
. "that I'll Just take a bite to keep you
- company." But Mr. White could not be
deceived: "I am afraid you tan't stand
. the gleam, Mr, Black. Why don't you
say you have dyspepsia and be done
with UT You'll always have that hun
gry look anyhow as long as you have
' dyspepsia. Now listen. My stomach
was In just as tad condition as yours
at One time. But now X can eat anything
at any time. For Instance, this clam
'chowder or, sirloin steak Cr even, the
.lobster would be Just as welcome to my
stomach as your crackers and milk. You
don't realise how this dyspepsia busl-
ness Is robbing you of your spirit, of
." your energy and ability to think quickly.,
I can't help notice It You haven't the
cheer and sociability yoh had three
months ago. Now I'll tell you what to
-do," and thereat the cheerful Mr,
White took a vial from his pocket and
extracted' a wee tablet - "There, there
'.is a tablet that contains an Ingredient
one grain of which digests 3000 grains
of food. For even the worst dyspeptic
. It's the only thing that really gives re--lief.
The reason is ft relievos the stom
ach of nearly all the work It has to
do, digests everything In the stomach
and stimulates the . gastric Juice. . I
can't get along without them. - They are
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Tou can get
them anywhere on earth for 60c a pack?
age." . ;,v-.: .v- -;. -'
Yes, ; It Is true, Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets absolutely stop heartburn, nau
sea, indigestion, dyspepsia, of the worst
type, sour, stomach, bloaty -feeling and
all , eructation - and Irritation, and
freshen ; and Invigorate the stomach.
' They ctioer you . up, and make you get
all the "good there Is In your food. You
will-forget you ever had a stomach to
TWhU'i.,,; ;" (' mm iniim..
v- Send us your name and. address, to
day and ; we will at once- sand you by
mall a sample paokage free.- Address
F. "A.'. Stuart Cot, 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar
hall, Mich. , . v .,,'.. ...' :
after policy, hypothecating one to pay
the premiums t on another, : until they
had about, $30,000 insurance on ' the
young girl's, life.- -
A few years later, when Ocey had
grown to womanhood, she was married
to Fletcher Snead. her first cousin who
had already , been divorced from ' his
first wife. The match was arranged
by - the old women, who exercised a
great Influence over their children,
Xemoyal to Kew York,
With" no prospects f making their
llvlngjn, the south, the family moved to
New York in 1907 bringing thelj 80-year-old
mother, with them, where the
women hoped to obtain money from Mrs,
Russell. Sage or Mrs. Andrew Carnegie
for the purpose of starting a girls'
school, They were unsuccessful Jin this,
however, and were compelled to move
from the Manhattan hotel, where .they
had taken up their residence, to cheaper
; Things went from bad to worse.. The
heavy insurance premiums were contin
ually falling due and there was no
money With which to meet them. In
the spring of 1909 the family moved to
a house in the Flatlands, which played
an Important part in the tragedy., -Hero
many mysterious events occurred) and
on account of Us dark and forbidding
appearance, the neighbors named it the
"house of mystery."
. 'Olrt Shamefully Treated.
About this time Fletcher Snead
dropped out of sight and the young
wife was informed by her mother and
aunts that he was dead. In August
1909, the girl became a mother, apd no
aooner had the child been born than It
was snatched from her arms and tent to
aa orphan asylum, despite the advlca of
a physician to the contrary. -' ,
According to a physlclaa who at
tended the girl at this time, she was
shamefully treated, half -starved and
her pfscrlptlons rarely filled. .
. f-tarvatlon Process Continues.
Then 'came the culmination of the
tragedy. The spinster aunt selected a
humble 'house In East Orange, N. J.,
In October. 1909, where she brought the
unfortunate girl, weak and emaciated
rrom lack of proper nourishment A
' doctor was summoned and he stated
that the girl was not seriously 111 but
WaB Buffurlno' frnm lub
On Thanksgiving night the doctor
waa again summoned by Miss Ward
law, who asked him to give her a cer
tificate of health for her niece. . She
cam at a late hour of the night and
at first the doctor refused to accompany
her, saying the following day would do.
She persisted, however, and he finally
consented. On arriving at the house
he examined the young woman and said
she was not -In a dangerous condition,
except for her thinness and a slight
bronchial cough. '
Knew the Girl Had Drowned Herself.
On November 29. Miss Wardlaw re
ported her death to the authorities. Ac
cording to the policeV the girl's mother
was In East Orange the day before the
murder, and left that night When ar
rested, Miss Wardlaw " confessed that
she knew nf niw. ..4,-.i
commit suicide" and admitted that' she
nu eat uown stairs an during the night
with the knowledge that the poor girl
had dragged hcmif to the bathroom.
In the dawn of the following dav she
stole to the top of the stairs, pushed
open the door and saw the girl's body
In the tub.
The authorities Immediately got busy
and on December 15 Mrs. Caroline B.
Martin, mother of the dead girt, was
found Hying in a cheap ho;el in New
York, and was placed under arrest, and
on the following day Mrs. Mary Snead,
the mother of the girl's husband, was
also apprehended.
Husband Hefuses to Return.
Fletcher Snead, the missing husband,
was located in St. Catherine's, Ont.,
through teorrespondence found among
"Mrs. Snead's effects, but he refused to
come to the United States, on the plea
that he had been In some legal trouble
In Tennessee. It also developed that
the women had Intercepted letters from
young Snead to his wife in order to
keep her under the impression that he
wa dead.
Aunt Dies of Starvation.
But the tragedies In this family did
not end with the death of Ocoy Snead.
Last summer the little child, which
was born In the Flatland house, died
In an orphan asylum, and a few weeks
later the spinster aunt. Miss Virginia
Wardlaw, passed away in the House of
Detention, at Newark, N. J., having liter
ally starved herself to death.
(Continued from Page One.)
slon of an amendment with or without
Abraham's resolution will be attacked
by members of the senate who resent
the attempt to lay new grounds for
strife and exploitation of political thun
der. It would not serve to clarify the
Situation, It Is pointed out, or have any
praotlcal effect since the attitude of
both Oregon senators in favor of ejec
tion of senators by the people has not
been questioned. Abraham's fears that
they will go wrong at this time are not
regarded seriously. .
Would Direct Attention.
Friends of the Albee resolution, which
will put the senate squarely on record
as to whether It favors or disapproves
of th. Oregon system of government,'
sea in the Abraham reanluHnn an .
tempt to divert attention from the clear
The Abraham resolution teems with
insinuation as to Bourne's supposed
readiness to dodge and resort to trick
ery. The forwarding of a resolution
containing such statements is regarded
by many, aa in bad form. If amended
to cut out 'these personalities and go
straight td" tn point hy requesting Ore
gon senators to use all honorable ef
forts In their power to hasten the na
tion wide adoption of the election of
senators by the people, the resolution
would probably find no opposition, but
Senator Abraham would object to any
loss of the anti-Bourne thunder from lt
(Speeial Dispatch to' The 'Joaratt
'. North Yakima, Jan. 23. The opening
of spring Is heralded by marked activity
In real estate... Three sales totaling
more than $50,000 were reported today.
One is that ef the old E. L. Stewart
place near Prosser. Mr. Stewart pur
chafed the 20 acre tract, 1 years ago
forl!60 and. sold-It two years ago' to
II. t. Allison of Seattle for $10,000.
Mr. Allison has Just exchanged the or
chard for & Seattle apartment house.
With a valuation f $32,000 on the or
chard and $28,000 on the apartment
house. ;
Twenty acres near Zlllah changed
hands when W.L. Gale sold to A II
Mulllson for $26,000. .The land la in
orchard. '
Harry W. Sprague who recently re
tired from a haMwara firm With which
he has been connected for a number of
rw. lni! chickn. lysines..
has exchanged his noma place, an aore
In one, of the 'most desirable residence
districts for 16 acres In the Naches,
ovfncd by R O. Peck. The city 'acre is
valued at-$9000 and the ranch at $15,
000... Mr. $prague paying the difference;
Invade Wall: Street and Sell
Papers; Police Lead Them
From-Crowd. ' '
' ira..d Itmm (jessed Wire.
New York, . Jan. 28, A score of
suffmgettes almost auggragettes In
vaded Wall street "and proved such
a "side show" attraction that a
SeUll of police was finally necessary
to ' rescue the bold women from the
Jostling: crowd that,, gathered around
them. " :-. -.. ""
Headed by Mrs. Harriett Stanton
Blatch, president of the Wopien's Polit
ical union, the delegates visited the
financial :41strlot to distribute, at 2
cents per copy, the first edition of the
Voters for Women-Broadside, a suffra
gist leaflet that Is to .make its appear
ance whenever the-t'spirlt moves." The
women were timid at first but soon
warmed up to their work and; chirped
up "buy W wlthJ enthusiasm. ,
Some of them forgot their mission
fn -their desire to keep their hats on
straight and their dignity unruffled.
But the effort-was In vain, and it be
came necessary for the police to extri
cate a number of them.
When tne little band finally reassem
bled at headquarters It was found that
they had sold nearly a dollar's worth
of papers and had suffered not more
than $20 loss to millinery and toggery.
"It was a glorious start" said Mrs.
Blatch, "and we shall repeat the per
formance at the earliest opportunity."
( Buraiu ci Th Jonro).)
Salem. Or., Jan. 23: Alleging that the
rates charged for the ' transportation of
lumber between Timber, a point? on the
line of the Paciflo Railway & Naviga
tion company and Portland is unrea
sonable, unjust, discriminatory and ex
cessive the Nehalem Lumber company
has this morning 'filed a formal com
plaint against the Paciflo Railway &
Navigation company, and the Southern
Pacific company, with the railroad com
mission. The rate charged ovethe former line
between Timber and Hillsboro Is 5 cents
per hundred pounds for lumber and be
tween Hillsboro and Portland over the
Southorn Pacific the rate is 4 cents,
making a total charge from .Timber to
Portland over both lines 9 cents. The
rate Is alleged unjust and excessive and
the railroad commission is asked? to hold
an investigation and if the rates are
found as alleged to order a reasonable
and Just rate substituted
flWpd Press leased Wire.)
Denver, Col., Jan. 23. Limburger
cheese may be entitled to deepest re
spect, as a delicatessen, but as a cure
for cancer and contributory maladies,
the dainty edible has been discredited In
the federal court by Dr. F. P. Mor
gan of Washington, 15. C.,-aestlfylng
In the hearing in. the government's case
against Philip Schuch. vender of pro
prietary medicines. Indicted for alleged
questionable practices.
.Dr. Morgan is attached to the gov
ernment pure food infection Istaff. He
examined the admixture which Schuch
sold In Denvar to hundreds of sufferers
as a cur for cancer and other diseases.
He found it, he said, to be a combina
tion of limburger cheese and glycerine.
The one ingredient he detected simply
by its odor. The other was made ap
parent by chemical analysis.
Schuch summoned his former patients,
who are eald to be ready to swear that
the limburger and other mediclne8 of
Schuch cured them completely, bt the
court ruled their testimony out.
(Salem Burc.u ot The Joarail.t
- Salem, Or., Jan. 23. Work started to
day in making the repairs to the vari
ous bridges In the. city of Safetn that
were wholly or partially washed away
by the floods of last. Tuesday and Wed
nesday. The Winter street bridge Will
receive the first attention as It serves
the greater portion of the outlying dis
tricts. The Portland Railway, Light &
Power compafly will bear one-fourth of
the cost of replacing this structure for
the privilege of using it when completed
to reconnect Its New Park line with the
Salem system and State street line.
Other . bridges will be '. repaired as
rapidly aa the contracts can be let At
present those portions of the city that
depend upon the bridges for communica
tion with the business section are com
pletely out off from any fire protec
tion that might be offered by the cen
tral fire station for the district within
which that station may be of service
la restricted within the llmlU fixed by
the washed out bridges. ,
(Special Dispatch to The Journ.i l
North Yakima, Jan. 23. Leon D.
Green lost the Shetland pony last night
which has been one of the attractions
at the poultry show and found it this
afternoon in the parolr of a Nob Hill
home. The pony got loose from a
hitching rack In front of the postof
fice. Hack drivers say It ran about
the streets all night and played with
their horses. Finally it went back to
the poultry show, but of course, couldn't
get In. This morning it started -out to
follow one of the rural mail deliverers,
Out on the hill It strayed off the road
into an orchard where it was discovered
by some children who were so delighted
with It that they took it Indoors to play Mr. Green bought the little
fellow only a week ago in Seattle and
Values It at $200. - ;
(United Press Leased Wire.) ' "
.Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 23.--Armed
Immigration officials are beating the
brush eoiith of here and guarding the
mountain passes into the San Joaquin
valley lit the hope of . capturing smug
glers thought to Tmve been wounded in
a Pitched battlo yesterday. , , j ,
The revenue cutters-Boar and Orient
are off the coast seeking the smuggler
craft that landed the mm. Quaff Ylck,
suspected dt .being a ringleader , among
the coollea ensaged in Unlawful traffic
In Chinese and opium, was captured;-
But He. Will. Return to America
He Has Many Troubles
"to Bear.
New York, Jan. 18. Abe Hummel .nd
his sister fc Bertha are aboard the
Adrlatlo on the last leg of a trip around
the world which began January 21 last
year. The former lawyer has appar
ently completely recovered his health
and except for the Wrinkles that have
begun to gather In his face, looks the
same today aa he did IS years ego. ,
"I am going to live U London," he
said. Just before he went aboard the
steamer, "until I complete the book of
memoirs I am writing. I have a residence
In Brechem Place, Gloucester Road.
London. That floes not mean, of course,
that I will give up my home In America,
I expect to come back 'td. this country
aa soon aa I complete my writing."
He was asked about the report that
an indictment might follow the trouble
he had with the customs officials In San
Francisco. - .
"I had no particular difficulty with
tha authorities there," ho declared "It
was Just one of the trials of my life
tha. I have to boar."
(Unltwf Press Lemeit Wira.t
San Francisco, Jan. 23. The south
ern coast of Maska Is to be brought
into closer touch with the outside world
by two additional wireless stations
which the navy department will soon
establish there. The stations will be
located at Unalaska, one of the Aleu
tian Islands, and at Kodlak. wlilrh
south of the Alaska peninsula.
The comer Saturn will leave the
Mare Island navy yard on May 1 with
an expedition to InsUll these stntlons.
The navy already maintains wireless
stations in Alaska at Sitka and Cordo
va, and the army at Nome and St
- Rate Hearing at Montreal.
Montreal. Jan. 23. A
hearing was begun In this. city today by
the board of railway commissioners, fn
connection with the complaint of the
Vflnnniiir,, Hin -.1 r . .. ,T .. ,
eastbound freight rates from that 'city,
aa uuinjiait-u vnn me wesroouna rates
from Winnipeg, tiie recent action of the
Canadian Pacific In declaring a 10 per
cent dividend is likely to receive atten
tion, rne new terirr of Bleeping car
rales is also up for hearing.
Something New For
. Coughs.
Make Xt Tourgelf.
Until the discovery of the won
derful new drug product, Montho
Laxene, everybody had to rely on
ordinary cough mixtures, usually
composed of morphine, opium and
the like; but now the most effec
tive and popular cough syrup is
made at Jtqme with essence men-tho-laxene.
Here Is the formula:
Essence mentho-laxene. . .2 Ozs.
Granulated sugar syrup. 13 Ozs.
Buy of your druggist, -or have
him order it from the wholesaler,
two and one half ounces of es
eence mentho-laxene: empty It
Into a pint bottlo and fill up the
bottle with granulated sugar
syrup. To make the syrup, use a
pint of sugar and a half pint of
boiling water, stir it, let cool and
mix It with the montho-laxene.
This makes a fine cutatlve laxa
tive cough syrup superior to any
thing you can buy at four times
the price. Take In teaspoonful
doses 8 to 10 times daily, It
loosens the tightest cough In an
hour, and is fine for old people
and for children, for they like to
take it, and by Its tonic, cleansing
healing and laxative properties It
prevents pneumonia,; lung fever
and other complications of colds.
There is no case too bad for
it to overcome.
From 2 to 10 Acre Tracts
Adjoining Rose City Park
Easy Terms
S27 Chamber of Commerce
' Main 803
IN w Furnished
ruu LOT.
Central East Side.
$4500, Terms
Owner leaving state. Address S-878,
Journal, giving name and telephone
Need money and the price of 13400.00,
cash $2200.00, will attract a purchaser
who wants the finest corner lots on
Btanton street, two blocks from' Irving
ton carllne. Streets hard surface, sewer.
.water and gas mains In. Restricted res-
'. -. . , .... - . 1 I ..... t 1 I . . M
luence nisinui. ah meai iioine nuo. ii
thlst suits an.l youj have the money, call
up owner. Tabor 2376, Cast 2t,
CERTIFICATES ef title made bv fits
Title V Trust company, Lewis Bldg.
4tn ina ua.
Alameda Land Co. to O. Mlkkel- T
sen, lot 12. block 19, Alameda'
Park i .. i r k .. (80
investment Co. to Raohel Lain?,
lots H and 16, block 44, Irving-
ton Park BOO
Same to William O. Lalng, lots ,
10 and 12, iblock 44, "Irvlngton '
Park ;. Boo
same to i. m. manson, iota is ana
90 hlnnlr 44. TrvtnirtAn Parlr RAA
AlomoHn TnA in 11mA ,
, 't rust w., ioi ii, diock 4, Ala
meda Park.,',.. S2fi
Same to same, lot 1. block IS, Ala
meda J'ark 1,500
Harry L. : iiamblet, trustee, to
Ralph A Coan, lots 39 and 40,
v block 1, Falrport..,.., , 100
- - N
Andrew CPeterSon tJ ;Arthur W,
Lawrence, lot 7; block 12, Wit-
lamette ... t . i . ... ........ '600
W. Breyman et al to Julius Hell
bron. lots 12, 3. 4, 5, 28, 29, f
30 St and 32, block 4, Boise's '
' addition ....... . 5,000
Mrs. G. E. Gibbons and huRband
to J. O. Elrod, lot 14. block 80,
Sellwood 1,200
Anna L Hasklns and husband tof . .
Julius Glarune, lots' 7 and 8,!
block" 14, Portsmouth addition 6B5
Portland Trust Company o( Ore-f
ton to John Mills, lots 23 andL:,
4, block 65. Went Portland Park ,108
Same to Johanna Bayless, lots 3D;
and 40, block 80, West Portland .
Park'. ..t 108
Same to' F. M. Bayless, lots 41S
and 42, block 80, West Portland H
Park .......Al 108
Victor Land Co. to Minnie Frlnk, '
lot 8, block 47, Fulton Park.?. . 400
Rachel Welnstein and husband to
Frank J. Van Winkle, beginning
In south line of Market street
; 130 feet west of southwest cor- '
, ner of Intersection of Marke.
anu r ourieenin itrwis . a.omi
LAWYER'S ADstract & Trust Co., oom
4 Board of Trade bldg.. abstrkcts a
UNION Abstract Co.. 412-41 J Corbett
oiag. Tel. Main ea. .
PACIFIC Title A Trust Co.. the leading
abstractors. 7 Oh. Com,., ground floor.
MULTNOMAH Council Royal Arcanum
meets at K. P. hall, 11th and Alder
streets, the second and fourth Monday
of each month at 8 p. m. Vlsltossi
cordially welcomed. II. Claussenius, Jr.,
secretary. 125 11th st.
M. W. A., ROfcE Cli U CAMP -Monday,
Selling-Hirst h bids., Wanhlngton near
letn. f hone f lurlt. Msln 9294. A-48S
S N. A. Oregon Rose camp, rarcta
Wednesday nvenlngs. AHaky hall. 3d
and Morrison.
Kenneth Durham, Spokane, Wash., 23,
and Irene Somervllle, 22.
August Snhnell, Heinz Apartments, 32,
and Ellse Christiansen, 31.
Edward Peterson, 146 Hamilton ave
nue, 24, and 'Magda Andersen, 21.
Howard . Templeton, 412 Larrabee
street, 23, and Adeline Fauntaln. 18.
Petrus Resare,. Gresham, Or., 23, and
Ruth Keller, 18
Walter Enbank, Teon building, 29,
and Blanche McFarlane, 28.
Alwin Blancy. Valley Hotel, .30, and
Nettle Blood, 20. I
Vern Miller. Eandy, Or.. 25, and Rose
Aldrlch, 24. '
Jacob Ferguson, 214 Columbia street
56, and Laura Walr, 42.
W. C. Parker, Arlata, Or., 21, and Ma
rie Noel, 20.
Don Norton. 290 Multnomah street, 32,
and Abigail Thomax, 24.
Albert Blambs,919 East Main street,
35, and Florence McFarland. 19.
Wedding -nd visiting card engravers
and moiiOKSMin stationers. Washington
bldg., Washington st. bet. 8rd and 4th.
DHESS suite for rent, all suee. Uniquti
Tailoring Co.. R09 Stark st.
CLARKE BROS.. florlstB, fine flowers
and floral 1eHlirns. 289 M-orriSon st
MONTNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Victor
.Montney, 326 South Sixth street, Jan
uary 12, a girl.
COFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Coffman, 1934 Union avenue, January
20, a girl.
OHLENDORF To Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Ohlendoif, 389 East Yamhill street
jHnuary 16, a girl. -
SIKIAN 'lp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slrlan,
189 Harrison street, November 22, a
LEK To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, 400
Eugi'no street, January 15, a boy.
GANTENBEIN To Mr. and Mrs. Gan-
tenueln, Lleone, (jr., January 20, a
JUCIANO To Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni
Juclano, 294 Sheridan street, January
17, a girl.
PICKLE At St. Johns, Or., Herbert
Pickle, agcl 62 years, member of
Henipen camp W. O. W. of Minneapolis.
Remains at Zeller-Byrnes .funeral par
lors, 594 Williams ave. Funeral an
nouncement later.
M'KAIC Dugold McRne, State Tubercu
losis Sanatorium, January 20, aged 70,
WOJC1K Frank Wojclk. 589 Borthwiok
street, January 20, aged 4, scarlet
HANCOCK Willard Hancock. 290
Twelfth street, January 19, uged 40,
SMITH Peter Smith, Multnomah hos
pital, January 19, aged ,05, cancer of
OONNOIS Lawrence Connols, 230 Co
lumbia street, January 20, aged 1,
CHYST Alyda Cryst. Ely. Nev., Janu
ary 14, aged 35, peritonitis,
PECC1A Rosa Peccla, 441 East Forty
thlid street, January 20, aged 65,
PAPPAS George Pappas. St Vincent
hospital, January 11, aged 26, frac
tured skull.
OMER Annie Omer. Multnomah hos
pital, January 20, aged 41. cancer of
MAX M. SMITH. flont. 150 6th sc.
opp. Meier Frank'. Main 7218.
HICKS Funeral service of tha late Silas
H. Hicks will be held at Dunning &
McEntea chapel, Seventh and Ankeny,
Tuesday, January 24, at 2 p. m. Friends
respectfully Invited to attend. Services
under auspices of the G. A R Inter
ment G. A. R. plot Greenwood cemetery.
WOLF In this city, January 22, at the
family residence, 1043 Vernon avenue.
Marguerite, Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Wolf, agfd 1 year 4 mos.
and 7 days. Funeral notice at a later
Dunning & McEntee Vu$3Srn
every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 430.
A-4558. Lady assistant.
Zeller-Brvnes Co. IW
phones; lady assistant Most modern
eatannsnment in city.
Lady attendant Main 9. A-169.
I TRPl-l The eaet Hid undertaker.
LCnLn lAdyusslstant. R-18S8. East
781. East 6th snd Alder.
CDlftv'nM Undertaking Co.. Main
LniLOUIl iss. A-J2S6. Td ede't.
EAST SJDE funeral directors, succrsa
sor to F. fl. Dunning. Inc. E. 63. B-I53S
EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker. 319
Sd st Lady assistant.' Main 607.
$300 'CASH AND $20 A MONTH
Will buy a swell 6 room bungalow with
every modern convenience, fireplace,
built in buffet, full basement, etc.; cor
ner lot, 2 blocks to car, cement walks,
curbs and graded streets, fine location.
Price , 82600. Be sure to see this. Call
Mr. Ward, Main 8900 or A-6271.
Four Beautiful
Homes, elegantly fmlshed. oak and ma
hogany, choice locations, Irvlngton.
C-1866, East 272. No agents. W. H.
Herdman. .
Modern 6 room bungalow, corner lot.
east Tront 60x100, four blocks north of
Kllllngsworth ave,. 1 block from school.
Price $2900,; $500 down, balance $29 per
montn. itjBi!isiia.Y.
HOME for sale. Reasonable. Buy of
win lane gooa span or.
mares as part pay,
Address Box 68.
Dayton, ur.
yton, ur. ,
MM room house. 1 acre of land ,.t In
Titt rt"bmtsr tmrrr.irnniT- wir
$2600. Owner, J. A. Axsom, In McMlnn
villa, ur. rine location
FOR - SALE by owner,, west side,
close Itu 100x100 ft, first classView
house, 8 rooms, two baths end all first
class conveniences. F-367, JournaL
for sales
two room bungalows.
One, corner 58th and Flanders, .
The other, 68th and Everett
Very easy terms.
Take Montavllla car.
Commission for selling.
401 Lewis bldg. 1
FINffi I ROOM HOUSE, $600 CASH. ' '
New modern 6 room house, all latest
Improvements, extra well built Jind fin
ished, on a corner lot 50x100, improved
street and cement sidewalk, 1 blpck to
car, o,n Francis ave.: price $3800; $500
cash and $26 per month. If you are look
ing for a nice home, see this.
317 Board of .Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
Residence tor Sale .
Located East Sth street, lust north
of Knott; modern In every respect: full
lot; Improvements all In and paid; 8
rooms and sleeping porch, full cement
UBSPinem; price oouu. biiibu yainuni
r. quired, balance monthly.
" 414 Spalding bldg.
Close In, near car, built for comfort,
2 big porches, reception hall, oak
paneled dining room, built-in china
closet, window seat Dutch kitchen. 3
large bedrooms, roomy bath, ftill cement
basement cement walks, fine big garden
for $500 cash, inso, $16 monthly. or
don. 827 Board of Trade. ,f
READ THIS Five room modern bun
Kalow. full size corner lot. terraced.
one short block to car, beautiful view,
restricted district. 3 blocks to school.
15 minutes to center of city. Price
$2700; $1100 cash. Clarke & Co., 207
Kothcnud bldg., 4th and Washington.
Brand new 6 room house, Just fin
ished, has all modern conveniences, on
improved street and close in, South Port
land; tne. price is low and terms easy.
317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak
For lnvesu.ients or nomes, SEE
Specialists in Real Estate
For the man of moderate means.
Real Estate Rentals, Insurance.
Brand New
5 room cottage. Well built. Close
to two car lines Terms. Phone E
6047. Owner.
BARGAINS In nouses RoBsmere add!
Hon! tprma. E I.. Ttnvil Tohnr mi
D37 E. 46th N.
SIX room modern house 342 Eugene; lot
3:1x160. Inquire 336. Walking dis
TWO hoiideg and 2- full lots, at Os
wego, $450 and $1100. D?35, Journal.
$1800 Nearly new 4 room bungalow
with bath, basement and electric
lights. Can be had on sipall payment
down, balance llkeent. E. T. Taggart
4i jiiamDor or twrnmerce.
FINE 6 room furnished house and lot;
htuse cost $15C0; all goes for cain
at $1600. Box 422 Arleta cr phone
Tator 7Z0.
MODERN 9 room house and 100x100
feet, on E. 17 ch St., near Rose City
car; price J6u00. Apply at room 12,
245 Morrison St., bet. 2 and 4 p. m.
6 PiOOM house, modern, nearly new.
west siue, 4zu; sesy payments
Hatfield, 165 4th st.
AT GREAT sacrifice, plastered house 4
rooms, 2 lots, cosy, 2 blocks from car,
close in. u-375, journal.
SOMETHING Kood. Solondld bunealow
In Woodstock. Modern In every re
rnecjt. Lgt 100 feet" square.. We guar
antee this to be worth uiore. $3500. Part
cash. - Terms on 'balance. 202 -Ger-lliiKor
5 ROOM modem cottage for sale by
owner. Phone B-I549.
Hawthorne Ave,
New 6 room bungalow, large lot 60
by 117. 200 feet north Hawthorne ave.,
connected with sewer, valuable loca
tion; price $3000, Is very low, terins.
Owner. tjQ2 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark.
FIVE room cottage on 37th st. Have
equity to sell or trade for lots. 326
Washington st. room 415.
B'JNGALOWS for sale, cash or pay
ments. F. A. Everest 410 Rothchlld
bldg.. phone Marshall 629; A-2909.
$200 Lots $200
High, cleared, level lots, short car
ride, good car service; built up with
many homes, in Portland's best resi
dence district. Call at Gregory Heights
Office, end of Rose City Park carllne.
Gregory Investment Co.
Franklin Street
Nice lot. 200 feet from car. near
school, lies fine, cement walks and
graded street paid. A snap, $160
down, balance $10 per month.
M. 8430. 205 Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder
4 lots, 80x100 each, on E. Burnslde
st., near 65th, handy to 2 carllnes; a fine
place to bulldla house and, raise chick
ens, or a good speculation; owner must
sell; price $1000, $100 cash and $15 per
817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak.
$60 for lots on West Stark and 52d; best
buy. New car line building: your op
portunity for $2 per month as long as
they last Don't say. "I wish I had,"
but buy today before it Is too late. Come
and see u?.
326 Vi Washington St.. Room 616.
FOR SALE 60x75 ft. lot on H.
Salmon, between 17th and 18th
sts.; will sell at bargain; give
terms. A-377. Journal.
60x100 CORNER. $325, $25 DOWN.
This Is ,close to new Mt Hood elec
trlo on H. 82d st. At price and terms
you can't beat It.
828 Btirtisldw. Main 3778.
Sacrifice Sale,
Comer lot In beautiful residence dis
trict 32d and Emerson st, 2 blocks to
car, east front. Streets in and paid, $700.
cash, balance easy. Owner, Hedrtck,
4o5 Chamber of Commerce.
I HAVE several J100 lots In Portland.
West Side, on United railway, for $30
cash; perfect title; owner leaving city.
A snap for someone. 401 Spalding bldg.
Marshall 2827.
50x100 feet on 61st st, close to car:
street Improvements In and paid. $750
cash. Address T-376. Journal.
HALF ACRE river front atTen
nings lodge Oregon City car. Prici
J2290; views at Miller's office, 2i5
Board of Trade.
$350 CASH buys a $650 lot In restricted
district; must have cash; warranty
deed ana ansiracis. u-sdb, journal.
CHOICE quarter block, Montavllla',
$1000; $100 cash, balance $10 a month.
Phone B-2301.
TWO lots for sale, 100x100. In Lincoln
Park. Inquire 148 E. 6th, 3 doors
from Morrison.
FOR SALE Lois In Shearer's adJItlo.:,
East 81st atid Harrison - sts.; high
and sightly; terms'. Prlcei reasonable.
Tabor 16B8.
QUARTER ACRE at Firland. Mt. Scon
i car, $400; terms; streets grnded and
water included In price; all cleared.
Miller, 213 Board of Trade bldg,
BUILDING !slte fose In. fulTTfont 200s
V-ltlt i II1MIO
tan DGWNf Immediately secures exoert-
tionally choice West Side comer lot
Magnificent view. 8-870. Journ a 1. -, t
FOR SALE 1 4 suburban lots. Af
r. dress O. J. GHlett,i:il El 81t st N.
' " ' Flat Site
80x100, clone in. fine location for
rats. Price $3450. '
205 OerUnger bldg., 3d andAide
FINE business lot on 'Williams aveT
liouu. Appiy at ziovi Morrison at,
room 12. i 1
A Snap
Acreage Home, - '
In City Limits . '
1 Vi acres, all clear, plenty of ; ;
beiiies and fruit, modern 6 room
almost new plastered house, bath,
city water, etc., full cement base
ment fully plumbed, good barn, J
3 nice chicken houses, painted '
nicely, land fenced with nicely '--
fiatntetf picket fence, 25x100 foot - '
ots adjoining selling for $300
each. Price $3500. $1260 cash, v
balance long time, 8 per cent
E, R. Markham
! 205 Gerllnger Bldg. -.s
Main 8430. 2nd and Alder.
12 Acres on Mt. Hood Electric
Partly cleared, new house and
harn fronts on 80 foot road, t
miles from M."V.-earllne. Price .'
$7800; gome terms. 411 Couch
Reid Ziegenfuss
1 to 40 Acre Tracts
On the Mt. Hood, United R. R., Estacada
and Salem Electric lines; prices reason
able, libtral terms. Further particulars ;
at 411 Couch bldg.
Reid & Zeigenfuss
5 Acres
Garden Home, close to station;
$2000; easy-terms. ,
Brown & Staver
614 Couch bldg.
A 5 Acre Snap-
near.Mt. Tabor, all In high state of.
cultivation, new 6 room house cost
$2000, uarn and chicken houses, fruit
and berries, on hard surface street. A
fine home or can be suhdivldeded. " Own
er going east. Price $8500; $3000 cash,
balance long term, 6 per cent interest,
() sbtirn Bros., 603 McKay bldg.
FOUR acres, good baTri and chicken
houses, all set to choice apples. 4
years old; will sell all or will divide;
2 blocks from-Jennings Lodge station;
take Oregon City car. Inquire at store
for C. D. Slocum, owner.
TEN ACRES of rich black soil, thor
oughly cleared, on electric line near
Portland. A dandy investment on very
easy terms. 405 Couch bldg. T
FOR SLE 1224 acres of choice wheat
land, 4 miles from station.
160 acres timber In Lane Co., for sale .
cheap. tL. H. Smith. 131 3d st.
FIVE acre tracts, Ideal for chickens,.
berries, etc. for $750,' handy to Port
land, excellent transportation facilities.
M, E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
12 cultivated, house and barn, plenty of
timber and running water, to trade for
house and lot or rooming, house. -
205 Morrison st
I HAVE a $7000 8-room house, hard
wood floors, all modern conveniences,
restricted district; mortgage against
same for $3500; will exchange my equity ,
for smaller home or vacant lots, C-369,
Journal. .
SALE OR EXCHANGE 2H acres with
in cltv limits, modern 7 room house,
barn a!nd chicken houses, set out to fruit ;
and berries; lies fine. A beautiful home
for a man with means. A-379, Journal.
$1500 and $900 Installment contracts
win trade ror vacant lots in good ,
locality- will pay some cash, 420 Swet
laud bldg.
I HAVE 21 Alaska Central R'y. shares.
pfd. Will trade for acreage or house
and lot, paying dlfferenoe if any. W.
aa. lorn, j-.enta, ur.
IF yol want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 526 and 527 Henry bldg.
Main 44d, A-l31.
65 ACRES, 15 miles out, exchange for
Portland property. Call 5 to 7 p. m.
646 Glisan st
8 ROOMS, close In. Will sell on terms
or exchange for Portland lot. 271 Vi
Morrison St., Koom ea.
Customers waiting for houses and lots.
270 Stark St
WTE CAN trade your property or busl
ness. Call 808 Board of Trade.
SALE or trade, at a bargain. Canvas
glove making outfit B-369, Journal.
WK trade tor anything anvwnare. bee
us tcday. 411 Henry bldg.
I WILL buy, " sell or trade anything,
R F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg.
20 acres of good land, will trade for
horses. Phone Marshall 1441.
HA VE property to trade; want confec
tionery or cigar store. 226 ft Wash
room 415. Main 6381.
for houses, 6 to 8 rooms, $2600 to $4500
on easy terms. East or weat aide. If
you want to make a quick sal aee Mr.
Guthrie, Columbia - Trust . Co.. : Board
of Trade bldg. - -
WANTED $6000. to $60,000 south or
east Portland property. Will trade
acreage, ranch or Umber land, ' All
near Portland, some cash. Parker, 502
Corbett bldg. Owner.
Wanted for Cash !
Lot on or near Mllwaukle ave., near
Holgate. Must be cheap. G-866, Jour
IN TOUCH with 'buyers for houses, lots
and farms; do you wisn to seilT p. A,
Everest, 416 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall'
629 or A-8909. -
WANTED Direct from owner, Rroom
modern bungalow, near W.-R. carllnt
Or W.-W. carllne, about $2500 on easj
terms. Address B-37g, journal.
vTnT equity in Portland lot for clear
lot In good town; delinquent contract
considered. Wood, 310 Spalding bldg. "
WANTED Bungalow, 4 to f rooms. In
,,-ood district $3000 or less, 300 cash,
bal. $30 to $50 monthly.' Call 54 H th.
We sell real estate quickly and quietly.
270 Stark St
WANTED Acreage for cash! must b
reasonable. P-S74. Journal.
$3500 WILL buy 40 acres, I aeres
young fruit trees, hear Scapponi;
ifood house, running water, Parkur.
603 Corhett bldg. . : ".
FARMS bringing in money, nn. oi
payntenta, F. A Eviet, 416 JtnUi
chlld bldg. Phone Marshall 6S9, A-;
""""farm' i.asi.' -
- Send for my printed list A. T. Wilt
Aurrs. r. , - ; '..
A BAKOAIN iS'i aitree Jn th Jii .i l
fruit Vielt,.12 acres In (rulilvnii'r t ,
miles frnm rsllroid, or!y $1 par
box 22, Ustacada, Or. ,