STORES AND OFFICES 11 LARGE place, -80x171. on Front between Main and Miwllson; Just the place for machine, blacksmith, boiler shop or seed store, v STORES for rent; one room for hard ware store, $10. One room for barber ihop, $5. One room for meat market 110. -Also real estate office and wood yard, cheap. This property Is locate! at 'K. 41st an Division. Bee grocery man on corner or phone to owner, Joe - jNasn. iiDur joia. xhv Ntc ltgfet, well- appointed offtCMe heart of business district deairjWe ten- annor, noi ana coia w&ioi, jbuj. i. 4 V ft A a jat LiA V-l 1 lrat Walker Business College. " . .. " 1 : '" "' i ' i.l. rA-mAi HALF of new tnree story pries, ouxxwy, plate glass front, 16th and Marstiall; suitable for light lobbing, manufacttfr Inr or retail; divide space to suit ten ant of tenants; long lease. A. G. Long. .. FOB. RENT. 144-250 'Front t, long lease, near Madison t bridge. J. Simon & Bro. .-,, " FINE storeroomi 50th and Powell Vai. ley Road,' Mt. Scott car. See owner at '-CopprwaJtes, 49th and Hawthorne. Ta- , nor ozw. . - -' 1 ' ' FOR KENT Large- store with living rooms, best location for snrocery 'store In the a ubufbs - of Portland. G-3, 60, Journal. ' - ' i ' , , WANTED TO RENT . J! THREE or 4 rooms, cottage 'tr house keeping, partly furnished, adults; will furnish own bedding, dishes: state price. F-862. Journal. - A SWISS farmer would like, to jent farm or take It on bares. . Jos, Wey, : en. uei., roruanq. EXPERIENCED, carpenter, will finish cottage or other work for 1M of same, pnone tseuwooa 1000 WANTED at once, small house, .partly furnished, not close In. near car, not to exceed 316. Adults. J-360. Journal WANTED To rent small 3 room fur nlshed house on good carline. Phone Marshall .831. v - Worses, vehicles, 'etc. is HORSES AND WAGONS FOR PALE. ; We have on band 15 head of rood work horses, ranging la weight from 1000 to 1760 pounds. Also 2 democrat wagons. ,, 2 furniture wagons. . One 8K farm wagon. 6 delivery wagons. Several buggies and surries. HAWTHORNE STABLE. 420 Hawthorne a vs. WANTED Wares and horses with sheaves or bad wind, sored up mares; It price is right, for eastern Oregon. Write 827 E. 6th, with full description, weight, age and condition. Will call, city or country FOR SALE Draught, general purptfse horses, guaranteed as represemea, weigh from 1050 to 1600. Barn 1640 Macadam St., Fulton ear to cross-road, or 227 Salmon St. Marshall 895. Main ' 8186. y v" - " Wanted for Cash 4 or 5 second hand delivery or experss wagons; must be cheap. Call 664 Jef ferson st. fnone Mam sz7i. SALEM VALLEY HORSES AU Blzos. not street worn, sold Just as represented. Bank referncee. 970 E.' Alder, near SJrd. S-S car. HOH?C and bugcies for rent by day,. week and month; special rates to beslness houses. 6th and Hawthorne, East 72. 7 TEAR old burroal, ride or drive; very gentle for children; will exchange. Charles O. James, Hazetwood station. JFUST arrived, several - young horses, weight from 900 to US00; also 8 fresh cows. Columbia Stables. 803 Front. 8175 CASH buys team of horses, weight 1450 each; take "I" car to 16th and BiflKiyou fits, urebio. STALLS fpr -ent, 82 per month. 27? 12th st., cor.- Jefferson. Main I860. FOR SALE Large horses and mules" 434 Goldsmith st PIEDMONT lots exchange for horses, mules. - Frank Kubik, 1437 E. 7th N. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 PORTLAND PET HOSPITAL, DOUGLAS G. HERTZ. Manager. All kinds of household pets boarded and treated Xor all kinds of diseases. Large variety of birds, cats, dogs, etc., for sals at reasonable prices. Consul tations, examination fee $1. - PORTLAND PET HOSPITAL, Miller's Stables. East 20th and Belmont Phone East 6342. FOR SALE PartridKe Cochin and Brown Leghorn pullets and Indian Runner ducks. A. Bradwick, 1700 E. .Morrison st. Tabor Heights iF YOU want, to buy or sell dairy cows, see Monei-uruce jo., at stoca- yaras. wooaiawn Z4uu, PAVARV RTRI1S Fine singers and females. 547 Mont- ' j y. i niiiT. .A FRKSH oow. throo-fourths Jersey. 285 Willis boulevard, peninsula sta tion. , FOR SALE 3 thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerels. Phone Woodlawn 8112. CHICKENS for sate. Take Mt. Scott car to Kayburn. North 3 blocks. tfOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 NEW and second hand pool and billiard fahl.. knH.k .a1. . . 1. UUUltL .1111 VIU VII HPjr IVIIUD, bawling alleys, refrigerators fur Imrae JlTt. , - . U - 1-1. m im-tjoiiwnqgr jo.. e Din SNAP--Horton mailer. 90 mailing gal leys, . with. Jurnlture, Jngulr room 821. Beck Hrtu. SAFES New and second-hand genuine nan saies; low -prices: easy terms, Portland Safe Co.. 85-87 Fifth St. FURNITURE 6 - room house, sllehtlv used, stored, good bargain, 8250. Apply a mi my si. - FLOOR Showcases. 2 8 ft. 1 6 ft. Good ss new. Jeweler's safe, good as new. zou 3ra. FOR SALE 4 slightly used factory sewing machine heads and tables. Ad dress C-362, Journal. . FOR SALE or trade, one of the best equipped houseboats on the river. Fur nlshed or -unfurnished. K-364 Journal. ; FOR SALE 12 hs p. gas engine. 204 E. Iftth N. East 440. B-1963. A. FINE diamond ring to exchange, can use horse or buggy. 809 East 28th st. SHOWCASES, fixtures, store fittings, new, 2d hand, v 812 Everett. M. 7617. PHONOGRAPH and records for sale 212 Madison. j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 6 'EAST SIDE auction Jobbers want Id band furniture, highest price paid. 94 Grand ave.. E. 1051. FURNITURE WANTED. Second hand; highest - price paid. . Hockfeld & Bona, go Grand ave. E. 284. WANTED 500 second hand men's suits; highest prices ipald, Marshall J HALEY Furntturs Co. gives most for Used furniture, etc. E. 948. 396 Grand. WANTED iM,OVing picture machine, Films. gasoutflt. eto. -F-338. Journal, nyQTmb . pald-Xoryouriuf tlUu re: prompt; attent n always given. H 1067. WANTED 2d hand furniture." East 3134. " 848 Hawthorne ave. Seater ft Martin. , fcCHOOL books bought and sold, 2 1 A M - , . j j m ... I iu b(., near oavunun. ioj su THE Wanted--miscellaneous ' 0 1 8600 worth nf hniiKhnM 1 rnniti ' 1 large or small lots. Casey House Fur nlshing Co. " . . ' East 1 SOB. IF YOU want the mot money your f'j .,.,ilu?.V., save time, call iuisi 4732. 868 Hawthorne. Melef rurnlture Co. WANTED People of Portland to know mat r pay tne nignest cash price for second hand household goods. . N. M, Seater, 143 Russell.--East 1662. WANTED Second-hand - concom and peanut wagon for cash. Writo Frank W. Smith, Corvallls, Or. r BE WISE'; get rpore for your second band furniture by selling it to Ford octnyi uo., in I m. Main SI. A-Z44ft. WANTED to save you money. Sell your iurnnure io nine vjiiy Auction nouse, 872 1st. Marshall I6u' -- ' V FOB SALLAUTOMOEIIJES 44 BARGAINS IN USED - - cars :. 1 7-passenger. ! 30-60 horsepower, - equipped with top, glass front, , speedometer, 1 extra casing.' Would-consider good city real estate. Price .....83000 - . - - 1 Pierce-ArroW 8-oyllnder, 1 48 horsepower, demi-llmouslne. equipped with seat-covers ana : speedometer; In first-class ' jcondltion. . Price ...... .... ..84000 1 Plerce-Arrow 8-oyllnder," 86 horsepower, equipped with top, glass front and speedo v meter. Price . ..... .33880 1 Plerce-Arrow 8-cylindsr,, '48 horsepower, 7Jp assenger, : . equipped with top, glass front. . speedometer, electric side and tall-lights; car. In first-class ' condition. Price vM .V ....... 14009 i 1 Plerce-Arrow 4-cxJinder, 6-pas- ' senger touring car, in good condition. Price ......... i.. 3 800 1 Cadillac 1910 model, equipped - with top, glass front speedo meter; car in first-class con dition. Price ............ 31300 j'Model "G" Cadillac, 6-passen- ger, equipped with ton: in good condition, trice ...... . ..$ 600 1 Single-cylinder good condition. 1 Single-cylinder . good condition. Cadillac, Price .. In ...3 850 Cadillac, In Price ......$ 200 1 Reo, 2-eylinder, 6-passenger car, In good condition.' Price. .3 850 1 Reo, 2-cyllnder, 6-passenger car, In good condition. Price. 3 450 1 Maxwell, 2-cylinder, In good condition. Price 3 376 1 Dfetrolt Electric Stanhope, practically new." Price ......$1000 1.19ro Cadlllao deml-tonneau, equipped with top. glass front, speedometer; car in first-class condition .....31300 1 1909 " Cadillac deml-tonneau. equipped with top glass front speedometer: car in first-class condition. Price $1060 These cars have been left with us for sale by owners, who have purchased 1911 Plerce-Arrow and Cadlllao cars. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, HAVE BOUGHT a larger car. WUl trade a 6-passenger Franklin cheap to right party, equipped with loose tonneau, truck body, wind shield, extra casings; guaranteed in A-l shape. Call B-ion. ' FOR SALE or exchange; one 7 passen ger White Steamer. 3 Lbziers.'l Cam eron, 2 Reoa, 4 Cadillacs, 1 Thomas,' 2 Buicks. 2 Franklins, 3 motorcycles, all in first cUbs condition. Portland Auto Commission House. 50-52 N. 7th st. Bargains I Bargains! Auto tires and Inner tubes, all sizes at half price. Rxamine our stock be fore you buy. Phone A-S646, Elton ft Humer. OLD auto tires 6o per lb., delivered; old inner tubes 18c a lb., delivered. We also buy copper, brass, cast iron. j. Leve, 188 Columbia st M. 5188. WE have several good bargains in used automobiles, left with us to sell by purchasers of 1811 Packards, Frank C. Hlggs. 66 North 23d st. ONE Chalmers "30". fully equipped, in fine condition; a bargain. Frank C. Rlggs, 65 North 23d st. v FOR SALE Automobile repair shop, tools and fixtures, cheap. Phone Mar shall 8049. or R-841, Journal. i n't etgn j.ui uu lomuuuea, , "es", cm., ' inugra irns man nan Sherman street, between 4tli and 6th. A 32100 6 passenger Stanley steamer to exchange for livestock. 09 E. 28th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 THE Che s. fc. iork Band Instrument ft Muslo House. 88 H 8d st. LOANS WANTED SO WANTED Loan of $1760 at S per cent., on 83800 home, corner Jot .WUl pay costs, no commis sion! Address X-322, Journal. WANT to borrow $1600, 3 years, on well improved corner on Alburta st. Value $4500, 7' Interest, no commission. K-372, Journal. WANTED $6000 for three years, 7, on close-In property. Value 818,000. Main 2018. I WANT to borrow $1200 at 7; good security. F-361, Journal, $1500 WANTED on real estate; will pay 8 per cent F-868, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 37 MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own tiameu without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cltiss; save money by gettinr our tTms. Tolman. 317 Lumber Exchange. YCUR CREDIT Is good at the Employer Loan Co.. 811 Ablngton. 106 V- 3d at BUILDING LOANS at 25 ner month. including interest at 6 per cent - 609 Dekum bldg. Phone M. 6604. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securi ties, chattels or roal estate. Union Loan Co., 88 Lafayette bid.. 6th A Wash. SMALL sums to lend on mortgage, slight charge to borrower. Ward, Allsky bldg. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire ln eurance. w. 14 Beck, an falling. MONEY, from $500 to $1500 to loan or mortgages bought. Room 9, Wash- ington mag., 4tn ana wasnington. J. H. PITTON CO., 1108 Spalding bldg' 82000 and $5000 to loan on Improved real estate. Ask Mr, Eaton.. RESIDENCE buildings financed and built A. C. Furlong, 636 Chamber of Commerce, wain 4BB4. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent, city and farm property. ... 205 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 & 7 PERnEINTT t5A N for the asking, salarv or chat tel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate, Farrlngton. 418 Commercial Club bldg. , SALARY LOANS CONFIDENTIAL. y F. A. Newton, 616 Henry, bldg. MONEY to-loai. on improved real estate. j. a wnue, aai wneriocK bias MONEY- to loan On lnmroved citv realtv. kis larnan, vwauvins An.,, aO-Alder, PRIVATE money to loan on improved " city property-jit lowest rates; applL cation confidential.? Majn 2018. QUICK loans on all securities. '" S.' WT King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 8108. OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL; ' MONEY TO LOAJT 27 ' Salaried People . START THE NEW TEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY ' 118 TO 8100 ON YOUR PERSONAL . . NOTfe. ; : FOR FURTHER PARTICULAR , ' CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE ESTATE SECURITY CO. - ' v 808 FAILING BLDG. 1 - Money, Moneys Money! have It for the asking. I loan money quickly and strictly confidentially on )ianos. rerniture or oiamonas. very ow rates of Interest Maiden. 823 Fail ing bldg. Main 8560. A-3476. MONEY loaned in amounts from 310 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property;- week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential. Grav & Cunnlncham: room 201. Rothchlld bldg., 287U AVashHigton st, between 4th and 6th Sts. Will Loan You On your furniture, piano or real estate. Liowesi rate or interest oee me'iirst iVV 20 Board of Trade Building. Quick loans on furniture i and 8 pianos, storage receipts., life Insur- 8 ance policies, livestock, real estate, S eta , U. 8. Real Estate ft Brokerage 8 Co.. 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 8084. 3 8100,009 on morticagea city or farm Dronertv. fire insurance. McKensla A Co., Gerjfnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan, any amount, a to 8 per cent Goodnougb A Seits. 810 Spauld Ing bldg. NOTICES 20 SEALED bids will be received at the office of Bridges & Webber, archi tects, room 422, Hamilton building, Portland, Oregon, until 10 a. m. on Wednesday, the .1st day of February, 1911. for the erection of the main building and power house, for Multno mah county, at Multnomah farm, one mile west of Troutdale, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check, payable to the County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages, in case the bidder neglects or icfuses to enter Into a contract, and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work in the event the contract is awarded to htm. T. J. CLE ETON, County Judge . W. L. LIGHTNER. D. V. HART, i County Commissioners. NOTICE is hereby given that he un- derslgned is about to sell his busi ness, now located at the southeast cor ner of Fourth and Taylor streets, Port land, Or., and all creditors holding claims against the undersigned are re quested to- present the same within five days t ttie Star Brewery company, Eafct Third and East Burnslde streets, Port land. Or. A. J. BURNS. Dated Jan. 21, 1911 HEREAFTER I will not be responsible for any bills or debts contracted by my wife, Ida Stilger. Dated and signed January n, 1U. A. t stilger. STANDARD .BRICK TILE. CP. nwmovea id 309 HENRY BLDG. LOST AND FOUND 21 WILL party who found a white Spits dog on or near 13th and Alberta re turn same and receive a handsome re ward? 561 Alberta st. LOST Two bank books on the Hlbern- lan and Security Savings A Trust Co., jriaay. Please floe; rewatd. return to Journal of - A PLACE to have your clotnes steam or dry cleaned. 24 hrs.' notice. College Inn Cleaners, Wash., opp. 18th. A-1856. FOUND Shepherd dog. Owner tan have same by paying expenses. 398, Fair-bank--ave, - .... , - PERSONAL Refined Ladies Fond of education and the arts can get choice property FREE. Little ef fort required. ( Phone East 1458 for In terview. iEM CURED QUICKLY . Modern electric treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility, rectal, chronic, blood and skfn diseases. W. L Howard. M. D.. 304-8 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and V ashlngton. I DO write to Individual order club paper, commencement parts, speeches, toasts, poems, sermons, lectures, ad dresses and on any subject for any oc- l qei I.-- r . M. v- ri -n i. .. 1169. J JR. L.EW1S. Physician and surgeon; treats women and children exclusively; private hos Fltal accommodatlcns; examinations ree. Main 4047; A-2411. 509 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th aad Wash. . Are You Ruptuied? The perfect truss Is made and fitted bv a cpeclalist' to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or 110 charge. Wilson. 68 6th st WANT to correspond with maiden Catholic lady 30 to 5 years; object matrimony: best of references fur nished; trlflcrs not considered. Address Phillip Lee, Woodland, Wash. GERMAN books, magazine, novels, eto.. Germau, Engliah, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dictionaries: foreign books of ali kinds. Schmale Co., 229 1st st. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder arid piles. 181 First. Port land. REFINED widow, 2, dark complex loned, wants io correspond with worthy gentlemen with home and mcanB of support. Helen B. Howe, Van couver, Wash. YOUNG man wiili good position wishes to correspond with young lady Cath olic preferred; object matrimony. H-361, Journal. PALMISTRY and card reading taught; nny . question answered correctly. Room-42S Princess hotel,-E. Burnslde. Hours 9:30 to 12 a. m., 2 to 9 p. m. SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives vibratory, alcoholic and general tub baths, chir opody and manicuring. . 7 Raleigh bldg., 6tliiand Washington. DR. SANDERSON. CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or mall. T. J. Pierce, 319 Allsky bldg. REFINED healer, powerfully magnetic, gives treatments at Willowa apart ments, suite 7. 193 W. Park. Also spiritual adviser. " - SBXOID A marvelous cure for weak ness In men; money returned if it falls. Price $1 per box. Druggists or mall, T. J. fierce, aia Aiisny pidg, UFFERERS from piles. A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when cured. Rubar Mfg. Co., 206 Commercial bldg. f MRS. STEVENS. 16 years Portland's leading nalmlst and clairvoyant, has .her lato book, "Palmistry Made Easy," ror saie at ma ismmu, cor. Ytn st LORENZ. Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c box, 6 boxes $1,25. Btipe-Tayior urug co., 289 Morrison. WRINKLES re a vea, sagging corrected In 16 minutes; 1'ree demenstratlona Selllng-H.rfcn bldg. Neo Flastique Agcy. THIS ad entitles one or more persons to 15 large photos for 31. at Madison Bridge Studio, 171 Madison, WOMEN-Use Femoids when others ' al- mr1 A and , nanntu hw rk. i plund'Drug Co.. 110 N. th st Main 8106 SCALP treatment and faee massage. 880 Morrison. Room 8, Mies Ham- elton,' .- ' : OCCULT. Nevi Thought Scientific and -Jtelklay BehS-- Send--Cor f ee-etaH logue, Jones bqqic Btore. 284 Oak st teALM ; (, rerrmdy tor diseases 01 women. 63? Davie st. Main 9318. BATTLE CREEK baths, chiropody, manicuring., Drexel bldg. M. 1838. .PORTLAND, SATURDAY PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. willFF. Diseases of women and children- - me. Nervous diseases of children a specialty. - Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor. respondent solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones. Main 8938. A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Thoaire .bldg.., Washington and Tark. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS- BUILDINGS and contents machinery, .etc., appraised. Losses adjusted. Northwestern Appraisal Co., 604 Board of Trade. A-l 164. - ASSATERS WELLS A PROKESTEL. assavers. aha- lyticai chemists. 2Q4H wssn. m. voi. MONTANA asay office, laboratory and ore testing v ork. 188 Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. Mtoorehoiis A Co.. 41 1 Wash, st AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS. Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly ON THE PACIl ily eaulPB pped school :iFIC COAST. Thorough . Instruction, competent management" and practical work. . E." 23o and Morrison Take 8-8 or Mt Tabor car; look us up oerore deciding to enroll eisewnere. AUTO School of Oregon Practical in tructton. 216 Mer. Trust Mar. 2698. ATTORNEYS A. E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam Ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-3071. kRlSTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS; general practice, 06-8 Buchanan Mflg. BATH HOUSES SUNRISE BATH AND LAUNDRY Baths 16c, 299 2d. A-7146. j BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 108 2d at Blank book m'fg; agts. 'or Jones' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-81R3. Main 188. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES KALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought sold. Repairing. 133 10th. BUILDINGS WRECKED Sawed wood, 2d-hand lumber for sale, Oregon Wrecklr- Co., E. 4648. Mr. Cur ry. 412 Gantenblne. BUSINESS VOARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sdewalks and cross ings. 317 Beck bldg. - TIN roof inc. guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. L,osil. lis Jerier- son st. Main 1424. . . THE BARBER "AerHAtT PAVING CO.. Portland office, 605 Electric bldg. JAM. Mcl. WOOD A CO.. all kinds oi insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Wcrks. Carrets cleaned and laid, refitting our i specialty. K. 440, K-1983. zm ts. lain w, I ,')NU Siearn Cleaning; carpets, fsathef ' renovated; guaranteed. E. 360, E 2236. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 Union ave., near K. Morrison PENINSULA ...Carpet and Rug works Colonial rap carpet and rugs. IB li Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn Hit. CHINESE DOCTORS Dr. L. T. Yee & Sons. 142 1st St.; Consultation and pulse diagnosis free. Office hours 10:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Main 8464, A-38E6. DR. WING LEE makes a specialty of chronic diseases. Give me a trial and be convinced: 27 N. 6th st. LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs and roots cure an diseases or men. One treatment free: 146 Third st, DR. Bing Clioong, physician for men end women, guaranteed cure, zzo Aiaer. YOUNG MING Chinese Medicine Co. Free consultation. 186H 1st st. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Hong Kong Cafe, chop suay, noodles. M. CR14. A-7307. 107 6th st CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR DrTV. DOUGLASS. 838 Union ave. N. Phono East 5241. Consultation and examination free. CHIROPODISTS GRADUATE chiropodist manicurist 7 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. Mam 3100. DR. ETHEL WARD, chiropractic and .thlrArw.rilu V.lpptrionl trentmnntR li& and 27 Raleigh bldg.. Main 87B5 CHIROPOEY, manicuring, scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 649 Wssh. Marshall 1829 CHIROPODY Mrs. M. D. AND PEDICURING Hill. 4? Flledner bldg. CHURCH GOODS STATUARY, candlesticks, pictures, sta tionery, religious goods, beeswax, candles specialty. A. Janlts, 491 Wash. CLEANING AND PRESSING THE Herald steam cleaning and dyeing works, French dry cleaning a spe cialty; Jobs called for and delivered; nil work guaranteed. - 19:t 4th.. FIRST class cleaning, pressing and re palrlng lowest -.irjces. 125 Russell st CLOTHES cleaned, pressed; high school tailors. 471 Alder. M-4538. N. McSherry COAL AND WOOD THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles all the test grades of eosl. We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant roal at a reasonable price. Special prices on car loads. B-2343. East 214. 846 East Ankeny. Seghers Wood Co. 8th and Glisan Streets. Dealers In All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir. Oak. -AAh. Main 6369. A-2416. RAINIER Slabwood Co., foot of Yam hill St.; country slabwood, or short and block wood, inside wood. . Marshall 1204, A-3829. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. COAL 47 Alblna ave BLOCK W00D&d.T A1? cVtf. WOOD Vamato Wood and Coal Company, EAST 818 B-1R67 Meier Sc Frank take odere for our standard gradee, or phone East 808, or C-2303. Edlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. ftOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CCv Main 2168. A-3843. Dry Inside wood, green ambwood, clean sawdust for bed ding, cut fuel: block wood. NEER & FARR A.-4545?6, No, 1 dry wood. 4 ft.. . sawed to order. Sawea wuod deliv ered, any Quantity, Main 1606 Home A-l 1 06. WlMffft rHvered any pl in city, PIP 34.60 load. 1 I- wood 33.00 load. Portland VVrecking ft. M-37. firt A NDARD WOOD CO. Wood and AiOai i1 T 347 E. Btark.r East 2316.? B-1636. ' bRY MIXED cedar a load - for 30 days only. Main 8168. A-3843. . WOOD and coal cheap. King Woodlawn 883. - r II EVENING, JANUARY 21, " ' COAL AND WOOD NOTICE pbronSLABW00D GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load. ,32.60 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD ner cord. ,32.75 x"-cr Bituitx, per DRY SHORT WOOD, tier load 34.00 I Mllinifl 11.'..... - . ava mwuvbi, ior iuei ana Dc-oaing. Tne Portland Slabwroid Co, Main 3119, A-7001. PACIFi-J SLABAOOD CO pry Inside wood, per load ...33.75 Short green Slabwood ,.32.60 Dry block wood, per load..'. 4.50 Planer trimmings, long and snort -Phones Main 8709. A-7866. COLLECTIONS LET US get your money for you. Claims vi cvcijr uesuriyuun . coneciea on a Telephone Main 8410; Colton Adjust'- meni co., 4iu AMngtoh bldg.. Portland. CURRENT and ficllno jelit ucounii col lerted. Wells Mercantile Agency, 703 x""n oi- jraae niag.. m ana uax sis, PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts couecigq. ill A ussy A-7S171 M. 4 321. COLLECTION SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS' and dentists' : collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074, A-7026. ' . CONSULTING ENGINEERS GOLD3ERG & TRUMBO, 813 Couth bldg., patents and machine designs; plans and estimates for conveyor, cle vaiors, saw mins and power plants. .iHMMiaTl 3028.. W. ANDREW CLARKE, mechanical draftsman machines and patents de signed. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6969. A-8531. ... CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS D. GURIEN, carpenter work and re pairs; store fixtures a specialty. Es timates given; 233 Sheridan. Main 8178, References.. FOR cement wcrk. DlnnterlnK. Dries Olson. Work, excavating. pa!l on fl C. yarsnau 1441, 192 Grover st " I WILLIAM FISHBECk. carpenter and ; builder tnhhlna anrt rnnlrintln. ns th. Main 6241. CARPENTER contracts Jobllng speo- laity. W. E. Jenkins, Tabor 374. DANCING 25c PER lesson, 4 lessons for 31; waltr, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners, including ladv snd gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal Wilson's school, oldest and. only recog nized leading academy for corroct danc ing. 386 H Wash., bet. W. Park and 10th. HEATH'S dancing school. 109 Second st. between Washington and Stark, stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 lessons. Class Monday evenings, 8 to' 12. DENTISTS ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work IS Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework;. we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Rex Dental Co., Ablngton urn., juoi ta st. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established m years. 33 Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates. Painless Dentists. Third and Washington its. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL PORTLAND PET HOSPITAL. Douglas G. Hertz. Manager. Dogs cats, birds, etc., for sale and boarded. E. 20th and Belmont Phone East 6342. 55R. BROWN, D. V. S.,of. 324 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 6440. DRESSMAKING MAN tailored skirts, suits, gowns. fit guaranteed; prices reduced. . I. Reuben, Elite Ladles' Parlor, 546 Washington DUMB ELEVATORS BUILT and Installed by Pacific Elec tric Duaib Walter Co., 302 Grand ave Estimates furnished. East 6322. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR Guarant'd house wiring. C. A. Nothwang Co., 67 1st. Estimates. M. 7432. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair ra. moved. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner EXPRESS AND TRANSFER FURNITURE moving, expressing, trunks aenverca, ow cents. Additional trunks 25c. M. 8 1 2 r. A-7287. 4th and Taylor. FURNITURE HOMES furnished complete, cash, credit; t:o rent; Investigate prices before buy ing. H. C. Schroeder, 244 Russell st. GLAZING UNITi-J UL.ASS & GLAZING CO. All kinds glaB work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. GASOLINE KMilNEB STATIONARY and marine; electrle equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale end retail; engine repairing. Retervon Mai-lilnerv Cr.. 1 MS Morrison. GAS AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Elec tric Engineering Co.. 213 2d st. HAT FACTOR!: MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators In the city. 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester blug. Hats direct from the fuctory nt half price. HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL horseshoer, especial atten tion given to lame and - Interfering nnrscs; norses caueu ror and delivered. Main 9136. 221 Sfllmon St. ' DE NIKE, 283 H Front St., makes a! specialty of driving horses; 20 years' i experience in rew lorKjjity. HOME TREATMENTS VIAVI assist! of disease. nature to remove cause 609 Rothchlld bids HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association. Rothchlld bldg. Hione Main 703. 303 INSURANCE MeCARGAR, rates & Lively, 318 Full ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 202, C-2008. Insure now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties. IL A. Forbes. New Perkins Hotel. 6th & Wash. UBRAIUES CIRCULATING library. 1J eth. bet Taylor end jfamhlll. Rooks 3c pr day. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAD. Tj. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description: Up manufacturers, ffndlnaa HACBINERT B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs 104 N. 4th MAGAZINE AGENCY LOWEST rates on magazine clubs. Send for free catalogue. Jones Magazine e gwrf,"!!84-4aaevr'.Hemy tdr "- LOCKSUTH KET8: factory prices, umbrella and gen eral repairing, io&vi i-arlt. M. 8167. - - 1911. REAL ESTATE NAME - ' 1 Biker, D. M , Citj, rna Property . " ....... Hen j Keaur lumpauy Brons-stoeie uompunj Rrnbaker Hencaict tirnoaier m nrnruiri Burtenshaw & Buehltr ....Hawthorne and E.. 49th. ..Tabor 1743 Chapln ft Herlow.... Cook Oo B. B Houck, Georr A. (Colonisation) Knapp A Mackef MarahaU, W. U., Faxsos. Civ Property Ogden, James D. . . , . , Oregon Beal Eitate Co.. The gchalk, Oeorse D. Shield. 1. .v Thompson, M. E. Co LUMBER ALBINA Planing Mi", niill work. Inside finish, bank, store fixtures. E-3713; 537 Vancojiver ave. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MOVEMENT C. HOLMSTROM. nerve, rheumatic, di gestive disorders. 302-3 Oregonian bldg MICROBE KILLER RADAMS Microbe llCIller. great germi cide, for sale. H. D. Winters. Winters block. Grand ave. and Davis si, whole sale and retail. , ; MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. Send for our booklet jzourexeioiaa MULTIGKAPHINQ MULTIGRAPHING, shorthand, type writing. M. 768. 413 Buchanan bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacner; pup" Sevclk, 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.q6j. YOUNG lady will give piano lessons to h..inn.r Ci. Rertrln. 1595 Flske. PIANO, violin, trombone, corner, manao- , , lin. riute. rror. m. a. pnmn. ibl et . Studio 38180 4tnSX. MUBIUAIi UbtAUa , SEIBERLINa-UCAS MUSIC CO., 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Bueseher band Instrument. NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIAL ISTS CROSS-EYES straightened. No operation. Drs Frecne & Rice. Uerchants Trust. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Osteopath, chrome nrvus dlfses, 314-5 Macleay bldg. Main 6172. A-4880. DR. L1LLEBELLK PATTERSON, spy oi.u.t on nerves, acuts and chronic diseases. 317 Fento" bldg. Main 8flP I5R. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo., 1898; post graduate 1907. 818 Swet- 1. n ,1 KIrltf DR L. H. ROWLAND, general practl- ttoner, 30Z rieioncr diub D"RS.,L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. o "" 7 a KATHRYN RUETER. speclsllst no iriTHKVN women & children, sut rnwiw '" PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 186 1st MalnU8S4. A-7048. RASMUSSEN CO.. "High Standard, paint ne. cor. 2d A Tavlor M -i"- PAINTING ANP PAPERING FOR best work," prices right, call P. A Doane. 104 Union. Both nhones. GET our prices on , painting. Pper ln. tinting. Ernest Miller Co.. 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells --7 obtain and value of patents, trademarks registered. Becler A Kobb, 177-181 McGIll bldg.. Washington. D C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attor-ney-at-Law. latt U. S. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents: infringement eases. 604 Pokum. PERFUMERY PERFUMES from home-grown rosea Rose c::tv Perfume Co.. 2S3 Jefferson, PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN. piano tuning. $2; 18 years' experience. Phone Main 9431. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert GU lan, 166 10th. Both phones. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEIt & KLE1SER Signs; the larg. est sljn makers In the northwest, E. 7th and E. Everett sta Phones. East 1111, Home u-ii. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Blen Co.. 287 Stark. Main 1696. PRINTING welch printing co. "Doers of clever things with type and ink on psper. 1414 1st PSYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR M. J. P1ERSON, psychopath, gen eral prKCtltlcjTrzro''m 16, 165V4 4th. IsTlBEU STAMFS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. WsshiiKton st. S. E. Gilbert 801 SAFES -- THE Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes SCHOOLS The KM raUESS CdBLLEGE of , Chiropractic-Neuropathy i Teaches a science that cures without ! drugs. Eree treatment given every day. I 310 Buchanan bldg., over 5 & 10c store. J. I'J. Laval ley, tn. t:.. rres, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bur and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703 R H. BIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDG. I Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. dales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES, wallcases, counters .in stock and mad to order at the lowest price. 413 E. 8th. Phone East 3117. TAILORING A. SCHWARTZ, 439 Stark st. Ladles' tailor; choice selection of spring ar rivals. Marshall 800. ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldg.. Zd ana w aBrungton. - auus to oroer. ELMGRErC, ladles' and men's clothes. Builder ana draper. z4-5 Macieay pioy. GUS SEAQUIST, tailor and draper; ex clusive patterns. 245 Washington st TAIIAOIUNOCHL KIESTER'rf Ladles iTalloring Collega learn dressmaking, tailoring. 14314 11th, CLEAN towels d"aily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 8th and Couch sts. 31 per month. Portland Laundry 4 Fbonea Main 410. A-4410. 13 DIRECTORY APDRJCSS ' f .' TEttl'nO.NS ?i3 Corbett BUg......;.....A-44tO, Mln T4it W .Mirehull A-4T14 ......V..iroBiid floor Lwl. hltt Mala and A-174.1 acivar Bias. ...... ........ bciuij ................... .Mln 5 ie . v.nimrwr oi iinmre. ......... Main-lir. J .....&08 Corlett-Bldg........,,..Mln 8f.3 l-.-Jii.! 4 Labbe Hldi..... ...Wain 12"0 ..... 7 Chamber o( Cnmmrc.,..Maiii and A-2mi .....Boom 7. 250H Alder ' ..Math ftOTt ....848 Mississippi... Woodlawn 202. C-2S08 ','In, ATe- Mnltoomah Eaat ST, C-17M SSS"?'1'-!"! .:,Mats Si A-r'J .....Sofi Gerllnger Bldf Main H4 jjnrjBldg.. 4 1 fa-Oak M. HQ64 A M'JT TAXIDERMIST . F.i. FINLET, taxidermist and furrtert " i Jvm ymu'livil, - TRANSFER ; AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent. Storaa-e! fr tilrg. Office. 819 Heyt t. bet 6th and 6th. r-nunr: j-idln fin: A-116., C O. PICK Transfer & Stornm rn. r,f. flee and commodlona a tnr hriw : warehouse, seprste Iron rooms end fireproof vaults for valuables; north west comer 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved snd packed for shipment. Main 596: 4-199C PORTLAND Van Storaje Co, cor. 13th and Ever-rtt sta. Just opened, nowesw most modern storage warehouse In eltys lverl,. convnlence for safe and proper handling if goods; lowest insurance rats in TiA-thw.,1, . -..t,.. lyi uiuvins. Main or A-1IZ0. EXPRESSING, coal delivered any par! .vwem. prices. Kuoin. 804 Anseny. TYPEWRITERS ALL marten-rented, repaired, sold. Cun- mngnsm Co., 231 Stark. Main 140T. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED UMBRELLAS, shoes repaired, keys ftt ted. saws filed. M'll 2586. 490 Burns'd. VETERINARIAN Do-. 't, P' lLLON. Hawthorne Avenue 697. B-1369. WELL DRILLING v1,"0 !Se,,s ' "pecialty; prices rea- w!-?,bi2-wCa1.1 MlVln 1316 or write R West. 182 Morrison t. WINDOW CLEANING N"V Era WINDOW CLEANING CO. 63 N. Park st. Phone Main 7S85. ' WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front eL. Por"and, Or. Phone Main 179. - f M. a firfS7!?r" DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS rURTliANU, OR. w A DHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers! manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th " ' 1 " bib. 55 Mlne! Wall Paper CoM Imp. and v.n. uaiiKingw. wnoieaie and retail. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 "id t. between Salmon and Main. ALLKN & LEWIS GROCERIES. BANKS Gf.k MAN-AMfcRl :AN BANK Portlasd. Or. Cornri Blitb and Waattlnftua Sta. Ttana et granal oanklng bualoaaa. Drafts l?1?, .V5U5bw 10 " Prtnclpal ettin t UM United HUtea and Europe. Fosr per Interest nald oo savlbgr aecoanta. Safe aV poalt fiolta. POB,TIlAHTJ RA1LWAT, HOOT! k FOWBB COMPAJTY. 1 , , , , City Unas. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder Streefa Oregon City 4:00, 6:30 a. m. end every 30 minutes to and including; last car midnight - . , Gresham and intermediate point 6:65, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10;45, 11:45 a. ra.. 12:45, 1:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4?:4S. 6:46. 6:45, 11:35 p. in. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45. 9:45, 10:45 a. m., 12:46, 1:45. 2:45,' 3:45, 4:45, 6:45, 6:46 p. m. Cazadero and intermediate polnte . 6:65, 8:45, 10:45 a m., 12:46. 2:45. 4:45. 6:45 p. m. Vancouver Line. A. M. 6. :15, 6:60, 7:25, 8:00, 8:35, 9:10. 9:60, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 13:30, lno, 1:80. 8:30, SIjIO, 3:80, 40, 6:10, 5:60, 6:30, 7:06. 7:40, ll'-46:60' :25, 10:00' 10:85' 11:l0 On the third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 p. m. Cars for Vancouver make no stops on ; Union aveaue between Burnslde street and Portland boulevard to let "Off pas sengers, but make stons to pick up pas sengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars for Portland A. M. 8:00, 7:10 7:45. 8:20. 8:55, 930. 10:10 10:50, 11:30. Ps M. 12:10, 12:601:30. 2:10. 2:60, 3:30, 4:10. 4:50, 6:807 6:10, 6:60 7:26, 8:00, 8:35, 3:10. 9:45. 10:20. 10:65, 11:30, 12:05. 1 On third Monday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:28 p. m Leaving time blackface, doubl.1 trains. , ars from Vancouver make no stop on- Union avenue between - Portland boulevard and Burnslde street except to let off passengers. . Dally except Sundays. Daily except Mondays. Runs as local on Union avenue. TRANSPORTATION HONOLULU AND TBS VOLOAWO The TRIP MOST COMPEL! ISO and worth while, excelling all otheis for novelty and pleasures. The Volcano of Kilauea, tho largest In the world, is tre mendously active. It is now possible to) make this desirable trip with speed and -comfort and the price is low, U0 first class. San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and $45.50 for side trip from Hon olulu to volcano, including rail and auto to Kilauea; hotel at Hllo, also Volcano; House. No other trip compares with -thta Be sure to visit the Islands and DO Tl' NOW w.htle the volcano is active., B." H. SIERRA. 10,000 tons displacement.' sails Jan. 14, Feb. 4. Feb. &.- March 18.- -OCEANIC S. 8. CO. 673 Market Street, gan Francisco. 0.V.R.&N.C0.B.,l",, Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8:00 p. m. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at fi-00 a. m. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 ft. m. Arrives Portland at 6:00 p m. Makes direct connection with steamer Naheotta for Megler Ilwaco. Long Beach and all points on th Tlwaco division. COOS BAY L.IINU Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. .ra. Dec. 13, 20. 27, Jan. . 3, 10, 17, 24 and 81, Feb. T, 14. 21, and every Tuesday night, Freight re ceived at Alaska dock until 6 p. m. daily. , Passenger fare 1st class, 310; 2d class, $7, Including meals and berths. Ticket on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Mala 268. A-1234.A T Ban rranciseo 81 Portland ITteamsblp Co. New service to Los Angeles via Baa Francisco every five daya Fromi AlnsWbrth dock. Portland 4 n. m.i Boss City Jan. aa. Beaver 87, Easr rb. 1. UTom San rrancisoo, nortnoouna, u m.s Beaver Jan. fll, Beat 88. Boas City 31. From Ban Pedro, northbound; Bear Jan. 34, Kose City 89, Beaver Ten. 3, K. Q. snutn, c. t. a., i& T:..i-a . J. W. Ransom, Agent, Aiiiwoi'ti Dock. Phones: Main 403, flue; A-1402. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS AXGUM f ' , AND SAN DIEGO nV "J KOKTO PACirto H," n: r -. a, g7k.0AiiJCE tu s. b. ri.r. , Every Wednesriay, alternatsiy,.. at 4 u m. Ticket office 133 Third, near Al l- , Phanee Main 1314, A-1314. MARTIN 3. mOLElf, P. :Afnt W. li. SLUSiOt. ir.iht Atnt