OREGON. ; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, ' JANUARY ; 20, ' 1911. V IlDfMMfflIT ACTION DEFERRED 4 i'-'-' Measure to Assess Incomes Be Heard Monday; Members Ask Time, v (Special Dispatch to Th Jonmil.) Salem, Or., Jan. JO Th hou res terday postponed action on the (ro posed Jncome tax amendment after vigorous : debate. The resolution was referred toths Judiciary committee and wUl come up under a special order of business. Monday afternoon. Jv ; 1 Folowlng the receipt of the resolu tion passed by the senate Eaton of Lane led off in the movement to prevent Im mediate action von the 1 legislations! change. He esked that' It be referred to the committee for an opinion. He did not commit himself as to hlsy at titude toward the., amendment, bur de clared tie did not believe . that he could at this time cast an intelligent vote and that he , feHthat many other members were la the, same position.' , He declared that Huntington of Douglas ws wrong In the assertion that all members were ready to ballot upon the subject and that the fact that the' state senate had acted favorably did not determine his - (Special Dispatch to Ttaa Journal. V ' - M Salem. OrJvjan. iO The legislature is threatened wltli ,: the wrath of the Great Jehovah" In . a letter sent by Lewis Hahn. living near Salem, unless It appropriates $80,000 for htm. - Re- oeiDt of the letter was announced tins morning by Speaker Rusk and referred to the ways and means committee. . i Hahn writes . his letter .from - Nsw Jerusalem," according to his stationery and speaRs of his home as the 'head quarters of the publishing house of the everlasting ' gospel." ..,. v.. He says he was recently arreaiea ior si Lrefuslng to send his children to school 'T .......... . - "... tr.iiiK( on naay ny uonsisDis ir xinnmiuu and fined $15 by Justice Daniel Web ster. Because of his vefusai to pay toe fine he was sent to JalL ; He declarei he prefers to keep his children at home on Friday and teach them the "divine nature of the universe" Instead of hav ing them ' taught in school that the world is round when . be insists It is flat, E also maintains the earth Is stationary. Because of his sufferings and that of his wife, through the state's offioera be wants a financial balm, :: attitude and was no recommendation to him. -v" , r.. -f , , Fouts of Multnomah and Buchanan of Douglas supported "the resolution com mittee in its favorable recommendation of the subject ' Johnson and Abrsms of Marlon confessed they knew practically nothing, about the amendment and want ed time. :. - ..' :'. "This matter '.has been, before us for years and our minds ought to be made up." volunteered Speaker Rusk. "1 km , strongly ' In favor of this amendment, but I am willing to give the others time," said Carter Tf Clacka mas. "It will be impossible to defeat It, whether the-Judiciary committee xcP ports favorably or unfavorably, if they wish timet m tn 'avor of letting them have it" , There was no further protest against letting the subject -go over. - v "GIRL ACTRESS DIES AT ALBANY; SCARLET FEVER (StMMiii! DLu-trh to The Journal.) Albany, Or., Jan. 20. Mrs. Richard Lonsdale, of Portland, died at the 81b- - ters' srhool yesterday morning of scar let fever after an Illness of a few weeks at the age 'of 1 years. Her maiden . name was Haslltt She was married to Richard Lonsdale of Portland on March . 10, 1916. She was a member Of the Mackenxle Merrymakers, who played XFaf -Engagements in - this city at Dreamland theatre, ' She Js survived by her husband, Richard Lonsdale, a broth er. Day Hailitt of Portland, and a sis ' ter, Mrs. Robert McKeneie. , The f u- neral was held yesterday afternoon. : There are 10 cases of scarlet fever at the school, which has been under quar Antine the past two weeks'." , To Consecrate Michigan Prelate. ir Grsnd-RabldS, Mlah. Jan. 10. fiardi nal Gibbons of Baltimore, Archbishop Ireland of St Paul, Bishop Maes of Covington, Bishop Richter of this city and others of the most distinguished members of, the Roman Catholic hler-.. arehy in America will participate InTthe elaborate and Impressive Ceremonies in Ann Arbor next week ettendft the con secration of the' Rev. . Father 'Edward D.. Kelly as bishop of Cestra and aux iliary bishop of Detroit. Cardinal Gib bons will officiate and Archbishop Ire land will preach the consecration ser mon. The ceremony will the nrst or us klnu that has taken place In Michigan In more than a quarter of a century. RUSK GETS LETTER, - , FROM "NEW JERUSALEM SUBSTITUTE FREE TEXT BOOK BILL INTRODUCED ;,.;: . - -i n, . .,. f ...... V (Special Dlaoatrh to Tb Journal. 1 Salem, Or., Jan. JiO.f-A substitute free text book bill was introduced yester day by Clyde of '. Multnomah, supplant In the one ha. presented last week. In stead of compelling school district boards to provide ires' textbooks and supplies, it makes provision tor the sub mission of petitions by the legal voters. If a petition contains the signatures of three, fourths of the electorate, tne cus trict board must submit the question at the first election following the, annual Provision for a text book commission is omitted from the substitute, but Clyde declares such a bill will be presented Inter. ' ' , fc . MANY SENATORS OPPOSE CENTRAL BANK SCHEME ; ' ''..I - Il'nltnd Preaa Ijaaai1 Win.) V Washington, Jan. 20. Many senators today expressed themselves as dissat isfied with the Alarich currency pian The scheme is not in the public interest and would create a bankers' trust they said. The old guard as a whole Indorses the scheme. The monetary commission has made no arrangements to give , the plan tor- mal consideration with the view of presenting a report upon It to con gress. Its members declare they wish to have the plan circulated through the country so that a, 'variety of opin Ions may be evoked before they take definite action. Onlv One "BKOHO QTJCTXHTZ' That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for tne signature of E. W. GROVE. Used th World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 26c. y; ni m iiianinSi. In i all iai i i im ! . , All cars transfer to the Osks' rink. OUTLAW COUGAR ? GOES TO RRVARD Terror of Inland Empire Bites Dust; Hunters to Collect . . $500" Reward. (Special Dlipatch to Tha Journal) . Dayton, Wash.,, Jan, 10. Trailing him from Watson's on the Tukanon to Cum mins creeH, four hunters and : a pack of hounds yesterday "killed an outlaw cougar, which for Over two years has been the terror of Blue mountain stock men and settlers? When It was learned that the animal had slain a mule and two colts Monday night near Watson's, SUaflV Harry, Oscar and- Bud' Klng.de clded to try their luck. " The trail was found where the horses were killed and was never lost until the hounds treed the beast on Cummins creek. Posting themselves ln . convenient places': the four hunters fired at once and th beast dropped with four bullets tn his breast In the last two vears the courar hss jellied 2000 worth, of livestock and has eiuaea . scores oz expert uunters, ; only one man having previously seen It .He measured eight feet from tip to tip and weighed J10 pounds. ; A reward of $500 for the animal was hung a year ago by stock owners. He is the largest speci men of the cougar aver killed In this region. It is said, Ralph Moores, Editor. (Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) University . of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Jan. 20. Ralph D. Moores of Salem was todaj nominated as the only candidate to succeed himself- for the editorship of the University of Oregon Emerald. The position of editor of the Emerald' is one of the most important that the stu dent body has to award, and the elec tion to the office is one of the highest honors of an undergraduate course. Moores if the present editor, his term ending at the end of the present college semester. He is a junior In the depart ment of economics. He Is a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. ; .. DIVORCE DEFENDANT V SUBMITS AFFIDAVITS ;:r?';v V ,: ' - ii i i i ii i v'-'V V- j Several affidavits have been, filed in i the circuit court in the case of Ellen, Ghangrow against Nicholas Ghangrow, in which she is asking for a divorce. , The affidavits state that the defendant' has no money ' and no property.-' The affidavits are made by J. H. Brighton, Frank Reed, A. C. Roth rock 'and James Fee, All live on the Umatilla reser-', ration. .fc;'..',: : Welch Sentenced to Six Year. ; ' (Speelal Dtapatoh to Tbe J on rati.) Klamath Falls. Or, Jan. 20. George Welch, convicted of manslaughter, was sentenced to six years in the peniten tiary, Welch shot and killed Fred Alexander three months ago. Asthma Catarrh. WHOOPING COUGH - x CROUP ' ' BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS tTsusnto tere , , A ilmalt, tafe an ! trcatatst fat M cklal tranklaa, wlibaal 4ala( tka ttcaaek with snip. Um wtta accM far thirty yean. Tie tlr naiarte airaatly aatlaeptle, iarlraj wlta irtrTraik, aiikct arntklnf aaty.aaathM tka aart Ik mat, aa4 Ka Ua cosg k,aaafia rtau rot althu. Craaatase it iavalaakla n ataikara wili raoog ckllirea aa s m ta aifferan tnm Aaiks-a, - v ., Seal oa awtal for Jeacrl"t fceaVlat. ALL DRUGGISTS Try Crataltae eatli Tkraat far Ike !rrUatc Tkat an almali la aa4 aatUapti year ararglit or ftaai at, lOClllUBp. Vapo Cresoleoe Co. aJ CarUaaA St., K. T. r k a,aScct. Kk T tWA-Vffl!fJ wri i r.ri a Just drop in ny 6tore where yov see the Victortrademark and ask to hear the Victor or Victor Victfola. You'll be astonished and won der why ypu waited so long. lite famous Victor trade-mark stands 1 for alt that is best in music, and is on every Victor, Victor-Victrola and Victor Record. v c viefsl Shoes. This lot contains hundreds of pairs of men's $2.25 and $3 box calf, vici kid and patent kid Shoes in all sixes. This lot Also contains women's Dreas Shoes and Oxfords in patents, gunmetal and vici, button and laeev . all sizes, worth up to $3. This lot also con tains boys' and misses' fine Dress Shoes; z.zs and $2.50 values, all kinds and sizes, at only raiuvB, aut $1.45 r it 11 1 7 if AC For men's and women's pla70 $3 to $4 Shoes. Every one should ,be pleased in this lot, as it contains all the newest styles in women's and men's" $3 to $4 Shoes, in -patents', gunmetals, vici and velour, all weight soles plenty of cloth top button shoes for wo men in this lot Remem-tf QC bef, $3 and $4 values, for D The musical instrument for everybody For those who want the test in grand opera; the best in classical music; in sacred music; in band and orchestra selec tions; in instrumental solos, duets, trios, and quartets; in old time ballads;" in popular and comic songs; in recitations, minstrelsy and descriptive' specialties. Far' those who want to pay $10, $17.50, $25, $32.50, $40, $50, $60, $100 for a Victor, or $75, $100, $150, $200, $250 for a Victor-Victrola. Whatever kind of music and entertainment you want, and at the price you want to pay. Aiinual January Clearance Sale Now in Progress Important Price Reductions in Every Section of the Store A Wonder! al Saving Opportunity Open Saturday Evening Until 0x20 o'Clock New Idea Magazine lOo 50 a Year, The Most In Value The Best in Quality W asBss' TV9 V aVaSBBMM -v TTTRTh ft 1 1 ilr -mi. m h . ...... ktittivtiAviMnvwvhutnka1 New Idea Patterns too Spring . Styles Boys'- $3 and $3.50 high cm nr For tops, blacks and tans. 9 rtC For - Men's $4 J.yO and R50 high--tops, blacks and tans; .air .sizes; . . 1Ar For Men's $5 BOtVO and $6 water- proof high tops blacks and tans;; all sizes. . Talkin BRANCH STORE 132MIRDISTI i -r.v-.f.sff mil iiiw 1 ii i ! i " i i " i i ii I n a Shenimn Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Victor Machines Records and Supplies' SIXTH AND MORRISON STS OPP. POSTOFFICE. a Machine Headau W . Si ' arters 353 WASHINGTON STREET . WHOLESALE FIFTEENTH and PETTYGROVE Graves Music Co. 111 FOURTH STREET. " DIRECT FACTORY AGENT Talkin r-Machines Corner ol Fotirth and Yamhill nd Records . R ' Wlijr not come beaaaarters? Most complete stock iw , . . , on we coast. Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments a Third to a Half Less Than Regular Women's Suits 1 K AA . 820-825 Values 3JLOUU Excellently tailored garments' in the season's most popular mate rials and colors. Also a line in fancy tweed coats. Come medi um length and skirts are pleated, gored, or with flounce effect A great suit baying opportunity. Regular $20.00 and .UU ralues, baturday only $15.00 7 Women's Waists Best 98o Values 59c Wonderful waist values in a great assortment of styles and ma terials. Tailored, pleated and tucked effects in lawn, madras, flan nelette and zephyr in plain, figured or striped effect. Reg- CQ ular 98c values, Saturday only , ri7,C Children's Capes, $2.50 Values at $1.75 An exc)tionally fine offering of children's rain capes of good duality " rubber with hubber1 lined hoods. Made with arm slits and shown in gray and blue striped effect. Regular $i.50 values, baturday only $1.75 Angora Tarns, Best 75c Values 3 5o A special showing of woolen tarns for misses and women, shown in two of the most popular colors, cream and red. Regular 75c i values. - Your choice from these stylish little head pieces OC , Saturday at .., .aJaJC m Silk Petticoats 83.50 and $5 1 817.50-820 Long Coats 812.50 A cleanup sale of silk petticoats in black and col ors, .made of best quality silk: and shown in about two dozen styles. They have deep flounces, cord ed stitched straps and pleats also plain and fig ured flounce with underflounce and dust ruffle. A glance through these will convince you of the bargains we are offering in our "Ready-to-Wear" department. Regular values up to $10.00. Two lots to choose jQ CA J CC AA front Saturday . . . J J.OU ailtt iD.UU Clearance sale reductions which mean excep tional bargains in women's long-coats. They are broken lines from the season's most fashionable and expensive garments. Shown full .length in semi fitting effect with storm, nojch or presto collar. Best of materials in black and colors, , also tweed mixtures. The very coat for you is in this sale and you have choice irorn 1 a CA. $17.50 and $20 vals. Saturday only IL.OKJ cYcaKr Muslin Underwea,r Muslin Drawers, 3Best 7 5o Values "&76x2??fi An extra special offering of women's drawers, made of good quality cam bric or nainsook, trimmed with neat pin and hemstitched tucks, Al laces and embroideries. Regular 73c values. Clearance price . tIC Muslin Gowns, Best 81.25 Values 88o A good assortment of these dainty garments, made of fine quality cambric, nainsook or Masonville muslin in tne high, square, low or V-shaped neck -with long and short irtceves. AIT Wade good full sUe' afld trimmed with dainty embroideries and laces. Regular $1J25 values.. Clearance Combination Suits, 81.50-81.75 Values at 98o A big showing of combination suits in the corset cover and skirt or draw- ; ers, made of good quality nainsook with damtv lace and embroidery trim mings. All extra well made and neatly finished. Regular $1.50 QC- and $1.75, values. Clearance price .Ok Muslin Skirts, 82.25-82.50 Values 81.39 A fiae. selection of women's muslin skirts, made of fine quality cambric with extra deep embroidery flounce. Other styles with flounce of row upon row of pretty lace insertion with ruffle to match. All made extra full and finished with cambric dust ruffle and underpiece. Reg- (I OQ ular $2.25 td $2.50 values. Clearance price ,. sjlasJJF ivm ' A a?N X3.c&llUliUl'i;illt31 1TJH3UL JLTOpiUHo t3iXO 25c Initial Hand-1A 50c Initial Hand kerchiefs now ....17C kerchiefs now ..i, WRIGHTS UNDERWEARA lafke 39c assort 25c Fancy Hand-1 A- 50c Fancy kerchiefs now ,...ls7C kerchiefs now Hand-9 A" ment of this popular underwear, shown OC, in all sizes. Kegular $l.uu values at ........ wsw MEN'S UNDERWEAR In a buff color, mads of fine quality heavy wool; $1.50 val- IT es, price per garment ,.sya MEN'S SHIRTS Of good quality all wool flan nel, shown in plain gray only. Regular 1 A A $2.25 values, priced at ., ..aPla BOYS' GOWNS Made of excellent quality out ing flannel, well cut and neatly finished. OA Regular 50c values, priced at ......... . ; , .OiC Bargain Prices Prevail Now on ' Women's Umbrellas 7 Come Here Tomorrow and You'll Find Some of the Greatest Umbrella Value We Have Ever Offered. All Silk Umbrellas l Gloria Umbrellas $1.00 Values 01.08 In order to reduce stock we place on sale over 200 fine twilled Silk Umbrellas at about half price. They are made on the best grade Paragon frame, with steel rod and neat box wood handles and covered with excellent quality twilled silk. the kind that sell regularly at $4.00. on sale Sat- i unlaw 1 I I . J - $1.98 81.75 Values at 98o Another important offering for tomorrow's sale consists of several dozen Umbrellas, made . on paragon frame, with steel rod and finished with plain or fancyhandles. -They are cov ered with best quality Gloria and are guaranteed rainproof. Our regular $1.50 and $1.75 lines, on sale tomorrow. fiO. ......... yu vy Saturday, at Re dfc G. nnd Royal Corsets! Clearance Price A fine line 61 R. & G. cot sets; also the-popular Royw al 'corset,' at clearance price. A model to fit every figure. These corsets are made of fine quality cou til, rust proof boning,.: lace , trimming and hose support ers front and ; sides. All the "very ' latest ' style's to select from, t Eyery corset -guaranteed. Regular $1.25 values. Clearance At- n.ir . ' w w w m price r Annual January Sale of Stylish New Shoes Shoes for men, women and children, made of the newest leathers, in the latest styles, by the world's most prominent manufacturers. "fGood shdes uiat are fully worth from one-third to one-half more than Clearance Sale prices, for instance; Boys' shoes .of solid leather, shown in all styles and, sizes, -made to wear. Regular $2.00 , and $2.50 values, QQ. sat ' at Women's shoes, made of vici kid and patent colt, in blucher. , race and button styles. : Regular $3.00 and $3.50 val- (1 AO ues, f or ...... . . t ? 1 . JO Men's shoes, of box calf, vici kid, gun metal and patent colt. . iaalltyles-Bd-fiizes Regulas-$J.50 and $4.00 .val tt O A A ues bpecial . . ; ;. i vsaaya Misses and children's shoes' of best quality leather, shown with full vamp and 1 piece counter Regular $1.50 and ?W flQv V"' ' - - ...,;if'!Jq&-; ....... -. t" . I I It