The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Since New Year More Than
$200,000 Has Been Invest-
, ed in Lots and Small Busi
ness Parcels.
v East side business property has shown
greater activity during ths past few
days than, that in any other section
of the city. High class residence prop
erty on the other side of the river is
also more active than the same class of
holdings in any other district Trans
fere filed for record since the first of
" ths year show that considerably" mora
. than 200,000 has been Invested in ex
pensive east side residences and, in small
business parcels. v i
a Hochfleld and associates have sold
to F. Abraham the SO foot lot at the
southeast corner of East Oak street
and Union avenue for I U,00,.. ,
E.' J. Daly, representing an eastern
Oregon investor, has purchased from the
. .Kingsley sisters a 60 foot lot. located
on the east side of Union avenue, 60
feet south of Bornside street The con
sideration Involved was $20,000.'
An Improved quarter block at the
.southeast corner of Kast Harrison and
i East Tenth streets was sold last week
tor 18000. The-purchaser is F. Costl
and associates and the seller Frank
Bruger. " -v ''
' One of the highest priced residences
In tne addition known as new Irvlngton
was purchased last week by E. J. Pernot
' from Jonas M, Berry. The property is
located on East Twenty-first street be
tween Knott and Brass and sold for
18300. w i.-". . ' V;.?.i. . ? r,:
Thomas D. Long has sold to a local
Investor a handsome new residence oc
cupying a 60 foot lot at the northwest
corner, of East Sixteenth and Waaoo
streets' for $lt,60O.
A fractional lot improved with a small
two story cottage located on East Mad!
. son street near V East Twenty-sixth
street was last week purchased by E. M.
Tooker from, George a Pelgram for
$4000. ' '
- Recent arrivals in Portland have
caused considerable activity . among
brokers dealing in new dwelling houses
. erected . in Rose City Park, Bossmere
and numerous small additions between
Jrvington- and the eastern boundary of
the city. Speculative builders operating
. In this section of the city report an un-
. vsual demand for new homes ranging in
value from IJ500 to MSO0. During the
past 90 days over 0 of this class' of
properties have been taken over by pur
chasers buying homes.
An immense amount of durable build
ings is contemplated for the central
business and near-in residence district of
East Portland, for the next 12 months.
. Plans for eight new brick apartment
houses all to be erected west of East
Twentieth street are In the hands of
local architects. Further east and within
two blocks ot the east Morrison street
earllne property owners"ar preparing to
put up aulto.a number of , small apart
ment houses and stove buildings. ?
At the northwest corner of East Thir-
' ty-ninth and , Belmont streets, A, B.
Knutson is beginning the erection of a
three story brick building 10x100 feet
which it is estimated will cost between
$20,000 and $26,000. The first floor
wilt be fitted up with stores and the up
per stories will be arranged in three
.and four room living suites.
Dr. Frank Wood took out a permit
last Friday for a two story frame resi
dence which he, is preparing to build on
Hawthorne avenue between East Thirty
sixth and East Thirty-seventh streets
at a cost of $6400. n
- Henry Hector closed a deal last week
for two lots at ths southwest corner of
Kast Market and East Tenth streets.
, The property is Improved with frame
buildings and was purchased from Hen
ry Lemline for $7000.
: 4 Medford Mem to Los Angeles.
' 2 " CP! DtapetA to The JoerniD
Medford, Or,, Jan. 14. Seventy-five
Medford business men will take part in
the Junket to Los Angeles that will
leave here next Thursday. Three Pull
man cars have been reserved for the
, party who will be gone about $0 days.
ms mm
QAre the properties that the Cooperative Realty Com
pany is handling in the manufacturing district of
tj How often have you heard the remark, "Yes, he is a
wealthy man he started on a small salary, but he
- made his fortune in real estate"? How often have
, you told a friend, "A few.yearsago I could have bought
that lot for a few hundred dollars; today it is worth
Cof Operative Realty Co.
Jv r itrX'' pi " ' ji. L ' '
lvi-;-fAl ----- XirJ
. .v1 ::c;:..
Keiuouu ut ai. t. wiioox,
Chapin & Herlow Report Sales
of Nearly $50,000 In Out
side Property.
1 Chapin & Herlow report transactions
sines January 1, in suburban residence
lots, building tracts at Biverweod and
acreage involving a total Investment of
nearly $50,000. ...
"Since the opening of the pew year
we notice a marked Improvement in the
local realty market" said W. H. Chapin,
senior member of the firm. "Inquiry for I
ail classes or properly is at least dou
ble what it was' in November or De
cember. Not only are inquiries for In
vestments mora numerous, but buyers
are more anxious to close deals than
has been the case for several months
past" The . following are among the
sales ' negotiated by this firm during
the first half of Janjiary:
Judge Robert O. Morrow of the state
circuit oourt purchased a two acre tract
aV River wood, the Corbett tract located
near Rivera, on the Willamette river.
Judge Morrow paid $8000 for the prop
erty!, which It Is understood he will Im
prove with a handsome residence.
A two acre tract at Qlenmorrle was
sold to Dr. M. Q. MoCorkle for $4000.
Dr. McCorkle acquired the property as
a sits tor a sew heme.
In 4he same tree a two acre rest
dene site was purchased .by Lillian B.
Clark and Nellie C. Cos- of Clinton.
Iowa, tor $4000. , This property wll be
held as an investment
"Several tracts of acreage la the Vi
cinity of Bstaoada were sold at prices
ranging from $126 to $160 an acre.
Charles A. Jacques took 40 acres, pay
ing $(000 for It, to George Sterling; A.
M. Scbults bought - 40 acres from A.
Crawford for $6600; A. O. Anderson pur
chased a $0 acre traot from S. E. Woos
ter for $2500.
Pauline Devenpeck bought 15 acres
located near Sheridan, in the Highlands
ot Yamhill county, paying $2500 tor the
'land. . e - '
3. H. Duk L. M. Btone and C S.
Hlggina, the last named being a resident
of Lake Forest, 111., purchased small
tracts of acreage at Grovel and Acres,
near North Plains on the United Rail
ways line, at the rate of $260 an aore.
Walnut Club to Meet.
' (Special Dispatch to The JoernU.)
. McMlnnville, Or, Jan. 14.-The Tam
hlll County Walnut club will hold an In
teresting meeting at the city hall at
McMlnnville on the evening of January
16. Two experienced walnut growers
will address the members and much
business will be transacted. -. ?
loyd's Industrial
unaer constxnctloa at East Twenty-firat
I ik f r HS. 1 j " N r O . f ."At
1 ! 'r';"5 ; I -v:-- V f-;-
2 A ' : 1 fc i - J I
Residences' ot w. NKverett
J.P. Wilbur, formerly of Union, Or.,
where he was engaged in the banking
and woolen manufacturing business, has
removed to Portland and will engage in
real estate bonds and securities. He
has opened offices at 170 Fifth street
under the firm name of the Pacific Coast
Trust company.
Reoognlslng that Portland offers a
better opportunity for eafe'and conserv
ative Investments than any other city
in the Paoifio northwest Mr. Wilbur
has retired from the manufacturing bus
iness in eastern Oregon and will here
after devote his entire attention to his
Portland offloe. Although heavily in
terested in eastern Oregon. 'Mr. Wilbur
plans to invest considerable money in
Portland. He recently . purchased a
enth street In Irvlngton, which he will
occupy as a home.
Negotiations for the sale of the Ham
ilton property, the 60x100 foot lot and
three story brick building on the 'west
r thousands"? The same opportunities which existed
- then are here now. t
q If you will spenfl only a few dollars each month and
invest it in a lot in this great district, you will be lay
ing a foundation for your own future, ; -
Fill in the coupon below and mail it to us tpday and
we will mail- you literature descriptive of KENTON
and Brazee -streets. ;
and Miss Isabella Ball on Laurelhurst avenue In Laurelburst
side of Seventh street and 60 feet north
ot Morrison, which have been under
way for several days, failed of consum
mation on account of the figure de
manded by the lessees for immediate
possession. Mrs. L. H. Hamilton, own
er of the lot, confirmed the report that
she had been offered $176,000. for the
lot, but the offer was conditional upon
Immediate possession being given. The
tenants held out for $30,000 as the price
of their leases, which Mrs. Hamilton
refused to pay, ?
It is understood that a $0 day option
was given on the property last week at, ana it is tnougnt mat me
bolder of the option will take it before
the expiration of the time limit
Woman Prosecutor Acquits Woman.
Seattle, Jan. 14. Mia Ida Anderson,
the first woman in King county to face
a Jury composed entirely of women and
to be prosecuted by a woman, was tri
umphantly acquitted before Justice
Brown yesterday afternoon when tried
ah & ohaTsra of tampering with gas
niTMa owned by the Seattle Lighting
Anderson was So flimsy that Miss Reah
wMtAhmA denutv prosecutor, moved
tnr ntmnissal of the defendant lmme
rilitftlv after the state's witnesses had
testif led. The Jury comprised sis: prom
inent suffragists. .The county court
room was lammed with women, who dls
cussed the case so eagerly that Juetloe
nrown threatened twice to ciear we
Co-Operatlye Realty Co.
S20 Railway Exchange.
. Oentlemen- Please ' mall me litera
ture descriptive ot Kenton-Katlonal ad
dition, , - -
Realty Board Is Divided on ihe
Usefulness.; 6( Sidewalk
; Brokers but Agrees to Stick
1 to Present Collection System
Whether "to put the curbstone brokers
out of business by setting the city coun
ell to pass a $100 annual license fee for
real estate dealers, or wnetner io auow
the eurbstoners to oontlnus talking real
estate on the streets,, thereby. keeping
up the interest of prospective Investors.
is a Question that is agitating more or
less the.couective mind of. the Fort
land Realty Board.4?: .. W:-'-M .'J
At the regular January meeting of
the board, held at the Commercial club,
last Tuesday afternoon, a resolution
was introduced asking the council to
fix this annual itoeniv to pa pam soy
every Individual selling real estate. The
resolution met the Instant opposition
of a majority ot the members ot the
board, but; defenders were by no means
lacking. Those opposed to it argued
no. good would come from attempting
to put street comer salesmen out of
business. They declared these people
an ; important aw not legitimate oner
atoro for. the reason that they are al
ways talking, real estate and .that manv
buyers who otherwise would never have
the subject brought to their minds are
Induced to Invest by the activity of the
curbstoner. It was also declared that
me sonente would not accomplish the
purpose Intended . for the reason that
men could not bo restrained from sell
ing their own property and that the
curb operators would go out and buy
options, which would have the effect
of giving them the standing of property
owners. . ... .... . . ..... .
Drawback of Curb Brokers.
Those favoring the measure admitted
that curb operators frequently kept the
market from lagging, but they said the
unreliable element among them did so
much harm to the business of the legit.
tmaim rea estate operator that It would
A Home That Will Satisly You
"sssisBSBSi M fmmmmmiimmmmmmmmmmmaimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm
be better all round If they were got
rid of by the license route. .VT
After dlsoussing for six months, the
law requiring real ; estate brokers : to
have a contract of sale with property
owners before a commission eoutd be
collected In oourt for selling real estate
the realty board : at Its meeting last
Tuesday afternoon voted "to make no
errors to change the law. It was
pointed out by a number of speakers
that : the . law as It stands frequently
works a hardship, but that to go back
to the old system where many agents
frequently had the same property listed
and where a squabble arose over the
division of the commission la at least
half the sates, made, would be v very
much akin to jumping from the frying
pan into the fire. i .x-'i -'...;
' Want ZlUlngswortB oa Board.' ' -The
board voted unanimously at this
meeting, to work for the election ot Its'
president, William M. Kllllngsworth, as
a member of the board of governors of
the1 Commercial club. The election is
to be held January 28, and as the reg
ular ticket has already been brought
out by 'the nominating oomralttee of the
Commercial club, Mr. If tilings worth's
name will have to go on the insurgent
ticket. A oommlttee of : five active
members of the realty board . was ap
pointed to conduct the campaign ; for
V Tho " regular semi-annual 4 dmner" ; f
the board will be, riven early in Febru
ary. The executive committee was In
structed to selecmhe data for holding
me ainner ana to maae tne necessary
arrangements. The following new members-were
elected: C. Runyard, Rand,
Read; sY Co.; . J. M.' Hansmair and the
Cellar s-Murton Co.
Scientists Haveew Cbnrch. ' '
- (SpecUl Otapatch to The JoamaLV
Medford, Or., Jan. 14. The Christian
Scientists of . this city will hold their
opening services in the newly oompleted
hvlrch edlfloe on North , Oakdals on
Sunday. This Is the first house of wor
ship for members of that denomination
built In the -Rogue River valley It
is built In the bungalow style, orovldes
seating room for about S00 people In
the main auditorium besides beta able
to accommodate many mora in the read-
Ing and-rest rooma
Capitalize Your Credit
In the form of an installment investment In our rapidly ad-,
vanclng suburban property. i. v f ,
$400 to $900 Lot .
Located on Fulton vcarllne, the Orefon Electric and Fourth
street branch of Southern Pacific lines. Fourteen minutes from
business center., . .
A '10 Discount In Above
Prices lor a Few Days
You can easily double your money on the contract price of
these lots before the Installments are half paid. Let us show you.
Ik m
HEN you purchase a lot
your home you endeavor to pick out a site that you are.
' satisfied will be ideal for all time; The first thins: you con
sider will be what kind of people will my neighbors be? To
insure desirable neighbors you look for your home site in a thor
oughly restricted locality." The second essential to an ideal home
site is a broad, unrestricted and magnificent view of surrounding ,
country the distant snow capped mountains the nearer foot
hillsthe rivers. , The third feature win probably be the topo
graphical aspect of the entire district fit which your future home
is to be situated. You will want gentle sloping hillside property
the streets laid out in contour, conforming with the natural
slopes of the land. r
IT1HE fourth essential wUT be proximity to the business center
J of town, the shopping district and the theatres. Nearness
; to the center of town is a matter of minutes, not of miles.
You win figure on locating your homesite as far away from the
hustle, and bustle, and dust as possible, yet be within a fifteen
minute ride to business; If you 'tan find a piece of ground that s
incorporates all of these advantages and Vet is within the reach
; of your pocketbook you are going to snap it up. ; The above brief-f
ly outlines your home site in Burlingame. No" bridges to cross. :'
Scheduled running-of trains. Running time of from 12 to 15
minutes. Visit the property ;Take tram at Front and Jefferson.
Get off at Fulton station ' oc fare. Walk over the property. Talk
to any of the salesmen. .They are there to answer questions and
to pilot you about, " You will not be urged to buy. Burlingame, .
as your future home site, will speak for and sell itself to you. Lots
from $700 to $1000. 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month.
The best buy that will ever come to your notice in Portland. An
extra special lO.per cent discount to those who buy before of
the tract has been sold; Offices in Madison building; 3rd and 1
Madison. Phones, A-4747; Marshall 880. 1
Runaway Team Dashes 'Over
. Embankment and Jniurejs''
Driver; Team Unhurt ,
(Special. DtspatA te The Jooraalt - -'
""4Payton, Wash., Jan. 14. Primeval
man developed yesterday when Thomas
Patrick , received a dislocated hip in a
runaway ten miles from a doctor. -Un-'
able to bear, the intense pain and know-,
ing his hip. was out" of place Patrick
resorted to.nature. Rolling -over and
over on the rough 'ground where he was
lying, he succeeded in righting the dis
located member. Ia ter. he was picked
np and brought to Dayton, ten miles, for
surgical" treatment.' Sss'.? S4.K ;!",
,. Frightened at a projecting rook, the
team which Patrick was driving dashed
over a bluff and landed In the Touohet
river 40 feet below, i Patrick went with
the vehicle and was hurled against a
Ire.) at the bottom of the precipice He
is in a hospital, here and may not re
cover. , Neither, the team or the wagon
was-damaged. '
. .' p ' -
Albanj Butter Ouftmt $75,943.
(Special Dlspstah te TatXJoaraall " ' r
Albany, Or Jan. 14.As shown bw
the annual report .of the secretary, the
Albany Creamery association last year
manufactured J28.855 pounds of button
the total sales amounting to $78,141.00.
The directors eleoted for the ensuing
year are C. I Shaw, J. H. Scott, J. D.
Isam, I. whealdon-' and H. Freerksoa.
The following were elected officers i
President, C L. Shaw; vice president, J.
rR. Soott; secretary. Wayne ; Dawson
treasurer, Cv A. Archibald.
upon which you intend to build
, Marshall 3248$ A-1374
. . hi in in n i i in i ' ' I', mini i ifc.iiiin'1 HP . I' 'I I ' i i. m H in"' i i i iii ini'iii ii i ii i i i i i .Hi i imm; iii i m i i lii.niii mi
. West SideCompaey
Si ... K
Address . -. ,