THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,;.' WEDNESDAY .EVENING. JANUARY 11, 1911. which have not been confiscated by the government will yield a sufficient aura to provide such a penslqn. The gov ernment leaders, however, favor an ap propriation from the government Portugese pride, a desire to' appear magnanimous and soma affection for is unique In architecture and resembles a' country club house, mora than a re ligious edifice, ' It Is built for use and comfort and the irately stiffness 'and forbidding .barrenness of church archi tecture is strangely missing, j .., ' 1 1 Clearing Coqullle Wver. r : i (Special The JonrnsLV Coqullle, Or., Jan. 11. -The United States snagboat baa - arrived' here and. will at once be put to work clearing th river of obstructions. The work will require several months' time, Albany's First Apartment House Finished ; the deposed monarch are the motives, It la aald, which-prompt th action. tTnlqae Charch planned. ; i' - fRpeli Dtspateh to The Jnurutl.V Medford, Or., Jan. 11. The ciiristlan Science class is constructing a $0000 church in North Oakdale. The church Investment of $9500, Returns Profit of $35,000 in Five Commercial Clubs of Portland and La Grande Want a ' Rate Hearing. v" Years. DISCIfJATII. SAY TWO mis TURHED TO FRUlTj " - ' lit ' x M v. ' ii v ' M i ' Vs f ' v' - ' ' :! f f - . . , ... r v " iSnn?ll MuMti Th Journal . .'orth Yakima, Wash,, Jan. 11 E. Chenaur has purchased from Nelson Grlmsley wlia? rrniairs of the old Wal-. ter Granger; ranch at Zillah. Of the , original 160:acres there remained In the hands of Slews. Grlmsley and Chenaur 1 about 10Q acres and for his half of this Mr. Grimsley receives $27,600 from his . former partner. j The story of the Granger ranch Is In part the story of the Yakima valley. ', Mr. Granger, who grew tirnotby and al- i falfa on the property disposed Of the entire tract about seven years ago for $11,000. Two years later It was resold. 'by the purchasers to Messrs. Chenaur ; nd Grlmaley for ,$19,000. For five years they have farmed iton shares and made a good profit therefrom. They have sold to Messrs, Bourgaiise, Start!, the North Coast railway, Fend rick td others a total of about SO acres or more for an aggregate of about $20,000. They have a few acres which lie above the ditch. -", Grimsley Makes Honey. Mr. Grimsley, on his Investment of $9500 originally made, has received In return, In five years, approximately 435,060, The farm lias always more - than paid for the Improvements and expenses of operation. The farm lies Just southeast of Zillah and Is one of the well known ranches of that section of the valley. Lately a large number of fruit trees have been planted thereon and the place has begun to lose Its old Identity aa a hay ranch. '' r REDMOND PLANS TO BUILD WATER SYSTEM rSoeelnl rflawiteb t The Jnaratla Redmond, Or., Jan, 11 Ten thousand dpllars will pay for a gravity water system for Redmond. This is accord' ing f estimates and figures carefully compiled by members of the city coun cil. The: plan Is to build two concrete i reservoirs each 100 fee square. They would be located on the hill about three miles South of town and near the main canal, from which it is proposed to take toe -water. , , The plan of the city officials, if car ried out, will give Redmond an ade quate supply of pure water at a remark- . ably small cash outlay and with the system once installed the cost of main tenance would be nominal. In other words, with the proposed system In . operation Redmond will have fire pro tection and a pure water supply en . tirely adequate for all present Jieeds, RIDGEFI ELD'S NEW , SCHOOL OCCUPIED (Roeclal Dbnatrb to Th Journal. I Ridgaf laid v Wash., Jan. 11. Ridge field's new school houae 1b occupied by hundreds of proud children. The build ing cost $15,000 and is one of the best - educational aaruoturee In Clarke county. H CQDtains tux recitation rooms, an office for the principal and the general assembly ball. The latter is so arranged that it can easily be changed Into two recitation rooms when there is demand for mora class rooms. There" are six teachers, including the principal, E. B. MIL Besides the regular grades, there is a high school which offers a full course. The building la furnace heated wim forced draft, hence will be well ventilated. New walks have been built ail around the building and everything put In first .class shape. IK XIII r - - 'K - .' .. - ?ijnmini.iniiim"'ini, wiiejiii-M-wi niiiYrnraiii'Mniiii.iiiirniiiiiiii i-r trf "S J sSsiSMiiA: SAYS STATE ROADS :"fr:: Washington Authority Warns Oregon to Use Only the , County Unit. KLAMATH FALLS GETS . BIG ICE PLANT i I, i . . 1 (Special ItlHnatcb to The Journal.) ; Klamath Falls, Or., Jan. 11. The JOamath Valley Warehouse & -'Storage "cbmpatiy. Is rushing work, preparatory to t:e lnatallation 6f its Ice plant which It have In operation very soon., The basement floor has been lev eled and the pit dug for the installa tion of the big machinery which is to be, run by electricity In the making of artificial ice." .,.., :. ; The company has baen informed that the ice plant, will be here by the 15th and that everything will be in readiness by that time( for its operation. The city has had to depend upon na tural Ice from the lakes for its ice sup ply "heretofore. ' S.B.S PURELY VEGETABLE THE ONE SAFEBLOOD RDfEDY "Oregon is avoiding Washington's, road making mistakes," said J. A. Per ry, expcretary of the Washington Good ROads association, in Portland yester day. "Our big mistake lay In starting state roads. The Oregon Good Roads association is on the right track In in sisting upon the county unit system- of construction. In a road that the state pays lor tne people ao not reel a pro prietary interest; In a toad the people of a county build for themselves 'they do and are willing to maintain it. "The good roads bill now before the legislature of Oregon will have exact ly the intended effect of providing for the unit system. Xoads Lead Naturally to Start i. "The highway commission bill, the state aid hill, the bonding act, and even the convict labor bills, all have the ef fect of localising the work. as far as the people of the county are' concerned, and If the people Start In to make roads county by county a system of good roads will be more certain than If the state started by a great appropriation to build a single road, no matter how necessary or desirable that particular roan might be, :.t "It will be found that the natural ten'aeopy in all road making is to build to the nearest market place. That is the chief utility of a highway to con necu the center of production with the market The bad roads fund, into which have gone ? hampered development, smaller crops and poor homes, has been swelled largely by the fact that farm era have been content with any old sort of a road between their farms and the market for their produce. "Let the legislators of Oregon who have the present opportunity for pro viding the state with means of road construction by the passage of the good roada bills seise their opportunity. I believe from my Washington roadmak ing experience, that the cost of, a per manent macadam road under the plan proposed for Oregon would be onlv about 17 cents per acre for the abutting property, -The -enhanced' value per acre amounts to $0 In many cases. I know no other investment that brings such definite and large returns. Trges TJsa of Slag Drag. , After the highway bills are named and the working of,the good roads plan commenced trie people of the coun ties need not ;bo olscouraeed if thov don't get everythtnijdone at oijca Let inKiu oTgm oy improving tneir present roaas. use the KtY road dra wMIa ii rams ana other work cannot be at tended to. A good djrt road made smooth is much better than one with holes in it. even ir It cannot be macadamized at once." , Upper- -Btreet seen, Albany, showing Cuslck block in tn foreground. Lower Wyatt apartments. SHERMAN CITIZENS ; HONOR RETIRING CLERK (Spe-lil rlit"h to The Jonrqal.l Moro, Or., Jan. 11. After 16 years In the county clerk's office, four as dep uty and the last dozen as clerk. H. S McDanlel declined to stand for reelec- Ifc i a ovnM-alltr :,j uon at tne last election. K. A. Mac- i. I .nW recognized fact Pheraon of Wasco succeeded him. The taat medicines taken from the botan- citizens of Sherman county made un a puraa from contributions over the coun ty generally and had a loving cup made or a special design which they had pre ititari' .A fclfrn ..' T - -n . 4 ical kingdom are better adapted to the delicate Immaa system, and safer ineverj way than those composed tl aTTrJS Strong mineral mixtures. Among master at Moro, as evidence of the .the very best and safest of vegetable estecm of hB people of Sherman county preparat ons is S. S. S.t a blood med- I ZX ,r. cine made entirely of roots, herbs and agemenfc barks, in such combination as to ! " " : f an bwpuri- i SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S as. sTta totTonr iS i RAIN WORTH MILLIONS particle of mineral in any form, and is an absolutely safe medicine for any ! one to use. While purifying the blood, this great vegetable remedy builds up every portion of theTsystem. S.S.S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh,' Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Constitutional Blood Dis eases, and all impurities and morbid conditions of the circulation. It is"' perfectly reliable and safe for children; and little ones who have been weak ened with scrofulous affections ot J other inherited blood troubles, can CRUCE HITS GAMRI IWR C take this mild vegetable remedy with ,?i,tl, MrrTo, a. Tgood results and without the slightest WITH HARDEST BLOW i trmif .lt inviirorateaaewrrtir OkIahoma Tlty, :. . " . .. . - -vi-uce. secona (nulted Prew Laed Wire.) Los Angeles. Jan. 11. Farmers of southern California variously estimate that the rain has saved from $50,000,- "uv io jtw.uou.ouo worth of truitg;rowers and dealers in crops. produce say the rain is the most beneficial that has fallen In 10 years. The rain was of inestimable value to the beet and bean growers. A Sawtelle bean raiser said he considered the fall had benefited that district from $5 to U0 an acre. Graih men are jubilmt. Orange and lemon orchards will need no further winter irrigation. LITTLE MISSES AFRAID AT NIGHT ALARM PARENTS "Afraid to . go home . In the 4 dark," was the excuse made to their respective mothers by Eva 4 Piper, 12 years old of 527 Mont- gomery street, and May Watson, 14 years old of 311 Fourteenth street, when they reached home Tuesday morning after being ab- 4 4 sent aU night When they left the . 4 4 Ladd school in the afternoon the 4 4 two girls went to the public II- 4 4 brary. So alluring were the ad- 4 4 ventures of "Alice In Wonder- 4 4 land" and "Gs-8(ntbad" . that 4 4 darkness clothed the city before 4 4 they were aware. 4 4 " "We were afraid to "go hoine'jn 4 4-the dark,1' -explained May, "so 4 4 . ,wo wfnt to a hotel. We didn't . 4 4 have money, but we told the 4 4 landlady wa were two little girls 4 4 that had lost their way, and she 4 4 gave, us a bed to sleep In." 4 4 While the girls were sleeping 4 4 away their tears, a troop of anx- 4 4 lous parents and relatives baunt- 4 4 ed police heddquarters. Around 4 4 the youthful Miss May's eyes 4 4 there was a strange redness this 4 4 morning, and her manner was 4 4 very penitent. 4 4 4 4 4 NEW TICKET OFFICE FOR HILL AT 5TH AND STARK A new ticket office for the Hill lines will be established at the southeast cor ner of Fifth and Stark streets, where the grocery store of the Sealy-Lowell company is now located. 1 Announcement has been made that the Spokane, Portland & Seattle rail road has taken a five-year lease on the corner, and will take possession of it aa soon a a tho necessary alterations can be made, The Sealy-Loweil com pany will move to other quarters. SHAFR0TH ASKS FOR LIBERAL' MEASURES (United Pros Leased Wire.) Denver, Colo., Jan. 11. John A, Bhaf roth, who was, inaugurated yesterday for a second term as governor of Colo rado, in his Inaugural address de manded a ballot without party emblems, a bank guaranty law, an effective rail road commission, an anti-pass law, the extension of the governor's term to four years, and the recall. SETTLERS ARE HELPED AFTER REACHING STATE William McMurray, general passenger agent of, the Harrlman lines In Oregon, says the volume of inquiries from pros pective settlers is steadily Increasing and that he looks for a tremendous In flux into the state next spring. "Our Inquiry department is busy giv ing out Information about the state and Its resources," said Mr. McfMurray, "not only to people intending to come here, but. to those' who have arrived. The company does not forget a settler when he gets here, and the -same applies to otner railroads. e keep in touch with newcomers until they have found what they want We do not want anybody to return iome disappointed. One disap pointed homeseeker counteracts all the boosting that 00 settlers can do. "It means a great deal for a man to leave his flld surroundings and friends for a new country, and he is entitled to all the assistance we can give. It Is nothing to sell him a ticket that's the smallest part of it There is noth ing ao interesting to me as to watch a man who comes out here, settles down, tills the soil and prospers. We have many of them on our list and every now and then we hear from them. And they are all pleased." 1?8 aid newcomers and travelers in general the Harrlman people maintain an information bureau in the city tick et office at the corner of Third and Washington streets. I (Slm Bureau of The Journal.) State House. Salem. Or.. Jan, 11 Commercial bodies both ot Portland anjf La Grande have filed petitions as In terveners-in the actions stated . before the railroad commission by the cities of j DBxer ana Mearora ior more ravoraoie commodity distributive rates. The peti tions of both Portland Commercial Tjlub and La Qrande Commercial club recite practically the same grounds ,upon which intervention Is asked, namely, that ac quisition of distributive rates by Med ford or Baker, without also giving all Other cities in Oregon the same privi leges will be unjust discrimination. "If carload commodity rates or less than carload commodity rates," says the Portland .Commercial club, "are fixed and established by the commis sion between Portland and Baker with out at the same time fixing and estab lishing commodity rate to all points similarly situated, a preference will be created Jn favor of Baker, and Portland and La Qrande as well aa shippers and persons residing In other ..places airm- larly .situated, to Baker will suffer Just discrimination." a tv-rf k. , . : . '. . . I 7fx. ' ' . . v.- ' un- BILL AT SACRAMENTO TO ABOLISH PUGILISM (Halted Ptmw teiiel Wtre. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 11. Everybody connected with a prlsefight, either fighter, trainer, second, promoter, ref eree .timekeeper of any other person, will be guilty of a felony, if a bill in troduced in the assembly yesterday be comes a law. It aays that all the par ticipants holding a so-called prlsefight shall he subject to the penalty of one to three years in state's prison or a fine of from 1000 to $5000, or both. WW; Covey Motor Car Co. Seventh and Ccach Slreels . . ,.., OREOOIN MOTELS THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel SS0 ROOMS. 104 SUITES '. With PrivataBatht NEW FIREPROOF BUILDINO MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Props. - Yw a a .2 2: iSvS H,-Ir -''H PORTUGAL TO TAKE CARE OF EX-KING (United Preai Letted Wlr. Lisbon. Jan. 11, The new Republican government of Portugal has undertaken to answer the questlpn, "'What shall we do with the ex-klngst" by a publlo sale or uon Manuers effects. The proceeds will be given, Vlth President Braga's compliments, to the deposed monarch. Leaders of the Braga administration plan to give Manuel an annuity of $50. 000. It Is not believed that his ef fects. including certain royal estates Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUCH CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ..At TatliHituri . A limpid, ulc and t&ctix Ueaiocnt for bnia chial troubln, without doaltf tb icamack wiik iragt. Vtei with aaceeo Co thirty yrara. The air rendered itrontly antlieptic, lnaplred with every breath, nakca breathing ear, toothet the aore threat, and atopi thi coach. SMariot rert- ful nlfhti. Creaeles la lnauble to mother vlth young childrea and a m to tnfftrtra (rest Aithiri. Sead eoettl for decrl,,i Wklrt. ALL DRUGGISTS. Try Cretelcae AntW aeptie Throat Tablet for the irritated throat. They are simple, tSect Ire aad antiaeptlc. Of year drurgiit or from o, loe la nam pa. Vapo CreioleaevCo. : Cortltidt St., N. T. ill . 7UH m Hotel Seattle, Pioneer Square, Seattle' $400,000.00 recently spent on itt Interior. AU furalihingt an4 appointmenti new, modern and tplendkL . HEADQUARTERS FOR PORTLAND PEOPLE. - y . Hotel Oregon, Portland, Oregon ' Both hotels conducted by Messrs. Wright 8t Dickinson life THE CORNELIUS "Th Houm of WtkonW CORNER PARK AND ALDER STREETS Beginning May 1 our rate wCl be aa follow.? 10ut aide back rooms, $1 par day; alngla front rorma, $1.50 per day. Our omnibua meets aU trains. Portland'a Nawaat and Most TJp-to-Data Hotel C. W. CORNELIUS Proprietor H. E, FLETCHER Managar NEW PERKINS rirrtt ajts wiuncarcrTOV OPENED JUNE 1908 A .Htat in the very heart mt orUan'B aotlvityl modern in averr respect Kates tl.Ofl and up Moderate price Restaurant la connection Q. trwTETXjro, aUcretary aad ataaafw '',- THfcS PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. K?rapeaa Flaa Modern Kestaaraat. coa on aaxLuov bouam Xeadqaartata (at Teoxlsta aadOasa metelal . Txavelera. Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. The aanagemert will be pleased at all Umea to show rooms ' and give prices. A modara Turklstf bath es tablishment ia . hoteL X. a Bewen, ngt. Women's Secrets There it one man ia the United Stitet who ha perhaps heard tnore women's tec rets thso any other men or woman in the country. These, secrets are not secrets of fuilt or shame, but the secrets of suffering, tod they hsve been confided to Dr. R. V. Pierce ia the hope and expectation of advice and help. That few of these women have been disappointed ia their ex pectations ia proved by the faot thst einety-eight per cent, of all women treated by Dr. Fierce hive been absolutely and altogether oared. Snob reoord would be remarkable if the ettiet treated wort aura be red by hundred only. But when that reoord applies to the treatment of more then half-a- mil lion women, in a practice of over 40 tears, it is nheaomenal. ad entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the Irat of epecialists la the treatment of women' diseases. Every sick woman mar eonsnlt Dr, Pierce by letter, absolutely w'ithooir' eharfe. All replies art mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without ny printing or advertising- whatever, upon them. Write without fear a with. . to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. P teres, Preat. Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S F1TOQITE PRESCRIPTION SiaLaaJks.etv Weavk VaToxuezx tz-oxic, - lolav VtToixi.en. 'Waall Hot and Cold Water Long Distance Phone IN EVERT ROOM Hotel Lenox COR. THIRD AND MAIN ST8, 1 j nHjdjanm.Buu wic iictuuiy uiooq it. tutaiioma, yesterday sent his Jan. 11. Governor Lee executive of the etate of message 4 ticaica jargciy asius in overcoming' l" giiarure. us aemanas sweep any derangement of the stomach '"f"108, including the stricter en .nA ftl!L .rctm Tf , "T- .forconentof etate laws and the amend .fcw . , , T V. III Ml 1 LI tie rna nnmaH, l.w Tr. j jj wwu jucuitwiB vou cumu ug no peer "e legislature Investigate gam- than to take S.S.S. It has been in' ng' whioh 18 responsible, he aayv for i JJW for more than forty veara and ia 50 cwt & the .tste: t sun recogniicu aa tuc ucsi. . ijooic on One :t the blood free to all who write, txas ivvrrr e?scino co Atuata, oa, .! ion. Hundred.' and fifty-four thousanri Henton .vaai- aold last year Nuf Tfsr0tt Fuel Co., 13th and Over Mflin 5, A-1865. 1 ' ,,- ,'. Eggs Are High What Matter If in-, . ... ... .... . - ....... CRESCENT Pirate BAKING POWDER Saves on EGGS and Raises the Dough -Try the EGGLESS Cake Recipe- Three cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons Crescent Biking Pow der, y2 cupJraisins, 1 teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves anJ vanilla, y2 cup lard with small piece of butter, Vfa cups of milk,- Filling and icing if required. Remember you must nse Crescent Baking Powder for good results. Because Crescent contains the white of eggs and .the vital phosphates fpundjn the grains of wheat !. v I fftni. ku'X -- ( OUR NEW SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU Note the Changes Stare : : i VBton HmmS PORTLAND TO ST. PAUL 9L.-00 P. M. PORTLAND TO SPOKANE 9.-00 P. M. PORTLAND TO LEWISTON . . . . . .... .9:00 P. M. PORTLAND TO WALLA WALLA .......11 P.M. rxa SOO-SYOXAJTB ydWXXAmi "Train De Luxa." ietween Portland and St Paul through Spokane, la one of the most splendidly-equipped trains jJn transcontinental service, con , slsting of Compartment Observation Car. Standard and Tour ist Sleepers, Dining. Car and Day Coach, electrlo lighted , throughout, through flthout ohange. PASSENGERS TO SPOKANE HAVE THE FULL BENEFIT OF ' ' ' THIS FINE SERVICE. Through Standard Sleepers to Lewiston and Walla Walla. Purchase tickets at City Ticket Office, . i Third and Washington Streets. WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland,' Oregon. tio Los Angeles Jirst class, $20.60, $22.50, $25.50,, including meals and berth. LXfi , v Second class, $10.35,: . . -' . Fare to San Francisco, $5, $10, $12, $15. ' ' TieVSS. BffiViSailgTiJr m., Thursday. January 12 J- w, uansom, Agent. Amsworth Dock , H. G. Smith. C T 142 Third St. Phones Main 402," A-1402;. Main 268. V A V.' , . ' I