THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL', 1 PORTLAND,- WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1911. WANTS WITNESSES :. " ; SWORN CHINESE WAY i, (United prl$ lued Win.) " Seattle, Jam-11. Ho Bak Ouie, alias Xw Hou, accused of the ': murder of , t;nin uin ue on noveraoer ia, iu in sist that witnessed who testify against ' him bo aworn not In the American, fash ion but in the Chinese. Gule s demand baa created some con sternation among court officials, as the Chinese custom demands that a' chicken be killed jn court while the witnesses are sworn tn. Gulesaya ho fears tfe witnesses may not tell the truth 'under the American oath, which means noth ing to' them. After1, the death of Ole, Guie fled in ,a taxlcab and was well on his way to Tacoma when, arrested. - " - KEW TODAY HOOD STREET k ' , ' Lot 30x184 feet between Lowell and Thomas, with J 134 feet (tQVl frontage on HOod Street. .MOUU " WTsMIV. iTrVHTTfll . : Good building" s.lte with - view . ' that can never be ob- (JIQCnfi structed pOUW OTBBiTOV 8TBEET . . , i UMitvM vn w kiiv i nil T inv- iiai ri 86th and N. 26th QACZff v ' restricted residence dist. .ptwUv ataASHAJCL STREET Very choice -residence lot, te?, tween N. 25th and N. .-; (TCfiflfi J6th wts.v. . .Y. pUVWW TWZVT7-TETELO BTB.EET,, H. -" Korthwest corner of Overton street, , apartment house site.. pltJjVUv COTTAGES AND HOUSES WZISLSB 8TBJEZT ..... Near E. 8th at N beautiful 7 room - house, with lot 50X100 (fcCCfiA ft A bargain at . . . i, . .pOUvw KV&THOltAK STBEET '; ' Cor. E. 8tlf at N well biKlt ' room house, hotwater heating QQnfi .. system; lot 80x100 ft.' ... ,POOvy STOBTKBTO BCTtEIT North side of Northrup St., bet N. 23d and N. 14th, good 7- d7AAn " robtii house, lot 55x100... P I wU JTO&TXKUP IXXBST N. W. corner of N. 18th, two small buildings, lot 50x60 $6500 ,. 1069 EAST MAZn STREET - T room house, lot. 88 1-3 (fcOQCA 100 ft Hard surface ut..V&OtJJ iom oosbxtt rrmixT Good 8 room cottage, corner lot BAIT EX.XYEVTK STREET , room cottage, near E. sIVKflfl Pine st: lot S3 1-3x100. .POOUU rixeir w. I tin st. aooa room rent-.. . i .i . ,. ....... ws : , xu. twiner dhyiw iu guuu 6 ' room houses, 100x100 ft lot " Stores could bt built on south por tlon , Of lot facing ..$10,000 Si PI ATC . .rn ' 1hTA M VTaII ai, fin. Iwa kutM Ing, including elegant furniture for. , , lower flat, lot 13 1-OxBO Q1fff feet PUUU QTZUOOX AS DITTO If Iyongview ave., near Mason st. new modern two-flat build- Jyl CAA ing, lot 60x100 ft. ...... . jJHtDUU CLOSE-IN ACREAGE m 11 i , . . b . t .. ..a v 7 auin u iiwm can ui irviiiKiun, near Braieo street . 1;1 Q AHfl ' Worth twice the price. ip-O-VVU BUSINESS PROPERTY arOSTK TKXKD BTKEET . ruear corner oi new men nriage feet...... ....pAO,VVU WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. 88 rotmrx ST. STOP! Stop paying big rent! Stop buying -' Stale vegetables. Stop paying 60c per 4wn for eggs. Why not buy one of these 1 2 acre tracts where you. can have 411 the privileges of both city and country life? The soil Is the very best ua in man mme 01 cultivation, lays Ideally for a-suburban home, only 26 minutes from the heart or tne city. PRICE ONLY $650 PER ACRE And the verytbest of terms can be ar ranged. R EL TAYLOR & TO . 402-3-4-5 Lewis, bldg. 4tta and Oak sts. $1150 Corner Lot OVERLOOK . 60x100 comer lot 1 block from car, Including all. Improvements, concrete walks, curb, graveled street, water, gas. tpwn HiviLuy 111 r. - vuiKiiim price " was 31260 two years ago. I will sell, If sold at once, for $1150. Have paid in $360; will take $250 cash for my uoli- tract balance $24 per month, because I need the money today.. This lot Is sur- iuuuueu uy uchuuiui uuiiiea. (oee my agents.) , CLOHESSY & McGUIRE Main 1068. 61S Ablngton bldg. A-1146 Warehouse 1 - 100x100 , One block to North Bank depot with trackage. Income now about $100. Price 148,000. ; , yr APARTMENT 60x100 on 14th street 'close In. $20.-000.-Income now $50. 60x100 6th street corner close in, $18,000. Income now $50. Very easy terms on abc-e property, KNAPP & WISDOM Main 3263. , 624 Henry bldg. A-3235 i .Umatilla Irrigation The West Umatilla Irrigation A will make $300,000 profit to the man who has $20,000 to invest at once in 600 aorea of land we have for sale on Columbia river with boat landing at place, on O. K. & N. It B There la a strong underflow of river under this tract at a depth of 1 to 30 feet and It can b Irrigated with pumping plant nt 816 per acre, -nunnlna exnense 81 ner "ea. All deen volcanic ash soil, lays Jevel, best alfalfa jana, uau or write ior particulars,1 .QBtTSBl 8 EADOW, 317 Board of Trad Bldg., 4th and Oak. - PMHT tit CSXCZBSS Tes, why not? If you. raise them In the rlcht climat. Buy an orchard tract at Sundale,; fence it with chicken disease last season I - In addition to or dinary commercial iruus, sundale is great for almonds; apricots, and th finest European crapes. Bee the owners. jEnater Xfand Co 07 walls-raxgo Bldg. fence, plant your trees. Give the chlck,l?TAiaER At the family residence, 468 "enathe-taitffe' efthe oreharcT and IheyT jMarket JtreJt, ar 6:45 p. m., January ' will keep you wMle-the orchard grows. 1 10, 1911, August Stalger, aged 58 years J onnata AA nnt Ions b. ilnrlo nhlrk frnm I end 7 BlOnthSi Aurora.. BSlem ahil Al- NEW 'XXiDAT HOME SWEET HOME In the suburbs. 20 minutes from Fort- land, 6c car fare. One-half aore or land upon which is 25 bearing fruit trees. Here is' tlie place for your garden, chickens, etc., and only 1400 to $750 for one of these tracts. Equal to more than 3 'city lots 4n size: terms only 850 caah, balance $15 per month.; Can you pass mis oyx seeing is believing! - F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3-4-8 Lewll Bldg., -th aad Oak Bts. 312 Lots ' CXOSB XV. - Central East Side, 825,000. . Big future ; for this property, .ir. r . 'WSBB, 414 East Stark Bt," Cor. 0th. TRANSPORTATION Ban rranclsoo 81 Portland fteamaiilp Co. wow service to l.os Angeies via ao Francisco every five days. ' Prom Ainsworth dock, Portland 4 D. in.'. SB. Bear Jan. 17, Boss City 83, Beaver 87. From San Francisco, northbound, 12 m.: ES. Bos City Jan. 18, Beaver fll, Bear 80. irroir. , Ban rearo, nortnDouna: SS. Beaver Jan. 19, Bear 844tose City 89, H. fi. Smith, O. T. A., 148 Third St. 3. W. Saasom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock. y nones 1 aiaia aoa. aat; A-wa. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by tbs Title & Trust company. Lewis Blag, 4th and Oak. H. E. "Noble and wife to Edward Larln, lot 24 block 6 Arleta Park. No. 8. ........8 600 Willamette Realty company to E. f . uaain, lot 13 mock. 2 1 Belie ' Crest 660 Moore Investment company to George Holbert Williams, lot 2 block 72 Vernon....... 760 Moore Realty company to Effle Oaterman, 26x100 feet In block 8 Mt Hood View ..... ... 125 Beata Broua and husband to Ada E. Soule. lot 1. B block 8 ArlaLa Park No. 8. ...-.. i 8,000 oeorge A. Riggs Tr et ai to J. B. . Brady, lot B. 10 block I Po mona addition . . i ........... . (60 William O. Thompson and wife to Carrie Hoffman, south SS feet of lot 3 block V. Dunns addition 3.300 Leslie T. Peery ahjl wire to John. John F. Wilson, und H of Bouth to of north H of lot 84 to 87. Eastwood 2,000 II. Hamblet end wife to S. L. Anaeh lot 25. 26 block. 21 Fair- port 600 block 21 Falrpori 625 Elise Lelck to Jacob Mayers et al, 4 acres beginning In center of new Foster road, 22 rods north of southeast corner of , William- A. Cason donation ' land claim, section 15, township 1 south, range 2 east (assigned to M. Frutlger and W. Zeuger) . . 2,050 uuhh uiiy 1'ara association to El ma Rehwalt lots 14 and 15. block 98, Rose City Park ...... 2.050 H. liambiet, trustee, to w. R. Evens et al. lots 18 and 19. block 6, Falrport 600 James u. Hart and wire to Ella D. Watts, lot 8. block 10. Kath arine ..... ...... ......... 1 v4 . 1 860 Same to same, lot 2. block 6. Katharine . 800 Annie M. Jenwon and husband to William Otterstrom et al, lot 10. block "A," Portsmouth Villa extension 2,800 L1OUI8 Lamport and wire to Wil liam Breitlnger, westerly one .half of lota I and 2. block 179. East Portland 9.000 Martha A, Fnircnild and nusnand -to Archie M. Constable, easterly ona hal-of lot 7. block 106. Uni versity Park 110 Wauna Land company to J. H. Tesrff, lot 7. block 4. Sandy Road Place 1,500 LAWYER'S Abstract & Trust Co.. aom 6 Board of Trade bldK.. abstructi specialty. UNION Abstract Co., 412-418 Corbett bldg. Tel. Main 6. PACIFIC Title & Trust Co, the leading aostraotors. 7 cn. com., ground Door. MARRIAGft LICENSES Robert .Hamilton, Spokane, Wash 47. and Rose Hutsler. 32. Charles Oreenberg. 651 Third street 22. ana Minnio eteinnerg, i. E. A. Miller. 108 East Sixth street, 24. and Kathryn Graves. 25. Charles Hmlth, Lillian Apartments, Robert MeClure. 1108 Belmont street Robert Nelson. 426 . East Market street, 33, and Florence Bates, 28. F. N. Cassell. 1119 East Sixteenth street 2", and Bessie Bloch, 19. J. T. Tyler, 92 Pettygrove street 19 and Edith Pearce 20. William Hammltte, Roseburg Or 60, and Belle Bayless, 45. Wedding and visit In card engravers ana monogtam stationers. Washington Dlda.. Washington St., Det. zra ana 4th DRESS suits for rent all slaea Unique TsUorlng Co.. 809 Stark st CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and Tiorai designs. 3K Morrison st BIRTHS aODBLJj To Mr, and, Airs. Frank Go dell, 1324 East Eleventh street De cember 25. a boy. STELZIO To Mr. and Mrs. Adoioh Btalsla. 1068 East Seventeenth street January e. a girt PAPOSODRO To Mr. and Mrs. Papo sodro, 188 Mill street, January 8, bov. , . DELIGIO To Mr. and Mrs. Vlto Dellglo, January l, a ooy. LIMA To Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Lima 681 East Eighteenth street, January 1 TJRRANA -To Mr. and Mrs Salvadore Tirrana, 693 East Twenty-rirst street, .Tamiarv 1. a elrl. A RENO To Mr. and Mrs. Pantallo Areno. 646 Sixth street January a ooy. TOMAINO To Mr. and Mrs. Nicola s.Tomalno, b'Ji Mooa, street, January s, LUbBURG To Mr. and -Mrs. Edward Lundburg, December 4, a boy. KANE To Mr. and wfrs. Charles Kane, Portland hospital, Deoember 7. a girl, LOMBARD-To Mr, and Mrs. B. M, i Lombard; Portland hospital, Decern hi 7... b hnv '' -....' , " .i LEOTTo Mr. and. Mrs. Udmond Leoy, Portland hospital? December 8, a girl. WALTERS To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walters, Portland hospital, December is, a gin. . HOYT -To Mr. and Mrs.,, Jerome noyt, , Tiereinher 14. a alrL - j ' ; MITCHELL To Mr and Mrs. Judd Mitchell. Portland hospital, December ft a girl. ' " BLITZ To Mr, and Mrev Arnold Blltx, January 6, a boy. ; LADD T6 Mr. and Mrs. William Ladd, lg K.BOH street, januaryo, a pqy,' ftLAKE To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blak . 960 East Thirty-second street, Jan uary 6, a gin, . - , ' FUNERAI KOTICES bany papers "please copy. Funeral from the above residence at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Thursday). .January i'i. , Friends In vited o attend. Interment, Riverview VH1U61CI , DEATHS BEST Mrs. James R. . Best, formerly ' of Portland, died at Ocean Park. Cal., January . ' She leaves a hufeband and two daughters, Mrs. J. Curr and Mrs. W. Conklin. who were at the bedside. NOVALSKI Frank Novaleki, St Vin cent s ( hospital. January 9. age 81; pneumonia, ;.. ' - . IiAm;abikh. .ainryn jjnior, 17? Green avenue, January 10, age MfLLIGAN Robert i ililllgan, Lents, Oregon. January s, age l: enteritis MAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 8th st. pp. Meter A Frank's. Main Till. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning U McEntee tt'n every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 480. A-4BB8. La fly ssslstant Zellsr-Brynes Co. phones; lacy assistant" Most modern al.?lnhwienf In city. ,P,FINLEY&S0NM.,dr.Vnnd Lady attendant. Main . A-H9. ERCH The east side undertaker. Ladv assistant B-18SS. East tsl. East th and Alder. ERICS0N Kr2X Co., Main Lady ass't EAST SJDK funeral directors, success- sor to FY p. uunning. inc. e. 5Z. b-zbz EDWARD HOLM AN. underUkr. I8 Id St. I.ady assistant Main 607. MEETING NOTICES 41 CAMP ' meet . every Wednesday evening In W. O. W. temple, U8 11th St All members ' requested to - attend Visitors welcome. 107, 30TLAW0 CAMP 41 JAS. DUNBAR, C. C HERMAN BCHADE, Clerk. M. W. A., ROfcB C1TH CAMP Monday. EeUlng-Hirsi n Diar wasnington near 10th. Phone f lork. Msin I4. A-sb R N. A., Oregon Rose camp, meets Wednesday oventngs, AUaky ball, Id and Morrison. ' . , GENERAL REAL ESTATE 69 f 30 Years ON NORTH HALF OF BLOCK 138. EAST PORTLAND. Fronting 200.. Feet on E, Morrison 1 00 on E. 6th 100 on E. 7th, This is a fine business property. Rem. 3 right, too. luuu per montn rial ror zt years. 1660 per month for last 6 years. Look, to the Future, Plaoe you' investment where if wit grow. Phone Home B-Z380, or rfaii a' apartment 32, The Cody. 431 E. Taylor, Home Bargains FINE NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, Full basement, fireplace, woodlift double floor, cabinet kitchen, panel din ing room, large attic witn stairway; wx 100 lot, close to good car line, umy $3200; easy terms. 60x100 Institute. Near Reed Only $326. NICE HALF ACRE, Close to car, fine soil. Only $300; $26 down, $10 per month, 6 per cent. MEIKLEJOHN & POND, 405 E. Morrison, - East 1116, B-1487. Paying 11 Per Cent. Net on WOO The most complete and up tU data new flats in Portland on full 60x100 lot. If you want an absolutely safe Investment see this at once. Remem ber, It pays 11 per cent net on the price. $9U00-; can easily be increased to iz Der cent net, DEMENT & KRIDER. 24.Madlson St FOR SALE HOUSES tTH Hartman & Thompson Real Es'tate Dept., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $3200 A modern 2 story house on Mllwaukte ave.; on Sellwood carllne; near school; lot 43x98; this is a very low price for this ilnce; the lot Is valuable and the louse (3 years old) has many at tractive features. Investigate. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME $9000 We are fortunate tn hav ing a 7 day exclusive contract on this splendid home; 1 rooms and finished attic and. basement; ex pensive furnace (not expensive to operate), porch -off dining room commands a .series of beautiful and constantly changing views. Magnificent homea near by; per mit to inspect can be obtained at office. , WATER FRONT PROPERTY. 1100 FEET FRONTAGE. 4.90 ACRES. $40,000; HALF CASH. Located on tha river In South Portland; has R. R. switch and deep water boat landing. This is positively the last piece of property of this nature to be had. Part of this is leased but posses sion can lie obtained in less than six months. A Splendid Home' Near Rose City Park EASY TERMS. $4800 $509 cash 7 rooms, bath, S porches; will tint to suit buyer If taken in time for that This is an exceptional offering, as you will find upon Investigation. Hartman & Thompson EXCLUSIVE ssOENTH FOR MANY IF THE CHOICEST OFFERINGS IN PORTLAND AND VICINITY. East Madison Street . 5 Room Bungalow This is one of Atiamost comnlete. modern, up-to-date Truhgalows In this section! large reception hall with coat closet which has mirror door: larae mir ror over fireplace, built in buffet Dutch aitcnen, cement Dasemeni ana noor, nice attic; west of East 34th st, and only $3250; $600 cash, $20 per month and: interest crawiora. , Bee him at 1021 Imwthorne ave.,. or phone B-2967 or Tabor 616, - HOME BARGAIN ' Two new large 6 room houses close to Laurelhurst high -and sightly, one block from carllne. One on corner price $&uu; one- next to comer. ;suu; 60 cash will handle either of them. $35 per month. This includes interest. They ire beauties, double walls throughout, with heavy building, paper between, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, built in bookcases and buffet solid paneling art glass-windows, etc. etc. Full lots. PORTLAND LAND CO. 607 Commercial bldk.. cor. 2d and, Wash. ' $ room, all modern, new bungalow: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buf fet. balconies, Bleeping porch, beauti ful view of the city, large lot. Pjrice $7000; part rash or a good building lot CNAVP & WISDOM, , Main 8263, 624 Menry Bid A-265. MO. FOR BALE HOUSES - ' 0 : TAYLORS ; MLitepiss;; No. 62 $3250 $500 cash, $20 per month win buy tun 6-room new nouse. Lot 60xlQ0. This .house baa a fine sleeping porch; has sewer, city : water, bath and toilet; gas and electricity, fireplace, cement basement and walks. Finish', ex tra stained tir; extra quality dou ble floors; buffet kitchen and plate rail in dining room. ' Is new and a very attractive home, and ia only one block from good car service In growing part of city where property is Increasing In value. - ". .- F, E, TAYLOR & CO, 402-3-4-5 Lewis bldg., 4th, Cor. Oak st. EASY WALKING DISTANCE .East side. $6250. fine new 6 room 2 story house, modern in every detail, fur nace, fireplace, cement basement, solid paneled dining room, kitchen, pantry and bathroom, finished in, white enamel, large attic, built-in china cabinet Roses set out holly trees and other shrubs. Eaajr terms. PORTLAND LAND CO. , 607 Commercial block. Corner 2d and Washington. . I Will Give You Mora In value " than you give me in money if you will buy my 4 room mod ern bungalow style home before Satur day evening. Lot eoxioo, only a blocks from car, 2D minutes out. Doctors have ordered me .to change climate. Pries for quicK saie, witn terms. $1140 . NORTHERN TRUST COMPANti. 270 Stark St I Want to Sell My Irvington 6 Room Home Because I am building a new one. It is located on 16th st, nrur Tillamook, close to two car lines. It is In first class repair, nice lawn, nlentv of rosea and ahrubs. Would like to include carpets and gas stovs in sale. If you want something nloe for the money see or phone me. John 3. Benll, 809 East Yam hill St. Phone East 26. Urlion Avenue 76x100 lot Store and 5 room flat. All modern. $13,000, or 125x100 with store, flat and 6 room modern -house, $18,600. ' Mt,' Tabor 6 room house, barn, shed, nhlrken house, .fruit, roses and garden.- 6SxlQ9, $1500. $500 cash. Terms, owner. Ad dress, 8-344, Journal. VERY FINE Home, elegant location, best built, oak finish, fine design, 9 rooms, silting, din ing, large living, kitchen, hall, two fireplaces,- cement basement furnace. & bed rooms, sleeping balcony, fixtures. Five others, same description finish mahog any. Cj-1866, E-273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. Large 9 Room Modern House Grounds 100x200, 1 block from car; beautiful view of city. This house was built for a home, but owing to other business must sell or exchange. Would consider an A-l automobile or real es tate and some cash. Phone East 113, B-1213. SNAP 6 room cottage with bath, o 60x100, 150 ft from car; small fruit of all kinds. Price $1600, $300 cash, bal. $10 per mo., 6 per cent Interest at Ivanhoe station, W-W car. -S. FEIGHNER A CO, 183 Morrison at.--,. - A BARGAIN $500 CASH. Nice 5 room 2 story house, modem. doubly constructed throughout, built-in chlria closet, laundry trays, cement floor in basement, nice home in good i,jiauuii, i, it i tit nu, near riiiiiuern. - Price $3150; $5no cash. $20 per month: uttusst & ZAUOW, 317 Beard of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $200 Below Value 4 room modern bungalow, full lot on nice street completely furnished. 2 blocks, from car; must sell, owner leav ing city; $$00 cash, balance easy; will take lot s part pavment; price $1625. E. K. White, Kern Park station, Mount Scott oar. Tabor 2547. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, east front; 2 additional rooms could be finished un. stairs; everything first class and new, cement foundation and walks, hard sur face streets, fine lawn and garden; price $3500; about caah will handle. This Is a fine property and within the 2V2 mile circle on Mississippi ave. R. M. Hood, 604 Lumbermens bldg. BIO corner on Sandy road. cor. 47th; 116 feet frontage; street work paid on one side; $1500, $160 down, $25 per month. E-204, Journal. NICE East Burnslde street home for sale. 6 rooms, large hall, attic, ce ment walks, near high pchool, public schools, stores, cars and churches. Walking distance. Lot 60x100 with abundance, of roses and some fruit trees. See owners. 762 East Burnslde Detween wast zan and Kast 24th sta. For Investments or hemes, SEE D1CTHCH & WITWER, Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate Rentals. Insurance. FOR SALE by owner New 2 room bungalow and lot 40x100, with furni ture, woodshed, cement . walk, fruit trees, roses, near car line north of Myrtle Park station, 6825 41st street Mount Scott, $976 ensh will handle. Save That RentBuy This 5 Room House $2300 Only $300 cash. Is modern and a snap. T, J. BYRNE8. 426 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN if sold soon, new 6 room bun- ralow. 2 blocks from Rose Cltv car. 1 bloch from Laurelhurst; fireplace, built in bookcases, linen tloset, all modern conveniences, large attic, rme view. Owner, 936 E. Main, Tabor 2101. FOH HALE One 3 room house, lot 40 10'J. 4uv casn, oaiance easy terms, located at 1123 B. Franklin st. Waver- leign Heights. Inquire of owner, living in tne nouse. $2500. Modern 6 room cottage at a bargain; easy terms; smaii casn payment, w. rf. ..loss. Main 1902. FOR SALE By owner., new 6 room housemodern Improvements. $3000, terms: 1 block from Rose City car. 72 E. 66th et N. C-2224. CHEAP home, 3 room house, all fur nlshed, level lot 60x100; well fenced. woodhouse; price $650. Dement & Kridor,-48 Maaison st, $2800 New modern o room bungalow, J5001 cash, balance $20 per month. Bast front Hawthorne district Owner, 3l E. ftn. 6 ROOM HOUSE, lot 60x100, clopa in, I4UUU; wortn mors, inquire at Jones Book Store. 284 Oak st, for full tn. formation. - ' MODERN 6-roora house located in Vernon, 60 feet from carllne, nice lawn. Price $2600; $1150 -cash. Call 380 Going st 6-ROOM bungalow with 4, lota, fruit trees. chicKen nouse, one oiock rrom Mtgcott car; ;nuu; iuu casn, n-zsui, tUrgaTNS in houses Jtos'smere addl- ' tlon; terma. F. L. Boyd. Tabor 804. K97 v.. 4Kth N. 60x100 Smiwyaldei an4 -A.bhM)kMt WaAot cars, $300a.v-I)-a64 Journal. FOR SALE by owner 10 room house, lot 60x131. everything modern; asy terms. 'Surmyside. R-345. Journal flSOO 7 room house, grounds 100 feet - on .Ulingsworin ave, wy.ioo ipw uooi. FOR; SALE HOUSES Ol New and Handsome . Seven-room house in one of tha best Irvington districts, on East 19th st; very attractively ar ranged; three bedrooms and sleep' ing porch; aula; modern in every . particular; furnace, fireplace and oak floors; beautiful living room, dining room ; and den. Prica . $8100; good terms. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldg. , ALBINA COTTAGE, $300 CASH. " Good 6 room cottage on Mallory ave.. near jShaver, oh a lot. 50x100, east front price iouu; juu cann ana io , per month. ' Why pay rent? GRCSSI & ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE LOTS 16 . LOTS, FOR SALE 2 lots pn 43d and Stark sts., 100x100 fet, across street from , Laurelhurat; price $3000; caah, balance $20nonth. --t- 2 lots on Holland st, lots 16 and 17, block 28; price $660 for the two; terms $200, balance $20 month. , CHANDLER & GIBSON' 313 Commercial' bldg. Phone Main 1614, A-2S3L . BARGAINS, 2 beautiful lots and very neat little bungalow for sale'cheap. 3 very desirable lots only 2 blocks from Mt. Scott line; very reasonable prices and easy terms. Fine acreage at low price. Good bargains in ail kinds of resi dence property. Also fine wheat and stock ranches. P1NKHAM & FROMAN, 181 Madison st. WE HAVE close in acreage In the most desirable sections along the Oregon ElectMc. This property Is only 20 min utes' ride, and we are selling it for the price of a single lot the same distance out on' the east side. Very easy terms. One of these tracts will make a beauti ful homo with nlentv of irround for chickens, garden and fruit. M. E. Lee, 411 coroett hidg. . Gregory Heights tn the best resfdnnce section of Port land: short .car ride, cood car service. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. Gregory Investment to, . MAKE $200. Choice business lot on Broadway and, 42d; only $1200 if sold this week. Price will then be $1400 and it is worth every cent of It. Only a few business loca tions In this district. WESTERN ORKGON TRUST CO, 272 Stark Bt. $2.15 BUYS a fine large bulldina lot, 60x122, On the Oregon Electric. This property Is only 20 minutes' ride from the city hall, and with the development of property in this section and the ex tension or the Oregon Kiectric up sal mon street and down Tenth, values In thie district are bound to double and treble within a short time. Very easy payments. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. y MUST BE SOLD. A client has instructed us to sell two lots In Merlow, on E. 66th, near Thomp son, for $700 each. This Is $100 under the market We can make good terms to you. If you wish to build. These will not be advertised again. WESTERN OKKUON TRuBI UO., 272 Btark St. Mt, Tabor Wa have a choice east front rrand view lot at $1200; $300 cash, and will give aecond mortgages on the balance so yoil can build, i.;. WESTERN ORKUOffeTRUST CO., 273 StarK Bt. $3 Down, $3 a Month Buys fine lots In Hazeldell, inside city limits, near M-V carllne and new Mount Hood Electrio now building right by this property.' Price $140 up. 414 E. Stark St.. cor. th. Want Something Good One of the finest lots In Irvlnaton. with modorn homes all around It, for sale. Will make a price way below anything In that locality. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg. WELLES LEY on -the hill snap, nice east front lot. 60x100. $1500; restric tion, price $400. Including cement walks. curb and Bull Run water; company sell ing rame ror ioo; l.uu cash, Da la nee Jx per month; no Interest or taxes. Tabor 2890. WE WILL help you build a home on a choice lot near iiroaaway on 42d. close to the cgr. Price $800. See us noout nuimmg terms. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO 272 Stark St VERNON LOT CHEAP. A nice lot 40x100 on East 31st south of Alberta 6t. Prlco only $600; cheap est lot in Alberta; terms. UKUSSI & 7. A DOW. 317 Board of Tradn Bldg., 4th snd Oak. WEST SIDE, 20 minutes out Go fare electric Due, 60x100 lots, sewer, ma- cadiunteed streets, water, electric and ris. no taxes, no Interest, easy pay ments: price $3 1 5 each, flue view; $3000 to oUi'o nouses l diock away. J-6U3, Journal. NEAR WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, $760. Full lot near Port Ry. Co. s shop site; fine fruit trees; make your own terms. Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. Main 2776. BAY CITY ON TILLAMOOK BAY. Terminus United Railways: Ooean shipping point, P. R. & N. R. R. Lots for sale. Particulars, Bay City Land Co., 7QI Kpaiding Diog. TWO sightly lots, E. 17th and Skld more, overlooking whole surrounding country. Owner will build to suit on easy terms. Phone C-2794 or B-1481, or D-383. Journal A NICE lot In Rose City Park, on very easy terms. C. De Youns 482 Chamber of Commerce. TWO lots, 40x100 each, worth . $300 a lot Give me an offer for cash. Must sell this week at most any price. Phone Taoor 82 or write o. uaiva. Arleta, or. VERY choice 100x114, ppposlte new Mount Tabor . para, corner. Owner, B-2301. $1251 EQUITY In Laurelhurst lot; leaving city. Will take $400 spot cash. L-604, Journal. ' A GOOD building lot in Rossmere, close to canine, u. uexoung. tsz Chamber of Commerce. FULL lot on carllne in 3 mile circle, $600. 207 Rothchlld bldg., 4th - and Washington. TWO lots free from Incumbrance and diamonds to trade for horses. East 113. B-1213, ACREAGE 07 FOR SALE 1 acre of land and house with 8 rooms and pantry and bath room and closets, basement full else of Louse, also good well and fruit trees, no gravel on land, one block to carllne in Halowood addition to Lents. Prica $2600. Nlles Helms, Lents. Or. 6 ACRES, all cleared, 4 miles from . beaut of 'City, near carllne, water piped for Irrigation and home use, eleo trio lights and telephone, ready to con nect. Price $3600; 10 per cent down, a- 1K-oent moiutw- u iouon- oiuiti 6 aH& 10 acre home, close to electrio Hue, close to Portland, deep black soli, plenty of water, all level land.; $138 to 200 cer acre. 405 Couc.H bldg. A BARGAIN 10 acres at $1200 'per acrei 40x100 lots across . the . street sell for $300 per lot Phone Tabor 83. B7 'New' Year Bargains 1600 acres (half fruit land), adjoin ing Goodnoe Hills. $11 per acre. 1800 acres on Columbia, most. all till able. 1200 cultivated. Wine stock, and grain farm; $40,000. Will take some city property. i : .: ' , . 380 acres In Polk county) one mile to station, bultdlngs, 300 in cultivation, ex cellent for fruit electric. survey through this; $6S per acre. 40 acres Hood -River district, water, fine soil, 1 mile to station, worth $200: will sell ror $126 per acre for next 2 . B WOLVERTON. 228 Stark. A 5 Acre Snap near Mt. Tabor, all in high state of cultivation, new 6 room house cost $2000, barn and chicken houses, fruit and berries, on hard surface street. A fine home or can be subdivided. Own er going East Price $8500; $3000 cash, balance long term, 8 per cent interest. Osburn Bros.. 603 McKay bldg. 13 ACRES, 3 acres strawberries, 1 acre assorted berries, 3 acres apples, cher ries and Dears.. balance in cultivation: 7 room house, oak furniture; chicken house and, yard; good barn, farming im plements, good team e-year-old mares; on 2 county roads. 1 mile from street car, 6 miles from city; terma for cash, or. will consldenj;lty property in ex change; Come Quick if You-Want It 15 acres Hi miles from Beaverton. all will be cleared and ready for plow Dy spring, a to acres swain land, only jjuu Der acre: uuuu to xzuuu casn. bal ance to suit This is a bargain. Chittenden, Otto & NeilL 310 Oak St. HERE'S a bargain--Six acres front ing on carllne 10c care, all cleared, no rock or pravel, new bungalow, horpe, wagon, buggy, harness, ell farm tools, bain, chicken houses. 100 pure bred chickens. Price $o000, DEMENT KRIDER. 248 Madison St. 100 ACRES 1 miles from Sycamore Station. Estacada line, 10c fare; 86 in cultivation, large house and barn, on three roads. 4 miles from Lents; fSOoO cash will handle. R. M. Hood, 504 turn neimens Ding, Vancouver Acreage 10-acre tracts, fine soHl. land rolling, 2 miles from transportation, land In same vicinity selling for $150, our. price $85: $100 cash, balance terms. Glenart Realty Co., Una), 421-423 . Chamber of commerce. -A EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 A Few Good Trades 40 acres of Irrigated land all In cul tivation, adjoins a good town iu east em Oregon; rich laca soil. 960 acres close to station on O. R, & N., In eastern Oregon; all fine land ana wu locateu. House and lot in interior town in Oregon, also 25 vacant lots in same town. These properties are well located and growing; in value. Owner would take good restaurant, rooming house or moving picture snow as part pay on-any of the above. Neal Brown, 709 Swet- laiifl bldg. , 3 room, all modern, new bungalow on Portland Heights; beautlCul view or th clty.. Prlco $7000. Will trade for va cant lots or smaller house. KNAPP & WISDOM Main 3263. 624. Henry Bldg. A-3265 30 acres unimproved land near Kalarna, Z miles from river and station some green codar timber; $1500; ex change for rooming- house, pay some cash difference; -also have equities I good west side lots exchango for piano or furniture. See owner, 83 Park. Phone I .HAVE calls for city homes in ex chance for farms. If you have house and want to exchange for farm call me up. Fred L. Strout 310 Oak St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 1400 acres of as good a hog and wheat ranch as there is In eastern Oregon; there Is 7 miles of hog fence on the place, plenty of good water. Hawthorne StHhles, 420 Hawthorne ave. 160 ACRES flno soil, 5-room house, large barn, farming .implements, fam ily orchard, all level. 6 miles from R R. Boat landing on olace: near school and church. Price $60 per acre; will trade for city property. L-608, Journal. Trades for Everybody If you have a home or any city prop erty to trade for farms, be sure and see me, as I have some good farms to trade. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg. 1 WANT to exchange 6 nice Improved lots and 4-room house In Montavilla for land suitable for -hog ranch, 20 acres or more, cleared. Darling, 217 Ablngton. Main 6697. HOUSE and two lots in Woodlawn. Price $2600. Will taka team of driv ing horses as part payment Inquire 680 Dekum ave. I HAVE $3000 mortgage. 24 years at 6 per cent on acreage" Multnomah coun ty, valued at $8000: will exchange for a suburban home. M-606, Journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -1200 acres choice, wheat land, 4 miles to station. 160 acres good timber in Lane coun ty. Smith. SIS Hamilton bldg: $2850 Modern bungalow, exchange lot or small farm up to $1500 as first payment, balance monthly payments. Owner, East 2741. KIX room house $3100; will take 1 or 2 good lota as first payment, or $500 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, 1133 E Slevens. B-2988. TRADE FOR WESTERN OREGON. 120 acres, partly improved, 8 miles north of Milaca, Minnesota. $30 por acre. C. W. Oiithout, Barlow. Or. FOK"1TaLE or exchange for lots, acre age or equity for electric piano, small Baby upright piano and folding organ. Main 8468. C-3BS. Journal. WANTED Good second hand bicycle in exchange for custom made clothes. N-605, Journal. WEwill trade for anything of value and give some cash. Wood Bros.. 819 Spalding bldg. HOUSE and lot at Long Beach. Wash. Will trade for good 6 passenger auto, Belmont garage, K. 23d and Morrison. PENINSULA property, 2 lots, $1000 equity, for $450 cash. Noed money. Address 1147 E. Harrison st WILL trade 4 lots with cottage in good railroad dlvfeion town for auto. 205 Vs Morrison, room 2.- ' IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see Shoemaker, 526 and 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A-7434. Customers waiting for houses and lota NORTHERN TRUST CO.., 370 StarK street A NICE home overlooking the WUlani ette river; 3 lots and two story house, Lorena Wert, Phone Main 1053. - WANT Mortgages and contracts up to $4000. Will exchange residence lots and acreage for same. N-349. Journal. WANTED Acreage within 20 miles of Portland; must be, cheap.. F-346, Journal. HAVE-liuyers. I -want some lots and houses. Write or see T. J. Byrnes, 425 Lumber Kxcnange, WE CAN trade your property or busi ness, iin cuaraoi iram WE trarta tor auytiang anywaera. us tcday;- 411 Henry bldg. Sea 1 WILL buy, Bull or trade ' anythltuc H. F. Lee. 1018 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED REAL5 ESTATE 31 I nts Wanted Have you any lota in the Peninsular district near mo lUllliei, ur ueinwu lira onA KAntnn. that vou wsnt to aell bad enough to make a real sacri fice on? Give location ana price. j-utt, WANTED Houses and lots. rooming houses, restaurants, etc., from own ers, who will sell or .trade, .Wood Bros., We sell real estate quickly and quietly. NUttTI'MtN IKI'fi' V.U. 270 Stark t ACREAGE IT SBSSBBSBSSSSSBSSSS ' ' ' " I r. M ft 160 acres In Gilliam count v. 1U 8 8 miles from. R. R. elation. Ht acrs S plow land, all fenced; price $25 pr H 8 acre; - win exchange for city prop- ! 8 2700 acre stock ranch.' all fenced 8 8 and cross fenced, 20 mlls from. It o n. -town, nine iromrTuau town S population Suor-larga creek runs S . 8 through place..; plenty of springs a 8 on place, good buildings; prloe only S S $8 per acre; would consider soma H S trade; also 4S0 actea of timber. 8 S government reserve, go with It for 8 S $.10 per acre. . ... , c" '-'8 ' 1000 acres of wheat land 4 miles 8 8 from R. R. town, population 600, 8 S and in one of the best wheat ,sc S 8 tions in eastern Oregon, good bouse, 8' i m a earns, ait , tenced - anu cross ' 8 fenced, 700 acres in fall wheat, very . -8, little waste land; price only $25 b ; S per acre; good terms. Inveatlgate 8 8 this. B S '8 8 $4200-rl60 acres on Cowlita 8 S river, 5 miles from pood town, 8 8 on main line N. P. R. R. and boat 8 v landing. 40 acres in cultivation. 8 . 20 acres slashed. Family orchard. 8 Well and spring. OW county road. 8 1 V story 7 ruom house. Barn 8 66x74, Very best of soil Qlva H good terms. , - r 8 8 Dairy ranch. 15 mile from 8 Portland, on Columbia river, -S, asoincton siao noai lanning ori - a place: several acres alfalfa. lam-- 3 ily orchard. 7 room house., large barn, team, 25 cows, all farm ma chlr.ery. Price $13,000. Will taka iart In cltv nroDertv or In small 8. farm. Tlvia is one of the beat 8 . buys on the market; give good s terms. 26 acres.' 9 miles from Port land, 17 acres lir cultivation, 6 . acres very easily cleared, some timber. 24 acres strawberries, 3U0 grapes, Vt acre loganber ries, family orchard, new 6 room , house, good barn, team, wagon, pood hack, 2 cows, chickens, mower and rake, all small tools. Price $6000; good terms, very best of soli. 26 acres. 8 miles from Port laml. 13 acres in cultivation. 1 acre strawberries, 6 acres ' very ttfslly cleared, all flno land, all fenced. Price $4000. . , 100 acres, 3 miles from North Yamhill, 37 rhlles from Portland, milo from R. R.. etc., 60. seres In cultivation, 12 acres in hops. fnmilv orchard 1M, 8tol"V 7 room lintis. falf Imrn Vinn house we4l" 8 and ffne spring, mile to school; 8" 1 horse, 2 cows, some hogs and 8 chickens, all farm implements; 8 vt-ry best of soil. This is con- 8 , sldcred one of the best buys In 8 Oregon. MoVt all land adjoining 8 this place is platted in 6 and 10 8 aort tracts and selling for $200 S per aore and I willsell this place 1 8 for -$85 per acre. Investigate this . 8 before buying. Good terms. 8 S $5600. 40 acres, 1 miles from Saletn Electric, 20 miles, from Portland, 30 acres in fine state of cultivation, family orch ard, bajjanee easily eleared, 'A milo from church, mile from school. R. F. D. and telephone, 6 room house, good barn', very best of soil, fine team, worth 8 8 8 8 8 S S S S s 8 8 a: 8 a a 8 8 9 , s s 8 8 S s if- St $101), new wagon and harness, 8 "4 good cows, sow and pigs, 4 S dozen chickens, hay, grain, spuds. 8 - mower and rake. All farm lm- S plcments. This is one 6f the best. buys on tha market, guaranteed as advertised, good terms. $3500 43 acres on Cowlita river, 2 miles from R, R. sta tion N. P., boat landing oa place, 20 acres, in fine state of cultiva tion, 3 acres timber, balance brush and pasture land, level, no overflow family orchard, small fruits, 15 acres seeded to timothy and clover, all fenced new 1 Va story 8 rooms, large barn, per sonal property go with place, team, new wagon, mower and rake, all farm machinery, 8 cows, 4 heifers, 1 bull, 9 hogs, chick ens, hay, all crops. If you are looklns for a snap Investigate this before buying; terms, Mi ensh; or would consider a small confectionery and bakery. 8 S s s s R s s s 8 ' 8 ' $3500 40 acres. 14 miles from S S R. R. town and boat landing. 24 S S acres in fine state of cultivation, 8 S 3 acres of orchard, all fenced and 8 ; S cross fenced, good 6 room rustio S S house, new large barn, good well 8 S and fine spring near house, 14 8 S miles from good town, population 8 S 1200. high school; 1000 cords of 8 S wood in trees; no better soil in 8 S Oregon. Investigate this before S buying; terms. , . S 8 - - : - - - - - - - 8 S 10 acre tracts I have them 8 S within 9 miles of Portland, ?V4 S 8 miles of Beaverton, 1 Vi miles of 8 S S. P. R. XL'; very best of soil, no S 8 rock or gravel; $100 to $125 per S 8 acre, your own terms. If you are in S 8 the market for a country home. 8 S for farm large or small, for un- 8 S Improved land, see me before buy-' 3 S ing. I have some of the best bar- 8 S gains in the country. All prop- 8 S erty guaranteed as advertised. , 8 , 3 ' 8 - 205 Gerllnger Bldg. 8 2nd and Alder. 8 Phone Main 8430. S Residence East 1793. 8 SSSSSS8SSSSS8SBS8gSB SPECIAL bargain in a home and a good living, near Portland, au acres, miles from a good town, 20 mi lea up the vallev, Is alj deep, rich soil, good house and barn, good well water and spring creek, 10 acres In cultivation, i in stump pasture, timber, plenty of fruit and berries for family use; la all fenced, on good macadam county road, 1 cow and 2 heifers, team of good horses,, wagon, harness, all larm toois, o onicK ens. hav and grain. This Is & bargain. Price $3600; $2600 cash, balanco tlmo at 6. 100 other small farms highly lm proved, up the valley, near Portland. W, H. Lang Co.. 414 Ablngton 4ddg, - - -.- 88888838 8 888 8,8 8 8888 . ' 8 J. H., SHIELDS -Oregon and Washington farms a specialty, 805 Ger llnger bldg... 2d and Aleieiv Office Main 8430. Kesldenoa East 1708. 8 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 g S 8 S '.8 8 S S 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 3 DAIRY FARM FOR - SALE. ' -We have one of the finest dairy farms on the Columbia river for aale for a few days. ,The placa lias 25 cows, 5 yearlings, heifers, team and all nec essary larm lmpinienuj. rums ttmuuiw on the place. This is an extra good buy1. Will consider a trade, as this man has some large boya who don't Ilka to dairy. Price $115 an acre. Terms -CHAPIN & HERLOW (CK C.) " 832-838 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD five acre truck farm, best mtL 'house, barn, woodshed, well and chick en how, ail fenced and In cultivation. One fourth mile from elect rlo line. Price $2500. part cash, or will trade for port land residence. Also fine lot 40x128 200 feet from carllne lit Ladd a addition. Sidewalks, sewer, gas, electric lights and paved etreeta, all paid for, Price $1809. on rawy vet (. - - WB have 20 acre tif fin; Columbia river bottom land, In a high state of cultivation. Will grow anything fine tomatoes or alfalfa land, nice ne bun galow, team chickens, gaauiln launch, all toola ko wlth place. ThlH it snap and will hour InvestlKaUon. $)0 ,': balaiMMt turms. - . . 4'HAPIN Utt-ltl .OW' 0. t? '' SSS-SSH namber of 4'omniere. iFon8A"LTI''Jrs't "tius.'T ttrni' ' HiUIkU 'Colundila In i n. (ill ti . $0 per acre and up. W'M- t i i Stir ttmlty Co, 4 1 f ' , couver, U, C. FOR SALE FARMS