THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, - JANUARY 11, 1911. 13 10 WEATHER IS III EGGS MET Candled Stock Quoted Firm at 36c Dozen, and Uncandled . , v at 35c; Eastern Aprils at 2830o Today. , 'v-'V , ... . - " Twe Tears Fnoss. . A Following nrieea ruled here to-- A flay and on this day a year ago: e " ' ' Today, rear ago. , -Butter .......... 17 Ha . . S9o . uneese ......... iTe iso '-Egg valuesx ar eteadxalong Front street and atrlcUy fresh eandlad ranch are quoted " generally at S8e a doien, while (So ia the quotation asked for un. .candled goods, .;. . ;-.-Y The recelpta of fresh ranch eggs enow no signs of decreasing, but the trad la of the opinion that If present breather condition! exist for. a abort time, ar rivals will fall off somewhat and help stiffen quotations. Among tba trada the opinion prevails that It would not Mr to advance the prioe very far at this time of the year even though there was f decreased amount 01 a iocs oner ing owing to the lateness Of the season. .only a amau amount or storage egga remain on hand and for the beat April the crlce ranges from I 8a, to 80a a dosen. '" i Price f eggs along the coast toaay shows: Portland. 36oi Seattle. 88c; Baa .Francisco. $.. . ; . LINSEED OIL IS JUMPINO. Further Advance ot 4c QuotedPots v Haw in Barrels m $1.08. i Varfiea In the linseed oil market are jumping skyward again andwstlll an other -rise of i cents a gallon, la quoted by the Portland Linseed -Oil Works. The price has advanced steadily re intlv - TnAnv'm niintntlnns: Pure raw. U barrels. $L03; kettle boiled, barrels, tl'VD, . ' - . " ,. . ' v , PIT CtilCKJNS TOO HIGH. ! Hens Quoted Up to 20c, But There Are Sltfue of weaker Feeling. While" values are still being main talned aa high aa do a pound for coops bT fahcy hens, there are signs that the market la going to break. Buyer are not taking, hold ao fast but this may be due to-the .first of the week inac tivity. BUTTER 13 MtO VINO TJETTER. Cold Weather II aa Some Effect and Prices Are Maintained Here.' Local creamery Interests report a better .demand for butter and price- are being maintained. June creamery ahows a good movement around suo and eaatern firsts, fresh range from ,82.t88o a pound;- r SPANISH GRAPES ARE CHEAP. Soles Hard to Make Here at $8 a Barrel for Repacked Stock Today. Bnahlsh grapes are selling very cheap in the local market Owing to the late offerings of California and Oregon -etock there haa been little call this year for imported goods and salea are bard to make at $5 a barrel, repacked. DRESSED HOGS EASIER. Demand Not So Good Although Veal Values Hold to Record Quotation. While there remains a very firm tone at record prices for dressed veal along Front street, hogs are not ao firm and It la stated that prloes are being shaded again. RASPBERRIES IJf JANUARY. Ripe Fruit Is Gathered in Portland . Yards in Excellent Condition. A bunch of ripe raspberries, picked In the yards of W. M. Owen In this city, was brought to The Journal of fice today. The fruit was In excellent shape. ' FRONT STREE1 QUOTATIONS. "i ' ' Rops, wool and Hides. ' HOPS Contracts 1811 crop. Ho: nom inal. 1910 crop, choice, 18 Ho lb.; prima to choice, 17Hc; prime,- IS H & 17c; me dium, me; iu9 growxns, iufi.ho. WOOL Nominal. 1810. Willamette valley. 18 19c: eastern Oregon. IS no. . - ' -v i . - . , BHEBP8KINS - Shearing, 1086d ach; short wool, 2550o; medium wool, 60c (311.00 each; long wool. 75c 81.28 each. ' l : i TALLOW Prime, per lb. Col No. I and grease, .08 H. .-. . CHITTIM BABK- not, nominal, Bo; 1910. 4 He. : HIDES Dry hides. 15Hlc lb.; rrreen, H7Hc: bulls, green, salt, 6a b.( kips, 8H7H0J calves, green. 1J 18o per lb. -MOHATR Nominal; 1910, iGQtZo. ' Butter, Eggs and Poultry. - BUTTEBExtra creamery, cubes and tubs, 36c; store. S'ltjZSc; enelern prints, lS83o, Extra packing is ' extra for local butter. ; 1 - . BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland, per pound, 8284c. - - , POULTRY Fancy hens, 1920o per lb.r fryers. 18 19c; brollere. 25cr old roosters, lfiei voung, 1819o: live ducka, voanr. 62o: dressed. 85cT turkeys, alive. I22eo; dressed, 80S2o; - pigeons, squDS, iz.oo aoaen. , jfeas Local extraa, 88o: No. 1. 85o; Not 2, 28c; eastern best 8 0o ordinary, 27Uct raltfomla storage, best. 29o, CHEESE3 New Oreron fancy full cream, triplets and daisies, 16HQ17o; young Americas, it v wis". " v.. . Oraia, XOout aad Xar. WHEAT Track delivery: Club, 82o; bluestem, 8488c: fortyfold, 83c; Wil lamette valley, 83o; Red Russian, 81c; turkey red, 880, ' - - -1 BARLEY Producer's nrloe 1910 Feed, 828.501 rolled. 26 26.60; brewing, l2RS5,2B.6011. ' MILLSTuFFS r- Belllnf price Bran, 824f 24.50; middlings. $81.50981; shorts, $26S2.60; chop, $1925.V HA Y Producer'' prlce--19l0--Variey timothy, fancy, ;.1920: ordinary, 118; eastern uregon, fzuvitt;. mixea, 17;-clover, No. 1, 218l; wheat, 218i 14; cheat & 15; alfalfa, 112.(001 oats. 813S14. : . OATS Nominal. : -' producers ' rlce Track, no, i wntte,; gray, Willamette, . 15.20 per barrel: local straight 810504.78: bakers. 14.7505.15: export grades. ,18.60) graham. sacks; rye, .?o; oaiea, Otoeerlos. lnts, sto.-.' ' ' BUOAR Cube, $8,40; powdered, 88,50) fruit or berry, 85.60; dry granulated, 86.60: D yellow. 84.80; beet 15.80: Fed. eral Fruberry, 5o leas - than fruit or perry. (Above Quotations . are to ; daye net casn.-i - - ---iCEWmperiar-jarAirwdrtri ma no. ., ic: Mew vneans neaa, futile; Creole, 640. -s t.'ALT--Coar"sa. half ground 100- $8.60 Jer ton: 60s, 29.00: table dairy, 60s, 218; 00s, 817; bales; .28; extra fine bar- QUARTER IS ASKED BY HOP HOLDERS Few, of Remaining Lots Can Be Purchased Under 25c; v 18 1-2o Offered.: . ' Eighteen and a half cents Is" being freely offered for hopa in the ' local market, but dealers -are r holding . out firmly for 20e or better. The email available supply. Jii: sight : here has caused brewers to make frantlo at tempts to secure stocks "without unduly exciting the growers and, therefore plac ing an artificial value upon the product It , is stated on good authority that there are orders In this market aa high aa 19o a pound but dealers say they would be foolish to offer this for the more they offer the higher the views of noiaers soar. -,,v -v. I---:-, .- It Is generally understood that few Of the 1480 bales remaining In the bands of growers pan be purchased under 22o and most of the Interests are asking as to.' aoo a pound, . Bays that a number of dealers there a. iiiwisi aaviuB irvm mi tin lounv are suu snort .nut win make cash set tlements. . The buvers of these will, oowevftr; ba forced Into the market-. rels, 2sJs and 10a, $408; lump rock. tv.DU uer vvn, BEANS Small white. 4Uo: larc white, $4.40; pink, 28.50; mm on; - ma or bayou, $.25; HONEY Now, (3.76 per ease. Vrnlta a.nA VuttiMii. FRESH FRUITS Oraniree New na. veis. 82.ooanz.76 box: bananas. 60 lb.: lemons, $3.50(5)4.00; grape fruit, 88.25; lneapples, W7c; lb.; grapea, $2.00; 'anserlnea. 81.0001.25: Jan Orauaea. iiWi-v nunoie; peers. l.vo. BERK1K8 iiueKieoernes, 7c. POTATOES Beat 81.3SO1.40: onds, $1.0501.28; sweets, SU8tte lb. VEQETABLES New turn os. 81.26: beets, $1.26; carrdts, $1.25 per sack; cabbage, $1.75 per cental; tomatoes, l.zb(tfi.7 dox; Deans, ito id.; norse radlsh. 8(210c: green onions. 10 41 60 dosen; pppers. bell, I6&U0 lb.: head lettuce, 660 dozen; hothouse. $191.60 box; radishes, 86c doaen bundles; celery, ovo'bdo aozen; rRKpiani,. jo per ID. cucumDers, si.ouwi.-B per pox; peaa, liftc: cauunower, fi uoien onions $i.eo w i.?e; garlic, 798e oar lb. - 1. Atr ijftii- inr.ttvie.vv. -r -: ttfeats. XTlsh and Provisions, FRESH BEEF Wholesale slauuhter. era' prices: Bestatears. 10V4llc; ordl nary, 9ty10c; bast cows, 9H10c; or amary. utpxe. tKSfiiL mkats irront street hogs, fancy, llo per lb.: ordinary. lOHo lb.; heavy. 910c; .veals, extra, 14H9 18o: ordinary, 14c; poor, 12c; extra large, 7910c;- spring Jamba, line; yearling lambs, f fco lb.; mutton, 8u; foau, 2t LARD Kettle leaf, Si, 12Tto per lb.; steam rendered, 6s, 12 Ho per lb,; com pound, 6s, llo per lb. . . OYSTEJRS--Hhoalwater bay, per gal lon, ( ); per :00 lb. sack, $5.50; Olym- pia. per ran on ; per ivu id. sacx, $9; caaned eaatern, 56c can; $8.60 dox; eastern In shell, 81762.00 per 100. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Ham a. 18 H 17c: breakfast bacon. 18S0c: boiled ham, 24926c.; picnics, 12Hc; cottage roll, 16c per lb.; regular short clears, amoKea. inc; backs, amokea, lc; picxied tongies, .76c lb. FISH Nominal Rock ccd 10c ner lb. flounders, c; halibut 8 lie; striped bass. 20c; catfish, 12hu2ttc; silveraldes. tnuc; sieeineaa, aspiwe; noiei, ic; shrimps, 12Hc perch, T8c;. tom cod, 80; lobsters, '2Bcf herrings, 80; black bass. 20c lb.; Sturgeon, 13 Uo per lb,; silver smelts 80 per lb.; black cod, 7Ho: crabs, small, $U' large. $1.60; me dium, $1.25 doa.: California shad. 14c lb. cbAMS narosneu, per dox, 4e id.; razor clams, 12c doien, $3.25 per box. Paints. Coal Oil, Etc WHITE LKADTon lots, 80 per lb.; 500-lb. lots. 80 per lb.: less lots. 8H0 per lb., LINSEED OIL Raw, bble, $1$; kettle boiled, bbls., $1.05; raw in cases, $1.08; boiled in casea, $1.10 gallon; lota of 250 gallons, lo less; oil cake meal (none in market). BENZINE 88 degrees, cases, 4He gallon: Iron bbls., 21Ho per Kallon.- nijrn Manna, c; aieai, vv-e. COAL OIL PearL astral and atar. 12a per gallon; eocene, zoo gallon; elalne. 27e gallon; headlight U184o gallon; extra star, 20o gallon; water white, bulk, mniO per gaiion; special water white,, 17 24o per gallon. GASOLINE Red crown and motor, 1826o gallon; 88 gasoline, 8037Ho gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha. 15H 9 22C gallon. ' TURPENTINE In cases, $1.00; bar rels. 97V4o per gallon. . ... WIRE NAILS Baals. $2.70. PRICE OF PRODUCE AT: SAN FRANCISCO San. Francisco, Jan. 11. Wheat Aus tralian and propo. $1.65 91.62 V4; Sonora,; Laiuornia ciud, J1.4ZHV' 1.60; northern wheat. blucRtem, 11.65 1.60; club, $1.47H9L62; Russian red, $1.45H1.47H; milling grades higher. Barley Feed, good to choice, $1.07 1.08; fancy, $1.12tf 01.15: poor to fair, $191.05; shipping and brewing, $1.169120;' chevalier nominal. Eggs California fresh, Including cases, extraa, 31 He; firsts, 80c. Butter California fresh, extras, 29c; firsts. 27e, , Cheeee California new flats, fancy, 16; firsts,, 14o; seconds, 18e: Califor nia Young America, fancy, 16 He; firsts, 16c; Wisconsin Daisies, 18c;. Oregon fancy, 18 He; storage. California.: 15c; do firsts, 14H; do Young America, 18c; Oregon fancy, 15 Ho: do Young America, 17c; New York singles, I8H0; do Dai sies, 19e. ' . '.. iwtatoes, per cental River .Whttea, $1,4591-65; Salinas Burbanks,' 21.859 2; Oregon, $1.8091.76; Lompocs,. $1,859 z; sweecs,. Onions per sack Oreeon. 81.78(31.85: California, fl.6091.60. . . ? Oranges, per box New navels, stand, ard, $1,50 9 2; choice, $292.26. . . Craty man, barefooted,, was seen near ciatskanie climbing trees and telephone poles; later was l ound swimming in a water tank. ,., Bonds . Investments Timber Lands McGrath& Neuliausen Co. . 701-2-M-3'LEWI3 'BUILDINa U PORTLAND. OREGON ; , r i WHEAT CROP SAFE; MANTLE OF SHOW GIVES PROTECTION Advices From Ail Points In Pa x cifio Northwest Are Encour aging; Most -Barley - Has Been Sold. 4 J Wheat Orop Conditions, : - e i raclflo Northwest Fall tt e snow prevents damage, 1 - j e 4 Southwest Damage'' Is ' re- - e) e ported. - e e m : . Argentina Light rains -In the e north and weather Is threaten e e ing in the province of Buenos , e , Ayrea. . -.m ;w c,' 4 Russia Broemhall'a agent at 4 Nlcoloelf f cables: , "Freeslng In 4 the southern part and the fields 4 are without suitable spow ' pro. 4 .tecUon. ' ' f 4 ! World's WJiaat xarket Today. Portland Cash club 82a, bluestem 84 Buenos .Ay res, Argentina Wheat urmer, . Melbourne. Australia Wheat firm. ' ' Liverpool Wheat unchanged to Hd nigner. . Berlin Wheat firm. Paris Wheat steadv to-firm. .Chicago Wheat 991Ho hlsyier'May $1.02 H, July 970, September 95o. jwinncupoiiB mot i.u4. St Louis May $1.02. Kansas City May 98ljo. Special advices received during the past 24 hours by The Journal from Its correspondents as well as from deal era, show a very encouraging Outlook for the wheat crop throughout the Pa clflc northwest Snow was general at interior Oregon - Washington Idaho points and this is practically all the crop needed to Insure protection from the colder weather now passing through this region. Most of the barley in the Pacific northwest has already been aold and only scattered lota are reported in this section, tne eaat is still bidding for brewing barley here and some small sales are still reported but the move ment Is generally restricted owing to the small supply In Bight On this account bidders have raised their quotations about COo a ton for brewing barley, which puta the extreme top vaiue to basis Portland de livery but for eastern Bale. Buyers are generally bidding $22 a ton f. o. b. cars Dayton. Wash., or other like points. California is- bulling the market for bluestem wheat here and interests that act for southern account are paying as high as 8o a bushel basis Portland de livery. This is an advance of le to ze a Dusnei over rormer quotations. Club remains unchanged, at 82c. . NEARBY OPTIONS BEST. Chicago Has Gain of le tot May and. c to c for Others. . PMfa art Tan 1 1 - Trtaif. c the price of wheat was caused by the growing crbp in Argentina and Rus sia were not favorable and while only a small advance was shown in foreign prices, the . market was nevertheless firm. This market was extremely strong for nearby options owing to the better demand for, cash stuff and the Improv ing Tnn.t AmmnnA . Pln.l- m. 1 1 m ...n ......... . u ........i... ..iupiii. nan A u higher for May, c for July and c for September after opening H to V4q Rsrtre of Chtcairn nrinu fnrnl.V,. K Overbook & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Onen. Hiah. Low. - Close. w, vioee. 1?al H ' 95$ May 101H 102i 101H 102H B July 97 H Sept ...i. 95H 86- 98 95 CORN. Mar. 80 0J4 BO 0 61H' 2 62 ' 50 61 34 Sil 60 B 61 H A ;622 85 H 85 34 July...,. 60 Sept .... 62 OATS. 85 384 85 85 Wi 84H Mav ..... July ..... sept. .... PORK. .Tun .tftSO 2020 1930 May 1910 1920 190$ LARD. 1087 1058, 1065 A 1025 1010 ; 1022 ' A RIBS. 1085 ' 1080 1082 1015 1000 1015 Jan. ;.'M.1055 May.' .,..1015 Jan. .....1080 May iuub " - New York Cotton Market. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.) New York, Jan. 11. Cotton market: rtnanlnv . . Wlorfc . T.-m ri .. , iww, uiync, Jan.- ..140 J462 1445 Xl45353 Mch. 1482 14RS 1.R7- H7crt,T April ......... 'j. .... ' '." 1483986 May -.,.JS' 1498 1483' 149192 June....;...,,,., ..... 1491992 Aug. .... 1468,. I486 1458 1463966 aept. ........ , 14S8 1475 1483985 Oct ..,.1836 .1338 1380 1832R33 Dec. ........ -., ...V . 1515ffi17 ; . , 7 ' 1 s ' AT CLjOSQ RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ... Overdrafts , U. S. bonds to secure j circulation ............ Other bonds and pre miumt 4'.,..K - c Real estate r , ,". , . .'. ... Furniture and fixtures.. Due from U; S. Treasury. $ 12,500.00 Due from banks 343,202.33 Cash on handJ......... 791,328.24 HEAVY AND DRAGGING , TONE IN SECURITIES Now York. Jan. 1L Stocks started out wth a drag" and . heaviness was shown generally throughout the session. Losses ranged from a fraction to 1H points In the specialties aad no support was shown anywhere. There was a dull and heavy tone for American securities abroad today , and most Issues closed lower. Net earnings of the Alton for Novem ber show a decrease ot $243,940 and for five months a decrease of 1789,018. it is announced thai tne u,ouu,uuo bond issue by the city of New York will bear nar cent interest ' Range of New York prices furnished ny uvernecK & ;ooKe company. Description ) Openi Hlgh LowBld Anml. Copper Co. Am. car 4c jr. c GO pfd, ...... Am,. Cot Oil, c. Am. Looo.. e. ... Am, Sugar, o.-. , . Am. Smelt; o,t . 115 , 75 "4H Anac. Minirfg Co. 59 Am. wooien, o.,. Atchison, c .... 31H 102 do pfd. ...... e, os u., a. . , . do pfd. ...... Br"klyn R. Trans, Can. Paclflo, c. Cent Leather, c. n a ? . 108 v ao pia a a a. w, a... C, M. A s7P.. f TTT . M 142H Cheea. A Ohio .. Colo. F. & L, a... yoio, , c, , do. 2nd pfd..., do. 1st pfd.,. Corn. Prod,, o... DaL A Hud...,. D. & R. O , o. . . . :::::::::: 28 27H do. pid. Erie, c. do, 2nd pfd... do. 1st pfd., . Oreat North., p.. IU. Central .... ?8H 35 3 15- 125H 125 ft 124 144U 124 114 133 18 62 144 Inter. Met, 0... 19H 53H ao. pro.,...,.. Louis. & Nash.. 144U Manhattan Ry., M , K & TH 0. . . $2 $2 32 uu. piu. Distillers ...... 32 51 Ure Lands iXiU. f ttUllIU .... National Lead N. Y. Central . N. Y.. O. & W. 64H no 41H 101H N. A Western, o- do. pfd. . . N. Pacific, c. 117 in 1 P. Mail 8. 8. CO. Pennsylvania Ry. 129 i-7 P. O., L, A C. Co. 10SH 5H pressed o. u, c. 31 H ao. pro. . Readinnr. c. 165tt 155 164 do. 2d pfd. . do. 1st pfd. Rep I. A S., o. do. pfd. , . . . Rock island, a do. pfd. . . . . 80 30 $9 aL.&S.F.. 2d of. 88H 28 24 a t. si w a Z5 St t. & S. W., p B..i'acirio, c... Southern Ry., c do., pfd Tex A Pacifio. U. P., o do. pfd. U. S. Rubber, o. do., pfd U. S. Steel, c... do., pfd Wabash, c 116H 26 115 116 26H 61 26 61 61 173 172 93H 93 86Vi 92 36 111 111 74 73 is 32 74 uu., piu .i. . . Western Union Wis. Central, c.-. Westlnghouse . .. Beet Suitar ..... 68 66 89 15 Utah Copper Third Avenue . . Ice Securities . . Cons., Gas 140 140 189 Railway Springs do pfd Vlr. Chemical 62 68 82 ao pia ........ K., C. Southern. . o pfd Gen. Eleetrlo Wheeling & I E. Ooldfield Cons... Allis-Chalmers . . American Can . . do pfd Alton, c O. W., pfd Nevada Cons. . . . Lehigh Valley .. 83 $2 83 151 161 150 7H TH 7 77 45'i 18 9 77 18 176 175 Mnnev. 2U(S)2!U ner cant Total sales, 382,600 shares. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT. Portland Banks. Clearlnprs today Year ago $1,984,133.77 1,564,594.81 Gain today $ 419,539.46 Balances today 21,564.68 Yenr ago 191,992.38 Spokane Banks. Clearings today $ 825,704.00 Balancee today 131,297.)0 Seattle Banks. Clearings today $L7,2S3.00 Balances today 280.416.00 - Taooma Banks. Clearings today $ 863.998.00 Balances today 46,593.00 CHICAGO HOGS ARE LOWER. Nickel Is Cut Off Price Today-.Rnn Smaller Than svYear'Ago. Chicago, - Jan. 11. - Estimated re celpta of hogs, 28,000; cattle, 19,000; sbeop, 28,000. Hogs are 5c lower; left over, . 5000; receipts year ago, 86,000. Sales: Mixed. $7.758.05: good and heavy, $7.90(9)8.05; rough, $7.757.85; light-$7.75 $8.00. ' ' , Cattle , and sheep steady. , STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP LUMBERMENS IMAtional Bank OP PORTLAND -'i '' s '7. ' OP, BUSINESS JANUARY 7, 1911 $2,174,986.25 Capital ;....$ 500,000.00 3,293.87, ; Surplus and .undivided profits . , . .... 63,100.37 Reserve for taxes 5,383.31 250,000.00 . Circulation .... 250,000.00 Dividends unpaid 2,716.50 220,475.57 Deposits 3,000,586.03 800.00 .; . ., : ' 25,000.00 ' , 1,14730.57 $3,821,786.26 OFFER LOAD UVESTOCKTODAY' AT NO. PORTLAND Car of Mixed Sheep Total Sup- ply Available for Market "This Morning -:-Delayed Shipments Due Tonight. - e . Local Uvestock IcarkeV Following prices ruled here to e day and on this day a year ago; Today. Year ago. Steers .......... .$7.04 $5.25 Cows 6.00 Hogs , 9.10 Wethers ........ 5.0b Lambs 6.60 4.26 8.20 6.60 6.25 44 444 4 4 4 4 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. nogs, gattie, taives. uneep. Wednesday 19 728 Tuesday Monday ...... Saturday,.... Friday Thursday ,. Week ago ... 10$ 131 1 10 170 , 672 18 277 386 602 -369' 41 28 -4 203 82-, 94 , , 391 3 1619 20 i?4 ' Portland stockyard's total ) arrivals over night consisted of 110 sheep, be sides three loads of horses and mules. The sheep, which consisted of ewes and lambs, sold at $4.75 this morning. Additional shipments are expected late today, but not in time for today's mar ket The fegular livestock special waa delayed by adverse weather conditions but the stock will probsblly be in tine shape for the opening of the market tomorrow morning. , Generally sneaking the livestock trade here' 1b in a fine potaltlon to take car of rather liberal offerings In both cat- tie and nogs, although the trade nab about all the sheep it needs at present prices. Just what packers seek to gain. by bringing In supplies from the eastern territory, the trade here Is at a loss to know;Tbe withdrawal of these supplies from their regular channel will maku that much more demand there and force prices higher, which In turn will af fect shipments in this direction. Would Znflnenoe Cattle Market ' Notwithstanding the fact that packers will try to Influence local conditions by these Importations, local Interests failed to see where it will do killers any good. At the beet only a moderate amount ot stuff can be brought from the outside and this Is ho better than la produced here every day. The extra cost of hand ling these shipments, the cost - of buy ing and the uncertainty regarding how they will arrive and dressed, more than takes, otff whatever the packers can hope to make by their lower plce. ' ' J. N. Millard was the only arrival in the yard today with stock for sale. His shipment consisted of one load of sheep that averaged 108 pounds and sold at $4.75. I Tnilflv'. run of livestock eomnaros I with this day In recent years as follows: nogs, bailie, enreu. 111 1910 1909 1908 1907................ 1906 1905 -A year ago today 110 42 869 28 271 860 iio firm 26 122 ... 22 160 there was tone in all lines of livestock. Calves reached a new hlxh record at $6. Foi lowing Is the general range of values in effect in the North Portland yards: ; CATTLE Grain fed steers. $7 7.60;, best hay steers, $6.o0; fancy, $8.26; ; cows, best, $5.2605.50; fancy, $5.50,1 poor, $34; staes, $3.50; bulls, $3ig4. i HOGS Best lisht, $99.10; ordinary,! $8.95; heavy, $8 9. I SHEEP Best yearling wethers. $5.00; old wethers. $4.75; .eraln fed lambs, $6.60; ewes $4.i6(u)4.75. CALVES Best, $8.00; ordinary, $7.00 8.00; poor, J3.00W4.50. SEATTLE PRODUCE PRICE FOR TODAY Seattle, Jan. 11. Butter Washington creamery firsts, 88c; dairy, 82c; eastern creamery, 84c; eastern storage, 28$j30c; process. 2728c. Eggs Local ranch. 38c: eastern stor age, 2 5 (930c; eaatern fresh, 85W86c. Cheese Tillamook twins, 17c; Tilla mook Young Americas, 18c; Wisconsin twins, 17c; Wisconsin Young America, 19c; Washington twins. 17c: Washing ton Young Americas, 18c; Swiss, 23c; limburger, 19c; cream, 19o. Onions Oregon. $1.762.00 per sack; native. $1.50 1.75. Potatoes Eastern Washington, $28 $0; White rivers, $26; sweets, 4o per pound. New York - London, Silver. New York, Jan, 11. Bar silver, 45c; Mexican dollars, 44c. London, Jan. 11. Silver, 25 d. Liverpool Wheat Market. Liverpool, Jan. 11. Wheat: Open. Close. March .....7s ld 7s ld May .....7s 2 d 7s td A new English life buoy carries two Incandescent lamps on each side, sup plied by a battery which Is switched on automatically as the buoy Is lifted from a rack. . :- , LIABILITIES.5 $3,821,786.26 hFAKERS CHEATING IN SPUD DEALING Procure Smaller Sacks or Els6 Sew Up Larger Ones to Curtail Size. Faking potato dealers are peddling supplies to houses and retailers at what seems like a low price but the slse of the sacks Is smaller than nor mal. , 'Instead of the saoks holding 100 to 115 pounds as do practical v all the shipments from the country the fakers produce smaller sacks which hold gen erally about 90 pounds. Therefore they are able to .sell at lesa per sack than legitimate potato Interests. Most ot these traveling potato deal- STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP LADD & TILTON BANK JANUARY 7, 1911 , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Bondi and stocks. Real estate ..... Cash on hand and due from banks Total ; .... .-. LIABILITIES. Canitat stock fully paid , Surplus and undivided profits Demand deposits Time and savings deposits Total , a orrzexB W. M. Ladd, President ' r R. 8. Howard 'Jt., Ass't Cashier,. Edward Cooklngham, Vlee Pres. J. W. Ladd. Aas't Cashier. W. H. Dunckley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Ass't CaBhler. CONDENSED REPORT OP - The United States National Bank OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of Business January J, 1911. Loans and Discounts.... United States Bonds at par.' Municipal and Railway Bonds Bank Building Cash and Exchange..... Total ..LIABILITIES. Capital , 1,000,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits 364,168.99 Circulation . 800,000.00 DcpOSitS e-we ' 10r4S3-282.14 : Total Attest, corrects J. mr ii i nnii i mr 1 I ran t Corner ThircJ and Washington Streets CAPITAL $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $650,000 . W. K. LADD M President EDWAJU3 OOOXZETOSAX Vice President W. K. BUMilJLUTT. ................................ Cashier . tt XOWABO JTB.....M...M.... ...... ..Assistant Cashier jr. w. 2VABD..........................AssUtan8 Cashier WAX.TEB K. OOOX.. AssUtant Cashier . e3 First National Bank Capital $1,300,003 Smplns ,$750,034 Oldest National Bank West of ths . Rocky Mountains "i-d-e-a-1" 3. That's what all disinter ested pavement experts say; ""libout"' "bituiithJc"' era hlrs wagons that look, very nvin like a real farm vehicle anil they rcir- . sent themselves aa producers while the closest they ever came to a larm on Front street An effort la to-be made by some of the commission handlers to have a taw passed making it a crime to sew tin sacks and thon trv to make purchasers believe they are , getting the regular package.'1. , 1 . The potato market la " general ,1s quoted ateady along the street but the work of the fakers Is hurting te a considerable extant the local 0nianl. Not only ia the else of the sacks small but poor stock is put into the pack ages by aid of a atove pipe. This al lows examination from the' top,, bottom and sides but In the middle the qual ity is vile.,. ,. , . Germans Protest Balloon Award. (Cnltd Press Ui Wire.) Paris, Jan. 11, The International Aerial Federation has Ignored the pro test of the Lower Rhine Aeronautic as sociation against awarding; the Gordon Bennett cup to Allan R. Hawley and Augustus Post, pilot and aide of the, balloon America II. which won the In ternational balloon race failed from St Louis, i The protest was made on the allegation that an Imperfect log of the trip. was kept The oup was, awarded to .the Americans,'.-, v.';:; ..fe' Vn ll tu .MJ! .j'.'i, ;j-r T ...r...$ 6,46382.32 ' r a e) a 4,150,553.41 75,000.00 3,043,097 W .$14,632,43273 . . . . . ....... $ 1,000,000.00 704,249,46 $6,958,487.52 5,969,695.75 12,928,183,27 .$14,632,432.73 ASSETS. - :$ 6,461,963.33 s.. ,( 1,054.100.00 1,021,059.95 U5,L . 4,490,32735 .$13,152,451.13 ....$13,152,451.13 .j... C AINSWORTH, President nAMM Overbeck & Cooke Co; Ccmm'ssbn MerchanU .Stocks, Bonds rf Cotton. Craia, iita, 316-317 Board of TraSs ; tr embers CM care noarS ef TraSe ' Cerreseondeats ef Letas flrrea. Cbleee.i.Je .-- ..-- , I ei fceve the etiiy sHvsie mr ' eeaneettna Ponunj m ia 1 eastera eii : ii I