SifflSIMNG" COST IS ASSESSED; WORK NOT DONE UOUncil Also urqers raymcm I of $7475 Back Salaries to - Detectives, Snow, Resing, ! - Carpenter and Day. In spite of tlje vigorous protest of Councilman T. J. Coneannon, the city counell this morning adopted the report of the street committee, recommending the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of improving Savier street, and afterward passed the. finance. . y "It Oskar Huber of the Bnrbcr Pa . 'Company and Oskar Huber of the Poi t land Railway, Light & Power company had used half the energy to complete the paring of Savier street that he hus to get this assessment ordinance passed the property owners would have had a finished street instead of piece of one" said Mr. Conoannon. "As 1t is now"; he continued, "property owners mua't bond their property to pay for a portion of street which they can not use, perhaps for a year, or longer." , -Councilman Drlscoll also- complained that until the street improvement is completed it will be necessary for people going to ball games In vehicles to make a detour of several blocks. City Attorney Grant was called upon for an opinion as to the legality of an assessment ordinance before the entire contract affected has been completed. He held that under the charter the council may pass, such an ordinance if the city engineer has issued a certifi cate of acceptance and la able to esti mate the final cost of the completed work. ;- - The council by a vote of 7 to 6, re jected the application of 8. Masurofaky for an auctioneer's license. Councilman Ellis said the council would,' if it should grant Masurofaky a license, be a "fenca". Councilman Drlscoll resented this Insinuation against the character of Masurofaky, whom he declared an bonest cltisen. The council passed an ordinance di recting the payment of back salaries amounting to $7476 to Detectives Snow, Resing. Day and Carpenter. This vas In accordance with a decision of the state supreme court recently The pay ment cleans up the obligations of tha city to the detectives, who wore dis missed from the servl:s during the Lane administration and reinstated by the present regime. - Air ordinance, . recommended by the ways and means committee, providing for the appropriation of $500,000 for the purpose of awarding a contract for the substructure of the Broadway bcldge, was "laid on the. table till newt sosvlon. The reason of the Jolay la that the general fund is too badly duplet! to stand even such a temporary drain. Bonds will be gold January 24 end then the appropriation can he made from the proceeds of the bond sale and tUe money on hand now from a previous sale. A huge petition, representing 650 acres of property out of 1J00 acres In the Vernon district and asking for the in stallation of glazed cement newt pipe to cost about $600,000, was filed by the llolcomb. Realty company and others in the city council this morning. JUMPS. FROM WINDOW, ; GETS LADDER, SAVES WIFE AND CHILDREN J. A, Barnard made a sensational res cue of his wife and three children from death In the flames of his burning home at 1124 Druid street at midnight last -night, when he jumped from the second story of his house, rushed to a nearby barn, secured a ladder and then carried them down to a place of safety. The fire completely destroyed the home, val ued at about $1800 but the loss Is practically covered by Insurance. Offi cer Maxwell saw the flames, turned In the alarm and then assisted In the res cue of Mrs. Barnard and the children. Anti-Polygamist in Colorado. rtfnltKtt tTM Issued WlrO Denver, Colo., Jan. 11. The legislative committee of the Colorado Women's Federation of Clubs has appointed a special committee to lobby for a resolu tion committing the legislature to a movement for-an amendment to the federal constitution preventing polyg amy. Ten thousand members of the federation Indorse the movement, which was started by Dr. Maude Saunders. TPOT MITER Because of Severe and Stubborn Ec zema. Used Everything for Nearly Eight Years. Could not Sleep. After Few Applications of Cuticura Ointment, Burning and Itching Lessened. Could Sleep Well. Now Has Hands as Clear as Anyone. "Some nine years ago I noticed small pimple breaking out on the back of my hands. They became very Irritating, and : gradually became worse. so that 1 could not ' ttoep at night. 1 consulted a physician who treated me a long time, but it got worse, .and 1 could not put my hands In water. I ; Was treated al the hospital, and it was just the same. I was told that it was a very , pad case of eciema. Well, I just kept on using everything that I could for nearly elirht Tear, until I was advised to try Cuticura i Ointment. I did se, and I found after a few P"etlof . bandaging my hands 57" b,the hurnlng sensations were dteappearlng. I ceuW i.p wrtl. and aid" not have any itching during the night. 1 began after a while to use Cuticura Soap for a Wash for them, and I think by using the Soap .. and Ointment I was much benefited. I stuck to the Cuticura treatment, and thought if I rotild use other-remedies for over seven years with no result, and after only having a few appllratlons and finding ease from Cuticura Ointment. I thought it deserved a fair trial with a fevers and stubliorn ease. I uoed the , piniment and $oa for nearly six months, and f I am glad to say that 1 have hands at clear as : anyone.. , .. , , !J tny wfeh that you publish this letter to all the world, and if en Tone doubts it let , t;em write me and I win five them the name of my physician, also the hospital I was S3 tin lverHvftt..llimtreii I.Oim Sent 14 'in Cutk-urs Soap and Ointment are sold throughout' the world. No other treatment for the akin and scalp so pure, economical and aneedllT effective. Send to Potter Drug k Chun. Corp., sole props.. Boston, for free book a treatment of skla and scalp troubles. NEWSYSTEMFOR STATE T EACHERS Bill Would Change Method of Granting Certificates , Many Aid (Spfdal Dispstcb to The Joorasl.) 1 . Salem, Or., Jan. 11. A bill proposing to do away with county certificates and providing that all --certificates, shall be voted throughout the state, was offered yVsterday by a group of educators of the state of Oregon, under the direction of Slate Superintendent of Schools Alder man, and will be Introduced in the legis lature next week. It gives graduates of high schools and secondary schools, who have done a certain prescribed amount of pedagogi cal work in the eleventh and twelfth . '-ndes, a one year, certificate. It pro . (t'es for graduates of normal BChools, onuses and universities who have com- t leted a certain amount of pedagogical work prescribed in the bill a five year state certificate, which, after a certain amount of work, will entitle the holder to a life certificate. The bill is mod eled after tho recommendations of con ference of state superintendents held at Salt Lake City.' ' The following persons met in the of fice of the superintendent of public In struction, 1 R. Alderman, yesterday and drafted the bill: Dr. U. II. Patterson, Willamette uni versity; President W. N.. Ferrin, Pacific university; President Wllllasn J. Reagan, Pacific college; President L. W. Riley, McMInnvllle college; Dr. H. D. Sheldon, University of Oregon; Professor B. D. Messier, Oregon Agricultural college; Father Edwin V. O Hara, president Catholic Educational Association of Ore gon; ex-Buperlntendent J. H. Ackerman; Superintendent H. C. Seymour, Polk county; Superintendent W. B. Dlllard, Lane county; Superintendent William Smith, Marion county; Superintendent F. J. Tooxe, city superintendent of Ore gon City schools; Principal W. R. Kirk, city superintendent of Corvallls schools. (Salem threat! it The Journal.) Balem, Or., Jan. 11. Governor West's first proclamation was Issued yesterday a few minutes after his Inaugural ad dress' was concluded aniL. declared the new code, called "Lord s Oregon Laws,' to be in full force and effect. This code was prepared by ex-Governor Lord at the authorisation of the 1909 session. The code In two volumes was delivered to the members of the legislature yes terday but It will be bound In three volumes for permanent use. FAIRLY ELECTED (filted Press Lrssed Wlre.l Madison, Wis., Jan. 11. That frauds were committed directly In the election of Isaac Stephenson to the United States senate from Wisconsin was the report of the special Investigating committee submltted today to Governor Mctiovt-rn. The report points out that the rtxte law provides that the election of per sons brought about through bribery or attempted bribery ara iull and veld. It recommends that McOovern ceitlfy a copy of the report to tharted-iral senate for investigation and to tha district at torney of Dane county and tho attorney general of Wisconsin with 'he recom mendation that all those cono-icW with the case be prosecuted. The report denounces Stephenson and asserts that frauds dlfw.itly conliibut-Kl to his election. These fraudi, it Is al leged, were in connection with the pri mary campaign of 1908. The report is signed by State Senator F. M. Marsh, chairman; Thomas Mor ris, now lieutenant -governor, and Paul Hustings. The investigation, was started short ly after the election of Stephenson Charges of fraud were mad to the state legislature and the committee was ap pointed to Investigate. DRINKING WATER FOR CAPITOL TO BE BOILED (Special Dispatch to TOe Joornal.) Salemt Or., Jail. 11. Fearing typhoid fever from drinking Salem city water, which is taken from the Willamette river, the senate this morning decided to have all water for Its use boiled. j A resolution Introduced by Senator Et an of Lane county was adopted over ! the votes of the two Salem senators and a few others, directing the secretary of state to install a fountain of boiled ; water within the bar of the senate. ' The resolution Introduced by Bean de-' clared the water unwholesome, and he j said lie had been Informed by the sec- I letury of state that It Is dangerous to health. I Senator Carson of Salem retorted j that if there are any germs In Salem water they probably come from Eugene, j where Senator Bean lives and where there has been a typhoid scare. FENDER ORDINANCE I IS OPPOSED BY GRANT City Attorney Grant, in a communi cation to the city- council this morn ing, advised that body not to pass an , ordinance drafted in the Interests of, the Portland Railway Light & Power company and. exemplbg-thsv-xompany, from some of the provisions of ordi nance No. 22,259, providing for the in stallation of the American automatic fender on all air brake cars operated by the company. The ordinance would exempt all cars not operated solely within -the city limits. . This would mean that cars on the St Johns, Van couver, Oregon City, Estacada, Kenton and other lines would not have to be equipped with ' .the life-saving dovlce prescribed by ordinance No. 22,259, al though these cars operate largely with in the city limits.. Canadians -Wed In France. Nice. France, Jan. 11. The marriage took place here today of -Mies' Marie Dubuc. daughter , of Judge Joseph Dubuc, former chief Justice . of Mani toba,' and Thomas H. Molloy of Winni peg. i-.-lf-U ,, . , r GOVE till m UNA STEPHENSON NOT HOUSE CUTS OUT PRESENT SESSION Washington Legislators Also Refuse to Listen," Officially, to Suffragist Leader;, Only Tablojd Speeches in House. Olympla, Wash., Jan. 11. Tho house of representatives this morning went on record by a vote of 53 to 41, not to consider any liquor 'legislation at this session. A lively scrap took place In the sen ate when Piper asked the privilege of introducing Mrs. Emma Devoe, president of the Washington suffrage organiza tion, to address the senate and invite members to the state meeting at Taco ma. As the.qonor of permitting any person not a member to speak on the floor of the house or senate "lias been extended only to William J. Bryan, In past sessions, the senate considered it would, be a. dangerous precedent, and voted Piper's proposal down. Bills were Introduced in the senate today as follows: Repealing those sec tions of the firemen's and policemen's pension acts of the last legislature which grant retirement at the age of 60,. on half pay, to firemen and police men; appropriating 176.000 to. build a new armory at Beillngham. and appro priating 1500,000 for the Blalne-to-Van-couver highway which has been advo cated by James J, Hill. Senator Bassett has Introduced a bill providing that a board of control shall have the power, In its discretion, of re taining defective youth at the state school for defective youth, at Vancou ver, after passing the age of 21 years. NO MINISTERS IN . . SENATE; NO PRAYERS Salem. , Or.. Jan. 11. A scarcity of ministers caused the state senate to drift along for another day without di vine guidance. Yesterday the senate resolved .to open Its sessions with prayer, but when President Selling's gavel fell this morning no preacher was in sight Senator Miller suggested that some senator offer prayer, but there were no' volunteers. Dry Shampooing Improves the Hair (Madge Lyon on "Hair and Scalp.") "Women having an abundance of fine, glossy hair do not employ a Wat shampoo. They rely upon a powder, which Is sifted on the scalp and brushed through the hair, removing dandruff and excess oil. and leaving the scalp clean, son ana piiant, ana the hair light, fluf fy and beautifully lustrous. ' 7, "It Is surprising what ' excellent re sults cad be had If the dry shampoo Is used, for a short time. Dry and scaly scalps become clean, soft and free from dandruff; coarse, faded and stringy hair grows rich, fine and glossy. "A dry shampoo of unusual excellence can be made at little cost If you mix 4 ounces of orris root wlth4 ounces of therox. Just sprinkle a tablespoonful of this mixture on the scalp, then brush out well." Dry -shampoo removes all pos sibility of catching cold from washing the head." The Vulcan Odorless The Perfect Gas Heater This heater is fitted with a perforated cast-irpn cone, the flame playing upon the inside of this, quickly brings the cone to a red heat and all of the gas used is consumed within the inner cone. Just the thing to heat your bathroom or bedroom. We have a large stock and are making an extra special price to move them PERFECTION OIL HEATERS HoncymainrHardwfflFCo7 FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON ' FOES OF CAPITAL HUT GET BILL INTRODUCED Recommended by Governor West; 15 Bills Presented at Morning Session; 36 in All Presented. ' H (Spcelsl Clspstch to The Joornal.) Salem, Jan. U---Seiiator Patton of Marion county today Introduced in the senate a bill framed by opponents Of capital punishment, making Ufa im prisonment the maximum punishment for murder In the first degree. A lobby Is at work Jn the Interest of the bill and the measure has bttn recommended by Governor West car son or Marion intronucra a rm appropriating $25,000 for investigation ofwfrult and plant Dents, tin money to be used by the State Agrt:urtur.U col lege at Corvallls. . A bill to prevent " he um of "Dr." by any but licensed phvjlolons was In troduced by Senator Locke of Mult nomah. It would require all cults not regularly licensed to advertise under other names than "Doctors." ' It also gives the state medical board additional powers In compelling the attendance of witnesses and enforcing Its orders. An other section Increases the fea for ex amination from J10 to J25. Change of name of the stat leform school to the ."Oregon State Training school" is the object of a bill presented by Senator Wood of Washington. Barrett of Umatilla proposes to maxe every precinct a road district In, t bill Introduced today. The naval militia bill Was Introduced by Joseph of Mult nomah. . The senate held an unimportant ses sion this morning during which IE bills were Introduced, making a total or 3d bills in the senate wing. Bills of the laXT session vetoed by Governor Benson were made a special order for next Wed nesday morning. President Belling announced the an polntment of Fred Landls as senate bill messenger. He will receive 14 per day. Senators Chase, Bean and Oliver were appointed as a committee to revisq the dally Journal. At 11 o'clock the state senate td Journed until Monday. SEWARD HOTEL LEASE IS EXTENDED 10 YEARS W. M. Seward, proprietor of the Ho tel Seward, has secured a 10-year exten sion of his lease on the property, mak ing It cover a period of 20 years. Mr. Seward Is also negotiating with the owner of adjoining property for an addition to the hoter,' hlch will prae tlcally double the slse of Jtbe hostel rv. . Tho ' report published iroine time ago that the Seward had been purchased by Theodore Kruse, proprietor of the . Louvre, proves incorrect Mr. Kruse t was negotiating for, the property and went so far as to take an option on, the lease held by Mr. Seward, but the j deal failed of conclusion. v - J Enginemen Badly Hurt. (United Press Leaned Wire.) Fresno, Jan. 11. A Santa Fo passen ger train was derailed 10 miles north of here yesterday afternoon and Engineer Stokes and Fireman Brooks were severe ly Injured. A number of passengers were hurt. The train ran Into an open switch at a temporary construction siding. Five cars were wrecked. pgcial ale Ouir Regular $7.00 Heater, Special at. Our Regular $7.50 Heater, Special at. Our Regular $8.00 Heater, Special at. Our Regular $11.50 Heater, Special at. 7 CIVIL SERVICE TO BE INTRODUCED Senator Burgess' Bill Provides v for Examination for. State ' ' Offices. V Salem, Or, Jan. 11. Civil service for all .Oregon state offices except the heads of departments and the secre tary to tho governor. Is the proposal of Senator Burgess, who has introduced a bill to this effect Ha provides for a board to consist of the governor,- attor ney general and superintendent .of pub lic Instruction, this board to moke Its own rules and determine the examina tions to be given. . v. If the bill is passed the board is to be formed within 60 days and the ex aminations provided for within 90 days. RESOLUTION AIMS AT v TIME-HONORED CUSTOM Salem, Or., .Jan. 11. If a resolution, Introduced by Representative Bucnanan of Douglas, is adopted the house will lose one of Its time honored traditions. In the past the first man to Introduce a resolution providing for a committee on .resolution was made chairman of the committee, not because of any ne cessity, but merely because It has been the custom for many years. Naturally there has been a scramble to offer the first resolution, sometimes a very dis orderly one. i The proposal of Buchanan makes the committee on resolutions a standing one and the chairman as well as the mem bers will be named by the speaker, if It Is adopted. Square for 18 Years. The Oregon Shoe Store. 247 Morrison street, has a record of 18 years of square dealing. Now they are going ou of business and the entire stock is for sale at about, 60c on the dollar. See page lZ. - e Whether it I mflaamutanr o mmculsTrliiopic of ooesaoul,the tsnetrad remedy will cure Rkeu matisrn. Sixty Eishty Eisht Was yrisinslly the numb of a pKKruXtos tins byadoeter BiSa psnst, WiMaaaa. to rbeanabe patients. . So socceahd was k that the pKparaboa and sals of VssiatasWated est a Urje scsle R i snceesi das to real saerk. - It Coras RheamatissB. Yw nooer refiaded if it don not Mp Your c. 7 f?y A turn lor Fros Booklets, '. M3l Mriooa tUeomsrW' aad ifmnmik It bswiilnotsopply you lerni know. WW i.uiiiii: wkkki ..... . $4.75 . . .... .$5.25 ..... . .$5.25 ..... . .$6.50 REZNOR GAS HEATERS xSwiyt RHEU- Ilfj IT TO HID IDAHO DIVORCE LAVS IS AIM OF No Lobbying in Behalf of State I nstitutions and N o J unket Ing Trips to Be Tolerated Is New' Order. . t (Special Dispatch to The JonrntLV - ' Boise, Idaho", Jan. 11. A bill amend ing the Idaho divorce law so as to re quire one year's residence Instead of six months before action can be Instituted, was Introduced In the house of repre-. sentatlves today, In accordance with the recommendation In Governor Ha wley's message. The purpose is to put a stop (o imported divorce cases. No opposi tion to the measure has developed. It was made plain in the senate today that lobbying In behalf of state" Institu tions, which has been conspicuous In the past, will not be tolerated during the present, session, and also that no Junketing trips will be taken by the leg islators. . TakeYoeipFnirsl Proffnt Mow A 10 Discount Is Allowed for a Short Time on the Intro ductory Prices on '(Hill Q LOTS $400 TO $900 PAY 10 PER CENT. DOWN 2 PER CENT PER MONTH - These prices are certain to advance with the completion of improvements now under way in this section. 'A high, sightly, scenic addition within .If minutes of the business center, on Oregon Electric and Fourth street branch of the Southern Paciik, the latter soon to be electrified. LET US SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY A greater Portland means west- side realty. Act in time. lie Seanton Co. 269 OAK STREET Make Your Money Work Here's the chance, that will rapidly increase in value. To get the best profit vou need to consult some one who knows about values and to keep posted on these Tabor Heights is located alongside the City Park on the Ejfst Side; has a beautiful view and excellent car service,: , - MORNfNGSIDE is the name of the addition. To convince you, all we ask is that you-look at the. ... i... ... 'ir :r c i a PIUCES $850 Darlman.& Thompson oxAXBxm or ooioursca . Private Exohangs SO. -.. or A-aoso. WANTS TREASURERS TO COLLECT TAXES '(Special ptspstch to The J on nisi. 1 Salem, Or., Jan, 11. Sheriffs will be relieved of the work of collecting taxes aad -that work will be transferred to the i county treasurer . it - a bill Intro duced by Senator .Barrett of Umatilla becomes a law, He - argues , that tha work of tax collection is foreign to the sheriffs - duties and aaya the chancre would ; save the work of checking up collections .between . the sheriff and treasurer, f.:-!Ysf &v The bill authorises the coimly courts to fix the -number of ..deputies : needed by treasurers for tat collection work; also allowing the fixing of salaries of such deputies by the same authority,' Sarsaparilla Makes the blood of the, right quality and quantitynormal in red ' and white! corpuscles and all other constituents.- It builds up the whole system! Set It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called. BAKSATABS. O Tl WEST SIDE a rapidly rising market for all LEWIS BUILDING BOW TO i OUT - THSBB Take a Vtt. Tabor ear on Morrison St. They ma STery TV4 minutes. by investing in real estate, prospects ; it is our business matters. ril to $1500, on Terms. :: . m A can of . the best cleanser made for the kitchen and bath is what you obtain from your grocer every time you order ROUND-UP. r EoiiiEiid-lUp v;filcSicii Cleanser 1 ROUNDS UP DIRT Does the work -quickly, and as it contains no caustic or acid, does not hurt the hands. It issuretopleaseyou: TT" lOc-i-FULL SIZE CANlOc: NUUC COMPANY (INC.) . PORTLAND if .trr '