The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 07, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Adam Bcahn Erect one-story frame
, bam, East Tenth street, between Beech,
and Falling; builder, same; $160.
W. Doollt tie Repair one-story frame
dwelling, Michigan avenue, between
Church and Jessup; builder, George
Easterbel; J 3 00.
J. Kamm, erect four one story frame
barns, Seventeenth street between Madl
ori and Main, builder, Chen Bine; $1200;
, W. Doolittle Erect ene-etory frame
" dwelling,-' Michigan - avenue, between
' Church amT Jessup; builder, George
Easterbel; $1300. - ' ,
W. Doollttle-Erect " two pne-tory
frame dwellings, Michigan avenua. be
' tween Church . and . Jessup; builder,
- George Easterbel: $2600.'.-. ..-..-.'
: W. C. Johnson Erect two-atory frame,
? Marion and Clatsop; builder, Alfred Nel
. eon; $4000.
W. O. Johnsons-Erect two-atory frame
flats, Marlon street, between East Elev
enth and Thirteenth; builder, Alfred
'Nelson; $4000, . .
W. O. - Johnson Erect three-story
.,' frame store And apartments. East Elev
enth street, between Marion and Clat
sop; builder, Alfred Nelson; $7800.
F. B. Shellhammer, erect one stgry
oricK store, Grand avenue, between An
i keny and Burnslde; builder, J. G. Ed-
wards; $2200. .. r
,' F. B. Galbratth, erect one story frame
' dwelling 1503 Oneonta street, , between
Claiimont and Buffalo; builder,' F. B.
; Galbraith: SHOO
W. V. Tobey, erect one story concrete'
garage. Twenty-third street north, be
tween Thompson and; builder,
N. K. Naeh; $100.
Michael Petry, erect two story frame
dwelling, Forty-seventh avenue, between
t Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh; builder,
F. E. Palmer; $2000.
Standard Oil comnanv. erect one storv
frame warehouse, McKenna street, be
tween Mccosh and Front; builder, Har
per & Hord; $3200.
Dr. L. M. Davis, repair two story
brick building. 129 Russell street, be
tween Mississippi ami Alblna avenues;
builder. John Catia: 1100.
MoNaughfon, wreck building, $31 Oak
street, between Sixth and Seventh;
builder, Portland Wreck Co.; $200.
Mr. Hendricks, wreck building. Davis
street between Park and Ninth; builder,
Portland Wreck Co.; $400.
V. E. Griffith, erect one story frame
wooasnea, sixty-sixth street southeast,
between. Thirty-ninth and Fortieth ave
nues; builder, same: $100.
G. Bhold repair two stofy frame
dwelling, 879 Minnesota avenue, between
Mason ana Bnaver; builder, C. E Antler
on; $450. .
B. F. Lacer, erect one story frame
dwelling, McCrum street, between Ne
vada and Newhall; builder, same; $1300.
E. H, Ingham, ereot one story frame
rarage, 428 Goldsmith street, between
rage and Tillamook; builder, same: $100
CiF. Weltsel, repair, one story frame
dwelling, 6904 Forty-secQnd avenue, be-
invou juvia oaiu 1 ? iw 11 u l , vuiiuor, same,
"U' - ... ..
j. jerra. renair one mnrv irame nwen
lng, 4023 East Sixty-fifth street, be
tween Laurerwood and Marquam; bulla
. er, same; $75.
Robert Andrews, repair one story
frame dwelling, 7023 Forty-fourth ave
nue, between Seventieth and Seventy
first: builder. E. A. Graf: $800.
John Dollar, alter two story brick
building, 91 Second street, between
Everett and Flanders; builder, J. w.
Thurman; $50.
. W. W. Adams Erect one story frame
dwelling. East Thirteenth street, be
tween Umatilla and Harney; builder,
same; $2000.
F. T. Jones Krect one story frame
dwelling,' Kant Seventh stret, between
Schuyler and Hancock; builder, same;
J. Tiornev Erect two story frame
dwelling, Jnslay street, between Seven
- twjiitli and Eighteenth; builder, M. A.
Tokey; $1400..
J. 11. Capies) Erect two story frame
dwelling, iiaft Ninth ftret, between
IlalHey and Wehller; builder, same;
Mm. C. Melsdorfer Erect two story
frame dwelling, northeast coiner East
Second street, between Glisan and Hoyt;
builder. V. McKIcn; $2000.
1). McKoen Erect two story frame
flats, Belmont street, betweon Twenty
sixth and Twenty-seven th; builder,
fame; $7000.
J. G. Elwards Repair two story
dwelling. Grand avenue, between An
kony and Burnslde; builder, T. B. Shell
hemmer: H)0.
Jost-pli Sliafer Erect one story frame
stoic. iOsst Seventh-ninth street, be
t "u Klickitat and Fremont; builder,
A. H. Starr; $600.
.Tones & I'razlcr Ereot four story
brick, hotel, Front street, between Co
lumbia and Clay; builder, same; $55,
000. J. Jaeobsion Repair one story frame
a tteiurija,ifl at a biriKri mra street,
ix-iween wygant and uoing; builder, J.
J. Hill; $50.
K. YV. Johnson Krect two story frame
dwelling-. 65 KaBt Sixty-seventh street,
between Stark and Pine; builder, same;
Auto Sasso Erect one story frame
barn, southeast corner Ellsworth and
Twentieth; builder, Jordan & Pearson;
Auto Sasso Erect ono story frame
dwelling, soutlieiiHt corner Ellsworth
and Twentieth; builder, Jordan & Pear
sou: $1600.
Mrs. O. Knlffl Erect one story frame
dwelling, Murray street, between Klick
itat and Fremont; builder, 8. F. Clark;
Miss Laura Hastings Erect two story
frame dwlllng. East Twenty-third
between Knott and Stanton; builder, B.
F. Doty; $3500.
B. F, Doty Erect two story frame
dwelling, Glenn avenue, between Steph
ens and Harrison; builder, same; $2000.
B. F. Doty Erect two story frame
dwelling, Glenn avenue.- between Steph
ens and Harrison; builder, same; $2000.
B. F. Doty Erect one story frame
dwelling. East Thirty-second'street, be
tween Grant and Sherman; builder,
same; $1600.
Ella Kyssman Erect one story frame
dwelling, southeast corner East Thirty
sixth and Market streets; builder, P.
A. -Ryskman; $1000.
Helen B. Saxton Ereot one story
frame dwelling, East Forty-fourth
street, between Hancock and Broadway;
builder, G. H. Bestow; $2600.
Lang & Stozelickl Erect one story
frame dwelling. East Fortieth street,
between Barr Road and Sandy Road;
builder, same; $2000.
F. W. Langer Ereot one story frame
dwelling, East Thlrtv-eeventh street,
between Alder and Washington! build
er, x. u. isiner; imuu.
V. Solomon Erect three story brick
store and rooms, First street, Caruth
ers; builder, same; $28,000.
Olln F. Ford Erect two story frame
store. East Thirty-fourth street, be
tween Yamhill and Belmont; builder,
Dunlap Bros.; $6000,
J. AVatkins Erect ono story frame
dwelling, Jessup street, between Pat
ton avenue and Concord; builder, same:
L. R. Fairchlld Repair two story
frame dwelling, 185-187 Eaat Fifteenth
and Madison streets: builder, same;
Portland Hotel Co. Repair six story
brick hotel. Morrison street, between
Sixth and Seventh; builder, same; $76,
000. A rata Bros. Repair two story brick
store, Sixth street, botween Pine and
Oak; builder, same; $10,000.
Portland Trust Co. Krect 'four story
, brick apartments. Thirteenth-street, be
tween Clay and Columbia; builder, same.
F. W. Langer Erect one story frame
' dwelling, East Thirty-seventh street, be- i
tween Alder and Washington;' builder, 1
; T- C. Niner; $1800. ' v I
T. C. Niner Erect one etory frame
' dwelling, East Forty-fourth street, be
tween Clay and Harrison; builder, same; t
$1S00. . .
Mrs. Allen Kore Erect one story
frame dwelling, East Twenty-eighth '
Street, between Jarrett and Killings-;
worm nuiiaer, same; jiu.
r ' - Jam. ' -J
Mrs. L. Merclrfh-T.Erect one storv
frame dwelling, 297 Eaat Thirty-sixth
street, between Hawthorne and Market;
builder, E. S. Craven; $1800.
James Cummlngs -Ereot two story
f rame f latay Bvrett tei be wen
Twenty-first and Twenty -second; build
er, same; $8000.
w. M. Bannchbach Erect one story
frame shed. East Twenty-fifth street,
between Holman ana Alns worth; build
er, same $100. . - ,
II. LatherRepair one story frame
store, 723 Williams avenue, between Ivy
and Fremont; builder, Frank Carlson;
American Realty Co. Erect five story
brick apartments, Johnson street, be
tween Twentieth and Twenty-first;
builder, same; $100,000.
J. Kamm Erect one storv frame
dwelling, Madison street, between
jfourtn and mrth; builder, J. L Rout
ledge; $100.
JT Kane--Repalr two story frame
dwelling, 832 Mississippi avenue, be
tween Shaver and Failing; builder, T.
Trueson; $400. .
C. .Ketchem Repair (tne etorv frame
barn, 146 East Forty-fifth street, be
tween ueimoni ana Morrison; builder,
same; $100. . r...."., .
E. O. Crawford Repair threetory
brick store, Fifth street, between An
keny and Pine: builder, MoNaughton &
Trewbridge ft Stevens Erect four
story . brick apartments. Twelfth street,
between Harrison and Hall; builder, Mo
Knughton & Raymouhd; $60,000.
J. W. Aldrlch Erect three, story
brick veneer apartmente, Harrison
street, , betweon Eleventh and Twelfth;
builder, McNaughton & Raymond; $30,
000. James Lee--ReoaIr two storv frame
dwelling. 628 East Main street, between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth: builder,
same; $00. ,
Elk Xodge 14$ Repair- f our-etory
brick building, Seventh street, between
Stark and Oak, builder, B. E. . Angel;
$2000. ' : '
F. W. Linger Erect one story frame
dwelling, East Thlrty-soSenth street,
between Alder and Washington; build
er, T. C. Niner; $1800.
Alex. Taylor Erect three story brick
apartment. Fifteenth street, between
Morrison and Belmont: builder, . Mc
Naughlon & Raymond; $30,000.
P. t. Reed, erect one story frame
dwelling, Forty-second Dtreet, between
Hawthorne and Clay; builder, same;
$2000. .
M. A. Barton, ereot one .story .frame
dwelling, East Forty-seventh street, be
tween Thompson and Brazee; builder,
M. A. Burton; $2500.
' Meese & Qottfield company, repair
three story frame building, 67-69 Front
street, between Oak and Pine; builder,
same; $600.
J. A. Meltgn. erect one story frame
building, Undn avenue, between East
Ankeny and Burnslde streets; builder,
same; $700.
Joseph McClelland, erect two story
frame dwelling. 681 Clackamas street,
between Sixteenth, and Seventeenth;
builder, same; $500."
Joseph McClelland, alter two story
frame dwelling, 631 Clackamas street,
etween Sixteenth and Seventeenth;
builder, am; $500.
Fred Van Sciioiack. erect one story
frame shed, Thirty-Hlxth avenue, be
tween Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth;
builder, same; $100.
W. (. Eton, repair two story frame
dwelling, 827 East Htark street, between
Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh;
builder, same; $5011.
F. G. Anderson, erect two story frame
dwelling, Hancock street, between Forty-third'
and Forty-fourth; builder,
same; $.1000.
Fred Snchteni alter two -story brick
garage, M North Sixth street, between
lu'verett mid FLindeis; builder, Becker
& Blockhouse; $2fti.
B. Scott Krect one-story frame dwel
ling, Michigan avenue, between Fre
mont und Beech; builder, same' $400.
Roman Cathollo archbishop of diocese
of Oregon, repair one story frame store,
246 Main' street, botween Second and
Third; builder, J. A. Melton; $100.
Anna M. Dllley. erect one ntory frame
dwelling1. Ktanton street, netween Hev-enty-fourth
und Seventy-fifth; builder,
same: $1400.
lella Dllley, erect one -story frame
dwelling, Stanton street, between Sev-enty-fourtu
and Seventy-fifth; builder
same; $100.
IS ..m-m-0...m. -- -
Grand's Feature Bill.
The verdict of the public is that there
is a crnckerjack bill at the Grand this
week. The 13,111 will continue' until Sun
day night. The headline act is that of
the Four Charlea, an acrobatic, spectacu
lar transformation specialty.' There is
no other act like It in vaudeville. All
the rest of the program Is of the same
high grade.
Last Night for Alberta Claire.
Tomorrow night will be the last
chance to see Alberta Claire. Miss
Claire receives a great ovation at every
performance. The Lyric Musical Com
edy company Is presenting a very funny
farce entitled "Dillon and King in Mex
ico." Tonight and tomorrow night,
three performances and a matinee to-
Last Time "Honeymoon Trail."
The attraction at the Heillg theatre
tonight at 8:16 o'clock will be the last
performance of the raerry musical com
edy success, "Honeymoon Trail." This
is one of Adams Hough & Howard's
most tuneful offerings, with excellent
cast and pretty chorus.
"Gills," Tonight.
Tonight closes the performance by
Baker Stock company of the clever
Clyde Fitch comedy "Girls" in which
The Leading Specialist.
No class of human ailments la
so little understood among the
profession today as the atlmente
peculiar to men. Aa a result the
methods commonly employed In
treating them are but relics f
earlier periods in medical science.
I have departed from every form
of treatment that my own experi
ence and research have proven, in
effective and unsolentlflc. I have
replaced them with original and
thoroughly modern methods, that
have proven supremely effective.
Every detail of my procedure Sn
each Individual caae is based
upon accurate knowledge as to
conditions and requirements, and
mv cures are duplicated by no
other physician or specialist
I offer you not only FREE
consultation and advice, but of
every case that comes to me-I
wlU'make a cacefnl examination
and diagnosis without charge. No
ailing man should neglect this op
portunity to get Expert opinion
about his trouble.
-The.DR JAYL0R Co.
834 H Morrison street. Cor. Beoond
Portland, Oregon. .
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p.. m.
Sundays, 10 to J Only.
such a genuine hit has been made. Noth
ing the company has appeared in here
this season has been more delightfully
laughable and pleasing.
Comes From Europe. '
Imported from - Europe . for"' " the
Orpheum tslrcult, Ernest Scharff, the
great German musician, Is presenting a
musical turn' at, the local vaudeville
house that is nightly earning; the plau
dits of the . Immense, audiences which
have patronised the excellent bill pre
Our' guarantee
Ho money required
until aatiefled -
is your absolute
protection. Consul
tat I or examinat
ion and medicines
free. Our specialty
is All Ailments of
Ken. What you
want Is a cur.
Come to - us and
fet it Hours daily
to 5. Evenings,
7 to 8. Sundays 10
to 1 only.
363 Washington -St.. Portland, Or.
The famous
DRS. 6. K
CHAN, wltl
their reme
dies of herbi
and root i
cure won-
llftffUllV I
V has cured
many suf
other reme
dies have failed. Sure cure for chronio,
private ailments, nervousness, blood poi
son, rheumatism, asthma'., pneumonia.
Kidney, tnroai ana jung troubles, con
sumption, stomach disorders and other
diseases of all kinds. Remedies harm
less. NO OPERATION. Honest treat
ment. Consultation free. Examination
for ladles by Mrs. S. K. Chan. Call 'or
CO., 326 Morrison St., bet. 1st It SiL,
Portland, Or.
Consult the On Wo- Tong Medicine
Co. These noted doctors have learned the
secrets known only" to the famous Chi
nese savants and have specially imported
herbs from the remote provinces of China
that positively cure all ills of the human
system. Diseases of the nervous sys
tem, female disorders, blood poison,
stomach trouble, etc.. absolutely cured.
No matter how many doctors have
failed, no matter how many medicines
vou have used without result, call on us.
We can cure' you..
Consultation free. Treatments by mall.
On Wo Tong- Chinese Medicine
and Tea Company
93 Second St.
Honrs 9 A. VL to 10 P. K.
Bamtti GoUn$al
' A nfe and simple remedy for
BnmchiHt, Cairrrh, Hay FtT
Inflammation. Irritations, nlwr-
fttloni ot ALL moooei membra
or liming of the no, threat,
itomach or urinary organs.
IF Ay tut curt ytttrulf
v Treatlx with Meh bottt
or mailed oa nqiMri.
k TW trwu dotal (.
U.S. A.
5. H. Wai Jing Co.
Chinese Kerb
Root Medicines.
Cures all in
ternal, external
and erupt ive
diseases of
men. women
and children. If
you can't call,
write and get
d i a gnosis and
301 ft rirst St., Portland, Or.
Bing Chong
Cures all diseases of
men and women by
use of the famous
Chinese herbs,
8 to 11 a. m.,
to 5 d. m.
Office, room 11,
BJ0;-i a.iaer hi.,
er 133 V4 1st St.
11 a. m. to 2
p. m., 6 to 11 p.
4th and 6th.
m. 885 Flanders, Bet
la IntjtraKtad and ah on Id
kknow about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Ai (jitmuaoB ua
1 ak vnm Amrffitt 4
l. If he cannot upply
h t a nvr.l.. accent
hut infl Itamn v
tnm llltiof-&tai1 hnnlr mm&IsA. It
irlTd fall partienlars and dlroo-
ttom Imaluablo to ladle.
BUXTaL OOl. ii Xaft 11 Ik. IIW I0U.
for Mle br Sklduxre
Brag Co
Clark Co. and
H i tores
Yak tar. ny trjrnr .
Vrarstat. Aikft.Cin.C irES-TEIT
Mn kaoinra Bed, Sftt,laiwT RellabM
' mi i iiwJwaim
! Amk yw Uff.ruM.a-c .V-Jhl-ofccs.ter'
llmoad HraadA
l'llla.ln K4 i ftaiA fiwtlllcV
hoin. aealed with Blua Ktbboa. V
1 m
Pay When vured
We have every known' remedy ap
pliance for TSEATXHTO TOtJ.. Our' ex
perience la so great and vaxied that no
one of the ailment of men is new to oa
..General Debility. Weak Serves, In.
somnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other violations of Nature's laws.
Diseases of Bladder and' Kidneys. Vari
cose Veins, oaiekly . and permanently
huh ai mu zpvna ana no oeienuoa
from butiness.
tracted and chronio cases cured. ' All
burning, itching and inflammation
stopped itt-$4 houre. Gnrea effected in
even days, consultation free, if un
able to call, write for list of question
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M"
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. onlr.
Pacific Coast Medical Co.
utt WASHUfOTOir btbext.
Comer Plrst.
feaeh Cap-
anle bearsfMIDY)
the nmefl9
li-n MiMiMtinmMiM
Buy a bond now and get
in on ground floor. Each
bond secured by an indi
vidual 1 mortgage. Every
man can make money.
Linn County
Orchard Colony
The Inland Empire of
Is being opened np by two trans
continental railways and other
lines of railroad.
It is estimated that $100,000,000
will be spent in the next five year
in railroad building alone.
Thirty million acres of the finest
agricultural land, fifty million acres
of. timber, coal and the richest
mineral land will be thrown open
to development by these railroads
and an unequaled system of natur
al inland navigable waterways.
The central and strategic point of
this grand domain is Fort George.
Tou can get up-to-date informa
tion of fortune making opportuni
ties by sending your name and ad
dress for the "British Columbia
Bulletin of Information," giving
official government and other in
formation about this last and rich
est new country on the American
continent Costa you nothing1
write today.
Natural Resources
Security Co., Ltd.
Paid up Capital J250.000.
Joint Owners and Sole Agents,
Fort George Townslte.
Bower Blflg., Vanoouver, B. C
" District Sales Solicitor,
407 Wells-rarg-0 Bldg-., Portland, Or.
"Look This Lot Over"
"And See If It Will Do"
One of the most magnificent view
Bites in the city.
Juit North of Willamette Heights.
.$4 5 CXf sm&--,
Phone M-9416, A-3181
The one beet place tn Portland to buy.
Geographical center and most desirable
residence property tn the city. .
"Seeing Is believing. Better to and
see the many choice residences under
construction and the Improvements' go
ing on.
Ihe Oregon Real Estate Company
$5000 home, new .and modern in
every respect, corner lot on 51st and
Thorrrpsorr- streets rxermmf walks in
and paid fof.
Price, ?400O Terms.
Hartman & Thompson
Real bstate Dept.
Private Exchange 20. A-2050
CERTIFICATES of title made by th
Title A Trust company. JLewl Bid.,
ith and Oak.
DSVIm Investment cdmpanv to J.
D. HlbbS, lots 3, 5 and 12, Mock
1; lots 4 and 8, block 2; lots 1,
2. , 12. 13. 14 and 16. block 3.
Wlbcrg Heights J7.700
Mary !:. l-tnlley and husband tn
H. A. Hail, lots 13 and 14.
block 6, Clemaon addition . . . 2,000
a. m. lAjmcard and wife to A. u.
McKenzle ot al, lots 3 and 4.
Braxee Street addition 2,000
liamDert Whltmer company to
Yaschlchlro Kimstakc, lots 4,
Mock 6. Gadwell Acres, less 20
feet ot tlio east 1.22C
Holcomh Realty coniDanv to R.
Stopppr, lot 1, Rainier Acres... 824
A. 1'. Haworth and wife to J'luieho
Hammer, lut 9. lilock 4. Arleta
Park No. 2 2,000
John Halsey Jones company to Ira
M. I'cnny, lot 14, block 24, Joni s-
ir.oro BOO
Herman WlnterM to John Winters,
lot 4, and west 10 fcot of lot 6,
I block 122, Knst Portland BOO
1 T f. lm .. j i m - ,
j John G. 81erot et al, 30 acres
commencing 18U rods eaat of n
I point 80 rod north of south-
west corner of Kection 17, town-
: ship 1 smith, raimo 4 cast 6,000
! W. L. N. Gllman to K. A. Hinits.
j part of lot 2, blyck "M", Tabor
Heights 700
Kngene Sullivan to John W. True-
blood ct al, lot 3, block 1), Center
; addition to Kant Portland 680
' Sal vutore Ainato administrator to
! Salvatore Canipagna, undivided
I (, of lot 3, 4, 6, 0, 7, block 1,
Leabo's addition 4, E00
I Laurelhurst oompany to J. If.
I Legg. lot 16, block 35, Laurel-
' burnt 1,200
i T. G. & T. Co., to F. A. Davis, lot .
; 1, 2, 3, 4. block 35; lot 29, 30.
! 31, 32, block 29, Herkeley .... 800
i Johanna Hegdel to H. Crelthaupt,
i lot 2, block "W", Hell wood 900
jW O, wHi-ntt Hid wlfa to P. J.
Mel is, lot 3, 4, block 2, Logan's
' addition 3,600
i Citizens Bank to W. L. Swan, lot
14 aud west of lot 13, block 2,
Kast Portland 625
River Vlow Cemetery to Rolland
P. Smith, lot 22, section 104,
said cemetery 100
C B. Johnson and wife, to Fred
Teuscher, lots 6, and 7, block
19, Bertha 100
James D. Hart and wife to Mary
Larson, lot 6, block 8, Broad
view , 1,225
Maud Burnett and husband to
George H. Rlbbecke et al, part
of block F" Alblna Home
stead 1,600
Florence L. Day and husband to
Pete Martin, north 10 feet of
lot 9, block 3, Tabasco addition 105
Same to Frank Tavone ct al, south ,
15 feet of lot 9 and all of lot 10,
block 3, Tabasco addition 420
LAWYER'S Abstract & Trust Co., room
- 6 Hoard ct Trade blag, abstracts a
Abstract Co.,
Tel. Main 66.
412-413 Corbett
PACIFIC Title A Trust Co.. the leading
abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor.
Joseph Debat. 353 V4 Yamhill street,
46, and Laura Kerner, 40.
Arthur Lundberg, 262 Graham avenue,
22, and Jennie Moore, 18.
Lew Riggs, 122 North Union avenue,
86, and Lillian Baldwin, 27.
John Schering, 819 F.ast 6eventh
street. 26. and Katharine Lohel. 29.
Sidney Keller,- Lents, Or., 20, and Ma-
be Smith, is.
Kdward Ardin, 530 Falling street, 28,
and Agnes Wostphal, 19.
C. W. llelgcrson, 605 Mllwaukie street
22. and Lola Alderson. 17.
John Windle, St. Johns, Or.. 19. and
Nellie Cochran, 20.
Nalle Laine, 591 Savier street, 28, and
Nalsa Karlne, 24.
Wedding and visiting card engravers
and monOKsam stationers. Washington
b 1 dg Waghin gton St., bet. 3rd and 4th.
Wedding Invitations
IIUUIh - Ma j1 a a-vwirkftaVfar al t A 1 1Vt V
Wm. KlurapD Co.. 826 H Washington et
V IH111IIK tniUD! lUUIiVISiaiii v viuil.t w i
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes.
Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st.
CLARKE BROS florists, flue flowers
and floral design. 289 Morrison at.
DOUGHNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Doughney, Portland Sanitarium, De
cember 23. a girl.
WADSLBY To Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Wadsley, Carson Heights, December
2D, a girl.
MENEFEE To Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Menefee, 524 Myrtle street, January
4, a boy
KILLEEN -To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Kllleen, 1202 East Salmon street, a
LESSER To Mr. and Mrs. John Lesser,
828 Commercial street, December 28,
a girl.
CLOND To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clond,
831 East Thirteenth street, December
12, a bov.
KAMPPER To Mr. and Mrs. John
Kampper, 129 Bancroft street, Decem
ber 26, a girl.
HARDELL To Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Hardell, Burlington avenue, Decem
ber 29, -a boy.
WILBUR To Mr. and Mrs. George Wil
bur. 230Vi Russoll street, December
29, a girl.
FOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Foster, 152J4 Russell street, Decem
ber 18, a boy. .
Dunning & McEntee UnMo'n
very aetaii. Ttn ana fin, main au.
4668. Lady assistant.
Zeller-Brynes Co.
phone; laoy assistant.
694 Williams
ave.. both
Most modern
(taWishmenl In city
Lady attendant,
Main- , A-16.
The eaat side undertaker.
Ijftdy assistant B-188R. Kast
m.MisrirtT nrfrt Alder."-""-'-
Undertaking Co.. Main
133. A-2235. Lady ass't
EAST S.IDE funeral directors, success
or to F. 8. Dunning. Ine. E. SI. B-163S
EJ1WARD HOLMAN. uodvrtakor. ISO
Id st. Lady assistant Mala 17.
. F. & A. M. Stated com
munication thiS : (Saturday)
evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic
Temple. Visiting brethren cor-J
many invited.
By order of W. M. '
A. J. IJANDI.AN, Sec'y.
M.tW. A., ROM? CIT CAMP Monday.
Eelllng-Hlrsch bia$., Washington near
10th. Phone C ijrk. Main 2S1A-4I
It N. A.. Orsgon Hose camp, rarets
Wednesday evenings, a waxy ns.ii, la
nd Morron. '
OXBUIIonry Oxer, Park , and WashV
Inston. January 4. ae 73. endacorditis.
OLLI3R McO. Oiler, 414 East Ninth
street. January 6. age 8: pneumonia.
BUNNELL George Bunnell, Good Sa
maritan nospitai, January o. age u;
cancer of stomach.
CAMBROUS Joseph Cambrous, 547
uverton street, January 6, age tz:
GORDON Harry Gordon, 52 North
Fifth street. January 5, age 49; in
anition. MITCH EXIs David Mitchell, St Vin
cent's hospital, January 3, age 72;
no cause.
MAX M. HMrrH. flortm. 150 5th
opp. Meier ft Frank's. Main 7215.
GILES In this city, January 7, 1911.
James Jones Giles, age 73 years. Fu
neral services will be held Sunday. Jan
uary. 8. at 2:30 n. ni. from HoJman's
'chapc-L. Third find' Salmon streets. -In
lerment ,on nr cemetery, lie leaves
two daughters, Mrs. Frank Rosenberg of
Cottage Grove, and Mrs. Harry A. Bit-
ner of Portland.
$1550, Nice 4 Room Bungalow
All modern und nn-to-date. lot 40x100.
This is purely a good buy. $350 cash,
balance terms. 1 blocks to car.
34 acres, 1 mile to f.o carfare 4
mile to 10c fare; 3 acres to fruit and
benlOH, nmall house and nice chicken
yard, all fenced with woven win fence,
on nice crushed rock road. This Is a
nice little place. Price $4000; terms.
We also have houses for rent.
Wells & Dufur
303 .Chamber of Commerce.
Marshall S!.
THREK story brick block on east side;
lot ,50x100; Income about $2230. Prion
$25,000; encumbrance $R50rt at 6 pT cent;
owner will consider exchange- of equity
for unencumbered property. Ooddard
Wledrlck, 504 Concord Bldg., 242
Stark St.
New five room modern bungalow, east
front, lurgo porch, full width of house,
large hall, arch box hall and parlor, flre-plwc-e
In parlor, arch with pillars be
tween arJor and dining room, panel
wainscoting rind beam celling in dining
room, Dutch kitchen with cabinets, bios
and draws, two nice bedrooms, bath and
back hall; walls all tinted, piped and
wlitd for lights, full basement with
cement floor; 100 feet from Hawthorne
ave. Only $2900; easy terms. Call
i anor
Nearly new, modern. 7 room house, lot !
60x100. lino location, electric light, gas. I
furnace, stationary tubs, cemented base
ment; have bought faim and am moving
away, will sell at less than original
cost, viz: $450(); will give terms of $1500
cash; will take good team of horses and
about four good cows as part payment.
ihls is an opportunity for some ono to
gKt a splundld up-to-dalo home at very
low price. K-342. Journal. .-
For sale, a new 7 room house, Just
completed; golden oak finish, luxurious
celling in sitting room, fire plaoo, book
crsh. Call and see; up-to-date Dutch
kitchen, cement basement, wine cellar,
tubs, furtiace, gas and electric lights
and fixtures. J. A. Zeller 15 E. 9th.
P 1136. Open Saturday and Sunday af
ternoons. HOUSE AND LOT $750.
Will make terms to suit. Call at
iregory Heights office, end of Rosi
City Park car line.
Gregory Investment Co.
BIO corner on Sandy road, cor.
4f th; ll'"TftT?ni'itag6'rslreet
work paid on one side; $1600,
$150 down, $25 per month. E-204,
$200 Below Value
4 room modern bungalow, full lot, on
nice street, completely furnished, two
blocks from car; must sell, owner leav
ing city; $800 cash, balance easy; will
take lot as port payment. Price $1625.
E. K. White, Kern Park station, Mount
Scott car. Tabor 2547.
To the party that will Invest $2600 In 3
houses of 4 rooms each on 2 corner
lots in the city of Portland, state of
Orogon, all rented now; some terms;
nuf sed. Call 271 Vi Morrison st., room
62. Phone Marshall 3088.
Modern throughout. 5 rooms, hath
and psintry; cement basement; electric
fixtures; completely furnished, includ
ing, $2750, terms to suit. 1086 E.
Sherman St., nenr 37th.
New Year Home
1 room modern house just finished.
The best, car service. Price $3250,
terms to suit. Sea owner, 1108 Spalding
jbuu isear Lenirai faric, i.aoa s an- i
dition, 7 looms, fireplace, furnace, beam
sleeping porch; easy terms. Phone B-
HOUSES for sale, one 9-room house,
two 8-room, two 6-room, and others;
all very easy terms. See us or let us
see you. Purse & Co., 318 Chamber of
Commerce. Main 7309.
FO R SALICO n e 3 room house, lot 40x
100, $400 cash, balance easy terms;
located at 1123 E. Franklin st.. Waver
lelgh Heights. Inquire of owner, living
in the house,
Near 28th and Alberta, nice lot. 3 room
house, ceiled and papered. A good buy.
Fred W. German. 329 Burnslde. Main
TWO 4-room houses, lots in city, 12
acres, Vancouver, trade or sell; easy
terms. Room 6. Boggess, 221 Mor
rison. FOR
SALE 6 Yoom
house and furnl-
ture- 3832 52d
block to Mount
home evenings.
St., southeast, ha'.f
Scott car. Anabef;
FOR SALE By owner, new 6 room
house, modern Improvements, $3000,
terms; 1 block from Rose City car, 724
E. 66th St. N. C-2224.
6 ROOM HOUSE, lot 50x100, close in,
$4000; worth more. Inquire at Jones''
Book Store. 284 Oak st., for full In
formation. CHEAP for cash, terms, or will trade
neat, mouei n -rouni iiiage, kuuq lot
id shade trees. H. J,. Millatt. Tremont
station, Mt. Scott car. Taoor 2484.
FOR SALE By owner, modern house In
f aohlrtrinhlM loniion. F)Mt KMa- tArmn'
E-341. Journal
FOR SALE lOOklOO, 10 room house.
part cash. Apply to owner, J. H, Nolta,
H65 Halght st, ' '
NINE room house, 80x100 corner on 14th
st.; $5000 cash will handle. Inquire
301 LumbermeiiB Hdg. , , '
BARGAINS in housee Rossmere addl
637 E. 45th N- : ;
12S MONTHLY buya 5 room bunaalow.
bath, toilet, tank, ehlna closet. . Phcne
owner. East 2741. i
HOUSE and lot, value $2800. at Bt,
Johns, to exchange for rooming houae,
B-334. Journal. - ' - '
No. 55 Price $3100, $300 cash, balance
per month. 6 room modern
bungalow; cunt facing, cement
tiidewalks, new home; one blocks
from "W-R ear: lnt Smart
No. 30 Price $2900. $1000 chfIi, balance
easy terms, lot 60x100, 5 rooms,
now . cottage, bath and toilet,
fireplace, elactrio. lights, hard
wood floors, oak finl9ii; con
crete, foundation and basement.
Has paneled dining room nL
buffet klteh-r
No. 64 Price $2250, $ 100ft cash, balance
easy monthly terms, 6 rooms;
, , has cesspool and city water,
graded street, -cement basement, :
. bath and toilet; lot 50100;,!'
blocks from Woodlawn car.
F, E, Taylor & Co.
402-S-4-5 Lewis Bldg.
Photies--Margliall X92. A-4414.
7 ROOMS. MOBfelRN, COR. LOT. $2200'
Lot 50x115; house modern, has built
In bookcase, writing desk, etc., $500
cash, vacant property to $800, balance
of $900 3 years. See photo at office. '
Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. 277. -
Forlnvfsu.ients or hemes, BEK i-
Specialist in Real Estate -For
the man of moderate means. 1 " '
Real Estate Rentals, Insurance, -i .
Vacant Lots
See me about "Villamead" lots $700
lot for $70 down and $10 per month. '
All improvements paid. $1000,-' 37V4X .
100 nur Rose City car, west of Laurel
hurst. AU improvements paid.
, $1450. 50x82, cornor near my office,
sidewalks and sewer paid. Term or
10 per cent off for earth.
Kant 28th and Davis streets.
Gregory Heights1
In the best residence section of Port
land; short cht ride, good car servkwv
'lake Rose City Park car to end of
. Gregory Investment Co,
20 mimiU.s' ride on the Oregon Eloc.
trio line; right at the station; water
piped to each lot. Terms for a short
time, $10 down, and $5 per month. If
you are looking for a home or invest
ment the greatest opportunity tit Port "
land today iH along the Oregon Electrio
lino. Buy now while the prices are low
and the terms easy. M. E. Lee, 411 Cor
I ett bldg. -
ITOT 50x100, 1 block from car. in splen-'
did neighborhood, fvtn 3 reet ubfltre :
sidewalk line. For just 2 weeks the
firice Is $fo rush. Don't answer un-'
ess you have the money and want a
food investment. Herbert W. Little,
13 Board of Trade bldg. phones A
or Main L'657. !
Near E. 39th and Brooklyn sts., a few
lots left at $5 down and $3 monthly!
they will make you aome money. Buy
a couple now. Don't delay. Never
again at this price. 418 Railway Ex
WORTH. Lot 40x110, running through -from
Killingsworth to Brown, frontage, both
sts.; choice of five carllnes. Fred W.
German, 329 Burnslde. Main 2778.
$600 buys a choice V acre, close in on
j Orogon Electric; will make a fine
i home site with plenty of room for gr- -I
den, chickens, berries and fruit; $25 .
down and $10 a month. M. E. Lee.
411 Corbett bldg. -
Pine Croft Addition
Lots 40 and D0xl3a ft., $5 down, $3
per month. Inquire Mt. Scott Coffee
Co., 9534 Foster Road, or E. K. White,
Kein Park Station. Tabor 2S47.
FOR SALE Cawh bids for lots 33. 34,
35 and 36 of block 13, Alblna, will be
reoelvod by Malarkoy, Seabrook &
Stott. attorneys, 311 Commonwealth bid.
car, on easy terms. C. De Young, 433
Chamber of Commerce. -60x100
toot lot in Fairport addition,
near Kenton, 1 blocks from car
llne, cheap. Call owner, Woodlawn 418.
FOR SALE 100x100. near Piedmont
car barn and Jefferson High school.
Call 104 E. Sumner st.; take L car.
$1250 Piedmont corner lot, east front,
sidewalks, curbing, parked; owner. W,
G. Register. 202 Gerlinger bldg. ,
FOR SALE cheap, by owner, 100x100 In
EcUaXroat .oiv. Alameda. . Addrasa. X-
A. V., 603 E. Grant st.
FOR SALE cheap by owner, 80x100, on
Killingsworth ave., near carbarns, jart
. V 1.17 rnurnal
$650 50x105; walks pad
terms: build-
lng restriction.
Zella Gossett, '7 W
WILL sell at bargain on account of.
sickness for half cash, balance on
mortgage, 40 acres in Lincoln countj
partly clear, balance timber, near a log
King road.
One 5 room house, newly built, water
tar.k, l'i lot in Gladstone.
4 "A acres on Johnson creek, on Esta
cad.i carline, this side of Linneman eta
Hon. M-S41. Journal.
A one acre tract near Mt Scott car
line, all cleared, level and water piped
to .same. This tract is positively under
priced and can be purchased for $20 .
down Hmi $10 per month. You win want
this home site before spring; better buy
404 K. Alder st. . 70 4th St.
A 5 Acre Snap
near Mt. Tabor, all In high state of
cultivation, new 6 room house cost
$2000, bam and chicken houses, fruit
and berries, on hard surface street. A
j flna 10m c b? subdivided. Own- -
er guiug r.nai. roiu fogvu, aouvu vmsii,.
I oaiance long leim, v yer ccm interest.
HHDurn rsroH,, dim aicrvay Diag.
One acre tract, level, cleared, with
water, close to Mt. Scott carline, 5o
fare. Nothing In ita locality aa cheap.
A cnance to get in on a oargain easy.
Only $20 down and $10 per month. It
won't last long.
404 E. Alder st. 70 Ith st'
FOR SALE 1 acre of land and house
with 8 rooms and pantry and bath
room and closets, basement full size of
house, also good well and fruit trees,
no gravel on land, one block to carline
in Halowood addition to Lenta. Price
$2600. Nlles Helms, Lents, Or.
12 ACRES, 5 room new house,
ise, 4 mile
i . $.2700;- 13
to car Hiid town. Prlca.
miles to Portland, 30c car fare! mort
gage of $1300 can run 3 years, or . 6
per cent off for all cash. See owner,,
12 Pfot, 37th , st, ; -" ni . r
HAVE sold residence. Have five acre
left to sell, in beartax fruit Will
sell in acie tract or to suit buyer; two
blocks from Jennings Lodge station;
take Oregon -City car. Inquire at atore
for Cr D. Slooum, owner. " ; '
FOR SALE by owhr, 71H acrea 3V
nlles from railroad. In Yamhill coun
ty, good improvements, With stock and
i ;
' fa ,AiN
i lo acre iiom. close to eleotr
tina close to Portland, deeo black soil.
plenty of water, al) lval land; $133 tq
$200 ptr acre. 40ft f'QHCh hldg.
IF YOU Want 10 acrH "ofggod orchaiil
' on easy terms see Purse, U Cham
ber of Commerce. ' ?
WILL accept Portland r. sldenc as rrt
' ' or mil payment on.nmiiiy unpinv j
acreage near Portland, .i acr . C I
' .
lACIUKiift fcO cr-s
near t.plai, n .i 1
about SO acres Improved, and !,y .
aaaum , dif ferwncai" It. it. lto.,l, l-n
Hirnhurm e i is bhU, ; -
GOO?)' Portland property to
for property la Wichita,
Journal. -