The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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. 1
' i- ... . .Honeymoon Trstt-'V
akhl,'im """ I . Vaudeville
rpheunj 1 Vaudeville
antages - ',"."" tv'rnn. Rfwim"
,.. .Moving Pictures
he Lyric...
Judge tindsey Lectures ;iltrc Next-Week
nnh Will liltO 1 BO Blinuoi lUtruua
. ., 1 ..Ill
yie portiana omnirj i
held in the parlors of the club at
' m. Saturday evening, January
when the report 61 the offlcers'wIU
read. Five memoer win kv it
ected to serve en m "r " UT,
Z. wHl begin at 7 o'clock and th
Xwlll cloae at p. m. Beveral pro
i'd amendments to the constitution
L .u- i.lnn Will" B.IBU U t v Vvi vt v.iw
6-,h. most Important Of these amend
I 1 , v.t -,hir.h nrnvldea for nom-
Ition of twice as many candidates
r tue board of governor, instead of
,e number that retire.
Gran? Xlecti Officer. At Its regu-
lt monthly all-aay sen-iuii, unu-iwm-,.r
U Pleasant Valley grange: elected
... rnilnwlna- omcers mr mo ensuing
Master, H. W. Bnasnau,. uvsim
,.er, Ida Hamilton; lecturer. Jennie
krononberg; steward, tieroen... nyant
.sslstant atewara, rrii
,ln"F.achael Kyan; ireaaurei, um n.
klchey; aecreUry, Mary, Frost; gate
eeper, George Buuer; ...
bolcomb; Pomona, xeona- ft.essrson.
hora, Mary Barter; iaoy bw-
rd, Mrs. C. R. Bimwr. v ;
jfmmM to Walt L. E. Anderson,
sder of the Maxamas, wishes to make
corrected announcement of the walk
be made by the club today. Mem-
Lrs of the club, who will talte part,
l Avmvcted to meet at the Southern
f-aclflc station, foot of Jefferson street.
t noon. They will lane me train
n nawearo. The walK wui do irom
hswego to Oregon City, a dlsUnee of
teven miles. Dinner wiu oe naa ai jne
lAPtrtn hotel. The return to Portland
till be by way of the Oregon Electric.
will air Recital. Piano students of
Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall will give a
ecltul In Bilera' hall Tuesday evening,
ni.rv a. assisted by the ladles' quar-
ette from the Monday Musical club.
tudents who will take part are Mrs.
dna McDonald. Miss Luciie Berry.
Miss Nellie Hart. Miss Grace Wild Bny
er. and members of the quartette that
ill sins- are Mrs. Nettle Greer Tay-
or. Mra J. 8. Manchester, Mra George
B. Cellars and Mrs. Baltls Allen.
In Letter to Bishop Scadding
'Say Problem J s Human,.,
' " Not of Wealth. .
Judge Ben Llndsey, who will lecture In Portland soon.
r. O. W. to Bntertala Sunnyslde
Camp Na 81, W. O. W., will give their
members and menaa a musical treat
In conjunction with the semi-annual in
stallation of their officers oft the en-
Ing of Thursday, January 6. Among
those who win participate win o uaa
ame d'Auria, Mrs. Susie Montague, uss
Franrld Jones, Miss Jennie Auterson,
Mr. Boniface, Fred w. Jones and C H
bads lOBOO; How tues Butt
for an accounting between W. H.
Hurlburt and James It. and Fred B.
Morrti was started yesterday In the
rlrcult court by Hurlburt He alleges
(bal on December- 7, 1905, he lent 125,000
to Morris Brothers, who then controlled
t!e Oregon Water Power St - Railway
company. When payment was due, he
alleges, they failed to settle the ac
One of the big 'post-holiday attrac
tions will be the popular lecture, to be
given by Judge Ben, Llndsey Monday,
January 0, .at the Armory. This will
be the third of the series of lectures
and entertainments being given under
the auspices of the Association of Col
lege Alumnae and the University of Ore
gon alumnae.
Judge Llndsey needs no introduction
to Portland, fbr, although this city has
not heretofore had the opportunity to
hear him lecture, his writings have been
SO widely published and read and. his
work among the boys has been so far
reaching In its effects that Denver can
no longer claim him as distinctly Its
own. He has become through his work
with the Juvenile courts a national fig
ure and everywhere be Is spoken of as
the "friend of the boys." The subject
of his lecture Monday evening, is a
typical one and his talk wlU embrace
much of his most Valuable experiences
In the reclaiming and saving of the
country's youth. "The Misfortunes of
Mickey" is the subject.
Much interest has been shown In this
lecture, and when it was found neces
stry to change the date of the lec
ture from December to January, it was
also found expedient to change the place
to the Armory because of the large
demand for tickets. Holders of the
season tickets for the collegiate course
will be entitled to seats In the reserved
section and single tickets for this at
traction are sold for 1, entitling the
holder to reserved seats. A general ad.
mission price of 75 cents will be
charged at the door.
An extra fore of ushers from among
uie women graduates has been selected
for that evening and will be sufficient
to handle the crowd. They will be dea.
Ignated by the collegiate cap and gown.
ino lecture will begin at 8:30, and will
doubtless be -one of the most popular
piierings or me course
the residence, 758 Borthwlck street, to
morrow evening at t p. ra.
Public library Kotes-The Central
library will be open on Sunday, New
Teara day, and Monday, January 2,
from 2 until 6 p. m., for reading only.
Th Alblna branch library will be closed
on Sunday, but will be open on Monday
from t until 6 p. m., for reading only.
The East Side and 8llwood branch
libraries an4 the reading rooms will
bo closed entirely.
Mfrene A simple remedy for rheu
matism, kidney and bladder trouble, this
simple mixture taken in time and ac
conrinff to directions Is said to be the
best obtainable for symptoms of kidney
and bladder trouble, such as pain In the
back, soreness of the Joints and rheu
matic pains, etc. You can obtain Sal
rM at all drug stores.
algrwe A simple remedy for rheu
matism, kidney and bladder trouble, this
ample mixture taken in time and ac
wfdlng to directions is said to be the
,0Mt obtainable for symptoms of kid
ney and bladder trouble, such as pain
the back, soreness of the Joints and
ttteumatlc pains, etc. You can obtain
Mlgrene at all drug stores.
Professor Klngltr extends New Year's
Jir to his friends and pupils, and
terms r P . ' "O"0 dancing
uauirH nn irAtiriainB n n w
DvMi,tnuiDn DVCi 111"
tra ion daily. Western Academy. Ml
Morrison at Seeonri .' l7
Ubl .vhTi- TT ' win serve I
iav u dlnnw Sunday and Moq
ay. Music and r,t..n. . T.
4, w .aiuci m,
"W. Phone
am 8279
tl nor
for reservations
in "... . .
tween be.
- ..uuu na Aiaer.
AnllZT?.- "Friend.
t him ZZa? bn
- pi u ramuy at
We sU hair mattresses retail at
wholesale prices for SO pound beds from
17.50 and up. We renovate mattresses
and return them the cam day. Port
land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger.
proprietor, 226-221 Front street Main
474. A-1174.
98 Xeward for return of English set
ter, bitch, color white and' blue; lost
near. Burlington on Wednesday. F. S.
Aber, ll Lewis building. Phone Mar
shall. 474, A-121S. '
Monday Vlght Dance The New Year's
dance of Iola club, new Swiss hall,
Third., street between Jefferson and Cor
lumbla, Monday night, January 2.
Portland Office San Francisco Exam
iner, Chronicle and-Call. 3W& Wash
ington street Subscriptions and adver
tising received at this office- -
Meaner 9eai Marklne, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m.
Christmas Ffcfto graphs Mak'e tlte
best presents. Hsve a sitting now by
B. W. Moore, Elks' bldg, 7th and dtark
Wew Tear dinner at Klchardi Sunday
and Monday, tl per cover. 2 to 8. Res
ervations now. A-2525, Main 2530.
Old Jewelry Wanted- We buy old
gold SAd silver. Uncle Myer"s Collateral
Bank. 71 Sixth stnearOsk,
T. . '" Wfc, 'tHe Pioneer, Paln
company, 485 First street. Phones M
1884,- A-1184. - y
BIT Frlsa Walts and social tonight
Hayden Pavilion. Laies ireo.
couver car.
mr Vow Tear's oaaoe Monday night
Rlngler's Academy, Morrison at 2d st
Boy el Arcanum New
next Thursday evening,
Year's party
jT, A, Wist and associates, parnlesa
dentists. Third and Washington.
nMni Court O. O. F will meet
In future In hall en eighth floor Mar
quam building, Morrison street between
You WOTind Us In The
Yeon Blag. After Feb. 15th
rcinoval to this 8plendiC1iilding. We will occupy a large store -.
on fifth street, next to the entrance. The interior is being fitted
"P specially to better display the beautiful jewelry we make and
sew .For some-time Wve needed not only 'display space, but
.rkl."K rooms, wherein our craftsmen could ring from, fold
an? silver distinctive workmanship that has always characterized
r BpecialwelrrMrvice.;f : '
y V: with graVitude t flood-tide that we thank the "patron-;
. aeC that hai mnrla nA Sm l-atws l vnliina nt nllf hl1ine.;
V J that .bar created the need for pur new palatiaf quarters. -
et we know, customers most be constantly pleased to -enable
L;usinf?s' continue--andito grow, not only.pleascd with the ;
"lernal beauty of jewelry a4 silverware, but the wear mi price
welLVell, we?re in the pleasing business to stay, and our
luart?" will offer greater facilities toi do so. Whenever
v iou have to select something extra fine in' our line, just say
Ukcmftcrb 286 Morrison Street
esixtn ana Seventh streets, beginning
Wednesday, January 4, lsii; and on
each first and third Wednesday of the
monin tnerearter. Elevator to 12 m.
Apartment House Wanted Mnri Am
Phone East 1488.
vy K. moUnson, eye specialist
v oweuana ouiiding.
Woostsfs Bmoke Store, 408 Wash.
Certified Milk
oabis HEALTH depends on the
kind of milk it is given. Take no
chances, but order
Certified milk from Clover Hill Farta.
Government Inspected.
Bottled and sealed on the farm.
Recommended by leading physicians.
Telephone your orders for daily de
livery to
Private Exchange 40, A-800L
The envelope was
Frenchman In ItSS.
Invented by a
At the close of the Advent Mission
held in Portland, the following tetter
was sent Jo Bishop Scadding by ttie
Mission Priests of the Holy Cross; ( f
"My dear bishop: Before we bid fare
well to, Oregon we want to. tell you how
grateful we are to havehad the privil
ege of coming hither, even for a time.
Six weeks ago Oregon was hardly more
than a name to us. Now It is a vivid
reality., And what a vast reality it 1st
Tnts great city of the northwest These
fertile river valleys. These primeval
forests along the hillsides. These snow
capped mountains. These inland waters,
open to : the commerce of the world.
These, railroads and steamboat lines,
knitting the land together.. Above all,
this clear eyed, Btraight limbed race
that has come to, take possession of
this splendid beritage. These are mem
ories that will not fade. And yet, as
we turn our faoes eastward, our
thoughts are rather of the future than
of the past or the present What lies
before Oregon In the years to come?
How will Us .people fulfil their des
tiny? The country is still in the mak
ing. What will be the outcome of all
the mighty forces that are at work In
this new field?
problem Human One.
"One -thing is certain. aThe problem
Is distinctly the human problem. Ore
gon exists not to erect beautiful build
ings, or to, develop native, industries, or
to raise wonderful fruits, or to promote
gigantic business undertakings. All
these efforts have their place, but tbey
are not ends but means. They are to
contribute to an unspeakably grander
achievement to the "making of man."
The material wealth of Oregon may in
crease ten fold, and yet Oregon may at
the same time grow poverty stricken
and bankrupt It must do so unless the
men and women of this great region
have kept pace with the growth of
their possessions, unless they are able
tar use their inheritance and acquisi
tions for the real purpose of human
life. Man's spirit may be buried under
pnes of gold as his body under clods
of earth.
"We have faith to believe that our
fellow countrymen, with whom we have
sojourned these past weeks, , will,, prove
equal to the tremendous opportunity be
fore them. But if they are to meet it
they must have faced the . question,
"What is human life for?" and have
found the true answer for it. They
must have learned to read not merely
transitory but eternal values Into their
manufactures, their business enter
prises, their politics and their trade.
They must, have made themselves the
instruments of the eternal will in the
manifestation of righteousness, holi
ness, love. .
Question Zs Asked.
"Can they do this apart from Jesus
Christ aiart from him who Is still
the leader of the forces of humanity,
the true foundation and goal of human
life? And, if they are to acknowledge
Jesus Christ as the beginning and the
end of human society, must it not tie
by taking their place In union with him
In his church which is his body, the
bringing of all the forces and energies
thnt man wields to De onerea up 10
him tn the -lorv of Qod. the father?
"Man as yet is being made, and till he
reach the age of ages.
Must not aeon up aeon mould him Into
Till, the work completed, all shall sing
in choric . . . .
Hallelujah to the maker, It Is finished,
man Is made."
"May it be given you to gather many
souls into conscious union with the
y ' ''"!? .:-f
f ; ' : y v - y a
! :( 'VV Si
r v .
I lit' V"x '.4 (, s'O ? 1
. H.
Faculty of Eugene; School
Take Steps to Protect &tu-
' dents Against Typhoid. '
p. w,
Prof. P. W. H, Frederick is the new
head of the Lutheran divinity school In
Portland. He has Just come here from
San Bernardino and was formerly a pro
fessor in the Chicago divinity college of
the Lutheran church for graduation
from Which the Portland school aims
to fit itjs students. The school here was
organized last October and Is Intended
mainly for college graduates although
other students are also taken. Most of
the lectures are given at St James Eng.
lish Lutheran church, the pastor of that
church. Rev. J. A, Leas, being one of the
faculty of the school.
. "fecial Dttoatch tn The Joarnal
Eugene, Or.. Dec 31. The rumor 4n
circulation here and thought to have
spread over the state that the University
of Oregon will close Its doors for the
balance of the present ' semester or un
til Eugene's water filters are completed,
is unfounded.
The faculty of the Institution this at
ternoon Issued a statement that classes
would be resumed Tuesday and It Is
expected that most of the students will
be back. The faculty has taken steps
to project the health of every . student
la tougene by furnishing boiled water in
large quantities to all sorority and fra
ternity houses, as well as to private
boarding bouses where students stay,
In addition, an inspector will, visit dally
son of man, and with them to "build
Jerusalem" In this "green and pleasant
"Tours, obediently In Christ
Where to Dine.
Turkey and chicken dinner at Peer
less Cafeteria, 104 Fifth street
. A special 60c chicken dinner today at
Pekin restaurant 828 8tark. cor. sth.
Have you had
your diamonds
examined late
ly? Are yon
sore they do!
not need look
ing after? To
know many a
fine diamond
has been lost
for the reason
they were not
property set
Ton may wast a nw setting, elth-
er for a brooch, ring, stud, stickpin.
line of all the very-latest mountings.
or pendant We carry a complete
Special orders made up on short no
tice. We hare expert diamond setters,
and you can have your diamond reset
on snort notice. '
Warm about that diamond yon In
tend buying? Have you decided just
what kind of a stone It will be and
the price you Intend to pay?
Have you ever sees our stock of
diamonds and compared our prices
with others? We feel 8ureWe can
not only please you. . but save you
quite a sum from the small one nt
$10 to the larger ones at $1(00. Any
price you wish to pay,
each house and sea. that alt conditions
are sanitary, '
Arrangements will be made so that
any student who does not desire to re
turn until the filters are completed may
take examinations after that time and
be allowed to continue the course. No
new cases " of typhoid have developed
in Eugene for ever a week and many or ,
the 43 cases reported have recovered,,'
Everything possible to rush to comple
tion the filter plant is being done by
the city officials. -
The Astoria Iron works Is tnaJrtn
extensive Improvements at its plant
reports the Budget v , :;. , -
New Term Opens Moi
day, January 2 -
Building (Toner Sixth and Taylor tta.
Class -x Term.
Accounting' (see Director) . .
Advertising 1X0.00
Algebra 5.00
Assaying 10.00
Apple Culture No Fee...; Ball
Architectural Drafting T.0O-
Arithmetle 100
Automobile 3000
Bible Study ,
Bookkeeping. 0.00
Boys; School . .." 6-00
Bricklaying 10-00
Business Cor., Eng. Comp USO
Business Law- LSO
Carpentry and Woodturnlng. ...... UjOO
Chemistry 1040
Civil Service (Sea Director)
Cooking, Hotel and Restaurant... l&OO
Electricity and Electrical Mach.. 10X0
English, for Foreign Men., ...... 3.00
English, Grammar arid Reading. . . 0.00
English Literature 8.00
Freehand Drawing 0.00
French , BUM
Forestry and Lamberrng 10.00
Geometry 0.00
Oennan BvOO
History 040
Latin . . . - 5.00
Mechanical Drafting IMt
Penmanship OjOO
Pharmacy 10.00
Physics 7.00
Piano Tuning and Repairing 80.00
Plan Reading and Estimating. ... . . 0.0O
Plumbing Shop Practice 18.00
Publlo Speaking r.... 0.00
Real Estate Law 10,00
Reinforced Concrete Construction 1040
Rhetoric SUM
Salesmanship 1040
Sheet Metal Drafting . 0.00
.... 0.00
.... 18.00
Trigonometry and Col'ge Algebra 0.00
Typewriting .uv
Vocal Music t. 040
Surveying and Mapping . .
Telegraphy and
It Does Away Entirely With Plates and Bridgework
Proof Positive
T" A advance agents of
prosperity and with the
-A hope that the year will re
turn to you in full meas
ure health, wealth and
New Year
1 " -jawn'
Ik 1.1 M I
iI -
I : : : ;: vrxn : tn iTnn : 1 fejfe? Ifniat tetter Head of Yours H
, : r-iOJI nfSn 70urmost widelyknown rep. fi Jv
. 374 WUUAMS AVENUE. NEAR BROADWAY Vf fr bJof --?!f ' ! .
ill irxTtrkjf iiiKfriDV rntiDAWV - ji rs ,?aw-irHC , t !- f ! I
' II wiwi wi t vwhu rvi i v j 1 1 Wfyyy v- j nys w- i . ruth and Oalt ats. . . , V--aaj. II
f II III uUl tDecOnu iwbo,vu rL I w. fP-.TV 1E?1I 111.
TTiese letters are so flattering and so
self-explanatory that we are going te
again depart from our custom and with
permission publish them, omitting the
author's 'name. Originals are on file
aftd-i will be shown to those who will
call and are Interested in this method:
Marion,- Wash.. Dec. H, 1910.
"I cannot close this letter without
telling you how much comfort my new
teeth are to me. I am glad to open
my mouth and show how nice they are
to any poor fellow that needs lust
such a set. Not long since I showed
them to a dentist who declared them
fine, saying that you had done a good
P. 8. We supplied this gentleman
with a complete set of upper Alveolar
Teeth over a year ago, and five months
a co we supolled him with a oomnlete
lower. He had only a few teeth left
on either Jaw when ho came to us.
National Bank, Portland, Or., Dec. 10.
The Rex Dental COv, Gentlemen As
per your suggestion I called on four of
the references you gave me and saw
the work you did for each. They were
well pleased. I wanted to be sure that
the work was practical so I asked my
family dentist to examine the Alveolar
work you did for one of these four
people who happened to be 0 personal
friend and he (my dentist) promptly
pronounced It as perfectly practical and
work of art and beauty. He frankly
acknowledged that he was not pre
pared to do this kind of work nor had
he ever had any experience- in Alveolar
work and advised me to let you do
my work. I also wrote several others
.of your patients. All were pleased
with what yop had done for them. I
had no doubt of your honesty and sin
cerity, but-1 I consider my teeth Im
portant and wanted to feel certain that
the work would be what you claim for
it If you can give me an appoint
ment Saturday afternoon I will be
on hand for you in start on my case.
HTery truly youra."
SaJem, Or Dec 1. 1919.
"Gentlemen I do' not require refer
ences, I know all about your Alveolar
work. Dr. Gordon Martin of Texas,
the inventor of the system, is a friend
of mine and I intended having him do
mv work but I could not wait. I am
cotng to be in Oregon all winter, so
have concluded to have yon do the work.
While out here I happened to meet
Mr. Barbour of Eurene. Or:, on the
train. " He showed me the complete set
you put in for him. He says It Is
fine and dandy, and it" surely looked
. dandy to me. I have only four teeth
iert on upper jaw ana six rront teetn
only on lower. Please advise me what
day you can start my work and I will
try .and be there."
i Apropas, this gentleman's work was
completed on December 11. We asked ps publish this letter, omitt
ing nio naina: oniy nere jw tws' repiyt-1- -'"Sure
"a ahead and publish It. using
my name If you want to. I am not
ashamed of the work, though I am
none too proud of my name. It's too
odd 8mlth."
A Point That Should Appeal
To the publlo Is the fact that all
work done In Our offices Is done by
experts and at a price commensurate
with work of the very highest Quality.
we can therefore afford to guarantee
our work for life and make good the
guarantee in tho event It proves defec
tive (which Isn't likely). We are not
infallible, yet we make very few er
rors. The dentist who does cheap work
cannot do It twice for our price, and
it's a cinch that most cheao work will
have to be done twice. Thrice and then
Alveolar Teeth Where Brldgwwork Zs
If only your front teeth are left, say
S or 4 or more. w can rmiliM all
those that have been lost on both sides
ciear Daca with perfect Alveolar teeth.
whilst bridgework would be- impossible
even If you had 8 or 10 front teeth to
tie to. If you have only two back
teeth on each side, say molars, we can
supply all the front teeth that are
missing with beautiful, serviceable.
lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not
possibly be done by the bridge route.
Suppose you have lost vour last (back)
teeth, two or more upper or lower on
either side. We can replace them with
Alveolar teeth. The bridge specialist
would have to advise a partial Dlate
which would encumber the mouth as
well as to help to destroy your other
loetn.. wnere you nave lost a few
teeth there are dentists who would ex
iracx an tne rest to make room for
plate. , (Where people have no teeth
we maae piates, too. And when we
do they look like they grew there.
They are scientifically and artistically
built for service and comfort as well
as beauty.) Even where bridgework
is possible, there is no comDarison b.
kween the two. A verv larre nrcent.
age of our work is takin out bridge
work put In by supposedly .high class
dentists and replacing it ""with the
oeauurui and artistic Alveolar Teeth.
And unlike bridgework In another ra.
sped, it Is practically painless. No
boring or cutting into the gums, noth
ing to be dreaded. , Now, then, prices
being equal, which would you choose?
vorug jryorrnsn (ioos teeth), a dis
ease given up by other dentists as In
curable. Is another of our specialties.
We cure It abrvlutely. It's a boastful
stfttenlent to make, but we can do any
thing that Is possible In dentistry, and
what we do is always of the very high
est class. Our booklets. Alveolar Den
tistry, are free. Write for ono If you
cannot call. We have samples of our
work to show at all times.
111 to 314 Ablngton bldg., lOfltt 3d et
Terms to Reliable People.
hollar Schools Seattle, Taooma,
. You must try Mendota Coal
' to know from experience
that what has been claimed
for it is true in your cse
as well as in others. There
is a lot of real satisfaction
in burning a coal like Men
dota. Phones: A 3887, Marshall 2635
Order From ,
Your Dealer Today
The Old Reliable
Union Painless Dentists
OTTT OS1 iUWjit rSOPXiB Should ra
member that our fores is so organised
that as can do their entire crown,
bridge and plat work la a day If seo
Full Set of Teeth SS-00
Bridge Work or Teeth Without ,
Plates S3 50 to fS.OO
Gold Crowgs 3 5Q to &.( "
Porcelain Crowns ....$3.50 to SS.OO
Gold or Porcelain Fillings. . . .gl.OQ Vv
Silver Fillings... ...... 504 to SiOO
IS Tean Guarantee,
Hour I a m. to a . p. m.t Sundays,
to 11
Union Dental Co.
rxuT An xorasox ara.
Portland Marble Works
XsteMUfted M . ,
We carry the largest and best
stock on the coast. Call
and get our prices before
purchasing elsewhere
' " and 8M Four Street
f i Opposite City Hall
Fhomea Mats SM4. julllt
High Grade Commercial
and Electric Siejw.
Bast Tta and Zaet Bvr sta.
rasas sen imj n-ii, r