THE . OHECO-J CUIIDAY JOUFJIAL. PORTLAND, SUIIDAY HORNING, JANUARY 1, 1011. FOR SALE AtTCMOr.ILO 4i 'I ARTHUR' H. IIERtZ. Manager. . We are exclusive dealers In used au tomobiles. If you want a ; anap for the coming season, grab thla' -before noma one else does. , j 1911 model "Mollne." 85 h: p. touring car; purchased new Oct. 10 last at a coat of 12000.' Haa ,SMnch.wheela: Warner speedometer; too and glass front, of-eourse. Pric 11475. : GRAB ' IT! GRAB IT! vtGRAB rjrt ,K'A2S4.' Phones Main tit. Sixth and Madison sU., tPprtland, Or. ONE Pierce Arrow, and one Packard run 4. about.' damaged. ;-'-y -': -a ' " ' " ' The Plorce Arrow can bo seen at the "'Covejr Motor Car company, 7thand Couch ats afteA o'clock a. cv. Tues day. January , 19U,k and the Packard runabout at the Southern Pacific com pany's freight sheds. Park and Hoyt sts. Sealed bids for these will be received : by.Mr. ' James Copland, freight claim 8 -tat, Southern Pacific company, room 791 wells Fargo iag.,-city, Laher Bros, v v ; i??- Auto Spring Works -Ws make a specialty of making springs. We also repair and retemper -, springs that are not standing up. We use the highest grade of steel and our Springs are fully guaranteed. Mall or ders receive prompt attention. 88 , N. 15th. near Burnsida. Marshall 1482.- WB have several good bargains In used . automobiles left with us to sell by bUi-chasers of 1811 Packard. Frank C. Rlgga. 86 North 23d st. 1910 RBO, 6 passenger, 80 h. P-, almost new and good as new, only I10OO. See car at 88 10th St. . Don't Throw IToor old casings and Inner .obes sway. It may save you buying a. new tire by ittlng us do your vulcanising and re treading. CHAS. S. ELTON. 188 Stark st Phone A-8648. 1910 WHITE Gas car, four passenger. fully equipped. A snap, call e ivia OR SALE- OR ' EXCH A NOErOne 7 nunr White Steamer. 8 Osiers. 1 Cameron. 2 Reos, 4 Cadillacs; 1 Thomas, 2 Buicks, 2 Franklins, 8 motorcycles, all in first class conamon. mniann ft Commission House, 50-52 N. 7th st. i HAVE a mortgage of 84500;. 81600 runs 1 year, 13000 runs 8 years, 6per cent Interest II will discount It 1400; also guarantee payment of same. H-340, Journal. ONE Chalmers "30", fully equipped, in fine condition; a bargain. Frank C. Kiggs, 85 North ZSd st LIGHT delivery, White Gas car, with express body, detachable. 1910 model. can K 19th st $600 BUYS (cash) a 8 passenger Max , well roadster, fully equipped, glass .front speedometer, extra tires and in nertubes; in A-l condition, guaranteed by the Maxwell agency. 1189 Mary land ave. Tel. C-1278. , LOST AND FOUND 21 LOBT, between Grand ave. and Sunny -side, English Pit bull terrier dog; coUar and license tag No. 3082; color : mostly white, black nose and Hps; brlndle on left ear and hump at tail. : Black spot like open wing of bird on back. Answers to name of Johnny, j Reward. Hard Bros., Buntiyfclde. "KA PLACE to have your clothes steamed. j dry cleaned, 24 hours' notice. College - suit cleaners, opposite 18th On Washing-. ton. Main 8424. . ' WILL the party who exchanged satchel by mistake on North Portland carj Saturday moraine bet 6th and 10th star I on Gllsan please address H-337, Journal? LOST Cocker Spamel pup in vicinity " of East 36th and Clinton streets. Had tag No. 2606. Return to A. Altmanns, 638 East 86th. st Reward. LADY'S gold watch and fob between Angela apartments and Wash. st. or on Port. Heights car; Initials M. K. J.. return to Hill hotel; reward. LOST Blue Belton Enellsh setter bitch. round collar with "F. I Ober." Re ward if returned to F. L. Ober, 318 Lew is bid. Marshall 474. A-1213. FINDER of purse for H. Armprlest please return to Meier & Frank office! receive reward. v L08T Near union depot 2 tally books. Return to Standard Box Lumber Co. Reward. LOST Friday morning, ladies' gold watch, hunting case, Elgin movement Miss Irtea Coney, Bo 86, Arleta, Or. LOST One Weed auto chain. Phone East 5436; -reward. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 STRICTLY A-l organ, high top, mirror, .full set of stops, $27.60; f4 down, S3 monthly. 850 Alder sti FINE Pease piano, guaranteed In every v. I19S: 115 down, $3.75 monthly, 850 Alder. FOR SALE or trade, fine upright piano. Inquire C. O. Pic, '.'ransfer & Stg Co., 6 b za sr. A BARGAIN Baritone saxophone, gold and silver plated, for sale cheap, $76. R. O. Barnard. 297 Eugene st, Portland. FINE upright piano for sale or rent to responsible person. , Terms. 223 Allsky bldg. Main 3753, A-7042. FOR SALE A piano, good as new, $160. 540 East 31st st. near Clinton. ' THE Cues. L. iorx bana Instrument A Muslo House. 384 3d st . PERSONAL 22 DR. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or mall. . l. J, nerce, am imy wag, MMbI. FLORENCE URY, late of New York. Manicuring, face and scalp .treatment. Suite 27 Selling Hlrsch bldg., 8H Wash. Phone Marshall 1992. YOUNG man, 25, with good position, would like 4o meet a girl not over 25 years old, object matrimony, B-346, " Journal. ' MARRIAGE paper, highest character, in corporated 15th year; &p00 members; - paper sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love, Box I860, Denver, Colo. SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ; ness In men. Money returned If it falla Price $1 mail or druggists. T. j. pierce. 819 Alisky bldg. WiuuW, 43, would like to meet ro fined middle-aged businessman,- home loving, congenial Object matrimony. F-830, Journal. . , IF you wish lo'marry, ybil Sliouiaoln s the N.-W. Corresppndlng club for both ' ladies and - gentlemen. Circulars - free. - Vx 64- Portland. ur. SUFFBRERS from piles.' A card from you will bring our remedy Pay when cured, Rubap Mfg4 Co., 306 Commercial t bldg. y f::? ' : ' ' WOULD like to make the acquaintance of lady matrimonially Inclined. . P. Alberts, general delivery, city.? OCCULT, New Thought, ScTentlflo and ' Holiday Books. . Send for free cata logue. Jones' Book Store, 284 Oak st WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected " ' In IB minutes; free demonstrations. I Reiiins-Mlrsch Bldg. weo fiastique A gey. WOMEN Use . f mosla when others fail; sold and j.uaranee4 by the Aus- piunq unig co.,iip,ti., stn sl aiain not CHILDREN to board and care for by nurse. B-1109, 893 Marguerite ave. TURlTEY'ff baths,- chireodyp" Battle Creek horses. DrVxel bldg. Main 1383. f figs, in. 132 remedy tor diseases of Davis st Main IU , womea. 22 DR ALICE a. wfUFF. Diseases of woman and children ex clusively. Women are often saved se vere, eurrleal operations by consulting me. Nervous diseases of children a-l specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions Confinements cared for. Cor respondecM solicited. No charts for consultation. Phcnes, Main 89S8, A-6607. Office room 10, Grand Th-stre bldg, Washington and Park." . FREE We will give a free treatment to demonstrate the power of Professor John Rickard'B electro-radiator. The sensation of the treatment Is a -life-giving force restoring natural circula tion and overcoming disease, such as rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, la grippe, stomach troubles and all nervous dis eases. Dr. J. H, Carter tn charge.; Take Woodstock car? get off at 87th st.,' go two blocks north 'to 1126 Francis ave. Modem electrlo treatment for ' dis eases of the postate, nervous debility, rectal; chronic, blood and skin diseases. W. L Howard, M. D.. 104-5 Rothchild bldg 4th and V ashlngton. - - wiuuvv, r 4it. refined,- wants to ccrre ' spond with honorable gentleman with means, preferably, one that owns ranch tnd could appreciate a good woman wljn child,, object matrimony, ,No! trlflers. ;:.v;- Uiarit, Tyaiatm. or. A MIDDLE aged ' gentleman of good habits and' good reputation would like to meet widow or maiden lady of suit able age. Give address or phone num ber. Object matrimony. sA-3 4. Jour nal. i A MIDDLE aged working, man desires the acquaintance of lady 85 years of age, or under; one interested, in having a homo of her own; working girl pre f erred; object matrimony. A, Jour nal. :' .-v. Are You Ruptured? - The perfect truss Is made and fitted bv a cpeciallst to men. women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charm. Wilson. U 6th st GET married Matrimonial paper con taining advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the United States, Canada, rich, poor, young, old. Frotestants, Catholics mailed sealed free. D. K. Gunnels Toledo, Ohio. i jr. l.jr.wis. Physician and surgeon; treats women and . children exclusively; private hos pital accommodations; examinations free. Main 4047; A-24U. 606 Common wealth bldir., 6th and Ankeny. LADIES Ask . your druggist for Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand, For 26 years known as best, safest. Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. BOXING Wanted, a few young men that would learn scientific 'sparring; was instructor, at Harvard college gym. for seven yearn. Call or address 254 Montgomery St., cor. Thjrd. Entrance On Third st J. E. Meiien. MIDDLE-AGED man would make ac- quaintance of woman of suitable age owning own home. Am sober. Good position. Some property. Object, ma trlmony. V-336, Journal. ' OH, LADIES, manicuring 16c, halr dreasing 15c and 25c. shampooing 25c, scalp treatments!. 2.5c, massage 26a Bring your cofiFblngs. Chicago Halr- aresBing txmege. n.g rirtn St. New York Expert Massage Beanty Parlors, latest electrical ap pliances for rheumatism, etc. Marshall 2843. 426 Alder. TO LOAN $750, $1000 or $M50 on im proved Portland property, my own money, but a small commission required for expense of opinion on abstract, eta W-335, Journal. TREATMENT for women and children. Herbs medicines for . all irregular ities of the Mood. Dr. Mary Kramer, 861 Mississippi ave. Wood I awn 1673. Examination free. BACHELOR, 36, good character, refer- ence and ability, but lonesome, wishes acquaintance of good. true. untneum- bered lady, matrimony. similarly situated; object C-338, Journal. GERMAN books, magazines, novels, eta, Germau, English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of ali kinds. Schmale Co, 229 1st st DR WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, nladder and piles. 181 First, Port- tana. BUSINESS woman wishes to meet re fined educated business or profes sional man who would appreciate com- panionsnip, ODjeci matrimony. K-335, journal. I HAVE a clean, dry olace in new build- ing, first floor, to store your pianos and other furniture on east side, rent reasonPDie. a-sz, journal. MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," for sale at 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th st LADY wishes acquaintance of rancher owning home; must be over 35, re- rinea and sincere, object matrimony. LADIES When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills- always dependable. "Relief and particulars free. Write Na tlonal Medical Institute. Mllwaokee, Wis. REFINED healer, powerfully maametln. gives - treatments at Wallowa apart ments, Suite 7. 193 West Park. Also spiritual adviser. CAN take a few more foreigners, who wish to quickly learn English, in my class at 307 Madison street, upstairs. Turmi vrv roflnnnnhlA Xjrnl,. oei o " " - . WVUMMll.llQ UCBVI l tlOnS marriageable people; many with means; mailed, sealed, free, C. A. Bell, 1316 Magnolia ava., Los Angeles, Cal. NOTICES SEALED bids will be received by the undersigned until 10 a. m., January 13, 1911, for stationery and supplies for the several county offices for the first six months of the year 1911. T.itt nt supplies and samples may be seen, at the office of the undersigned. The 'county reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids. J. 8. FIELDS, county CierK. THE annual meeting of the stockholders or tr.e smuggler uoia & Copper Min ing Co. will bo held at Vancouver, Wash., January 7, 1911, at 2 p. m. The nurrose of this meeting will be to eleet a board of trustees for the ensuing; year ana, 10 irannaci suca omer Dusiness as may come before the meeting. A gen eral attendance Is requested. Sol Hart, secretary, THIS regular annual meeting o? the Stockholders of the Umpqua Copper company, a corporation, will be held In the office of said company, Room 715, Oregonlan building, Portland, Oregon, at 2 p. m. on -Tuesday, the third day of January. 1911. Signed - D. C BURNS, NEWTON McCOY, President Secretary. rCTANCIAL 01 $5000 to $10,000 Controls and starts an exclusive now manufacturing process which will re turn 10 times the amonnt inside of 2 years; demand for product can never ha KtlnnllAfi TMI ?ih nam- ... rB-349. Journai CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate In Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negotl ated on Improved property It E. Noble, tAiini-rniri oing., mn ana Htarn. 50,OO0, 6 PER CENT PER CENTRONDST See us rn rimmm -i. ' !.... t ciarK, Campbell A SonntJrnann 316 Kail way MORTOAG Y loan. and 7 per cent. T Louis Salomon, etara st. LOANSW ANTED 30 WE can plane your money at good rate of Interest. Qilt edge security; first mortgages', long time. Investments, rvuviuwt inv. & TRUBTES CO.. 624-526 Board of Trad bMr. WANTED- Loan of $500 ro"r one yearijj? f -wilt tir-ir Twt 'n f yZ.::.TKT ' Will tar"13 nef eenf r'bnnlf iirit WANTED An automobile In exchange lur fuva real esiaio. -849, jonrnai, SO HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, Real Estate Department If you have any money to loan on real estate notify this firm and they will do the rest to your v entire satlstatclon. ., , ' WANTED to loan, $1000 first mortgage on house and lot in business-center, Killlngsworth ave. No agents. , J-343, Journal. '' ' '.- MON15X TO LOAN 27 MONEY to loan on diamonds "'and jewelry at low rates of interest. Palace, 328. Washr ington street. -' - - ' 1 . ' SALARY LOAN BANK. , j I Anyone Steadily employed can borrow " - $10, $20. $30, $50, $76 HOO r v- v. ..On your personal note.. ; iNo mortgage No Indorser. " ' f .. , gjejt pavments Lowest ratsc 1 ; , Bu sines strictly confidential.- , ' if. STATE SECURITY CO 80$ Falling Bldg., 8d and Waahlngton. Will Loan You Monev On your furniture, piano or real estate. Lowest rate of interest See m,e first Jr E. Nichols '." 620 Board of Trade Bnlldlng. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up . on all Kinas or securities, iurniture. LOAN3 YT AJNTED pianos or any personal property; wes-kpe convinced: 27 N.' 6th st. Ty or monthly payments; low rates; eon- LEE HONG, Chinese Medicine Co. Herbs fMontlal. Gray ft Cunningham, room 201 Rothchild bUg., 287 H Washington st. between 4th and 6th sts. MONET advanced salaried people, houso koenera and. others unoo their own names without security: cheapest rates. easiest payments; offices in 16 rrlncl- paK cmes; save-money dt gevtingour term a Tolman. 317. Lumber Exchange. Quick loans on furniture and pianos, storage receipts, life insur ance policies, livestock, real estate, etc. U. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage Co.. 812 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. THREE or fonr thousand dollars to loan for 9 or & years at 7 per -cent first mortgage security. Interest payable semi annually. Address C-332, Journal. TOUR CREDIT Is good at the Employer Loan Co, tn Abington. lesy. za st MORTGAGE loans, on city property; lowest rates. Mortgages and eon- tracts purchased. Cowllshaw, 516 Com- mercial biock. LOWEST RATES; loans on any securl ties, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 86 Lafayette bid., 6th ft Wash. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. 'building mans: lowest raies; lire in surance. W. Q. Beck, $12 Falling. tinAooo on mortgages, city or farm nronerty, fire insurance. McKensle ft Co.. Oerllnger Ding.. 3d and Alder. $500 at 8 per cent; $1500 and $2000. 7 per cent; want good, close-in realty. Edwards, zzi Morrison. RESIDENCE buildings financed and built. A C. Furlong, 636 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4664. MONEY- to loan on Improved real estate north or nonauay ave. wooaiawn 202. C-2008. MAJNEY to loan, any amount, R to 3 per cent ttooanQugn m ceus iu epauia Ing niog. OUFCK ioans on all securltie. B. W. o waBiuiigwii umt,, main Diyv. iriAN-for the asking, salary or chat- tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. WILL loan 320,000 or less real , estate. Farrington. tin mmmercm uiuo Diqg, MONEY to loaii on Improved real estata J. L. White. 231 Sherlock bldg. ANY part of $60,000 to loan at per cent interest zus unren. oiag. Salary loans f. Henry bldg. A. Newton, 61t HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 46 CLOSSET A DEVERB. PORTLAND. OREGON BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS BUTLDINGS and contents machinery, etc, appraised. Losses adjusted. Northwestern Armraisal Co.. 504 Board of Trade. A-l 154. ARCHITECTS D. B. FLICKINGER, designer of Ideal homes. 322 Mohawk -blag. Pbones A-7236. B-U33. Main 1902. ASSAYERS WELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical chemists. i04H Wsnh. M. 7608. MONTANA assay office, laboratory and ore testing work. 188 Morrison. ARTISTS' MATERIALS AKTIST'S materials, picture framing. HI B. Mborehonse Co.. 411 Wash, st, AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS, Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent management and , practical work. . F. .23d and.. Morrison ' TUu S-S or t.-Tbeft and look us ud before decidina to enroll else - wne . . i. . AUTO School of OregonPracUcal ln strwctlon. 216 Mer. Tfost Mar. 2593. ATTORNEYS A, EL OOOPKR, Attorney-at-Law, Prac tice In all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com, M. 71. A-2071. IS. M. BENSON, general practice; collec Tiiofts, -abstracts exam'd. 903 Spalding. CHRI8TGvPHERSON A y MATTHEWS, - general -practice. 406-8 Buchanan bldg. BLANK BOOK ftlAKERS HOWE. BAVIS oSpANT, 109 Sd " st Blank book . m Tar: aa-ta. for Joe Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A -31 83. Main 181. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES TALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold, Repairing. 133 10th. BIUEI TEST filFFEE JUT WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, ridewalka and croas- Inira. 317 Boric bl d g. ' TIN looflng. guttering, repairing and general jobbing. J. Losli. 212 Jeffer son st Main 1424. THE BARREU ASPHALT PAVING CO., rortiantr of flee, 605 Electric blag. . JAS. Mcl. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds of insuranea surety bonds. McKay bldg. CinROPOPISTS CHTROPODT. manicuring, 1 koaln. Mrs. ponton. M Wash. Marsnau CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. HTlt..4? Fliedner blflg. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST" RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag' ruga, carpet cleaning. 15$ Union ave.. near E. Mbrrisosj. - PENINSULA Carpet and Rug 'works: Colonial rag carpet and rugs. 1518 ration ave. rnone wooaiawn zb. CARPET CXKAXrXQ JOYCE BROS.. BJlectrle aeahlng Worka Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1863. 204 E. lth N. IONE Utoanv Cleaning; carpets, fatbr renovated; guaranteed. E 360. B 323$. THE Stevens Catering; Co. takes entire charge of preparing and serving at social functions. Call C-2268.' j CHINESE DOCTORS DR. WING LEE makes a specialty of " chronic diseases. Dive- ma a trial and and roots cure all diseases of men. One treatment free; 145Vfr Third st DR. Bing Chooqg, physician for men and women, guaranteed cure, zm'it CHINA PAINTING China and Satsuma ware, firing and band ing; evening classes. Studio 298 12th. CLEANING AND PRESSING The Eastern Tailoring Co.. ladies' and rent's garments cleaned, pressed, re paired and remodeled, reasonable prices, 123 13th st Marshall 2940. WM. V. CASH. exnertbUshelman. Clothes cleaned, pressed. 307 Rothchild bldg, COAL AND WOOD in Prompt Delivery . " DRY. CORDWSHBD Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot AUIDBA FUEL GO. Phones:- E. 182, C-1117 NOTICE pITiciiNSLABWOOD GREEN SHORT WOOD, per load.. $2.60 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, per cord. .$2.78 INSIDE flREEN SHORT, per load. $3.60 DRY SHORT WOOD, per load $4.00 SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwwtd Co. Main 3119. A-7001. Portland Cordwood Co, Special prices on ureen and dry cord wood NOW. Office 203 Oorbett bldg. Phones Marshall 2899. AJ-4684. THE ECONOMY Fuel Co. handles alt the best grades of coal We make a specialty of furnace and heating plant coal at a reasonable price. Special prices on car loads. B-'343, asr jn. 346 East Ankeny. PACIFIC S4-ABWOOD CO. Short ereen slabwood $2.60 Dry block wood per load 4.50, Planer trimmings. lonr and short i Phones Main 3709, A-7366. Segbers Wood Co. Ith and Olisan Streeta Dealers In All Kinds of Cordwood. Fir. Oak. Ash. Main 6359. A-2415. frZ' rJLUA.r nhone Fast 303. or C-2393. "Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. P. J. EVBRTS. Ft. Curry st COAL Alblna Fuel Co., ri aAi R OCR 47 Alblna ave. MIS (mi 01 lAnn Broadway and E. 33i Anfll l 1 PIANO, violin, trombone, comer, rnando WUUUfTones E. 182, C-1117. WUULJ i lln. flute. Prof, E. A. Smith, 292 12th. SOTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO, HTsln 1153. A-3842. Dry inside wood Dry inside wood. freen slabwood. clean sawdust for bed' . . .. 1. 1 . ,i aing. cut iuei; uiuiftwwu, Yamato Wood and Coal Company. EAST 818 B-1867 Deli vered any place In clt. $4.60 load. 1 In. wood $3.00 loa Portland Wrecking Co. M-37. STANDARD WOOD CO.- Wood and coal. 347 E. Stark. East 2315. B 1696. DRY MIXED cedar $3 days only. Main 2153. a load for A-3842. 39 COLLECTIONS CURRENT and delinquent accounts col lected. Wells Mercantile Agency, 703 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debts collected. 317 Allsky A-7317: M 4222. COLLECTION SPECIALIST j i t PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 6074. A-7026. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS i FOR cement wcrk, plastering, brick work, excavating, call on G. C. Olson. Marshall 1441; 192 Grover st. I El DAVIS, cor.tractor, cesspools, lat erals and ditches of all kinds, stptic tanks a specialty. Sellwood 1644. W I LL1AM FtSliBECK, carpenter anj builder, Jobbing and contracting. 208 th. Main 6241. CARPENTER contracts, lobbing spec- laity. W. E. Jenkins. Tabor 274 DANCING ffts TliTTr lAQ.nn A loniin fnr 1 1 tiro 1 1 t two-sUip, three-step, stage dancing! j HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells etc.; every morning, afternoon and!; bow to obtain and value of batents. evening for beginners, including ladv and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wl Wilsons school, oldest ana only recog nised leading academy for correct danc in. 3 Wash., bet, W, Park and 10th. ' HEATH'S dancing school, , 109 Second . Bt- between Washington and SUrk. stage dancing taught: wait, and two- step guaranteed in 4 lessons. Class M onoay evenings, , to i a. PROF. W. B. WHEELAN'S ACADEMT: waltz, twostep, latest social dances. Stage and fancy dancing. Only compe tent teacher on the coast Auditorium hall. 208 3d. near Tsylor. PROF. RINGLEH, Portland's recognised dancing master. .Class and private in struchons dallv. 231 Morrison. M. 9212. DENTISTS.' Alveolar Teeth Wbere Bridgework Is Impossible. Does away with plates and bridges. We cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely. Examinations, booklets free. THE REX DENTAL CO., DENTISTS, til to S14 Abington Bldg, 10IH 3d St ,Terms.;totteuaDie people., CHICAOO Painless DenUsta. established 15 years, 323 H, Washington, cor. 6th. W. A. WISE and Associates, Painless Dentists, Third and Washington sts. CURIOS BUN SOON'- 1IUIE, Chinese goods. , ting. Bilk and curios. 70 6th et. mat- DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL PORTLAND PET HOSPITAL. Douglas G. Herts, Manager. DOgs. "cats.' birds, .etc.. for sate and boarded. E. 20th and Belmont Phona East 542. ' DR. BROWN D. V. S-of. 824 Flanders. M. 4086. Hosp. 89 E. 12th. E. 6440. DRESS3LKIXQ MAN tailored skirts, gowns, your own material. . fit suaranteed: reasonable Iprices. EU.e 1108' Tailor; 646 Wash. 'DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS . DRS. GRAY ft SCOTT. M. T.'s. -chronic complaints cured. 321 Mohawk bldg. ELECTRIC CONTRACTOR . Guarant'd bouse wiring. C. A. Ndthwang Co.. 67-1 st Estimates. M. 7433. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, wrinkles,, superfluous hair re- movtHi. mrg. l). mn. 4? Mienner GLAZING UNITi-iJ ujuASS 4 GLAZING CO.---A11 klndrglnss work. 94 N. 14th. M. 4431. : GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine; etectrle equipments) launches, aceessorlea wholesale and retail;' engine repairing, Relersnn Marhlnery Ct.. 16 Morrl won. GAS AND ELECTIUC SUPPUES" MOTORS for rent cr sale. Pacific Elec- trio Engineering Co., 213 2d st HAT FACTORS MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city, 64-66 3d st, ground floor Worcester blag. Hats direct from the factory at half price. JHjORnjjnrjEATMENTS VTA VI assists nature to remove cause of disease. 609 Rothchild bldg. HORSESHOEING DE NIKE. 283 H Front st, specialty of driving horses;' experience in New York City. makes a 20 years' IIOPIPTAL ASSNS. PORTLAND Hospital association, Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 703. 303 INSURANCE McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 818 Fall- Ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds.. JAMES D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ava w ooo i awn .02, c-2008. insure now. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties. H, A. Forbes, New Perkins Hotel, 6th & Wash. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAS. U MASTICK CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings- LIBRARIES CIRCULATING library. 181 6th, bet Taylor and y am hi II. Hooks lo per day. S IiOCILSMITn KEYS; factory prices, umbrella and gen eral repairing, 105 14 Park. M 91 M..CHINERX B. TRENKMAN & CQ.--Kydraulic and special pipes, screens, bagging, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th MAGAZINE AGENCY j LOWEST rates pn magazine clubs. Send for free catalogue. Jones Magazine agency. 234 Oak st. Henry bldg. -I MASSAGE, SWEDISH OVEMENT C. HOLM8TROM. nerve, rheumatic, dl- geetlve disorders. 302-3 Oregonlan bldg MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co., Ltd. Send for our booklet. 220 Drtel bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS I seberling-lucas music co 134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free I catalogue Buescher band MUSIC TEACHERS PROF. T. E. LAWSON Piano lessons. jiw, JO" iiiii hu, uurjior aiuvi. x nunc Main 5197. IE. THIELHORN. vioMn teacher; duii1 I Bevlck. 900 Marqiiam. Marshall 1629. I RAOHEL Paulson piano and harmony " ', iUW It LI. . . NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIAL ISTS j CROSS-EYES straightened. No operation. Drs. Freeze & Rice. Merchants Trust. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR LILLEBELLE PATTERSON spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg Main 861. j DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkvillo, Mo.. I 1898; post graduate 1907. 318 Swet land bldg. DR L. H. HOWLAND. general practt- tloner, 302 Fleldner bldg. DUS. L. H. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 Oregonian bldg. DR. KATHKVM KUETER, specialist women & children. 302 Filed ner bld;. OSTRICH PLUMES PLUMES, large stock direct from farm; dyed, cleaned, curled. 303 Wash. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F E BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co. 136 1st. Main 1334. A-7048. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint. rw cor. 2d Taylor M.. A-1771. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A Doane'. 104 Union. Both phones. GET our prices on Ing, tinting. Ernest painting, paper Miller Co 172 1st PATENT ATTORNEYS 1 "vri"' " '.T.b'.0?"1"- -eeier iiooo. 177-181 McQlll bldg.. Washington. D C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attor. ney-at-Law. latt U. 8. Patent Office; hook free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. d WrTghT. U. S. and foreign"15at" ents: infrlneemetit rases. 604 Dkum, PIANO TUNING GEO. ANDERSON, expert. Pianos bought, sold. 226 Alisky. Main 3753, A-7942. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUMBING, HeaUng, etc. Robert GI1- Ian. 166 10th. Both phones. - reYCHOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. M J. PIERSON, psychopath, gen eral practitioner, room 16. j"664 4th. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS 8TENCILS and office stationery. Can nlnghata Co.. 2jll Stark. Main 1407. SHINGLES BEST. In Portland. See tbenv Washington st & S. QUpert, 301 REAL ESTATE Bukft, D. V City, Firm Property Unrry'ii Rcajtr Cflrapar. ........ Mrong-Htarle uompHoy vrnbaker Benedict ..................... Cbapin A U(Tk).. ........ ............... Cook It Co., B, S................ Houek, Geow A. (Colonlkatlmi).,...,.... Knapp. 4k Macker. ................. N;. Mmnball. W. 1L: Fannsi City Prooerty Ogden, James D.. ...j ....... ,848 OrKgon Real Katnte Co., TDe,... ......Uraod Are. and Moltnomah. -Knut 67, C-U sehalkr- Oeorre D.........kV.., ..,,.228. Htark Si. .. ...i. ,;.BalD 3n2. A-2:b2 Rhleltfa, it . . .,..(....... ..3i Gerllnrer Bldg. .Mala H4 w TliompanB. M. B. Co .-. Henry - BMg., 4ib-Qk-. . ... .M-. HOW. A-XILT ROSES AND NURSERY STOCK General line of nursery stock, roses, standard varieties, shrubbery, all kinds, reasonable prices prevail. 1233 Denver Bve. St Jonns car. Woodlawn 19JS. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened, bargains in second hand safes. PRINTING WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st : SIGN AND SHOW CARDS F08TKR A KUEISER Signs; the larg. est sign makers In the northwest E. 7th and E. Everett st Phones. East 1111, Home B-2224. J "SIGNS THAT Sign Co., 287 ATTRACT" -Stark. Main Portland I 1R01 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES 6HOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures mad to order. The L,utke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. sew and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. R. H. RIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. srovEyoia WALTER M. OBER. plattirg. subdivid ing and topographical maps a spe cialty. 1(10 E. 28th st. N., B-2099. TAILORING UNITED Tailors can t make $50 suits for $30; honest tailors can't; best ,n city WO; entrance Rothchild bldg. ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldg., 2d and Washington. Suits to order. ELMGREN, ladies' and men's clothes. Builder and draper. 204-5 Macleay hldg. GL'S SEAQ1IST. tailor an4 .draper; ex clusive patterna 245H Washington st TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles Tailoring College, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143 llth. TAXIDERMIST FINE tanning, fur remodeling, glass eyes. Ftntey. Z4 coiumoia s TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Pbones Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. - Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage; free trackage. Office, 810 Hoyt st. bet 5th and 8th. Phones: Main 89: A-1189. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co.. of fice and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, sep-rete Iron rooms and fireproof vaults ' for valuables; north west corner 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and jjacked for shipment. Main B9: -1994f. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Everett sts., just cpened. newest, most modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of Roods; lowest' Insurance rate In northwest; fre trackage, vans for moving. Main or A-H20. EMPIRE EXPRESS & BAGGAGE" CO. Trunks 60c. second trunk 26c A-1030, Main 1860. Wood, coal, any quantity. EXPRESSING, coal delivered any part city, lowest prices. Rubin, 304 Ankeny. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cnn- ningnam io- Z3) wihi-k. mpm ni. VETERINARL.N DR A. G. SMITH. V. S.. U. S. Stables, 248 Front. Mali 4156. Res. Main 1802. DR. L. R. DILLON. Hawthorne Avenue Stables East 72. 597. B-1369 WALLPAPER BEAVER board for sale by Morgan Wallpaper Co. . WINDOW CLEANING NEW ERA WINDOW CLEANING CO. fi3 N. Park st. Phone Main 7S85. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDINO & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GUNST r CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS & CO., wholasa'e grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th snd Oak sts. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. jR"0XNVAfnpAPER" CO.. 230 2d St.. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN A T.KWfS GROCERIES. BANKS ri liRMAN AMKR! .'AN BANK Portland. Of. rurnri Slith aud Waablnston Trans- acta a renaral banklof boatneaa. Drafts taaoed afallabla la all th prlnciiMl cltlaa ot tba Cnltrd Ktatea and Europa. imii utr eaot Icteraal uald on aavtnca accooata. Safa 4a- pndt :m!t. MARRIAGE UCKNSES Wedding and visiting card engravers and monogtnm stationers. Washington bldg.. Washington st. bet. 3rd and 4th. Wedding Invitations Visiting cards, monogram stationery. Wm. Klumnn Co.. 3264 Washington st DRESS suits for rent, all slea, Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st CLARK K BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral rlesicna 2S9 Morrison st BIRTHS STOVEALL Dee. 2V to C, E. Stove- nil ami wife Sit) Alblna ave., a hoy JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, 2CS EoM Fifteenth street lovemiier24,. ji buy. BRENNA N To Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan, 1875 E. MTidison street. De cember 20, a boy. MORSON To Mr. and Mrs. John Mor son, 237 Nartilla avenue. December 25, a girl. ' . LAISON To Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ijai son, 199 Fargo street December 22, a gtrl. URBAN To Mr. and Mrs Tony Urban, . 154 Dakota street, December 36, a boy. EVANS To Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Evans. 6715 Fifty-eighth street, December 18, a girl. . ' DEATHS MILLER In this city. DecjBtfor 31, at tfee residence. 241 Glenn ave., Mrs. Ella Smith. M filer. Funeral announce ment later. ,. : r IJARJSJSHr-A nrTlo Ra rnes, Qort ffa marl,, tan hospital, December - SO, age ,58; paralysis. BENE V" Ellas Keeney. bood Samari tan hospital, Decembers xu, sg . ga; nephritl , f ' DIRECTORY ADDRESS . TKLrfllOSK- ..,S03 Corbett BldB....w..... .A.4i2. Main U' ..,.249 4ih..., .Marslmli ZS2s, &t ...Gruond fbxir Lewis Bldg..... Mala n.l A-17 ,.. McKay Bl.l-. ................ .Msl Jli! . ..3:2 Cbamtwr at Commerce..,.. Main JH'.s ,'.503t CorlMtt Ftlrlar . . - ...Main M. A-:t''.1 ... 49 i.ahbe Bide. ......... .., ..Main. irii ... 7 Chamber of ('omnierce. ., .llalq knd A-'l( ...Room 7. 2.V)S AWer. ..Main rMl Mississippi. ..Woodlawn 202. C-2r.0S DEATHS SKANSj Lonl Skans, 837 Slunton, de- cember 20, age 64; rancer. SPROON Iiouls Sproon, 464 1 East 1'wenty-ninth 8treetL December, 20, age,. 3 months; inanition. 1IOLZKR MadaTene Holier. 5 8 S' East . Davis, December 19, ag tl; pneu monia. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 150 8th lU opp. Meier Frank'. Main 731S- FTJNERAL NOTICES WET,LS Thomas Wflls, .age 77 years ' 18 days, died at his home In Ilwuoo, Wash., Dec. 30, 191o. He was born In Cambridgeshire. Kngland, ree:' 12, 1831; came to the United States in 1851. He served tn the Confederate army. He was afterward' married to Sarah .T. Lucas In 1861. He then came- to Ore gon, where he has lived until-the. pant year. He ja survlvtKl by a widow and -11 children The funeral service ' will be held at the Holmar. chanel. Third and Salmon, at 2:30 n. m. All frlendV Invited. SAND8TROM -December 3L at 201 Church street. Amanda S. 8andstrom( age 44 years 6 months and 5 days, be loved wife of J. A, Sandstrom. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the.- t-funeral serrrres, which will be held'- from Zelier-Byrnes company parlors, 594 Williams avenue, Tuesday, January 3, at 1:30 p. m. Interment at Rose City cemetery. KENNER December 31, Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kenner of ' Milwauklo. Or. Funeral will take plaew from Dunning & Mr En tee's chapel Mon. dny, January 2, at :30 a. m., thence to Sacred Heart -church. Milwaukie st, where servlcps wfil .he held at 9:30 a. m. Frlcmif respoctfiillv Invited to attend.- Interment Mount Calvary cem eiery. G.EISE December 30i at 851 Tillamook' St.. Adolph O. G.ese. asred 60 j'eara. Frlrnds are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral services, which Will ho held from Zelier-Byrnes Oo.'s parlors, 594 Williams ave... today (Sunday), Jan uary 1, at 1:30 x. m. Interment at RoseV City cemetely. Services at grave pri vate. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dunning & McEntee v"n every, detail. 7th and Pina Main 430, A-4558. Idy assistant Zeller-Brynes Co, phones; lady assistant Most modern "'tfiliMshment In city. J.P.FTNLEY&SONMan"4 Madtsen. Lady attendant. Main . A-l 599. LERCH The east side undertaker. Lerrv assistant B-1888. East 781 East th hw1 AMer. ' ERICS0N Undertaking 8133. A-2235. Co.. Main Lady ass't EAST SIDE, f unexsi. lrectorak jiucxess- j. sor to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 62. B-2628 EDWARD HOLMAN. .undertaker. 220 3d st Lady assistant. Main 507. PO-tTX-UTD RAItWAT, 'XIQHT 81 powxb coMPAjrr. City Lines. Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder Streetst - - Oregon City 4:00, 6:30 a. m. and every 30 minutes to and Including last car midnight. Greshnnt and Intermediate points 6:55, 7:45, 8:46, 9:45, 10:45. 11;46 a. m.. 12:45, 1-46. 2:46. 3:45, 1:45, 6:45, 6:45, 1US5 p. tn. Falrview and Troutdale 6:55, TMB. 8:45, 9:45, V):45 s, m., 12:45, 1:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 7:46, :45 p, m. Cuaadero and Intermediate polift"- 6:65, 8:46, 10:45 a. m., 12:45, 2:45,- 4:45, 0:45 p. m. Vancouver Use. A. Jf. 6:16, 6:50, 7:25, H0 :36,i 9:10, 9:60.-10:30, 11:10, 11:60. P. M. W30, 1:10, l!50. aO, 8:10, 3:50, 40, 5:10, 5:60, 8:30, 7:05, 7:40, 8:15, 8:50. 9:25, 10:00. 10:36, 11:10, 11:45. , On the third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 p.m. Cars for Vancouver make n'o stops on Union avenue between Burnside street and Portland boulevard to let off pas sengers, but make stops to pick up pa sehgers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars for Portland A. M.--6:00. 6:35. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20, 8.-S5, 930, 10:10, 10:50, 11:3.0,. P. M. 12:10, 12:50. 1:30, 2:10, 2:60, 3:30, 4:10, 4:60, 6:30, 6:10, 6:60, 7:25, 8:00, 8:35, 9:10. 9:45, 10:20. 10:55, 11:30. 12:06. . , On third fonday of every month the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:2S p. m. leaving time blackface, ' double' trains. Cars from Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland' boulevard and Burnside street except to let off passengers. ; , Dally except Sundays. Pally except Mondays. Runs as local on Union avenue. TRANSPORTATION (pea Elver Transportation Co. CHANGE tRT SCH-UDUIiB , Out Bound Trip Str. J. N. Teal leaves i Oak St. Dock, Portland, Sun., Tues. and Thnrs. at 7 a, m. for The Dalles and 1 way landings, returning lv. The Dnilea -Con., Wed. and Frl. at 7 a. m. Btr. Ro land Empire leave Celilo Wed. for all vip-river points on Columbia riven Pas- - co, Kennewick. Hanford. White Bluff " and intermediate landings, making close connections with Portage R. R. and Str. v . J. N. Teal, leaving Portland Tues. a, m. . In Bound Trip Str. Inland empire will leave Kennewick for Celilo Sunu, . making connections at Celilo with Port age I R and Str. J. N. Teal, leaving , The Dalles Mon. for Portlnnd and way " ;": landings. W. S. Buchanan, Snpt. , S. WhiUng, Afft, Oak St. Bock. The above schedule is subject to -change without 1 notice, owing to weather condition a. San Francisco ft Portland Steamship Co. ', " New service to Los Angelea via, Sail Vranclsco every five daya From Alnsworth dock, Portland 4 p, m 1 S. & Beav Jan , Boss City 7, Beaver 13. From San Francisco, northbound. 13 tn j S. S. Bose City Jan. 1, Beaver 8, Bear 1L. From San Pedro, northbound: . , 8. H. Beaver Jan. 4, Bear 8, Bose City 14. ,' , H. O. Smith, C. T. A 14a Third St. - ' J. W. Bansom, Argent, Alnsworth Bock. Phones! Main 402, 386; A-1402. ". COOS BAY LINE Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska-dock. 1 Portland, 8 p. m. Dec 13, 20. 37 ."Jan! 3. 10, 17, 24 and 3L.Feb.i?r 1,4, 31 and every Tuesday night. Freight' re-v:i cetved at Alaska dock until 5 p.-m. d.Uly. Passenger fare 1st class, 210; 2d class, ' $7, Including meals and bertha Ticket on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268. A-1234. " TV - . I O. R. & N. ';, ASTOHIA StOtTTS " ' ir-r mjlssaxm' f -f Leaves Portland dally except Batttrda- 1 mtlM p. m. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria m 6:4 a. m. Lives Astoria daily, except Sunday, at ?7ot a. m. Arrives Portland at 6:0ft p. m. Makes direct connection with steHme Naix-'itta for Megler. Uwaco. Long Bac ajd a points on the Hwaco rail road. - S. S. QolderiGatc - For Tillamook. Bay Leaves Wash. t dock Tuedity p. m. Freight and Pasa-ru'er. . Phone Mam 6;, A-J40-. - - ' V ' ' 1 j t ' j o?-'r r .... '" rf ''4',Wlt.-ll.-aft.i --jn'-, " j.f W' '"'tit: