The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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There are many ads ia The Journal's
" Eoorn and Board and Furnished
room columns that offer complete
comfort. Read) them.
. The weather Occasional rain to
night and Friday; southeasterly winds
VOL. IX. NO. 257,
ties up mm :
three Thousand Men Const'h
tute Command; their Pur-
pose 1o Reach Honduras'
Capital' by Shortest Route. .
First Skirmish , Disastrous to
Davila's Men; U.S. Orders
(United Pre Leiwd Wfre.
Puerto Corte. Honduras, Doc. 19.
The first skirmish between the revolu
tionary : forces under former P
BonlUa and the government troops was
fought today near Cape Gracias-a-Dios.
The revolutionists were victorious, the
government forces, falling back in dis
order, and the rebels,, headed by;Bo-
nllla and the American adventurer, Lee
Christinas, started on their i march
, against Tegucigalpa, the capital.
BonlUa and Christmas arrived today
on the gunboat Hornet i Their arrival
,i was the Signal .for the real beginning
of hostilities that have been carefully
. planned for weeks. The men who had
' been gathered and drilled in Nicaragua
Just across the border, at once crossed
the Segovia; river and prepared for the
: advance on the capital.' With Christ
mas and BonlUa a number of recruits
arrived,' and the force that finally fell
in for the long, march numbered about
3000 men. -. ";' -'
Just across the river. a email force of
government troops was gathered. They
endeavored to stop the march, but after
a short skirmish Jn which ajiumber of
the government soldiers are reported to
have been wounded, they fell back and
the advance of the rebels began.
': Christmas and- Bont.Ua have planned a
, eampalga of attack on Tegucigalpa.
They wilt, march directly across from
the Atlantic to the capital Plans for
furnishing .their soldiers with stores)
, i i ... ,r i' , .. ,. .'- '' i
(Continued on Page IV)ur.)
;Rich Farmers Confess Sale of
,J Their Votes for Few Dollars
One Report Three Sales
' Woman on List. -
1 (TTnltsd Prese Xeed Wtre.1
s West Union, Ohio, Dec 29. One hun
dred and six new indictments in con
nection with the Adams county election
frauds were returned today, bringing the
total since the 'Investigation began up
to 988. So many voters have confessed
that the time of the grand Jury will be
taken up until Saturday, it is said, when
the Inquiry will be completed.
I A widow, whose name is withheld,
has been indicted for selling the vote
of ber son. . '
,- one farmer Is said to have confessed
that he sold hit vote three times last
election. He received $12.60 to vote the
Republican ticket, he said. Then' he
accepted $10 to become a Democrat,
and finally pledged his vote for. $$.-..'
Another, farmer, worth $44,000, ad
mitted in court that he and his son had
sold their votes for $10 each. Both
were disfranchised and fined $10. . - -
in Adams couHTY:
x (United Pre Leaaed Wlr.) 1
Seattle, Dec. 29. Mrs. May Harris,
IS years old,, daughter of Mrs, p. W.
Foster, an ear,ly settler In the Puget
Sound country, was today taken to the
state Insane asylum in Stellacoom, a
mental and physical , wreck. The girl
was rescued from : Imprisonment in a
dark room in a -Japaiiese lodging house
by the police after she had, been held
in unspeakable bondage for ii days.
; In " all ", the history of white slavery
in Seattle, ; no: cas has ever been m
terrible as . the present one. The girl
i a native of this state and was reared
in a Seattle convent school. Vest than
james R. Harris, an Industrious man
some years her senion -;A child was
born to .the couple apd they seemed
happy, the girl's mother stated . today.
A few weeks ago Mrs. Harris visited
her mother and later boarded a car to
return to her own home, Her father
,. ,. i , ' ' . '"'".i "'' , ' "' , .. "r i i"' 'i' 'i " .ii,,,. -I,,, ", i . r
American. Peeresses Imbibe
: Political Beliefs From Husbands
t a - ''-v '5 ' 'N ; "'Jul '
Lady Cheyiemore, rho before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth French r
of New York, believes that majorltyof the; American peerense
feel exactly as rhe does in politics. Ladj Cheylesmore says: . 'It is
quite absurd for people to say' that the Uadlcal party is in ainjr sense'
; ' the representative of American ideals. I have never yet heard that
the American principles' included government by a siigie chamber,
, ' which is practically what the Liberal or Radical program amounts to.
I suppose that women naturally take on tlie political views of their
' husbands, and as most, of the.' peers are, of course .L'nloihistg it
i follows that die women 'of their families believe" the sajne- way.'
Work Train . Runs . Wild and
: Crashes Into Freight Train
at Rye, Wash on the Mil
' waukee.Line..' . ' -
(United Pleas Leased Wire.)
. Spokane, - Dee. 29. A wreck on ; the
Milwaukee railroad at the Utile station
of Bye,, a few miles-west of the Colum
bia river. In which two men lost their
lives and three trainmen were serious
ly Injured,, occurred at 4 o'clock , this
morning. ;. The names of the dead are
unknown, , as .; they were contractor's
mem One of ; them was an electric
cranesman, and the other was a coal
heaver. The Injured trainmen are Con
ductor Marre, Fireman ; Vorhees and
Brakesman M. It. Fawcett The lattaf
is the most seriously injured. rf
The, track at that place has a steep
grade and . the contractor's train : got
beyond . control and raced down " the
track until It crashed into the a freight
traia "The wreckage is plied, high. A
wreck train has gone to the scene. ; .
volunteered to wheel the baby home In
a go-cart
The girl-wife disappeared that night
and was never heard of again until she
tolcphoned to police headquarters beg
ging to be rescued on: Christmas day;
Two officers hurried to the Japanese
lodging houae and after searching the
joint three times finally found the girl
in a dark room. , : . v; . ;
She was In terrible condition and said
she had been " locked in the room 4 6
days. The girl said, the Jananese had
forced drugs down her throat to still
her cnes and had given her large quan
tities of some native liauor that keDt
her In a semi-conscious condition. - She
i seea-the- fMrey of-j apatiesr laborers
The ease was brought' before Judge
Wilson R. Gay yesterday and a lunacy
commission decided it was best that
the girl be sent to the Insane howpltal
to recover from the effects of the drugs
that' had been administered, " ...
The police are Investigating the case,
(United Pre Leaaed Wire.)
.New York, Deo. 28. The sentences,
virtually for life, given Maria Rapp and
Stanislasse Pettanza of the Black Hand,
convicted of holding two 8-year-old chil
dren for ransom, has not deterred' the
blackmailing organisation of 'the lover
east side. The fourtb bomb outrage
since Judge Fawcett sentenced the sup
posed ringleaders of the society occurred
todays Police say the explosions are the
work of the Black Hand. '
A bomb was exploded today in a
double decked tenement bouse In the
Italian quarter, where 30 persons were
sleeping. - It wrecked the stores on the
first floor and demolished the stairway,
but no one In the building: was injured.
, .- Geordlno Bagaho. a - grocer, . whose
itore was in the building, recently re
ceived a Black Hand letter demanding
$2000.; He refused to pay the money,
and the bomb is supposed to have been
the answer of the society.
The three other explosions have fol
lowed refusals to pay money, the police
say. v w-v -I v ( :
Judge Fawcett, who sentenced the
Rapp woman and Pettanza to 25 years'
imprisonment for the kidnaping of
which they were convicted, was himself
threatened with , death. , He , denounced
the prisoners, declaring that the Rapp
woman had less mother instinct than a
beast, and that Pettanza was the sort
of criminal that should have been de
ported. He deplored the fact that he
could not fix the penalty of their crime
at death. -
Pettansa was known as "King of the
Black Hand.". . .
Pettanza was convicted recently after
a deliberation of six minutes by the
Jury..'-'Pettanxa was a member, accerd
ing to the New York police, of one of the
King Marked; for Death on
"Coronation Day; Bomb
' i Factory Found.
: London, Dec. 19. A plot to assassi
nate King George .'has been unearthed
In connection -with the discovery of a
bomb factory in the east end of Lon
don, according to secret operatives and
officials of Scotland .Yard. -
1 The discovery of the infernal machine
works Is a sequel to the Houndsdltcb
crime, in "which three. policemen were;
killed ty. burglar's',' the police say. . They
assert further that, not robbery but
anarchy was the purpose of the gang.
Documents found at the bomb factory
and at the burglars lalr In Hounds
ditch, the authorities say, , prove con
clusively that a plan existed to kill
King George on Coronation day.
Prominent Business Men Not
Permitted to Voice Opinion
; or Participate' in Any Way
in Proceedings; Protest.
Action Taken, by Directors De
clared to Be Illegal; Pro
testants to Gather
PYominent , taxpayers protested . today
against ' methods used at last night's
school meeting In securing approval for
the $2,132,100 budget of 1911 school ex
pense. ; Complaints .were voiced by J. N,
Teal, A. II. Pevers, Herman Wittenberg,
John H. Haak and others. ;
It was . charged that no effort was
made to learn !Jf "the persons present
were taxpayers, and. thus eligible to vote
and participate in proceedings; that an
motions were made, , seconded and voted
upon without opportunity for discus
sion; that the meeting was permitted
to be ended before one of its most lnv
portent features, the appointing of aa
auditing committee, had been given con
sideration; that an entire lack of cour
teay to taxpayers who desired explana
tion of proposed expenditure was shown
by the audience and permitted by the
presiding officer, that full explanation
of the budget Item by Item was not
forthcoming. ,v
Say Proceedings Illegal,
. The president of the clvio council.
John H. Haak, called a meeting of the
organisation together with all other in.
teres ted taxpayers for tomorrow night
at8 "clock In the convention hall of the
Commercial clufc. Steps would tnen oe
authorised, he.eald, to have ttie pro
ceedings of last ni?ht declared illegal
hr thi miirta. thiLa removlntr thA oblU
gatlon of taxpayers In ScHdol district
No. 1 to meet the S 3 mills of school
(Continued on Page ISlghteen.) -
Stainlasso Pettanza, Black Hand
leader, sentenced to long term. '
largest bands of kidnapers in the coun
try. The crime ox. which he was con
victed was complicity in the kidnaping
of Joseph Longe and Michael Rlsso, two
little Brooklyn boys, who were lured to
the den of the kidnapers and held tor
ransom. ' .
' Mailed to any address
in the1 United States
or Canada , (postage
included) at 10c per
" copy. ,, Extra copies at
' The Journal office, or
from newsboys at 5c
SSS5 ;
Made Member of
Commerce Court
V -
Martin A. Knapp of New York, who
has been selected by ; President
Taft as a member of the new court
of commerce. ' Mr. Knapp gradu
ated from Wesleyan nnivereity in
. 1868. ; He has .been on .the inter
state commerce commission for 10
years and has been its chairman
since 1808. It is understood that
the president selected ihS chair-
main of the interstate commerce
. commission upon the recommenda
tion of the commission itself in
' order that there might be on the
'commerce court aw a court of ap
peals from the interstate commerce
commission . one 'who thoroughly
understands the regulations and
v practices, of the .commission.
Judge Knapp comes from the sec
ond Judicial circuit, that compris
ing Ifcvf York, Connecticut and
Vermont. ),"",.. . ',
Mayor Says It Will Be Neces
. sary to Cut Down Number
of Employes in Every De
partment. - " y " ;
New Year's day will be an , anxious
one for hundreds of - employes of - the
city, over wh'ose . heads' the - modern
Damocleslan sword of municipal econ
omy Is hanging. Mayor Simon held an
Important conference this morning with
the heads of departments, the expenses
of which are maintained by appropria
tions from the general fund, i The en
gineering ' and street cleaning . depart:
ments will, in all probability, suffer the
most . when reductions , to - meet the
$264,000 deficit In the general fund are
finally ordered by the city council.
In his annual message, the mayor
called' attention' to the fact that -estimated
receipts of the general, fund for
the ensuing year would be but $745,
000, while the estimated expenditures
to insure continued progress in all de
partments would be $999,000. ' , '
Wo Saloons to Aid.? ' ' .y
At- that - time Mayor-Simon thought
the deficit -could be partially made up
by Increasing the saloon licenses, but
the city council has not increased these,
"It ti a serious task we now have
before us," said the mayor, following
the conference today," "and ho "matter
what course we adopt there Is bound to
be dissatisfaction. . In my annual mes?
sage I recommended that the estimate
of the city engineer be cut from $210,
000 to $140,000 and that a correspond-
(Continued on rage Fourteen.)
Two Kentuckians Killed and
Six Wounded as: Incident
of Yule Festivities. -
. Lexington, Ky., Dec 29. Craddock
Willoughby and Clarence Young were
killed and six persons were, wounded as
the result of a feud that found deadly
expression at the opening of the Christ
mas holidays. ; Another, Willoughby Is
reported to be dead on the mountain
side several miles' from here. Few de-tails-iave-be
enweetred herer""""
Vashon Island Feels Qnake.
. ' Vashon,T Wash,, Dec." 29. People liv
ing on Vashon Island report that three
distinct , earthquake shocks: were flt
yesterday afternoon about 6:20 o'clock,
but no damage resulted. -
By Appointing Dr. Plamondon
yo Superintendence of New
Eastern Oregon Asylum. He
i Overreaches' Himself.
Leading Physicians Criticise
His Action In Naming Su
perintendent So Early. , ,
While Jay Bowerman is conceded to
have pocketed one additional vote for
president Of the state senate by ' his
coup in naming Dr. J. D. Plamondon as
superintendent of the new eastern Ore
gon asylum for the insane.' the convic
tion is gaining ground that Bowerman,
with all his craft, has overreached him
self and is not likely to land the other
votes he needs. .,,' ,
v The vote Bowerman has Insured, for
himself is C A. Barrett, the new State
ment No; 1 senator from' Umatilla
county and father-in-law of Dr. Flam
ondon. ' Barrett has recently stated to
friends that he is for Bowerman. This
fits in with a story now being told that
the appointment of Plamondon was de
cided upon about. 80 . days ago,, about
whlph time Bowerman. began laying
wires to succeed himself as president
of the senate, Barrett, who had been
non-committal, came out for Bowerman
and Plamondon was named as soon aa
the site for the new state institution
was .chosen. '..-. ;, ..
, . May Bs Booted Out.
That Plamondon will hold his "Job for
a Tery brief time and will be booted
nut Hv the nw stats board Is almost a
certainty, In' view of news whlcn has
(Continued on Page Fourteen.)
Chairman Interoceanic; Com
mittee Gives Rosy Forecast
: of Legislation to Defend Ca
r nal and Make It Success.
(Unlted Prat Leaiwd Wlre.1
Washington, Dec. 29. That the Pan
ama canal fortification bill will be the
first , of the ' administration measures
considered after the adoption of , the apt
proprlatlon bills, la the assertion of Sen
ator Flint of California, chairman of the
senate committee on interoceanio canals.
That the passage of tbe bill is a prac
tical certainty Is the prediction of the
California senator, following a confer
ence last night With President Taft ,
Senator Brandegee . of Connecticut,
Representative Mann of Illinois, Secre
tary of State ' Knox and Secretary of
War Dickinson were also at the confer
ence. .
We will begin work with the war de
partment today," said Flint, "to frame a
general bill covering the fixing of canal
toll rates and the building and ma in;
icnance oi guvemmom uupiuy oimiiumb
along the canal The measure will be
attached to the administration canal re
organisation bill - which has already
passed the house. One of the important
objects of the bill win be to enforce
(Continued on Page Fourteen.) --
United Press led Wire.)
Los Angeles. Dec. 29. Juan Garcia,
60 years of age, of a-royal Castilian
family and formerly . captain, of' the
bodyguard of the late King Alfonso
XII of Spain,? began i today to serve a
30 day sentence In the chain gang. He
was arrested for vagrancy as he knelt
In prayer on the beach at Long Beach
late yesterday. '
., When taken into custody, according
to the story he told thTough an In
terpreter, he was praying that he
might before he died, . again see the
face of the woman because Of whom he
was banished from Spain, and who, he
believed,' was the mother superior of a
yrawtiB"evttt-4 Lo-AaggW-or
San Francisco, v- " ,. '
Ojarcia ' was imprisoned after the
frustration, SO years ago, of an elope:
ment he had planned with the girl.
Until the time of the Spanlah-Amerlean
war he lay in a Spanish prison and was
released on his oath to fight unilrr his
flag- until the and of the war. He was
CENTS. ' Sta"-.15?.0,
President Josselyn Makes lm
portant Announcement; The
Cars Wilt Run From Head of
. Washington Street . .
Other Section Is Being Con
structed by Kings Heights
The Mount Calvary line of the United
Railways will be operated as a part of
the system - of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company and cars will
run direct from the head Of Washington
street to the Cemetery back of the hlH
without1 transfer. The .connecting linK,
from where the Washington street lln-s
of the street railway company termi
nates, to the eastern end of the United
Railways line will be built by the
King's Heights company of which Dr.
J. R. Wetherbee is president. '
The statement that the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company would
operate the Mount i Calvary ;; line was
made by President B. 8. Josselyn of the
street car system this morning and ha
said the line would have service similar
to that on other suburban lines that
form part of the' big street . railway
"The United Railways and the King's
Heights company are building the line,"
said Mr. Josselyn. i 'That Is. the United
Railways is building to the cemetery
from, the top of the hill and the heights''
company will build from the head of
Washington street to the top of the htlt'1'
where the tracks will Join, but the com
pleted line will be operated as a part
,. Contlnued"en Page Fourteen.)
iiLli IlL
Of Thirty Men at Plant at
Mprewood ? Lake, Mass., It
Is Said .None Escapes In-
; , jury; Four, Dead Identified.-
. (United PreM L.d WL1
Pittsfleld, Masa. Dec. 29. Fourteen
men are, reported , to have been killed
and 20 others Injured in .an explosion
at the Morewood lake ice plant today.
Ambulances and physicians were sent
from Pittsfleld.
Four of the dead have been identified.
They are: f
f William Dunn. ' ' - - '
' Edgar Allen. v ,
John Raymond.
Martin Smith. - t
More than 30 men are known to' have
been in the plant at the time of the
explosion. It is believed none escaped
injury. - The plant was : almost com
pletely destroyed, , .
Most of the dead are unidentified
Poles, Swedes' and Italians.
Engineer William Dunn was hurled
200 feet .Martin.-. Smith was thrown
mfare than J00-" f eet. His legs were
broken and his head prushed. Parts of
the boiler were blown over the tops of
trees 15j) feet away.
Eleven of the injured have been
brought to the hospital here,
. One man died this afternoon, making
tbe total number of dead 15. v :, : '
sent to Cuba, where he served until the
surrender. After this, he : said,' he
learned that his sweetheart after tak
ing the ' veil in Spain, had come to
Mexico or -the United States.. He mn
spent more than 10 yearn sean-lilng the
convents of Mexico and Out ml Ainerlt
for her, tramping almost the wdola
length of the Mexican western- count.
Garcia arrived in Long Beach yester
day eu route to Los Angeles to continue
his quest. t"
: Through an Interpreter he said' t'xl.iy;
"I cannot tell you the name of th
woman It is too sacred to be spokan in
this prison. I am not searchm for h i
to, try to take her from the si rvi'-o of
thurchww;,,botrf-"tov',''''t'W'rf-T7 t i -look
upon her face asain before I tv,
I was praying that, this mlKtit li wi. u
I was takan by tUm offii crii yi. r t - '
Garcia spent the great r part f i
night on hts kne-s in tn. jail, .a c :
cruel tlx In . his hand, ' f f v t j
mltte to hf"r thi 'rrur":, : re
was si-arched by bis j.iii.-. .'..
u iim
f - .