The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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mmT. ' ... . - - ,, f- - . ,,. . ... , - . '. ' j ;
ifTomcs Oi Interest in the Realm feminine
Wkat Ttey Said
K W .
tW A
Martved by simplicity in. all its do-
tails,; the ( wedding of Miss. , Kathleen
Burns and Thomas Robertson was sol
emnized yesterday afternoon in Trinity
Episcopal church by r. A. A. Morrl
Bun. , The church decorations remained
as they had been for the Christmas
services. The bride wis unattended.
She wore a stunning suit of spphlr
blue .with handsome collar of white fur
and - a black hat with white feathers.
Her flowers were lilies of the valley.
CJeorgai Warren acted as ' groomsman.
Only connections of the two families
and a very few of the most intimate
, friends were bidden to the wedding or
the reception which followed at the
, Burns home. The wedding is of unus
uul interest, because of : the prominent
families brought in closer touch through
it. Both Mr. and Mrs. Robertson; come
of old pioneer stock and Included in
their- family, membership are the Cor
betts, Fallings. Lewises. Wisons, Flan
ders. GUsans and Couches. Mrs. Rob
. ertson is the second daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Walter John Burns. The other
children' are MisS Georgian Burns,
Miss Anita Burns, Mrs. Lee Hawley
Hoffman (Miss Caroline Burns), Miss
Louise Burns and Jack- Burns. After
.. : finishing at Farmington, , Mrs. Robert-
, son spent considerable" time in foreign
travel. . Mr;. Robertson made an inter
Btlng tour of the . world a couple of
; years ago with George Warren. ; He Is
" the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. . W. E.
Robertson and a brother of Miss Nan
. Robertson, Miss Maryr Robertson and
Jack Robertson. ' Mr. Robertsons sec
retary of the Multnomah mohair mills
' and in club circles IS Identified with
the Waverly Golf club and the Portland
t Rowing club.. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson
.will return about the middle of January
from their wedding Journey and will
.then have their own establishment
'a 'I' '
. Mrs., N a Ayor'and Mrs. Florence O.
Minott entertained with a dancing party
last night for Miss Margaret Ayer and
, Joseph , Minott at the New Swedish hall
on Irving. Christmas decorations were
used about the hail and on the tables.
' Miss Lulls Hall assisted. The guests
included the members of Miss Hall's
r Friday night dancing class with addi
tional guests, making about 100 who en.
Joyed the evening with the young hosts.'
Mrs. Max Hauser will entertain at
bridge Tuesday with Mrs. Walter V.
, Smith as the honor guest, ? . .
t... e e .;, v.V.-,,.-,:!: j
r Friends of Mrs. William a Alvord are
. shocked and grieved to learn of the un
expected death of her mother, Mrs. Phil
ip C Schuyler, last night. ,
Miss Genevieve Thompson and Miss
; Elisabeth Sears of the barracks left yes
terday morning for their eastern trip.
v T , 'V.. ''", ;v .
While riding Monday with ft party,
. - Miss Meta Buehner's' horse bolted and
" ran for several miles out the Canyon
' road. It finally made for. the wooded
- hillside and Miss Buebner was brushed
v off, sustaining a broken wrist
The telegraphlo dispatch from Los An
' gfles announcing the marriage of Miss
Rebecca Howard of Los Angeles and
William" C. ( Hay of Portland on Mon
day, was incorrect The day Chosen for
the wedding is Tuesday, January 24. 1
t .Mrs., Carl Knudsen Is entertaining at
i bridge on Tuesday for Mrs. W. C
Knighton who loaves soon after for the
south. . . . '
;".'-..',..y-'? r-ii;. 'j..
Miss Delta Watson is spending the
week in Albany as the guest of Mrs.
.-Percy A. Young. ; - ... .. -
...i.-: ' v ,
-, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Flynn and lit
' tie daughter Helen of Albany, are the
. holiday guests In the P. H. Flynn home.
i;;t-.-v;?-- . .,
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Weaver (Miss Nina
Guthrie) are guests at the St Francis
in San Francisco. -;
(Rperlitl Dispatca to The Journal.)
"' North Yakima, Wash., : Dec. JS.A
peculiar and very rare disease, thought
to be demodex f oUlcutorum, has been
'discovered, in a FruitvaJe rancher who
recently went to City Health Officer
Nywening for treatment Owing to the
nature of the trouble, which consists
, of clumps of minute .worms. Just un
der the cuticle, the rancher la unwilling;
to' have4 his name used. Twenty years
ago small white blotches appeared un
, der the skin and when he became heated
..these Itched violently. There was no
abrasion of the 'skin and the blotches
"were not sore. A microscopic exam
ination showed that clusters of tiny
worms formed the blotches and various
remedies were tried without success.
The difficulty of treatment comes from
;the fact that local applications do not
reach them below the skin, and they,
are in a part of the body where the
blood. hardly -reaches.; . f : ' .
While ; they are scattered ! over the
whole body, the blotches are most num
erous in the face. . Such a disease is
known. In Germany
(SDeltl Ptsciteb to The JostiuLI '
Bandon, Or, Pea 28. The two gov
ernment jetties built off the month of
the CoqulWe river at this point within
the past few years are doing their work
well; Where there used to be 13 feet
. of water ,on the Bandon bar last year
at mean lower water, there is now
not less than 17 feet with' from t3 to
30 feet at the high tide stage of the
ocean. When the harbor tug Klihyam
towed the steamers' Flf leld and Bandon
to sea last week, soundings were taken
by her mate, ; Ed Heiisen, and bottom
could be reached at one point only on
the bar, 1 where four fathoms was ob
tained at only a moderately high tide.
.The bar Is capable today of "admitting
the larRest seagoing - vessels oa this
coast, the only menace being certain
shoals in the river a mile from the
river mo.uth, though In : perfectly calm
; water, , any 'Steamship or schooner cari
now enter the Coquille river as far as
S the three wharves in this city, from
one-half to three-fourths of a mile from
.the ocean.
I ' Coos Bay Man Accidentally Shot, .
.: (Rpwlnl rispatch ta The Journal,! '
Marshfield, Or., Dec, 28.-By the ac
cldentnl discharge of a shotgun in the
-bodt jai-4i.-SartWw-4itt Be better,
local manager uf the Western Union
i Telegraph company, was shot in the foot
. and amputation it that member was
found necessary. Thp men were In a
gasoline la"nch and Sarrln picked up
. the nun to extract a shell when It was
discharged. Sarrin lsan attorney of
this city and the men were close friends.
i v v
4 v
, i 7 - t t
Dr. Adelaide Wallereteln is said , to hold membership in more clubs than
any other New York woman. Sh is also; prominent in society and
independently wealthy. Mrs.' Wallerstein is the founder of the.
East Sldo clinic for the poor In New-York, irWhen she wag estab-,
lishlng this Boclety she Informed her society friends that she was
tired of entertaining and being entertained. She studied medicine,
- secured her degree and has, practiced steadily since that time.-
fBy Beatrice Fairfax, t .-.
DEAREST MUMSIB-rBobby Is 'still
away. , He telegraphed me yesterday-
that .- he could not get
home before the end of the week,
' Isn't. It dreadfuL I do miss him
so horribly. : . "- .
I have had a letter from him every
day, and in his telegram he begged me
to get soma one to stay with me, but
if I can't have Bobby I don't want any
one. If only I could have you, you
sweetest of mumsies, but as I can't I'll
stay jUone, -
. . Mr, Sinclair , ealledvyesterday and I
really was awfully glad to see him, 1 I
was so lonely. He suggested motoring
OTr to the' club for tea, and perhaps It
was foolish of me, but I went There
were several' people there, among them
Mrs. Kingston, -Mrs.' Bentley's sister. .
' I couldn't resist bringing Mrs. Bent
ley's name into the conversation. I
Just asked casually how she was and
where she intended spending the winter.
"She had not quite decided yet" said
Mrs. Kingston. "She's in Boston, Just
at present" . , t . ,
Mumsle.-what does It meanT
Such hdrrible thoughts come to my
mind. I know Bobby loves me, but,
Mumsie, why are they both in Boston
at the same timet Oh, how I wish you
were here instead of nearly 1000 miles
away from me. ';y:''y. y,:i ':?!''
I don't want to be foolish,, but in my
mind the one thought keeps repeating
and repeating itself. , Bobby and Mrs.
Bentley In Boston together. I know she
likes him Just as well as she ever did,
and she Is a beautiful and fascinating
woman. How could a silly little young
thing like me expect to hold a man If
she wanted him? . ,
. But one man likes me more than he
does her, anyway, and that's Mr. Sin
clair. I know he still likes me by the
way he looks at me, Pll go oat with
him Just as often as he asks me, and
I'll Jet him call here. . - r
I'm lonely and unhappy, Mumsie, and
I've got to be amused. I'm only 19,
and I can't be expected to live like a
hermit while my husband 1 away en
Joying himself. ..
' Mrs. Hlnton, -Mr. Sinclair's ' stater,
with whom he Is staying, has asked me
to dine there and spend the; night on
Friday and I have accepted. J . 1 ;
.'If Bobby comes : home on ; Friday
evening he'll Just have to stay alone,
that's all. ; He doesn't care how much
I am alone. Why should I think about
hlmT '
1 I told - Mary and Norah that I woold
be away Friday night, and Mary said
quite reproachfully: "Oh, but Mrs.
Tht physician who recommends,
(he patient who uset and the
chemist who analyzes '
Scott's Emulsion
have established it as pre-eminently
the best In purity, in perfection
ami In results.
No other preparation has stood
such severe tests, such world-wide
imitation and met with such popuv
jar ana proiewionai endorsement!
To the babe, the child and the
adult it jives pure blood, strength,
solid Gun and vitality. .
: : . .
f - : i v
Caton, won't Mr. Caton be after coming
home that evenlngf . i
"I'm sure I don't know, Mary," I said
as stiffly- as I oould, but. I wanted to
put my head on her shoulder and cry.
I suppose I )ooked rather queer, for
she put her hand on my arm and said
then: Theie, there, my dearie, don't
fret Everything will be all right
She Is such a comfort to me, the old
dear; I really love her. . .
I wish Dad could see the chrysanthe
mums that were sent to me this morn
ing; he would go . wild over them. I
never saw such beauties, such great
golden glories, dosens, of ", them. ' At
first when the box came I thought It
was from t Bobby and t my fingers
trembled so I could Hardly open the en
velope to look at" the card. But they
were from Mr. Sinclair. It was very
nice of him, but I'd rather have one
rose from Bobby than a whole garden
full of flowers from any one else.
- I suppose husbands don't often send
their wives flowers, do they. Mumsie?
Everything Is so pretty and. bright here
this afternoon. There Is a glorious log
fire biasing away and Norah Is Just
bringing in the tea things, but oh,
Mumsie, my heart Is lonely, for I want
my Bobby. I want htm sol
' Mr. Sinclair's motor has Just driven
up so I must close in a hurry. Good
bye,, my dearest Write very soon and
comfort your sorrowful PEGGY.
;.Vjy-;a..:. ' j ii .m ' . i yn " n ..
- Mount Vernon is the first city In New
York state to accept , the commission
plan of government '- J ; .
Try This for Colds
Prescription Known 1 for' Result J
jMwaex man xrge Quantity.
Go to your druggist and get "Two
ounces 'Of Glycerine and half ,an ounce
of Concentrated Pine compound. Mix
these with half a pint of good whiskey.
Shake welt Take one to two teaspoon
fuls after each meal and at bed time.
Smaller doses to children according to
age." Any one can prepare this at home.
This Is said to be the quickest cough
and cold cure known to the medical pro
fession. Be sure to get only the genuine
(Globe) Concentrated Pine. Each half
ounce bottle' comes in a tin screw
top sealed case. If the druggist is out
of stock he will quickly get it from
his wholesale house., Don't fool with un
certain mixtures. It Is risky. -
Shopping Bates
Nf -Per Hour - 1
" a. m. to e p. m. aany is l
i iou can oo a aay -m ,i
Biiuppinu wiin K M SO t
f uiai ill m ivu-
ple of hours.
5sve-Your Teeth Now
Ton save a dollar, we
make a dollar and the
Expensive Dan Mat loses
you work. We work
i"i y vi m nan pay,
Open evenfnge untfl, i
end Sundays until U:j
or people who work.
rttnmm .1. V.I I .k.i
yvui v huu uur kiihi ntiivv iw Ifooa .
, Offices corner Fifth nd Morrison sta.
tatrance Sl hi Morrlsi-n at., opposite
- . Meier ft Frank's and Postofiic.
(On crowded street caxj
ouchr , ,
"That hat; is sawing my face.
"I managed to get a strap."
Til share my strap with you.'
"This car registers lit, and sUll they
keep on gathering more passengers."
"The boss says we are to crowd as
much as possible tonight as we are
short of cars on this line."
That man must be tired. He Is
taking a pap and at the earn time
occupying two seats."
"I ride to the end of the line, and 1
usually get a seat before I get off."
"I should think that woman would
take her child on her lap and let some
tired person have the seat"
"Do I have to pay for my little glrir
Step' forward, please, lots of room
In the center of the car.".
"I have to stand up so much that I
have learned to balance myself without
hanging onto a strap."
"I can't possibly . fall, as I haven't
enough room.'
"If I were a conductor I would males
people squeeze up a little so that more
people would have seats.". .
"I paid for a seat for my little girl,
and I guess- she can keep It"
"Want to ait on my lapH
, Rosebnrg Woman Gets Fortune.
i?iir-Ul n!natih t Tb Jioaroal.1
Roseburg, Or.. Deck ,88. Mrs. W., P.
Rodojf, wife of r. prominent architect
of this city, has fallen heir to a for
tune of $26,000 by the death of an aunt
In Nebraska. .. ..
Did you
get a
If you did, its music and fun are making
this Christmas season the most enjoyable you
ever had. : . . r . , '
. If you didn't get a Victor, here's a sugges
tion: Get one now with themoney you got for
Christmas, , and you'll have a source of per
petual enjoyment
. tGo today to the nearest Victor dealer's and hear the Victor.
Ask hurt for a January supplement, which contains a complete list of
new single- and double-faced records with a detailed description of each,
and he will gladly play any selections you want to hear.
And be
Victor IIachines
Records and Supplies
Talking Machine Headquarters
Graves Music Co.
Talking Machines I
and Records
Why not com to hedroarters? . Most eomplet stock
rt on the coast,
Journal Want
by thouoands of people
every day,
That caves on
cg&3 and reduces
the cost of living.
"Pound Tin1
Victor I, $25
1 Other styles
. : $10 to $250 '
New Victor Records
for January
tore to hear the Victor-Victrola
Ads are read
: : -
1 v,
,. v '
. n'iS ft
v-:s.'. .
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
" With Private Baths ,
Hotel Seattle; Pioneer Square, Seattle"
4 1400,000.00 recently spent oa its interior. ' All furnishings and
1 appointments new, modern and splendid. ,
. Hotel Oregon, Portland, Oregon ,
Both hotels conducted by
A. Hotel In tha Tery heart of Portland's activity: modern In wry raspct
Rates 11.00 and up Moderate prioa, Keetearant in oonnectlon
;"4 b Oy IWZTUn, Saexsiary and BCaaager ..-
Batopsaa Vlaa
' .. Keataoraak.
am wtef.
cs? on strmoa pbixaxs
CompaTelJiir Prices
With tW yon bur 1CO la the Ublt of wine,
and jtoa will Ma tbat offer jo a tubatauitial
bi on all work and 70a eaanot r better paialaw -work
avwhara, ao Battel how mooh jroa par.
a bdiu jplate aas
bridga work for oat
ot-towai patrona la
one day u dtxirad.
PaialeM axtraotloa
trea wbaa plate 01
brides work it order
Caawhatlan fna.
HsItrCrowni $5.03
6eid FBliass , 1.00
EoumI Fdlingt
Silver Fltlinta
bixxl Rubber
Plttta -
au. b.j a..Li
Pbtn , 7.59
ILW.a. Wtl. rwxanaM
n luai Dtuune) 1
AB work (oily snaranteed fa flftooa yean.
Wise Dental Co., inc.
Painless Dentists
WHntBolldlnt. TMrtf sn4 WatMnttss. PORTUNO, 0RS
OUlMaMni i. K. te r. U. luuUra, tea
'fun, ,. ,)t.
And makes dcli-
: ciously light and
wholesome cake,
; hot-breads, bis
cuits, etc. etc.
Messrs.Wright & Dickinson
J -rr i.a.? l '
"The House of Wskoms
Beginning . May 1 onr rates will bs as follows: Ocfr
-side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms, --
$1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trains.
Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Dats Hotel
Proprietor Manager
Kea4Quacters foi
Toturlsts and Cora,
meccial X-ravelare.
SpvclaJ rate made
to famtllea and
Inrle seatleinea.
The manaceroect
will b pleased at
all times to ahew
rooms and alve
prloes. A modern
Turklah bath -tabliebnuiat
la .
M. O. Bowere. Hf.
Hot and Cold Water Long Distance Pbona
Hotel Lenox
""vasr RATES $1.00 & UP
North Coast
Limited - 0 -
Tha "Sotn of the RiT b a ckmrm.
ing One -a rung by thie tuxurioua
home on wheel.
Yoar Comparunent or Drawliwraoia la
tha eemi ei onlaaM- the OlMemtkia
Car invite to a deUfhtful hour wuh
aatare the Dining Cat add. a crowainf
Leave Portland f .00 pm, Taconia T 00
pm, Seattle 7.10 pm, arrive Muioeaiwli.
T.30 am. tt. Paul 1M am 00 tha tliird
day. Immediaca conmctlon wiut lait
train, to Chitaira and Kaak , .
A maimlficent trip over th Srenie Rlrn-wmythrouihthtL-anduf
Fortune, rievvral
other daily tranKontitwntal tly.ra ana
through to CUicMa and one through, to
tit. Louia. .
TUktt! PvrSand. 1$S Uorriwn St . '
Tmctuma. 923 Pact At Am..StaHlt. 1st Am. I
aa4 Vmltr tfam, Spolunt, lot $ft" I
Northern Pacific
High Grr.d; Co.t.-::i '
U A I'LL JL A v. 'w I. A w a. . .
ZJ" Tth T- " r