THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1310. CGlSyS BUliHU VJHIIS MM VITAL STATISTICS BOILK i ma BILL Arrears in Hcdqcpcdqs From "Wine, Women and Song"; " Appeal to Health Officers and 0thcr Good Fcalurcs- Others Concerned Issued by Matter Intended to Aid. Bureau, With .Documental oASt aL2: anu wueuea desires lor more iiko tnem, so mat any railing off in attractions Is more keenly felt, but, taking alt this Into consideration, an truth, to tell, the new bill is only mediocre.; Hailed as the headltner comes Bonlta. the beautiful, in a little hodgepodge from "Wine. Women and Song."- She is assisted by Lew Hearn, the diminutive Washington, Dec. 87. In furtherance of Its advocacy of the extension of the registration 1 o . deaths , and births throughout the United States, the cen-1 and by the way, when you are laughing us bureau Is Issuing to the' health at the sise of them, Just' remember that officers and medical students of the it is Mr. and Mrs. Hearn In real life. of Baker Stock company! and the Lyric company, Francis Richter, the phe nomenal boy 'pianist, and Virginia Dorothy Hill, the marvelous dramatic soprano who will appear in all ttrree playhouses. Tickets are now selling fast and can be obtained at any theatre box office in the city orifrom members of the association, all of whom ' are theatrical people. proceeds from the benefit are all applied to charity and great good la accomplished with them every year. After th programs owl caf s will leave for .all parts of the city. ' ' Near Serious Runaway. -tSpccltd Dispatch to' The Journal.). 1 ; Lebanon, Or., Dec J7. A runaway acf cident In which five prominent Lebanon persons figured occurred last Saturday evening,, when the hack In which they were riding overturned and the fright ened . horses - ran, dragging the closed hack on Its side with; three of the occu pants piled up in a corner, momentarily expecting death.. The horses broke loose from 1 the hack, however, ' and none of the occupants wa injured, except for a few bruises. v As the hack overturned the driver, M. A. Bruer, and wife, were hurled to the ground. " Mrs. Bruer was uninjured, Dut Mr., Bruer suilerea a fractured, leg. ' I : ...a j ' J nrr ? 11 TO) pays- At Sacrifice country a physicians' pocket reference to the 1 International List of : Causes of Death. , if 'r ;-, The proirress of the movement for bet ter vital statistics for the United States is briefly summarized, and the essen tial nrinclDles of registration, as em bodied in the model law . adopted by Bonlta is Just as beautiful, Just as In dividual and makes Just as big a hit with her "Mendelssohn Springs Song;" Lew Hearn is Just as funny, sings as well as of yore and, the act was well received but it hardly seems such, stuff as head- liners are made of. Featured as Joint headllners are Han- w a i , n..v.M rr,i.v Hnn 1 10I Drotners, In Just Fhor Fhun l" Z"! f Th. fngly reminiscent of .the popular ua( are stated as, follows: . - Principles to Be Obwerred. U Immediate registration (deaths old superba, and some of its fellows. The most remarkable trick is the-mlrrot Illusion which is wonderful, There is other good pantomine " and '' laughable before Interment, births within 10 days and good features. and, compulsorily, not less than three one of the most enjoyable acts was days in rural districts); (2) standard furnished ; by Charles B.' Lawlor' and certificates (copies on request) ; (S)oom- daughters,' Mabel and . Alice who do an nulsorr hurlai or removal sermits for interesting musical character sketch. deaths, and some effective check . on I "Night and Day. Ob the Sidewalks of the accuracy of registration for births J New York." Their Voices are pretty and ttmmtm n infinta ntA t 1 vrri1. BDS-I sohm and business well executed. ' clal enumeration, newspapers); () ef- ' Bowman brothers present a blackface flclent local registrars, properly com- act which goes well. The best part of pensated (25 cents) for each .certify- the turn is their singing, which, it is nt nuriat.nui ni-returned in eompll- to be regretted, there was not more of. anoe with law only, and . so i distrib- xA Victor; H. Smailey sketch, VHand Uted that the least possible inconven- cuffed," is the vehicle -of Mona Ryan win hj bv nhvsidaas and and company. : It Is nothing but a little tm,wtkr h. fUlnr certificates: (5) burlesque on suffragettes. nu rMmmurtfcnrtr for resrtsterlng deaths I bright lines and drew and obtaining bnrlal or removal permit Pp'ai"B la advance ef laterment upon unoerxaa It has many its measure of Elsie, Wulff and Waldorf appear in a " " k 1a KnocK-aDOUi-SKii. -Alter me oqioait r w pemm ml T" - Ir, Mrh thflv An unme fair turn. ,uLt hTiVw. unou bling and good, casting tricks. w vjiu u a-s w . - the attending physician or midwife (par ent in absence of such attendance); (6) power and respoimrwilty to eniorce tM EXPECT LARGE CROWDS law. in oireci wumcuau wn ,m (any ooumy oincitu in- terrening in any capacity between the state reglstxar . and local, registrars meant) failure of the law): (7) prompt monthly' returns ot the original certifi cates from the local registrars to the state registrar, with report of "So births" or "No deaths- when such wa the ease and official statement of com pleteness of registration' or report ef Aeltoqoentr. (8) all this is useless to mkbn eomnlete leval records and sta tistic of the highest practical value unless penalties are provided-in the law and those penalties are enforced.. -. , "The worthlessness of a great part f mr Wrth rea-lstratlon laws depends trrxyn the nonenforeement or tne pepai W ti at tha laws by those officials who are charged ' with their enforcement, largely from unwillingness to antagon ize prominent members of the medical nrofessioo who occasionally or regular ly disregard their duties relative to the registration of births. The profession should encourage the effective admin istration of such laws by cheerfully and promptly complying with them, and by nnnnrtinar the efforts of health offi cers and other registration officials tn the performance of their plain duty. Hare you failed, doctor, to record any iMk hna occurred In. your prac tice? Tour neglect may mean , loss of money, lack of proof of legitimacy, dif ficulty In proof of age for the require-, ments of school i and labor laws and may perhaps work an Irreparable wrong m the child in future ' years. If so. please complete your service to the fami lly ny registering u uuw The census bureau will, upon request, supply physicians? reference ' leaf lets, snwlmen coDies of the Revised United States Standard Certificate of Death, and of the model registration law. CRUEL HUSBAND CUTS -OFF WIFE'S HAIR AfoD : SHE ATTEMPTS SUICIDE i . mnttwl Pirn Ltased Wire.) - - . ' Shn Francisco, Dec 27. Charg- 4 4 lng that her husband la to blame 4) because he sheared off her hair, . S Mrs. Ida Stoor is near death to- s day at the Central Emergency 4 ihospltaL. Without her tresses, . e Mrs. Stow said, life . was not 4 worth living, so she drank poison, e Mrs, fitoor is the wife ;of a e i butcher. C She 'told' s the. hospital; e authorities that her. husband cut 4 off her locks at the climax, of a , e - family quarrel. C TEACH ARABS TO RESPECT THE BRITISH SOLDIERS ' ' TTbHmI Trim Leased Wire.) v London- Dec. J7. Four British sol 41ers were killed and nine wounded In an engagement with Arabian gun run ners at Dlbal, on the Persian gulf, ac eorcHng to reports received at the ad miralty. One British soldier is missln?. The tribesmen were routed with heavy loss. ' ".V Tiro Saloons for Tillamook. 4 Tillamook, Or, Dec 17.- Tillamook now has five saloons. Last week it was a dry town. The licenses . have been fixed at 800 each, and those who obtained licenses are: Ed Hadley, Clyde Clements, W. J. Stephens, John son & Laughlln and Patterson & Way nick, The first four named hae been convicted for bootlegging in the city. The latter are newcomers.- . , J ' - . ; t ' ' " ' SJI I I HI I .1 !! .L.I.Hj-Lll-i " "I yrT-tat CXTRTD Uf 8 TO 14 DATS. Druggists will refund money if Paio Oinntment falls Jn any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles, 60c. : Mendota Nut coal for ranges; no dirt; $6, ton; delivered. Truscott Fuel Co 18th and Overton. M. 66, A-1865. La Vlnla De Witt sings and plays the coronet. - , AT MIDNIGHT MATINEES Good Health - Demands , Good Teeth To keep yours sound and . white give them scrupu- lous-daily care with a dentifrice that both polishes and preserves. SHI II ur.u.ij i 'Oft HEALTH ,lt I BEAUTIFUL I Mm x wr -vt w sr t J rtsiM Begins Tuecday Morning at 8 o9GockM6st of Our Regular Lines Included in Tm Men's Shirts $1.00 fancy Golf Shirts 7Ds $120 fancy Golf Shirts CSc $2.50 blue flan. Shirts 15 $1 black sateen Shirts . . 79c Undenvear 50c Garments now. . -35; ; $1.00, Garments now . . 79c $10 Garments now. .,92c $2.00 Garments now $1.35 Sweaters' $3.00 Sweaters noW '$23 $5.00 Sweaters nenf $350 $6.00 Sweaters nov? $150 Boys'. Underwear Boys' Sweaters Umbrellas 50c Garments now . . . . ZSa 75c Garments now . . . . 42a $1.00 Garments now . .,79c $1.50 Garments now. S3c $1.00 Sweaters now..'t7Di $1.50 Sweaters now. . 03e $2.00 Sweaters now $135 $2.50 Sweaters now $LS5 $1.00 Umbrellas now. J?D& $1.50 Umbrellas nbw ;S3ci $2.50 Umbrellas now;$lX5 $3.00 Umbrellas now $225 Union Suits $1.50 Union Suits nowC2; $2 Union Suits now $1.5 $3 Union Suits now 2.25 $5 Union Suits now $3X3 i u, . ' Suspenders 50c Suspenders now . yZZl $1.00 Suspenders nowu72i $120 $uspenders nowi.CC; $2 Suspenders now .LC5 2S BOe At Alt ' DrupgitU Aa New "iTear'a eve draws near Inter est in the midnight 'matinees of the Theatrical Mechanical association In creases.. The hla- annual event haa now grown to, such proportions . that i this year the three largest and best theatres in the city have been secured the Heillg, Baker and Orpheum which, Judglngr from all present Indications, vrtll be packed to tha doors next Satur day night, when' the affair opens. " It will start in all three at; once, at ll o'clock, and . continue till after mid night It is now the most popular way to watch the oia year, out amongst an those who like a little Jollification and yet are opposed to the grill route into the new, year. Many new features in the way or programs : are announced, including' all the best acts from - the vaudeville houses, as well as .members , Ctt Ihi Orl;Inl end Csnulr.j I30E3LIGn MALTED WILIS Ths Fcod-drfnk for All Inu For Infants, InvaKds, and Growinjr children. PurcNutritioQ,irp building the whole body, hvigoratesthennnbgnwtherandtheacd Kicn mllk malted gram, b powder form, k quick lunch prepared In a minute. Take no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. In No Comblno or Trust AND MANY OTHER GREAT REDUCTIONS PI F A SF NOTF ' Wedeclineto use the word value underwhich so many rLilLOEj 1Nv7 A JCj. eceptjons are practiced by even some of the large Stores. Every price quoted is the rejgular priceSo You Can Readily See the Amount You i Save, : " ? ' ' - ' ;',''" "it 1 When You See It in Our Ad It's So 3d and OAK . 1st and YAMHILL 1st and MORRISON 2d and MORRISON ; ; 89 third y ' " -. .. .... ' (j m ' " ; : v Y i, X II t I J II with II .1 I i- ' . : ::' I ' " "J ; LAST FOUR DAYS OF OUR GREAT . li ' L MM llCIMMC EVERY COAT, SUIT, DRESS, WAIST, PETTICOAT, SWEATER ONE-QUARTER TO ONE-HALF REDUCTIONS Four Big Specials in '''- ' ' ' Suits 7: $22.50 Man Tailored Suits $10.75 A tot of 100 Suits, made of all-wool materials in serges, cheviots, man nish worsteds and homespuns, new-cut skirts. Good $22.50 CIA 7 values, special ........ ..i O Four Extraordinary Coat Values --'. ' bWffiffi i nn Aii.Wnni nnnts At 'Slfl.35 Vii!-rfc ; x V7e7 V 111 l l vrv 'v i .f v.w- A beautiful assortment of all-wool Scotch tweeds, coverts and American Woolen Co. s kersey Coats in pretty models, al) sizes, (tl A women's and misses Good $18.00 valuta, special ...91V. $27.50 Tailored Suits at $13.85 $20 Novelty Mixture Coats $12.95 This lot comprises about 128 Suits, made of novelty mixtures, man's wear serges, Lymansville cheviots and homespuns, "coats lined 1 O Off guaranteed satin. Uood 527.50 values, special. y a A great assortment of Scotch tweed and homespun Coats, some with the Presto collar, others with shawl and storm collars. ThesalO AC Coats are excellent $20.00 values, special v $32.50 Tailored Suits at $16.35 $27.50EhglishTweedC6ats$14.45 TE us 5ave Your Teeth Now Tou lava a dollar. w i make- s dollar and ths lEtpenalve Dentist loses I two. dollars when we da li our work.- We work for nrlces you can Mr. Open evenings until t end Sundays until -12:30 unices estBDiisnea lea rears and ear ruarantce Is good.. ' BOSTOH DEKTISTS.'. , ' Offices coiner Fifth and Morrison eta, entrance m Morrison st, opposite Mrr & Frank's and Postolflos, ; Your choice 'of 98 Suits, made of finest quality chiffon broadcloth in black, navy, green and catawba, Skinner satin lined. ' Also an assortment . of serges and worsteds in regular and odd sizes to 51 bust M Of measure. Good $32 JO values, special , i . .. .. ............... j I U.1 J $35.00 Tailored Suits at $18.65 Newest Fall modeb in serges, broadcloths, cheviots, basket weaves and worsteds ; excellent models ; all lined with Skinner satin. 1 Q C C A good $35.00 value, Special ................................ 7lO.Ul Made with the raglan sleeves and high storm collar, loose back; exquisite range of materials. They were made to sell for $27.50, JJ4 45 special ..........-... ". .wait;;. forvthe opening of our New . Muslin Underwear 'Dept.' Extraordinary values . , .given. ': " ANNOyNCEMEMf' , LATER . . FOUR GREAT RAINCOAT AND DRESS SKIRT SPECIALS $15.00 Slip-on Raincoat at $7,85 $8.00 Pure Worsted Skirts $3.65 Made of fine materials, raglan sleeves, high storm collar, in 7 OC misses' and women's sizes; tan only, special syl eOl $25 Slip-on Raincoat at $14.45 Made of fine quality gabardine cloth m pretty shades of tan and olive, raelan sleeves,' storm collars. - Good. $25.00 values, special at only .....-'..." ..,,..,,..... .... ALL MILLINERY GREATLY-REDUCED WAISTS rSlOQ Waists at;98c Either in the linen or madras j tailored Waists or in the lingerie effect, ,; beautifully trimmed wwb ' lace and insertions; also the Peter v mi mocei, in iignt Bnaaes 01 nne quality jMulL Good $2.00 AO . values, special .. ,. VOC $3.00 Waists. $1.55 Made I of pure . Irish 1 linen, with hand-embroidered - fronts, laun dered collar and cuffs; beautiful model Good $3.00 val- frl rr ues, special ' . . ; . . . , . v I ! $7.50 Waists $3.39 ' Made of fine quality ,: messaline 1 , in ; the staple " shades lot black, navy and brown, in beautiful tai lored model: also the evening col- ors. with Venise . yokes. Excel- Just 52 Skirts in this lot, made of finest' pure worsted, in black, navy ' lent $70 values, - 0 OA and brown, sizes up to 34 waist measure. Actual $8.00 values, ffO ?C special JJJ Pee531 vel.Uil lit... V . ti AO The assortment cqwjH?i T'rr 'sianv plains, "taffcUa, "iac., nets ,and chiffons; exquisite models.-: Good $10.00 val- , C4 c q ues, special ,.v"wu $30-$40 Novelty Coats at $16.45; Our regular lines and about 50 Coats, all nianufacturers', samples of aH wool novelty homespuns and imported tweeds, half lined with Skinner satin; prettiest models shown this season; They are - tlC AC cellent values at $30.00 to $40.00, special wv.t $10 Storm Serge Skirts at $5.45 Made of finest quality storm serges, also chiffon panamas; beautiful :Ial d1 I Jf ' models, both in pla i . ; . . V I TefiD ,, values, sjpedal' models, both in plain and trimmed effects. Excellent $10.00 fct JC values. BDedal' frt V