THURSDAY EVENING, '.DECEMBER 2. 131D. .'.CETOSTAY. fs .raise 1MME posed by the Oregon ' Good Roads as sociation, but believes1 ,that "in the main they embody 'the principles of a good working system. He expressed the opinion, however, that some limitation should . have been placed upon the amount of bonded indebtedness which counties taay assume. " i "Th people move slowly In matters of this kind," he said, "but when they do move they - sometimes go too fast beyond. .the point of safety. While I think there should have lcen some lim itation on the amount of Indebtedness, the legislature should be able to work Ompnt Workers Fall; Two Dead. tt!ultc4 Press heated Wire.) Los Angeles, Doc, 22. Earnest Tear man, 25 years of age, a cement worker, was instantly killed, and J. Lawrence, a fellow workman, was mortally injurod. when an elevator on, which they were working at the hotel Alcxan-fvla Acr;?x gave way yesterday afU-rcouo. Tie mt-n fell 70.. feet) Lawrence died, aooo after the accident occurred.' ' -Charles Tenta and Ftcve Emit! were I and their enthusiasm may carry them out measures that . will be generally satisfactory," '; ', '.' T injureu, uui nut :iivujij, . ,- ., 3 EZZZHH THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND :r Han, Denies He Pro- cs to Drop Out of the Speakership Fight. V r e v w Henry MoKinney of Bakr, candidate f r sppiiker of the house in the next leg i. iulure. who Is in the city '.butiatng'up hi f ences, declArea-! ho : i - in ttoe i ire to stay and believes he hw m good chance for. election M anyone. - The i port that he would, give. way; tp Jerry 7 of Wallowa, the other eastern Ore gon candidate, arose from mtslnterpret i 7 what he said, lie states,; , McKJnney says he hau nine of the 1! astern Oregon votrs. ; He concedes the nther three to Rusk. Eaton had hoped to pick up some support in that section, but it appears he has been nosed out by the two men from that end of the state. ne man In the Multnomah delegation i out for McKinney, end the Baker man says he has others, but does not care to disclose their names, t ; ;. ; : "I have the, beat of it, as between Husk and my self. " he said, t "What I said about getting out of .the. TS.ce was this: That tf Busk could shew a good bunch of votes Jn western Oregon, I would talk the matter over with my supporters In eastern Oregon and see if they desired to go to Rusk too in order to choose the speaker from that r-nd of the state. . : "I did talk with the eastern Oregon delegation,, and found they would .not l p willing to go to Rusk, except those already for him. I found the only con dition to which Rusk would agree was that I retire, and this I will not do, in view of the situation. I am in to stay, end the outlook seems good, for I; do not believe Eaton has the support claimed for him, in. Multnomah county or elsewhere. ' : . - - ; ' ,, s . .5 ... ; As far as Multnomah county is con ccmed, the . best - information is that "Raton haa four, posulbly . five votes, Husk fftur, McKinney one and two non committal. , Rusk will pick up i num 1 cr of votes . in the valley, and his friends say he is now in the lead, with Knton in secQnd place and McKinney Out of this situation. Rusk's friends figure, he will emerge the victor, for n lien the break comes, they argue. baton's force will disintegrate and enough will turn to the Wallowa ma,n to elect him. .' McKinney while declaring that Rusk can never gather In a majority of the eastern Oregon delegation,, spoke a good vrn xor usk, . "Jerry is a good man," he said. "J tine mm., He is a man for the peo ple and one of the most independent men in trie legislature. . , Fewer Cases of Contagious Diseases in City Now Than Ever Before. : ' -: "There are fewer cases of contagions diseases under surveillance ' in Port land right now than- tners "ever-- have been at one time before since the health office was established," Bald City Quar antine Officer I. R. Beeman this morn ing. "The city Js in an abnormally healthful condition. Perhaps this state of affairs is Santa Claus gift: thiS year. ;; ;.v-.-.--.- f .-: ,--., -.-,(;. ';v ' - "As compared with December,. 1J09, which was a normal month for disease, the quarantine cases now, under the observation of the health department are more than 100 per cent fewer. Dur ing December last year px cases -. or scarlet fever and 15 cases of diph theria were placed in quarantine. . "At this time there are only 27 cases of scarlet fever and six eases of diph theria in quarantine. Of course Port land's great climate and the pure water supply, of the city are two factors that make, for the present satisfactory con ditions but an auxiliary to these should not be forgotten, the efficiently or ganized and directed work of the health department under Dr. C. II Wheeler. The medical school Inspection depart ment has, also been a large factor Jn preventing the spread of disease by detecting it at its inception and making prompt reports to the health office." t CHRISTMAS MATINEE AND PRESENTS FOR CHILDREN Manager John A. Johnson of Pantages theatre today forwarded an Invitation to County Judge Claeton for the in mates of all children's charitable socle ties to attend a special Christmas mat inee given for their benefit, following the regular matinee on Saturday. The children of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society, the Detention Home and other publio and private institutions will be invited- and there will be no charge made at the door for the little folk while grownups will not be al lowed in the theatre. - 1 .- --All newsboys -and children t who ie- sire to come will also be invited end at the conclusion of the performance, which begins at 4:20, Santa Claus will make his appearance and each and every child will be remembered. : Notarial Commission. (Salem Bureau of ft Journal.) . Falem, Or, Dec. 22 Notarial' com missions have been issued to John W Jtobinson. Madras; W. H. Cooper, Sweetl now, Newton Kour.atree and Jeffer fi.n Myers, Portland. r Hc:iy Wreaths. . With lots of h?rrlCH, large size ' 75c. 5 Inch ryo'emans, 3 to 5 blooms, special fur tiip holfdav 50c. l.L'BLINKB, Florist, 823 Washington. WILL WORK FOR GOOD ROADS IN LEGISLATURE r;,;; Vi 1 ' - -'! :''.: "We are chiefly interested in good roads legislation and that Is the sub ject l nave most at nearv said judge A. J. Derby of Hood River' today. In discussing prospective legislation at the coming session of the legislature. Judge Derby will retire as county Judge of Hood River, In January and take his seat as one of ; the .. two Democratic members of the house of representa tives, f I ; 'rs county Judge the 'Hood River man has given much attention to- the iques tlon of good roads. He says he has not had opportunity to study the bills pro- 'Lii.-Li. -Ir r Make the First Payment On Your; Xmas Piano After New Years ' You can have any m of the following pianos delivered to' yoar home without your having to pay a cent down until after ; the first of .the year: ' , . ' ' , ' I , Weber, Steck, Fischer, Kohlfer & Chase, Kohler & Camp bell, Weser, Hoffman, Andrew Kohler. Steinway Pianola Piano, Weber Pianola Piano, Steck Pianola Piano, Wheelock Pianola Piano, Stuyvesant Pianola Piano, Fischer Player Piano, Aeriola Player Piano. : Kohler & -Chase : WASHINGTON AND WEST PARK. f DANGER OF mSEll , ' ; - ; y -7 : r ' ; - -- id eliminated if you light your Christmas tree wfth'our Electric'' Christmas Tree Festoons.' We have them in. seta of 8, 16 and , 24 lights each, and almost as cheap as the old style candles. Call or Telephone for Particularaand Prices. 0. B. STOBBS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 61 Sith St, Portland. Or. - Phones A-1688, Main 1696.; v. '3 L r-T; W w u irf ewji mm w . -.,.,J 'W O Second and WsIin-tcn Slz., Over r.!:rc!.ir.!3 Er.!; "The PrC,resJve Centljts" We ktep in our' employ only dentists of practical experience, who have spent years of study in preparing themselves in all branches of dentistry. When people visit Portland from out of town they must take advantage of the opportunity and have their dental work attended to. We have a-tfult corps of old-time, tried crown and bridge workers and painless extractors. And dou'jt for-.. . get our prosthetic dentist in making up your mind where to go. Open ; Evenings 10, . .Year, , : Written Guarantee With . Work - Lady ; -Attendants . Good Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate. . ..... 1 1 .C5.G0 Best Set of Teeth on Rubber Plate .......,.. $7,00 Whalebone Platen or Geld Dust . . .$a50 22-K Gold or Porceldn Crown. $3.Q0 to $4.00 22-K Bridge Teeth, Guaranteed, each. ...... .$3.00 Painless Extractions ........ 50 .' - ' i . ' f " . ' Sensitive people willte delighted with the skill, gentleness and thorough mastery of every branch of the profession shown by ur unequaled force of experts. No suffering or upsftting of the . nerves in our office. You won't be here .15 minutes tilt you feel ; perfectly at ease the result of confidence established by our mod-. : ern methods. , ; r ALL INSTRUMENTS STERILIZED Another feature of this office, thereby eliminating the danger of infectious-diseases. , Jt very instrument is caretully sterilized expert attendant every time it is used. :.. . ; , The Owl Dental Coi Second and Washington Sts., Over Merchants Bank1 Conciiial Tnociira ara prepared in cottrenlent form of topl medicinal tubvtAnras, most beneficial In U .treatment of throat affections. Fre from opiat a or ot her harmful in rredjenta. . Price, 23c, 60c and $1.00. SmplVfre John I. Brown A Son Boton, Man. ) mm- t f J .. rn!7T0iirrin7i t4' , it fie (, i mm There is nothing prettier or more accept- -able than a - , j1 -' , , , - (i 4 ' WAIST OR ; PETTICOAT- ' We have them here in every conceivable material and style andat a saving of al- most half what you would pay elsewhere.' Hot 1911 lingerie Vaists $1.95 First showng of New. Spring' Waists of 191 1; Made of finest quality lawn, with elegant new patterns of embroidery; new cut sleeve. Sold regularly at . . d t ftp $2.75. . On sale at; ....... 3) 1 .V5 $3 Hand Embroidered Tailored Wasfe How oa Sale at $1.55 Made of pure Irish linen with hand em broidered fronts; laundered collar and cuffs. Actual $3.00 values. (PICE Onsal$ at. .... , . . 1 ... . . , . JD 1 ,00 $7.50 S& Waists Now at $3.39 .E!ntW3itsifiaffc'inlJic liymessaune m aaric colors and evening shades. Sold regularly at ni A S7.50.-" On sale at. . . .C-JpOtU." -m wmix i R r $8.00 cy Si Petticoats $3.78 Made of vheavy rustling taffeta, guaran teed, with a 1 6-inch tailored flounce and dust ruffle; exquisite assortment of colors; Actual $8.00, values. (53 7ft On sale at. ....... . t9 O. O $10.00 Yaists cn Sals at $4.98 Comprise Messalines, Persians, Chiffons, Plaids and Nets.; Values in this assort ment to $10.00. , . v OP On sale at... ......... .'...D4yO $12.50 CMffoa Waists at $5.98 Beautiful assortment ; of 'all over tucked Chiffon Waists in all the new colorings;-Uned.withkoughoiuU-.C C- A O Actual $12.50 vals. On sale attDuyO T ALL MILLINERY REDUCED. , - V ' V I----:-,..'' -11 I I 1 ir fir if i y ; ,.- ll , ' (BCQinU Come in tonight (store is open every evening) and permit us to show ; the; : ;haracter of Men's Qothing we are now handling. You will be satisfied a$ to style, quality and finish and we guar antee to n't you perfectly. - Mir On a small outlay of money. Our prices are lower than exclusive clothing ' stores, and we sell for cash or on easy -" payments, or you may open a . plain charge account .' n Lli Seifis , ami . Mea's GquqfqI IFsiFiaisMngs c , i . rj v 1P77 - vvjjj ,y." LLJiiN,' v ; ' . :- ' '' ; -"' .... ' ': ' ... :.. ' .... . : - I .. .... . .... ., ' ,; S. t' - ' 1 I t V " S f ' i "-i I 1 v;V;&:-:."v'-V.;" I - "is ,,tei - .... ... ... Y. . . y. -M;i-:.Vv .- ... . ' - - 'I ' v.- I Firsi snsi .amuul sou k ami Second and Ycr.Iii3' V !r if ... . y .: 10 Written Guarantee With Work Lady Attendants ( V'l N