The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 22, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    Wiiy I To t Find Out
If a nt 64 wCl scure for yoa a mow
" -factory portion and tiCwyT It
will eost erly. oae eont ft woti cash.
'JOUuliiiL Cl.LU.aI w4.
The -weather Occasional raia to
night and Friday. , .
VOL. IX. NO. 230.
i I ;
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I. Mi
! i -' M : i
Ammonia Tank Is Responsible
for Awful, Loss of Life;. Fire
' Once Uncfcr Control, But Ex
plosion Revives; It.' ; ;
Chicago, Dee, SS.After ten hour
of fighting the fire that threatened to
destroy the Nelson, Morris Packing
company's plant end : endangered ,th.
entire lUilon Btockyards, was brought
under control this afternoon. At 1
o'clock ' ten bodies had been recovered
from the ruins, In which It is believed
more than thirty firemen lost , their
Uvea. ' $ ' ; '",..-..
. When the firemen resumed digging
in the wreckage for the bodies of their
comrades they came upon the j remains
of Lieutenant W. 8. 'Strom, Lieutenant
J. J. Kttagerald and Truckman Michael
Crane. at the edge of the mound of fal
len masonry - that marked the spot
where the esst wall .of ths Morris bef
warehouse . had stood.' According to
Flra Marshal , Butler, this would indi
cate, that every man of the 25 who were
working heatf that portion of the build
ing perished. Those1 who Were inside
thn .warehouse when the ammonia tank
eiploded sprobably were Instantly killed
'and their bodies Incinerated.
Vttttoilr -ttftkM' '3Btei;,",i.-.
The fire In the tallbW house of the
Nelson, Morris plant, which threatened
to spread to adjoining packing housrs,
was controlled shortly before 1 o'clock.
The inflammable t!bstanea; howevr4
. reused n. greater portion of the depart
ment to remain on duty, Wwn the tal-
ttifii. police and iatxtrera .n to work
r covering1 ' the bodies of the do;id. It
was stated that It-Is tjrohablf that an
accurate list of the dead will not be
, obtainable before hight'' r'i
: i' Amonpr the dejid are believed to be
(Continued on Pare Ki ah teen.)
l I Ik
RailvayV Attitude Changes, It
Is Said, as Conviction That
Engineers Are Not Bluffing
, Arises; Conference Today.
: Chicago, lec. 22. A lengthy confer
'ence between Labor Commissioner
Charles P.. Neill and representatives of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
rlnecrs today ; waB . regarded as fore-
shadowing a peaceable settlement of
the threatened strike of 35,600 engineers
on1 western railway lines. , m -
, It is believed that the railroad offi
cials have concluded that the engineers
were not bluffing in thir demand for
air increase in WHres under a threat of
strike and that tlny have disclosed to
Commissioner Noill the final terms of
the railroads. . .Neill refused, to . stato
what concisions the companies were
Hilling to make.-
- Winnipeg, Dec. 21. The rrobabilitj
of an enslners strike on the railroads
of the west, is causing anxiety to bust
ness men in this city. It was stated
hy one engineer in the employ of the
Canadian Pacific railway late last nlfft t
that-every engineer In western Cnnui-i
would go out with t,he others; that the
date fixed for the 'strike was Decem
. ber . IT, 1 and thst 6000 engineers on
this side of the line would be affected.
Pictorial Reyieof .
Portland's Progress in
1910 .to Occupy One
v Section Exclusively'
... rti" TrTJ
111! BLAZE
Sixteen Firemen;' One ' Police-
man - Buried; Rescue - Party
Caught- by Second Fall; Ice
Holds Victims' Bodies.
i (tTirfted Prens Letsed Wire.) - ' '
. Philadelphia, Deo. 22. .Eighteen fire
men dead and six missing;, two, police
men known to have - been" killed and
eight missing; 2i Injured firemen and
police in city hospitals, with the Jtkell.
hood that' several will die; half a docen
bodies In the ' halt smoldering, half ice
covered ruins of - the D. JYledlander
leather factory, with exhausted rescuers
fighting ice .and fire to reach them -this
la 'the .summary of Philadelphia's
Tulettde tragedy, , The known dead:
' PqllCemefa: ' ' . i n ' '
' Landley. . - ' 4 ,J
i Gel lea. . ,
Firemen:, "'" ' 4 ,J',V"
Robert Stewart , , ' 1 . ,
t. Charles Hill. ' t s - t '
is William Hoffman, i ! ,
' Fred Galbreth,, . i rf ' . ' .' ,
John Carroll. - ,
Patrick CarToll. 1 ' '
Howard Bertllett ' - - v
Charles Eidelman."
tHarry. Bartlett. . ,, .,
, Kilpatrlck. - ,
i John Collins. '
.Thomas Entwlstle. , v k ' :''
Charles McConnell. ' .
George MarhlnlsKy. i f 1 ,t i
, i Kloaorer. . ' .
Parks. ,
... Ps. . ...... -',- ' ' -.v.-,.-"
-.-Twi-' .'nid. iiiifiwi, -
:.. To thl Sijmmary of herrnrs causrd
by the holocaust may be added the pri
vation and sorrow brought to the fam
ilies of'the dead and dying throughout
the city and the Suspicion that the live
of the city's .servants' were a sacrifice
to , incendiarism of the' worst type. .
Joa rocks Vf TiotUus' So(HM..;C't,
1 Charred bodies, frosen in the Icy ruins
of the Friedlander factory, lie within
plain sight of the rescuers, who, ' be
cause of . the sheets of, ice that coyer
the ruins, are unable to extricate i the
bodies. . :r Vi :.
Twisted .''girder and tons of .brick
bury the bodies of at least half a dosen
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
Canal Official .Sees Magnifi
. cent Future for the Willam
ette District, , Increasing Its
Products Tenfold.
"The entire' Wllamette valley : will
be tinder Irrigation Tvlthln the next 10
years and it products , from' the land
Will have been Increased tenfold," said
M. JJ Lee of the Canby Canal com
pany, .who. i in the city today-- from
the town of Canby, in Clackamas county.
"And." continued ,MiVLeet "that will
mean that the Willamette Valley will
eventually je, I believe, the richest val
ley in the entire world. There are S.000,
000 acrs of tillable soil In the Willam
ette valley, about J.000,000 acre level
bottom land and about 6,000,000 within
tho range of the watershed, with about
8,000,009 Acres 1 of" this in the foothills.
It Is not necessary to irrigate in the
foothills because showers are frequent
there in the summer and the red shot
soil is deep and excellent adapted for
fruit raising and dairying. ; ,1 V
;:v.;.' Sees Eaa of -Psbts.iVvv l --
"Extremely high freshets in the Wil
lamette will be unknown, for the flood
waters of the tributaries : will be con
served so that they ,wlll furnish a
steady flow throughout the year. This
will be another advantage to Come from
irrigation. It has fteen ascertained that
but per cent of water Ja lost In irri
gation. With.. an even Stage of water
at all times of the year, theWlllamette
river win he better ror steamboatlng,
because It will be possible to make per
manent improvements ; and more' defi
nitely define the channel. , It wilt be
possible to make Eugend "the permanent
head of navigation." ; ,
Mr. Lee, .who la still a young man,
was born In Canby and until about eight
years ago was considered one of the
speediest bicycle riders In the country.
At that time bicycle racing was at Hi
tenith and Mr; Lee was one of .the
greatest enthusiasts. ' W, B. Mooro of
Walla WaJla, who 1s interested , with
blm in the Canby Canal company, was
also a bicycle racer, but not, in the
(Continued on l"age. Fourteen.)
11 lilLIUl
J 1: ..
Colliery Officials Admit There
5 Is No Hope That "Any , May
Survive; Gas Prevents 'the
Search for Bodies. j
(United Press Leased TTlre.)
, Manchester, England, Pec, 22. A to
tal of 22S dead in the Pretoria mine as
the result of yesterday's explosion, was
the estimate given out today, by of fi
clals of the mine. Rescuers searching
the tunnels for , any miners that may
have survived the gases with which the
workings are filled, vwere halted when
within SO feet of the mine's' center to
day and cannot proceed with the work
until the gases have ..been driven out.
According to the officials, there Is no
hope of saving any of those In the. mine.
Manager Tongue leading the rescu
era, was, overcome by gas today and was
taken from the mine in a critical condl
400 fflEROTE
" ' (t'nltpd rre tpd Wire, - . 'V
'Washington. IVc. 22.-TV parage of
a jaw fixing the ;basls"of repronta.
tlon in the house of representatives 1s
prsrt.icsV'v ft i ortHlnty ; at 4H tr.
fthi'in ,f f " res s. ' aec rd 1 ng to Cbaiiv
man I'rurrT.trhcr of the' house commit
tee on census-. Crumr :ickor said today
that his committee, wr.s preparing a bill
based on the pew; ceTisUs . that would
place the- number of. congressmen at
about 0O. Crumpac.ker has had a long
conference with Champ Clark In, regard
to the proposed measure.. - , '
Assistant forester Goes Back
to Capital to Report, Con
; vinced Large.Sums Needed
to Save Forests;
That congress will be asked to pro
vide an unlimited fund for fighting for
est fires in Oregon and Washington
was the word brought to Portland this
morning by Captain J. B. Adams, assis
tant" forester of the United States
whose mission la to ascertain what
damage was done in the past season.
President Taft was atso urged to se
cure an increase In the forest service
appropriations sufficient to insure pro
tection from fires, in resolutions adopt
ed by conservation associations of Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho; Montana and
California. v ;, , ,
According ty Captain Adams the plan
(Continued on Page Fourteen.)
Noted Educators at Head ojf Stete -Convention
I ; t ' - - ' ' '" - - ' ' "
r ' " 'is " y J
HearJin'; from Irft to r?-ht rrcsi.Vnt J T. Moorrs, Srcrt t;iry L. A.
- , , " t - i - -
i 1
E-So7iafar Jamos miiJi Jr.;.of New
Jersey' who recently announced his
candklM-y for the i ITaited ; States
senatorship which will become va
i cant on the retirement of it pres
, ent oecopant Senator: John Keani
' His aoknowlHl.;ed candidacy means
that he chairenges Governor-elect
Woodrow AVilson to battle for the
leadership of tlie Democratic party
In New Jersey. .-. Wilson has advo-
rated James K.' Martine and de
nounced '.Smith. '
J. C. Silvers! one Must .for
: Alicriating "Affebtions . the
Wife of a Kansas. City At
torney. '"
:: (Catted Press Leased flit)
1 Seattle, Dec. H. Alexander L. Sher
man, an attorney pf Kansas IClty, has
been awarded -adjudgment of $50,000
damages - against - J. - C - Sllvarstone of
(Continued on Page Fou rteen.
miTPrnnnn imp
UUI WU,UUU;llfld-
. 1. 1
Captain Bernard Trench ' and
, Lieutenant Vivian Brandon
Convicted of Spying on For
'titicatiohs'at' B'okrum. - ;
Outcome of Trial Will Make
: More Tense Relations Al--ready'
Strained. ' ::
(Unltr; Pfm te.a Wire.)
Ijelpslc, tlermany Dec. 22.- Captain
Bernard Trench, and Lieutenant Vivjan
Brandon, ' English army , officers, con
vtcted of spying on Germon fortifica
tions at Rokrum, were sentenced to four
yearsTimprlsoinnent each by a German
court here today. ,; ''" .; ) V
The" Englishmen' admitted having tak
en sketches of the Bokrum fortlfloa'
tions and then having given the sketches
to the BrIUsh officials. " The outcome
of ; their trlsl, . it is expected, wid bring
ibout - international . , complications be
tween German and Great Britain. ; r
The German supreme court heard the
case, .thus. practlcaliy, precluding an, ap
peal Tbe accused men were defended
by Sir William Bull, M P.
, 'The prisoners did not divulge the
identity of the English military expert
to whom they gave the sketches of the
fortifications, 'h Bath were- calm ' when
sentenced..! announcing- that jthey wore
willing to sufTer -for their oountry."
' Th C 'J LLE kVIT! I TU R ii E Y
1 ' ''(Unit-d Pr hMti Wire.) ' ' '
t London. Deo. 22.- The Pall Mall Ga
sette today , prints an? account of the
embarking of an Italian ' army corps
for Tripoli as the result of strained re
lations between Italy and Turkey.
Believed Permits. Represepting
Total Value of $3,000,000
'.' Will Be Issued Before the
- First of the Year. -
! Plans for an apartment house to cost
$150,000 were filed in the city building
Inspector's office this morning. The
building Is to be located at Washington
and St. Clair streets. It will be 100 by
110 feet, and will be four Stories high.
Its construction will be of brick and
concrete. EX J. Frohman is the owner.
- W. P. Henderson filed plans for, a five
story brick warehouse today. The build
ing will be situated at Park and Davis
streets It will cost about 150,000.
-A permit was issued by the building
lnspecto for the construction of a four
story brick and veneer apartment house
on Hoyt street, between Twenty-second
(Continued on Page Fourteen.)
Wiley, Trer'jirer E. F. Carlcton.'
Eagehe ' Man 1 Honored- With
u High Office at Annual Con
s' -vention of .Western. Division
r.of Instructors.' k;
Speaker explains work
Lecture of ' H. H. Herdmah on
School1 Athletics5 Attracts;
Attention. ' -
V mw onioers Electee. : , 4
i Officers of the western dlvls-
4 ion of the Oregon Sute Teachers' 4
Msociaiion, eieciea this morning, 4
V are:, , . ... .. 4
f ' president -H. ' D. Sheldon of C
4 Eugene.
' First Vice president C ' A,
4 Rice of Portland. ' ' . - J ,
' Second vice president J. H.
,. Ackerman, retiring stale superln-
f wnoest'Of schools.
Treasurer E. F. Carlton of
Salem. . '.',,-
Secretary L.' a. Wiley' of
(Member of executive eommit
tee, Fannie O. Porter of Port
?and. ' I-pteropt- ip the annual convenient (ft
'.he, west, in Uivhitnn rt thO' Oregon
1 eaohcra' . aMsuniatlon" -ontlnnj
unnbuted thls mornlnft the firet address
to be delivered being thiifon' vocational
education by Dr. Dai-Id Snedden. com
missioner f education of .Massachu
setts, j. ''-v."
Immediately following y the speech,
President Moores . Injected, the annual
election of officers, the friendly rivalry
for the honors having been apparently
eeuiea over night by the leaders of the
educational movement of the' state who
are controlling the destinies of the con
vention. . All of the- officers were
elected without serious! opposition. The
address by Dr. Snedden packed the im
mense auditorium, the attendance being
but slightly less than on the opening
day. ; i. ;-'.
The speaker explained the work of
the . Independent : industrial schools of
Massachusetts which had - developed
from the appointment of the - Douglas
commission, and which now tench boys
and girls of that state to perform -particular
kinds of productive work for
earning a living, as distinguished from
strictly manual - training schools. ; De
claring . that the two systems worked
together, Dri Snedden urged that the
duty -of the state was to provide aid
for the school pupil in developing any
(Continued on Page Ten.)
ESTIMATED $90,000,000
(fnlM Pnm Uur4 Wlra.)
i Washington, :,Dec 22. It was 4
' estimated today by , Victor Olm-
e , sieaa, cnier oi me Dureau of sta-
t tlstlcs. that thet Christmas 'glv-r
lng germ" cost the American peo-
, pi 190,000,000 this year, i Not
more than half . tbe people are
giving presents ' costing money, 4
- according to Olmstead. Of the
4 (.000,000 -a few ere opposed to
Christmas- giving,' and , a vast .
'.: number do not give because they
have no money. . i"- y
Of the glvfia several1 million
wlll be children. whose expendU
tures range frqrn 10c to $lv' Olm- .
stead has calculated . that the
child's average expenditure will
be 60 cents.1 The greatest givers
are clerks, whose, expenditures
. average between 3 and SB. - ,
'.' .'" f i- t'.v'i-v - ',,'
: tlEW EIEtlCE
: t
A telegram was received this . morn
ing by Attorneys- Seneca . Fouts and
John McCue from A. W. Taiton of
Spokane, -in i which he offers what he
says ia very material evidence in favor
of Mrs.j Carrie Kersh, who was Convict
ed on. 'a manslaughter charge In tho
clrcu4tjcourv,She,.waa charged jolauy
with Jesse P,Webb of killing.. W,. A.
Johnson In, the New Grand Central ho
tel last"."June..:"' .'.: ', ' "
.. Attorneys Fouts and McCue will take
an appeal in the cese, baslnsj their ap
peal on .the. grounds of emir in the
record, new evidenoe frrn Koiikiin.i, an. I
that the veniirt is t . t i-i h i-i , :j
Upon His' Recommendation, U.
i-' S." Judge Wolvcrton Wipes
uut. Charge Against, Bm::r
1 1
Hermann' and Williamson.
Prosecutor Requests Court' to
' Resentence W. N. Jones,
-1 Under Conviction.
L'nited' States Judjrft Wolverton today
dismissed the land fraud case of thn
United States against John H.'. Mitchell
ct al.. as against - former Congressman
Blnger; Hermann and John N. William
son. : ; " .
The action of the court was mado
upon the recommeodation of -United
States Speclaf Trosecutor Francis J.
Heney, who, while asking the court to
dismiss the cases, made a lengthy state
ment of the history of the land fraud
prosecutions and the? reasons which Im
pelled him to make the recommendation
for dismissal. , v",:. V;;',, i : ' :
Mr. Heney also asked the court to
resentence W. X. Jones, under what is
known as the S'llotz ease. ' Jones had
.been found guilty in that case and
had been sentenced, to, one year In. tha
pepitentiary and to pay a fine of J2000.
Since sentence was passed congress hn
made the offence of which. .Jones .
found guilty a misdemeanor instead ol
a folony," which' prohibits a .sentence. i
the .penitentiary.. ,
' Wants Jones Cntanced.; )('
'Mil view .-of 4hls , Mr.- Heney' asked the
court to" sentence Jon to four moriiii
in thef county jail and; to pay the mnx-
Imum fine of flO.OOOj - . ,
Both - Jones and Pierce Mays, upa
whom a Jail sentence and fine has been
Imposed, have petitions before the exec
utive department for a - pardon. The .
attorney general is awaiting action upon'
(Continued on Pape Klchteen.)
Tacoma Embezzler Put Spoils
"Into Good Properties; No
Loss Will Be Sustained; De
falcations Total $75,000.
(Hotted Tress Leaned Wtra.l
, Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 22. Joseph. F.
Fuhrraan, paying teller of the National
Bank of Commerce of ,Tacoma,; was ar
rested today by United states Deputy
Marshal Davlsson. The warrant charged
him i with defalcation of $20.t00 of the
bank's funds. President Chester Thom j
admitted however that the total amount
of the alleged emberxlement would
reach 175,000. - . '..-''.'.. '7r: :?
, Fuhrman. who Is 85 years of age. had
been, connected with." th a bank for ttu
past,10 years and had wofked up from
the position of "runner" to- that of pay
ing teller - His salary recently Jsad be.:a
11800-a.-Var -,-" -f,
-1 feel sorry for. Fuhrman,',' said Pri'S
Idont ' Thorne today. , "We - had trusted
blm- and. had broil slit him alon? .1n th.i
bank because of his ability, t He simply
loet his head. 1 feel n animosity to
ward him. especially. because of ills wid
owed mother. The b,ank, so far as the
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
the' charge and Instructions of tl-1
court., , ,' ,
" The' new evidence menilon! br h'
Patton Is thought -to. prove tlm (;: '
ment of Mrs,'. Kersh. and Johnsoti. 'I
evidence is also supposed lo show i1 i
Mrs. Kersh; - forbade Webb to . f.,
litiF -and Jihr - - . -
Mrs.. Kerh has rrcjvt t !..,( . '
from tha collapst she ;i; -'i- r -tho
Jury rt turned a vt-r-ii- t ; :.
evening, and held a 1"'' " '
this morning with I "r s ' ' '
Still isunri'.nrt ! t "',
will, I '-) i: ')-' - I - '