TIlS Or.ZGOII DAILY JOURNAL, POIiTLAlID. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER - 21," 1910. - l erett streets this ryrnlng to handle ft blaze starting in a-pile of rubber pack ing. The fire was in the storerooms of the Gauld company, plumbing and steam fitting supply house. Tbe damage was very small. ' TOXIGIXTS ASirSL'.rcXTS. K'lHg ...... Baker Bungalow ., Orpheum. .... (ranj . , . , . jPnUgea ... Jh Lyric . . , our . , War Veteran Minstrel ."Charley's Aunt" "Nancy Vaudeville Vaudeville I ..... , (TLIliV I'". . .. ."The Tourists" Moving Pictures Weather Conditions Portland. Dec. 21. The British' Co lumbia storm has--moved to Saskatche wan, and has caused only light precipi tation locally over the North Pacific lope, none being reported from the Canadian provinces, a secondary de pression centers over Colorado and ha caused light snow In southeastern Idaho. Utah and Colorado. The Atlantic coast storm is rapidly disappearing and only light, snow has fallen in the last 12 hours on the Appalachian highlands, fhe Mississippi valley and the Pacific roast are covered by areas of relatively nigh pressure. With the exception of the states bordering on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the Gulf of Mexico, also Arizona, freezing temperatures ob tain .over the greater portion of the country. . ,. Conditions are favorable for generally weather throughout this district to. night and Thursday! with generally westerly winds. THEODORE T. DRAKE. Observer, Temporarily In Charge. Bounds Light southwesterly winds. .8t,ralt Coast Moderate Bouthwest .Winds. Fair. . Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight and Thursday. Westerly winds. Oregon-UFair tonight and Thursday, westerly winds. Washington Fair tonight and Thurs day. Southwest winds.. Idaho Fair tonight and Thursday. TrV at tli a Olfl Stand E. II. Moo re house and company, 411 Washington. Reduced prices on arusxs- materials, pictures, framing and wall paper. Cam Be Bought (or Cash. Beautiful white diamonds at $125 per carat Wal ter A. Lord Co, .111 6th sU near Wash ington, s ' Beldlnf Bros- jewelers and sdentiflo opticians, removed W S45 Washington at Before buying see our windows., Oivea Countr Current For the orlv) lege of stringing its wires across the Hawthorne bridge, the Portland Rail way, Light A Power company agreed yesterday to give the county - enough current to operate the lift span. Cur rent for lighting: the bridre lamns will be supplied at 2 cents a kilowatt All papers pertaining to the acceptance of me bridge have been signed. Sates Too Kigb Rates' of the Pacific leiepnono & Telegraph company for - telephone service are too high, accord- . inr to, th rtnnrlllltlnft IrtmnhAA htf tha ; Waverly-Rlchmond Improvement club iier a aeoate ana arguments ny a Tep resentative of the company last night The need of a fire station was also dis cussed and it was decided that , an at . tempt Would be msde to obtain one. ; Seamen's mend Booisty The weekly concert, of the Seamen's Friend society wlU be given tonight with the following . program: vocal solo. Miss Ruth Ounn: piano solo, Miss Elha Anderson; vocal solo. Miss Camp ton; reading, Miss Dick inson; vocal solo, A. D. Stewart; vocal solo, Sidney Boniface. Sailors In port win aiso sing. .- . f , ; Overcoats Make Handsome Presents Jlmmie Dunn can sell you a swell coat for J13.85 that would cost at least $55 ; at a high rent store on the street. His - store is in the air but hts prices are , on the level, open evenings this week. Room SIS Oregonian building. " Celebrates Anniversary The -Spokane Avenue Presbyterian church, of which Rev. D. A. Thompson has been - pastor for seven years, will celebrate Its twen tleth year of existence tomorrow-and Friday, nights with services and appro-. prints programs, - .;, -. ; (,,.. . Steamer Je; Eartins, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. . Leaves Washington street dock at t p. in. WIHnr Unrdock hftH moved his law office to . 421 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main IS7, A-37SB. !" . nu Jewel WmtaiLWe tmv Aid gold and silver. Uncle Myer's Collateral Bank. 71 Sixth st.r near Oak. , Siflaa. chotffum. nlstols. fi shins: rods. safety razors, cutlery. Hudson's gun store. . . " . Ice ana toner skates, boxing gloves, striking bags. Hudson's gun store. : Kndaon'a run store onen eveninsrs this week. Appropriate holiday gifts. W. A. "Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington.- young man . is suffering terribly from his injuries, and it is believed that he has been very seriously if not fatally hurt Internally. The motorman on the Williams ave nue car Is H. L. Burright and the con ductor M. J. Gleason. According to Sergeant Riley, the accident was not the fault of either the streetcar, men or the men oh the wagon, but was due entirely to the alippery condition of the rails. . . . . Woottsn for candy. 401 Wash. : INJURED IN COLLISION BETWEEN WAGON, CAR F. A. Falkman, an employe of the Davenport Brothers Produce company, Was badly Injured this morning at Third and Couch streets 4n a collision between ax Williams avenue car and a wagon belonging to the firm on which Falkman was riding. The wagon was going east across Third street and had Just crossed bait way across the track when the car corning down the street, unable to come to a , stop on account of the slippery rails, crashed into the wagon. Falkman was thrown to the ground and squeezed between the wheels of the wagon and the step of the car. The wagon was skidded for at least six feet after the car struck it' ; r Police Sergeant Riley, who was stand ing on tbe street corner when the col lision occurred, took the team, ' which had been thrown to the street in charge, and then called the ambulance and bad the Injured man taken to St Vincent's hospital.' While not unconscious, the.1 WOMAN ARRESTED l0fl CHARGE OF SHOPLIFTING Detectives are busy today investigat ing the previous operations of Mrs. Mary Robinson, aged 60 years, who was arrested last night at Meier & Frank's department store accused of shop lifting. when arrested she was found to have taken several cans of talcum powder, silk waists and a piece of silver plate. While- taking this she was caught and her arrest followed. ; . Her daughter called at the police sta tion this morning, and made an appar ently vain effort to comfort her mother, who was In charge of the matron.- ' It is not likely that Meier & Frank will prosecute the woman, but .will com pel her to pay for things she has taken. It is said that Mrs".' Robinson was equip ped with a number of . purchase slips front other stores, and a quantity of wrapping paper. When an article was taken, sbe would wrao It ud and nut one of the purchase. Blips., In the package with it , '.;-.? i Mrs. Robinson 'was arrested last year at Meier. & Frank's on the same charge. She is the wife of ateamboatman and lives at 835 Williams avenue. When her home was searched' last night by Detec tives Hellyer and Maloney they found a quantity of goods : believed to have been stolen. , ; v " ' ' ' ; ' Christmas Gifts. Our holiday goods at great reductions. Special bargains In all departments. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday we will offer values that cannot be duplicated in the City. Store open evenings. Ooods delivered toy all parts of the city and suburbs free. Becker, McLaughlin ft Sweeney, 441 Washing ton street. : "' - v - AT THE THEATRES gj. Good Motion Picture. "Tbe Lesson," a gripping biograph of tbe darker world, is the feature at the Star today, with a comedy, "A Joke on Bumptious," and a drama, The Light in the Window." . ',' Grace Cameron in "Nancy." A pretty blending of laughter and tears is Grace Cameron's latest comedy offering to-the public, 'Nancy," in which she Is appearing for the first time In Portland at the Bungalow this week. II 'Charley's Aunt" at the Baker. , If you have worried yourself nearly sick over what to buy for Christmas presents, or any of the other weary worries of thepresent strenuous days, forget It all and go and see Baker Stock company' in "Charley's Aunt" Seats Selling for "The Burgomaster." ; Seats are now, selling for 'The Bur gomaster,' which ' will be the attraction a; the Helllg theatre for four nights, beginning next Friday, pecember 23. A bargain price matinee will be given Saturday and special price matinees Sun day and Monday. - , . , ,' ;: k ' ,vW " - Hotel Fortland Monday, ' December will be observed as Christmas, an elaborate table d'hote dinner will, be served in both dining rooms; orchestra and vocal music in grill and . dining room.'. Reservations should be made at once. H. C Bowers, i ' ' ' A Timely ' Suggestion-Ladles and children will find Christmas shopping easier and will escape crowds on cars ' at rush hours if they will arrange to do their shopping so that they may re tnrn to their homes not later" than I o'clock each afternoon. ' 1 " Bankruptcy Bal Stock of Andrew Kan & Co., dealers In Japanese and - Chinese . curios, in hands of federal , eouct receiver,' Holiday godds at great bsrgalna for cash. Oak at. bet. Second and Third, i Open evenings. '-- i" - - Benew your atagaalna aubscrlptloa at I 1 A. M IIJ nv . I -mr -' '.-,;.. . ,; bbb ''"' ;( ',; ''.i!',"' ;";''' ,,e Imall "Damage by Tire The fire de 'partment was called to Twelfth and Ev- ' ". " - , . r . ' j,- v i, - - ! j " ' : ' i " : - i . ... i - . : 1A. .. , I u- 1 .. ; An even hundred., cities, distributed through 23 states of the Union, have adopted 1 the . commission t ormvof gov ernment . . II kf'y. Three: Classy Singers.', . Vardon, Perry and Wilbur, the sing ing and dancing trio at the Grand, have scored a hit with their neat act They have played before Kin e George of England and the king ot Portugal, just as they are doing at the Grand. Souvenir Matinee at Oryhemn. Each woman attending the matinee performances at the Orpheum this week will be presented with a beautiful auto graph - souvenir photograph . of ; the charming little English comedienne, Alice Lloyd. The management nas or dered 3000 pletttres.-vsr-' 'M'-.::zA . Laughing nit at Pontages. In the" international comedy success, My - Wife Won't Let Me," Wilson Franklyn and company are scoring a big hit at Pantages this week. The act has to do with the adventures oi a nen- pecked husband. ' , , , t".,..;X: i ' i s 1 -k "'''.'. '.i ' Thousands . are learning , to roller skate. don't you come in this week or bring your frienda and be fitted with a nice pair of glasses before Christmas t After all, aren't your eyes of vastly more Importance to you than any Christmas present you could mention T My work and my satisfied patients are my best advertisement Free consultation. DR. ,C. L. JtlAYMES 2XC&TJSXY9 OPTTCIAar ; Butt 437 Marqmam Xalldln. rotrsTS noccn acore this lime - We believed tte had enough pretty things to supply the city." But early last week onr stock showed the onslaught of the judicious . baying of standard goods at popular prices. We wired a jubilant 1 message to our eastern buyers to rush us a big shipment Well r -it's here and it's up to the top notch of style and quality, and -yet-we challenge other jewelry stores. regardless of our. higher quality standard and smart designs to undersell usv ; ; ; , , JEWELRY TO ADORN THE . : f PERSON IS ALWAYS WANTED. . . . " .. WATCHES THAT KEEP ACCURATE -V ' - TIME ARE ALWAYS NEEDED - v 5 ':'' v-"" ' f: i :, :: , i':h: k . Silverware, Cut Class, China, tp beautify the table Is always useful. Brushes, sterling ware for dressing table are very neces sary and make pleasing .gifts. , , n Diamonds ! Diamonds ! Diamonds ! ' WE LEAD THE LOCAL TRADE itlicmftcite 286 Morrison St CHRISTMAS . . Largest and most varied assortments of con ' , , ' c . fections ever shown in Portland, and all of Swetland Quality. i '.'.. i: r - - '.'; .. -. ..'-- " .... ' m' We call particular attention to our " - HOLLY GIFT BOX . 1 , 'Inexpensive, yet "a dainty and appropriate gift. - T ; " , V : ' see our display of ' u''! 'I " ' , ' 1 . Special Holiday Mixtures 20c lb. American mixed, the old fashioned home kind; a fa vorite, with the children. . 20c lb. Fancy broken, bright" and crisp. Just the best thing for filling the stockings. 25c lb. Christmas Creams, a mixture of bon bons and chocolates, in large variety. Extra good. 23c lb. Our famous Ribbon Candy, bright and glossy and very pretty for the tree. . Our collection of new and exclusive designs in ; a dainty and - up-to-now Art boxes Cabinets, . . Cases and Baskets has no equal on the Coast When filled with Swetland's Quality Sweets they make most "apropos" of Christmas gifts. Packages de Luxe The Girl in Red or The Maid in Orange are . " "' ' " quite the "classiest" weVe ever produced. See the three big windows, and the puzzling . : . question of what to give will be quickly settled,1 Grace Camer on presides at our Red Cross Stamp .Booth Friday 12 -to. 1:30. TtOCI Gface Camer bn presides at our Red Cross Stamp i. Booth Friday , 13! to 269-71" Morrison Street - To LOS ANGEES $20.50 First Clasi 'V ..... . T . , . ; ' v . Including Meals arid Berth ($10.85 Second Class)' S3." "ROSE CITY" SAILS 4 P. M. FRIDAY, DEC. 23 - Fare to.Sarr-Francisco $5 $10, $12, $15 " H. Q. SMITH, C. T. ' J. W. RANSok A?entl 112 Third Street, AlnaworthTDock. Main 4C2, A-H02-PIIONE3lIaln 2C3 It's- WintWr NfiM J You'll Need ! feceptacles for the coal and ashes. j A splendid assortment of coal buck ets, ash cans and scoops greatly re- lduced.pricesu.n.They. add. cleanliness I to any household. No (need to be without onearticles of' service and quality, ' AVORY&CO. '40 .Third Ot.:.. TEETH 5ave Voiir Teeth Now You aava a dollar. w males a dollar and Um Expenslv 0ntlst losas two dollars when wo do your worn. Wo work tor prices ton oan ear. Opn ovenlnss until I 9nd Sundays until 13:SS or ' peopls . who work. Offices eatubllshed tm jrmrm mna our guarantee is gooa . 80STOH BEWTISTf. ? Office corner Fifth od Morrison sta antra syco 21 4 Morrison st. oppoaiU aauer i tranri ana rostoiuaav XMAS ' GIFTS of : Japanese Silk Goods! Genuine Articles. Plain end Embroidered. At Vary Low Prices Sarins' TMs Weak. S-BAN COMPANY t4 srottn Talrd. Oorar Oonca. - What Gill's Ad Man Sav on His DailyTrip Around 'pzzr ThsAnswcrN i ; ffimO:rs ,n I .. ' - ' " ' a;:it.:;::;:nts. Portland's Ideal GiftStoreToday You See, Too ! -C&OWSS- He saw hundreds of peo ple' in every department looking for suitable gift. (Later, he saw the same peo ple going out with just the right presents under their 'arms.) ' ' ' SJLLSTX OXTT FZZCXTS In the Fancy Stationery Department the all-the-year-ronnd gift section he saw dainty Calendars, exquisite gift pieces in Imported Metal and Leather Goods, beautiful Hand-Craft Jewelry ' and Novelties, charming Hand Tooled' articles, and a hun dred and one other hems that will make ideal gifts. TOM VZS ." Over on J the Commercial Stationery side he saw a gift suggestion at every tura es pecially for men. You want to come and see for yourself. The gift you are looking for is sure to be here. soon ' - He; saw thousands , of Gift Books, conveniently arranged for selection. Books on every subject New Fiction Books of, ; Travel-Essays, Belles Letters and 'Literary History Western Literature new Books of Adventure Poetry Fine' Arts Bibles Dictionaries, etc, t say nothing of elegant books in sets, and books for "little tots" and boys and girls, on the second (2d) floor. V . It certainly would be hard to , find a greater variety of books than are on display at Gill's. Of course, no other store in Portland has any where near the' showing, and the prices are right in keep ing with the GUI quality. - Cr-V. BOOXCAJTE3 ' Up on the balcony, in the Furniture Department, he saw the famous Globe-Wer- nicke ' Sectional Bookcases, the kind you see advertised in all the leading magazines and the kind Gill's have been sugegstion that YOU give THIS Christmas. , toujtact rare ' At the front, on the first floor, he saw a big Christmas case of Waterman's Fountain Peris, the kind that are guar anteed by the makers and Gill's. Styles for every hand ana prices xor every purse. : And 1 now, whisked up to the sixth (6th) floor, he was taken to the Christmas Star Bargain- Room an entire floor overflowing with beau tiful, useful, gifts at Star Bargain prices broken lines and samples from the whole sale department. Everybody in Portland is talking about. Gill's Christ mas Star Bargain Room- hundreds are finding just what they? want here. i YOU can, too. ": , , J " If you don't want to waste time in hunting around for -something that will just suit, something nice enough to arive and not too ; costly to' get. come to Gill's Port land's Ideal ; Gift Store first. It will save you time and worry, as well as money. TTEILM T1H-ATU1I i NIGHTS litllLN.xlNJ i-WOAT. lis j 309 f.IorTbon, Opposite P. O. Bargmn Ilaiinee Sat, SOc, 35o, 15a, f fecial IU:Lis: Eua. and Hjui.' j- The rarorlto Musical Tlay. The Burgomaster Ous Weinberg; Original Burjoma'tr. Sun. and Monday mats. $1 to 2..a. Eves., 11.50, 11, 75c, 60c. 35c, 2 So. DUNGALOV Tnemtre, llta and Morraon. Main 117, A-42J4. Geo. U Baker Mer. ALL THIS WEEK, MATS. THUH3, BAT Dainty CBACE CAKXBOH In her latest com?tly success, A soul stirring play; beautiful story f home life; full of pathos and comedy with special musical numbers. Excellent company, complete scenic production. Evenings, 26c. 60c, 76c. U; mats. 25c, 60c. Next week M01a Olson." Ideal (Blft Store Ths J. K. QUJ. Sd aaA Aider. BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS Blue Point OyslerCo. Always has on lund a large stock of oysters.7 Olympia and Shoalwa tcr Bay ?4 per gallon. Transplanted Eastern Oysters $1.80 per 100 in shell, . $2 opened. Jn quart cans : $6.50 per dozen. ' , BLUE POEOT "' " Blue Point Oyster Co. 31 North Sixth St Main 7318 A4910 BAKER MorrUwa and flth. Main J. A-6360. Geo. I Baker Mgr. The Famous Baker Stock company. To night, all week. Matinee Saturday; bar gain matinee Wednesday, 26c. The Bar num of them all. Two packed houses yesterday laughed themselves sick; the reason "CKAJtxjrrs ATnrr That's enough. It has made millions laugh. Try It Eve.j 26c. 60c, 75c Mats,. 26c. 60c. Next week "The Dollar Mark" saxar a, A-ioao SKAT. ZTXBT DAT la-as-sue STIglita IS-S-i - 1- SSnsvV THEATRE ASTAJTCXS TATOITVTLIJS Alice Lloyd, charming English come dlenne and eight other excellent acta. tarB TUB BEST THUS THB BS7 Waak Ooounanotaif SConday, Hat. Dee. 19 ATTKAlTiOW I,AinAvjniJiiiii, VT.T.B. KEHaLXTTBVS EDTJCATEB RUSSIA If POOBLX3 8 OTKEB PEATXTBCB ACTS S Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:30. 7:30 and 9. . y f-v -v HOME OT 1YR1C2S ' fsvsnta and Aider Straeta, Week Commencing Monday - Matinee. -Keating A STood Present szxaov roro With the Lyric Musical Comedy CX, In One continued scream from start to fin ish. T wo performances nlhUy, tUi and :16. Mat dally. S:5. Friday nlRht, chorus girls' contest. ChrtsUnaa day spe cial nerformances. t - , - . ORAIND Waek Dec 19. 19IO PELDAU Ths World's Oreat rt Hypnotio Scientist. ' Carter Sr Waters Vardon, Perry Ss WUbnr. Xreo and Chapman Kitty Edwards ' Joe XannJir&a " OBABSAScfS . . .1 ,.Ai n w Unn . 111. Bveninr performances at 7:30 and 9:15; balcony 16c; lower floor 25c, box seats ouc. CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS We nave:'the lareest line and the srreatest assortment in the city. All the newest ideas in Directoire handles. Good, fast color Enellsh sloria. para gon frame . . .... . . . ... ..$1.00 Rustproof, English"' gloria, finished trame ; . ..su Pure Silk, real Umbrellas, spl $1.85 Herctiles rust; and wind-proof ZM Ladies' Directoire Umbrellas $1.25 np Full length gold and pearl, tape edge, silk gloria .....,...............$3.50 An immense line Ladies' and Gentle men's Umbrellas ........ . . . .$5.00 up Fine presentation Umbrellas to $20.00 We have the largest stock on the coast in this line. All goods our own manufacture. Rnst-proof , Wind-proof, Folding, Detachable, :. Self-Opening Umbrellas. - ' " REPAIRING AND COVERING MEREDITH'S 312 Washington St . Exclusive Umbrella Bargains MXP-VTREK OaAJrgEa TODAT Slvt JTTB IHXATBES. BTAS The lesaon. Joke on Bumptious, Light at the Window, Song- Produc- tlon., ' AJM3ADH John Doe and the Cherub, ., New Tork Police Max Goes Skl-lng, Confer the Binger. - : OK JOT Little Maiden of Spreewald. Winter's Ride, . Down on the Farm, Song. .. - ODIO Tyranny of Florence, Hunting - Chamois, Ola jNorrie s uai, jtier inuiau Mother, Bong. TTTOXJC Friday, Western ' Welcome. Betty's nreworks, Cain and A Del, Bonr etc . "ALOHA 99 ZXCTXSXO TO . HntsJSin Iclnnffs TBAKSmP "QUEEH" C3IABTESED ro 80 DATS' CKVIS. On the Blue Pacific and In the Land of r - Flowers First Personally Con ducted Ocean Excursion "" " ', " From Portland, a days a Ban Franclco 3 days at Silo and the Chater. T Says at Honolnla daring "xloral resttvaL" " ' Ronnd Trip s" Remittances can be made lo Hsrtman tt Thompson, bankers. In case of non sailing or sickness money will be re BAXUi ITEBRTJAET 1, 1911. For Reservations and Full Particulars Inquire of BOCES Si THOMFSOS, Managers, SIS Worcester bldar. - " Phones, Main 839, A-8293. The Old Reliable Union Painless Dentists OUT OT TOWX PXOPX.il should re member that our. force Is so organised that ne. can do their entire crown. bridge and piate wora in a aay nec essary. Full Set of Teeth. . ........... ..85 00 , Bridge Work or Teeth without -f Plates .............S3 50 to S5 OO Gold Crowns .........?: SO to 95 00 'Porcelain Crowns ....StS.SO to I.IOO Gold or Porcelain Fillings. .. .$1.00 TJu Stiver Fillings.,. ......50 to $1 OO . . ' , IS Tsars' ' Onarantee. ' Hours 8 a, , m. to s p. m.: Sundays. , . to It Union Dental Co. TIE ST JJTB KOBBZSOBt BT8. COMING HXTLIQ, SSCEMBXB 88 JJTO S9 DOBBS AND HIS ARCTIC MOTION PICTURES Mr. Dobba haa spent 10 years In the North and his collection of Arc tic scenes depleting; life amonj the miners of the northern gold field great Ice packs In the Arctic, the midnight eun, the great walrus mint, showing a hundred thousand of these monsters of the northern seas, t Si beria. The Polar Bear, Kukimo, Reindeer mall teems shown ss in Ufc. COSCBl COMX! COMZI to the top of the world with Dobba and his camera, Helllg Theatre. , "V7XDHXSDAT ATSTD TBXTBSDAX SIGHTS, DEa S3 and 89. Prices 60c, 76o and Jl-00. GHAUSSE- m RUDHOMME CO ii RINTERS 142 J FOURTH STREET PHONESt MAIN 819-A 1SJS 1. Order Coal f tow Do ' not wait - for a tlmewhen delivrr- Tls "are . lmpoeaible. nANFTELI) VEYSIfY JhTKL CO. Main 833. A-3353 Oregon Law School " . ' . ZSTABLTCZXS 1883 A thorough, practical course in 1' ' time lost from regular occupation. p- . t tations eveninins. Larue clttue adrnin laat June to practke by Supreme ir i of Oreron." Call and srure th;r and addresses. Biislaexn ntf.Wr.ii (ommonwealth bliig.: Hixth Ht- J-m.-h Main 1814, Samuel T. m.'ir'-'-n, .. M. Morvlieuil. ( i i t'arv. CCMVABI.ILiii.rst Kjcclicits yc ii:. ri7k v,T" '''