The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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evening, dec::"
b taken in, it Is understood, s soon
as It can be handled.
The land ia to b divided Into "units'
of an acre each, and thse units are to
be sold for $750 each, at 7 per cent
Interest, 19 years being Riven for pay
ment For the first five years the
company is to take care of the land,
put in the apple trees and cultivate
them, and where possible, vegetables
wtll be frown also, 20 per cent of the
revenue thus derived going to the pur
chaser. This latter clause alone will
mean many dollars each year for the
purchaser, and wUl probably cut down
his payments materially. .
An additional hundred acres, ' It is
: iiiffls ran
will be the 'hucleus, and 'thousands of
acres will be broken up into small
tracts as fast as a market Is furnished
for it.
The land is in the Touchet valley,
and in the great Yellow Newtown dis
trict, where fruit grows to perfection.
. Indianapolis'. New City Hall.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 21. The new
city hall building was dedicated this
afternoon with interesting; exercises.
Governor Marshall, Mayor Shank and
five ex-mayors of Indianapolis were In
cluded among the speakers.
Seattle, Wash.,1 Dec 21. ,The United
States of America vs. "Sixty-two bar
rels of catsup" was the somewhat pe-.
cullar title of a case tip for final dis
position in the federal 1 court yester
day. '' I
The catsup having no attorney to take
ain appeal to the supreme court lost,
and judge G H.. Hanford sentenced i
to Immediate execution. i
The owners of the catsup, the Seat
tle & Puget Sound Packing company,
from whom it had been seised because
It did not conform to the requirements
of the pure food law, deserted its pro
duct, with the result that Dlstrlr-t Clerk
R. XL Hopkins will ponit enrich the
waters of i'uSf-t S.onnd by damrtin? the
sauce into the bay. ,
tered for the 'purpose of roblmry. ringer
.nits 1 ft in the soft paint on a rear
pon 'i racing were the principal evi
dence a -z un-it the negro. The proceeds of
the bu.U will be used to carry the case
to thn supreme court for a ruling on
the ..: in utility, of "finger print tvl-df-nou"
in a trial.
To Content' Victim I.Vctioa.
(" .-.HI Mnpi.ti-b 10 Tie Journal.!
' Da v tun. Or., Dec. 21. L.vton s city
election f'ill - be contested, the papers
having teen filed two djys ago. The
contestants claim that a number of
women were permitted by the judges
of election to cast ballots and the con
test Is based on JJiat allegation.'-
have ycu gee:; i::::?
Some one is very anxious to re-
colve informiition concerning the
whereabouts of -a certain young
p man, and is offering a reward
for ihe game through the "Lost
and Found" column of today's
Journal . This is a classification
7 of the Journal you fchoulj never
f til to read. v- tVliould you bo so
unfortunate as to lose an article
4 this column should be patronized
A for recovery. ,
Chicago, Dec. 21. The colored popu
lation of Chicago 18 on ' -ra ia anticipa
tion of the "grand ball" to be given
tomorrow night, the proceeds of which
will be employed in an attempt to save
Thomas Jenninsa, the "finger print"
burglar, from the gallows. Jennings,
a neirro es-convict, was recently con
victed of the murder of Clarence HUier,
whose house he is alleged to have en
streets Scon to Be Let for
Fcur; Two for Pacific, i
Two for Atlantic'
said, have been purchased by the finan-. Memdota Nut coal for ranges: no dirt
ciers of the scheme, and this will be $8 ton; delivered, Truscott Fuel Co,'
Improved at once. These two plots isth and Overton, M. 65. A-1S65.
OKI and young go roller skating cow.
lfn!te rrea VetA Wlral
Victoria, B. C, Dec 21. Contracts wlU ,
l -i awarded, within the next few days for j
the construction of two faster audi
' jrger trans-laciriej Jnprr"w
Canadian Pacific, M well as1 or two
largo and fast steamships for the'lnv
provement of, the company's trans-At-Untie
fleet f Arthur piers, manager of
U.e steamship service ef the Canadian
, rn ci fie, who has now under his man
:i cement a fleet of 6T vessels engaged in
(1:0 various ocean end river, services of
the Canadian corporation, is in Montre
ni, having brought from England tenders
submitted by a number of British ship
building firms for tne construction of
the four new liners, two for the Pacific
and two for the Atlantic, The plans
and tenders were placed before a meet
ing of the directors of the Canadian Pa
cific at Montreal a week ago and dis
cussed. . "5 -:. ' V i I. ''.:'.':"" r.
All the directors were present at the
meeting and it is stated that an official
announcement made within a
few days as to the awarding of the con
tracts. ' . 1 . .. .. .,
(Special Dispatch t The Jouninl.) . -
La Grande, Or., Dec. 21. La Grande s
'railroad shops passed muster when thorr
oughly Inspected by Julius Kruttschnitt,
director of maintenance of the Harri
nvan systems, and therefore the highest
man in authority except Judge Lovett
that operates the vast Harriman con
tinental steel girdle. After a half hour's
inspection and scrutiny of all depart
ments, Mr. Kruttschnitt classified the
l,a Grande shops as the finest and most
up-to-dat'j small shops in the Pacific
northwestand he has 6een them all and
is king pin over, them all. '
Sir. Kruttschnitt'8 coming has been
expeettd for some time and when he
reached here Sunday the yards may have
been brushed, tip, a bit for the special
occasion, but the general workings of
the shops are always the same, and the
high compliment from the right bower
to the throne of Harrlman's systems is
not only an -asset to La Grande, but
complimentary to the local lieutenants
who keep the shops' in operations '
A galaxy -of. officials such as seldom
visits La Grande at one time, comprised
the Kruttschnitt party. - General Mana
ger J. P. O'Brien, who by the way, be
comes vice president and general mana
ger of the Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company after next . Sat?
urdayand then becomes one of the tri
umverata which will rule the Harrlman's
in the-' northwest; Assistant" General
MHnagers J. X. Stack.and "William Bol- j
Ions and G. W. B&scke,- ehiof engineer,
were with Mr. Kruttschnitt on his east
ern Oregon trip. . ' . V
" ,w-r mm ! !! ,1 1 .1111
A Glove Order for a Pair of CROSS ENGLICI-I GLOVED l.ZvZzzz "a Fiho Chi-icliiao GUi.
MAV0 .1 U . 1865 1910 r & J
l'k '..-'' Tiim,"' Friday- V W H aad Sakwday. : . 'iJi
I ' , .... : : : : 5-
L 1 I I I I nil. ' ... i i I I
Snlai niDt'-h to Th' Joorntl
Watla Walla, Wash., Dec. 21. Find
ing that Osea P. Walter, who for 25
years has been in the city cemetery, his
grave unmarked, " was a friertd of his
boyhood days, a' schoolmate in '-Tennessee
when both were youths. County
Bngineer George Winkle- will mark the
burial place of his childhood chum.
Osea P. Walter was born in -Tennessee
in 1858, and when he was a
whodhoy was a friund of George Win
if. Both came to this country, and
Walter died 25 years ago. Although he
knew his old friend was dead, he never
knew until lately where the grave was,
and it was juBt yesterday that the slao
was prepared to mark the grave. A
Tiarhle stone. will replace the slab soon.
iSreci"! ntip''.ti to Th Joamol. r
Walla Walla, Wash., DecK 21. Pro
moting what promises to be one 'of the
biggest development schemes the Walla
Wulia, valley .has known, the directors
nf the WaitKburg orchard tracts were in
Walla Walla yesterday. The local di
rectors of the company are C L .Dorn
berger, J. D. Taggart, A. S. Dickinson,
I-I. P. Peterson and A. G. ' Loandgin,
a!l men of standing in the tipper end
of the county. They have 100 acres
that are to be sold In the manner the
company has adopted and more is to
I i:"-':Aj
. . .,;.v, v.--!.'.
Make but little ash.' Of some
coal it is said that it is nearly
i!l a-h. Not so with Mtndota.
N'o dirt no , clinkers a, good
roa' satisfactory coal. .
k-ZZll, Marshall
0C-rwr-w wow-- I
Order From
"'rDrJer Today
25 Departments
Russian Bra
I 11
Immerics Line at
One-Fourth Off !
$1 to!$3 Trays 40FF
$1-$15 Jtxdlmzrts OFF
25c to $1.50 Ash Trays
at ?. '. .... , OFF
$1 to $10 Smokers' Sets
at ... Va off
60cto $4.C0 Caridls Sticks
at ; .v... : .v ... OFF
$2.00 to $7.00 Book Racks
at ............ OFF
$1 to $10 Han sin 3 Basket
$3 Umbrella Stands '$3.93
Scores of. other fine pieces
ia this sale.
Safety Razor
and Sets
Gillett SeU $5.00 to $18.00
Durham Duplex; . V $5 up
Autostrop v. ".' . . . a . .$5.00
$1.75 Sterling: ShaVing
Brush, guaranteed . . $1.33
$3.00 Sterling Shaving
Brush,' guaranteed . .$2.17
$175 Silver Whiskbroom,
medium size ;; . ;, , .$1.33
A!iito Roll - Up
3d "Floor
Toilet Sets Now
Sterling ,
lA off;
Ebony and
Other Fine
Wood .
Special sets made up to suit from our
' great stock of goods.
Fine Manicure Seto
I v.-'-N " --tT
At One-Fourth Off
Every style
of case in
cluded in
this sale, ,
from the
small size,
with file
and buffer,
for the
pocket, to -the
large cases,
leather -covered
and lined, for the toilet table. Our as
sortment is large and you will find here
exactly what you like at this price
Physicians'- Instrument and
Lklcins Case! Ons-Fcnrth OIF
Why net
' ) family
physician -
with a nice medicine case or an instru
ment case? We have a nice assortment
at all prices, and you deduct one fourth
from price marked on the tag. ; Fever
Thermometers and other things for the
physician in our Surgical Section on
Second Floor.
1000 Qinrts Ispsrted Wins
Vallie3$1.40 to $2:00 If6;y98c
These comprise the finest wines from each
locality in the old country and include Lau
benheimer, Konigsbacher, ; Deidesheimer,
Rudesheimer, Zeltinger, Erdner Treppchen,
Piesporter, Brannenberger, Macon,' Beau
jolais, Medoc, Chateau Montot, Grand Vin
De Bouliac, St Julien Superior, Ruster
Ausbruch, Graves, Sauternes, Haut Sau
ternes. Oporto Port, Spanish Sherry, These
wines are all original bottling-and are reg
ularly sold from 1.40. to C1C0 each. Spe
cial ...... , ...... ..... . . , . .03
Protect yourself against inferior ' goods.
Portland. f..- - " -'. - ' ' ' " ... . :
We Are Exclusive
Open.a Monthly
One-Fourtli Of f in
Leather Section
Handbags ........ ' Off
SuitCases .V4 Off
Fitted RoUups ..... Off
Novelty Card Cases XA Off
Beaded Bags .. Off
Opera Bags ....... Off
Mesh Bags . ; . . .y4 Off
Gunmetal Mesh . . : 14 Off
Beaded Cases ... l. V Off
Vanity Bags .....V4 Off
Belt Buddes lA Off
Opera Bags; AA Off
Jewel Boxes ...... lA Off
Cigar Cases
Travelinjr Clocks. . Off
Pocket Flasks .V4 Off
Writing Cases . . . . . Off
No v Reduction on
GrosG Good
vxiored candies, (Landie
Hcldcrs, Christmas Cards
-end-Letters, Fancy. 'Station-
cry, Cards, Game Counters,
Five-Hundred Sets -on sale
in the Stationery Section.
Ccziujii.1,'' Pcjrkcr
Fcunliin Pens.
Rich ' Cut 4 G!ac3
Best Class
Deeply Cut
- 'aad
Fc!:;,hcJ in
tS Ferns. i .$4.3
$3 Sugars. . $15
$4.50 Bowls $2.90
$7S Bowls . .$4.85
$3 Creamers $1X5
$2.50 Nappy $1.S0
$5 Bowls.. .$3.45
$8 Bowls.. .$5.45
$14.00 Cut-Glass Vater Set. . . . $3.75
$16.50 Cut-Glass Water Set. . .$11.75
$17,00 Cut-Glass Water Set. . .$12.50
$ia00 Cut-Glass Water Set : . . $12.75
$24.CD Cut-Glass Water Set. . .$10.25
$27.00 Cut-Glass Water Set . . .$13.50
""V Values Up
i j $25
V. Your
j Choice
i! $7.50
K 1 fuuy Subjects
Works' of famous artists, each in dou
ble-deck gold frame with hand-laid or
naments and black dust box, vaL to $23.
"i I
, , ' ...
is V
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
iiui quarc, Dotnea in Dona;
Old Lewis Hunter, 8 years
old; Old Oscar Pepper, Old
1 aylor, Uoverdale.'tjucken
heiraer. Regular prices $1.25
and : $1.50. bpecial Christ
mas' price ... . . 7. CC
Rye and Bourbon, Bonded
Fives, Old -Log Cabin, Old
Lewis J ; Hunter; Clarke's,
Guckenheimer. Regrular $1
and $1.25. Special. ...79
Scotch, Fox & Hepburn's,
House of "Lords, '"Monro's
Old. Regular : price $1.25.
Special 51.04
Assorted . Scotch Whiskev.
ocouana nnest Dranas, Uian "Mackenzie,
Haig & Haig 5 Star, Crawford's 10 years
old, McCallum s, Perfection. Regular $2.00
and $2.25. !.-. Special V. . , . ,1.59
$1.25 English Old Tom Gin .V. .03
$00 , Gordon Dry Gin ... . . . . . . . . . .D
$1.50 Large; Geneva Holland Gin
$1.00 3 Star California Brandy, .,.... .79
45c quarts Bass & Co. Pale, "AleOi'i . v , .30
75c California' Vermouth . . ....... . . ,49
$1.00 Teach Cordial .................. ,79
$1.00 Apricot Cordial .V. ji.;... .. . .70
ivilka Uerman Kummel C
75c pints California Sparkling Wine, White
and Burgundy 11
Six for . 4
i.w uixtt uordon" Mrcrr y
$1.00 Cockburn Tort ....
....... LVJ
Elntiro Fjiooro
Wood to Bum
and Outfit
z:: Here
Fczrth "Off
21c Boxes, 3 for 45c
15c Panels only . . . . . . 10c
Three for only . . . ,25c
23c Panels at only. .15c
35c Panels at only... .20c
45c Panels at only.... 30c
Collar Boxes, 3 for. .$1.00
Kerchief Boxes, 3 for $1.00
$2.00 Outfits only. . .$1.45
$2.50 Outfits only. . .$1.C3
$3.00 Outfits only . . .$2.15
$40 Outfits only. . .$3.43
Casserol Dishe
Mirrors: Etc.
$7.50 Chafing Dish. .$4.CD
$6X0 Chafing Dish . . $3.E3
$5.00 Chafing Dish; .$2.3
$3.C0 Caercles at..$3.C3
$3.C0 Casseroles at . . $4.C
$S Triplicate Mirrors $3.D
$3 Armole"r,!irrcrs. . . $1.C3
$2.25 Armole Rllrrcrs $1.43
$2.50 Cutlet Dishes . .$1.77
$2.23 Toasters rqw . . $1.77
$1.25 Spoons, Fcib.$l.l9
$4.15 Ster. Corkscrew $2.33
$S.25 Ster. Corl:;crew$2.C3
Rubber-'' Toys, Rag Dcllsi
Celluloid Toys, Db-s, Cats,
German Delia, Apes and r.u-
rnsreus others ; Bouncing
Xillj," I.. f&i;t Toilet -SeU
etc all at . . . . . . 4 OFF