TIIL7 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. V WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1910. ' LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY S3 Canaries and Pets Imported German Rollers, St. Andreas berg and F.ngltsli fancy CaimrieB, all kinds of Pets. Monkeys, Klamesje Cats, Talking Parrots, Fancy PlReons, Ban tams, Imported Japamiie Spaniel, male, )ust the thing JTor Christmas. Everything guaranteed wo handle, no $ l.C 9 trash. Phone East 6391. Portland Bird Co., 1 Union Ave., betweeen Washington and K. Stark. We book ordf-rs now. KlGHT White Leghbrns, Wyckoff eirain, jammry hatcea, nearly an laying, $2 each: fine cockerel for $5; Harred Rock, ! Rhode Island Red and Black Mlnorcas. R. Green. 276 85th t. Phone Tabor 80S. CHOICE White Plymouth Ro:k. Cock erels and . pullets, also Fekin 1 docks and 2 choice . large lots. . E. J. Peck, 1 block north. 3 blocks east of Lents school, wt Scott car. - lF YOU wanf to buy or sell dairy cows, pee Mokel-Bruce Co., at stock, yards. Woodlawn 1400. FOR SALE-r-3 frexh cows, heavy milk ers;, must be sold, 998 E. Yamhill. S. g, fur. ..-,.," .- - .... . -f . FOR S ALB Brown Leghorn pullets and1 Wliitoi Plymouth Kock; full bloods. Phone, Main 8649., - : TWO good milch cows; must sell on ac count, of no pasture. v 607 Mississippi ave. - .. -, - ., : v - '- - . ' FINE JerHey-Guernsev cow, Just fresh, o gal. a dav test 5-8; price reasonable. 221 8. Main St., Ients. V ANGORA kittens, fine registered pedi greed stock. 22 N. 9th st. Phone Wain 6696. CANARY birds, fine ulngers, and fe males. 44 547 . Montgomery, at , Phone Main 8209; dOOXy fresh cow for sale, 619 R 25th; take W-W car. East 5395. POll SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 DOCTOR'S office for Bale; everything guaranteed In good order; 24 plate fi n t -.nUIA V ..... fct tr-t ftniV ! -' . . . uiavillllVf - A-IBJ, wt-.w j .outfits, motor, rheostat, ozone srenera- , gHivanio loraatc caoinei., muiowi, therapeutic lamp, oneratine; table, office furnishings; fine opportunity for electro-therapist: no reasonable offer re fused. 510 Merchants Trust bldg. TWO high grade' pianos and several me dium grade instruments returned from one of our outside agencies, which we have discontinued. We wilt sacrifice an! you can save irmny.doll ra. 1 i .;' f .'"'' '- KOHLER & CilASB, : " 375 Washington at SPECIAL FOR XM AS WEEK. ,- : L. C. Smim typewriters, 160. : -- 1 Remingtons and S. Premiers,' 28 "to $40. , -.-."v- ;-K ;" i Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 6th at BARBEH SHOPA 2 chair shop, with baths in connection; new . furniture, $500; all in good condition; In a HVe town,;: Address W. L. Gorsage, Caatle- NEW and second hand pool and billiard tables bought and sold on easy terms; bowling alley r, refrigerators fur imme diate delivery. Address the Brunswick Bdke-Collender Co.. 4 6th. BUY youf-ChrlstmaS gifts for eastern friends at Room 204 Manchester bldg., S5H Fifth, at. Oriental curios of all FOR SALE First-class - confectionery fixtures. Very cheao. Any v reasonable offer accepted, 747 Northrup. $100 lady's violin for, 165; $30 gent's violin $15. . Rare bargain, on account or deatn. Tanor v FOR SALE cheap, second hand auto, ttres and. inner tubes. Chaa. E, Elton. 435 Stark at Phone A-S646. FOH SALE 12 h. p. gas engine, or -wilt trade for anything of value. 204 E. 19th .N. East 440, B-1963. GENT'S bicycle: on't fall to aee this one; practically new, very cheap,' also smaii glrl'a wheel. 206 H 4th St. FOR SAIjE Sewing 'machine, late im provements; must be old. 4S2 E. Pine. - ' r LI FOR SALE or trsde for team of horses butcher. shop fixtures, reasonable. Call Beliwood 487. y .'' '-:-: -.:v' ';,':' " FOR ' SALE--One' medium else safe. Modern ; Confectionery Co., ISth and rioyi. $40 Kreah cow, tested. East 12th and Wadison; nouse in parg. , . TYPEWRITER cabinet and small tabled cheap. Portland safe Co.. 85-7 6tn. TWO. French poodle pups for sale, 7 f i.a Ann .L. . A Anna 11 . tvptkh oiu. ffd via.- vmi, FOR SAI-jB Drophead sewing machine. ' IS K. 6th N.- .'..y. TiFWhite swing rnaehipe with all at tachments. Call 383 E. Morrison st BAIZES; ioew and - second hand, low prices. '. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th at f WAXTEMISCgLLAXIXiyS B WANTED People o Portland to know that we pay . highest ruih price for necond band household goods. : Seater Onatayson.' : 143 Russell. Eat 1661 IF YOU want the most money your fur niture will bring, save time, call East 4731 . 868 Hawthorne. Meter Furniture MKT our price on your furniture, ea 4t will pay yoa we want the gcoda ljfvnK iv riuii-ii. purl a pv. win ov, LK WISE; gev ipr.re for your second hand furniture by selling it to Ford Auction jo m isi. wui a-cmb EAST SIiE suction. Jobbers want Id oand furnttnre, highest price tiid. 14 Orend vf R. 1061. - , .. " I," CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. -Fligheet prices paid . for second-hand clothing,- furniture, M. 2080. 290 1st st- 3 o) -FURNITURE WANTED. Second hand.--' Highest price ' paid. HoekfwH 'ft Sons. 88 Grand ave. E3. 294, SEATER & MARTIN, nlghest prices for furniture,. Prompt attention. $48 Hawthorne, East 8134. . HALEY i Furniture Co gives most for used furniture, etc. E. 948. 295 Grand. SPOT cash " paid ' tor your furniture: prompt atteni: in always given. E. 1061 WANTED Picture machine films, gas outfit " etc, F-309; JournaL WANTED A good 2400 lb. team; must be chftap for cash.- D-934, Journal. - - USiKD furnitura wanted. ; Phone Tabor 1S88. ' :r:-:; ' ' '', j . FOR ft ALE AUTOMOBILES 44 Don't Throw Tour old casings and inne? .cbes away. Jt may save you buying a new tire by ettlng ua do your vulcanising and re- tre"dlng-"cHAa a Elton. . ' 435 Slark st. Phone A-3646. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGEE One 7 passenger -White Steamer, 3 Tx-.elers. 1 Cameron, 2 Reos, 4 Cadillacs, 1 Thomas. 2 Buicks, 2 Franklins, 3 motorcycles, all in first class conditions Portland Auto Commission House, 60-62 N. 7th st. BARGAIN One White gas, 5 pass.; White Steamer, 6 pass.; 80 horse, 6 pass. Maxwell, red; one 22 horse, 4 pass. Maxwell, blue, each one fully equipped, nearly new,. 1910 models, perfect; will teach to drive. 1102 E. 2fst st N. OLD auto tires delivered, 6Hc lb.; old rubber boots delivered, 8c Jb. We also buy Inner tubes and all kinds of metal. J. j j ve, iss uoiumnia. A.am ft i s, Al'T6i for sale, trade or on time; stor- ag, repairing, remodeling (lire proof.) Belmont Garage, E,- 23d and Morrison. $600 - WILL buy my $1600 Stanley steamerr need cash. Apply at 612 Iwls bldf ., or Phone Main 6111. . LOST AND FOUND LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN One black mare, 8 years old. about 800 'bs., left hind foot white, white star on forohad, brand "O" on right hip. 63rd end Powell Valley road. O. M. Butler, Tanori794 LOST Black seal billhook in or near j lOtcl Benson, contains cash and pa pers valuable only to owner. Finder please return to room 22, Benson hotel, and keep cash; no questions asked. WILL "the party whw took purse from gfrl in O.. W. ft K. elevator Monday kindly return same? It's all I have. D 3112, Journal. J ' ' . LOST Lady s gold open face Wsltham watch; fob attached; -monogram I,. J. n. Reward. 314 Ablnton bids., 106ft d it , , MUSICAL INSTUUJIENTS St OWING to sudflen death of my hus band, compelled' to sacrifioe new Steinway piano 6 months old; proof of age furnished by bill. Address by cor rpKpondence only. 412 Hotel Blackstone, Portland. FOR SALE or trade, fine upright piano. Inquire C O. Picx, Vransfer & Stg Co., 55 2d st. ' STRICTLY A-l guaranteed $350 Pease piano only $190; $15 down, $5 month ly. 350 Alder St. ALMOST new Garner & Son upright, cost $450 new. Sacrifice for $175. 309 Jefferson st. - - ' A FEW slightly used pianos foe sale at a great sacrifice, - It Sinshelmer, 72 3(1 St. HIGH grade pianos at wholesale prices. Factory agent. 225 5th. onnosite courthouse. Open evenings: THE Cties. L. xork Bana Instrument & Music Hou. 88 H 3d st. . PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. itAlFF. Diseases of women and children ext cluslvely. Women. are often saved ser vers surgical operations by eonsulting me. Nervous diseases of children' a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. . Confinements cared for. Cor respondents solicited. No charge for consultation. Phcaes, Main 8928. A-6607. Office room 10, Grand, Thoatre bldg., Washington wnd Perk. -" ' Are Yoq Ruptured? The perfect truss is made and flttel b rpeclallst to men, women and chil dren. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Wilson. 66 6th st v UH. UEWI5, Physician and surgeon: treats women and children exclusively;, prtvste hos pital accommodations: examinations free. Main 4047; A-2411. 606 Common wealthi bldg., 6th and Ankeny.; - Modern electric treatment for dis eases of the prostate, nervous debility. rectaL chronic, blood and skin diseases, i Tvr T TT...-J i . . tA ii n i r, .. il. .1. 1 1 .1 'I bldg., 4th and Washington. ' , OYSTERS. Toke Polnta and Olympia. Fresh aally at 244 Ankeny. ' . . PACIFIC COAST OYSTER CO., - Phone Main 9068. OH, LADIES,- manicuring 16c, hair dressing JEc and 25c, shampooing 25c, scalp treatments 25c, massage 26c. Bring your combings. Chicago Halrr pressing conege. 148 yirtn st. THE GIRL OF SIXTY," a book teach- ing perpetual youtn and prosperity, for sale at all book stores and by the author, Madame.de Savan, 3085 Sta. B, Portland, Or. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men; blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney. Bladder and pllea .181 First, Port land. GERMAN books, magaslnvs, novels, etc., German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian dictionaries; foreign books of ali kinds. , Schmale Co., 229 1st ' St. ' ' t' DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods; $2 box or 3 boxes $5. Druggists or mail. T. J. Pierce, 319 Alisky bldg. SUFFERERS from pllea A card from you will bring our remedy. Pay when c tired. Ruber Mfg. Co.. 206 Commercial bldg . r - .-, y. .v WANTED All ; persons troubled with 1 rheumatism to write . to .the R. S Medicine Co., Portland, Or., or ; R-329, JournaL'-'" :"' "-'' : ;''' '' SEXOID A marvelous cure for weak ies in men. Money returned if it foll PHr XI mail flr limrati - T Us. Pierce. 819 Alisky bldg. - MRS. SOPRIE B. SEIP, mental . and spiritual scientist 21 Belllng-Hlrsch Didg. ' wain tZ4. MAGNETIC and a electric .treatments, mental, splrltuaT, scientist, men and wumrn. xj,ir 41111. MADAME KSTELLB, inaflrwetio healer r,nKflia MAUntiHf T'11- An-4.. ments, suite 7. 193 W. Park. A-6306. WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected In 15 minutes; free demonstrations. 9 Relling-HinK-h bldg. Neo Plaatlque Agcy. WOMEN Use femoids when , others fail; sold and f.-uaraneed by the Aus- piuno urug 10,, xin rt. in hi. Alain OCCULT, New Thought Scientific and Holiday Books. , Send for free cata logue. Jones' Book Store. 284 Oak st USE Bassett's Native Herbs for consti pation; 50 tablets for 26c. All drug glsts. '--.- '- . ' TCRNEY'S baths," chiropody, Battle Creek nurses. Drexel bldg. Main 1938. BALM of figs, remedy tor , diseases of women. , 632 Davln st Main 9214. FINANCIAL 61 CASH paid for mortgages or seller's interest In contracts on real estate in Oregon or Wash. Mortgage loans negotl ated on imoroved property. H. K. Noble, Lumbermeps bldg.. 6th and Stark. MORTGAGE"- loans. and 7 per cent Louis Salomon. 2SJ Stark St LOANS WANTED . 30 WE can plane your money at good rate J of interest. Gilt edgo security; first mortgages; long time investments. PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO.. 524-526 Board of Trade bldg. ' WANTED LOAN. - want 2 loans of $1250 each, one of $1600 and one of 1600: all on lunrovert Portland property. Main 3263, A-3265. WANTED $3000, 8 years at 7 per ; cent, . elegant residence property; no agents wanted. , Y-339. Journal. , MONEY TO LOAN 27 MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. -NO WAIT, NO DELAY. t0 YOU NEED MONEY QUICK? I advance money on your piano, fur niture, diamonds, auto 'or any good se curity. ' Strictly confidential and very low rates of interest. Call 323 Failing Ul"8- milll QOVV, - A-OII9. Will Loan You Money v On your furniture. 'tilano or rea.f estat. Lowest rate of interest,. See ;m first J, t, Nicho s 620 Board of Trade Building. MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture. ii pianos or any personal property; week ly or monthly payments; low rates; con fidential.' Gray & Cunningham, room 201 Rothehtld bid.. 287 Washington at., between 4th and 6th sts. r Quick loans on " furniture 'ami I pianos, storage receipts, life tnsur- I ance policies, livestock, real estate, I etc U. S. Real Estate & Rrokeraira $ Co.. Ill Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ Is good at the Employes' Loan Co., 321 ,- . - jtuinsiuu. voy a sx. I HAVE $50,000 to loan on real estate, in sums from $1000 up to, any amount required, For' information'' address N 321. Journal. , LOWEST RATES; loans on any seouri. ties, chattels or real estate. Union iuoa bb wjcun via., am ac wasri. MONEY to loan, large toans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in- $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm , property, fire Insurance, McKensle 41 Co., Oerllnger bids;.. 2d and Alder, R. A. B'RAMIS Short loans a specialty on any kind of security. , Fiiejner bldg. Phone Main 6289. " . MONEY, to loan, any amount, 0 to t per cent. - Goodnough A Seltx, ?10 Spauld- ing omg, 1700. 8600, $500. loan on mortaajre. mod erate charges. Ward, 210 Alisky bldg. QUICK loans on sll securltlea S. W King. B wawmnKton piog. Main 8100. l r k -KI n. glrlnv' nl... tel. 1 he Loen Co.. 414 Dektim bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate! rarringmn, ,iii mtnnierciai.uiup blag. iiONEf to loan on improved city realty. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder. MONEY to loait on 4inprevd rea4 estata j. ju wnue, ooi ciiierioca OlOg. ANY part ot lov.OOu to Joan at per cent interest. 205 Couch bldg. SONET to loan, city realty. H. M. Cas lock Co., 417 Board of Trade, SALARY LOANS-F. A. Newton. Sl6 Henry bldg. , m i ! 4 ON SHORT--' r. NOTICE ' TO ANY ONE fmrn WORKING -NO .. M LOWEST , ' MORTGAGE - Vuu RATFS NO - - EASIEST"' INDORSER ' PAYMENTS. NO PUBLICITY. ' " REBATE. GIVEN -TF "PAID BEFORE : v : ' -, -DUE. OTE SEfMflTRf C ; 308 FAILING BLDG. t "Open Evenings Until Xmas. MONEY to ban on diamonds and jewelry at low rates of interest, Palace, 328 Wash ington street. MONEY advanced salaried peopi a house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 princi pal cluss; save money hy getting our terms. Tolman. 817 Lumber Exchange. NOTICES, ,20 NOTICE OF SPECIAL" MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE OREGON v RAILROAD AND , , NAVIGATION v COMPANY. "A special meeting of tba stockholders of The Oregon Railroad anj Navigation Company will be held at Room HOT Walls Fargo building, Portland, Oregon, on December 82-, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., (first) for ithe purpose of authoris ing, consenting to, approving and ratify ing the grant sale, conveyance and transfer to- the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company (a) of all the railroads and telegraph lines of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company., together with all the rights. powers, immunities, privileges, fran chises, and other ptoperty appertaining thereto! b of all rleht. interest and estate of said company in, under, or to any, and all leases of any raJlroads or telegraph lines or other property, in cluding the lease to said company, of the property of The Northern Paclflo Terminal . Company of Oregon, and all rifht of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, to pur chase . the property of said . ter minal company situated on the east side of the Willamette rivur at Port land, Oregon, and all title. Interest and estate of The Oregon Railroad, and Navigation Company in and to said property, the legal Jitle to which is ;in said The Northern Pacific .Terminal Company of Oregon;-e) of all stocks and bonds of an v. steamship company, or of any: railroad or railway company held, by The Oregon Railroad and Navi gation Company,, including $114,000 par value of the bonds of The Northern and $10,000 par value of the stock of U the Camas Prairie Railroad Cemnany: (d) of all stocks and bonds owned y The Oregon Railroad ' and Navigation Company and held fey the New York Trust Company, trustee under .the con solidated mortgage of said The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company dated AUgUSl i it to t , . nnnn Ann nai value of the stock of Mill Creek Plume and Manufacturing Company.. $300,000 par value of the stock of the Cascades Railroad Company, $700,000 par value of the stock of the Walla Walla and Co lumbia River Railroad Comrjany. $1,000.- AAA r,o t,ln. r 4h. ,Aiib oi Tne uo- lumbla and Palouse Railtoad Comoan v. and 32.829.000 nar value of the bonds of The Columbia" and Palouse Railroad Comnonv? it at nil - annrnnHnHnnK of real estafce and other property made by The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, and all suits, actions or rights or action insuiucea cy saia company tor the condemnation of property for use in connection with any railroad of said company or any branch or extension thereof; ftnd (f) Of all other property of The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company real, personal and mixed, of every kind, except Its franchise to be b. corporation, ana except casn an nanu. moneys due or to become due,, bills re- ceivaoie, accounts due or to become oue. and bonds and agreements tsken by said company from firms, corporatlonr and indVvlduals to secure or indemnify said comnanv aralnst lnnn ftp HnhiUtv tn con- nectlon with, or on sccount of. anything done or omitted to-be done by said comnanV ln the tranaactlon of ltji husl- ne.ee, and for the purpose of ratifying and approving any and all action and proceeding's taken or to be taken by the board of directors of The Oregon Rail road and Navigation Company, or any of Its officers or agents, relating to the grant,' sale, conveyance and transfer of such property to the Oregon-Washlngi ton Railroad and Navigation Company, and of taking any action with respect to such grant, rale, conveyance and transfer, as may be deemed advisable by sncu stockholders 'meeting; (second) for the purpose of -authorizing the dis solution, of The Oregon Railroad, and Navigation Company, settling its bust- ness and dividing Us capital stock; and (thlrdl for the trnsrtion nf ,nv nH all other, business necessary or ap propriate to .the purposes hereinbefore mentioned. . - .-. - The books for tha transfer of stock will be closed for the purpose of suoh special meeting, at noon on the loth day of December, 1310," snd -will be re opened at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 23rd day. of December, -i 910, - . . Dated, November 80, 1910. ' By order of the board of directors. , - ALEX MILLAR, - . Secretary. " REDEMPTION ' OF BONDS , OF ."" ARLINGTON CLUB. ,' ' Dated Portland, Oregon, January 1, 1909. a The following numbered bonds of the above Issue have been drawn in con formity with Article VI of a certain mortgage to the undersigned, dated Jan uary.!, 1909, securing said bonds, and will be paid by the Security Savings & Trust Company, Portland, Oregon, Janu ary l. 1911, upon surrender of the bonds. ' Nos. 83 and 78, $600.00. each; Nos 187, 206,1 217 and 228, $1000.09 each. "" .''-.Vu-n . -v.....;-, SECURITY- SAVINGS ft TRUST COM . PANY, TRUSTEE, - Bv R CI -Tuhltr St., Portland, Oregon. November 16, 1910. RISCISIVER'S : NOTICE TO PARTNER SHIP CRKDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the firm of Austin & Platts that the undersigned has been appointed receiver of said partnership property, and all persons having claims against said part nership are hereby notified to present their claims, properly, verified, to the undersigned, at ' room 402 Oregonlan bldg. Portland, Or., on or before Janu ary 10, 1911. -s- ". ,, FERDINAND KTjMKR RBED. THIS regular annual - meeting of the company, a corporation,- will be held in the office of sald company, Room 715, Oreitoni-tn building, Portland, Oregon, at $ p. m. on Tuesday; '-the third day i of January, 1911. Signed -LTm ,D. C. BURNS, NEWTON McfOT," - . President t . nrcreiarv ON the I2th of January, 1911. at 10 '" m. I will sell . at auction personal property af W. B. Simmons, 2 boxes of mattresses. 63 3d st.: at 2 p. m. that of Chaa Hall,, 1 trunk and cooking i Utensils, 223 Market st. ..... v'.f BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADJUSTERS AND APPRAISERS FIRE- losses promptly adjusted v Ap praisals made for ; every purpose 21st St. Woodlawn 30247 '"aSSAYERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. n sen vera ana. lytlesl chemlwts. 204 H Wash. M. 7518 MONTANA aSHay office. Jhhoralpry and ore testing work. 1S4 Morrison. MONEY TO LOAN ARTISTS' MATERIALS ' ARTIST'S materials, picture framing. E. H. MVorhniin Co.. 41 1 Wash, st, AUTOMOBILE BCUOOLS. AUTO School of Oregon Practical In struction. 216 Mer. Trust. Mar. 2593. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES STALE Motorcycles. Second-hand wheels bought, sold. Repairing. 1J3 10th, ATTORNEYS A, E. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. Prac tice in all courts. Abstracts exam ined. 716 Cham, of Com. M. 71. A-2071. B. M. BENSON, general practice; collec tions, abstracts exam'd. 903 Spalding. CURISTUPHERSON & I A TTH EWSi general practice, 405-8 Buchanan bldg. RLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 101 .Jd St Blank book m'fg; agta for Jones' improved Loose-Leaf ledgers: , aee the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 13. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION v Ca Street paving, sidewalks and cross Inga. 317 Beck bid. ' ' ' - - ' l IN rooiinc. cutterlnK. general lobbing. J. Losll. S12 Jeffer son st Main 1424. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office, 606 Electric bldg. jAb. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. all finds of Insurance, surety bonds. McKav bids. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs front old carpets, rag rurs, carpet cleaning. 168 Unlor. ave., near B. Morrison. PENINSULA Carpet and Rug works: .Colonial rag carpet and rugs, 181$ Patton ave. Phone Woodlawn 368S. CARPET CLEAIOira JOYCE BROS., Electrlo 'Cleaning Works. Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440, B-1963. 904 E. 19th N. iONE Steam Cleaning; carpets, f sat hers renovated; guaranteed. E. 860, E 2286. CATERERS F. D. THOMAS,1 caterer; banquets or private parties at your home or hall; first class service; dishes, punch bowls, glasses, etc.. for rent 262 Morris st J Phone East 4476. THE SteVens Catering Co. takes entire charge of preparing and serving at social functions. Call C-2268. CHINESE POCTORS DR. WING LEE make's a specialty of chronic diseases. Give me a trial and be convinced: 27 N. 6th st. LEE HONG. Chinese Medicine Co.; Herbs and roots cure all diseases of men. One treatment free; 145 Third at. DR. Bing Choong, physician for naen snd women. Guaranteed cure. 225 Alder. CHINA PAINTING - China and Satsuma ware, firing and band. ing; evening classes. Studio 292 12thr CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp. Mrs. lMinton, 4 wssn. Aiarsnan tain. CHIROPODV AND j PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING The Eastern Tailoring Co., ladles and peril's varments cleaned, nressed. re- I j .n MH,A,lAt.i1 ...i.nnBhU nrlMl 2u, 1 2th st. Marshall 2940. ' WM. V. CASH, expert buehelman. Clothes cleaned, pressed. 307 Rothchlld bldg. COAL AND WOOD ' WrATrTOtl SPECIAL jSLABWOOD v IS U 4 A'UE PRICES ON , GREFN SHORT WOOD, per load.$2.56 fiRtfFN 4 irnnT WflOT) Dr cord. .82.78 INSIDE GREEN SHORT, pe. Ion4.$3.00 DRY SHORT WOOD, per loaa. , . .$3.60 BAVX)UST. for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwcod Co. Main 8119, A-7001. Portland Cordwood Co., rt Special prlcw on Rrn and dry cord pnones Marshall 2899. A-4684 ' T -tiVVpn'wnuv -e-.,-i m h'nAtt.m 'ali THE ECONOMY FueL Co. handles all " the best rradea of coal. We make a i specialty of furnace apd ntlng. phuit coal at a reasonable price. Special Pr,c" o? car loadsv B-2343. East i $46 East Ankeny. , , ' . ' PACUTin Ri.lBWlKlD CO. I Dry inside wood, per load .$3.76 . Short green slabwood .,,.,..$2.69 rry block wood, per load 4.60 Planer trimmings, long ana snori. Phones Main 8709, - A-7S56. ' - Seghers Wood Co, - th and Glisan Streets. ' ' -Dealers in All Kinds of Cordwood. , Fir.- Oak.--AVi."-v..,-..rT-., ... . ir.i- r a , a till -r. - main wao. aih. Meier & Frank take oders for our standard, grades, or phone Fast 80S, or C-230S. Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc. rlL vnn H LOMCJmI' . Wtt DELIVERED .,, PROMPTLY s Main 8767, F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st (X)Ab-M-:--:BL0CK mmrzTi cim. woou 6DT7TH PORTLANTL ' SLABWOOD'' net Main 4168, A,8H4I. Dry Inside wood, green slabwood, clean sawdust for bad ding, cut fuel: ' block wood. ; Yamato Wood and . Coal Company, EAST 811 B-1R87 Call Neer & Farr For FueL 305 Water St. Main 4598, A-4647. STANDARD - WOOD "CO.Wood "' and' eal. 347 E. Stark. East 2316. B Hs. ' DRY MIXED cedar 2 . a load for 10 days only. Main 2153.' A-8842. - COLLECTIONS (TORRENT and delinquent account col- jectea vvens Aiercantne Agency, -701 poaro or inn oioa-.. in sna ijmk sts, PORTLAND Coliection Asenoy. All debts - collected. 817 Alisky A-7817: M. 4221. COLLECTION SPECIALIST; PHTSICIAN8' and denUsts collections only. L. Pinckney IVhlta Main 6074. A-702. - CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR cement 'wcrk, ' ptssterlng. brick work, excavating, caJl on O. C. OLsoa Marshall 1441; 192 Qrover st E. DA1Sk contractor, cesspools, lat- erals end ditches of all kinds, sepUo tanks a rterinltv. . Hllwnv4 K1J , WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter and .n 1 Uaii InhKino ail a-.. A4 To A . s-u i-a.iM . :- 4.11, ivtaiti T CARI'ENTER contracts, JoULlng spee laity. W. H. Jenkins. Tabor 74. CURIOS SITN BOON HTJ1E, Chinese gooda. mat . ting, silk and curios. 70 6th st PANCIItG HEATH'S dancing school, 109 Second v at.,' miirniu nniii8iun taq elarg, stage dancing taught; waits and two step guaranteed in 4 f lessons. . - ClaoS Monday evenings. 8 to 12. - PROF. W. Bv wMeLaNS ACADEMfj waits, twostep, latest , social dances, Stage and fancy dancing. Only compe tent teacher on the coast: Auditorium halt .208 3d., near. Taylor.- PROF. HINGLER. Portland's recognUed aancmg master. wiass ana private in structlons daily, 231 Morrison. M. 9212 ; DESIGNERS AND MODISTE NEW York designer, gowns, waists, reasonable. prices,. 602 Swetland bldg, II REAt ESTATE DIRECTORY SAMS " " ' - '' :-""-".. Baker. P. M.. City. rns Ptoperty ...... Brong-Stele Comnanr ............... Brubtker A Benedict loo (JO., B. ...... ChDDln A Her low Marshall, W. H., Fmrran, City Property erty tvutn. ueorge A. (UoIooihuod). Knapp Mactey '. Oregon Ksute 0.. The Schalk, Oeonre V, Miiriaa. t. tl. . ... Thompson, M.- E. Co................... serry a smuy uompaay DENTISTS Alveolar Teeth Where Bridgework ; Is 1 , ' - impossible. Does away with plates and bridges.. We cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely. Examinations, booklets free. - -THE REX DENTAL CO., DENTISTS, til to 814 Ablngton Bldg., 106 3d St. Terms to Reliable People. . CHICAGO Painless Dentists, established i years, azafe waanington, cor, tit n. W. A.' WISK and Associates, Pailes ueniiBis. rnira ana wasnington sts. 1 DOG AND IIORSE HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, D. V. a.of. $34 .Piandera M. 4086. Hoap. 89 B. 13th. E. 6440. Dressmaking MAN tailored skirts, gowns, your, own .material, fit guaranteed; reasonable prices, Ell .a Ladles' Tallpr, 646 Wash. pRUGLESS FHYSICIANS ETHEL WARD Electric baths, vlbra- tory massage. Raleigh bldg. bRS. GRAY & SCOTT, M. T.'s, chronic complaints cured. 321 Mohawk bldg. ELECTRIC JONTR.iCTOR Guarant'd house wiring. Estimates. C. A. Nothwang Co., 67 1st M. 7432. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair re moved. Mrs. m. u. Hill. 4Z Flledner, GASOLINE ENGIKE9 STATIONARY and marine; electric equipments; launches, accessoriea .wholesale and retail; engine repairing, Relereon Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. GAS AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES MOTORS forwent cr sale. Pacific Eleo trio Engineering Co.,- 213 2d st GLAZING UNITi-D ulASS & GLAZING CO. -All ' kinds glass work. - 94 N. 14th.: MV 4481. HAIR DRESSING PARLOR MANICURING, shampooing, ,facial mas sage. 2d floor Macleay bldg. .;' HAT FACTOR! ,- MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat Factory; largest hat ren ovators In the city,- 64-66 8d st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from the factory st half price. J HOME aKKATMKNTS VIA VI assists nature to remove cause of disease. 609 Rothchlld bldg. INSURANCE McCARGAR. Eates & Lively, 818 Fail- ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. JEWELRY NEW stock diamonds, wate'nes. Jewelry, silverware, up-to-date novelties!, H. A. Forbes, NewPerklns Hotel 6th & Wssh. , Leather and findings CHAS. ' L. MA8TICK eV CO.. 74 Front - Leather of every description; . tap manufacturers, fin dins LIBRARIES . CIRCULATING library, 188 eth. bet Taylor and famhlH. Books 9e per lsy. MACHTNEltr B. TRENKMAN 4V CO. Kydraullo and special pipes, screens, hanging, mining marhinery. All kinds reualra 104 N. 4th MAGAZINE AGENCY LOWEST rates on magaslns clubs. Send for free catalogue. Jones Magazla agency, 284 Oak st. Henry bldg. MASSAGE, SWEDISH MpVEMENT SWEDISH graduate, C Holmstrom, nerve, rheumatic, digestive disorders, $02-8, Oregonian "bldg. . MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Ltd. - Send for our booklet. 220 Dreaei omg. MULTIGlUPHlNG MUL-IGRAPHING, shorthand. type writing. M. 768. 413 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS SEIBERLING-LDCAS MUSIC CO.,134 2d; complete line musical mdse. Free catalogue Buescher band Instruments. MUSIC TEACH KH8 l'-Kp. PIANO, violin, trombone, corner, mando Un. flute. Prof. E. A. Smith. 292 12th. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil .Sevick. 900 Marauam. Marshall 1629. NEUROLOGISTS, EYE SPECIAL CROSS-ETES straightened. No operution. LrS, Freeze liice, Wfrcnnnn itum. OSTEOPATmCPHYSiaAxN'M DR. LLLLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe- Cisuisi vn nerves, acuu mm ran'iui dlseaaes. 117 FentQ" bldg. Main 9r61. DR. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle, Mo.. lend wag DR. L. H. HOW LAND, general . practi. tloner, Q2 Fieianer piog. DRS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 409 Oregon lan bldg. OSTRICH X PLUMES t S FLUMES, large stock direct from farm ; qyeq, cieaneq, cuneq. tyii. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F.' E. BEACH ft CO.. moneer Paint Co, 125 1st Msln 1884. A-7048. v RASMUSSEN CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 3d ft Taylor. M- A-1771. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR host work, pnees right call P. A. Doane, 104 TTnlon, Both phones. , GET our . prices on rmlnnnff. naner. inir. tinting. Ernest Miller Co., 172 1st . PATENT ATTORNEYS HANDBOOKS for Inventors free; tells - how to oDtain ana vxtiue or paienis. trademarks registered. Beeler ft Robb, 177-181 McOlll bldg.. Wsshlngton. D Cy PATENTS nrocured by J. K. Mock. Attor ney-at-Law, Utt U. B. Patent Office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, U, S. and forelm pat ents: infringement esses. 404 IVkum. PIANO TUNING GEO. ANTtTTRSON, expert. Pianos bou A-704 bought, sold."' 12? "Alisky, "Main 3753,' 3.." " ROSES ANI) NUIWERV STOQv General line of nursery stock, rose, standard varieties, shrubbery, all "kinds, reasonable prices prevail. 1283 Denver ave. SU Johns car, Woodlawn. 1935. - ADDEESS . ' --'.'" TKLKPROKB v. CorbPtt Bldg.... i...A-44t2, Uain 7401 .Gronml floor Iewt Bklc. . . . . Vila and A-1743 ,B2 McKay Bldg..... , Main B 603 Coxbett Bldg ....Main 833, A-SSi'J S.12 Chhoiber ot Commerce ..... .Main. 1K2 ,TbVkvh 7. 2JO4 Alder.....;. :..Wain 7l . -4Q Ubbe lildr ..Main 12'4 , 7 Cbamber of Commerce.... Main and A-2010 nranrt Ave. and Ualtnoaaak... .East 7, C-l"0ft .22S SUrk St... .........Mais 802, A-3 . OeeUncvr Bldg. ....Main WTO , Henry Bldg.f 4tk-Oak, . ...... .M. 8084, A-31J7 . 349 4ta ..... . .Marrtall 2828, A-4718 RUBBElt STAJirS AND 6EAtS STENCIL8 and office stationery.. Cun nlnrhara Go.. 231 Etsrk. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Safe Co, 10$ 2d st Safes at factory prices; . repairs; lockouts opened, bargains in second hand safes SHINGLKS BEST in i Portland. See them. Wsshtogton st. S. E. Gilbert 201 PRINTING ; WELCH PKINTIRG CO. ' "Doers ef clever things with type. and ink on paper." 141 U )st SURVEYORS WALTER M. OBER. platting, subdivid ing and topographical maps a spe cialty. ISO K. 28th st. N. B-8099. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS , F08TEH KLEISER Signs; the larg. ' est sign makers in the northwest E. 7th and B. Everett sta Phones. East 1111. Home B-224. - -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' - Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark.. Main 1601 SHOWCASES J1NP FIXTURES , SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar. and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMIS I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store snd office fixtures. 29 Couch. M. 2708. R. H. RIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDG. - Show cases in stock.1 Prompt delivery. sales agent M. winter L.umDer wo. TAILORING UNITED Tailors can't make $50 suits ror $30; honest tailors can't; best in city iu; entrance Kotncnna mag. ALFRED OGILBEE, $10 Labbe bldg., Id 'and' Washington.- Suits to order, ELMGREN. ladie? and me"n's 'clothes. Builder and draper. 204-6 Macleay bldg. GUS 6EOUIST. tailor and draDer; ex elusive patterns.' 248H Washington st TAILORING SCHOOL v KIESTER'S Ladies Tailoring College, learn dressmaking, tailoring., 143H 11th. TAXIDERMIST FINE tanning, fur remodeling, glass eyes, riniey, -ztv toiumDia st TINNING AND ROOFING . TINNING, roofing? and guttering; .any kind sheet metal work, - Hoecker & Klattke. Main 6144. TOWEL SUPPLY , CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and. Couch sta $1 per month. Portland Laundry Phones Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE . . Oregon Transfer Co. . , - Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agenta - ' Storage;, free trackage. Office, 210 Hoyt1 st. bet 6th and 6th. Phones: Main 69: A-l 189. C O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., of- flea andT, commodious 4 story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vsults far valuables; north west comer 2d and Pine sts- Pianos and furniture moved , and packed , for shipment Main 598; 4.-1991 PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Everett sts.,' Just r-pened. newest mcst modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper handling at gbods; lowest Insurance rate in northwest; free trackage, vaas ior moving, wain or A-16ZU. EMPIRE EXPRESS ft BAGGAGE CO. Trunks 60c, 2-pound trunk 25c. A-1030, Main. I860. - - - , TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun ningham Co. 281 Stsrk. Main 1407. ..VETERINARIAN DR. A. G. SMITH. V. 8.. U. 8. Stables, 248 Front Msln 4168. Res. Main 1802. DR. L. R. DILLON, Hawthorne Avenue Stables. East 72. 697. B-1369. WALLPAPER BEAVER hoard for sale by Morgan Wailparer Co. ' - - WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRELL, produce and tumiiuBBiga mnrcnanta. iu f ronx si., Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. M. A. GL7N8T ft CO.. DISTRIBHTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. VV A 13 MA MS ft CO.. wholessle ; grocers, - manufacturers and coffee roasters, 4th inrt pak sts. - , i , , Ernest Miller Wall Paper Cou. Imp. and dom. hangings, wholesale and retail. MORGANTWALL PAPER CO 230 2d St.. between Salmon and Main. ' ALT,EN ft LKWIS GHOCKRIES. BANKS GrRMAN.iMKRl.'AN BANK Portland. Or. Corner sixth and Waablngtoa Ru. Tran - seta s (antral banking bualnaaa. j Drafts Itaetd atnllablo ia all too prlaeipal etttea ! da United State and Ktmipt. roar wt cent lLtereal paid ,oa alna aceounUu jaf oV V'U innlt.-- ..---..-. .. .,.. .,, .. TRANSPORTATION Ban Francisco u Portlaad Steamship Co. New service to Los Angeles via San Francisco every five days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland 4 p. m.t S. 8. Boas City Deo. 83, Beaver S3, Bear Jan. 8. . From San Francisco, northbound, 18 m.i 8. 8. Beaver Deo. 83, Bear Jan, 1, , From San Pedro, northbound: 8. B. Bear Bee 35, Rosa city 30, Beaver Jazu 4. B. Q. Smith, a T. A., 143 Third St. e. W. Ransom. Affect, Alnsworth Dock. Phones t Main 403. 386; A-1403. . . COOS BAY UllNii Str. Breakwater sails from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 p. m. Dec. 13, 20, 27, Jan 3,. 10, 17, 24 and 31, Feb. 7, 14,' h. 23 and every Tuesday night. FTeUht re ceived at Alaska dock until 5 p. m. dally. Passenger fare 1st class. Ill) ; 2d class, $7,'includtnK -meals and bertha Tickets on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 2S8. A-1234, - . . , . VVi"- jO- R. & N. ::! ASTORIA BCTJTS . ! . 8TSA2tX3 Aff ffs TiQ ,' Leavea Portland daily except Saturdav at 3:00 p. tn. Makes all way landlnita Arrives at Astoria at :0fl a. m. liaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 00 a m. Arrives Portland at 8:00 p. m Makes direct connection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler Ilwaco. Long Beach and all points on the Ilwaco railroad, u 14 SAK.FRAJSCISCCLIjOSJINGKLKS---', J AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT sTOSTB PACXFIO 8. 8. CO. ' 8. 8. OAMO JtB and H. O. ELDfia 8AX& Every Wednesday, alternately, at 4 a m.. Ticket offlci 132 Third, near Aide?; Phones Mala 1314. A-1114. . .MARTIN J. H1GLET, Pass. Aaent W. H. SLUSSER. Jt'remht Agent . TRAXSFOr.TATIOH The Open Elver TTan; i tst'.oa Cc u-a Str. J. N. TLAL ot THa SAUCES and WtT Uir.dm , Leaving Oak street dotK, foot f( oitt street. Monday, Wednesd.iy Kriiiir at 1 a. m returning, leaving The t'.ili-e Tuesday; Thursday and Kiturdiiv, in iit. tn connections at Colllo with KttA;t. Ett CITIES for I'bscO, Ker.n- wick, and all points on the Columbia as far as Priest Rapida CAPT. W. S. BUCHANAN, Supt i : V A. S. WHITING. Agent. RAILWAY TnrE TABttS. Sotithern Pxoifio. L,ilir Portland-. Aahland f i.icn tr . . ...... .. 8:S a. ,. 4:H p. ... 6:"i' u. ,. 8:3 p. ... 7:H." p. ... i:ao a. nv. m. m. hi. Bfiaeburg I'mwenger i.i.. mania i.imnea ................. RurtlA TA...I ' California Express .............. een Franeiseo Expreu ....... n YV Mir Nl.l- -. CorTallia Paueuger ' T:20 t. .. 4'" p. n,. Bi. .' tn. 01. inerldan . I'aaaengee nirranon - raaaenrrr ............ n.jrp. ,, 8:W . ., 5: p. .. T:80 a. ..I 7:4a. ..lO:10p. .. 5:30 p. ..lll.-OOa. .. 2:M p. Tor em Gror I'snnengee forekt Orore Paasenger ......... ArrWlaa' PnrtUurt Oregon xprew . , . , . ...... .... , ror l land EiproM .............. Aasland fiiftaenger .............. m. m. : m. iu. n. m. n. m, m. luweourr paMenger .. Rngene-Itland Local gkaata Uml4 West Side ;. Oorralllf Paaaeeger . , :20 p, .- : a. ,.10:2f) t. Sheridan Paaaeager. rorei urove raaaengef ::c 8:Ort a. 4:4)p. Hortbara TactTM. t-earing Portlaad norm unit UHtlM Tit rt Boone ....... ...,.... KV.10 Karta Coast Limited via Nortn ' ' Bans . .........h... 7 Atlastle Bxprm rla Paget deand.. 12:11 Atlantic Express via North Bank... 9M1 Twin City Exprew via Paget 8oan4. 3 -K Twin City Exprea vU Nertb Bank.. T:0U MiaMwl Hirer Express via Paget Soond , lo: MlMwart RlTcr Jixprros via North Bank . , ........ T0 Portland, Taeotna and Hnattla Ex- . BV. a. ra. a. av. a- p. K. P- s, av a. su p. si. p. m. s. m. ,r preaa, orajra Harbor, Olyapta and South Bend branche 8:48 PortUnd-Pogat Sound Special...... K:JO Puget Bound Limited, Grays Bar- bor and Snath Bend branr nan. . . . 3:30 Tagult Paaaengur 1-30 Antrtng Portland- ' North Coast Limited rta North Bank 8:13 Morth Ceaat LUoited Tla Pnst 6eoad . 7:30 Kortners Paeltle Express Tla Porta Bin , northern Pad fie Kxpreas ta Pufet Soend . T: Paeltle Coaat Exprass - Tla North Bank , , 8:18 Pacific Oaest Express Tla Paget Ooand . 1r20 Mteooarl KlTer Expreat via North - Bank 8K UlMonrl Blrer Expreaa ' Tla Paget Boend . 4:00 Portland Tarn)a-Sattle Exivea and . from Olyiupia, ftontti Bend. Oraji Harbor and Tacolt branch....., 4.-00 Pnret goand Limited and from Olyxapla and Grars Harbor branch T:10 Pnrrt Soaad-Portlaad Special ' and from Booth Bead branch 10:90 a. at. p. nv. p. at. P- JE: m. m. Orfoa Railroad k Karigatioa Co. LeaTUig Portland- Pendleton Paaaenger ...... Orogog-Waahbigtoa Limited Tat Dalle Local... ........ Spofcaae FlT-r ... .... ., 8:00 a. ..H:O0 a. .. 4) p. .. : p. ..Jl:nn p. ,. 8:10 p. Boo-Spok a ne-portland Oregon Expreaa .... Arrlrlng Portlaad. in uaiipi bocal Rpekaae Plyer .... 9:t6 a. m. H-.f'O a. tn. oregoa Kxpraao ....... Boe-Spokaae-PortlaBd ....... i'endlemn Local Paasenrer. .... Qregnn-Waahlnstow Limited 10:no a. m. 11:R0 a. n. 5:45 p. m. SV) p. m. Astoria Columbia Blrer X. S. Lea Ting Portland Astoria and Saeslda Bxpreae. ...... Se a. B. Astoria Kxpreaa 6:30 p. m. P-anlde Special. Saturday... ., 6:30 p. m. Kalnler i'maaenger 1:15 p. m. Ealnler Pamenger '.v..-.. .......... 5:43 p. a. " AniTUig Portland - "' -:! :-:r'.i", '' '' , rVaalde and Antorla BtpreaB.;.,.;,12:) p. m.' raslde and Ajstttd Expreaa. 30:00 p. tn. Rainier and. Portland Passenger.. .. 9:40 a. tn. Canadlas faoifio Railway Co, . Lea Ting Portland. -.-' Soo-Spok a ne-Portland .,.,.,.llflO J. m. ..Via Seattle 12:13 a. Bk ' arrlTlng Portland. ;, . , 8oo-8ppk a ne- Portland .............. 11 a. m. Via BwattVe 10:30 p. m Oragos ft Waahington tUOraad Co. LeeTtag' Portlasd " Seattle Paawiager ...... Sbaata Limited Owl , ........j- Arrlviac Portland Owl. . Rhaata Lhnlted Portland . Pnaaeocar ..... 3:S p. to. .m.ll:aS P. m. . 6:4H a. in. ....... B:SO p. m. 2:15 p. m. JEFFE.it SOW BTREET BTATIOnT. Soothera Pacifio, I.eaTlrg Portia nd hallaa Paaaenger ....... T: a. at. Dallaa raaaenger 430 a. ai. ArrlTlng Portlasd Dallas Paaaenger .......,.J-t3 a. su Dallaa Pawnor 6:55 p. ni, NORTH BAsTT ST4TT01T, ILEVENTH AKO HOTT STS. Bpokana, Partlaad It Soattla HaJhray Co. - I.eaTlnf Partlsnd Lyle VtimrcFft ............ ........Tt) a. aw Vor Lrte, GoMendale and loeal polnta, - -Island Kmplra Kxpreaa ......... ...90 a. Si. lor Chicago. St. I'aal, Omaha, Kaoatta tl'r, St. Louis, pillinga. Spokana, Waalitaena, Kao lot ua, Paaco, RoowTeft. Oranddallea, Gl dendale. Ljle, White Salmon, Stereneoa aaJ VaneooTtr. - Columbia RlTer IaL Cnfta. ...... .8:111 p, nv, North Bank LlmltM ..T:O0 p. ni. For C lease, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas fllty, St. tois. BUlinga, , Spakaua. Waalitneaa, Kahlotu." Paaco, Keosamatt, Granddalleo. U)i White Salmon. Sterenaos an VanrouTer. ArrtTtnf Portland . -JiorUi Bank limited ..8:00 a. m. rrem Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kaiuuta cttr, St.- Laala. Btlllnga, Spokana, Waabtnrna. Kahtotax, Paaco, Rooaeeelt Granddanea. Ljla, White Salmon. SteTenaon and VanrmiTi.r. Columbia Rlttr LoeaU Cllffa....... 10:30 a. m. Inland Empire Erpreaa , S:15 p. ni, from Chicago, St. Panl, Omaha, Kanaaa Cttr,. St. LoBla, BUlinga, Spokane, Waatitnma, KahVHB' Paaco. Kooaerelt. Granddalleo, Lfc, White Salmon, SteTenaon and Vancowrer. s lle Paanenger .............. ......S:40 p. m. " ''-' flreat Morthwa Ballway On. LeaTlog Portia uoiJo mi . Oriental Limited, via Seattle '..,..-10:00 a. OrtenUl Limited. Tla North Bank... 70 s. Uternattoeal Umtted. Settle, Ta- m. as. MQW sVilU T UT.VM tt-i , a-r, v, . , . . v rwj a sax The 0V 1 acorn,. Seattle and Van- . rmr-r B, C. .................. . 60 p. . Ebore Lin TCxpreaa,Taenma. SeatWT d Vaseoueer, B. C, tl :0 p. a. ArriTlsg IVirtUsd il'h and Hoyt - Oriental Limited. Tla Seattle :41 a. m. OrteBUl Limited, via North Bank.. 8:15 p. m. The Owl, Vancourer, B. C, Seattle ' ' and Taeoma 6. Shore Une.Bxprees TascooTer, B. C. Seattle and Tawnia 2.13 p. m, JmematKinal United. Vaneouar, B- - C.. g"H'iyand TiKMima X so n. m. ylt,.ir"r'6Utin I'ront and Jaffuraon S it, """wSaurn. Bnlam a4 Int. Psuita 1k . WaortlSBd :3Q, t:N,ill:flO .D.i .-). a-'ie 8 S0. 8:0 p. m. Uailted (or TnoUiln and ' Salem 915 a. ta.-; Local tor :i Wllwurin, ind int. atatlona 5:10, p. to. -Killaboro. Forest Grora and Intermodfaw aita laT Portland 7 8:S0. lu:ili a. si.; 12:107 2:10. :". 6:30, 8:26 p. kt. oalarilar "rrrJa'ortiaao' from Salars and lit Btaticra iKlli00 a. m : 1.1 4 eo 4 tn .yi. s-o ie-RO S.' m. : Lieal fma Wllwmrllla ut lill-eVi. a LaUy eep Sunday, atj ArriaBi?rt-and from Faroat ftrora and T-it. Btattona 8:0o. BO. 11 a a - 1 ... J.:., 0:20. 8 -10. Psm'.i'"n'1r ,m,l 4 ' P.j yartUndBilwy; Llht It .Vfnf Oo, " Tirkat Of tire aad Vvaiifuj Ito.)" '" v - yirat and Aldf and tt Watr and Eaat Mnrrlaoe 8iwU. Cara leaT Eaat Water and lkrlv,n trt, Oregon City 4:00, :.10 a. m. and rjr Z4 aiinnte to ad loclndin lt car n'Wul -;t. Oreaham and bitwmMlUte polnta 7;i gjl B-48, 10:45. :4 a. ra., 12:45. l;!i, 1: :. 4:. 6:45, :4R,.ll:a p. a. Falrrlew and Trrl l-.A. t:4, :48, 10:45 a. m 12.45, 1:13. :4S, 8:4fi, 4 :faadCT fmlliiferwi.ilite' 'poIiita7RS, ' $-A iT4d a. .. 12:45.1. 4J5. '. P. . room, VeeatMl and -Waihlnr"' "--a . -:19, :i) T:2p, :, H :C. -ft .,, ;.. I" ., H:tO. U:Wi P. m. 12 '", I-, I ' ". ;: B'M :!, 4:. B:if, 6Xn. .., 1 ' i. 't ,, 8:15 5.. llVliS, I" " . On third Munrtay la r mh r I I car le at 7 "5 p. . Da fly Subdaf. f ' .