The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 21, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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    ''V- t-:w-v:-V - : - . ""
tr if i to But 1T
- X -
Little Farms in Town
' 12 acres, right at city limits
town 2000 pop., 17 Pass, trains
dally; commands view of entire
town; about 3 blocks from P. O.;
7 acres cleaned And cultivated,
; balance stump land, , all fenced; -
- 20 young' fruit trees, small fruit, .
, rood well and creek; new 8 room 't'
house, new barn 82x36, . and 2
chicken houses; good investment
o cut into lota and sold readily '
at a big profit; good high school,
'. . 2 large sawmills, plenty work.
Call and Bee photos; $3000, good
j terms, . .-...; :',-,'.,,'
20 acres, rich river bottom land,
all In cultivation; fronts on river;
I acres fine bearing orchard, as
sorted varieties; also young or-'
cbard, plenty small fruit; fins 8 '
room bouse, ; electric lights, hot v
and cold water, etc; good barn,
outbuildings; find Investment, and .
adjoining town 1200 people. Price,
$4230; half cash.
14 acres, of which 8 acres fine'
bottom land, balance level bench
land, watered by fine spring; 1 '
acres perfectly cleared; ome good
timber; 1 mile from station, P. O.
and stores; school on corner of .
place; main county road. Price, "
1700. good terms.
Hunter Realty Co.
223-5 Board Trade Bldg. '
. rbones Marshall 1777, A-3307. .
TWO acres, neat cottage, 10c fare.
3 acres berries, beautiful place.
2 scTes, new house and barn.
4 acres, splendidly improved, lie
tare.-''' - -- 1 '..
64 acres, nice farm, hear station. '
2 lots, with bungalow, small pay
ment; all acreage near city limits.
Don't phonei call at office.
S10 Corbett Bldg., Portland. '
A Farm in Portland
I acres near Mt . Tabor, highly Im
proved, new, modern, 6-rootn house, fine
home, or can be subdivided; 88500; easy
terms. -.'. , .
' BOS McKay Bldg.
$10002 1-2 Acres, Close to
. . Town
On west Side; good garden land; small
portion cleared, balance large trees;
ideal homesite,' V, cash, balance to suit
liabb & Patton, 322 Lumbermens bldg,
6th and Btark.
44 ACRKS, X miles west of St Johns.
all good heavy timber, wood esti
mated 12,000 cords, on good public road,
well watered, one-fourth mile to good
public school, 8150 per acre and one
fourth down, balance to suit X-324,
$500024 acres, about half cleared, bal
ance piling and telegraph poles (worth
sbout 31200), located H miles from
Portland on S. P. R. R.; also close to
electrlo line; good spring and on county
road; land especially adapted to the
raising of small fruit, potatoes and gar
den truck) no buildings, See J. G.
Banders. 425 Lurnhermens bldg. ' "
If you want a small place; don't fall
to see my list I have some fine small
homes of 5 to 15 acres close to Portland
and on carline, ranging in1 price from
31000 up to 6000. Neal Brown, 70
Swetland bldg. . , -
40 ACRES, 2 miles west of St Johns,
on good public road, 15 acres cleared,
balance very light brush, soil rich, land
lies well, well watered by never falling
stream, good school adjoining land, 3209
per acre and only 32000 cash, balance
vt suit purcnaaer. A-aza, journal
375 AN ACRE80 acres of irrigated
land near Twin Falls, Idaho. Will
accept Portland property for part pay
ment and give terms on balance. Phone
fOR SALE Five half-acre tracts. three
, diocks to prospective Mt Hood Eleo-
trie station. Similes out; Bull Run
, water; Ideal homesites. Owner, Wood
, lawn 2658 or 840.
18 Acres
Near Beaverton, 15 acres cleared, run
ning; water, 4 blocks from carline, cheap
for cash. Phone Tabor 1660. -.-.
12 ACRES at Vancouver, timber claim,
house and lot, sell or trade. , Room 5,
1214 MorriBon.
"12 ACRES good land close to Portland,
Call 20 E. 87th ft or phone B-2S81.
, Owner.
If you have a home or any. city prop-
erty to trade for farms, be sure and see
me, as I have some, good arms to trade.
jseai Brown. 7U awetland bldg.
OWNERS or agents What have you to
trade for 5 acres on Oregon City car
line T Will tak small mortgage. Phone
Kast 5217 or Main 6871. "
WANTED to exchange good equity of
35000 in Willamette valley farm for
equity -of equal amount in jrood home
III rn""'u. y-Bi)iirfmlu
WILL build and make building loan if
you own ioi ana little cash. A. C,
Furlong.. 636 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 4564. . ... .
EXCHANGE $300 equity Rose City Park
lot for lot or acre clear. P-824, Journ
FINK ilet of resl estate for exchange.
270 -.-star St.
li" you want to sell, buy or trade, see
' isuoemBKer, oz ana BZ7 Henry bid.
: Main 4465, A-7434, .- v'.r-. "
WlLU TRAPB. $425 equity in raw"?
i'-vi, yVIII UB, W L31,. Tfir
riiiau i wiiimg 'fuBy. i-oq, journal.
WHAT have you to trade for mineral
sprtngSr fruit land, house and lot or
tl mlwr lnd? 326 4 Wash., at, room 416.
WK "CAN trade your property or busl
iifif.t. CH 808 Board of Tnutq,
TT. F. re. 1015 Boara of Trade bids;
Vraov tor anyimng anywnere,' Bm
t-ti.y. 4H Henry bldg.
"J "HAN (.' K to make money. The Linn
County orchard Colony, Albany, Or.
, , : , . ...... , ..... I ... ,. .. .. .. .. ' !: i - l ... ' , ... I .. . ' . ' " ... ' .. j ' . ' .... . .. ' "' J 1 1 1 !"'.. 11 11 I ' 1 11 i '"'. i
I em, nose- or. it wowr . f . , . , . .
" Exchange
10 acres, highly Improved, right '
at city limits of Salem, Or. Bine ;
new buildings; fine fruit. Price
86000. ' Want Improved ranch of
40 acres or more. -1
5 acres, right at town, all in
cnltivaUon. Fair balldings. Sev
eral cows, poultry and other per- .
sonal property - go with this :;
place. Price $2000. Want re
sidence or other good property ;
In St Johns. . ,
80 acres in the Ectaeada fruit ,'
district, close to- electric line. .
Good? buildings and .other im
provements. Want- good Port- '
land property. f - ; .
'120 acres on Columbia river, a 1
fine dairy, farm. Oood Improve
ments. Dairy of good cows, team, '
implements, -etc., go with this '.
property. Price 818,600. Will take '
Portland' residence, or' 10 acres
tract well Improved, close to
good town as part payment
1400 acres in Morrow county,
1000 acres la cultivation, bal
ance pasture. All splendid soil
and lies well. Well fenced; plenty
of water. Price 820 pr acre.
Will take 818,000 In good Port- :
land property. , .
800 acres of first class wheat t
land in Gilliam county. All cul- ;
tlvated except 80 acres. in grass,
240 acres now in growing grain. .
On good road, close to town. ' :.
Price 887.50 per acre. v Will ex
change for Portland property.- ,
Hunter Realty Co,
223-5 Board of Trade. Marshall
1777, A-8307.
40 ACRKS not far from Hlllsboro, In
finest farming country In Washington
county, on good road, R. F. D. and
pnone, close to good eeaooi, m acres in
cultivation. 8 acres fine timber, 6 acres
brush and small timber, 20 acres open
oasture land, running water and solen-
dki well, all well fenced, -fine large 8
room house, barn 40x60, woodshed, hog
house, hen house and tool house, brick
wine cellar wun rruit1 nouse aoove,
buildings are all in first-class condi
tion, 1 acre bearing grapes, 30 bearing
fruit trees, aod some younjg trees, plenty
of all kinds small fruit team, wagon
and harness, nearly new hack:,' plow,
harrow, cultivator, cream separator, and
all small tools; ' 4 cows, 2 heifers,' 3
calves. 4 fine hogs, about 75 chickens;
also lease running 2 years yet on 27
acres adjoining of bottom land all in
cultivation; crop off this 27 acres net
this year $500 clear profit Would con
sider home or acreage in or near Port
land for $2000; small amount of cash,
and give 8 or 10 years' time on balance.
Owner has interests in Washington to
look arter and must leave tne rarm
Nwal Brown, 709 Swetland hldg.
To Exchange
For Portland nrooerty. 47 A acres at
Cornelius Pass tunnel, 3 miles 8. w.
of Burlington, suitable for platting,
fronts United Railways. 810.000. C. F.
Pfluger & Co.. room Mulkey bldg., 2d
ann jmorrison sis.
U, mile from the John Pay river
only ( miles from Condon R. R. Will
exchange for Portland property. David
Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen bldg., 5th
and Stark sts, " '
1400 acres of as good a hog and wheat
ranch as there is in eastern Oregon;
there is 7 miles of hog fence on the
place, plenty of good' water. Hawthorne
BtaoKia, 430 Hawtnorne ave.
Will trade equity of 3360 in 6 acres,
H mile from McMinnville; price 31250,
on lot or bungalow as first payment
; Vv " R. M.-' HOOD. . i-t
804 Lumbermens bldg. ;-
TAKE new auto or second hand at worth
on 10 lots at $6000 on Mt Tabor, near
carline. Investigate, Neighboring lots
all sold for $650 to $850. Graves, 311
Commercial block. I
Corner let with adjoining lot If possible,
In Upper Alblna; If you have this, come
quick, for I want it right away.
v. - F. J, Rosenberg ",
' 629 Lumbermens bldg. i 1
CUSTOMERS waiting for close In acre
age iracis,
' 270 Stark St.
HAVE cash buyer for all kinds of prop
erty. . Must be cheap. List with A. J.
Gantner, 408 Henry bldg., 4th A Oak
sts.- -,.- .v - , . v
1 WANT a lot within 3 bjocks of Sandy
rond between 16th and 28th sts. D
889, Journal.
WANTED Lot or equity; must be rea
sonable ana -close in. H-H27, journal.
WILL exchange first class-talking ma
rtiine outfit for plumbing. Portland
f nonogrHpn Agency, aao Aioer St.
FOR SALE OR TRADE $400 equity In
2 lots near Kenton. t What have ooT
F-321,- Journal. 5 1 , '
JOIN the Linn County Orchard Colony,
Albany. Or.- ' ; - ... -.
. Wanted .
'.xyrit TO 20 : ACRES. ijV'''
We have several . clients "wanting
acreage and small farms -not far from
the city,- Please send complete descrip
tion of what you have. If your price
Is 'right we can make quick sale for
yu": Hill &.Myer
419 Henry Bldg., Tertian. Or. -
HOMESTEADS-Oooa soil water and
cllmte. within fnn- ml 1a. ..n.nn
Pioneer Locating Co., 611 Swetland bid
mvvi auu ryuoiniigivo, foruana, or.
27 ROOMS, 82000 handles. '
49 rooms, brick, $5000 handles.
j29 rooms, brick, rent f 7 5. 31800.
'23 rooms, brick, 21600 handles.
46 rooms, brick, $3000 handles.
62 rooms, brick, $3600 handles.
30 moms, brick, $2500 handles.
61 rooms, brick, $6000 bandies.
; 62 rooms, brick, 86000 handles.
41 rooms, brick, $3300 handles.
40 rooms, brick, swell, terms.
18 rooms, $1000 handles, good,
. 17 rooms, H. K., $600 handles, snap,
68 rooms, brick, $1000 handles, sacrifice.-:"'
, ... . .;. -
68 rooms, brick, best offered, terms. -
These are only a few of what we have
listed, location good and walking dis
tance. We have the data of rooming
houses in our office and can tell the
buyer in advance what he is bttying and
if not as represented prior to possession
given, deposit refunded. " ,
Rooming .iouse Brokers, Acreage and
Business Chances, 249 4th St. between
: City Hall and Court House, Marshall
2828, A-4718. '
A Big Money Maker
A Nice Home-
89 ROOMS, arranged in ROOMS AND
jmr iobiw; new ana eiegantiy rumisned,
cosy and homelike; first time offered;
wwb -9u a uiuiiin ma year rouna; can
be bought at a greatly reduced price if
sold hnfnr Jannnrv 1 14 Ann A-ah
QUirCd. .. . .. .( . -
. . Mary Ei Lent
322 Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington.
42 rooms, new brick, steam heat, rent
3160, furniture new; . must leav city;
reduced price $1000 for quick sale,
Square Deal Realty Co,
828 Board of Trade bldg. - -
' -Wanted
Apartment Lease .
furniAhed 1 or unfurnished, 60 to 100
.vv.nn, van i uin;w iiiai i may liiierfBt
AUVVAna I KIjm ft rs At... m
T nn Ttawnuiflmil BIB,
IF you jut) looking for something etra
j good, come and let us show you this
8 rooms of brand new fuVnJture, strictly
uwubiii nouns ana lease - on' 7 in St;
everything the very best that money
i.v'' miiij iuv iiiu terms h inac:
coBt $950. JohnBon & Johnson, 168 10th,
. When you want a bargain in rooming
houses to call on the "one price to air
agent. We always have a good list
v irora at 111 prices ana terms.
. . v. a. tsttuivrjKAms cy., . ,
418 Railway Exchange bldg.
in neart tt uij ...
n?t ' c,earln? $135 monthly: rent
3i ' d i rr"w n casn win nan
mciw, io ct. tin ST.
It?ftE.,s a num '-llnKer-. you can't beat
this for lovs or money: 19 rooms, the
Very heat of tvsrvthinr ail wA.,-.u
a1 neom $188: rent $70, 3 year lease.
tfuuiimin at onnson, iss lOtn st
. Today's. Specials . .
rwm coiiage, nicejy rurnisned,
Clears $30; 1 block from Wash, st If
......... vine, wren, fiQM, rvicrm, 10 . Bin.
1 ntm T u , l . . .
u.-uium iiuubc, riKnteen nonseKeep-
- yuuuu nail, iii nurm
Pn.t m.ll . i . . .
. wanu ytcii imironnea, pan casn,
i1"' irne. n. Muetmorer, Z85 sal
SMALL boarding house, suitable for
, auu wne, man can nave steady
Work. mnnA r, iH. ika r ,a
Tabor "2871." ; "V'TL"W" -.-.r
SACRIFICE 18 rooma 31200, pari
i.uu.wespmy; HO Bgenig, 42 ft Wash-
'"B'"" pv f nunc A-ff iOi
23 ROOMS partly furnished, new housed
ujrniture, rent with lease 380;
Price 82600; terms. Room 14. 270 Wash
fJ?0...18,1 ucription of publication.
n uu J,'eias' ' oagar-juoomis
in) urcyonmn Diog., fortlana, or.
WIT.T. Mi-rHina, hale lnL.m,.. In ..ll' S
' tahllh1 hlldnnn, tn rtrh na.tu -
$250; must be honest t Owner badly in
ui ueip. inquire at sua trweuana
vmirer mi a yy asnington.
I HAVE an established office business
Which I will turn evtr tn anvitna hm
Iner mv
S foot mahogany desk ? ehalra
and table. -203 Qerllnger bldg.
FOR SALE Candy factory and confeo
S tlonery and Ice cream store in fc live
town. Pnr niirtlniilara AAom nr n
mrner, tag n. mn St.. Kaiem." Or,
NEW stock shoes, furnishings; fine lo
cation, no opposition;' $1200 or in-
. : C.. " .. w VTIUQI, O.?
We HAVE good proposition to offer r
liable man with $250 and : services.
oiJt Worcester o I a g.
500 Business Cards $1
Rose City Prlntery, 12 3d.'
FOR - SALE Cigar, confectionery and
check stnnfl v-nrwl hnv
nui... con rmni bu -
RESTAURANT, delicatessen and lunch
counter, call 6304 Washington street
vr pirona Main mag at once.
A GOOD chance, In a nice - business,
. ATflrA WArtrf Small mA.,t. m . :
------- .7' " ".vr,.v i muiit-y,
. - --n . ".i'j inm ttVQ9.
GROCERY, in good locaUon; new stock
inq iinreugBUon, tTlone Main Z03S,
FOR SALE cheap, restaurant dining
room International hotel. 3d and Ev-
IF YOU wish to Interest yourself tin
. business anit nnnnrtnnlHa r ,
bl- money; 428 Board of Trade. ". t."
Ft.R-S.ALKWen 4staBhed business"
$1700; a snap; look this up; owner
mum ituve town, ta-azg, journal
START a nice Jittle business; $15 does
it; lady or ; gentleman. 6t 3d st
Room 4
A" DENTIST "can find a ,Jgoo! " 'Ibusfne'ss
oneninr at Rank, rtr ti 4. nnrih t.
vestigatlng." ; .f.', v. .
WANTED Wrnall cigar or nfectlonery
ioi casn, write ao3, 4&1 ft Wash
ington ft. ' . ,
fief a Grind Onfr
Restaurant. I mean,, for they will all
nave to eat in. isii; jiuuo ouys one in
cenwr gi cuy, wivn counter, taoies ana
boxes; nice clean, place; B year lease;
lease alone worth the money; party, has
to selL See me today. 271 H Morrison
su, room 82. Marstiaii s8. .v
FOR SALE The most up to date room
ing house in .Vancouver; tfan be han-
aiea wun 3&u ir taken at once. Apply
608A Washington St.. Vancouver. Wasn.
Only those who mean business need ap-
See This
A-l grocery store, Just the place for
man and wife; good trade; one living
room; all complete for $300; to see is to
W.. . . . r- ... .
FOR SALE: Dandy little confectionery
and cigar store. For good reasons
win sen less tnan invoice; low rent;
$500 will handle. C a Parker, Hills-
Doro. ur. ...
GROCERY and confectionery; this is
what you want; it's in a fine, Ideation,
doing a good business; rent $17; will
take for quick sale $950. Owner, 46 E.
znn in. -ii ,.
CIOARstand; sell cheap. Investigate.
140 181 st
IfTNTNQ and : Industrial stocks; tele
phone and other bonds bought end
Old, u. a. rietcnr. 125 AMngton oiag.
AUTOMOBILE ; repairmen and drivers
are- wanted everywhere; Impossible to
supply the demand. We have the larg
est and only practical day and night
automobile school in the northwest We
want sober, - reliable men that we can
recommend to take our coarse in repair
ing and -driving automobiles; this course
covers all gasoline engines made; prac
tical repair work on all makes of cars.
Driving Instructions glvn in touring
urrice Koom zis Merchants 'Trust bldg,
, Energetic? Boys. Wanted .
"" Can use . some "do ys who "can
hustle on Saturdays; boys under
15 years need not apply. See clas
sified manager, business office of
The Journal, between 6 and 6. '
p. m.
WANTED For the United States army
Able bodied unmarried men between
ages of 18 and 35. citizens of United
States ' of good character and temperate
habits, who can speak, read and write
the English language. For information
apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth
piocK. a ana uaK sts., Portland, or.
THE demand for competent drivers and
men to fix cars is so great that we
will teach any sober and trustworthy
man the driving, and care of all makes
through practical experience in our shop.
A thorough and compete knowledge, dav
or evening. Angeles Auto Academy, of-
nce azai Washington st, room 415.
What would be more welcome at
Christmas than a gift of an Interna
tional Correspondence schools course? It
would mean a never ending Increase In
e5InlngnP0W and JaPPy bomt Lecal
"'hit, tg Aiuer St.
WANTED Salesmen Jn every locality
In - tb nnrthwMt mrv , mAvnnrA
WiMklrlv; tninv rtnalr. mwaw tlM mA.(kl.i
choice of territory. Yakima Valley
ru""-iy vu.. a oxipf ninn. waBn
MAN to take contract of grubbing
from 10 to 30 acres of land 12 miles
frm Portland. Call at Room 18, 270
Yvasiiingion St.
i ANTED Man to take exeluslv
agency ror wasningion or California;
good proposition; will require $750 for
goods. D-838, Journal.
WANTED Neat young man i with little
money, to work n tm! out ate nfflna
Chance to make big money. 242 Fifth
st. can oetween and tnia evenin g.
GOOD first violin and cello player that
Here is your chance; competent leader,
ycu n. QUA PU, BTcniog.
MY TOWN wants newspaper. Have
printing, office doing good business
but no time for paper. ; Good-opportu-
niiy. ngnt man. 1-Jlt, journal.
SAFETT RAZOR blades resharpened 80c
Amer. Safety Honing Co., 814 McKay
t ' ' v
XOU are wanted for government posi
tion; $80 month. Write .for list of
positions open.; Franklin Institute,
' vi' vi pyrn, ruruanq, ur.
myt. za-p, rtocoaster, IN. I,
WANTED-rA ,. salesman . for Jackson
county, another - for eastern Oregon
terrltivrv.' Aotilv ; Oretran Miirun, p
Orenco, Or. x u-,.,
$5 per month, telegraphy .taught In
practical forms; day and evening sea.
slons. - Address Myers, 569 Flanders st.
jruriiwiiu, vr. xvititn ooiis
EXPERIENCED adveftlsing solicitors,'
1..V111UIJBBIW11 , luieo osiaDusnea puDll
cations; contracts - cashed. Ralph C.
WHY slave for others? Work for your
self; 60 cents starts you earning 328
to $100 weekly. ; Call room 14, 25114
Yamhill.' -
ROOMMATE, good room, low rent; lave
or college, student preferred. D-335,
REAL estate salesmen, liberal commis-
sion: line proposition, call between
v una ii, yuz ppaiaing piag.
RE YOUR own master. Big money
maker. Inside work; $15 required. In-
vbhukmic. ivvys im room Zl,
CORDWOOD cutters and haulers
. wanted; .1911 r contracts; Alblna Fuel
Co. .i t ,
WANTED Two men, at once, to learn
; automobile repairing and driving. Call
50-62 North 7th st
CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call
- fprnla Wine Denot, 285 Yamhill, next
to Journal.
WANTED Office and messenger boy,
' i good chance for promotion. Apply
iii.yu ATinv tiii7niiy,- iri.n rortiana.
PAINTERS wanted, bids for painting
and llntlne four rnnma ?H If tnti,
MEN -te-buy -mlsfnt- suits, " $10 ; Upt
xiarvara tanors, iua iiurnsiae.
WO m48) to learn auto repairing. B.
J3d and E. Morrison.
BOY WANTED with wheel; good wages.
tuquue its bui, ruutn s.
, $20-0NLY-$20
Learn to operate motion picture ma
chines; operators earn $25 to $35 per
week; we guarantee to teach you right
n all standard moving picture machines;
eterooptlcons. etc.; only $20 for a com
plete course. Rose City Film Co., Wash
ington, bet. 16th and 17th sts, ;
WANTED Salesmen! many make $100
to 150 per month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance weekly;
choice ot territory. Address Washing
ton Nursery Co.. TopoenKt.-Wash.
WANTED Pupils to Meant, halrdress-
ing, manicuring, facial massage, scalp
treatments,,. weaving; great demand for
graduates. Chicago Hair Dressing Col-
ieyp, wconq rioor, 148 Btn St.
WANTED Middle aged or elderly worn
an for, housekeeping' and ' companion
for wife. Address, 628 Lexington ave.,
saru wuim.
DINING room girl today for fins situa-
nuu; tuuniry. nowe i jaaies. agency,
Room 314. 326H Washington. v-
WANTED Young lady, no experience
necessary, for show business, after
holidays; must be of age. C-339, Journal.
WOMAN for general housework, wages
good for , competent party. :Fhone
Main 6888. , . r . ,-.
WANTED I . want a girl " for general
housework. Phone Sellwood 728. r
:,',-';.' , FEMALE iru, .A; 2d
10.000 POSITIONS . 5
For gnaduates last year; men and wo
men leam barber trade In 8 weeks; blp
to secure positions; graduates earn $18
to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools
free;- write for catalog, - Moler System
Of Colleges, 25 N. 4th st , Portland.
HUSTLERS wanted; - men or - women;
child's chair Write or call 318 Henry
max., en mnive territory. i
Main office, 28 N. 3d, st, Portland,
baaiea aepartment Tin ana nam. su.
) upstairs, Portland.
424 Front Ave., Spokane,
. 87-88 4th St.. San Franosca
Bstablfsred 1878.
270 MADISON, BKT. 3d AND 4th. ,
. .., ,i EMPLOYE. v
' ' ' MAIN 3555; A-E624. . .
hotelmam and wife want management
good city or country hotel; would take
assistant management in city; write ior
particulars and references: . they, will
piease you.' j3Z, journal,
Experienced farmer and wife want
steady lob on larsre farm or woula rent
in or near Umatilla Co.; references. D-
a;itt. journal. - . . ...
VANTED Work, brother of the A. F.
' A. M.. straneer in eltv: nleht watch
or janitor "work. Address'U. P.,, Hotel
Fairmount, 2th st. N, -
BARTENDER wants position; can give
, best of reference from last employer.
Aaaress, J-39&, iitn. mone A-tt3t0,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants posi
tlon. Fair mechanic. . - Reanonnble
wagfs. K-32S, Journal. '
',, (tf,H, -..BIX UA43U.HB KMAJjtU ' 9
POSITION as housekeeper , by voung
woman of refinement, in - family or
rooming house; competent and -reliable.
ia. Morrison;. ring for landlady,
SITUATION wanted;, small sets of
. books, or work as cashier late after
noon and evenings. J-322, Journal. .
WANTED Maternity nursing by ex-
. periencea miaaie agea woman, intone
Main 4110. i
FURNISHED rooms,' Steam heated, hot
. and cold running water; $14 to $16 per
month. . Davenport apartments, 605 Jef
rerson. Main - 6486
HOTEL Buckingham, opp. Portland ho
. tel. ' 830 Yamhill. First class fur
nished rooms, single or en suite. Mod-
ern. Transient M-31; A-7177. $5 week.
THE TEMPLE. 348 M Yamhill 8t Op
posite iiotet jforuapo, rurnished
rooms, rent 32.50 per week and ud.
transient.' ', '
TWO nicely furnished rooms, $11 and
$15 a month: steam heat. gas. tbath
and phone; one small room,: $1.50 a
wee, iva n. aa st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, furnace
heat baths, ; phone; - good location,
295 10th st.
NICELY furnished room, amltable 2 gen
tlemen, or man and wife; business
people preferred. M. 4288. 671 GUsan,
247 H 6tl st, rooms
ii en . . i.
Free phone and bath. Main 7764.
$7 Clean, comfortable 'furnished room;
heat light, phone, $7 per month..: 403
7th st
NICELY furinshed rooms, reasonable,
bath, heat, phone, walking distance.
493 Montgomery."
LEWISTON HOTEL. 271 Morrison
corner of 4th. Rooms $2 to $6.60
per ween, auc to i.ou per a ay.
THE BELLUVUE, 661 1st St., ' steam
r iiu,.iiijw nuore ana new rurniture.
f i.i n ,prr ween- Htia up.
I10TELMIX)LANIX. 6th- and SUirk,.ic
. quiet, permanent transient rooms; rea
sonflble. , . ".,-...... ' ...... i. i..
NEATLY furnished rooms 60o and up.
. 258 Alder. '
DOUBTE parlors,' will rent separate or
together; furnace heat 415 7th st
. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished
and unfurnished; table boarding; all
parts of the city. We save you money,
time and trouble, i Let - us locate you.
614 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2189.
ONE large furnished room on first
' floor; running water, fine bath, steam
heat; suitable for three people; $6 per
week. Also nice double room on second
floor, $5 per- -week. The Colonial, 165
Hunt's Express & Baggage Co,
1 trunk, 50c. Additional trunks 25c
each. Grip with trunks free.
A-2395. Marshall 2415.
; Furniture and baggage - handled;
quickest , service, reasonable rates.
Phones: A-7435, Marshall 1762,
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, gen
tlemen only; best central location. 167
Vvypark. Call iternootiaT '
NICELY furnished front room. 67 Ella
st : Reasonable. '
v EAST SIDE . - ' 52
FURNISHED rooms. at 124 E. 18th for
. gentlemen or- ladles employed. Apply
after 7 p. m.' or Sundays. -
LARGE 3-room flat $14. Including wa
ter, 344 Front st - -
LARGE front room with board in nri.
vate homo, suitable for "two gentle
men or man and wife; rates $5.60 tier
lira. )H r,. il j,
ROOM and board 2 gentlemen, furnace
heat, fine bath, best home cooking;
125 eiach. :' J27 , Mnntrnmarv Tlhnma
REFINED gentleman wants roommate
: at 330 Hall st v Board and bath, Easy
wniKing aiHtance, Z2.ou
THE BARNETT "6 W. Park st. Rooms
with board, $6.60 pe.r week; also table
board. $4.25 week.
WANTED To take a small child to
board. Phone Woodlawn 80. " "
MAN and wife, employed, want room
. and board and care for 5-year-old boy
during day, in private family; Odd Fel
lows' home preferred; give full particU
lnrs. D-330, Journal. -
Hunt's Express & Baggage Co,
1 trunk, 60c Additional Trunks 256
. .. Grip with trunks free.
A-ZJ95. - Marshall 241K.
CAN - Tuinlsh several families with
nlshed hOHKekeeping, $6 per month and
-k, kiuvh irora scnoot, on canine.
Homestcad jtea Itv Co.. 102 2d st
..5rrn,8nea housekeeping room with
kitchenette; new throughout; heat, hot
aim vniii water, per montn
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
free phone and bath. 242 Montgom
ery, corner 2d. "
FOR RENT Five furnished hous.-keep-
slde carline. . .
3 NICELY furnished basement rooms,
jciiTunn; h.dii per week.
CAMtmiDGE BLDG. Furnished rooms
for housekeeping; very central. Apply
room 36, 3d and Morrison sts.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
steam heat, free phone, laundry and
bath. The Newcastle. 402 U Sd at
MONTGOMERY ST. 2 rooms and
.',5lt.cnent Ks .furnished, "modern home,
$18 to adults. A-7798.
THRU" .very nice laren mnrlnrn hmiu.
keeping rooms, running water, $12 a
month. 580 2d. "
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
heat, light, bath, phone, ' 384 College.
FOR RENT Three or four nicely fnr
m nlshed housekeeping rooms, private
fwnlly. toilet and bath, $11 month; ,198
su. it i-ii pt., muiiiATiiia.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, 1000
E. Washington t, bet 33d and 84th.
Phone R-SIW7 .
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeep-
Mi.m, utmig lit rj. onimon 8L
"Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental Information Bureau
J'" v'v ..! ',j ?.-: .......
ment "fourth floor, main building, and
-vacant houses and flats on mir
liar. Vnirll aavA i - . i ,
and comfortably located. We keep in
houses in all parU of the city. Ws hav
the combined lists of all the real estate
penta In lh liv . .- Tir- .1.. 1 n.
of all new, buildings In course of con
struction. . . r .... , .
If You, Want to' Rent' a House
' See Us, .
ROOM, modern house on 6th and Go-
Itir t. Inf 7KT1DII fn. In...
rooms. Rent 825.
102 Fourth St
Main 85. A-3500. -
8-ROOM modern house on 67th st near
, Montavilla carline. Rent $15 per
month. . -
' ' 102 Fourth St.
Main 35. A-SR0O.
FOR RENT-r-New modern 6 room bun-
' gaiow, i minutes on- east side $16
per month. Owner, phone A-4757, 698
GHsan st "
FOIL likiiTmmAa-.- room- hou tm- titl
ivi orris St, east side. Main 1747; A
4052, " '. - - - i .- .1- '-. , . '
FOR RENT 8 room modern house,
newly tinted and painted, 2 M blocks
from Alberta t ar;' $1 , Main 8RS4.
FIVE room cottuge for rent. 490 Rhone.
WHEN you move you'll need new f urr l
turs. Buy Judiciously and your sav
ings will exceed moving expanses.
..... ' ...
wut Pij-ixan t rKiCES made us one ir
Of the largest furniture hcuses In tha V
city in less than two yra.
Lookers shown the sams courtesy as
buyer.--"'.'i- !''";.-..
Grand Ave. Cor. E. Stark St
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars
Pans Our Doors.
WE can f jmirh your non at s. great
; saving. . See us before purohaains
elsewhere. . M. Ostrow & Co 4-6 N.
3d st. Complete houseturnlsbera. Rea-
gunapis prices, r.-aey terma
NICE neat, furnished, cottage, walking
distance,, . 5 , rooms and bath. Call
Main 7842. - y
HANDSOMELY and comfortably fur
nlshed house on WlUamette Heights,
6 rooms, bath and dressing room, new,
and every modern convenience. Phowi
M. 4624. A-2924. ; , -
6 ROOMS nice furniture for sale;' house
for rent. Phone Marshall 232.
ivxira line ana modern, '
Plate glass,; large closets,' elegant
. ....... .iTOi, iutiuo en
trance, porches, basement and furnace;
luwiiun, eay waiKing distance.
Two people , only. , Price $26. . E. 7th
FINE flat, cheap and free rent' to desir-
' Shift - tAnftntN .-' Kntith . T.4I-HJ - ?
ii.K T vnu iBS
MODERN 4 -room (flat,' bath; gas ' an
v.alectriRltv.: 11. : irti v ci.ZZ- .Jr.
3 NEW up-to-date rooms,' cheap. Woodt
. i. m in,. , , . , .... ,
t , i v , vt"couver ave.
FIVE room flat for rent, 621 Mill nt
. Vl"iiAr''nl MKI( l B;! "5
New. beautiful and very elaborately
furnished apartments Of 2 and S rooms;
private telephones something entirely
different from usual run of apartments
1sJvortJ2y of Investigation, if you
good0' S ,omething exceptionally
NEW and beautifully furnished apart--nJ??to
thr rooms. Ideal location
5; i?LGreP Btr!t J"t one block west
of Ford and two blocks south of Wash-.
HALF of new three story brlsk. 60x100
sufub?.Kfo?Bilt'2tntJ HP and Ma6rVhall
ing or r?If l .lij0,bbl n nu'aotur:
. .5 or r'l will lease one half- df-
fe " Umant or tni
. W rent furniture, on
Si liwl.t.S" ""youch , Mdfc
thcgbid'." or w"te
STOPS - . ',1.. ..x -
"S' ra" "ojei,.E. 3d aad Burn-
t,,tVn.f'y, walkln distance: modern ,
H1. 0Uiir??'uxelea.nt,r furnished
rooms, warm, light and alryi best of
ZllanZPA00t- rtc'tly VanU
K'rn Sf oiobby ,nd Parlors. Prices,
by week'1,5 iJtYj bat,h" "cl
jBEtVEDERa Europe nth d AidlrT
t-jSS'ihSW ' ? ?00m apartment. '
at onc-r ySXtTSZ. . ,u,ve fuu i
Wh1'XtrJ 'r for a imn- "n"
.house andt outhouse;, want to keep
toTVi. Bchula, Route
'' i":
.iS?- i?v'''':'h"d '16- head of good
IMtur?wnraSM-, '
P If f arm "leon. . "; . ,
6 delivery wagons. . ,
, Severtfl .buggies and surrles. .
hxpress" Outfit
A well tnnihAl om !. 1
. -..... imrnens ana 3-!
ton express wagon; a'so gentler fast
,.,, v., poarq or Trade.-
WU BTII I. v.-.. : . . . .
fkr u lew stalls left
u. Warding horses; also all kinds' :
of horses and rigs for rent by the day
Sf.nTeekrrom,pt,aD?, courteous treat
ment Columbia StablesSOZ Front st
bA.IN,T50 7buy a well biea
r.,,-1 . "!,a "y ar'ver . about IlOo.
-VS.tet vryT,w.ay- Inquire S.W
Stanton st. off Union nv-
Ttnu a tc -.. k... " '" . 11 . l 1 i
, 'u uussioa ior rent by day,
week and month; special rates to
Ess"'?". bou"?V ft". " Hawthorne.
UEB fine young 1400 Ib'trus
mil "j,.""."ie ior larm work;..
llf-L Mr ,n f,Snt Se,t CaU 349 East
3d st N..' near Broadway.
FOR SALE One deHve'rv horse Snl
harness Modern Confectionery Co..
13th and Hoyt. ' '
WAN ED Team of horses 'for theli
i.p: farm work; responsible party.
THREE horses-, weight i2f,0 lbs. eath:
new. double harness and 3H wagon'.
East ISth.and Madison; noise in park.
TKAMS wanted at once on E, 12th anl
Bracee sts. We are going to try it